?rergt,u 9€r # 3 Name: Chem 252Week4 TA (circle): Matt DeMatteo David Hilmey ChrisMcDaniel SandeepApte Matt Bedore Carrie Hayes 1. Write a mechanismfor each of the followingreactions. cl a) \?v Feclg ct2 + rm 'i,,,.s i l t U, u,- Feuf, - + FeQg + HCI l \?'-/ .rt7 [>-5]t"-----> 9{ \ b) ^ + Alcl3 r\r + /'t\--/'wl /---,--- aL, -r->+/ )ra' + HCI {+ l+ €- -Y<g e3 4> 42U3 --> /-l- + -6--/ c) o --o. v A SnC14 c) A c { + gclv E:= + I 6 @ \_ UJ ' c l + e) C43'c=o - J t Ftc't3f u q fr +t+ t 42at rrz?tc< ,6t - a1>< + HCI @ C l f 3 e= s + @ SnCll tuE7 d) + Atct3 CHzClz d- 4/ A3 (J-dLq 49s (xR. t+ ,l+ -;: AM,?->+ GW) 2. The followinggroupsare ortho-para directors ^ a) -oH b) c)-N(cH3)2 d) _o-E-cH, O -u;;, t q;=' e)-O -il-8-.r, Draw the contributingstructurefor the resonancestabilizedcationformedduringelectrophilic aromatic subsitutionthat showsthe role of each groupin stabilizingthe intermediateby furtherdelocalizingits t"nrt".;"*""'€ql 4,,/*y e i#+U**#(r! p) i$g,*'t!_rrr &1U' _G^."F&-r./_,7 c") ,,.azt<' qn J,-. (ol) CrU &z a)L\/< &z ^'lr'< *a *fl_^_ -zaA*L' -24,1-LLt G) e*F'- ^,i ?hr*'*' (>'F ( _fb ef\ # 't 3. Drawtheexpecfed majorproduct reactions. of iFlefottowing 1> !- ,l+ #: + 4/"*< ;;.f:# e -GDryr' 4 a;9f.t c2 o{z *>B_?rU, & b) 9H. 'Y, rA llJoo V oH lx, ,A \l_ oX T',*::ef v'' Do_ pD- To, c) .,\l l l %"t. ----I cl2, Fecl3 + N o .' | O t -'\--\ + i l I lneHj e! NDu u_zLa4 L v0/2 vr?iuN .yuotj/ n d) so3, H2so4 x [=r""r | ( - ( + 1ryil e) l .rrt tV(N nhout/ ?otH ,,\. - L -- q t- lU r H I3 + lott( Br2, FeBr3 l l :g"r, + r^, o"*^r,", o D 4. Following are the finalstepsin the synthesisof trifluralin B, a pre-emergent herbicide. c r CI a\ l t l o2Nv.\s/,No2 HN03 Y ll I Y' (1) CFa l l -^N - H + ozN (2) cFa CFs a) Accountfor the orientation of the nitration in step1. //-'k "a*"-#'u^17 ,, f/ro - |/4 /a /t? "tT U , /4-'t c4 *-t/ 4( b 4/4 K z-r)€t-t)o- + tL y*",b"t I ctr3 ",T'TP:"" reactioniastep 2 b) Proposea mechanism for the substitution t'( o'i,u-u$i ao"-4.-P-'i t+/t"'--, <. ipr - Y cF, c'Fg LuA "'t.,,;"0' qDI( )r L4 D2, a,DjiA-Dou )= cF3 cFt ^ry^t-rr'*l $trv++z J nqc'&"YtrlL. a,4,wra-fi? , C"jsilirti,^^ 5. Providethe reagentsto synthesizethe following(note: the orderof reactionsis criticalto obtainingthe correctproduct). o /rI a) r,Ar u b) ?r. r\/ c) ?t. ,A w d) ?' r\7 - ? t')-& \ 2 t) kunoy z) 9r.,ft$rj z) 50dz u) (cueU z ), eq Lt ozN l\ Htsot- >/sltro' \z\co,H Hzey z-)Kmnly t) t+lsct,fta3 ?o,' r^ Y z) K Mn |y co2H OMe t) Hp?, t!,sa6.\.r.roz *z+ \) 2 ) Daotuz ilo, 6. Both of the following syntheseswill fail. Explain what is wrong with each one. "/h^ 'k #t ' Po- 6t "r,loli'^ "-'-(- g fr,e'L u'y'F oboeh'v.rb/ to ^oth ci O tL a'r- at* ' 'f )L d"d'.frt /24r'4e O J. ,K # / ttt # z -.'-( l. NBS, CCla,light 2. NaOEt.EtOH. heal 3. Br2,FeBr3 Art^stg,*2, *prrtut (.i,4 l + /a'n 7L utoqclt'c u t l I 'teA'Y'"'1 ei rzn-t-{L ' .,-o )4{ "'/4:'?* / ab , , n t y'n't ^r// /-'^-t fuil 4 k'*( 4"-'1 e)-", phenylbenzoate 7. /. One One flng ringot of phenyl benzoateundergoes undergoes electrophilic el aromaticsubstitution muchmorereadilvthanthe other. Which one is it? Explainyour answer. n/6 ,, ij e-i-v f.r u_ ^./-,"-t"4 fin4 ry side d /saL LL 4/)Al rp&- l*/-' 1^/. au,rtta,lh/ l/-.Lf fA" i* @ ad_ -t- or< 5'l- 8 .Heating1,1,1-triphenylmethanol with ethanolcontaining a traceof a strongacidcausesthe formationof 1-ethoxy1,1,1-triphenylmethane. Writea plausiblemechanism thafaccountsfor the formationof this product. n v H', EIOH o*o' A \,/ ,,tr1f 4 P r Lr e N @ Ju -