Workplace Risk Assessment Project / Site Date of Assessment Risk Assessor / Owner Port Botany Ramp D 16/05/2013 Date for Review Name 16/08/2013 Position Micael Terry Project Manager Internal Stakeholders Name Michael Marix-Evans Bill Crawford Ed Brown Katrina Brown Position Design Manager (Act Bid Man) Regional Safety Manager Operations Manager Safety & Environment Systems Eng. External Stakeholders Position Rick Jenkins Jason Baker Emmanuel Daicos Pat Malone Ben Wicks Company Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick Patrick General Public Impacted? No Related Legislation WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Context Page 1 of 31 Workplace Risk Assessment IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard Risk Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Major Possible HOC Score Specific Control PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Action Role Responsible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 1 Piling Activities Piling activity impacting on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) 3. Engineering Ramp D Piling Area High 18 4. Administrative 5. PPE Major Possible Erect structure to prevent Piling Rig outside to encroach into "fall range" to effect rail movement/operation Traffic Management, Operator Training/competency, Communication-verbal/visual, workplace layout,Rail Management Plan Major Unlikely All personnel to wear Hi-Visibility clothing in accordance with Fulton Hogan Site/Project requirements and any additional PPE required for specific Task (i.e. Harness/Lanyard, W@H requirements) Investigate potential to implement this control Med 14 Ensure compliance with listed controls. Ensure controls are in place and operable.Through Completion of Ensure compliance through continual observations and ongoing staff completion of audit/inspection schedule. Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 2 Piling Activities Personal Injury-Struck by falling object Ramp D Piling Area High 18 Major Possible 3. Engineering Baricaded area for piling operations only 4. Administrative Lift studies to be undertaken in accordance with Site requirements signed off and audited,Traffic Management plan in operation and audited, Operator Training/competency, Communicationverbal/visual, workplace layout, Authorised entry area excluding all persons not inducted to the task, authorised area personnel to sign on to piling rig SWMS, All equipment to be within current test and tag limit. 5. PPE All personnel to wear Hi-Visibility clothing in accordance with Fulton Hogan Site/Project requirements and any additional PPE required for specific Task (i.e. Hard Hat, W@H requirements) Investigate potential to implement this control Major Unlikely Project Manager Ensure compliance with listed controls. Ensure controls are in place Med 14 and operable.Through Completion of inspection /observation schedule by project staff. Project Manager Ensure compliance through continual observations and ongoing staff completion of audit/inspection schedule. Project Manager Ensure compliance with listed controls. Ensure controls are in place Med 14 and operable.Through Completion of inspection /observation schedule by project staff. Project Manager Ensure compliance through continual observations and ongoing staff completion of audit/inspection schedule. Project Manager 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 3 Piling Activities Vibration affecting normal Port Operations Ramp D Piling Area High 18 Major WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Possible 4. Administrative Traffic Management plan in operation and audited, Operator Training/competency, Communication-verbal/visual, workplace layout, Vehicle Movement and Traffic Management Plans authorised, implemented and audited. 5. PPE All personnel to wear Hi-Visibility clothing in accordance with Fulton Hogan Site/Project requirements and any additional PPE required for specific Task Major Unlikely 1. Elimination WRA Page 2 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard Risk Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood HOC Score Specific Control PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Action Role Responsible 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 1 4 Piling Piling Activities Activities Piling activity impacting on rail movements. Service Strike Rig components falling inactive/active during onto Rail Lines piling (including Pile steel cage) Ramp Ramp D D Piling Area Piling Area High High 18 18 Major Possible 4. Administrative Dial before you Dig, Duly authorised Excavation Permit Issued and signed on to by all involved in ground Disturbance work. Only trained and authorised personnel to work/operate within clearance distances as stated by utility owner. Follow Emergency Reponse Flow Chart for service strikes should it occur 5. PPE All personnel to wear Hi-Visibility clothing in accordance with Fulton Hogan Site/Project requirements and any additional PPE required for specific Task Major Major Unlikely Unlikely Ensure compliance with listed controls. Ensure controls are in place Med Med 14 14 and operable. Through Completion of Project Manager inspection /observation schedule by project staff. Ensure compliance through continual observations and ongoing staff completion of audit/inspection schedule. Project Manager Ensure site staff are trained in the Procedure/Protocol Project Manager 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 5 Piling Activities Unknown Finds Ramp D Piling Area High 18 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Unknown Finds Procedure/Protocol 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 6 Mobile Plant & Equipment Plant movement on site (generic) Collision Crushing Vehicle Impact Ramp D High 18 3. Engineering Solid Barricade/Demarcation between plant and people 4. Administrative Mobile Plant Procedure Traffic Management Procedure Lighting Workplace layout Operator training / competency Communication- UHF/ verbal / visual Traffic control Supervision Appropriate inducted plant for work Vehicle Movement Plans (VMPs) or Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) prepared and implemented 5. PPE Major Possible Major Unlikely Ensure compliance through inspections, workplace Med 14 observations.Ensure mobile plant instruction included in Site Specific Induction Ensure compliance through continual observations and ongoing staff completion of audit/inspection schedule. All personnel to wear high visibility shirts / vests Project Manager Project Manager 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 7 Mobile Plant & Equipment Operation in congested areas Collision with people/plant WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D High 18 Major WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 3 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. 7 1 Hazard Mobile Plant & Equipment Piling Activities Risk Operation in congested areas Collision with people/plant Piling activity impacting on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Ramp D HOC Score 4. Administrative Use of appropriate plant and equipment Spotters as required Vehicle Movement Plans (VMPs) or Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) prepared and implemented Work procedures and SWMS's are developed for the work activity Delineate all work areas 5. PPE All personnel to wear high visibility long-sleeved shirts / vests High 18 Ramp D Piling Area Specific Control High 18 Major Possible PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Major Unlikely Major Unlikely Score Action Ensure compliance through Med 14 inspections, workplace observations.Ensure mobile plant instruction included in Site Specific Induction Ensure compliance through continual Med 14 observations and ongoing staff completion of audit/inspection schedule. Role Responsible Project Manager Project Manager 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 8 Mobile Plant & Equipment Faulty plant & equipment used on site inclusive of inspection and or repair of plant and equipment 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Plant induction checklist and plant risk assessment completed prior to site commencement Daily pre-start checks Plant Familiarisation Safety inspections and routine maintenance to be conducted as per OEM (Operation Equipment Manual) Major Unlikely Med 14 Ensure compliance through inspections, workplace observations.Ensure mobile plant instruction included in Site Specific Induction Project Manager Med 14 Ensure compliance through inspections, workplace observations.Ensure mobile plant instruction included in Site Specific Induction Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 9 10 Mobile Plant & Equipment Mobile Plant & Equipment Risk of personnel entanglement in mechanical plant & equipment performing Survey work Risk of personnel entanglement in mechanical plant and equipment e.g. mulcher, tub grinder, piling rigs, drilling equipment, concrete batching plant or paving machines Ramp D Risk of personnel entanglement in mechanical plant and 5. PPE All personnel to wear high visibility long-sleeved shirts / vests High 18 Major Possible Major Unlikely Project Manager 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 18 Major 3. Engineering Unlikely Med 14 4. Administrative 5. PPE Major WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] 4. Administrative Plant risk assessment completed Demarcation zones for pedestrians Trained and competent operators Isolation procedures Emergency stops Operators maintenance manual Fitted machinery guards Communication between operator and truck drivers, compatible crews Signage to be erected on either side of survey work Survey to use traffic control devices Vehicle Movement Plans (VMPs) or Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) prepared and implemented where appropriate Possible 1. Elimination WRA Page 4 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard Mobile Plant & 11 Equipment 1 Piling Activities Risk Risk of personnel entanglement in mechanical and Piling activityplant impacting equipment e.g. on rail movements. mulcher, tub grinder, Rig components falling piling rigs, drilling onto Rail Lines equipment, concrete (including Pile steel batching plant or cage) paving machines Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood HOC Score Specific Control PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Action Score Role Responsible 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Ramp Ramp D D Piling Area Required barriers and demarcation zones established. Plant Risk Assessments completed. Monthly inspections of plant for ongoing conformance with guarding requirements High 18 High 18 4. Administrative Install Barriers Major Major Unlikely Unlikely Pre-start alarms fitted where appropriate. Pre-determined warning signals given before moving /operating Apply Project Isolation procedure when any maintenance work is to be performed Med 14 Ensure compliance through Med 14 inspections, workplace observations.Ensure mobile plant instruction included in Site Specific Induction Civil Manager Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 12 Risk or personnel being crushed from agitator Mobile Plant & Equipment operation during shotcrete application Ramp D 3. Engineering Guards over pumps 4. Administrative SWMS's developed All personnel trained in SWMS All new personnel inducted in SWMS Sign off conducted for all with ongoing monitoring Plant design Procedures Management plan Lighting 5. PPE All personnel to wear high visibility