Jia Rao
Department of Computer Science hCp://www.cs.uccs.edu/~jrao
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
• Processes and threads o
Abstrac0on of processor execu0on
• Memory management o
Abstrac0on of physical memory
• File systems o
Abstrac0on of persistent data storage on disks
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
Three essen0al requirements for long-‐term informa0on storage
• Must store large amounts of data
• Informa0on stored must survive the termina0on of the process using it
• Mul0ple processes must be able to access the informa0on concurrently
A file is an abstrac-on of the long-‐term (persistent) data storage
The part of an OS dealing with files is the file system
What are users ’ concerns of the file system?
What are implementers ’ concerns of the file system?
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
° Files are an abstrac'on mechanism
• two-‐part file names
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
• Three kinds of file structures o
Unstructured byte sequence (Unix and WinOS view) o
Record sequence (early machines ’ view) o
Tree (mainframe view)
UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
° Regular files
• ASCII files or binary files
° Directories
° Character special files
° Block special files
Standard binary
Format in Unix:
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
• Sequen0al access o read all bytes/records from the beginning o o cannot jump around, could rewind or back up convenient when medium was mag tape
• Random access o bytes/records read in any order o o essen0al for data base systems read can be …
} move file marker (seek), then read or …
} read and then move file marker
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
In Linux, us stat to check file aCributes
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
Get aCributes
Set ACributes
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
An Example Program Using File System Calls
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
An Example Program Using File System Calls (cont.)
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
° OS provide a way to map files into the address space of a running process; map() and unmap()
• No read or write system calls are needed thereaher
(a) Segmented process before mapping files into its address space
(b) Process aher mapping
exis0ng file abc into one segment
crea0ng new segment for xyz
Increased performance
Accessing local virtual address is faster
Avoiding data copy from kernel to user
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
Directories: Single-‐Level Directory Systems
• A single-‐level directory system is simple for implementa0on o contains 4 files o owned by 3 different people, A, B, and C
What is the key problem with the single-‐level directory systems?
Different users may use the same names for their files
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
What addi-onal opera-on required, compared with single-‐level directory systems?
Login procedure
What if a user has many files and wants to group them in a logical way?
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
• Absolute path name
• Rela0ve path name
A UNIX directory tree
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
What are file system implementers ’ concerns?
How files & directories stored?
How disk space is managed?
How to make everything work efficiently and reliably?
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
° File system layout
• Most disks can be divided into one or more par00ons
• BIOS à MBR (Master Boot Record)
A possible file system layout
How to keep track of which disk blocks go with which file?
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
Implemen-ng Files (1) – Con-guous Alloca-on
° Pros: simple addressing and one-‐seek only reading
° Cons: disk fragmenta0on (like Swapping)
(a) Con0guous block alloca1on of disk space for 7 files
(b) State of the disk aher files D and F have been dynamically removed
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
Implemen-ng Files (2) – Linked List Alloca-on
° Keep each file as a linked list of disk blocks
• Pros: no space is lost due to disk fragmenta0on
• Cons: how about random access?
Storing a file as a linked list of disk blocks
UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
Implemen-ng Files (3) – FAT (File Alloca-on Table)
° FAT: a table in memory with the pointer word of each disk block
• High u0liza0on + easy random access, but too “ FAT ” maybe?
A 20 GB disk
1 KB block size
Each entry 3 B
How much space for a FAT?
How about paging it?
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
Implemen-ng Files (4) – Indexed Alloca-on
° Grouping all pointers together in a index block
° Each file has its own index block on disk
° it contains an array of disk addrs
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
Implemen-ng Files (4) – Indexed Alloca-on Example: I-‐node
° i-‐node: a data structure lis0ng the aCributes and disk addresses of the file ’ s blocks; in memory when the corresponding file is open
Why i-‐node scheme requires much less space than FAT?
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
° How to find the disk blocks of a file?
• Con0guous alloca0on: the disk address of the en0re file
• Linked list & FAT: the number of the first block
• i-‐node: the number of the i-‐node
Who provides the informa0on above?
The directory entry (based on the path name)
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
° The directory entry , based on the path name, provides the informa0on to find the disk blocks
What to do for few but long and variable-‐length file names?
(a) A simple directory (MS-‐DOS/Windows)
Fixed-‐size entries
File names, aCributes, and disk addresses in directory entry
(b) Directory (UNIX); each entry just refers to an i-‐node, i-‐number returned
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
• Two ways of handling long and variable-‐length file names in directory
(a) In-‐line: compac0on and page fault. (b) In a heap: page fault
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
° How to let mul0ple users share files?
What if directories contain the disk addresses?
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs
File system containing a shared file
Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
° UNIX u0lizes i-‐node ’ data structure
• What if a file is removed by the owner?
(a) Situa0on prior to linking; (b) Aher the link is created
(c) Aher the original owner removes the file
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
° A new file, created with type LINK, enters B ’ s directory
• The file contains just the path name of the linked file
• Con: extra overhead with each file access, parsing
• Pro 1: Only when the owner removes the file, it is destroyed
-‐ Removing a symbolic link does not affect the file
• Pro 2: networked file systems
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
° A virtual file system is an abstract layer with common func0onali0es supported by all the underlying concrete file systems
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester
• Implemen0ng files o o o o
Con0guous alloca0on
Linked alloca0on
Indexed alloca0on (I-‐node)
• Implemen0ng directories
• Sharing files
• File system management and op0miza0ons o
Free blocks, consistency, performance …
CS4500/5500 UC. Colorado Springs Ref. MOS3E, OS@Aus0n, Columbia, Rochester