PROFESSIONAL LEARNING MADE EASY: NAVIGATING THE IRIS WEBSITE SSTAGE Promising Practices Conference January 2013 Cassandra Jackson Paula Freer Walton County Schools Professional Learning Challenges •Time •Money •Support •Follow-up and Coaching •Alignment (CCGPS, TKES, LKES…) Professional Learning Challenges •Time •Money •Support •Follow-up and Coaching •Alignment (CCGPS, TKES, LKES…) Successful Professional Learning Discuss your answers to these questions with your neighbor: What are the goals of successful professional learning? Recall the most effective professional learning you attended. What were the key elements and nonnegotiables? Job-Embedded Professional Learning • Action Research • Case Discussions • Coaching • Critical Friends Groups • Implementing Individual Professional Growth/Learning Plans • Lesson Study • Mentoring • Data Teams/Assessment • Portfolios Development • Professional Learning • Examining Student Communities Work/Tuning Protocol • Study Groups Table 1* FLA Dept of Education Cross-Level Connections Professional Standard Numbers by Development Level PLANNING Evaluation Protocol Faculty School District Needs Assessment 1.1.1 2.1.1 3.1.1 System, Third Cycle, Administrator Review 1.1.2 2.1.2 X 2010-2014 Generating Professional Development Plans Leadership Development 1.1.3 X 2.1.4 2.1.5 3.1.2 3.1.6 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 3.4.1 X 3.4.3 LEARNING Learning Communities Content Focused Learning Strategies Sustained Professional Learning Use of Technology Time Resources Coordinated Records IMPLEMENTING Implementation of Learning Coaching and Mentoring Web-based Resources and Assistance EVALUATING Implementing the Plan/System Changes in Educator Practices Changes in Students IRIS STAR Legacy Modules Web-based instructional materials that provide PL to help diverse student learners, at-risk students and students with disabilities. Participants will learn the many free professional learning modules and resources on the IRIS-Vanderbilt University website. The session will highlight how these supports can be used to help build effective teaching and learning strategies, effective RTI practices, and build capacity for academic and behavioral supports and interventions in your system/schools. A specific example will include how the IRIS PALS-Reading module is being used to build research-based intervention capacity in Walton County schools. • Funded by the U.S. Department of Education OSEP, the IRIS Center is headquartered at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. • IRIS Center’s primary objective is to create and infuse resources about evidence-based practices into pre-service preparation and professional development programs. IRIS resources and materials are primarily designed for use by college and university faculty, professional development providers, and practicing educators. Tips for Professional Development Providers http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt. edu/implementation/pdproviders/ How to use a module pd-providers/how-to/ The IRIS Center’s conceptual framework is a graphic representation of their interrelated processes for creating, improving, and disseminating our resources and materials. Discuss with your elbow partner: What is a current need in your school or system where IRIS Resources could be used? Who could you collaborate with and how would you start planning discussions? Iris Vanderbilt STAR Legacy Modules • Powerful way to provide low cost, free TA and PL for your district/schools • Helps to describe/model and redeliver PL/TA support for implementing practices and interventions with fidelity • Important to follow website outline, suggestions, and assignment tips • Working in teams, collaborating with others, providing coaching and fidelity supports are the keys to success Building Capacity for Evidence Based Interventions PALS Reading Full Module on IRIS Center (Free and low cost materials) Need for general and special ed interventions (skill deficits vs. general strategies and standards based teaching/learning) New staff experienced with intervention and PALS training PLAN Build capacity in schools and system using IRIS modules Pilot and Grow with interested staff and schools Cadre of future system trainers and coaches 6 R-B/E-B Intervention Non-Negotiables … 1. Connected to a specific goal that is well-defined, observable and measurable 2. Matched to Student Need Can’t Do (Skill) or Won’t Do (motivational deficit) or Both? Functional behavior/academic assessment Attention, escape… Acquisition, proficiency-fluency, generalization, adaptation Reading comprehension, phonemic awareness, fluency… 3. Have specific, defined, step-by-step directions (scripts, protocols) so they can be: Implemented consistently Can be replicated, so it can be researched Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” (Freer, 2010-13; Burns,M., Chris Riley-Tillman, T., & VanDerHeyden, A., 2012) 6 R-B/E-B Intervention Non-Negotiables … 4. Include ongoing research based progress monitoring of the student’s response to the intervention (research/normed reading, math, written language) Goal, aim line & trend line (based on research)? Weekly expected rate of progress or growth based on research? Training and Fidelity of administration, scoring, interpretation and data decision-making rules of PM (based on research)? 5. A-Intervention training; B-Coaching to support the intervention training; C-Fidelity data on intervention implementation (ABC’s of intervention PL success) 6. Scheduling to support interventions? Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All Georgians” (Freer 2010-13; Burns,M., Chris Riley-Tillman, T., & VanDerHeyden, A., 2012) PLAN – Start Smart and Small Data-Driven: use data to identify greatest need Reading- critical skill for all students • Special education students • General education students (RTI, SST, 504, Title, EIP, ELL…) • Focus school (many interventions but some students didn’t meet criteria (Title, EIP, …) fill in the gaps • Interested schools, motivated to implement School Psychologists- conduit to share info with schools, gage interest Discussion and Planning Step 1- Initial discussion- system and school levels •Need and interest Step 2- School psychologists and interested schools attend 45 min info meeting • Overview of PALS Reading • Discussion of building capacity within school and system • Importance of teaming/collaborative pairs, PALS PLC • Planning guide Interv Plan WCS 9-9-13.docx Step 3- Training Step 2- Discussion and Intervention Planning Sheet • Pilot and start small- Build your success • You must plan for implementation (6 non-negotiables) • PALS Intervention with FIDELITY (min 3x wk/@35min) tier 2, or more intensive at tier 3 or 4 • Use as 3 separate interventions (Paired/retell; Paragraph shrinking; Prediction relay) within PALS • WITH FIDELITY (as scripted, #min’s , days per wk) • Progress Monitoring/normed probes Suggestions for Next STEPS • Request that your school purchase PALS Reading Manual • Partner and/or Create PALS team in your school • Coaching and Fidelity checks • Meet and share- PALS PLC • Prepare materials list (folders, recognitions/rewards…) • Progress monitoring data (wkly, biwkly AIMSweb probes, etc) • Go through the IRIS PALS Module • Watch all videos • Make a notebook- list questions you may have • Attend 2 hr PALS Rdg- Sept training at Sharon Elementary PL Action Plan 2 hour PL scheduled-after school – Gen and Spec Ed teachers • Multiple school training- September: 6 schools • Pairs/Teams trained • Schools purchased materials • IRIS PALS Module and PALS Rdg Manuals as implementation guides Individual school trainings scheduled: • Elementary- October: co-teaching teams and general ed teachers • Elementary- January: grade level (data identified need at K, 1 and gr 2-6) sped and gen ed teachers • High school- January- Special Ed. MID and MOID classes PALS TA: Iris Vanderbilt Website How to Use a Module • IRIS STAR Legacy Modules are Web-based instructional materials that provide information about working with students. Each interactive module is made up of five components: •Challenge – a realistic scenario relevant to education professionals •Initial Thoughts – questions that allow students to explore and consider what they currently know about the scenario presented in the Challenge •Perspectives and Resources – nuggets of information (e.g., text, movies, audio interviews, activities) that allow students to actively engage in learning the module's main content •Wrap Up – a summary of the information presented in the previous components •Assessment – an evaluation tool that offers students the opportunity to apply what they know and to evaluate what topics they need to study further IRIS Center: PALS Reading Gr 2-6 Minimum Fidelity: 3x per week for 35 min PALS Reading Fidelity and Coaching To check how well PALS is implemented, Fidelity Checklists are used Fidelity Checks on: At lesson beginning – teacher behaviors During Coaching – teacher behaviors and studentpairs behavior During Practice – teacher and student behaviors At lesson end – teacher and student behaviors Suggestions for Next STEPS • Partner and/or Create PALS team in your school • Prepare materials list (folders, recognitions/rewards…) • Plan and schedule your progress monitoring data (wkly, biwkly AIMSweb probes, etc) • Coaching and Fidelity checks • Meet and share- PALS PLC • Complete IRIS PALS online module • Complete each section, print materials, watch videos • Make a notebook- list questions you may have • Follow PALS manual: lessons and scripts. • Organize, plan and start 4 wk student training sequencefollow all steps in PALS Rdg manual Please share how PALS is working •Update/share progress with your school psychologist •Prepare your data (class, student gains) •I am recruiting schools with successful PALS implementation (documented fidelity checks and progress monitoring data) •Think about becoming a PALS co-trainer/let me know • Retrain in your school • System level training • Presenting at a state conference ( ) • Intervention Resilience Award-SSTAGE Planning for Success: Lessons Learned • School Improvement FOCUSED Collaboration- Special and General Ed- Interventions for ALL struggling students Data-driven Planning and Evidence-Based Framework Matched to student need; Training; Scheduling supports Follow-up, progress monitoring, fidelity and coaching • Start Small, Pilot and Build Capacity • Beginning conversations (support team- sch psych, RTI chair, interventionists, instructional coaches…) Planning for Success: Lessons Learned •PALS PLC (support, coaching and fidelity are key) •Materials and Preparation (may need to purchase manuals, materials..). •PALS Redelivery teams; Sharing success Questions IRIS Resources • How to use a module Adult Learning PL tips PALS TA: Iris Vanderbilt Website Gr K-1 Reading PALS Gr 2-6 Reading PALS HS PALS Module PALS Info & Materials Website Vanderbilt University, Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies: Strategies for Successful Learning This Web site developed and maintained by the Kennedy Center at Vanderbilt University is a hub for information and resources related to Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS). Featured are links to resources regarding professional development in math and reading, a helpful FAQ, teacher materials (including classroom videos of PALS implementation), and an annotated bibliography. References • Fuchs & Fuchs, r. March, 2011,PALS for Grades 2–6 • The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements. (2008). PALS: A reading strategy for grades 2–6. Retrieved on February 2011 from • Powell, S. Math PALS training, January 2010 • Steedly, K., Dragoo, K., Arafeh, S. and Luke, S (2008). Effective Math Instruction. Evidence for Education, V3;1: 1-12. National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities; NICHCY Student Progress Monitoring References • The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements. (2008). PALS: A reading strategy for grades 2–6. Retrieved on Sept. 1, 2013, from • Yen, Loulee (2009,2012 Metro RESA and SSTAGE: PALS Reading training) Thank you! You are the key to success! Together, We Can Make a Difference!