Indexed in Scopus Compendex and Geobase Elsevier, Chemical Abstract Services-USA, Geo-Ref Information Services-USA ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 05, No. 04 (02) August 2012, P.P. 1030-1033 A Realistic Approach to Concrete Mix Design based on Cement Strength Criteria SUBHASH C. YARAGAL Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore 575 025, India Email: Abstract: Concrete mix design is a step by step procedure to workout the various proportions of the ingredients for the most economical mix that meets the minimum criteria of strength, workability, durability, aggregate characteristics and economy. Mix design procedures require 28 day strength of cement to decide the curve designation A, B, C, D, E and F, which then is used to fix up w/c ratio corresponding to 28 day targeted concrete strength. Several types of cements available in market today with various brand names necessitates one to study them in detail for their exact pattern of strength gain. To speed up mix design procedures, strength of nearly thirty five branded cements have been tested for 3d, 7d and 28d strengths with at least five samples for each type of cement for ready reference to be used by the concrete mix designer. Keywords: Cement, Concrete, Mix Design, Strength Ratios. Introduction: Concrete is a most widely used construction material in the world. The popularity of this material as a construction material is due to the fact that it is made from commonly available ingredients and can be tailored to meet the functional requirements in any situation. The art of arriving at a proper mix through a suitable combination of cement, aggregates, water and admixtures, if required, lies in proportioning concrete mixes, The main objective of the concrete mix design is to select the optimum proportions of the various ingredients of concrete which will yield fresh concrete of desired workability and the hardened concrete possessing the specified characteristic compressive strength and durability. The mix proportions should also satisfy the additional requirement of the use of minimum possible cement content so that maximum economy is achieved. The most commonly used method of mix design is based on IS:10262-1982. The usual procedure of concrete mix design is to interpolate the value of w/c ratio for compressive strength of concrete from the standard curves presented in IS:10262-1982. In India the cement industry underwent a number of changes and reforms mainly to suit the Government policies and the economics of the manufacture. The strict Government control for several years and rising costs of production resulted in production of poor quality of cement thereby resulting in poor quality of concrete structures. The partial relaxation of Governmental control from 1982 and a total relaxation of control after March 1989 revived the cement industry and resulted in its phenomenal growth. This resulted in a competitive market and cement manufactures had to improve their quality of cement as it was now a battle for survival of the best. In the late eighties the dry process cement manufacturing took precedence over the more power oriented wet process. The cement manufacturers modernized their old plants which were in various stages of obsolescence. The wet process plants were converted to more economical and efficient dry process or semi-dry process plants. This led to the production of high quality cement. Several leading organizations diversified into cement manufacture and thereby created the much desired consumer oriented market with range of brands available at competitive prices. The 33 grade ordinary Portland cement (IS:2691989) has virtually disappeared and is displaced by higher strength ordinary Portland cements of 43 grade (IS: 8112-1989) and 53 grade (IS:12269-1987). A high strength cement although preferable to a lower strength cement may not give a consumer the complete benefit unless and until it is giving consistently high strength with minimum variation. A high strength concrete if specified for any structure will also be more desirable from the durability point of view. It is often observed that low strength concrete is more vulnerable to environmental forces than high strength concrete but at the same time high strength concrete too needs to be extremely carefully batched, mixed, transported, placed, compacted and cured. The durability requirements of the structure are as important, if not more, as the strength of the structure. A strong concrete may not result in high performance concrete if the durability #02050454 Copyright ©2012 CAFET-INNOVA TECHNICAL SOCIETY. All rights reserved. SUBHASH C. YARAGAL requirements are not complied with. Selection of high quality cement can only mean a good beginning but it does not assure the consumer of a final product which is the strong and durable concrete structure. However, selection of poor quality cement or cement of inconsistent quality is like taking a wrong step right at the beginning and will certainly lead to poor quality concrete structure if not a disaster. Cement Strength Classification: IS:10262-1982, which gives the recommended guidelines for concrete mix design, has generally classified the cement grade wise from A to F, depending upon the 28 days strength in ( kg/cm2 ) as follows, A (325 – 375), B (375 – 425), C (425 – 475), D (475 – 525), E (525 – 575), and F (575 – 625). However, it may be noted that some brands sold as 53 grade cements generally give 28 days strength of around 625 to 675 kg/cm2. However, most of the 53 grade cements available in the market generally fall in the category F or above and the 43 grade cements available in the market are generally in the category D. It must be ascertained either from the manufacturer or through laboratory tests the actual strength of the cement before it’s use in the concrete mix design to get the maximum benefit of the additional strength and superior quality. The relation between free water-cement ratio (w/c) and concrete strength for different cement strengths (grades A to F), as given in IS: 10262-1982, is used to determine the w/c of the concrete mix for specified target concrete strength if the cement grade is known. Cement Strength vs Concrete Durability: Cement consumption works out to be lesser and lesser as the grade of cement used is higher and higher. Durability requirements as specified in IS-456 must be satisfied depending on the various exposure conditions. Studies have shown that concrete manufactured using a higher grade of cement even after considering that lower grade cement may be marginally cheaper than the higher grade cement. For high performance concrete generally it is very important to go for higher grade of concrete (above M25 grade). If this concrete is made with high strength cement then it will fetch both technical as well as financial advantage. Table 1 shows the extent to which different grades of cements can be used for different environmental conditions and various grades of concrete. It is generally observed that even today the structural engineers and architects specify M15 and M20 grade of concrete in coastal area. This has already led to serious durability problems and low performance of concrete structures. M15 grade of concrete can be achieved with w/c much greater than 0.55 if 43 and 53 grades of cements are used and since 33 grade cement 1031 has now virtually disappeared from the market. All M15 grade concrete structures in coastal areas are therefore bound to be a happy hunting ground for concrete rehabilitation agencies as is being observed at present. The durability problem is most likely to multiply several times if at the specification stage itself, proper precautions are not taken. Lower grades of concretes with generally poor type of quality control prevalent are observed to be of very poor durability, needing extensive repairs within a few years. As good quality cements are now available it is strongly recommended to go in for higher grades of concrete i.e above M25 grade. This will improve the performance of the structures, prove more economical in most cases and in the process of achieving higher strengths it will automatically comply with the durability requirements. Advantages of High Strength Consistent Quality Cement: Besides saving of concrete quantity and cement cost per cubic meter of concrete, there are several other advantages and savings due the use of high strength cement. It is observed that the best advantage of specifying high strength cement is derived if at the planning and design stage itself, high grades of concretes are specified. The higher grade concretes may have smaller cross sectional are under other identical conditions and thereby quantity of concrete reduces considerably. The saving in concrete quantity can easily lie between 1% to 25% depending on the type of structural member, its layout and its function. However, in addition to this saving, higher grades of concrete will be less permeable and more durable than lower grades. Besides, specifying higher strength would also result in (i) Saving of reinforcement steel (ii) Saving of formwork quantity (iii) Reduction in quantum of finishing works such as plaster, painting etc. (iv) Overall saving of manpower and construction time and (v) Increase in the carpet area of the building. Discussion and Results: In order to strengthen the confidence of concrete mix designer, it was felt necessary to document in detail the strength grain of several of the most popular branded cements in use. It is clear that from this study, one need not wait for the 28 day strength test of cement to commence the concrete mix design. Series of experiments were conducted in the department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal for this purpose. For ease of presentation they have been grouped as 53 grade tested as per IS:12269 (3d:7d:28d strengths need to be atleast 27 MPa, 37 MPa and 53 MPa), 43 grade tested as per IS: 8112 (3d:7d:28d strengths need to be atleast 23 MPa, 33 MPa and 43 MPa), Flyash based (IS:1489) or International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 05, No. 04 (02), August 2012, pp. 1030-1033 A Realistic Approach to Concrete Mix Design based on Cement Strength Criteria 1032 Slag (IS:455) (3d:7d:28d strengths need to be atleast 16 MPa, 22 MPa and 33 MPa) and Sulphate resisting cement tested as per IS:12330 (3d:7d:28d strengths need to be atleast 10 MPa, 16 MPa and 33 MPa). Since 33 grade cements have not been in production, these have not been presented. The values in Table 2, are the average values of atleast five or more sets of experiments on each brand of cement. It is observed from the above table that on an average both for 43 and 53 grades of cements the 3 day strength is about 63% of the 28 day strength and 7 day strength is about 79% of the 28 day strength. One can compare the tested 3d and 7d strength for a particular brand of cement and then make his own judgement of the 28 d strength that could be anticipated. However either for flyash based or slag cement 3d/28d is 51% and 7d/28d is 62%. On the other hand for Sulphate Resisting cement these are 60% and 74% respectively. The variations are large for flyash based or slag and for Sulphate resisting cement, therefore it opined that the individual brand strength gain be made use of, rather than the group average. Conclusions: The experimental results presented are of immense help to the concrete mix designer for proceeding with trial mixes without waiting for the 28d strength of cement to be tested. The strength gain of 35 brands of most popular cements in market have been tested and results presented for use. However it is recommended that based on the actual cement strength of 3d and 7d, the present results be used for right assessment of the probable 28d strength. The group average for 43 and 53 grade of cements seems alright, but for the other two, namely either flyash based or slag cements and for Sulphate Resisting cement, variations are significant. Therefore for these two assessment be based on individual brand strength gain, rather than the group average. References: [1] Gambhir, M. L. (1986), Concrete Technology, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi [2] Nevelle, A. M. (1981), Properties of Concrete, 3rd edition, Pitman Publishing Company, London. Table 1: Suitability of Various Grades of Cements in Different Exposure Conditions Characteristic concrete grade (N/mm2) 15 Quality control Fair/Good/Very good Very good Good Fair 20 Very good Good Fair Very good Good Fair Very good Good Fair 25 30 Cement grade suitable for different exposure conditions Mild Moderate Severe 2 A,C,E A,C,E A,C,E 3 A,C,E A,C,E A,C,E 4 A,C,E A,C,E C,E 5 C,E C,E C,E Note: I. Grade A, C, and E cements can be theoretically equated to commercially available 33, 43 and 53 grade cements II. (Cement grade): suggested to be used for different exposure conditions, will not be economical and the A,(C),(E) A,(C),(E) A,(C),(E) (A),(C),(E) (A),(C),(E) (A),(C),(E) A,C,(E) A,C,E A,C,E A,C,E A,C,E C,E C,E C,E C,E A,(C),(E) A,(C),(E) A,(C),(E) A,C,(E) A,C,(E) C,(E) C,E C,E C,E concrete mix design will be governed by durability parameters and not strength parameter. III. Grade A cement cannot be used beyond M25 grade concrete with good control. IV. No cement is economically suitable if M15 grade concrete is specified for severe exposure conditions. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 05, No. 04 (02), August 2012, pp. 1030-1033 1033 SUBHASH C. YARAGAL Table 2: Cement Strengths for 3d, 7d and 28d for Various Types and Brands of Cements Type and brand Average strength in Mpa Strength gain 3day 7day 28day (3d/28dx100) 53 Grade (IS:12269) (1) Ambuja 47.4 56.9 63.8 74 (2) L and T 38.5 46.4 56.8 68 (3) Birla super 40.0 47.2 62.0 65 (4) Coromandal king 34.2 43.5 55.0 62 (5) CCI Param shakti 31.2 43.0 54.4 57 (6) Zuari 34.0 42.7 53.7 63 (7)Penna power 34.3 42.3 57.4 60 (8) Birla Vasavadatta 35.0 45.4 61.3 57 63 Group average 43 Grade (IS:8112) (9) Vasavadatta 35.9 45.0 53.9 67 (10) Coromondal 29.8 34.7 51.9 57 (11) A C C 35.5 44.3 50.7 70 (12) Rajashree 34.0 40.6 53.7 63 (13) Super Panyam 29.5 40.1 43.8 67 (14) Raasi 25.5 36.9 53.2 48 (15) Ratna 33.9 38.9 45.8 74 (16) Penna 36.0 45.7 54.2 66 (17) Shankar 36.0 46.0 62.7 57 (18) Ramco 33.9 44.9 50.5 67 (19) Chettinad 28.3 35.7 47.3 60 63 Group average Flyash based (IS:1489) or Slag based (IS:455) (20) ACC Suraksha 31.9 38.5 51.5 62 (21) Ultra-Tech 29.4 38.7 53.8 55 (22) Birla star 33.0 37.7 54.7 60 (23) Mysore diamond 20.0 29.3 47.3 42 (24) Bagalkot shakti 22.7 31.3 50.0 45 (25) Diamond super 22.0 36.4 47.1 47 (26) Birla shakti 38.0 45.0 56.0 68 (27) Chettinad super 14.0 19.0 37.0 38 (28) ACC 20.0 27.0 43.0 47 (29) Penna suraksha 19.0 27.0 50.0 38 (30) Ramco super 25.0 32.0 44.0 57 (31)Coromandalsuper 27.0 35.0 49.0 55 (32) Ramco 53 plus 21.5 28.0 55.0 39 (33) Zuari super fine 25.0 31.0 45.0 56 51 Group average Sulphate resisting cement (IS: 12330) (34) Birla coastal 40.4 47.7 58.7 69 (35) Chettinadu 23.0 30.0 45.0 51 60 Group average International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 05, No. 04 (02), August 2012, pp. 1030-1033 Strength gain (3d/28d x 100) 89 82 76 79 79 80 74 74 79 83 67 87 76 92 69 85 84 73 89 75 80 75 72 69 62 63 77 80 51 63 54 73 71 51 69 62 81 67 74