long-sleeved shirts / vests High 18 Major Possible Civil Foreman Major Unlikely Med 14 Ensure compliance through inspections, workplace observations.Ensure mobile plant instruction included in Site Specific Induction Project Manager Med 14 Ensure compliance through inspections, workplace observations.Ensure mobile plant instruction included in Site Specific Induction Project Manager Ensure Forlift/telehandler provided for unloading/loading. Project Manager 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 13 Mobile Plant & Equipment Risks associated with loading and unloading of plant and equipment Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Appropriately trained personnel SWMS Defined lay down areas Traffic design and management Supplier management of loading activities Loading and unloading procedure Utility locations identified Load & unload from level ground Major Unlikely 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 14 Manual Handling Personal Injury when handling materials, equipment & Plant WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D Provide mechanical lifting devices High 18 Major WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 5 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard 14 Manual Handling 1 Piling Activities Risk Personal Injury when handling materials, equipment & Plant Piling activity impacting on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Ramp D HOC Score High 18 4. Administrative Ramp D Piling Area High 18 Specific Control Ensure all packaged materials are supplied in containers that can safely be handled Where manual handling is to be a significant part of the works, conduct a manual handling risk assessment in consultation with workers involved Plan the work site and lay down areas to enable materials, plant and equipment can be easily accessed from open non-congested areas Designated walkways clear of obstructions are provided for movement when carrying items Utilise job rotation and rest periods to minimise the impact of fatigue when continual manual handling is required Match the worker to the task required to be performed Manual Handling- SWMS PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Action Ensure compliance through inspections, workplace observations. Major Unlikely Major Unlikely Role Responsible Project Manager Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 15 Public Access Risk from accidental or deliberate actions by the external personnel during construction or operation and maintenance activities Falling into excavations, sedimentation ponds, caissons, piling and interference with plant 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Site construction fencing erected around construction site to hinder unauthorised access. Competent subcontractor engaged to install / repair sheds Engage the same subcontractor to perform ongoing shed/container relocations SWMS and correct equipment PPE Mandatory Work at Heights Training Fall Prevention Procedure and Golden Rule Completion of R11HS204A Safe work at heights training (or equivilant) mandatory Ensure all personnel have been inducted into site procedures Erect site fencing.Subcontractor Med 14 management and selection.Ensure training records are checked (& audited) Ensure process for all personnel inducted to site. Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 16 Security Risk of security of site facilities, plant & equipment from unauthorised access & possible interference 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Risk assessment conducted to identify sites & conditions at risk Fences or barriers erected around sites Signage erected warning construction site keep out + security company signage & Site Contact Number Work procedures and SWMS's developed Competent supervision engaged to manage risks Major Unlikely Major Unlikely Conduct Risk assessment of site. Erect site fencing. Subcontractor Med 14 management and selection. Project Manager Erect signage as required by legislation and client reqquirements. Ensure competent supervisors are 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 17 Isolation Failure Risk of ineffective isolation of plant & equipment for inspection & maintenance activities 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Plant risk assessment conducted to identify the sources of energy that could pose a risk during these activities Controls applied to be in accordance with Isolation and Tagging procedure Work procedures and SWMS's developed Competent supervision engaged to manage risks Med 14 Ensure compliance through inspections, workplace observations. Project Manager Subcontractor management and selection.Ensure training records are checked (& audited) Ensure process for all personnel inducted to site. Project Manager 5. PPE Major 18 Work at Heights Risk associated with working at heights during installation/repair work to sheds, taking deliverers, construction & plant maintenance Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Engage the same subcontractor to perform ongoing shed/container relocations SWMS and correct equipment PPE Mandatory Work at Heights Training Fall Prevention Procedure and Golden Rule R11HS204A Safe work at heights mandatory Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] WRA Page 6 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard Risk Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Major Possible HOC Score Specific Control PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Major Unlikely Major Unlikely Score Action Role Responsible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Subcontractor 19 Management 1 Piling Activities Pilingofactivity impacting Risk reliability of subon rail movements. contractor's quality in Ramp D Rig safety components falling Ramp D plans and onto Rail Lines Piling Area SWMS's (including Pile steel cage) High 18 High 18 4. Administrative Sub contractor selection to be in accordance with IMS procedure to ensure their capability in this area Project & Site Induction to be completed Project supervision on site Monitor and assess performance Fulton Hogan SWMS review & checklist Med 14 Subcontractor management and Med 14 selection.Ensure SWMS/Safety Plans are reviewed. Project Manager Conduct Risk assessment of site. Subcontractor management and Med 14 selection. Erect signage as required by legislation and client reqquirements. Ensure competent supervisors are engaged Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 20 Electricity Risks arising from use of site electrical facilities such as distribution and sub boards and portable power tools Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Risk assessment to be conducted taking into account: -The environment of work - Level of protection available Proximity to work site of supply -Type of appliance to be used All portable generators are to have RCDs fitted set to trip at 30mA All other power supplies are to be protected by RCDs that are tested in accordance with site procedures Maximum power lead length 30 metres Test and tag procedure SWMS's are to be developed in consultation with electricians and end-users addressing specifically the electrical hazards and required controls Excavation Permit Major Unlikely 5. PPE Major 21 OHSR Risk of construction WHSR issues not identified or not addressed Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 18 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Project and task risk assessments conducted Documented Risk assessment.WHS Project Manager Site Induction Developed and Project Manager Assessment documented prior to commencement Project Manager 5. PPE Major 23 Training Risk of inadequate site awareness training by Fulton Hogan Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 18 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Extensive Project / Site Induction provided 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 24 Port Terminal interaction Risk of public transport pickup/drop off points conflicting with construction 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative During the construction planning phase each public transport pick up / drop off point is to be individually assessed to ensure that there is a clearly defined area for trucks, site vehicles and pedestrians Clear signage to be installed Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 25 Public Safety Risk of inadequate public safety during construction (cross overs, local access, signage, intruders) WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] 3. Engineering Ramp D High 23 Major WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 7 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard 25 Public Safety 1 Piling Activities 26 Public Safety Risk Risk of inadequate public safety during construction (cross overs, local access, signage, Piling activity impacting on railintruders) movements. - Location Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel Risk ofcage) Inadequate Ramp D Piling Area public safety after construction Ramp D TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Ramp D HOC Score High 23 4. Administrative High 18 Major Possible Specific Control Traffic control measures to be installed at local road crossovers of haul roads Signs on local roads to be installed as per TMP Prominent signage to be installed on access roads to alert haul fleet Review existing signage to ensure addtional signs do not create confusion Site fencing installed to segregate construction from public areas. PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Action Role Responsible TMP's signed off, reviewed and implemented Project Manager Conduct Safety In Design minuted sessions Project Manager Safety in Design sessions convened to incorporate this potential risk Conduct Safety In Design minuted Project Manager Low power lasers Ensure low power lasers are used- Project Manager Signage in place VOC process implemented Project Manager 5. PPE Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Low 5 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Low 5 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Safety in Design sessions convened to incorporate this potential risk 5. PPE 27 Safety In Design Risk of creation of unsafe maintenance conditions (safety in design) Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D Med 13 4. Administrative Possible Med 13 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 28 Lasers Unlikely 5. PPE Major Risk of eye damage from laser guidance system Major 3. Engineering 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 Major 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Signage Personnel & operator training/ competence 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 29 Services Risk of live services above and below ground being affected during site survey Geotechnical investigation Plant movements Clearing Excavation Site establishment Drainage Piling Bridge work Landscaping and road furniture installation 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Positively establish locations and depths of underground services by using Dial Before You Dig Services On site service locators Design drawings and installed markers to prepare an Excavation Permit before any excavation, Survey pegging or Fencing or any other construction Work is only to commence when the Excavation Permit is approved by a designated person Content of the permit is to be communicated to the plant operator or whomever is disturbing the ground A copy of that permit is to be kept with the person doing the work In the case of overhead utilities a risk assessment is required before any large plant is traversed under or near the asset A competent spotter who has direct communication with the truck driver or plant operator is to be used at all times when moving large plant in close proximity to services SWMS to be developed for any ground disturbance Major Unlikely Med 14 Ensure Permit Process is in place and instruction given to all personnel who Project Manager require the information- Include in Siote Induction-general principles 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 30 Weather Change Risk associated with water ingress from extreme weather or in ground water WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D Establish dewater sumps and pumps Low 5 Ensure establishment Minor WRA Unlikely Project Manager Low 5 Page 8 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard 30 Weather Change 1 Piling Activities Risk Risk associated with water ingress from extreme weather or in Piling activity impacting ground water on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Ramp D HOC Score Low 5 4. Administrative Ramp D Piling Area High 18 Specific Control Monitor the predictions of upcoming weather patterns through Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) for rain events Schedule works so as trenching, or excavation is closed / backfilled as far as practicable before any rain event If an area is subject to flash flooding, monitor water flow levels to determine if abnormal conditions are occurring Install escape routes Develop work procedure including flooding provisions and transfer risk controls to SWMS PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Minor Unlikely Low 5 Action Ensure planning process in place Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Significant Rare Role Responsible Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 31 Excavations Risk of fall into open trenches, pile holes or excavations Ramp D High 21 4. Administrative Barriers Demarcation Backfilling where possible Signage Operator training Inspections Apply COP Excavation Ensure process in place for Project Manager compliance with hard controls on site 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 32 Energy Risk of unplanned energy release from high pressure due to unblocking pump lines during shotcrete operation 3. Engineering Ramp D Med 9 4. Administrative Procedure Trained operators Cleared area Communications Equipment maintenance Design Appropriate certification SWMS to be developed Low 6 Subcontracvtor Management- Risk assessmenmt and Risk controls implemeted Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 33 Standards of Work Risk of temporary works are inadequate and do not meet safety standards Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Conduct a risk assessment of the work prior to start Develop appropriate work procedures / work method statements for the work activity Apply the same OHS Management processes to temporary works that would be applied to permanent works Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Ensure findings of risk assessment are Project Manager implemented 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 34 Maintenance Risk of temporary works maintenance not adequate Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Conduct periodic inspections of the temporary works to ensure that an ongoing functionality is being maintained Develop appropriate work procedures / work method statements for the work activity Apply the same OHS Management processes to temporary works that would be applied to permanent works SWMS for task WRA Ensure process is in place and audit the process Project Manager Page 9 of 31 34 Maintenance Risk of temporary works maintenance not adequate Ramp D High 18 Major IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard Risk Location Unlikely Med 14 TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Major Possible HOC Score Specific Control PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Major Unlikely Unlikely Med 14 Med 14 Action Role Responsible 5. PPE 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 1 Piling Activities 35 Demolition Piling activity impacting on rail movements. Rig components falling Risk in demolition of onto Rail Lines existing (including Pile steel bridges/culverts cage) 3. Engineering Ramp D Piling RampArea D High 18 High 23 4. Administrative Conduct a risk assessment of the work prior to start Develop appropriate work procedures / work method statements for the work activity SWMS Apply the same OHS Management processes to temporary works that would be applied to permanent works Demolition in Accordance with legislative requirements Demolition licenced contractor Subcontractor Management-Procees complied with and implemented Project Manager Med 9 Ensure community liaision is in place, plant induction process in place and implemented Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 36 Community Risk of complaints from the stakeholders and or members of the public including noise complaints from stakeholders Ramp D Med 13 4. Administrative Fulton Hogan Project Management Plan Quackers (low frequency) used for reverse alarms Including the Community Involvement Plan Dedicated Community Manager engaged for the duration of the project Environmental noise monitoring Authorised hours of operation Noise controls included in induction Significant Unlikely 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 37 Environment Risk of encountering acid sulphate soils Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Implement Fulton Hogan Construction Environment Management Procedure Implement Fulton Hogan Acid Sulphate Soils Procedure Environmental Management Plan developed Acid Sulphate Soil Management Plan developed Enviromental Work Method Statement developed Environmental Constraint Maps developed for each area Construction workers to be inducted into EWMS Major Unlikely Med 14 Ensure compliance with Environmental Plan and process Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Environment 38 (Legislation) Risk of breeching applicable environmental legislation Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Implement Fulton Hogan Construction Environment Management Procedure Environmental Management Plan developed Enviromental Work Method Statement developed Environmental Constraint Maps developed for each area All construction workers to be inducted into EWMS Major Unlikely Med 14 Develop plan, maps,EMWS Site Enviro Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 39 Traffic Risk of personal injury and vehicle damage on site WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D High 18 Major WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 10 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. 39 1 Hazard Risk Traffic Risk of personal injury and vehicle damage on site impacting Piling activity Piling Activities 40 Traffic on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Risk of personal injury and vehicle damage to testers on site while undertaking their duties Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Ramp D HOC Score High 18 4. Administrative Ramp D Piling Area High 18 Specific Control Traffic Control Plan (internal & external) Supervisor to advise by UHF network of the location Nature and duration of the work Traffic control devices to be installed on both sides of the activity including signage, speed limits, barrier boards and cones In times of poor visibility install portable lighting and limit traffic movements SWMS to be developed PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Action Ensure/audit compliance Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Possible High 18 Role Responsible Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Supervisor to advise by UHF network of the location, nature and duration of the testing. Traffic control devices to be installed on both sides of the activity including signage, speed limits, barrier boards and cones In times of poor visibility install portable lighting and limit the traffic movements Process in place for Communication of Project Manager hazards /Risks 5. PPE Major 41 Traffic Risk of traffic accident associated with site access or egress (Risk to motorist, pedestrians or cyclist) Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Ramp D High 23 4. Administrative Global and localized Traffic Management and Safety Plans developed Traffic Control Plans progressively developed for the changing working arrangements SWMS's involving traffic flow are to have a copy of the TCP attached Liaison with road authorities - RMS and Council Left in- Left out policy except at designated Right turn areas as per global TCP Ensure TMP in place and monitored Project Manager Ensure ERP in place and understood Project Manager Ensure monitoring is arranged & undertaken Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 42 Traffic Risk involving passage of emergency vehicles getting to site in heavy traffic Ramp D Med 9 4. Administrative Fulton Hogan Emergency Response Plan in place Emergency Services briefed to site arrangements and provided with gate plans Update visits every six months to keep advice current Routine meetings with local emergency service authorities and community and safety team scheduled Significant Rare Low 6 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 43 Traffic Risk of poor design of traffic flow and operations of the work sites Ramp D High 23 Major 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Monitor the operation all new installations for a 2 week period post completion 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 44 Traffic Risk of road users not recognising traffic staging and traffic switching during construction WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D High 18 Major WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 11 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard 44 Traffic 1 Piling Activities 45 Traffic Risk Risk of road users not recognising traffic staging and traffic switching during Piling activity impacting construction on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Risk of delay and inconvenience to road users during construction of the works Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Ramp D HOC Score High 18 4. Administrative Ramp D Piling Area Specific Control PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Continue to coordinate all traffic switches with community team to ensure effective dissemination of information to the community High 18 Major Unlikely Med 14 Minor Unlikely Low 5 Action Role Responsible Ensure process is in place and operating effectively Project Manager Monitor Process Project Manager Procees implemented and monitored Project Manager Site planning undertaken Project Manager Ensure inclusion in TM&SP Project Manager Ensure process is in place Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Ramp D Med 8 4. Administrative Project wide travel time surveys will continue for the period of the project construction program 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 46 Traffic Risk of impact of temporary modification to property access Ramp D High 17 4. Administrative Temporary arrangements will be minimised wherever possible through the construction of local roads as early works packages Community manager to liaise with stakeholders Significant Unlikely Med 9 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 47 Traffic Risk of impact on parking Ramp D Med 8 Minor 4. Administrative Unlikely Provision of ample parking on construction compound / zone office sites Low 5 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 48 Traffic Risk of traffic incidents Ramp D High 18 Major 4. Administrative Unlikely Incident response plan for traffic incidents Emergencies to be part of Traffic Management & Safety Plan Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 49 Traffic Risk of transport of over dimension units (both plant and components) to site 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Traffic controllers manage access and egress to / from site where required Traffic manager to be advised of all oversize deliveries and ensure traffic protocols are followed. Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] WRA Page 12 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard Risk Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Major Possible HOC Score Specific Control PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Consultation with local land owners during paving runs will be required to mitigate any adverse impacts to access. Early works local roads packages will also mitigate this issue Property Access Agreements Insignificant Rare Low 1 Involvement of Police in active enforcement campaigns across the project Roadsafe advertising banners are to be installed across the project as a driver behavioural measure Major Action Role Responsible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 50 Traffic 1 Piling Activities Risk involving passage Piling activity impacting of emergency vehicles on rail movements. getting to site in heavy Rig components falling highway traffic onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Ramp D Ramp D Piling Area High 18 High 18 4. Administrative Fulton Hogan Emergency Response Plan in place Emergency Services briefed to site arrangements and provided with Gate Plans Update visits every six months to keep advice current Ensure review process implemented Safety Manager Plan and processes in place Traffic Foreman ensure implemetation Project Manager Review data and plan accordingly Traffic Foreman Ensure licences in place/review/audit process Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 51 Traffic Risk of restriction of access Ramp D Low 4 4. Administrative 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 52 Traffic Risk of breaching speed limits Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 53 Traffic Risk of construction under heavy traffic volumes Ramp D Med 8 Minor 4. Administrative Unlikely Low 5 Historic data available to determine seasonal traffic volume trends 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Risk of regulations and permits for hazardous substances and 54 Hazardous Substances dangerous goods not in place on site Ramp D High 23 4. Administrative Dangerous Goods licence to be applied for and received from WorkSafe ASCT Hazardous substances to be stored in accordance with Australian Standards Hazardous substances on site to be used and controlled in accordance with legislation & SDS Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 55 Hazardous Substances Risk of exposure to hazardous substances and dangerous goods WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D High 18 Major WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 13 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard 55 Hazardous Substances 1 Piling Activities Risk Location Risk of exposure to hazardous substances and dangerous goods Piling activity impacting Ramp D on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood HOC Score High 18 4. Administrative Ramp D Piling Area Specific Control Hazardous substances to be stored in accordance with Australian Standards Hazardous substances on site to be used and controlled in accordance with legislation & SDS All containers to be appropriate for the substance and are labelled correctly High 18 PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Action Ensure compliance with legislation Role Responsible Safety Manager Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Possible High 18 Ensure Subcontractor management and compliance processes adherred too. Project Manager High 18 Ensure Subcontractor management and compliance processes adherred too. Project Manager Med 14 Ensure Subcontractor management and compliance processes adherred too. Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 56 Bridges & Structures Risks associated with heavy lifting during construction Ramp D High 23 4. Administrative Crane in appropriate position Correct crane size and rigging design SWMS Pre start tool box talk Appropriate training of inducted personnel Service protection Certified equipment and operators Procurement procedure for crane company selection Crane lift studdy fro all dualifts and lifts of weightrs over 20 tonnes 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 57 Bridges & Structures Risk of loss of control of loads during heavy and complicated lifts during site setup Ramp D High 23 4. Administrative Fulton Hogan Lifting Gear & Crane procedures to be followed on site Two crane lifts only with the approval of the NSW Regional Safety Manager Lift study prepared by a competent person required for heavy lifts No lifting overhead of ground personnel Major Possible 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 58 Bridges & Structures Risk of personel injury working in proximity to birdgeworks, plant and equipment including piling operations Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Plant risk assessment completed Demarcation zones for pedestrians Trained and competent operators Isolation procedures Emergency stops Operators maintenance manual Fitted machinery guards Communication between operator and truck drivers Compatible crews Motion warning devices fitted to all vehicles and plant All personnel to wear high visibility long-sleeved shirts / tops Vehicle Movement Plans (VMPs) or Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) prepared and Major Unlikely 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Risk of personnel injury Pavements including working in proximity to 59 Bitumen, concrete or bitumen paving plant WHSMP other Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] and equipment Ramp D High 18 Major WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 14 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard Pavements including 1 Piling Activities 59 Bitumen, concrete or other Risk Piling activity impacting on rail movements. Risk of personnel injury Rig components falling working in proximity to onto Rail Lines bitumen paving plant (including Pile steel and equipment cage) Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Ramp D Piling RampArea D HOC Score High 18 High 18 4. Administrative Specific Control Plant risk assessment completed Demarcation zones for pedestrians Trained and competent operators Isolation procedures Emergency stops Operators maintenance manual Fitted machinery guards Communication between operator and truck drivers Compatible crews Motion warning devices fitted to all vehicles and plant All personnel to wear high visibility long-sleeved shirts / tops Vehicle Movement Plans (VMPs) or Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) prepared and implemented where appropriate PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Major Unlikely Unlikely Med 14 Med 14 Action Role Responsible Ensure processes in place and complied with Project Manager Undertake review with Emergency services Safety Manager Ensure processes in place and communicated Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 60 Emergency Response Emergency response plan inadequate/ services not catered for 3. Engineering Ramp D High 23 Major 4. Administrative Unlikely Emergency Response Plan assessed by emergency services with comments sought Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 61 Services Risk of damage/ injury from unknown utilities Overhead & Underground Services Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Implement Dial Before You Dig provisions Use spotters Engage service locators to discover / detect any services Complete the Permit to Excavate process Train personnel in procedures in working close to underground services in accordance with WorkCover Guide Use Tiger Tails Survey height of utility Visual markers & signage Working near to underground or overhead services and obstructions procedure (Fulton Hogan) Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 62 Access Risk of poor access/egress when working at heights, in deep excavations or caissons Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Emergency staircase Ladder Familiarisation of site by emergency services Rigorous design of lifting operation Working at Heights Procedure Work procedures and SWMS's to consider in detail access requirements Emergency extraction is to be considered and implemented for all access ways. Full compliance with Excavation procedure Major Unlikely Med 14 ensure eaccess /egress is safe and appropriate Civil Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Risk of unauthorised WHSMP Access Appendixinto A - Workplace & Out ofRisk Assessment access to[Draft.0][pb] site and fall 63 Site into open excavations Ramp D High 18 WRA Major Unlikely Med 14 Page 15 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard 63 Access into & Out of Site 1 Piling Activities Risk Risk of unauthorised access to siteimpacting and fall Piling activity into open excavations on rail movements. or ponds Rigsedimentation components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood HOC Score 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 Ramp D Piling Area High 18 4. Administrative Specific Control PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Robust covers placed and secured over open penetrations, pits, holes and piling works. Risk assessment conducted to identify sites and conditions at risk. Fences or barriers erected around open excavations. Work procedures and JSEA's/SWMS's developed Competent supervision engaged to manage risks Action Score Role Responsible Ensure compliance through inspection Structures Manager etc. Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Ensure compliance through inspection etc. Major Unlikely Med 14 Civil Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 64 Access into & Out of Site Risk of traffic accident associated with restricted site access or egress for large trucks and plant 3. Engineering Ramp D Med 9 4. Administrative Risk assessment conducted by Traffic Manager and Project Manager to proof check the capacity of each site access / egress against the design Left-In / Left Out policy No heavy floats during peak hour traffic as set by Traffic Manager Implement TCP Project Manager Ensure compliance Project Manager Ensure compliance Project Manager Ensure compliance Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 65 Access into & Out of Site Risk of inadequate access for incoming materials i.e. parking, unloading, working at heights and manual handling 3. Engineering Ramp D Med 9 4. Administrative Risk assessment conducted by Project Manager or delegate to ensure that capacity exists to safely accept incoming plant and materials Implement the Fulton Hogan Working at Heights procedure and Manual Handling procedure when unloading materials from suppliers Ensure that a VMP is prepared to direct the driver to the unloading location and supervisors give clear and concise directions Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 66 Access into & Out of Site Risk to services during delivery and set up of large plant Ramp D High 21 4. Administrative Risk assessment conducted by Project Manager or delegate to ensure that capacity exists to safely accept incoming plant and materials As part of the risk assessment all known services are to be identified, marked and assessed for adequate clearance before permitting the transporter to enter the site Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 67 Access into & Out of Site Risks associated with congested site and staging of activities or interfacing trades Ramp D High 17 4. Administrative Risk assessment conducted by Project Manager or delegate to ensure that capacity exists to safely accept incoming plant and materials Ensure that a VMP is prepared to direct the driver to the unloading location and supervisors give clear and concise directions Significant Possible Med 13 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Risk of trench collapse associated with 68 Earthworks WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] earthworks Ramp D High 21 WRA Major Unlikely Med 14 Page 16 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard 68 Earthworks 1 Piling Activities Risk Risk of trench collapse associated with Piling activity impacting earthworks on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Ramp D HOC Score High 21 4. Administrative Ramp D Piling Area High 18 Specific Control Appropriate design Shoring Procedures and permit system Monitor by site engineers SWMS Toolbox talk Site audits Mechanise rather than use manpower Engage qualified personnel PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Suitable fencing and covering Appropriate recovery equipment Pour bored piles as soon as possible after boring Major Unlikely Med 14 Construction sequencing Appropriate planning and design SWMS Employ qualified and experienced operators Major Action Role Responsible Inspection of work- supervision in place Civil Manager Ensure compliance Civil Manager Ensure compliance Civil Manager Ensure compliance Civil Manager Ensure compliance Civil Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 69 Earthworks Risks associated with uncovered holes during general earthworks Ramp D High 21 4. Administrative 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 70 Earthworks Risks associated with general earthworks on sloping ground Ramp D High 21 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 71 Earthworks Risks associated with heavy vehicle/plant movement impacts during general earthworks Ramp D High 23 4. Administrative Minimise need for reversing One way traffic flow Separation heavy and light vehicles Visibility lights Traffic management plan Refer to site access Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 72 Earthworks Risks associated with inappropriate plant and equipment used during general earthworks Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Plant induction List of approved equipment Trained operators Prestart check list Independent inspection including monthly maintenance checklist Preventative maintenance programme Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] WRA Page 17 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard Risk Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Major Possible HOC Score Specific Control PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Action Role Responsible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 1 Piling Activities 73 Earthworks Piling activity impacting on rail movements. Rig falling Riskcomponents of slope instability onto Rail Lines / geotechnical issues (including Pile steel associated with batter cage) preparation Ramp D Piling Area Ramp D High 18 High 18 4. Administrative Monitoring regime to monitor any ground movements Geotechnical investigation Design Engineering supervision Mapping redesign Site inspections Contingency plan Ground support as required Ground probing Flexible design Rehabilitation of ground Ensure compliance Civil Manager Ensure compliance Project Manager Ensure compliance Civil Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 74 Earthworks Risks associated with steep inclined surfaces in road and bridge construction Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Appropriate design Inducted and experienced personnel Parking procedures Designated pedestrian walking areas Maintain clean and dry worksites Dewatering pumps Machinery maintenance Controlled access Communications Dequate lighting Emergency procedures Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 75 Earthworks Risk of dust during earthworks Ramp D High 21 4. Administrative Regular testing for airborne dust Independent testing Dust suppression Education Cabins on plant and equipment Pre employment checks Sequencing and timing of activities Strict adherence to procedures PPE Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 76 Earthworks Risk of personnel injury working in proximity to earthworks plant and equipment WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D High 23 Major WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 18 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard 76 Earthworks 1 Piling Activities Risk Risk of personnel injury Piling activity impacting working in proximity to on rail movements. earthworks plant andRig components equipmentfalling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Ramp D Ramp D Piling Area HOC Score High 23 High 18 4. Administrative Specific Control Plant risk assessment completed Demarcation zones for pedestrians Trained and competent operators Isolation procedures Emergency stops Operators maintenance manual Fitted machinery guards Communication between operator and truck drivers Compatible crews Motion warning devices fitted to all vehicles and plant All personnel to wear high visibility long-sleeved shirts / tops Vehicle Movement Plans (VMPs) prepared and implemented PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Action Role Responsible Ensure compliance Civil Manager Ensure Compliance with proceedures Civil Manager Ensure Compliance with proceedures Civil Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 77 Earthworks Risk of falling objects during excavation of foundations, batters or trenches Ramp D High 21 4. Administrative Fence protection Edge protection barrier Toe boards Lanyards on equipment Work procedures Skilled and competent operators Regular worksite inspections to identify at risk behaviours Plant operators are not to lift materials and/or spoil over other workers Scheduling of work is to be such that no workers are working above others where there is a risk of objects falling No person is to work below an area identified to pose a risk 5. PPE 78 Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 79 Earthworks Potential risk of unstable embankments both in cut and fill Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Regime to monitor any ground movements Geotechnical investigation Design Engineering supervision Site inspections Contingency plan Ground support as required Ground probing Flexible design Rehabilitation of ground Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major 80 Working near & around water Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Groundwater Ramp D High 18 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Ensure Risk assessment is undertaken Project Manager Specific risk assessment and SWMS for task. Specific Rescue Plan 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Risk of personnel injury working in proximity to 81 Drainage drainage plant and equipment WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D High 23 Major WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 19 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard 81 Drainage 1 Piling Activities Risk Risk of personnel injury working in proximity to drainage plant and Piling activity impacting equipment on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Location TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood Ramp D HOC Score High 23 4. Administrative Ramp D Piling Area High 18 Specific Control Plant risk assessment completed Demarcation zones for pedestrians Trained and competent operators Isolation procedures Emergency stops Operators maintenance manual Fitted machinery guards Communication between operator and truck drivers Compatible crews PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Action Ensure Compliance with proceedures Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Role Responsible Civil Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 82 Drainage Risk of exposure to hazards associated with lack of adequate ventilation for activities in small spaces including confined spaces. 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Carefully identify all areas that could be classified as confined spaces and treat as such. Confined Space Procedure Conduct appropriate atmospheric monitoring Signage of confined spaces. Personnel trained in working within confined spaces. Ensure planning and monitoring in place and spaces identified Safety Manager Ensure planning and monitoring in place and spaces identified Safety Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 83 Drainage Risk of toxicity/layering of gases in culverts and enclosed spaces during operation of plant Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Carefully identify all areas that could become contaminated and treat as confined spaces until the atmosphere can be verified as free from contaminants Conduct appropriate atmospheric monitoring Introduce forced ventilation to purge the fumes Retest the atmosphere Post signage warning of the hazard and monitor to determine if likely to be a confined space Personnel trained in working in confined spaces Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE 84 Dust Dust and particulate matter reducing air quality, affecting local amenity during construction activities Major 85 Emissions 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 18 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 EPL dust suppression Ensure compliance Site Enviro Manager Ensure compliance Site Enviro Manager Compliance with plan Site Enviro Manager Compliance with plan Site Enviro Manager 5. PPE Major Emmissions from project plant and equipment that may contribute to greenhouse gas emissions Possible Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 Major 4. Administrative Unlikely Prestart plant and Equipment Check NGER Reporting Form Med 14 5. PPE 86 Contamination 87 Contamination Unexpected contamination uncovered on site during excavation, clearing and grubbing Unexpected contamination in imported fill material including weeds and pest species. WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D Low 5 Significant 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 9 Contamination Lands Management plan 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 18 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Contamination Lands Management plan WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 20 of 31 87 No. Contamination Hazard 88 Contamination 1 Piling Activities 89 Contamination Unexpected IDENTIFICATION contamination in Ramp D imported fill material Risk Location including weeds and pest species. Contamination of soil and groundwater from Ramp D Piling activitywaste impacting putrescrible and on railleachate movements. Rig components falling Ramp D Spill or leak of onto Rail Lines Piling Area hazardous material, (including Pile steel Ramp D excess waste left on site cage) polluting soil or water TREATMENT Initial Risk High 18 Consequence Likelihood Major Possible HOC Score Specific Control PLAN Major Residual Risk Med 14 Unlikely Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Action Role Responsible 5. PPE 1. Elimination 2. Substitution High 18 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Contamination Lands Management plan Compliance with plan Site Enviro Manager Compliance with plan Site Enviro Manager 5. PPE Major Possible High 18 1. Elimination Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 2. Substitution High 18 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Contamination Lands Management plan 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Unexploded Ordnance 90 Finds (UXO) UXO explosion resulting in death or injury, contamination of soil and groundwater Ramp D Med 14 4. Administrative Emergency Response Plan assessed by emergency services with comments sought Induction Training Investigation of lands by specialist ordinance contractor Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Ensure controls are implemented and Project Manager investigations undertaken 5. PPE 91 Acid Sulphate Soils 92 Unexpected findings Encountering acid sulphate soils and contamination of leaching to waterways , damaging equipment Unexpected discovery of contaiminated material from unauthorized landfills, land use and disposal Major 93 Soil Erosion 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 18 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Acid Sulphate Soils Management Plan adhere to plan Site Enviro Manager adhere to plan Site Enviro Manager adhere to plan Site Enviro Manager adhere to plan Site Enviro Manager adhere to plan Site Enviro Manager Adhere to Procedure Site Enviro Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D Med 14 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Contamination Lands Management plan 5. PPE Major Soil erosion of stockpiles during rainfall Possible Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 23 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Erosion and Sedimentation Management Plan 5. PPE Major 94 Soil Erosion Soil erosion on haul roads due to vehicle movements Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 21 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Erosion and Sedimentation Management Plan 5. PPE Major 95 Soil Erosion Not regularly maintained sediment controls Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 23 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Erosion and Sedimentation Management Plan 5. PPE 96 Fuel and Chemical Storage Fuel and Chemical 97 Storage Storage of fuels, chemcials and hazardous materials causing soil and groundwater Refuelling activities causing soil and groundwater contamination WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 18 Major 3. Engineering 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Hazardous Chemcials and Storage Procedure 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution Ramp D High 18 Major 3. Engineering WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 21 of 31 No. Fuel andHazard Chemical 97 Storage IDENTIFICATION Refuelling activities Risk Location causing soil and Ramp D groundwater contamination TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence 98 Piling Activities 1 Asbestos HOC Score18 High 4. Administrative Specific Control Residual Risk Consequence Major Likelihood Unlikely Score14 Med Action Adhere to Procedure Hazardous Chemcials and Storwage Procedure Role Responsible Site Enviro Manager 5. PPE Major Piling activitytoimpacting Expsoure friable on Asbestos rail movements. fibres Rig components falling (Including accidental onto Rail Lines disturbance of (including Pile steel asbestos) cage) Likelihood PLAN Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Ramp Ramp D D Piling Area High High 18 18 4. Administrative Asbestos Procedure Asbestos Awareness Training as required Follow Asbestos guidelines Major Major Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow chart - Bomb threats Port Terminal to advise Ramp D Site if evacuation is required from immediate area Major Minimise quantities kept on site Store substances as per SDS Only trained personnel to handle substances Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan "Spills flow charts" Major Unlikely Unlikely Med Med 14 14 Adhere to Procedure, Procedure training as required Site Enviro Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 99 Bomb Threat Bomb Threat to site or port terminal Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Ensure communication to applicable site personnel Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 100 Hazardous Substances Major or Minor spill of hazardous substance Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Adhere to Procedure, Procedure training as required Site Enviro Manager Adhere to Procedure, Procedure training as required Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 101 Crisis Management Major crisis event on site Ramp D High 21 Major 4. Administrative Unlikely Med 14 Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow chart - Crisis Management 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Emergency 102 Communications Communication failure during an emergency Ramp D High 23 4. Administrative Revert to mobile phone network or audible instructions in accordance with the instructions of the Emergency Controller Use buddy system as a back up. Use Pre-Start to ensure all workers are accounted for if evacuation to nearest assembly point is required. Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan Flow Chart- Emergency Communication Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Ensure Incident /Emergency Response Safety Manager execises undertaken 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 103 Emergency Evacuation Emergency evacuation due to incident WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D High 18 WRA Page 22 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard 103 Emergency Evacuation 1 Piling Activities 104 Extreme Dust Risk Location Emergency evacuation due to incident Ramp D Piling activity impacting on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Extreme dust to construction or strong winds or from off site TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood HOC Score High 18 4. Administrative Ramp D Piling Area Major Possible High 18 Specific Control PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Likelihood Score Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Rare Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow chart - Emergency evacuation 5. PPE 1. Elimination Action Role Responsible Ensure Incident /Emergency Response Safety Manager execises undertaken 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Ramp D Med 14 4. Administrative Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow chart -Extreme dust Utilise water cart and dust suppression. Cease operations or find alternative tasks Med 10 Ensure Incident /Emergency Response process is included in SWMS/monitorweather Civil Foreman 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 105 Fall Arrest Personnel working @ height in fall arrest/ or falling from height Ramp D High 21 4. Administrative Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Golden Rule- Must work in fall prevention Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow chart- Fall Arrest Ensure Golden Rules are advised to al, Project Manager personnel 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 106 Significant Incident Initial response to a significant incident Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow chart - Incident & Emergency Response Ensure communication to applicable site personnel Project Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 107 Fire Major or Minor fire or explosion Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative No hot works on TOBANs All hot works to have fire fighting equipent in immediate area Hot works permits Correct storage of fuels and flammable substances as per SDS Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow charts - Major & Minor fires Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Ensure Incident /Emergency Response Safety Manager execises undertaken 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 108 Robbery or hostile Intruder Encountering a hostile intruder Ramp D Med 14 4. Administrative Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow chart - Encountering Hostile Intruder Ensure communication to applicable site personnel Safety Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 109 Serious Injury Serious injury to one or multiple workers WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D High 18 3. Engineering Major WRA Unlikely Med 14 Page 23 of 31 IDENTIFICATION No. Hazard Serious Injury 109 Risk Serious injury to one or multiple workers Location Ramp D TREATMENT Initial Risk Consequence Likelihood HOC Score High 18 4. Administrative Specific Control Occupational first aiders on site Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow chart - Serious Injury PLAN Residual Risk Consequence Major Likelihood Unlikely Action Score Med 14 Ensure communication to applicable site personnel Role Responsible Safety Manager 5. PPE 1 Piling Activities 110 Service Strike-Gas Piling activity impacting on rail movements. Rig components falling onto Rail Lines Service strike of gas (including Pile steel main during cage) construction Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Ramp D Piling Area High 18 Ramp D High 23 4. Administrative Dial before you dig Excavtion permit to be authorized and understood by all involved in ground disturbance SWMS for construction activity Only trained/ authorized personnel to operate within distances of utility as stated by utility owner Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow chart- Service strikes & leaks GAS Major Unlikely Med 14 Major Unlikely Med 14 Ensure Permit Process is in place and instruction given to all personnel who require the information- Include in Site Induction-general principles Safety Manager Ensure Permit Process is in place and instruction given to all personnel who require the information- Include in Site Induction-general principles Safety Manager Ensure flagging is erected so as not to tangle Civil Manager 5. PPE Major Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering 111 Service StrikeUnderground power Service strike of power cable during excavation Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Dial before you dig Excavtion permit to be authorized and understood by all involved in ground disturbance SWMS for construction activity Only trained/ authorized personnel to operate within distances of utility as stated by utility owner Follow Incident & Emergency Response Plan flow chart- Service strikes Overhead & underground power Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE Major 112 Service Strike Overhead- power Overhead service delineation flagging becoming entagled / contacting overhead services during inclement weather. Possible 1. Elimination 2. Substitution 3. Engineering Ramp D High 18 4. Administrative Offset delineation flagging minimum 5 meters from underground service Ensure the flaffing is braced back to reduce sag and wind impacts Remove flagging if catastrophic weather conditions are forecast Major Unlikely Med 14 5. PPE WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] WRA Page 24 of 31 Workplace Risk Assessment Incident and Emergency Response Risks Location of the Activity / Worksite: Port Botany Ramp D Incident and Emergency Response No. 1 2 3 4 Hazard Type Description of Risk Specific Location on site Pre-Control Risk Rating Potential Incident or Emergency situation Situation able to be managed by "Core Provisions"? Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA This is the "actual" incident or emergency situation that could result from the particular hazard/risk identified from the WRA Can the situation be managed by the "Core Provision" of the Incident & Emergency Management Procedures? Piling Activities Piling Activities Piling Activities Piling Activities Piling activity impacting on rail movements. - Rig components falling onto Rail Lines (including Pile steel cage) Ramp D Piling Area Personal Injury-Struck by falling object Vibration affecting normal Port Operations Service Strike inactive/active during piling Ramp D Piling Area Ramp D Piling Area Ramp D Piling Area Delay of rail traffic Piling Activities Mobile Plant & Equipment 7 Mobile Plant & Equipment 8 Mobile Plant & Equipment 9 Mobile Plant & Equipment 10 Mobile Plant & Equipment 11 Mobile Plant & Equipment 12 Mobile Plant & Equipment 13 Mobile Plant & Equipment 14 Manual Handling 15 Public Access WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Specific Emergency Equipment If the situation cannot be manged by the "Core Provisions" What equipment or materails are required to what additional flowcharts / scenarios / measures are be addressed in the Incident and Emergency required to be addressed in the Incident and Emergency Response Plan? Response Plan? Initial Response to Incident or Emergency High 18 High 18 High 18 Personal Injury Port operations disruption Service Strike High 18 5 6 Specific Flowchart / Scenario / Measures required Unknown Finds Plant movement on site (generic) Collision Crushing Vehicle Impact Operation in congested areas Collision with people/plant Faulty plant & equipment used on site inclusive of inspection and or repair of plant and equipment Ramp D Piling Area Ramp D Risk of personnel entanglement in mechanical plant & equipment performing Survey work Risk of personnel entanglement in mechanical plant and equipment e.g. mulcher, tub grinder, piling rigs, drilling equipment, concrete batching plant or paving machines Risk of personnel entanglement in mechanical plant and equipment e.g. mulcher, tub grinder, piling rigs, drilling equipment, concrete batching plant or paving machines Risk or personnel being crushed from agitator operation during shotcrete application Risks associated with loading and unloading of plant and equipment Personal Injury when handling materials, equipment & Plant Risk from accidental or deliberate actions by the external personnel during construction or operation and maintenance activities Falling into excavations, sedimentation ponds, caissons, piling and interference with plant Ramp D High 18 Work cessation Personal Injury Serious Injury Service Strikes-Electricity-Gas- Service Strikes-Electricity-Gas- Water Water and sewerage pipes and sewerage pipes Unknown finds procedure Yes Yes Unknown finds procedure Serious Injury No Yes Personal Injury Serious Injury Yes Personal Injury Serious Injury Yes Personal Injury Serious Injury Yes Personal Injury Serious Injury Yes Personal Injury Serious Injury Yes Personal Injury Serious Injury Yes Personal Injury Serious Injury Yes Personal Injury Serious Injury Yes Personal Injury Serious Injury Yes High 18 Ramp D High 18 Ramp D High 18 High 18 Ramp D High 18 Ramp D High 18 Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D High 18 High 18 High 18 Ramp D High 18 WRA - I & E Risks Page 25 of 31 Incident and Emergency Response Hazard Type Description of Risk Specific Location on site Pre-Control Risk Rating Potential Incident or Emergency situation Situation able to be managed by "Core Provisions"? Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA This is the "actual" incident or emergency situation that could result from the particular hazard/risk identified from the WRA Can the situation be managed by the "Core Provision" of the Incident & Emergency Management Procedures? No. 16 Security Risk of security of site facilities, plant & equipment from unauthorised access & possible interference Ramp D Risk of ineffective isolation of plant & equipment for inspection & maintenance activities Risk associated with working at heights during installation/repair work to sheds, taking deliverers, construction & plant maintenance Risk of reliability of sub-contractor's quality in safety plans and SWMS's Risks arising from use of site electrical facilities such as distribution and sub boards and portable power tools Risk of construction WHSR issues not identified or not addressed #N/A Risk of inadequate site awareness training by Fulton Hogan Risk of public transport pickup/drop off points conflicting with construction Risk of inadequate public safety during construction (cross overs, local access, signage, intruders) Ramp D 26 Public Safety Risk of Inadequate public safety after construction Ramp D 27 Safety In Design Risk of creation of unsafe maintenance conditions (safety in design) Risk of eye damage from laser guidance system Risk of live services above and below ground being affected during site survey Geotechnical investigation Plant movements Clearing Excavation Site establishment Drainage Piling Bridge work Landscaping and road furniture installation Risk associated with water ingress from extreme weather or in ground water Risk of fall into open trenches, pile holes or excavations Risk of unplanned energy release from high pressure due to unblocking pump lines during shotcrete operation Risk of temporary works are inadequate and do not meet safety standards Risk of temporary works maintenance not adequate Ramp D Risk in demolition of existing bridges/culverts Risk of complaints from the stakeholders and or members of the public including noise complaints from stakeholders Risk of encountering acid sulphate soils Risk of breeching applicable environmental legislation Ramp D Ramp D 17 Isolation Failure 18 Work at Heights 19 Subcontractor Management 20 Electricity 21 OHSR 22 23 Training #N/A 24 Port Terminal interaction 25 Public Safety 28 Lasers 29 Services 30 Weather Change 31 Excavations 32 Energy 33 Standards of Work 34 Maintenance 35 Demolition 36 Community 37 Environment 38 Environment (Legislation) WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Specific Flowchart / Scenario / Measures required Specific Emergency Equipment If the situation cannot be manged by the "Core Provisions" What equipment or materails are required to what additional flowcharts / scenarios / measures are be addressed in the Incident and Emergency required to be addressed in the Incident and Emergency Response Plan? Response Plan? Security Breach Robbery or hostile Intruder Personal Injury Serious Injury Yes Fall Arrest Serious Injury Yes High 18 High 18 Ramp D High 18 Ramp D High 18 Ramp D Service Strike Service Strikes-Electricity- Service Strikes-Electricity High 18 Ramp D High 18 #N/A Ramp D Ramp D Yes Work cessation No #N/A High 18 High 18 Ramp D N/A Personal Injury Serious Injury Work Disruption Personal Injury No Serious Injury High 23 Ramp D Ramp D Low 5 Med 13 High 18 No Personal Injury No Personal Injury Personal Injury Service Strike No Serious Injury Service strike-Electricity-gas-Water &/or Sewrage High 18 Ramp D Ramp D Low 5 High 21 Ramp D Ramp D High 18 Injury/Damage/Delay Storms & Flooding Personal Injury Serious Injury Personal Injury Serious Injury Personal Injury High 18 High 18 WRA - I & E Risks No No No Personal Injury Public complaint Serious Injury Med 13 Ramp D Ramp D No No High 18 High 23 No Yes Med 9 Ramp D No No No Illness/Work delay Encountering contaminated soil Yes No Page 26 of 31 Incident and Emergency Response No. Hazard Type Description of Risk Specific Location on site Pre-Control Risk Rating Potential Incident or Emergency situation Situation able to be managed by "Core Provisions"? Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA This is the "actual" incident or emergency situation that could result from the particular hazard/risk identified from the WRA Can the situation be managed by the "Core Provision" of the Incident & Emergency Management Procedures? 39 Traffic Risk of personal injury and vehicle damage on site 40 Traffic Risk of personal injury and vehicle damage to Ramp D testers on site while undertaking their duties Risk of traffic accident associated with site access or Ramp D egress (Risk to motorist, pedestrians or cyclist) 41 Traffic 42 Traffic Ramp D 43 Ramp D 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Risk involving passage of emergency vehicles getting to site in heavy traffic Traffic Risk of poor design of traffic flow and operations of the work sites Traffic Risk of road users not recognising traffic staging and traffic switching during construction Traffic Risk of delay and inconvenience to road users during construction of the works Traffic Risk of impact of temporary modification to property access Traffic Risk of impact on parking Traffic Risk of traffic incidents Traffic Risk of transport of over dimension units (both plant and components) to site Traffic Risk involving passage of emergency vehicles getting to site in heavy highway traffic Traffic Risk of restriction of access Traffic Risk of breaching speed limits Traffic Risk of construction under heavy traffic volumes Hazardous Substances Risk of regulations and permits for hazardous substances and dangerous goods not in place on site Hazardous Substances Risk of exposure to hazardous substances and dangerous goods Bridges & Structures Risks associated with heavy lifting during construction Bridges & Structures Risk of loss of control of loads during heavy and complicated lifts during site setup Bridges & Structures Risk of personel injury working in proximity to birdgeworks, plant and equipment including piling operations Pavements including Bitumen, concrete Risk of personnel injury working in proximity to or other bitumen paving plant and equipment Emergency Response Emergency response plan inadequate/ services not catered for Services Risk of damage/ injury from unknown utilities Overhead & Underground Services Access Risk of poor access/egress when working at heights, in deep excavations or caissons Access into & Out of Site Risk of unauthorised access to site and fall into open excavations or sedimentation ponds Access into & Out of Site Risk of traffic accident associated with restricted site access or egress for large trucks and plant Access into & Out of Site Risk of inadequate access for incoming materials i.e. parking, unloading, working at heights and manual handling Access into & Out of Site Risk to services during delivery and set up of large plant Ramp D WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D High 18 High 18 Serious Injury Personal Injury Serious Injury Personal Injury Serious Injury Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D No No Personal Injury No No High 18 No Med 8 No High 17 No Med 8 High 18 Personal Injury No No High 18 No High 18 No Low 4 High 18 Med 8 No No No High 23 No High 18 Personal Injury High 23 High 23 No No Personal Injury/Damage No Personal Injury High 18 Ramp D Yes High 23 Ramp D Ramp D Specific Emergency Equipment If the situation cannot be manged by the "Core Provisions" What equipment or materails are required to what additional flowcharts / scenarios / measures are be addressed in the Incident and Emergency required to be addressed in the Incident and Emergency Response Plan? Response Plan? Personal Injury High 23 Med 9 Specific Flowchart / Scenario / Measures required High 18 No Personal Injury High 23 High 18 High 18 High 18 Med 9 No No Personal Injury Personal Injury Personal Injury Personal Injury NO No No No Ramp D Med 9 Ramp D High 21 WRA - I & E Risks No Personal Injury/Damage Yes Page 27 of 31 Incident and Emergency Response Hazard Type Description of Risk Specific Location on site Pre-Control Risk Rating Potential Incident or Emergency situation Situation able to be managed by "Core Provisions"? Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA This is the "actual" incident or emergency situation that could result from the particular hazard/risk identified from the WRA Can the situation be managed by the "Core Provision" of the Incident & Emergency Management Procedures? No. 67 Access into & Out of Site 68 Earthworks 69 Earthworks 70 Earthworks 71 Earthworks 72 Earthworks 73 Earthworks 74 Earthworks 75 Earthworks 76 Earthworks 77 Earthworks 78 79 Earthworks 80 Working near & around water 81 Drainage 82 Drainage 83 Drainage 84 Dust 85 Emissions 86 Contamination 87 Contamination 88 Contamination 89 Contamination 90 Unexploded Ordnance Finds (UXO) 91 Acid Sulphate Soils 92 Unexpected findings 93 Soil Erosion 94 Soil Erosion WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Risks associated with congested site and staging of Ramp D activities or interfacing trades Risk of trench collapse associated with earthworks Ramp D Risks associated with uncovered holes during general earthworks Risks associated with general earthworks on sloping ground Risks associated with heavy vehicle/plant movement impacts during general earthworks Risks associated with inappropriate plant and equipment used during general earthworks Risk of slope instability / geotechnical issues associated with batter preparation Risks associated with steep inclined surfaces in road and bridge construction Risk of dust during earthworks Risk of personnel injury working in proximity to earthworks plant and equipment Risk of falling objects during excavation of foundations, batters or trenches 0 0 Potential risk of unstable embankments both in cut and fill Groundwater Risk of personnel injury working in proximity to drainage plant and equipment Risk of exposure to hazards associated with lack of adequate ventilation for activities in small spaces including confined spaces. Risk of toxicity/layering of gases in culverts and enclosed spaces during operation of plant Dust and particulate matter reducing air quality, affecting local amenity during construction activities Ramp D Emmissions from project plant and equipment that may contribute to greenhouse gas emissions Ramp D Unexpected contamination uncovered on site during excavation, clearing and grubbing works Unexpected contamination in imported fill material including weeds and pest species. Contamination of soil and groundwater from putrescrible waste and leachate Spill or leak of hazardous material, excess waste left on site polluting soil or water UXO explosion resulting in death or injury, contamination of soil and groundwater Encountering acid sulphate soils and contamination of leaching to waterways , damaging equipment Ramp D Unexpected discovery of contaiminated material from unauthorized landfills, land use and disposal causing contamination of site area Soil erosion of stockpiles during rainfall Soil erosion on haul roads due to vehicle movements Ramp D High 17 High 21 High 21 Ramp D High 21 Ramp D High 23 Ramp D High 18 Ramp D High 23 High 21 0 Ramp D Ramp D Personal Injury/Damage Personal Injury/Damage Personal Injury/Damage If the situation cannot be manged by the "Core Provisions" What equipment or materails are required to what additional flowcharts / scenarios / measures are be addressed in the Incident and Emergency required to be addressed in the Incident and Emergency Response Plan? Response Plan? No No No No No Personal Injury/Damage No No High 21 Ramp D Ramp D Personal Injury/Damage High 18 Ramp D Ramp D Specific Emergency Equipment No High 18 Ramp D Specific Flowchart / Scenario / Measures required No Personal Injury Personal Injury/Damage No No 0 No High 18 Yes High 18 Personal Injury/Damage Yes High 23 Yes High 18 Yes High 18 Yes High 18 No High 18 No Low 5 Yes High 18 Yes High 18 Yes High 18 No Med 14 Yes High 18 Yes Med 14 yes High 23 No High 21 No Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D WRA - I & E Risks Page 28 of 31 Incident and Emergency Response Hazard Type Description of Risk Specific Location on site Pre-Control Risk Rating Potential Incident or Emergency situation Situation able to be managed by "Core Provisions"? Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA Directly from the first sheet of the WRA This is the "actual" incident or emergency situation that could result from the particular hazard/risk identified from the WRA Can the situation be managed by the "Core Provision" of the Incident & Emergency Management Procedures? No. 95 Soil Erosion 96 Fuel and Chemical Storage 97 Fuel and Chemical Storage Not regularly maintained sediment controls Ramp D Storage of fuels, chemcials and hazardous materials Ramp D causing soil and groundwater contamination Refuelling activities causing soil and groundwater contamination Expsoure to friable Asbestos fibres (Including accidental disturbance of asbestos) Bomb Threat to site or port terminal Major or Minor spill of hazardous substance Major crisis event on site Communication failure during an emergency Emergency evacuation due to incident Extreme dust to construction or strong winds or from off site Personnel working @ height in fall arrest/ or falling from height Initial response to a significant incident Major or Minor fire or explosion Encountering a hostile intruder Serious injury to one or multiple workers Service strike of gas main during construction Ramp D 111 Service Strike- Underground power Service strike of power cable during excavation Ramp D 112 Service Strike - Overhead- power Overhead service delineation flagging becoming entagled / contacting overhead services during inclement weather. Ramp D 98 Asbestos 99 100 101 102 103 104 Bomb Threat Hazardous Substances Crisis Management Emergency Communications Emergency Evacuation Extreme Dust 105 Fall Arrest 106 107 108 109 110 Significant Incident Fire Robbery or hostile Intruder Serious Injury Service Strike-Gas WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Ramp D Specific Flowchart / Scenario / Measures required Specific Emergency Equipment If the situation cannot be manged by the "Core Provisions" What equipment or materails are required to what additional flowcharts / scenarios / measures are be addressed in the Incident and Emergency required to be addressed in the Incident and Emergency Response Plan? Response Plan? High 23 No High 18 Yes High 18 Yes High 18 Yes High 18 High 18 High 21 High 23 High 18 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Med 14 No High 21 Yes High 18 High 18 Med 14 High 18 no No No No Specialized authority equipment Specialized authority equipment High 23 High 18 High 18 WRA - I & E Risks Specialized authority equipment Page 29 of 31 Consequence Likelihood High 24 Almost Certain High 25 Insignificant High 18 High 21 High 23 Rare Med 9 Med 13 High 17 High 20 Low 3 Low 5 Med 8 Med 12 High 16 Low 1 Low 2 Low 4 Med 7 Med 11 Rare Unlikely Possible Likely Catastrophic Med 15 High 19 High 22 Major Med 10 Med 14 Significant Low 6 Minor Insignificant Test Low 1 Risk Criteria Low [1-6] The activity may proceed with normal supervision after implementing the control measures Medium [7-15] The activity can proceed so long as the highest level and most appropriate risk control measures have been identified and implemented The activity MUST NOT proceed. Alternate controls put in place to reduce the risk rating to LOW or MEDIUM High [16-25] Likelihood Rare Unlikely Possible Likely Almost Certain Consequence (H&S) Insignificant Minor Significant Major Catastrophic This consequence has never been known to occur in Fulton Hogan Group or it is extremely unlikely that is could ever occur. This consequence has occurred in Fulton Hogan Group 1-2 times in company history. This consequence could well have occurred in Fulton Hogan Australia at some time in the past 10 years This consequence could occur annually to several times per year in Fulton Hogan Australia This consequence could occur several times per year at this particular workplace Self-administered First Aid treatment or no-specific treatment First Aid Treatment Injury Medical Treatment Injury; LTI < 5 Working Days; Restricted Work Injury LTI 5+ Working Days; Hospitalisation Fatality; Permanent disability WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] Info Page 30 of 31 Elimination Elimination of the hazard is the most effective means of hazard control. It involves the physical removal of the hazard, for example, if employees are required to work high above the ground, the hazard can be eliminated by moving the piece they are working on to "ground level" to eliminate the need to work at heights. Substitution The second most effective way to control hazards is substitution, which involves removing something that produces a hazard (similar to elimination) and replacing with something that does not produce a hazard. An example of substitution is replacing lead based paint with acrylic paint. In order to be an effective control, the new product must not produce another hazard. Because airborne dust can be hazardous, if a product can be purchased with a larger particle size, the smaller product may effectively be substituted with the larger product. Engineering controls The third most effective means of controlling hazards is engineering controls. Engineering controls do not eliminate hazards, but rather keep people isolated from hazards. Capital costs of engineering controls tend to be higher than those the less effective controls within the hierarchy, however they may reduce future costs (i.e. building a work platform rather than purchasing, replace, and maintaining fall arrest equipment). "Enclosure & isolation" creates a physical barrier between a person and hazard, such as using remotely controlled equipment. Fume hoods can be used to remove airborne contaminants as a means of engineering control. Administrative controls Administrative controls are changes to the way people work. Examples of administrative controls include procedure changes, employee training, and installation of signs and warning labels (such as those in the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System). Administrative controls do not remove hazards, rather limit or prevent people's exposure to the hazards, such as completing road construction at night when fewer people will be driving. Personal protective equipment Personal Protective Equipment (known as PPE) is the least effective way to control hazards. PPE can include gloves, respirators, hard hats, safety glasses, high-visibility clothing, and safety footwear. PPE is the least effective means of controlling hazards because of the high potential for the PPE to become ineffective due to damage. Additionally, some PPE, such as respirators, increase physiological effort to complete a task and, therefore, require medical examinations to ensure the worker can use the PPE without any detrimental risk to his or her own health. WHSMP Appendix A - Workplace Risk Assessment [Draft.0][pb] HoC Page 31 of 31