Employee WHMIS Test - Manpower Alberta

Manpower Alberta
Name (please print) _____________________________________________
Please answer the following questions by checking (a), (b), (c), or (d). (only one answer each)
1. WHMIS stands for?
(a) Workplace Heating and Maintenance Industrial System
(b) Workplace Hazardous Material Information System
(c) Work Hazards Minimization Improvement Strategy
(d) Workplace Heating and Maintenance Industrial System
2. Why is it important for you to be trained in WHMIS
(a) to get your work done faster
(b) to serve your customers better
(c) to have information that protects you from illness and injury caused by hazardous materials.
(d) to help keep inventory of products for the client
3. Which item is not one of the three main parts of the WHMIS
(a) Labels
(b) MSDS
(c) worker education
(d) overtime
4. A workplace label must have at least the following information:
(a) the name of the product, information for safe handling, and a reference to the material safety data
(b) company logo, product information and information for safe handling
(c) supplier logo, product information, and reference to the material safety data sheet
(d) none of the above
5. What does MSDS stand for?
(a) material securing data sheet
(b) material safety data sheet
(c) manual servicing data sheet
(d) material selling data sheet
6. A worker has been told to clean the floor with liquid from a drum. The supplier label has been torn off.
What should he do?
(a) put gloves on “just in case”
(b) clean the floor as he was told to do.
(c) Don’t clean the floor, and let someone else do it.
(d) Not work with the liquid; tell his supervisor immediately about the missing label.
7. What are the four ways a controlled product can enter the body?
(a) respiratory equipment, injection, and absorption
(b) by fire, explosion, physical contact and breathing
(c) by absorption, injection, ingestion, and breathing
(d) by heat, cold, absorption and ingestion
Question 8 to 15 are as follows:
Match the definition with the symbol
Class A
Compressed Gas
Class B
Flammable and Combustible Material
Class C
Oxidizing Material
Class D
Division 1 – Material Causing Immediate and Serious Toxic Effects
Class D
Division 2 – Material Causing other Toxic Affects
Class D
Division 3 – Biohazardous Infectious Material
Class E
Corrosive Materials
Class F
Dangerously Reactive Materials
Please do not sign until after successful completion of the WHMIS test
WHMIS Orientation Statement
I have received and understood Manpower’s general WHMIS information. Additional information and training
related to specific hazardous materials found in the workplace may be provided by Manpower customers to whom
I am assigned. I realize that it is my obligation to comply with all of Manpower’s and its customers specific
worksite safety rules and procedures related to hazardous materials while on work assignments. Failure to
comply may result in disciplinary action, removal from the assignment or discharge.
Employee Signature:
Manpower Signature: