P R IC E 5 CENTS T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O , W EDN'^s’ D A y . A P R I L 27. 19G0 V O L . -12. N O . 1 ----------------------------n V ------------------- Buhl Driver, 43, U .S . S p a c e /'' M o st K orea R io te rs Q u ie t Gets Five Years A fte r R hee’s R e sig n a tio n ; On Tipsy Count C r a f t Is O rd e re d A c tin g C h ie f Takes Over C n rn id Slaiilov. Hiihl, \v;is sPiUfiicoil to n o t more IlK in fiv e voiirs in lh.‘ Mliil.* i)cnitc!iliiir\' T up^iiiiy afte r­ noon w iion )ii‘ aiiiiuared befDri* D istric t .I ik I k c Charles W A S H IN G T O N , A Si-'ijTKin fo r violatim i tif imrolu fo r liriiiik . (iriviii;:, ropoal Stanley apijOinvil in c lc v n ilh (iislri'ct co urt bc-fore a K()-alicaii toda v oii n .y-Oftfy a m a n aro .lu d p ' Si'OKjrin o f tlie fourth ju dicia l dis lric t, w ith coun­ sel, iiiij;li leaker. was the -judffo w h o placcil him down ;rrnc(*fiil!y ill January, 1050, a fte r .Iiidt'os Shcrm ati .•<!ii|i, duhheri D y iiu S Hcllw ood an d Thecn.ii W.ird .d is tiiia lific d the i.solves. il 127 (U P D — Tlic a ir forte ordered k'iuKcd f«pacc Kliiior liia t eventually id the world in DO ininiite.s a n d .set 1 the C uliforn iu desert. The sjiace ,r. will he hoo.sted into o rh it by a , T itan in lcrcoiitincntal ballis­ tic nii.Ksile. Unlike the P r o j­ ect iMerciiry a stron au t proKrani. Dyna Soar'.s p ilo t will laiiil III n ciitiv'pnttuiiiil nli-bn?r. Mrreur>’ [illol.i Rill return lo Enrlh Iti ciipsulcs iliuifrllin: trom p.irn- New YorkWelcomes De Gaulle S K O l’ L. A p r il 27 ( U P I ) — Fresh (icinon.-*tratiims denianiliu>r a (jiiick cleanup o f the old reKiuu'broke o u t In scat­ tered towns across K orea toniK lit despite I’residenl SynKm iin Hliee's resignation. Foreijrii M iuister H u h C h un ? took over t h e shntlere d Koveriiment as nctiuK ]u-e.xident a ml ]iromiseiI p ro m p t elections. It was enoujfh lo send homc most o f th e bui;e moh.s w liic li lforceti Khoe out of office. B u t demonstration.-? look place in Pohanj;. CltuuKmii, Kim■liow and a fe w otficr .small towns as n final Knsp o f hntriMi. Most of the n iiR cr o f toniRlit'.s demonstrators wan di----------------- rcctod against haled local! officials Rhee’s Liberal burned 8AI.T UKK CITV, April 27 (.TN-Ilrlllan'i Ihrre croM-pounti re In Ihe mldit of ihe Oreal Halt Ijke desert today, < there wo .e»l nf here. Wins U.S. Award •llie n miiklMK of Nepal. Seoul bccnaip he rrlilcirpil s In li tjulckly WA.SIIISfiTON, April « UTI'—Federal Juilse F. Uleklnion LelU udcnti by rcojirnUii. primary .irhools inmnrrow. Seoul di>i|uallffcil lilmnelf (oday from pre^iflnc over a <r(at of Teamilera illesp.i Wdny nnd IUkIi ;.clic«Is Prrtldenl Jarne* It. liaffa bul hli replacement Immediately tumeii dnirn.a move far further poitponement of (lie ease. JudKe Jo*eph R. 1 Monday. Huh, Cl. promLied new elections Jark»on. a retired member of Ihe court of coitomi and patcnl appeals, Ithln thrc? monlli.'s. nppuiiled la took over for I.etls. llitened (o arcumenU on behalf ef Iloffa Ihat the — Prr.ildenl Klsenhower nol to can. Irlal be deliyed; then-mled: -'Motlon denied."................... -1 his scheduled vl.^ll to South L •nicvliiy Stntilry ndniK ioreA, promi.ied a tenl con.'-tliuUonnt Inker days ire over nnd called for •llh Waihlnttton. ilaier II snid maruol law remain hi elfccl for a will use Ilhre's haled police wlio»hot Id killed more Uinn lIJO den W A SH IN G T O N . A p ril 27 (/P)— Pre.sidcnt Eiaciihowcr, .1 mid four lor piloted flliihi MlliiR students la ihp past i TO ‘'jKittefli'.M now" to malntniii II a wiilc-ranRiiiK newK conferencc. warned N ik ita KhriiahIti (hr rii:.l iiiannnl Ir.K, (t Rllder will be hurird nloft fru drr. Most of (hem fled Ihc diev today a«ainKt u ltim a tu m s , aiul pictured ouHtcd Presi­ Cape Ciinaveriil, Fin., nnd flv i post.1. DONALD LKK J lo m iA N Mib.orbliAl «i>crd-i <if nboul 15,000 Tlie national ns.iembl^eets ti dent SynKinaii llhee, Korea, as a Rreat p a trio t w ho lapsed . . . who haa won a Charles nille.i nn hour, l.iler. Uie ulr fnrc r. KcKerlnc foundation merll mornw- to consider Rhec's re.ilxm into mistakes in hi-‘< old hkc. In cffcct, E isenhow er caution* «ald. the Itlldrr Mil be boosted Inli Kbolarshlp In naUouvlde compe­ il 11 appeared the end of tl ed Soviet Prem ier K h nish cliev tlia t threats fxbout Berlin orbit, clrclli tition. lie Is the »on of the Kev. political trail for Korea'* as-yen: conid wrcck the M ay s u m m it conference in P a ris before :illrs nu hour. and Mrs. Donald Leroy Hoff, old •'Georce Washlncton" would bi it (icts started. T he i’ residenl said he w ill never ro to any t plaai cnll for the r .\homelul o ■ . Noi n voice man. 119 S<!i?enlh avenue east, ni; Him JoUiuon wa: confercnce u n d e r tlic threat ilsed li and a Twin Kalli hl{h school viird Twin I'iilb Iti iti of un ultim atum '. Is own Llbrral party dP.M sludtnt. (Starr encravlns) iiiirr mill Vlnt!^t iniidi Tills was hlA reply to Khnuh* i the end ond may never acaln t :hev’s rcccnt dcclnmtlon Uiat the viewed n.< t niHjor pollUcAl factor. !,i lu'lni: 5iHd in ilii 4'e.ili'rn alllc.i will forlelt rights Ithi-p h'uvM behind n C5-ycs of theMr.v nly )»tl u Ilrii of il.WK) buiiU )f UCCC.U to divided Berlin If the i;hi lor Korean indepenil coiiimaud. The ulr fcire* pcniliii: jiiic o( a bluud iilcoliol Sovlcl Union sintui a oeparaie record of 12 years of nulocrallc ly.wlien the flr.st nmnncil .. Uonil wn» * a by ■i^vlll J-bIIj peace treaty wllh East Oermany. lie over Uie niitlon which flnnlly 2Uld be nltenipled, bui J ii-'Uco of llie I'cnco TluWrl.E,' • ' :pre*scd confldcnco other f,ource.i Indicated a mbccame free In 1D«. ' I’cnce. however. Ihilt Kliniahchcr i| il .fllRht mlRhl tnke plAce by Rhee bcRan hLs tlchl for Korear Prciddent CItarItt De< Gaolle, rranec, tUndf >nd wavei from ThB dr]vr.-'» !lccn.-,p of Calvin C. BOISE. April 27 W» — Idaho « UiInK* too far., September. IBM. Indepejidencp as a youth. And H nRtlcullure lait lo the weaUicr last PcrKlnji. 10. Hazcllon. mm mu- lead car of molorcadc as he rldM up tower Broadiray In New York in Korea, Ef^nhower was at Uoelnc wn.1 nnmed conii v .a .n the youth of the iinllon whlcl pcndcd f‘ir CO duys Tutidny by aty , recelvlnc k IradlUonal New Y«itk welcame. French and U. 8. for iho iLcrvlceM manned week, the U, 8. aRrlcullure depann» to say Ui<; Unlled SUlcs had Donald Lee Hoffman, son of ihi brouRht him down with a nation. mtni and weather bureau reported ... pari In Inclllns the anU-Ilhca •IVlii FnlLi Police Judse J. O. (lac> ny rram bulldlne In biekcround. Teday the Freneh leader pronram ta.il Nov.. 8. Since rrles of rlols and' demon- lodoy. :ev, and Mm. Donald Leroy Hoff. inimphrey after Uio youlli pleaded new (o Ran Frsneliro. (AP wlrtpbotoj rlota which Jed to the r&Ugnatlon the air force niidili»lnduatry huve straUon* thal became eventually Blan,'#tiffa Twln-rtlU high school ' RUllty of spcedlns 3i m llu on hou~ In Uielr Joint bulleUn. it det)B(ed Uie tiierlU of wlnstd sNd- senior, has wcm a Charles r . Kellarmed rebellion a^alnsi tin noted Ihat cold wealher accom- or the U-year-old Republls of in A 3S*mile Mne. Korea president. ! -rs versus ballistic ahapes like thar scholorshlp jovemment Judge Pumphrey also iiupendc l>anled by winds In south Idaho At for his own role, Elsenhower if Ihe Mercury space capsule. TO. In nationwide competition. Rhee was noc Roln; before tli( :tarded veRetallve crowth while lold a news conference, ihe only the Ilccnso of rranlt A. Norris, r day'.s announcement meant the aii Hoffman plan.i route 1, Kimberly. Jor 60 dny* fo ..ailonni assembly to hear the fUinl ..Mt rendered variable damaRo t thins lie did was to tell Rhee (hat force had atuck to the slider con­ learcti chemistry (peedlnc 33 mllH an hour In . blows fall. Instead ha wan moving fnJlt and other tender crops Ii. apparently there had been Ixregu* cept for ltd purpose.i. n chemistry at the University of ihwest and aoulheentral larlUes In Uie Korean elections, 35-mllo zone. sadness from the hillside jlr force »nld IIa review had OrcRon. Tlie awftrd. whieh - - ntlal mansion—the target o David Allen E.<itc.i, 20. 3:3 Poiirtli and that the slluallon which led to there was sufficient tech­ have a value of $1,SOO a year, .. father ln_the.nor.lhAnd *3 dent rloters-back Into hi* this should tM corrccted. T w in Fall.s co un tv notched it.s fifth h is h w a y in ju r y nical dnu now avallnble “to perNational Merit acholarshlp. co^Lt by JuclKe Pumiihr slowed fieldwork. • home. Peor DIo.\v>m man.-iloi Elsenhower anid ho deplores the ‘ Hoffman Is ncUve in matlcal or* nclunl dealsn of Ihe Dynn t.pcedlnn 34 inllc.i Krv Jiour In iccident .since S a tu rd a y afternoon about .T::iO,n.ni. WcilThere was no shoutlnff In the The buIIeUn also said that resort to violence in Korea—vlo< ;anlutlons such as church choir, Rllder Immcdlntely." mile zone. All three (Irlvrrn naUon and no exhuberance. Just slderable army worm Infej^taUon . .. 'hlch brought the Rhee ad* lesday w hen two perHon.s were injiircd on a curve north fain Fnll.i symphony orche.ilra quiet acceptance. Mosi of the pco> as belns reported In some cltrd by city pollct^ on M.ilt ministration to collapse. if Roberson a« a ca r .sped out o f control an d .■struck a md high school orche.ilm, and ' pie who roamed the streeLi of f loulhern Jdnlio. luie norlli. Twlii Fnll.v Elsenhower spoke of the 83> telephone pole. In ju r e d in the accident were D c lm a r W. , member of iho school debai In Mulhwesl Idaho, farmi and ither South Korci Jftcklft 1.. Pcl.T»oti, 17, ro ycar-old Korean leader ns a great tenm and naUonal honor soclciy. iwer elevations were repIanilnK man. a tremendous patriot, and eonlcnt now, confide nicr. wax Iliird 115 iind co.si ....._,.IorKcnsen, :i7, Pocatello, liriver of the 10r>;i C adillac , and Is church work7fncKide.i "belnj reuikcr fucar beets which were killed by the father of hla country. the Ms drlvrr's llcclu^e wn.-. Mnp ■ndedjMr.s. R u th .’58, Pocatello, a passenRcr. .JorKcn.scn int Chrl.illan church Junior deafrost, complcllng plnnllnR of spring cabinet Huh is formlnti would r1' ror f,0 tlny.i 'l-uMday by JuM ‘^‘^"'jwa.s taken-to Miiijric Valley Memorial h o sp ital w ith frac' But as Rhee has grown cider, . in, youth nroup prc.ildent nnd them democracy al Iasi. Rralns. planting onions ond pota*“‘'];tiired riiw and.4irui.sert and .ilate youth officer. Hoffman's hob- Huh. like lUiee, lived for many )u. and preparing seedbeds loi the President said, some mistakes have been made. blrs Include music, scientific pi ' years nbrond—mojl of ihcm In the irn- and olher late crops, uns'Mr.s. Itobbin.s was adm itted his announced Intention ■"I. readluR, plnylnR ches.i i United StAle.<t-leadlnR the fiRhl some sweet com for proce.-«ln} lo visli Korea next June, Eiscn-lied bv Stnlc Pnlrolmnti B: iy O .[t()tiie h o sp ital.w ith m ultiple 'WASHINGTON, April 21 im ~A •kliiK with electric Imlw . Hnril'lnc on Addison nvcniie as planted. Al higher clevaUons •In Independence from Ji sald he plans at Uils Umo" itionrt. llo.spittil attendselected for the all-Northwest Seoul city omeln!.\w-ho know bllllon-doIlAr DemocrAUc liouslni; seedbed preparations nnd planting to so ahead wlUi the visit. bill lodny survived ll.s flrsl housi luile fesi s flrsi In Uie call him "Incorruptible and W cdnes.liiy ta ll, spring grains made fair progrtu Al hli first new conference la te.1t. Bui ncpubllcan.1 served notlci isic contc: ■falily rood” last week. Frost dnmag* plelely hont-it." month. Elsenhower dealt also Miruery Uiey will Attempt to scuUle It will Tlie Charle.i F. KetterlnR foun. tis, Uobbliu iindcrwi been fully determined. Tliey de.wlbe him a.i more Ith Uiese other matters: iirly Wcdnc.id; rnlnif lor atlon, sponsor of the scholar inip. ‘ idvLr^r and orsanlier thai Nikon—Elsenhower aald he ex­ r.-viloii repair. The adnilntitraUon-opposcd bill as founded In 1027, at Dayloi a color pects It will not be necessary lor (C»lln.K) .n r « (. 1>. C.lu.n JorKcnji-ii mid Mm. HobblnJ I/icnl polltlca continued I .'ould pump one billion doth 9 noled lor Vice President Richard M. Nlxos ere the lOlh nml llili pcrKOiii tc Tllc^dlly M (he cluilrman of (he trciciury lostlmulAte homc10 lake over for him and reptebe tnkni to the htupUal by tihrr- rountyVDcmocrntic ccntr bulldlnc. BAckers won 1 (he United States at part of for Irentnicnl »lnce nitlee Lwiied a reply -lo GOP ^klmiLih when Ihe liou.ie voted 314 the summit meeUng. ijAtnrduy nfternnon. Six of the cIurRM ihiit Uie Democrnt.\' 0 ISB to coiwldcr Uie mea-sure. Labor manaRement—Elsenhower person.v IncIudltiB the iwo admit- I couiily c.-»nclldnt«.i Is "predoinln- Democradc *uppor(en said tin •as asked why Uie public would .rly WednMday mornlnic, nlly a rubber ainmp machine far 'cnierRency” blli wa.^ needed K not be represented at a laborApproxlnmleU' 50 Inw cnlorcfIn the hospllAl {ur trent- tie Uwytr who ;ombul A dip In hou.'ilnfc conAtrucmanARement conference whicli Is BOISE. April 27 nT&-The secre. .irty." Br The AMoclaled Preat" ■ nipni ofricpr.i from MbkIc Vnllry Ion which, they s-ild. could lead t( Iflry of the Idaho Society of ProPrimary rcsull* inllaled the Dor'S:. April 27 (17»—The negll- being arranged at hla suggeslion. cnnclildcd cln.'je.s In Ihc IVln Fnll.i rclPA.ied in economic recp.ulon. wn.^ the Aecond Injury iccl-; Tlie Democra fe.ulonal EnRlnccrs denied today prtildenlial hopes today of Sen, genl homicide convlctlonof Lorei. 11 already has been announced nty hftll Wednr,«liiy iiflcrnnnn In drnl on n ciin>'e outJUde of nocci le RlKni But nepubllcsiis and some eon- his crRAnlsftUon had endor«d i D, Anderson, Ruperl, was upheld Uiat reprcsenUiUves of labor and John F. Kennedy, MaA.iaehusell*, lure of Unyd J . Walker, Twin Palls ted there son Bliiee Snturdny nlKht. Walti conlrovetxlal aland of ihe Ktati and Vico President Richard M. today by (he Jdalio supreme court. business will sit In «.t (he session. allorney and chalrmnn of the cc Dyer,«. 33,, Silver Pealt. Ne no •'emtntency." Tliey board of examlncni. Anderson had been found guilty Elsenhower aald he believes th« Nlxc tr»l eoinmltwe, strikes directly irrcd n badly mnnRled nouneed the bill ax a "fiscally Irby a Minidoka counly Jury In the public will be represented. He adledy, who ha.i ral har A member of (he Republican pa re.'poaslble . . . budRet-bustlnB . . . Shermnn WeURerbcr anld tin tiid that latrr had lo l> board of directoro. at a Twin Falls ;nmpalRnlnR rivals for the Demo- dcaUi of Allene Kraft, a passenger ed that he has asked three repty's public Information conimltt< jpiilittcd when lilx cnr rollrd pork barrel . . . Iiandout." metilnR la.U week-end, uiianl- :rnUo nomination, outpolled them In Anderson's car when 11 swerved ^3cnt^ltlvcs of labor and three of iiid C' nnducl. / :fonlrol -viiilh of RoKcr.-.on L. jAine.i Koutnlk, by snylni; tli Rep, Clarcnce J. Brown. R., O.. lanagcment lo determine who laiifucu Koutnik nnd the Rcpubllcnn pni . nnd hoiue Republlciui.Whlp Leslie moaily rfjected proposed endorse­ all with orerwhelmlnu write-in Into Uie path of anoUier vehlcli should be on Uie conference comlight of Jan, 30, 1058. on problemx of pravi "cerlsliily nppcAr lo bo running C. Arend.1. Illlnols./annotjnced in ment of the examiners' denial o' lotaLi Tuesday In the Pennnylvanli " Dcpui: ' Shei ff Cluri-iu payment on a highway conlract l( nd Massachusetts prlmarle*. ftppeallng to the supremi f!c c.TNcs by n«)ljtrL n . w . iiRiif acnrtd." nee Uiat If the measure passed ero Service corporaUon. ,ho ln\ iKatcd the ITdS) Nixon, who has no announced courl, Anderson asserted that hi ren. Tttln FalU county i\ .\ nI.'>i .i i Wiilker'* st.itemenl conllmies. lUn fln l tesl. an anll-seitreKatlon Yeslerxlny. ScereUry of Stall Rlali police Accideni had been accused of more that vnl for the Republican pro;.«cutln(r nttonu-y. ■I'rnfllc fUii •Tlie .ilAttmenl rcleasetl by Koul ;ndment would be offered. the JorKer eporl Arnold Wllllnm.<i relen.ied a leltci tion, rolled up Imprcislve totals e offense and Ihat Judge Sherv.erp Ahoan before ihe lunch n lulh on hlichu,-t,y fl3 I which he aald ho h.->d reque.it« m J. Bellwood did nol ri'cognlM il burled Uie hopes of ihav; w-hc f'nIU led to negotiate a Irmn Blanton. Tlic leUer purport­ grant his plea for clemenc; ntcd to sec outbursts of senllTralnlnR-films opcurd Ihe nl thnt iths of ft mile north of IlORcr edly supported the ^Uvnd of W il­ ■ nl for Gov. Nelson A. RockcIn a imanlmou.1 opinion by Jus­ BOISE, April 27 (LTB-A llxUl rrnoon ae^^lon ntld uere lollowrt headline fall ftlll end, liam* and Attorney General Frank ler. New York. tice E. B, Smith, Uie supreme courl district courl order requiring the by A tftllc by Tu'ln Fall.i Pnlrolmau Demos sweep Twin PnlLn Dcn.ion. (lie iwo Democrats on the ilE.it » ld the CAr flld 10 1 fret :-room school at Atomic 'CHy“ died numerous cases In which the Wr.\ley Dolib.i on .-(carcli am •Prom Uie tone of lid the curve and stn 'TEHRAN. Iran. April 27 CTI - three-member cxamlnlnR board, reopened was affirmed unniicrime chsmed Included other ofM^lr.ure. La.il Itrm oh (he sclioo rclta.ied by Koutnik and hLi Broup Panlc-Blxicken rwldenU SRaln fled look resardlns the aero sei teiues as the manner or mcAna o; Imously today, by the Idaho suproffram was n panel dl.vru.ulon ephone (wle. ihrn tiimec 11 would tppenr that they contract. haltered city of Lar yesierduy lui rUihl side, He wild l :he commission of the crime. reme courl. *' u : a g u e AMERICAN with StA(e Police Llcut. Clark much Uie Anme Idea regnrdlns new quakes «hlch top­ OOl 000 MO-3 7 1 Tlie court aUo held Uiat Ander­ Eleven Alomie City resldtnls ItAnd 0.S moderator. A. H, Pcrkltu lie car was lorn loo.ie n l (he froiil hcndllncs In November." Walker pledrscnpo wenkened bulldlnps and added New York....... 000 300 100-4 5 1 son's plea of clemency was consid­ had petitioned Uie district court Dr.i,ic. 4upcrlntendcnl of Uic *tau nd both doors were ripped fi •'Such redlculoai per-' more dead to (he e.iUmated toll ...... for. a writ of. mandate, requiring . Knal, Ramo* (81 and/Baltey ered by the Judge who reduced the police.. Twin F^ll.1 Polite OhlH :i6 car's body. . sonirattirts'will not be welcomed if « » . Fotd; Durcn <8) Kipp (0) and sentence imposed lo four month: reopening of Uie school after It llotvprd Olllrlte nnd Shrrirf JAmri Telephone Ilne.i were torp fi by the votrrji of Twin Palls county Per.ions causlit In the latej :losed 'by trustees of Snake Today's Tim es-N ow s In Jail and a fine of UOO. 'Htc couri H. Benham iiartlclpnled m pnntl the |>oIe and the Idnho Power iltliouKh Uicy make n splendid qunkes de.v:rlbfd them as heavy. Khool district No. 52 In Mlncher, Wo.iJilnRlon said Anderson could have receiv­ company reported the pole will bn uusiitutf for lhc humor found tn membera. Perkins closed the rate 1 — Korea quiet alter They K.ild the eenler of the city : Skowron. New York ed tlie maximum sentence of om Blnithnm county. ^placed. The pole c.irrles both Uonsld Duck. rrrcnce WedncidAy iiflfriioon Rhee rulsnn as president. 50 mllM south of Tehran was ' The trustees hod voted In April, year and a fine of Jl.OOO for iht ; Lemon, WashlnRton 3wer nnd telephone Ilne.i,.bill Uie Space craft plans beUiR made Tlie Achool Instructed offlcc •Tlie llepubllcAu party-will at- ruins as a rciult of Sunday* ti s cImc the school. . offewe. swer llne.s were not daniaced. (he lnte.ll lechnlriiic.i In (rafllc crlnc nuaktJ and (he ahockj by U. S.. serious auto crashes tempt. lliroURh lu r.elf-uppolntcd continue In ihls area. President control, hDndlliis nccldent^ and Telephone company and power have lollowrd. I wera worklns a i the scene Elsenhower w a r n * RiiMlan.i ciher developmenly In law Wedne.iday momlne. acaln. Buhl driver senl lo state forcemcnt work. Attendance YInsst tnld the CadlllAC was prison for five years on dninkre.ienui «Ui(e p o lic e , tbc en drlvlns charRe, Cas.ila and pstrols and city police ftom demolished nnd aUited Uie Invea:lRallon of the aclcdent h conMinidoka countic* have infe.i.ImilnK. Tlie Iwo per.'-ons were taUon of head lice. Par* J—African nation ob­ reportedly iravellntr lo Las Vtgu. world-wide and lice are transmit­ BURLEY. April 27-School In Rupert. It was reported' . -e oUier Injury aceWcnU rtf- JEROME, April 27—DamaRc toiJudite Fred Eberhardt Tue.iday serves freedom. In both cassia and Mini- few cases had been noted at Uie Si ted through direct conuct wlUi an Pace 4—EdllorlaI: “Will the thorlUes WASHINGTON. April 7? WWA por(ed In Uie county Kinre Satur- n empty butldlnn on Main ave-laftemoon for faulty brakes after :a counties are eomballiRg e Nicholas CaUiollc school and sev­ infested person and IndlrecUy by tUhl money market In many f.irzn- lAy af(crnoon Include our north fsUmated at t300,bclnR cited by Jerome policemen, nme Ever Come?" id louse Infection among atu- eral In lieybum, bul II is not contact with cloUilng and head Pare 4—Elc>'cn people to ^ Ins Rrew hn-"' Ifd^h e pRrlculture if Filer, one Injured; south Of er a Ponlinc Jumped thi m e FrancU car first hit, . Its In all grade leveU, with Cas­ thought lo have spread throughout ar of such persons. deimrtmenl lo revfewlonn'need* of rb. shattered a plate Rlas.i win­ Chevrolet owned by Ihe "Wtvrlh' naturallMd here sia school officials here today nol the Minidoka county school sys- 'It Is no disgrace to get head ^ I’are 9—Court Inrmcrs*" for rcvLslon of Ing the problem has reached ep: dow and knocked down pari of > Side Canal --lice, but li Is a dlsgracfl to keep end of union shop. IlHAnclal request* from conurcM. denilc proporUoai, II as lliD driver was attempllns parked In .l Chlldren who are found to havi them." Uie official commenlea, P » ie '1C— Sub-dlstrlct track Secretnry of Ajtrlculture p:irA Cases have been found in a back Inlo It-parking place Tues­ ,ft«r slrlklns metl sei Friday, Twin Falls schools In Ca.ula count}-, according lice are urged to seek ireaUneni ddlng It 1* g family pn>blem Ta(1 Betuon promised to rrsluJy FIVE JAILKD day. Ponllne went u^ ./hich neeessIlAt5“ {rea1oieat of from Uielr physician, school au­ Bruins beat Idnho PalLv Innn lonn iieed^—e.ipeclally needs MONTGO.MERY. Ala.. April 27 Police Chief Pred Abrams re­ ilo Uie bulldlns to the central schoolofflce here, all members of the family. Pate 17—NCAA »pllls with wllh InfcsUtlon considered quite thorities say. fit farmers who .leeure help from furti—Three NcRroea and two while ported Mrs. Marjorie M. PTancls. by Paul Kartxhs Notices have been sent homa AAlj over mspcnslonj. the farmers' homi heavy In Oakley. No one has been Al a meeUng of Uie sauUicennen were Jailed ln.il nluhl o; u . Wendell, lold offieera Uic s m VVfli'land. ' Pate U — StAt« department xubmll Ills findlnss to tin ;hari;c3 of disorderly conduct nfte ihlft Indicator on her car did noi to the Springdale and Malta tral dlalrlct 'joard of heaJUi last ,’lUi school children In both'coun* man to speak to Federated schools yet, but public healUi week. Dr, J, Woodson Aeed. medi­ U u outllQlng prerentlfs aeanirta . jenale npproprlcitlon.i. RUbcommlt lelshbor.i In two whlt« resldcn work and the thousht the car wa: Da'maije to Uie Pontli Women's meellnR. parked Chevrolet was tr« which .hnndle.f th« depart' .lal areas reported visits by Ne ) low Rear. nurses have checked sludenU in cal consultant, notedtiUch out­ and ipeciflo treatment for-Uu tn>ment'a appropriaiion. ail other county fchools.. ;roestowhlt«lU)mcs. breaks ojDoat school u ild rca are lestaUon. Eha v u {incd 110 by Police it $20 each by Chief Abru&a. lir non e Aln’liii piiny {or Ihe di ir.'lliiK nrcp.^^^r}• I "bwx clldr nrrospnce tent vclilel adcliildiiul is millinii dnll provided In tlie new nlr biidKrI. An-iinnoiincrment came nmld t «erlM of Ap.icp Aclenrr ilrvclop' mciil.i In fonnrt.......................... If Ihr Ai idajntiit Ike Warns Soviets; Rhee Errors Noted Cold, Winds Halt Idaho’s Crop Growth T. F. Student Has National Merit Award Wave of Serious Car Accidents Continues .'50 Policemen Close Traffic Classes Here GOP Charge Answered by Demo Leader Billion-Dollar Housing Bill Battle Started Conviction in Group Denies Votes up Hopes Rupert Man’s Board Backed Of 2Candidates Case Is OK’d Court’sRuliiig on School Suit OK’d NewQuakes Hit Iran City of Lar Baseball Today HIGHLIGHTSin Review Set Auto Shatters Glass Window Dainages Building in Jerome School Officials Combat Head Louse Infestaition in Cassia County Areas PAGE TWO, / TIM ES-N EW S, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Koljcrls W ill Head Hailey’s PTA Officers Weather, Temperatures Chorus Sings Twin Falls News in Brief For Barley’s WICDNESDAY, Am iL ; Tipsy Driver Seen Today Sentenced to Ourtis Eaton rule•rlns bank buildin*;..'. Mnn ttrirl:IIS turquoi^o Prison Term cowboy boot.\ , . . i’uul Cline visit. . . Tvo elilkinti down . •ivo-tono with travel f.ldr 'vindows nK Into car y s. Onr Lrc drivI; ;lni: to Ki'otcry »tore . . , Man uaicrinK !.iun „,;il kcrpliiK watchful cyp on cloudy :^l:y . . . Woman tcllln*: of luiviiiK yrllliil1work to be done . . . CMr by won.cii patrolm.in Rrty Thynias, Kenneth Stanion. Ru[.ril, was ■ iifiiily strikilii: nnulhtT III front of fined J15 and co,iLs by IMpirl Ju>. . . Henry WHLi KettlnK AUfc!U^l Dtlhke npprarini; lute at noon •lolnl , . J. Alfred May holdJ, A. Moyl J15 and coMa by Judne Belhke lullurc to yield Uie rli;lit ul wa Krnei.t AlanLs, 1C. IJurli'j. lined $15 and co.sts by Judse B. ke for Jollowlnn aiioihrr veh too clo.^dy. )Ic L l.^'t of I fined ; AlanLi aho dir’t in liolr in iillcy ley JUillce of the Peuce Allred drrly uoinrn ^loAly crane Monday for ^p^'rdlnlc 9i poilofllcc Mrji miles per hour In « 60-mile rune en.M of MurtnUKh. He wa<cKed by .sllckcri I)l:>.^lc^^•(1 oil £ Baker Named President of Lion.s in T .F. Lucille J«nil!.on. Ilupei ncd J15 nnd costs by JudK r for failure to yield the nsht. Ronnid Summer.i, 17, Heybun as fined J2S and MoiuLi by ;iupcrt Justice <>I the IV;ic August Bethke (or nlluwlni; :\n tin ;horl2cd person to driu- his ic hide. Tliomn.1 Qrirrin. 15. Rupert, uii lined J25 nnd coals by Judse Uetli for reckle.« drlviiii;. His lin ; Mi.ipended nnd hl.i driver's II ae wa.1 suapended for 00 days. Nixon iVIighl Sul) for Ike At Top Meet WASIItNGTON, April 27 i.P Vice I’rr.'ldcni Utch.iixl M. Nixoi will KUbstlliilc tor I'rwlcimt Kbcii Jiowcr ftt Uic EiLil-Wol Mimnil eonfcrencM if ihe I’re.vldcnt so lo the Unttnl sutrs bccniiAC u domtitlc fcQUlrctm-nls. The White Home In rrportlri; IhL'i Ml<l KLicnhowcr coiilil »pfin only ft UTfk in TnrLi bccniisp i one-riny vbll to PorHiRnj Li pitiimn lor Mny 23. Tlic summit rnrctliiK or wr^ln! kftdera nnd Soviet ITnnlrr Nikld Khru.ihchev'U to opcti Mny Ifi. The White House <11Unot explnit domcjtic reqiilrrmrnls miKh tnftkc It neetviftrj' for the I’rrsldrn to return even if ilie Mimmli. cnii Tercnco dmcKwl on bcyonil Mny 23, But conRrcM tvill be ctrlviniT tnTrnrd ndjoiirnnicni. ntij KLirnhnwrr mlKlit fffl he .'hniilcl be- here I. iiiRn bllb Rn<1 help piLih l<'i;lslilln: throuKh In tho clwUic dnyj of tin •cs.'vlon. Damage Told for Tuttle Post Fire TUTTLE, April 27-nirrp r.lnr • Ke decki or peeled untrcntcil poM vnlued nt JlOO were <Ir.nroyc(l by Jlro Sunday nt the Rtor.iKP yi of the Pciita Pa't nml company one nnd r half inllcs northcMt of here, Leo nice, Goodlnc. dl«ovrrn tho flro white drlviuK or( n iirr\r by hichw.iy nnd reported it In Vrr non Rftvenjcrofi, p^rlnrr nnd kcii ernl jtinn-i|:cr of Ihf The Wfiidrll fir. V.M culled by llav Mid tho fire uaa m blnre iindtr the p previous dny. ’Hie covered by dirt ' had revived It i r offh'PM elpctetl are Noriarlinston. fir.sl vice pre.'lKuucne Brelnholt, uccond irc.iideiii; Gcorce Haney, ice president; Harold Stllei, inu-r; It, W, Hurdcn. mil : iialph Mc^'arlan^ secrei-asurer. nnd t’nul Dull nnd Wilb. Iwo-yc.ir director*. The (luiRolnR prrsldciit. Jo.-.eph H, Latlmore. prc.icnled member­ ship pln.1 to Ilie Krllon pre.ildent, Mrs, .Maurice Fickrs, for Fcllons.' JLTIOME, April 27—Mf.i. Ine; Mrs. Hubert Cimtr.v Mrs. Robert }''reemnn. SO. Jerome clvle leader Jones, Mr.. Paul Bull, Mrs, R, W. died Tue.idny nt a Salt Uke Clly Burden nnd .Mrs. Truman Wllkei were inducted ni new Fellnn menihospital of ft llnRerlnK lllne.'.i. She was born Aur. 20. 1900, for Inriil, rovram wa.i pre.iented by Sho.iJiono nnd attended j.cMooLi 'copy of II n rail.', hich Khool /.enlor.i there. On June 30. 1920. she wai ■warded to k! M)loi, SiiiRlnn were Jerry married to Richard O, tTeeman in It v iu decided n rr.wlullon Dr, R. W. Wilcox, a Tarm baritone, nnd Marilyn Sho.ilione. Tliey moved to Jerome ;tt speclnllst nt tile Unlv IjJiould be pri’pareil for iictlon by tho snjne year. if Idaho, spuke to About HQ Ithe Pomona Ornnse in the urlan.i nnd funner* Wedne.vlay Mrs., JYeeiniin waj a member o( the Pre.ibyterlnn church, p;uit pre.iloon nt Ihe American Letilon hall Icompnre «tth the feci charxcd by luriiii: the nimual farmers bnn- Idem of the Jerome Civic club, e i;<l Drydcn. ;uet of the Twin J-'nlls Rotury member of the OES and the Ho- Curll.i Pii.ikell IsurroiindliiK htatc.i, neorce Davis. 1 Mrs. Ira KWlcr. lecturer, report- liib. Jerome club. I as Red Cros.i :hnlr' 'rd the tour to the Idaho Ilancli Dr. Wilcox hns been employed World V Ifcr Youth, Hupcrt. would be |)a«- y Ihe University of Idaho »li aon.1, R, Include Iponed nnd the dnte let later,.. IH7, nnd recently relumed In Doyd tYeeman. Jerome, and Rob­ Mrs, Wandn Hayes niiiiouncfd trip nround the world whrre ert G. Freeninn. Ouatemaln; tno le textile pnlntlnu nnd c.-ike decit by the department dauRhlers. Mrs. Wllllnm E. Burks ratine demoivitrnlJons iUll be iKrlcul rlrl m Wendell Thur.^dny Dr. Wilcox told the Rroup of hLi nnd Mr.i. C. E. Crutchley; baUi JERO.ME, April 27-Mn. Kilty , Mr.i. Lol.' mday. thn ob,ien-ntlon.i of the trade altui Stroder. 77, died Wedne.idny Tlie lejtlle p.ilntlne and ............. Bench, Calif.. countries, nnd pointed out lornlnc nt the family home In Alberta Kennedy, Los AnRP- Jerome. rf crltlcLnm Irade.imen li nffnl bei;lnnln[; a . and Mrs. Beriitcc Dlllnrd, ritrlc.1 have Li thftt Amerl' e was bom March 3. 1B83, ftt nto the even Dol.ie: 12 Rrandchlldrcn, .1 wll B rvlce Fredrlckloivn, Mo, and was mar­ Ulendlni: n re n.iked to bi caitomei Funeral servlcc.i will be held nt ried 10 Edward U Stroder. June lunch. NO lee wni Dr, Wilcox stated he felt the 2 p.m. Friday nt the Crlppln fu- ID, 1012. Tliey moved to Jcromo 1, It Li spon.iored by 1 U, S. should continue sub.ildttlns nernl chapel with the Rev, John vo year# later.' ■idlft'nnd Pnkl.itan. Oldman, Jr.. offlclatlnR. Final rUe,i Survivors Include her husband, Jnck Smith wa.i proRrnm chnlr- I'lll be held In the Jerome maao- ne dftURhter, Mr.i. Olndy.n Albertlan. Wllllnm Roper. Diirley. wn.' leum. Tlic family surs“ H contrl- in, Jerome: two fons. Leroy Roinrlnn, Robert Snydei butlon.1 to Uie Presbyterian Me* Stroder, DllllnRs. Mont, nnd Elmer I for rial fund. IMendi may coll at Stroder, Jerome: two RrandchllforiMconilnt; district RoUr}’ mortuary Thurs<lay nnd Krlday ren and two rn'at-Er.indchlldren. fercnce «t Idnho f'alLi. until time of .services, Servlce.i will be nnnounced by 1. pre.'ented by BIL^ 'arron Dnrry, pre.ildi le Wiley funeral home. ■nt twi need 30 musicians will piny for TIIAIN.S ON MI.SSH.KS ly Mrs. II Kroup at 12:30 p.m. May 4 ere nre 1,300 .itudent.i from RICHFIELD, April 27 — Army nd Mrs. Robert Butler, uuti Rotiir)- prozram. T\irl:cy enrolled In d i f f e r e n t vt, Richard D. Sewnrd.; /. W. Carbon nccompanyiiiK '.merlcan unlver.iltic.i and collctre.i. nd Mrs, Joscphy D.'Sirwr William Ultlcnn. Ttutlc, and eld. is recelvliift elRht wrek.i of Mr,i, Doran Butler, on the eilucadvanced Individual trnli ee, Knve n pnnrl dliRUlded mLville crewman nt the nlr| •Problem.1 of WucaF L O W E R S ISO trnlnlng center. Bllis.l lion." The Mrs, Richard IlrunlnB was Ir Tex. ■ i ilalled president of the Memorb Always a ^ L it t u e u i ^ Luihernii school ITA Tu?sdny cveiilnit by Mr.i. Lcrna Wcrnt W onderful ^ ifflcer.i nrn Jnck Chaplin, Selection! ^ dent; Mr.i. m n k Krue,.............. elnry. nnd Mrs. E.-.IC '[Mein, trcn-Mirer. RE 3-2674 ^ HOIXISTER. April 27 — {•'ood I inrold Mink, oulfiolnt •cparaUon dcnionr.trallonj wrrp*.pre.ildent, was awarded a past ilured durlnjc a meeilnK of ilie pre.ildenfs pin by Mrs, BrunlnR. Imon Trnct Chet.i 4-H club S«. Devotions «ere led by Arnold Hel.fUrrnoon ftt the Hollblei wpKc on -A Christian Is n public 'o r a ' hall. official." A film, •'Cros.iroadi of • rolLi were dpmoii.Mraleil America,'’ wn.i shown. by Tamara niornlon; .icrainbled The roll call trophy went lo the iid.i Prtrrs: pe.mut butlf Ula Chadwick, nnd hsiii IwaLi, Stephanlf Paalnor. Marini Reese, a pre.nenl leber J. I.ouKhmlller talk by-Mr,' Mink. reports were Riven by Members dlscu.wed plan.i for tre.i.Mirer: Mr.i, Ed Me lOther-daUKhtcr luncheon. All members were iirned lo hrln CollnuRh, ho.spllnlliy: Mrs, Jnnn membership; Mrs. Gcrda lelr cnmp acholnr.shlp storirs lo ncctlnit nt 1:30 pm. Saturday at' Wallare, health room, nnd Mr*. :hf HollLiter OrnnRe hall, I^uls RIenke, hnt lunch. Cindft Qur.inetl, Murlausll, Re/re.ihme Farm Expert Is Heard for CIul) Meeting Magic Valley Hospitals S t . I J c n c d ic t ’s , J e r o m e i M u k I c V a l le y M e m o r i a l VlsllhlB holir.i nt «t- Uencdlct'.^' VLMIItlK hour.i 111 Ilte miitcrilltv wnrd arc frciiii 2 lo 4 nnd 7 lo II haM'ltnl nro from 2 lo 4 nnd 7 tu, i p.m.; Ill nil otlHT wnrils, from II U p.m. An.MiTTi;i> I ;» officer was dlspnlched t' Mrs. IVcd Abranw. Mr.v Robert .... scene of ihc crime, Whe: Mitchell nnd Mr.v Mrl Drl.ucla.: he rrtunied, he made the fol oft'liiff rnlry on the blotter: Alexnndi nil Jeromp; John Incall.n, 'nvin "Cmild not tmd ihr kld.i bii . Ilnrl:mni IMlLi: Verle Jnc»bsen. lluhl, nnd I'loliiisl .Mrs. IlonO' W. Snillli. Carry. i . Cohi 111 -nv; nisMissi:i> T.iro'. HoM- I'cind, Jnnirn M. Hi David Moore, Mr.i. OIrn Rolfc Mn. Krimi'th llilh.c. Nrl and Mr.i. Ulch.-ird P:»lcoiibnrc. nil K. Uiihy and Lyninn Cmii;hy. Jerome; Gary lloriou. Klmbi-rl) Jiiihl; Uili. Colyer. RoRi-r.wi; M Elln Shay nnd Mr.i. Chiirlotlc Drj Jaicph Wncncr, Jeronir. nnd D, JorKOjwn nnd Mr.i. Chnrlc-i Hob- n. both Wendell. niitTii.s bins. lioHi Pocatello. DISMISSKI* A M>n WAS born lo Mr. and Mr. M n — I.r.Nter t'i'hr:.o:i. Hobcr krthur Hennett. Jlniccrmnn. Slrvrf\ Mr,v niaiilc Abbot «n SJiOSHONE. April 27-A dLitrlct sun, Mi.v &ncry Kay. JNibcrt Wnr C o lta > rc , B u r l e y leethiB of po.iUnnalers wn.i held tin. Wllllnm Adkins. Mrs. Johi Vl-.lllnK houM at Colt.iRc ho.ipl ere Sundny wlHi Dale VlnlnK. JcUwrcnce nnd ImoKcnu Ulllon. nl 1 are from 2;30 to 4 p.m. nnd ime postmn.iter. in chnrKe of the 'IVIn Knllj; Ho.w Pond. Diihl; Mrj \ rom 7 lo 8 p.m. meetlnK. Approxlnifttely 25 postDale KhV. Hiipen: Jlownrcl Me ADMITTKI) iin.stei:i nttende*!, Ctinii Mrs, Johnnnn Younn and Alvli Tom Allen, reifloniil tralnlnt: ofnd iitnam, both nurlcy; Mr.i, Kll; Iccr. fri)m the jwitofflce reuionnl Kdrr Lohn aiil, lloyburn: Mrs. Pearl Divine he.idquarter* nt Porilnnd, was the Oakley, nnd Mrs. Joan •1‘urnei prli«:lp.<l speaker, tie dlscurjrd Dcclo. federal employe healtl IIIUTHS , Pf'«L...... V son ttai horn l» Mr. nnd Mr: •• ul Brylnld.icn. field service iin Paul, llc-ybiirn. , with offices nt UoLic. c rd ft nucsitton period clurlnj: ifiernoon on mutual postofllci M in id o k a C o u n t y .siIinK hours nt Mlnldnki probleni.1. -A portion of the Shaihone hlch niy hosplial arc fro school ciiorai. coaipavd of Jolu , Jim Handy, RIchnrd Mui AD.MITTKI) Oneida. Stnnley Vansnnt i Jne llartls, fuvni: ftt ft luncheon :he croup Iftood R. Werry wai ho.it pnsi c Twin Kalh Lloi ediu'.'.day noon n ^1 of club mvinbn Mrs. Freeman Dies at Age 59 Mrs.K.StroderIs Claimed byDeath Area Postmaster Parley Is Noted J Demand Growing For Newspapers Raft River Stake Meeting Is Heidi dtnke Sunday k IiqoI prcparalloi meetlnK sundnv nripnii>on. Prelude imisic fiirnL'lird by Llnd^ Steven.'.. Mr.v H, K. " led alnKhiK »Uh Mr.v Klovtr S (intl M1.M Slevenr. n.i iiccninpsi Onry t'oftl« led the iacrni Mrs. Bruning Is PTA Leader Now Food Preparation Featured at Meet n READ TIftfES-NEWB WANT ADS EXCLUSIVE DEALER In Mi{io Vftller for H A M M O N D ORGANS W H IT E ’S M USIC CENTER 22! Maio Are. F.a>l V o l k s w a g e n C o n v e r t i b l e (an o ir-fig h t cose fo r ow n in g an open-air co r) Swimming Pools for immediate installation n Lansa and N; were carried out by .leveml dreil police and troojvi who n ed 33 Africnn.1 In Nyanu.i nnd lOS nt Uinca, ' Keep tJic \7h'ltb FiaR o f Sarety 'Flylng jborlnK ItLOi republic. OFFICE_SUITEFOR RENT 3 R O O M S in th e B each B u ild in g . T he m o s t id e a l d o w n t o w n lo c a tio n fo r --------------------- i ------- CALL COLLECT Je n s e n & U lim a n P r o fc s s io n .'il o r B u s in e s s o f f ic e s . Now three days without a irafjic dca'tli In o u r Magic Vallc]/. O R Saveinstallafion cost by doing it yourself. OSTRANDER Agency, RE 3-4018 The lop of Ihe Volbwagen Converliblo is like no other. 1l ii clr:light end waler-jighl_ faecou»e if everlapi Ihe windthield •frome. It hot a rcol glo» rcof window and it complelely lined and podded — no JlruU or cfostbors show. Tho podding ij an intulolor, loo — tho poller of lain ii almost Inaudible. The VW Converlible shares every mechonicol virlue oF Ihs sedons. The rear engine gives superb Iracllon in ony weather. And Ihe engine is air-cooled. (No woler lo (reeie or boil over. No onli-(re«e.l Individual torsion-bor wspenslon gives you t^nconny eonirol over ihe roughest roads... Driving Ihs VW Coaverlib!# ii fun. h lloQls from gcor lo fieor. You can go 70 mph all day wiihout sliain, or bun nimbly ihrough iiop-ond-flo IroKi:. (You gel 32 mpg — regulor {joi, regular driving.) It ii a good four feel shorior lhan conven* <ienol cors; you can pork il wheie olher cors ccn't lit. • The betl way to get Ihe feel oF a Volkswagen Convertible Is lo slip behind Ihe wheel end drive one. Never mind tho weolher. Como Inond do il . ..th is week. C o h s fr u c ti^ n RE 3 - 1 7 4 0 RE 3 * 7 1 2 0 M c K e n z ie M o to r s 351 M oin Eatt RE 3-5226 W'KDNKSnAY, APRII. 27. IVcw African Nation Feles Its Frccdonil .TIMES-NEWS, T W IX F A L L S , IDAHO non of Mr. nnrt Mrs, Mrrle D.Iscr, iis.'lor of itie Clover TrinllT Baby’s Kites Held fsiil Lar.vH. roiitf 3, Diilil, *’rrf liMiI.LiitliPriin rliiirrii. ottlclntlns. Last tl 3 p.m. ?.!oiicliiy Bi llir Clovrr rllM wfir liMd ni Uie Clover ecra- Installation Ceremony Held by Moose Lo(I«;e Here IIl'IU.. Apiil 37 — Grsvfjidr trmrlrry u l^ i ilift C.irl Uo-^.lnrry. , MOTHER W I L L I E IT! G ene ra l E leclric A U T O M A T IC Cii riiiriiy. IJiii.iiii 1) V i ;. f Uliltt I',S. llr|ircMii(ril I G.n:v (l:rArd Tiuolr;,- mid liuil.tirdi rf Ii.rrlKIl (l.pldiimt.s iind ci|.' ,'lfiii^ IKickril lo MU' \Vf.%: A lllian' 1 llic llKli-'. RANGI 149®® fe- !.ui <-iij;jdfd III Wild (•(•Iiii:.-M;uii.| IlOU\lnK n.ltloiul r.iKiril nsl »l.illclnK r;o'Ml» Mi.ikrd rloliK Hip ! r»ul Wrich. Twin K»Ili, »fcond from rl*ht. Intiallrd i i ru’ T H'r »andv »ldcMnlki brliind n'.ridi'iil' of T»ln Kail* •fttoiAc li)d*e Xii. Cl: Mimdar rvfiiliic. rrrrlVM tlir Littld.^. I S4vrl friim ('.ale Kllllncrr. TmIii I'allv rcllrliii; s»trrni>r. It<m;il>l Tarchfi Milit cllr ] . . . . Oil loicliai brnndblirit ovrrlir.id - i;: “ . " '“ " " M o o s e L o d w An pxportpr (if cociin, roKrr nnd. jihospllntfj, TDKolaiid lirs brlwrrni Oliaiia on llie ucsl nnd Ualiotiifvl . tlic I ^ O ltll. IS CJlniil rlriiirilM • . ■II ■v| c|iij||l* aiit.iMullo .Shfriijip. Twin falli, rl*IU. If nrw Junior eotcrniir, Hrrman C'irrrll. lliipfrl. Irtt. dklrlrl rifinily njprrtii* lovrriiur. linUllins ulflipr. l.'iUK |ilii>l<>*ri>cra>liicl r4ii{r for llir niiiiir; V ehicle H it C ity C le ik G iven ' Non-Swimmer .HAS- HAt'AHI., C N e w 0 1 '1 'ic r tk u l j ” (!001>1.\C!. Ajilll A [M Walker^ TT L / U l l I As Governor I I’.till Wi'lill w;i!t llL'lliltnl as KIIV* J -•nior of -IVi,, Kills Moore l«d:;r ,, .S'«. CI!J. during n mrcUli* 'l\iP.Ml:iy! 'i\rnliiK al l!io Tulii Kalli Moo.'C nKyUUHN. Apill !7-^I*;illl / i\ ■ liall. . i’ sen, plnnl maiiBKr;- i>r ihi>/ m ' Hoii.ild .Slirnipp'M,in lii.'lallrd r.i „ .1. n . .Sliiiplul protT.ulii{i)l;iiil itiiitiir KO'criioi; Uivim Muiliiiiil, . Uybiini, rriioitrd ■nii's^iv no 'latr; Oniric V iri)rr.vnilnlive of tli(/\Vr.\lrin Probe Mishap If llir M..II.II11 ' biX'kliii; IiDiii nl (-oiliity Dt'pilt li'W .. I poho Collf.. »«» ^0tHrr^ln|: wlili pi.,,^ . '‘ I" ‘ •'i''-. Vc iiir.il v<'ni'U:iii .vlw .vhadi liiiiii; official* in nil rffoti ... ........ .u. rniisr of,» bollrr loom rM>l<'Mim' jwly ,'ij- j,;,., inil.icrd {)if iu««;,/i (l,mr m «Ji(ca li.u drfajril opciilJn: llir cjhj/0, jH.mjh'I I.lnnl. ipicnir novrriior. illii' m'lv cily i.flicr, WVUll,' IJaii/le, litv .Irik, No ttM hint 111 llir rxplo-! OlllKOlllK olllcru n »lon Stillday rvriilin:. KinployM Jlliilcir Kovrrnor; Clmrli .\1»lhlas.;pOMei’ iiiul ivalri- bllU caii be p.iUl will be nollllrd ahrii lo rriiort forjpn'li'lt; Claude Scvrrl, IfMMin work. II l.< lioiirtl lo ut-l llif pl.xnllw. H. Htiipi-Io. nnd Sllrnipii. m fiprn Inter llil.'i urrk. JIuiim'ii ;,ald. l.niis •Aa.' n-elrtled .^ecrrlary. -------------, Holdover IrtlMer.^ nir Hob I, 'nie reKiilar ll^lslllp.v^ nirctin nCAD XIMES-NEWS WANT ADS,Cocliri.il nnd VlrKlI Malone. C.rtii C'/ollowrd in.Maltnllnii of ofIlfl•r.^. II i»u; IN ( HASH ‘ '''j' ASUNCION. IMMnii,i>, Apul 2:: .1' l-'uilllri'll J)ri-0II1 uric k lllc ill^ ^ wlic-ll a b.ii [iliilintil lliiiiiu liilili.i- t:illlIU‘. iiiul mill K woik lliiIrN flotii Kliral liarliill .Mol • Let u( REBUILD your HYDRAU LIC JACKS New Jack Guaiantce ( C [ •u rv w'lTH c«)\. v o l'll i.«>.\<: .Ti-Mi;. » i;. KIDKNCK i-K.N»Aiii.i: i;-K iik a i .j :ii . ..«A i.K »:irs: 453 M a in RE 3-3839 A v e . E. laUoii«.«i;iiii nnd I GRADUATION SUITS S T E P - K E N A U T O PARTS C O . I ----------------------- 1. Your new grodiiolion suit ffo m livilics just the way you will, It excrciscs, lead you llirough on fu n d ions, will occom pony you "Maf/ir Vnllci/'s lAirf/rsf mid Finest Dciiarlmciit i>tnrc'’ Roper's will swilch seasons ond ocwill corry you smortly th rou gh your active summer of business or sociol (in slyfe) to college. M A N C H ES T ER SUITS 3 7 A snoppy, Qtlroclivc ond econom icol price in new all wool flonnels. A uthentic Ivy stripes ideol for the student's w rrung exercises, and for on octrvc sum m er/o f social occasions. .9 5 O thers fo $50 H a n o v^S q u a re Suits *5 Q $59.50 C A M P U S flURned liard fInLili nil wool vorateds. loiiK weiirlnB all w oo l "L«aihemeclc nvilLi,“ rich itllky looklnn mohftlr nnd A’ool b1eiia.v He'll look hl& b » l on sradjntlon nlclil nnti for many montha to :opie In tlie collcRe clnuroom. T O G S Canipin Tob» suIw arc dcilened for the roiir.i: 111 build wIlli Nllclitly wider .iliouldcrs ind more ilrndcr «aisl nm! lilps. Featured In new Ivy Wrlpe hop;-ickltiK and lld il and_ liirk ahadr.v , ■ Kingtridge SUITS ........................... Hort Schaffner & M orx SUITS , It^ s S L A C K S S U IT S TO • 5 9 .5 0 6 9 .5 0 M o n th at mm A S^olley Roper'i stores! g styl«, jvery fcvorite color, every fovoriJe fobric . . . 3nd In your size. • 6 9 .5 0 8 5 .0 0 R O P E R ^S Liferolly hundrcdi of slocks ot your M ogic Every fovorile $65 SO f f to *22.95 ilh e n Boys' Graduation Suits "S o»oda" Boys' W ath 'n W cor - DRESS SHIRTS wOliverlitjIe cuffs lo wear uilh :iifj llnk^ or lutioncil. Siren 6 (■ 13 find ncclc a 2.98 OrftduBtloii, from trade school l.i »n Important event ton . ., and we hiive ihe .Mill* to make 11 a meniorftljle xcn-ilon. New conUntnlnl *tyle.i In 100% wool flniinrl.i III the new «nil-I.ii>eted pania. Charcoal, grey. ^cliarljrov.n niidctiatiiiey. Slzci 1 3 -IB Sizes 1 3 - 2 0 21.95 25.95 Give A Gift' To Wear For Graduation! M P i K S I f H'k from R O PER’S—fl’t Right T W IN FALLS - BURLEY - RUPERT - BUHL si r,\r,E F jii'R . ^\ EI)NI:?I1A Y. APniI, 27, 1900 TI.MES-XEWS, T W I X F A S s . ID A H n Missionary Talks ;ri';..£ At LDS Service' :i;. Ih r y do l)i'h. ih ilf (lr;;piir ih f lIKl W.lMlllllJS. Kvrry <l;iy (if <';iirlcs :i njjiiHl-ii|> Ijccn Involvcil In niiim iru lfic vloliitlrmr, in ’ often 111*' n iu in l ii|i coUiini) ill ]ciit:ili. ’l<i .-..i 1;. licit fiiiiytli. iioii.s :i;i w rli, Snmo Idi up In Ih clr aticnii);:. :>> lion, D t iir r Iliiy mini Il'iiflU; aiv K ln il.. anr] vii.:.i!iun;., ..r .I im c uarti tlH'in riiiiri'ly. In .'unn- nlM.nicr:., rvni ;ic<:oinU.;^f vinicAl (icalli.-. In irnttn' .•in;i.>hUp;- ni'C (•;u j'lc'cl on ln.;i(lc )i;ii;r,i. Tlir 'rinif.'i-Ncw,-; ('(iiilliiiins li.s d a l l y roiiiHl-iip, ur.tialiy .stiirilnn "ii (In' Iirst p.iRi-, 111 llio llnK Pilni: lioiin tlia i Minu’ diiy tlio.sr • dnvlnir car:, will ciniit’ ici Ilirlr ,--rn.sr.s Ilin (Iriink dnvi'i'.'., Ihr, jx'r.'.l.slcnt vlolaiors. tlic .sprrd niaiilnr.';. Ihp llji'lll .irpkcr;;. ih r .sliowtiff;;, niid .nil llio o tiirrs who arn nnthliiR inoic nr In. ;i-tli.in iio lniillnl klllrr.';. K.irli y ra r 'J’lir 'I'ravplrr.s Insiir;inc(‘ com lianlPS m ake a .‘siii'vry of tr;iffli; arcldrnt. an d fntallUcs. Hit* rrMilt.': nf w-lilcli :u p com pllrd In an Illustrated booklet titled ‘•’Tlic Dlslionor R oll," T lih y rn r t lir vrimrl. Is iiKiiv cnicsomc lh ;in ever before. It. ,';iarl,'j off by remliidliiR all of us that, more I I n n fi:,(lon.nno \\-omen an d cljlldren liave been killed or In­ ju red on o ur lilRliways slnre llic first nutnmobile chuBKod nol.slly ilovrn eobljlc.'-.loiie itreet. 'M ore A m ericans, U enii>li;i:.izes. have died o n oiir hlffhwajSs lim n in all the wnrs Ihl,^ country h as fotipht. More have been Injured Ih n n h i n il th e worlri',^'war,< combined. Last year there were fiOO more death,' n nd so.ono m ore Injuries on U. S. hiRliways th a n were recnrded In l!)f>8. Kainlltles clim bed to 37,(i00 nnd innro th an 2,B70.000 wTrc In jiircfl as a rc;;ult of .tutomobllc nc* cldcnts, By fa r th e slnple blRKOsl eaiise of accl* (lent.^ rt!,">ultlnp h i deatii or Injury, nccord* ,hig to tlie survey, was speed. More than •13,1 per cent o f the deaths and per ccnt o f IhP Injuries were blamed on speed. . Second blKce.M killer was the driver on th e w ronc side of the roail wlio cau.sed •),790 deaths du rln k lDri!1, or If).!) per ccnt of the total n u m b e r killed. AlthouRh m a k ln s up le.-^s than M per rent of the drivlnp: p opulation, driver.^ under S.'i years of aqe were Involved la nearly 20 per 'Jj ccnt of the fa ta ! accidciils, Tliere were 1.1,-1;{> H n youiiK drivers under 2h Involved In fatal accldcnt.*> d u rln i: the ycar—2,010 of them under 18 years of ni;c, Tlie cau,';e n f this slauRhlrr screams for nltcn tlon ,.M o re th an f!5 per rent of all fatal accidents last year was blamed on hum an 1"“' •error! , More th a n 85 per cent o f ilic .17,(inf) deaths |,rr,. occurrcd becau.se ,*;omcbody behind t h e j iriutr<i idr »il! wlicel shrufTKCd o ff the counlle.ss h lc h w a y ; iiM iy niiiiinr\ .•iafely news.storle.'; and editorials the Tlme.s-1 A drru Nows an d htindreds of otlier ' l[nw \7il iroT across the co un try p rinted durhu: the ycar.ij^u-n Th!.? roll call of, hlphw ay fatalities Is no' secrct dn cim ien t hidden from the public CTre, In newc^papers and bulletins, letial and Ki.vrnhnnrr'.i kiicr lo uir c h ii liolire repori.-:. In courtroom.'! n nd JudRe,-;'' " ‘-'’'J' ''Tf c•ub,^u^ ffpi in^ riim chamber,':, i Iiq names of tlie dl.shonored and ; „„ th eir in no cen t victim s are made known t» nil. .And n o t the name.'; alone, but the calaloRue of th e ir deeds Is open for everyone to . see—driv ln c w hile drunk, r.xccsslve speed, vlo lalinc the rules of tffe road. JnywalklnR. failure [0 d im lights, running .stop .slRn.i. an d all the .other offcii.-e.^ coinnilitcd by Ihe.'^elvitentlal killers. I t !;; fjulle ap parent th a rd f.'p lte the .slatl.stlcal li.M.'5. the cotntrooin .'^cenc*:, the Jicw.'.paper headline.^, an d tlie .'.i)otllcht of iii' .'oii p ublicity, we continue 'to Iciiore this preat n n d nccdic.ss waste of h u m an re.sourccs and ninterlal values. . W e .shake our heads In sorrnw-over friend,^ nnd-relative.'; li.sted, clilUirrn killed, live.'; Iin ri hllRhlcd. n u t th en, a.s in we add tliej nam es of 37.Gno men, womeii nnd children killed. 2.870,ono injured, maim ed and di: Wr coiilil JirvM- lold lirr flRUred—a n cvcr-lncrea.sluc toll of dishonor. Jlilt wr'ir Kliwl .Mir tlld ;ot of jiroplr lli.-i’ lit '— UTi.7t :''r i? ''Kgrp 'Tng!n? :“i'.r'inT''.t0iTin nn' th is n atio n al dl.'^Rrace? Obvlnu.sly, no onr!|„ 'ha.s found i t ’to date. Kacli year, more ai;dj n ,, more of nr, liecdle.-Ksly forpet or Intentionally ter .N •, Hill It ! \o (IliTCBard tlie inc.'i.saces of nur .safety ex­ objct-livp irf:ilmnii p ert!. W c.refuse to m ake th at )>cr.sonal aim-: llie Ur.'l f.^nniplc ot objtctlviiv m nrii.'t ph in ltm c n t to Rreater care which Is ncce.ssary klior of conceriu Ihf RctlvlllM'of U*nynp ? Moi.m If wc nro to .survive ih c'Jiolocaust of our Mor.^e Kfl"’ wlrtf covrntse from iirndpnpfr,^ «jio hiRhways.' Bcnmw him cdltormi:y nimply becftll^e h f m«kf; Are wo ready to ad m it It’s only because iicttj. And Hint 1.'. IJie kpy. In llie 1D56 rlrctlon.v llif Dfmncraw rrrf.vrrt nmn o f our own Indifference, selfLshness, 111 OrfKoa ne«»pnprr.» .simply brcnii.-.f concern n n d irresponsibility th a t t h i s iiftt.v.spnce H:ry mnrte mort iieu*. Ana man nri^.vpnper,? Ip.mi filQUghter continues? O r wlH the tim e comc 3 ihe RepubllMn slrtp cdiiorlnlly. w hen each n n d cveryoiic of us, by .some llul bnck to Juvenile np«j. Tlic Biillpun pul.lL'lir' Hilracle, w ill dccidc to .strive con.';cienllous!y c»s of nrtilrVrmrnl o.' ihr yoiinerr cmfiniinn to lower thl.*! deadly toll and"make our hlch- minly l)fc.^ll.^p penpir hnc nrf miciP.Urrt la ilu* of jniiih. \rays safe avenues o f commerce nnd ple.xsurr And ihis i.\ft rc,il rrrdii |o tlir community.—’I'lif lo r nil? YOU CAN'T BUY ANY CAR FOR LESS...UNLESSJT5 A LOT LESS CAR! Thrrr't no xrrrrl abniil it~Chcvm!rt cnn gife — vrtir morf hnfic comfortx and cfimniir/im brcntinr it mnkrs mnrr cnrs ond hiiildi thrm mnrf rfl'tririuly. a niatlrr nf fnri, if nl/trr Inir-pricrrl rnrx gmr you trhni Chrvy dnra, Ihry roulrin'l nfjord tn hr !nir pricrd. But chrrk lf}fsi‘ Chriy ndfnntaf;r.i and tee for ynurtrlf uhnt u r mean. ^— - Ynu'vf>col 2t encinr.lMnsmiwnnroiiiliin to fhno.»e fftini—mnfp Ilian .my olhrr c.ti . And C liovy’.n the only nr ill field wlili nn nutomntic lli.it Himinnlps pven ft hint of ft .»bifl —*atin-s I'liuli Turliogliclf.* You nNo get oil-liuntK'ti h; lr.iulic v.ilvi> lidPrt in nil popuk-ir rMRlnp.w; loilirr Clipvy oxdiwive tlint life. FupI ccnnomy? Tli« prnlonc* vaI Economy V8 ecta up lo IC Ji more miles on- every callon #n<! Clievy'* Hi-Tlirifl fi I* famnui fnr tlip way it skimps on cn.i. Only Clievy amiiiie tlie kaiiine low-priceil iliree lias lH# trietioii-frrc fiKliioninc of eoil spriiiRs in thn rear. ,\nd wliile woVe iplline you why ynu slioulil g<'t into A Chevy. 1ft* not for'Kel thn. hicher enlraiicp h fijjh t th a t make* m i*o much c.viinr. Try it jftr rrtinnmlfol Sri; your local aulhorhed GlievrokUlmkr for fast deliver!/, Javimble deals GLEN 313 M ain Avenue W csr G. J E N K I N S Twin Falls Phono RE-3-3033 TIM ES-NEWS, T W IN F A L LS, IDAHO WEDNESDAY. APRIL 27,19G0 Eleven Persons W ill Become U. S. Citizens Here Thiirsday Eleven lorclcn>born rcsldenU o Hrlcna. Monl, Included in the croup are two cnnrrlrd couples and one nilnor child, 'rhe couplci to rceelvc cltlzeiiildp arc Mr, and Mrs, Karol Mori. D pcIo. both subjrcu of Po­ land; nnd Mr. anil .Mrs. N'eUcrl. jr./llryburn. both clllMii.i of Hiisliia. I’atrlcin Ann Diilclie.^.i. 8. who ttci.1 Lurn In Austria, aho will Ix; noturBllicd. Her pctlllon wm nicd by her jurcliM. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dutchcu. 0:litr caniliiliiirs are Mrs. MarR.irct Jayne Brottnliii;. 3CX! Loeu.it hlri'ct north, subject of Canada; SlilKc 0"akl, *3lj Mum iivciiuc BURLEY. April 27 - Mnnic wulii. Jnp;m; Mr.v iMibrl June Valley .MethodUt Men’s club will;N<kI. Riiprrt. Canada; IH-rcy Clyi c liomita quaricrly Kcnrral nicdlnn Caravan, Durlry. CmiJa; Mr.^ Ui-lnl the Rupert Mcthodl.it cliureli Mehosr Uiekroii, Ruiieri, An:.5 pjn, Sund.-iy, May 15. it wa., an-il^ali^. ,md Ja-e aold--.ru7. Hurley, iiouiiced by Hornld Brown. ............... .. , n\l\ at the cabinet mcctlnK held! Hir rnmlidaltj Mill be iclvrn the in Durlcj' MclhocliJl church Sun‘O’ 'he clerk of ihr . min nn.i Jialse Ward will kIvc a Jihort tail:, llie 11 will be prvsL'ntcd 'Ilie Rev. Edward Dixon, minis- Untied S lalu fla;s and ii boiiklct. ler oJ Burley ctiurch. Is «hrdiili-d ■Icoirie lo USA Cltlzcn^hii).’’ to be the mMn •■'peaker. Oflicers by Arnold HcUciir. rcpri'.venliii': Mill Le cicctfd at the dinner...... Amrrlciin Ln:lcin past No, 7, Ins. iteprrtrnlfttlvi'S from 12 Miiclc Valley comrnunltlrs attended the cabinet niL-etUiK which dbciis.wd TV’ln KhILs city coininl.vinners IjiislncM mattcr.s to be brouKht up have prod,limed Mny 1 as "Law tiilore the Kencral niectlnK. Tlie summer quarter ncneral d^iy USA" In Twin F.ill.s. and meetinf; will be held uicahi durlnii urKi'd churchp.’, whoo-s. civic tlie family camp nt Camp Saw- and fraternal ori;anl:fttlons lo toolh,-north of-Falrfleld, durltJC. _J9*1_hL.'he_ oluerviuice. ’Hie Hie Labor day week-end. , school and utlicr etvlc obwrvaMcx niiiy Uke pi,ice on « Castletofd will ho.it the fall ncnr Mny I. CDinnil.'.iloiier.'i (juiirwly JHfcIl;)): Nov. iO, while iirmd Ii'nat profwlon Intmbcrs J’aul will have tlic winter jneetlnR' to lend their suppnrt to mnke fcb. 19, 1061. Tlie uprhiK Kcner.il thLi event Infurmntlve and meeUnK will be held at Durlcy May mrnnlncful. ■ •J, 1901. Cabinet meetlnss have KINKI) AT BI.'IIL1:Y scliedultd for Fairfield. Aur. H; Jerome, Nov. 0; Twin J^ IK Feb. BURLEY, April 27—J m y C S. 15(31; Kimberly. April IG. IDOl, Wllllnnia, 52, Burley wiis fined S25' by Police Juilicc llcno' Tucltcr for Luther Koonce. Fiilrfleltl. was appolnltd to rcplacc Mar.sliall Intoxication, tie wa.s iirre.slcd by n Flilier on the camp coinmlUte. Burley police olJIcer. Oilier appolntmenui include Earl llelilel. Ca.itleford; Tom Mahan, Jerome, and Brown. Twin Foils, lo dr.ilt bylawn lo ftinencl the club eoiuillutlon. . Wan). The ctrcmony will bfRln nt 2 pm. nnd ^^1ll be the (Inal «lrp to imturBllrAilon lor the 11 cniicU' dates. All have lllcd a petttton lor niiurallutlon and have piurd V*1 V » d i NoD-IUrdr AlfiKa; plant na«, pto» undrr IhU (ill. Viloht t! T W IN FALLS STORE •EXTRA SUPPORT sh oes fo r their y o un go ter E N D -O F -M O N T H C L E A N -U P ! Men’s Group Plans Rupert Meet May 15 CHECK THIS SprcijI lilcldfn <on»(mcllon fMlnir, in CIIILP LIKK Aid. Ke,iliif«- Slior* (iMviclr V '™ ali/rd lil" ond r«li,. J>ipi>-'>t , . . and jii\l .11 )oiif y^lllnK^ler iv,mls, Aiili come In thf' pi>iiid,ir >1ylri and colon other lids wear, .See llirm »ooru A ll o v e r A m o ric a 2 .8 8 Hity-nrad styling . . . I'laiii fro iu , flitp back pockets. Specially treated fo r wash R E D U C E D ! MODERN O C CA SIO NA L CHAIRS 'n wear, little iroiiint: need­ ed. " Boys' 6 . 1 2 .4 4 Sturdy hardwooii frame w ith beautiful fiiclory .select frieze cover.s. No saB spriiiKfi Kive e.xtra support, and wiiifr collar l>ack fits you ju s t rinlil. Blonde wood finish. A.s.sorted colors. CHECK THIS SHOES 116 M ain Avenue North SAVE N O W ON M EN S ' SPORT SHIRTS 1 .6 6 Charles A. Little Honored at Rites VISIT SON KFTCHPM. April 27-Mr. and Mrt. Dan KniRht left for DllllnKS. Mont, today lo visit their son. Ed>»rd, and his family. While there KnlRht will direct work of placUiK the roof on his son'a new tlte tind paint builncju house. _____ BEDFORD CORD C OTTON SLACKS m en's hizes 2!1 lo .1 R ; Get all the fc u liirfs ymi look fo r in slacks. Univcr- . Law Day OOODINO, April 27 — t'unerftl Mrvlcea for Giftrlc-i A. Little were held at Thomp-ion ehnpci Sat­ urday afternoon with the Rev. Paul V. LaRue. pastor of the Fir.st Melhodtsl church, offlclatlntt. TtiO »nK» were flung by the Rev. Jack Foreman who fuml.shed hli own piano occonipanlmcnl. Pallbearers Included We.<ley Goodman, Hare Vaden, Merwln Ludlj. Andrew Colvin, Robert But­ ler, R. L. Dixon, Fred Ilendcrlck«fn and tformm Jone.i. ConcludlnK rites were held In Bmwood cemetery. ask for the old e st nam e in Vodka W ake up to n iiisic! G et ex­ tra powerful reception, , clear tone. blK-Hpcaker vol­ um e! Value from heat ’ii break r-re.sistaiit case to : Kweep second haiul on tho clock. .$ 3 3 STRIPED POLO SHIRTS .... 2 for 1 . 0 0 m oF. I BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Tliey are cMy <o enre for shirts with iJiort Mtcvcn nnd mnchlno WMhflble. fionlorlicd too for only... B O Y S ' DOUBLE K NEE JEANS .0 0 1.33 L*S"S‘‘J 4 5 .0 0 .... 4 . 4 4 , 12 ONLY D A C R O N PANELS .............. ............. l. * 4 4 3 ONLY SCATTER RUGS, cxtro deep p ilo .........5 . 0 0 BETTER CO TTON DRESSES .................................2 . 0 0 2 ONLY CO CK T A IL TABLES .............................. Q .C O FOLDING LA U N D R Y CART ................ • 2 .8 8 2 ONLY LA R G E SCATTER R U GS, 4 ' x 7 .0 0 ASSORTED SHO RT DRAPES HADE niOM QRAIH BY L RaSXY I a t , HAHTFORO. COKX, Group IncliidM ribcrsliui, Antlgus taUna, anti Boiielw, Mwlly 30" IcngUu, sonjo Jull Itnglh. Polr _ _ _ JU N IO R BOYS' SPORT S U IT S ..........3 . 8 8 and 5 . 8 8 V at.d y e d blue tlcnim jeans. R iv eted and bartncked fo r lo n ger Aveor. Snnforizcd. Sizes 4 to 12. H u rry. SUIT W IT H REVERSIBLE VEST .. ....... .............IQ . O O K NIT COTTON SPORT S H IR T ..........................I .4 4 , Dart's platform : 10 ON LY UTILITY BLANKETS ...................... .^ .3 .0 0 : 18 ONLY D A C R O N PILLOW S, xJp-off corcr ....2 .7 7 ; 6 ONLY L A W N SPREA D ERS............................ , - 5 . 0 0 ' POWER M O W E R S, 2 2 " R o ta ry ..........................4 8 . 8 8 CHAISE LOU N GE, rovortiblo p o d .....................1 7 . 8 8 ! NAUGAHYDE TV PILLOW , 1 7 " iquo ra ....... .2 . 9 8 ODDS and ENDS CHECK THIS lo w price* In o v o ry g a r a g o l ' ^ t ; Ladies' - Men's Shoes | . O N E TIME OFFER! J I m e f o r a c h a n g e ? J j ^ . T h e s m a rt c holcoi Is D artj I t ’s w in n in g th e v a lu e v o te I S P E C IA L Maidenform BRAS i Broken sizes and lots . . Reduccd-fo Cleor. Shop corly and sove. Limilcd quantities— 2 .0 0 - 3 .0 0 - 5 .0 0 j MORE SAVINGS FOR INFANTS ; K NIT POLO SHIRTS ...................................2 »«> 1 . 0 0 i DACRON-COTTON S L IP ............ ................. ........ 8 8 c : SHIRT ond PA N T S E T ............................................ 2 . 0 0 IN FANT B O YS' PLASTIC BRIEFS ...... 66c CHECK THIS I LA D IES' FAILLE DUSTER COATS PRE-SHAPED BRAS ........... - 1 .0 0 ;; A CT IO N STRAP BRAS .... .. .1 .4 4 y COTTON HALF SUPS .... ’n*’i6 1 .0 0 I ti .N Y L O N NET BOUFFANTS ....................................1 . 9 9 { f’ FULL SWEEP BETTER B O U I^F A R T S .................. 2 . 4 4 : ’ BAN LON BRIEFS ............................ ........... 2 for 1 . 0 0 • GIRDLES ........................................ 1 . 9 9 , [i B R IE F PPANTY AN' F a ille duster coats in silk- j ‘ an a weave. Fitted nnd.tu rn ­ back c u ff. Fully rayon lined. ;i Colors In black, ffray. an d l! rose. Sizc.<i 10 to IG. DODGE DART I It'gnotBurpriant; thatbuycre birfAefAoujanii *Di<nSiitltrrtcHn<ilhrsMilttDiiairl«*-p1cic*n arc cMtine their ballot /or tho now Dodso DODCt OAST CA«r CAR P CARC Dart. I t hoB all tho qualiHcationa they ft-ant. rsiiiJM StKECA Jney Blwp# A prico down with tho lowest. Exceptional pia mileage. Plenty of room and .comfort. PIOKCER rtlrtiniSO] BtMin ' B*lAlr KntHar stylinif and interior*. The Bolid piiocmx Cillilt forr Impib rtrcncth of onc-pieco Unibody constniction.Chuck these qualifications ycurwlf—soon. Dod(* DMiMn fi( ChtyiJar C«rpor*llon - NOW DOt}OE OUILOS TWO QRCAT CARS: lOW,rRICCO DOOOE OART, LUXURIOUS '60 OODOEI>£ESE ilO T O n 00. (00 Second AV^ 10 Boutb BOB'S MOTOR CO, DUm/-ANDV BUBLET—BCIILET MOTOR CO. IH a 1137 Overland nUPERT—DILL THOMAS MOTORS iie Oth street El CO, D ie , JOO Mata Street . CHECK THIS SK IRT and BLOUSE LENGTHS 5 0 ~ ea. P re cut lengths w ith ju s t th e rig h t am ount of m ater­ ial. S p rin g sheers an d s kirt w eig h t fabrics. Y o u r chance to save. A ll washable. B U r DA CRO N PRISCILLAS Efl.',y lo cftre for Marqulsetle Ihnt rcslsU tun. mildew and Insccta. No 1 ■.0 0 sUrchluB or »trel«hln(ti* Double ■ width for extra fullness. While only. | 160*01-. ^or 3 . 0 0 2 C otton broadcloth w ith cir­ cle stitched cup. A lso w ith la m inated flannel bnnd.s. H u r r y while they Inst. 1 [ buyers aro ju m p in g o n th o D art a n d h ig h e c o n o m y —an d T\ns w _ $ 1 4 88 A ssorted colors. Size.s S, M : ■ DE N IM CASUAL PANTS . ..........1 .5 S ' an d L . h FLEECE-LINED SWEAT SHIRTS ...................... ™ ..7 7 c R flN F O R rF n 'rO T T O M BRIEFS I nn 2 ONLY R 6C U N E R L O U N G E S ......... REINFORCED COTTON BRIEFS ........... 3 <or l . O O ^ ^ p ^ j R p r , n t ED DRAPES. 4 8 'V 8 4 ‘ ;C H EC KTH IS 1721 O THERS to.... CLCCK-RADIO with G. E. TELECHRON® CLOCK MORE SAVINGS FOR THE HOME If it ’s m a il | | w it li Vodka sa m cn ’H rcRulars and Iohrs ( ‘loHCoiit o f earlier s])ec ia l! Pick fro m .stripes, lierririKbone.s, diaKonal. fa n c y wcavc.s . . . all care­ fu lly ta ilored in I’enney’.s ow n n-l)utton moiiel WORE SAVINGS FOR BOYS A ll better quality fiport .shirts in cottons and rayon. ; ...S im ^ Pfnneys f o r th ose w h o th ink tw ice ab o u t rayo S P E C IA L B U 1T W O O L COVERT H A T ond CO AT SET Slie'.-i All Rcl lo Ro out with mommy m ihls ndortiblc prliice.is style cont nnd tle-on bonnet, Rnyon twUl Uned.' Nivvy, jiirawberr)' red. While ovcrcollnr. Toddler sires I to 4. 4' PT h■fALF a S LIP S.......................................;......... 8 8 c U D IE S ' WESKITS (wool) ......................................1 . 0 0 COTTON KNIT BLOUSES ...... ...............................2 1 5 0 W O O L ond WOOL-BLEND S K ik T S ....1 .8 8 • 3 . 8 8 S P E C IA L B U Y 'H RECEIVING BLANKETS ............................3 for 1 . 0 0 TODDLER BOYS' COAT ond HA T SE T S..........4 . 8 8 WASHABLE TODDLERS' JACKETS ..... .. 2 . 0 0 I REDUCEDI TODDLERS' COTTON D R ESSE S....1 .6 6 MORE SAVINGS FOR MEN J L/GHTW EIGHT U N IO N SUITS, broken i3 ze*....9 9 c i A R M Y T W IL L SHIRTS, broken l i x o * ................1 . 7 5 i SW EATSHIRTS, ficcco lined ................................ 1 . 9 8 4 ONLY STOVE PIPE JEANS 2 .0 0 SPORT CAPS ............. ...............- 1 .2 2 SPORT COATS, 6 only ........... — 8 . 8 8 EMBOSSED COTTON PAJAM AS 2 .2 2 .......... 2 . 4 4 - 4 . 8 8 ; O R LO N BULKY SWEATERS ..................................8 . 0 0 S SPRING JA C K E T S ..... W O OL FELT HATS ........... 2 .0 0 W O O L SHpRT COATS.........7 . 8 8 - 1 4 . 0 0 ■1 6 . 0 0 ALL-COTTON W O R K SOX ......5 pair for 1 . 0 0 i SPRING HATS, moitly white ................................. 2 . 0 0 2 for 1 . 0 0 COTTON TEE S H lR T S ...... I SPRING JEW ELRY, largo o iio r t m c n t .................. 7 7 c .... 2 for 77c COTTON k N lT BRIEFS I CLEANUP! SHEER NYLO N H O SIE R Y . . . . 2 pr. 8 8 c .....2 for 77c K NIT COTTON ATHLETIC VESTS I IX^PORTED ITALIAN W O O L STOLES ---- . t . . l . 8 8 WOOL-BLEND DRESS PANTS --- ..........-3.66 CANVAS GLOVES, B-ounco_______ S p o ir l.is • PLASTIC FRAME DARK GLASSES ....................... 6 6 c COTTON BAT/STE W A L T Z G O W N S What V»luel G»y printed niehtles 1.00 In tod, little or no-lron cotton batiste. TheyY# adorably styled, trimmed with ruffles ‘n ribbons. Buy aererei: Slus 32 to 40. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, IDCO TIMES-NEWS, T W I N FALLS, IDAHO ] 25 Rcj)orte(l For District’s PTA Sessions KBAR KAYT HUB IHtecTClM flV * h ll M K IJ X Kllncftln) (IJIO Klldcjetfi) t ,l;r. (IdrKnlffi from . iii'.-.t.utlicciilr.M ia;il . v.,r nl!.(lny Ir.idi ip hiL.iwl liy ilie-nvlii Probate Judges, Officers in Meet; (laiididatc Is T.F. Speaker At GOP Meet Ci-cll Callimi; Ihlhl. Tlili ilall; ><-l>e(Iulr of Irlcrh anil radio profram* li prcfcoled ■X a »rrvlce lo rcadera of ms tliB T lera oi riitiei-Neu't. U itlntt ire turolibed bj the aCallfla. An; rrors or chancei aliuuld be repurled to Ibe lUtioa llKlf and ool th TtfnM-Nrwi. Television Log itldldi W’i^SHINGTON. April 57 Cf-In of t)ie luinnitt conference witl what may h-'ive been n surprise lo Ru.Mla next month. him . Sccrrtary ot AKrlculture Ezra Tlic AmlllnK Jlerter, accompan­ Taft ncnson rrcplvrd poMes yester­ ied by a party of state and defeiiM day Instead of Ihe UMiftl brickbats department experU. lell neurby from senators reviewinK hti Andrews air force base, Md.. by ancncy'a .\pendiiik’. ' milltar>- Jet at 0;:0 a.m. lEDTi. romiiiended. Mr. TIic plane refueled nt l/QrlnR Secrc •. for w I >ou have done Blr force base. Me., and then mild Sen I an ovemiRht Mop in I^iiclon. P’ron ., told there Herter and the olficlnb will turn. Ko lo Tehran for the ttiree-day Rur.^ell U chnlrninn of a senate ministerial council mecllnc of the .ipproprlatloas subcomiiilltee which Central Treaty orsanlMtion iCcnheard testimony from Demon on a tro) which auirts Umorrow. budRet callhiK for nearly six bil­ lion dollars for the department for the fbcnl year bcRlnnlnR July 1. •'i have bren very critical In commilive and ou ihp lloor of th< SHOSHONE, April 27 - About .'ienate on your f.irm prosram prO' J liW damnRc resulted to a IDSr pasal.i," Ru.v,cll Mid, "but I warn diesel tractor when It broki le center .Monday nfternoon 11 mill's norlh'.vesi of Sluv.hone. A trailer, hitch came loo;,e. spillinR the tractor onto the road. ciirch h.is kept ill' breaklnR It In tlie procrw, accordluR to Sheriff TlioiiiM W. Conner, InvesllRHllon officer. Charles C. Tlin;na,-,nn. Wendell, before coiiRrc.'.iloiial commit tee^ have been mar/ifd by eau-'tic ai- Idn.. wns driver. Owner of the lucks on tiiiii by both Democrat inctor wns the Wenilcil Imple­ !ind Republlc:ias who don't like his ment company. ’Ilic driver .said h w:li irnvellni; about 35 miles pi approach to farm problems. Benson hlnuvelf may have set th hour at the time. chanced tone ye.iterdny by an MILWAUKEE, WLi.. April nounclni; at the out.ici Hint thLi i.n-A llRlit plane Mruck n hlRh Viis perhaps hU last appeal tension wire over the .louth side before the committee. He has WASHINGTON. April 27 m -suburb ot Cudahy la.il nlKhl, he plaai lo return lo a post i llie senate has unanimously ap' buru into flumes and crushed on> leader of the LD3 church at Salt proved a J4.U77.Ol4.OOU approprln. to ihe lawn of a private home, Lake City at Ihe end of the ELsen lloi\ bill cnrryln); funds lo hire ad' kllllnv the tun men aboard. iiower .ndmlnlstnClon next Janu dlJlonnl fntminf retcnde (icentj Police Chief SlKinund Bukowskl nry. crackdown on Income -■^Id the two men aiiparently wen clients. father and son. Ife said IdentUiCa. The bill, approved by a mil call tluii cardt In Ihclr wnllets both otc of l i to 0. Includes fuiids to carried the names Walter A. ZelR. •un the trea.>.ury and pasiofflce ler. West Bend, Wls.. a small com^ department.s and the U. S. tnx inimity about 30 miles northwest court for the fiscal year slarlinR BOISE. April 27 aTC-Denlnl of July 1. of Mllw.iukee. t30.40fi claim of Aero Service Bukowskl said rc.icue workers corporation. Salt Lake City, for moved the '/rlKltTS within a J services to the stale hlRliway deinlniite* but they were dead. piirtment wns made a pnrt of the inlnules of the Iward of ex.’Unlners yesterday. • SERVICE Attorney General Frank Be nd .Secrctarv of State Arn()ld Wiillanis. both Democrats, voted SAN QUENTIN, Calif.. April iRaliL'.t payment of the cnnlroverCaryl Che.wnan m js he s ha."! ft chance to escajw execution ,lal cUlin. Gov. Hoberl E. Smylle No Exlto Chflige next Mondi>y even thouRh the U. »»• lone Republican, siuned It. S. supreme court has .-ilammrd •IHd board .secretary. Stale Audiwhat the condemned innn's attor­ r Joe It. Wllllam.1. .sent the claim ound to Individual members of ney calLi "the iMt Judicial door." Che.wman's niiornty. A. L,. Wlrln the board after n IC-mlnute meetin order to Ret the denial said, ''nie only remalnlnR dour hr official minutes. It had open Is the Rovemor's coiwlence." Che.Mm.in basi's hl.i hopes nn been turned down earlier by IndlI'o inaiiaVine investlRator.i he be­ •Idual nicmljers, AlthniiKh both Denson and Ar­ lieves liiive uiicoveriil evidence that could chalienRc hLi Identlfl- nold Wllllam.1 .s.-ild they dLvipCfttlon as the Lm AuRCIes lovers' proved the claim neither signed C O M IN lano bandit' who b Kuilty of rob­ papers saylnR *o^______________ bery. kldnnplng and .lexunl ns.will. Qov. Edmund Drown yesterday all but ruled out cxecutlvc clemcncy that would save Che-isman. W E D . — THURS, "1 am coiuiltutlonnlly now pro­ hibited from exiendlns clemency," Kerwln Mathews-Kalhryn Grant the governor *ald. Rlchnrd Eycr — Lorln Thnicher 'T H E 7eh VOYAGE OF StNBAD" PLUS Gle^in Ford-Jnck Lemmon Anna Kar.lifl-Urlan Uonlcvy KELLOGG. April 27 '^1-The more than 2.000 Mine-MIll unlna "C O W B O Y " employes oT the blR Duiikcr Hill company, may be votUiR on a new contract proposal tomorrow night. Out It mlRht be n strike vote. MlnlnR circles here reported la-st nlRlit Uiai a special ma.\,i meellnc called by tho Mlne-Mlll W E D . — THURS.' for tomorrow niRht to di.icu.i.% James Stewart—Rock Hudson "major developments" may be n Arthur Kennedy—Julie Adnmi contract bslloiuiR session. Neither fide will confirm nor "A T T A C K OF THE deny the report fliat circulated 5 0 FT. W O M A N " 'lere that vole on a new pici P lut Color Cartoon iKrced upon by neROtlators is coinlnK tomorrow. Cruelty Charged In Divorce Case iiRTican de.siH-radoes were held icoiniiiiiiilondo bv Ciib.in official; id.iv while the lcR.il wheel; Miiiul out ordrr.^ for tlidr return 1 NiLwau lo face British charRC.N f murder nnd plr.icy. The chiirKes aB;iln.'.t them kllllni; a charter yiicht captnin who offered to re.'cue tliem from in Isolated Uland In the Ilaham.v ind then flcclns In his boat. •llie men are Alvin Table, Jr.. J5. an Arkans.-ui adventurer, nnd WlIllBm Secs. 23. Torrance, Calif The British embiuuy requested thi'lr extradlllon to N.wau to fnci tlie chiircc of munlcrlni; Cnpt. An. i;tu IJoaiwrlcht. Key West. Fin. and the chnrKe of piracy. Officliit.' here raid conviction on either charpe could lirliic deatli. Driver Training LawEyedAgain .. Hiilewlde voluntiiry driver e( cation proKram for icen-nsers \ tional m.-.tliiites of licalth. Ilethe.-.. council'.i driver ediicatlnn proRram LMratlon ua.i fllrd In Tiiln 111 be revieueil liiirlnR a sprlnc, probate court Ttiesday In the da. Mil, estate of Mr.v Jo.-.le .nonham by Application forms may be ob- leetlnR of the council May i;> - J4 lined from Agnrs A. Stronk. civil I S:inilpoini.,'nir review will In­ Olio E. C.'tldwell. a brolhrr. Tlie petition say* Mr.r Uonham Tvice exiiinincr, or from the U. S. clude a talk by Oienn Hall, Doise, died April 1!> In Canyon county. ctvil M-Tvlcr ciiniini.^.M<m. Wiv-hiniT- •hairiiMn of the council's expcuUvc 15, D. C' ■ommltiee, nl a dinner May 13. Ren! and persont»l property doe.Mi'l execed $l.:oo. Heirs include the liu.'.!iand,'Floyd nonhaiii, MItohcll. Ore., a son, Bold T hem es M oke •mornas McDonald. Salt Lake City. Trenton. N. Two Die as Light Plane Hits Wires Funds OK’d Chessman Sees Chance to Live be subnltted to the IcBlilaturB Penal Jobs Open Kiiln next ye.ir, Pre.udenl J, Positions Open Williams of the Idaho S.ifcty ScleiitLM nilnilnl; ■ r po;.itio In Civil Service Council iald yf.^ierday. Papers Filed in re ncm- available Such leKU-.lalicin wa.i Introduced U. s. civil :enieo coiniuLv.lon rie.'. r.niiiiiiK annually from i7,03t) in the 19&9 ICRL'.bture, bill failed announces examinations for wiperto »13J70. nnnounce.^ the board of to pa^v Woman’s Estate vliory Jobs In trades nnd rrnfis In miners, na­ Willmms nnnnunced tiint the (e<Iernl penal and correctional In' Petition for letters of admln- M emorable Movies! . PAIRPIELD. April 27-nmeral *er\-lce.i for ^%’orth B. rielcher were held Monday afleriuwn In thi Fairfield Community church will the Ilev. Hoy DimnaRnn official. Inc. Mrs. Vlelor Plana.sUy tind Mrs Alvin Carman .^anc three diipl.' with Sharon Carman as accnm' panLit. OrRan niu.''lc w m played liy Mr.i. Allen Ol.icn. Active palUjcarers Included Hsi ncy.DeMlers. Craic Hupp, Charlr.v IMckcr.'on. Mnnnle Shaw, .loliii Pniil'on and CcorRe rerkin.i. jr. II(iiio;^r>- pallbcarcr.i were Jark rduiitd.% William Simmons. M uts Unllaiid, Air IJnldwIn, Frank Terkins find Cirl IJenlrow. IIKETHEVlllLEHIUNDUERODE! 1 H0UR [ncwmcSw*) A T 9:50 ONLY G T O C A C T U S Vote Looms for Kellogg Miners P E T E 'S "The Fun 'Spot" ft South of the Border BEHIND EVERY SAVINGS ACCOUNT HERE... BIG 4 % DIVIDEND Current IUt« EXTRA E A R N IN G POWER! Put your m oney to work for you here . . . incrcosc your incomc in the cosicst, safest woy . . . open your sovirgs o cco un t right owoy. W E A D D T O ACCOUNTS REG­ U LA R LY ! Y o u r sovings are constonlly co rn in g . . . end corning a t 0 h ig h rote. A nd, our method of co m p uting and compounding means even M O R E in dividends! Carriers Get Order DOISE, April 27 (ITS—Tw o........ , carriers were o^ered by the pub­ lic utilities commUMon yesterd.iy to show cnuse at the statchou.s« here nt 8:30 nin. May 13 why their perm lu should not be revoked. Fred Rolierts. motor carrier nlidltor for Ihe Pt;c. brouRht comrlalnti nRttlnsl Mnn'In Dnldwln, Caldwell, and Archer TrucklnR. HIT S IN COLOR! Denial of Claim Put in Records Lions Prepare Desperados Held For PiracyDeath For Elections HAVANA. April :7 — Two -Worth E. Fletcher Honored at Rites (KUU KIIi>c>rln) T W O BIG EXCITING Shoshone Notes Tractor Mishap im £ iii Wir 7'iUfl Kill.? )Uiiiy Wnimii'.i llcpuhllcan club n'lllii: .Mdiiiljiy nftcriiooii. (.'.ilhimn ilL'-cuvi'd two bllb ol. •Kly public law B5-8M, ye.fiJIlcrr iiiiil the n.illonnl defciLW cducn■ Id.ihi ■ ‘“'*■*'111111 nrt. Aho <ll.scu.«nl were the Irnlnliii; -vho.il lo rxi-1 .'.chonl roimrucllon act ot 10(10 nnU muni ihr .Muiray-Mete.ilf bill. n iry ntlnuLfd Ihr f of llii' riiiljaiKiii aim juiT' 1(1 1 • bllU : dance lillo Ofll.'cT/i ii!.Miciall0M. in's freedom by individually enlleellvrly crantlnK to a cii IDlirlm: yc.Nlcrday^ m-:..|oii. Ihi Tw.111 rnlU roiiiily proUallon nfll' tiiLylnner of education at Wwihli , D. C.. the power lo dictate , Ilclvii Ilendi foiirt." n drniiin cour.'cs of Atudy, adinliilr.tmtion "A <1 lul c.-.lal)lUhment of n tenchcrs' ll?-iUuu r.hov aKC Male, bale court i. ‘••Hie niperlnl<'mlenl nf ]-ruiuiinl Und'-r the collrctlvc Iiiuj, local nrliDols. Max Snow, nimkc on iiub- cnntj-ol would be ali^orl)cd by n federiil bureau, aceordins to Calilc .'.choul partlrlpAtlon In the lioun. ,, rrctluri <if Jiivi'ullr ilrllii(|Ui Jiidce •nuToii \V.iril, •J’win Kall.i. Mrs. I.. Jnmer Koutnlk, prc.-,lttn.i KUi'st j.pi'akiT nt n bivnquct tnt, condiicti'd ihe ineclinK. .Mr.'s. J. WooiLvin C rm l told the M-veii incdlni: last tUcht. main polnt.^ of the Poraiid bill. Slir The proKram ended today wlUi flUoted riKUres to aIiow the caM ft workshop on Juvcnllr relmbllltft. would far exceeil the Kovernnipnt tton conducted by llobcrt E, Par. estimate of a bllllnn dollitr.-t for bh. n.v.|.'.l,inl Mipcrlnlendcnl ol llic fir.'t ye.ir lo provide ho,-.plial. d ■ine.ndny nlKht at Koi Iho Khool lllTP, .MirKlciil and nur.'iiic cnre for " cafi'. Aoclnl iiecuriiy priuloi l.cj Rotith nnd nnymond eprclcr lid Aoon overcrowd pre.ere iiomlniiUKl lo r prc.'>iilfnl; Mo.'pliaH and force cowtructloit of Spreler. CralR Ornyblll nnd Hichard Hrunlnn, fir.'it vlcc prejldcnl; Mm . Koutnlk pointed out In art Grant Kunkle nnd I-’rank Nielsen, Mrj, Mnry J<«n Miller filed null dltlun to the fifteen itillllun &oci:i ^ccond vlcc president: Henry Pit In T»'lii Fulls district court IMea-, lecurlty peiwloners. there arc loui :.(in and Avery FloyU.- third vlct day lor a divorce from I''rrdily million ftRed persotw not eoverei pre.ilUfnti Nnil Holmes, secretaryLeroy Miller, chirKlnR extreme by ioclnl security who could Im treiusurer; Erne.',t Koto nnd Claron cruelty. niedlnl«ly demand' tlie Mvnio bene Smith. Uon lamer; noberl llu.ilon id U, I,. Ward, lull Uvbter;. tw Tlie action .ilatea the coupli tnnrrlnl Nov H. lOS!!. nt Seatlle. Mr*. Creed wamrd that covern' jenr dln-ctorji. FdKnr •ninmi>.'c; l-V.ink, Nielsen. Clarrnre Hansi U nole.i Mrs. Miller has iv iient ofllcmit spendinK t.i>:piiyer,N , Ilrnrj' Person, nnd one-yeiir dren by n Jonncr mnrrlaci iioney for niedlral service.'' wll directors. John Winters, Nick Mr.v Miller n.-.k.i a re.'.irahilns end to control ho.'pItali. nur.^Uu L.irry Kftlin. Avery Hoyd ordrr to prevriU Miller from' In^ liome.s dentW-1. mir.vs nnd pliyLOtt-ell Wills. terferlnB with her life. $7S K .ilclftiw, and from ni'ces.iliy. wil nnd Offlcer.i will be elected nl 8 p.m. carry her thronRh until the ncUnn ■ntunlly reKlnient the pallenLi. next Tut'day at Koto'.i cafe. U *cllled. jso for expenses of Hie kn Invitation was clveii to tli< speaker wa.n Mr.i. II. O. ftcllon and attomry lee.n. croup to Mtcnd & luncheon May McCftll, pre.'.Ulent of the Alinu'ii She also rrque.its n lioa-.c trallci 4-nt the noRer.wn hotel In honoi 'ub, who spoko on tho “woman telcvWon jcL and slcreophoiilc id of Mrs, Claro D. Wllluin.i, n-'uiL-itant ; the yenr" awards nobert N. W. DallfL'cn, Tv,ln ^'a1L•, chalnnnn ot the Natlonnl Republl. Alfred Brnkillii. i iillltee. attorney, rrpreseuis Mr.v Miller. rrvert stltullons Inctudlnc (oreman, p-iy^ InK »2M 10 $3.(H an hour, nn< lend foreman, $3.45 lo ^.41 nn hour. * Appllcnlion foniLi may be tftlned from Aitnc.i A. Stronk. I). & civil service examiner, or lx>nrd of U. S. civil sei^-lee examiner?. U. S, penitentiary. Lenvemvorlh. Knn.i KART KTKI (ir o ItlloCTClM* iii.il Cimnrr.-.^ of I'arriils IM.1 JlrM MaJf ini'liibiT , cliri'clrtj Kroup <ll'iiilrii; :iic nlierntxjti »p/.ir fourth dUtrlct JTA ■ni-^vlny fit Iho Tttln irir hiKli .Khool nudl- III 1'1'A tnclicrs >nc1 mill III In PTA Inlrr:il iiiil to cilucntlon. liir,i i i:,.: to read J-l'A piil)liiM IWII’ If) IncrfXv; uUrii(l:iiu n'. iTA iiiPrtlnKs. how lc> ma mi iii l‘> piirtlclp:ilc In Kiniip ‘li‘ nnd .MlrrlnK p.irdiiAl in Ic w l in *clio<.l ttilldr.ii. Tlie croup nlso discir.M'cl in'iticv niakinn.projccl.i uild Mixi K' liiicil /..lid PTA rroups should net tm thlnw Jor which the- .TlifKti is Bctunlly rr,-,|X)ivsU)Ii-. DurUiK Uif nioniuit: -.iDiir. Ml/. Kennedy save the fmir li.u-.ic <mi cepUi of ITA. xvhlcli iirr l!ie f«li of PTA. role nf llip I'-nlcr. rnli of the mrmbcr Mill Hi'" part lli^i the pro«ram piny.' m pta. Benson Given Herter Takes Off For More Talks Demo Praises Secretary WASHINGTON. Ap.'ll 27 1': of Stale Christian A. look off yesterday lor Iran. For Research Ilertcr Turkey nnd Grt-ece on a new round of western ne«otlailor.s In advanct MAGIC VALLEY RADIO SCHEDULES Every savings account is Insured to S I 0 ,0 0 0 by Q U.S. Government instrum entality. O R G A N IZA T IO N F U N D S INVITED 4 20 M oln A ve. South D ial RE 3-2233 Qnallly Eleetronle Serrlee for SS';«an- YOU SEE MORE-ENJOY MORE Via Cable Vision Service W EDNESDAY aianne! 7—7:30 T.5L Perry Coroo Show (:30 r .» . Fhll Sllvm C«medr “lavestigate before you invest” ,JOBERTMITCHUM-ELEANORPMKER GEORGE PEPPARO • GEORGE HAMILTON .LUANA P A m ^ CiNtMASCOPE •«(! METflOCOLOB DOORS OrEN SH: ★ S ta r ts T o m o r r o w ^ T HURSDAY 7:00 r.M. Wa<on Train B;M r ^ I. CrouDcho Marx Quti Cable Vision, Inc., RE 3-2234 u n iH } 1 ST The O.VLV Satinc* and Loan AuocUllon In Made Valley nhoie Aecoanta ar« INSUltEO by a Fedenl Atency.. F E D E R A L SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION : O F T W IN F A L L S 2.33 2nd S t. No. — “The SavinR S C o rn e r" — R E 3-1222 P e e W e e K in g 3 DAYS O N LY FrL-Sot.-Sun. A pril 29-30-M qy 1 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 27. I960 s l^ N T IM E S-N E W S, T W IN FALLS.' ID A H O Parley on Aging Deliiyed in State Fakfield Boys’ Staters Aie'Selected BOISE, April :7 Ip-Tlic ROV,| rriior'.i coiifrrrntf on niciiic tin'l brrn po.^tponpfl trom Mny 5 niid! 10 in June 0 ntld 10, A. K. Mcml-' BOinciy. fliairiumi nt Uip vovcnior'.i cumiiiL-.tioii oi> nsinr, niinQuncril.> DrlfCiitrj ntr r.siirctrcl lioni nil [u»rl.i of llir Miitr (ii (hr Miiiixn-' on rldrr rltir.<nN, lir R E A D T IM I-S-N E W S W A N T A D S . SAVE M O NEY with PLANNED CREDIT I I MoniKonirry miuI oul;^ of Mirby L,v.•v.^ uiid »lul p!iv.ilr ulll l»- iiir->rnl''d III RKA13 TIMES-NKWS WA.NT ADS Voiir THln l'4lli REXALL Production Credit Planned to DRU G STORE M e e t Your Speciol Needs Now Gives nOBKRT HOWLAND S T E ^ N TACKHAM CI.KIX HALI.AIll) . . . Ihree C»m»» eounly hljh ichooJ Junlon who halt bten named deltcatc* lo l»oj»’ ulalf. TIiHr parrnla »re Mr. ind Mn. Walter RowUnd. Corra I; .'Mr. and Mn. Cliarlr« I’arkham and Mr, and SIr». Clauilc ilalUrd, all Falrrield. All three arc active tn uhool and ehurrh ada ln . tKtalf fniravlnt>) Tlie IndlaniipolLi motor Mifed- GOLD STRIKE STAMPS W IL E Y R E XA L L DRUG IZi Khnihone Rl. No. Is a S'l mile paved ov.il. It Camas Notes Speech Winner wny Noted at Burley al.%0 contains a roU course. Delegates to oneDURLEV. April :7-'-DMlh nnd man" u n.t the Illle of the bine Y o u w ill find it in the G O U R M E T BAR wlnnlnx talk Riven by Rich­ ^ Boys’ Event pencil ard Smith nt ihc Rurley T Imndters mee^lnc nl ihc Nnllnn:il F iuiirc y o u r rn.-iJi iiocii.s fo r (ho wlmte I'fn]) year. Dccide on llie (tutc.s yoii will ni'od (lie nionoy, n iiJ ymir chcck w ill be.rcndy fu r yon on Kchcdtile. dm FAinPlEl-U, April 27 - Ctimiva county lilKti Acliixil wilt be rcprefciilcd nt Hoy,V slate by Ilobcrl Itowlnnd, Mn of Mr, and Mrs. Wivlter Rowland. Corral: Steven Packham. Bon of Mr. and Mr*. Clinrle* Pftcklmm. and ClMl Btill.ird. *oi ot Mr. and Mrs, Cbude Unllard. Ilowlnnd plnyed football three }’car«, Li n member of Die C club, . Ims been n atudeni director of the band. Attended mtule fe.Mlvnl and niiLilc clinic And was n anxophone Rololst nl the festival, Hb H Junior jitudent body rcpreicntnllvB and the ft.vLitani yearbook editor nnti will be editor next year. He I* a incmbErof the Coniniunlly clwch. l>.ickham pluyed footUnll onil b:L^i:etball three years. Is vlci. prMldcnl of the C club nnd will bn both 0 club pre.-Udenl and stu> dcnl body president nexl yenr. He ha5 been on the annual and Snownhoe Maff three yriira nnd Attendpd both reslonal nnd dl-ilrlcl declalion festlvnlv He L» a Junior cln.w Vico prcsWent oiul J.> an BCllve member of the LD3 church, nallurd also played foolbnll snd biuketball tlireo ycar.v He hM played sou.vaphone in the band I Miree ye.im. Attended mualc clinic I And ff.iilvab nnd competed In the ^tftln muile clinic thl.^ year, Jle Li Junior claw [ire.^ldenl and will bp student body trea.iurer ...... yi:ar. He Is on the Annuul Snnw/Jine stnff. a member ot the C Qlub nnd of the Community church. hold Monday evenhiR. n ils per­ tained to the Chc.vmmn murder ca,ie tn CAllfornin. •Tlie little mAn who wasn't there" wa.% Ihe subject of Walter 'rtiomas' Inlk denlliiit with Ihe worklniw of Uio TouUntistcr Broup. Richard Jone.^ w.-is liible topics chairman and each wa.i n.nked Ui iipeak on •Tlie vncniion I would like mwl." Wn)lnce Shnrplc.i wiis chief critic. Jack Hollund wn.^ Rrammarinn and L«s Trout was ton.itmaster. Members were reminded of the dLiUlct Toa.<!mn.',ier mcetniK to br held At Twin FftlL'i nexl Saturday. READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS Saves You Money! M ake Ptifc you liavp (lie tmnic.v ym i nocd for Rct'd. fe rtilize r, repairs or lalxir. I ’riHluctii)ii t'reilit InatiH p ro v ide for ciillivntiim . ciiom in il wocmI niul c o iilrol, harvc.st co.sl.s aiu) storaKC e.xJWll-’iU. N E W A R R IV A L S You cati rep ay when you .si'll crop.-t or !ivc.><ti)ck. lU'paym ent m ay be filled lo yo ur m arkelinK pro* pram . Interc.st J.h charjccd only fo r llte n um ber of days cnch d o lla r is uacd. G ourm et Houto N O O D LE NESTS Tho porfccr Patty Shell GlobctroHer PRODUCTION CREDIT FISH BALLS Genuine Norwegian ASSO CIAT IO N Main OHice TWIN FALLS RE 3“ 8411 — "M a g ic Valley’s Most Iiiie rcsting Store'* BURLEY, OR 8-7422 - KRENGEL'S H ardw are GOODING, WE 4-4312 T odayp u t your car a n d y o u r c a r e s in C 0 N 0 . C 0 7 S h a n i d s . . . Grange Hears Of Fii-e Truck anoSHONE. April 27—The ly purcbwed fire irueic for North 6ho^llone area U ready ftfr use. S. M. HaII reported at the Wood niver center Orange meeting Iwt v.eelc. Euuene Oulhde conducted the GranKo meetlns and WArd MilL^ reported on a recent dance. Members voted to nend a letter to the IJncoln county commls' hloners luklni: for them to e.ilab' llsh a votlnii precinct in the Ki' inamn dl.itrlct. Members voted iS to the cnnccr fund. Appointed to Invc.itlRAte wlrinR in the hnll »,err Knrl Vln.ianl, R. B. Kelley and w. W . Whitehead. Use of the hall w m Branted to the Wnod River Uve.itock <-H club for Uielr parcnU banauct next SAturday and to tlm county Home Demoa";lrAt1on council <or a lea Mny 7. Mr, • and Mrs. Robert Hewett Pnyetle. former member.v wen vl.^ltors. Refrf-'hmetiUi were aer^'cd by Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead. Last Honor Paid W. Thornsberry • BUHL. April 27-Ftjner#l serv­ ices for Walter M, Thom.iberr7 were held at 3 pm . Tuesday at the Albert.wn Memorial chapel with Uie Rev, Warren McConnell, pas­ ter of the First Methodist church. offlclatlnR, Mrs, William Walt sans two aeleclloni accompanied by Mrs. Ocrald Jen«n. organist.. Pallbearers were Ernest Plnkalnn. Delbert Alexander. FVed J?e>75oWj. Pmnlc Mattbewi. Robert Reynolli and Emory Do'anl. Coneludlns ser>-lces wer« held «t the Buhl city cemetery’. a n d y o u ’ll s e e w h y C o n o c o is t h e H O H E S T B R A N D G O IN G ! T h e s e a r e t h e h a n d s t h a t c a n m a k e - y O u a m o r e c o n f id e n t d r i v e r l T h e s e a r e h a n d s y o u c a n t r u s t . . . f o r service t h a t g o e s b ey ond . rouV ine- Night Observed 3UGERMAN. April 21 — High council nlnht wa.i observed Sunday « t the LD3 church with William Choulu In charRe. R. K. Bcndorf KAve the Invocation. . Speaker* were Robfh Hallowell and Qolden Darlow. both Jerome, Mrs. Joe Haycxlc *#ns a solo, aceompanitd by Mr*, C le m e n t Prince. KrUtie Choulcs and Karen Lowe played a piano duet. BenedteUonwaa elten l'T B l Larsoa; HAS THE M A G IC OF R A D IA N T CONTROL . . . f o r p r o d u c t s t h a t g iv e y o u a n e x tr a m easu re o f v alue . A l o n g b r o a d h i g h w a y s a n d h o m e - t o w n s tr e e ts , t h o u s a n d s o f C o n o c o h a n d s a r e t a k i n g t h e c a r e s o u t o f m o t o r i n g . T h e y e x t e n d a f r ie n d ly w e l c o m e to y o u a t t h e -s ig n ip f t h e R e d T r i a n g l e . I t ’s t h e i r s k i l l t h a t m a k e s C o n o c o t h e H o t t e s t B r a n d G o i n g . = FLY STAY AT i* I • AIKONOiriOHIO SALT WKE C m f’S FINEST HOTEL Molof O ill Get round-UMwJock protection with Conoco nll-scnson SuRCl! Exduaivo Oil-Plating* actually . “ .plates” a magnotic-liko film o n oil en^ ginopartflthalwon'tdraindown—even overnight!•IVtJemiirk iml pil>nl o>ok1 by ShtUOJ (;ainp>ny. - G fltolint! Supcrchargo your cor with Cmoco Sorvlcol Conoco bands arc quick to dean your Royal with T C P p/ua. TCP* boosU poywa, in- headlights; chcck tires, b a t t ^ , water. Thoy’ro crcaaea milcago . . . oil-plating a c tio ^ u ts wcat. tho bands that make you a more confident After two tnnkfuls, fed that powcrft/l difrcreneel ' driver; make Conoco tho Holiest Brand Going! ’ ' OtKO. CeotlntBUl (>d Cemptsr. Cunoco onif Carle Blanche Crrdit Canii 01 ! acapU^ at Conoco tlalioru. T uno in eVoiy Thuridoy, 7 :3 0 P .M . »o ''W h irly b ir d i" Stotion KLIX-TV C honnol 11 •jf A m e ric a '! Fineit Teaiterp erfecf to o it every Hme •if Brood Lowers Automotically— N o lev'ert to puih WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, lOGO TIMES-NEWS, T W IN FALLS, IDAHO Barlo’tv' Flays Sale of Lands Of Watershed Who? ENTRY F O R M K A .nLSIlU H K . April :7 f.t.I A'lMMUtT :r,:.| Ii;.' SPECTACULAR ir h a H a r d w a r e W e e k 3 Ram blel-American supen STATIO N W A G O N S aihu : t i.r.—sn> <if hind iir;ir Ilf :.t;c;iir,s h .i.n ar.'Ctlbril }T:,Ierili»' or. bl!l;.l folly,” ;;.n 1C. C llnrlnr, R , CiisNln, n f.iMlJiliiIf tnr rrflcrltoii, ninilr the M.ii'-tiinu III a Ii'llcr in Sen. t<r f. D.. Adaim, whn )in<l tli'M;(!c-(l l.TiuI .••nlrs niiihnn7J-<l l>v llir ; l.iU' lainl lxi:inl. now I'oiilrollnl tiv IJcmocral-.. -ILi' i).i;ir(l ihould iinvcr m'II iiii'adim’ Kni^lni; 'l.'nnl ulDi II c llir liratlualri:: o! Jirltiatloii Mtcaiiu," ln' No jinjlei lo wrilB • Nothing to buy. ' Juil fill out thli form Il.iil'iA' r-.Tld Ihcre.nrc hvn r';'«nir. I"r wlinl he liali! nn» Hi'fnlli.ri' <if Ihr Deinnrrfillc tilrmlii-r; n' II:*' lv)iiicl "lo coniini'Jiriui Ihr cffcel.S (it llir |.')Ilr'tr,. Il;c. lllllully llllrMI-d' ; H<- Mill tlir boafrt i.huiild 1i.iv p;ir)l» .. . iioiia! (iii'M. In ndfUUaf, -no i IitliMl party offirdinldrr sliouM prrnilltrd In lioltl Ihr lini><>ii.' im'lllnil of Mnic Iiind (khiiii floiicr." Jcihii O. Wftllprj, flair Pcti crnllc chnlnnnn. now i.i land r>'i ml.v.loncT. Diirlow Mid hr pl.in^ lo nij ItRUlallon III llii' imil .r.vKm ■■liri;vi-nt tliU /mi of Ilillu; Iir ever hiippcmiii: a;:anr' SALE pm lPriees eth*r.mtr<hendli» priiti during Me Ksrd«e» Wtah-Apra 31- 400 Vine I'lafi lo JJold roiirlsl (ilasscs Herr T H E S P O R T S M A N 'S C O L U M N I C OM PLETE G O L F SE T ' PICNIC W ar” V>)1UE u:. lUl.ll dril •IJi-'Ir Mill 1)M I I I - w i t l i <-n Seven Wciglit Queens Feled Ervrn wi'lirhl (iiifrii.'.'vrrcrtonn.i|„| tin- '.latf ^l•IHr.^,■lllJ•l>ll('tIl(l<maI Hir'I oJ’S ! uiilcli will (Tiikr Off 1... . .Srii'.llih' i'ltJi Hir i I.um .'.. X cluh ^|^^^nl: |i.i:iy, wiili !i _ uill inrludr oiitltn' mpmbcr.'! In ullcii(t,nirr at ' I ' ' ' L , ‘ IniriihiK ilai-i lioini- of Mr.v Klvrr Trll, 12,'. [.ark- | hiiuimark.1 nnd clf »piir dilvr. roiilM Id lakf Cro'vnrd hj- Mr.i. il. K. 5’lilHip.' icniiliiiiii; Uip and olhrr lii!n:miillnn. KS urlnlll (|lllTa\ Il Jli'pri-.'.rniailM.i. iilti-ndini; tinmnnlli jxTlod, '’.cir Mr.i. ciiaric;. McCliiln, Mr.'. Richard Whlti-. Mr.- nu-cimK ttTfc Uirry Itnrpcr. Kl Albrrt Miiycr. Mr.v Ilal|ili Klin- Itlch motel; Mr.i. I’crkV OrlRK.'. mnitf, Mrn. Mnrvtn Krl.M'y, Mra. OrlKi:* motor cuurl; Mrs. Leonard Donnlil UollclUT niid Mr*. Lloyil DcWnnl. AA moU'l; Illchnrd Serp , ^Inndiud Oil <ll;iIrlI;uIor; Mrn. llnnn. Mr.i. Iloimid C<ix '.vii.i ml^lrivo VhidliniT P.ittlcl;. Ciilonliil of ccrrmonlf.'. A lirntnlk -'kll uns •IV<! Sinllh. JloKcrMiii. liotcl miil prr.ifiUcd by Mi.i. Muytr iii'<I Mrs. cutfcu .ihop; Uoiiald Orand)i'an, G nn .St.-vlQ oil coinpniiy; Ui'iili pmntiM. Br.'.i losers of the wcrlc wfre Kcndrlck. » Phllllivi CtJ dlMrlh ' Mr*. Ilarrl.son Burt!c;j. l-'llcr, uml und Mi». Riiy 0. Uriiljb. Cnpt Ctxl Mr.i. nichnril White, ullh four ninlrl. and one-hiiU roiimli cacli. Tlic mci'llni; wni spoii.'.nrrd by A lolnl nf i>oiiiid5 w. thf ChiiinbiT <if Omiincrcc li diirlnc April wid 710 pounds hnvc commlltcf, imdrr lli« (Uirclli been lail Alncc Ihr Nlx-ou-I’lx Winiam Chiiniry. Carl Ucrt;, ehiiplcr was Marled Nov. 1. IO.'jS. ClmniliiT Ilf Coinmcrcr jirc.'ldcnl, Mr.i. H. L. Arm.iirniii: wns nei aiiU William (iraiinc, Chnmbrr <iri fm l pnriy chnlrmnn; Mr.i. Jnim CoInIn('ri•t^ niiiiiairi'r. alr.n nltcndi'd. Ijiutlcrback wn.i pro;:rain chair* mnn. nncl Mri. Vlclnr Ornyi>cal wn.i refre.ihmi'nl chnmnaii. Old Laws Ended I.ANSINO. Mich.. April 27 Ui- LEGAL ADVERTISE^^ENTS MIchlRiin JhrrlKs are henceforth (iKNKUM. smivicili ,\nsiiNisTii.\' prnhlblli'il from Jiilhnic fiiKlllve .ilavcn mill pliy.-.IclaM will nn lonser lie paid 10 rcnt-i {or cacli SnI communicable dLw.'.e they report lalllallr cwruptM br Bills to rcptiil ihc two mld-lSlh tUrrlr*. l*«tf<rtfl« 8ti >‘>.lrr«l Purrau of ln< century Inw.i Imve been alRjieil by WJ. *1(1 h« r»r.l.p.l >1 Oov. O. Menncn Williiun.i. lorg# capocltv, ciirect dr!v», lov«l wind. DELUXE TACKLE BOX Full/ doluxs box, oil tiovi Ml plaillc llnsd. REO. $8.95 PUP TENT *SG. 47.95 L A W N I M P R O V E M E N T S P E C IA L S ,A ' - Everything compleio of ono lo pricc. J II I I I W , lo IF YOU'RE TOO BUSY TO F/SH . . . Y O U A M TOO BUSY LOOK AT THIS VALUE FINE FOR THE YOUNO FISHERMAN I TACKLE ' •• NOV/ ONLY REO. $3.59 $ 2 -8 20% DISCOUNT 8 7 Qol. <ap.—full]' iniulsie^. Packed eipeclolly for S&Q by North* rup King & Co. Good for re-teeding, wherevor you noed foit ttjrf growlh. L A W N K IN G G A R D E N T O O L S SPIN CAST REEL { ZIPPER BAG 7 7 « 98 ^ I I ;^ $ 4 .8 8 (< s 2 You'll find 0 FtuncJred uiBi (or ihli hcr'cJisrj boa. ruulfm Artlchokn. Stratrbrr■7 ICr<t Ithuliarb, A«|uraeui Ki Corira of IiKlUllon Br'cIJlll.'niil liifiif SIrawbfrry I’lanli, t:arly Cnprn' xn.M, fiKiivicr.<! apmini.stii'ation . hacfn Cabbact 1‘lanta i l n ' Kcrd 4> Fwd.-.A(lr. nu». Ilcwmi I« . SMlDr I. Of i/l.phon» Mllluil T-ul.llihi April il. IMO I tCOKOMY CASTIKG REEL I I a plict 10 allracf onyent. P.M. nn Uir IS. mu. ai llnnr,'. Am mail» Hr^Ulltla, 111 Main A<rfi Tul.llih: Artil ;i. i SAVB WITH SAFETY FRONr OR BACK Ctioic* ef lolid Of »nli( bock C8*fii. • tut«x fobtic —yinyl ploit.e Uim • Choic* of bluf, o'«en or thouool • low eoU protection Cilit.Criea Bii/j/.K'frootV i BIO PROTECT YOUR FINISH leok preol csmtructton, bifl 3K ;; goL copocity. ‘ EXHAUST EXTENSION W h a e Y o u Should ; 9 K now A bou^ 7 « I 2” x9'’ drflfcit i-iliouil down* TURTLE W AX COMBINATION A BOTH f ' FOR ONLY L A W N PLUMBING NEEDS AT A SAVING! DISCOUNT PRICE SINK SALE YOU GET THIS r n /i\ /T.-v $ 1 .9 8 G R A S S SEED! Speclol 2 pok . AUTO MIRRORS F o r tin’s climate tlic f<>ll«\viiipr Kr;is.-ic.s arc rccom-meiitlcil;,_K('iilucky B jiioJ- Irass, Keii Top. Kiisriish or D niiu'stic Kyc G iTi .s' h. R ( ? d T m ‘y)ifijrTt'M'U(', '\VliIlL‘" D u tch CliuTr. IliK lilaiui R i'iil Hras:;. Mcrion K en ­ tu ck y H hif Crass, am i iirolialily (rm i Triviaii.s nnd Clicwiiifr.-t i'c.-icne). BODY MOUNT /' SALE! Vv P B IC E S IN K & TOILET C O M B IN A T IO N SALEI ALW AYS READ THE A N A LYSIS ON THE CONTAINER BEFORE YOU BUY $ 2 Cholt* 2 popiilt REO. $49.95 Alsn Purchase (Jrnss Seed F nin r One Who Kno'v.s th e (ira.'^s l^isinc.'vs! F A N CY LAWN GRASS ih o u ld confoin not Icsi than 7 0 % Kentucky Blue Grots including Merion and not nftlte than 2S% other rccom m cndcd Gretses end 5% W h ite Dutch Clover. GLOBE'S FANCY LA W N GRASS— HAS BEEN TRIED A N D PROVEN IN T HIS A R E A for 25 years and W o e r« known for our bco utiful Lawns. .Glebe seed costs you less money.) Let the Globe grots exports odviso you on Lewn Plant- ' . SPRING C U S H IO N AUTO SEAV DRIVE IN FATIGUE FREE COMFORT C OOL for Summer Driving ..... 1 a 8 8 HARDWARE s io m KITCHEN CLOCK SPECIAL Regular 4.49 New Thin Design— Choice of chromo or copper trim .......................... 2.97 KRENGEL'S fo i. MOniHi WAilHOUlI SET W i'y. tfoli/ T«duc»d ffl» prici fina nuolity corsiblnoiion dial. q iia B ia / CMfj k ill i- - SLIDING DOOR BATHROOM CABINET REW. BEAUTY AT a I u d GET PRICE SPECIAL •7 ',------- G LO B E SEED REG. $8.95 . a Wd feed CO. 2 2 4 4 th Ave. South o n Truck Lone In Twin Falls SEEDS are not a ic g to n a l or Sideline with us — but on han d th a year oround. GAU CAPACITY '‘Magic Vdllcy’8 Most Interesting Store" $ 7 .7 7 If you n»»d ona .now . . . youll never do betler lhan ihit lol* priced ipeelall .- '- 't . WEDNESDAY, APKIL 2 7,19G0 t iM E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , ID A H O Leaders Meet Diu'hig PTA’s District Convejntion ,'5 ™ r 'k You'ii find plans, ideas, m otcrials, budget terms . . . complete ON E-STO P home improvemeiit shopping! G A R D EN TOOLS D iss in g Fork S '/ i " Tine* ...... / LIGHT FIXTURES, TRAOITIOHAl OR MODERN , STYltS! (f C t H A N D RAKE START a t ' ‘A s k for a free f o p y o f BESTWAY'S " Id p o Book" 7 9 c ncRia Ktnncdr. Ie((. Indlanipolli. In d , National Conim s of fonrlh dUlrItt PTA eanrertneo Tund*r » t (he Twin Fillt Jnnlor riircii(« and Ttachcn field rtprcicnUtire. dlscuiscd pham of I*TA hl{>l icho«l audllorlum. The workshop conftrcnce « a i altrnded bjr wiirk Hid) Mr*. Wltinii llolt. Iluric)'. fourth district prnldenl, center, vice preildenlt front cl|h( aoulhcentral Idaho countlen. (.Slaff photo* and flli-v i:mer*nn Mlllrr. Twin Kall» council president, durinc the cnjrarlnt) ______________ U. S. Court’s Ruling in Case May Be Union Shop Death irohlbltlon of union apendlnR oi lo determine, auclj bjues In favor Jf contributlonA (or polltlcol pur- o( the minority U r ot Uie iiidi' J0.ic.t. federal courts have held VldUftl, e three Ju-itlce.^ were, r pcclltc.-illy that the unions may nakc political medicine In their thelw. of the modern court: Chief Dubllcatloiis or use the tncUlum ol Ju.itlce Eitrl Warren and Associate TliB rlijhU of freedom o( Justices Hugo Black and William peecli. preM and B2senibly pro- O. DOURlftS. ccted the union in those llelds. VISIT MOTHKK In the TV caae, which arosa 1 MIehlpu. three U. 8. aupremc KINO IlILX: April 27-Mr. and ;ourt jMtlce,» held that K minority Mrs. llayniund Betty and fonilly ■iRht.^ were Involved at nil, thU EaRle, visited her mother. Mrs. ilmply wa.1 the concern of Internal Denver Allred, and (amlly. union ninnaRcment. •To date." thr.ie three Ju.illce.i i&RReMed, "unloai have operated under a rule of the majority," llia t suited the labor leaders Ine. ‘Hio notable trend of the nodern court. Iiowevcr. hn.^ been. COMPLETE l-STOPREMODEUNG ' FAMOUS EXCEILO POWER SERVICE ■ from Basement to Attic. Ideas, - Advice, AAalerials to let yow ' Do-il-youfjelf-( MOWERS rv. Hy I.VI.K C. U’lUSON —That such an Indhlduol WASIUNOTON. April 27 H7C- norlty Kroup Is without constltuTlie U. a. supreme court liM ne- tlotial protection aKalnit Auch, crpied for dccl\lun a icRal dUpulc Tlio CeorKla supreme court vlilch !tii!lri;cllj' cniilil ltiviill(l:il found (or'tlie compliUnUiK union oil uiilnn xiiop lahur coiilrMit Ji i!icmbLT.i. Tfic Gcorula eourl JieJd tlio Uiillfd Stnir.-.. that to compel anyone .'o. lo con­ Tlie conn lipard nrKUiiicilt.i Usl tribute to a polllical ' objeclive tt-rek 111 tthiil h knomi, lor ^llon, would deprive him ot KUi'riintee.'i ns the t/xipcr car,c, n ic Umic In the Dill of Rlshl.1, specifically tnUi'd Involvc.i mliioriiy nnd liiill- of freedom of nMoclatloo, thought, \ldunl rii;hl.% of iitiloii member) liberty nnd properly, Tlie now-pi'iidliit: cMfl nroie li A U. S. supreme court decblon OcurRlft. (or the complalntni; union nicni* A few cmployM of the Soulherii bers would Iwvc one o( two prornllniiy j,ucd lo (oiljld lliclr union (ound effecu upon the .Mructure of to Apcnd dues money for pollUcnl orRnnlr.ecl labor. It would: Song and Instruction objtcllvts wlilch the compliltilnc —Invixlldftte the union shop wlih BOOKS % rct|ulrcment o( union member­ union nicmborA opllo.^ccI. for A ll M akes of TliLi Is A iiiilun hliop altiutlon. ship, or: Tlio complnliilnii union member*, —Compel union leader.i to fl-; Chord Organs tlirreforc. miiy nol wlllitlrtiw tlielr nance thclr political actlvltlc.i: | flnniiclnl support o( the union wholly from voluntary fumLv CLAUDE BRO W N 'S uittiout rc.ilRnlni; their union De.’iplio Corrupt rrnclleefl act; mrmbcrslilp. If ihry tmIkh ihelr union meinl>cr.ihlp. they idw realRii lllelr Joljx. i •Dim li wlint m.ikcj the l/wper e^'<! n hot on**, Tho n;irrow tirci ol' IndlvJdunl richti In which the l.uue' Li raised contribute.'' nlv) to Uic Including Employer's Insuroncc— political Importance of the c.^''e. C ottlo Collision, up to $300, cach anim al. The court now lins hc.ird mrumcntfl and lia.*! ncrced lo decide th ro u g h th e tho ca.^f, U would be difficult (or the court to render an opinion ulUiout e.^lablL'i}^lllIr as the law of' Uio land elt^ier: I " B Y " W R I G H T A g e n c y —Thai a union member cannot I b« compelled to contribute toward! 3 4 2 Polk RE 3-8962 political expenditures for obJec*| - ‘ ■eh,li6o Uvea which .Ii6 oppoees, i W .,r Fs-c'V i STEsl nCOSlNO I I long Hondlo 50 PEGBOARD 110 ONLY PRUNER KARDEKED A 4 Vj " TROWEL 25 ft., 3-TUBE SPRINKLER MO. Sooks w ith liltle A 05 Forged Steel Blade — ^ pfCSJurel .O nly O DIGGER For Y ears o f B couly a n d W e a r .............. . 79 < f T T 20 I / iq. FUSTIC WAU TIIEI ( Monycorofsl C Apply yourselfl a m OR, ADD A GARAGE M anyplonsl Anysizel / I ” , A j low o s , . . M O. S o eajyto cleon I ' j q ROTARY-CUT PHILIPPINE . TOUGH, COLORFUL VINYL MAHOGANY PANELING Disi.ncilve, ticii— ,r. hona, - . 3 _ , • 2 5 v shcc'J, so ecisy *0 f . n . jh !!' SO, FT, ONU : C E D A R SHINGLES Lons-tlnie Invorlto oC Wutcm home-owner*. Comblnea excepllonally Ions IKo «ltli Attractive nppcBrmice of n&tiiral wood. TOUGH! SHARP! FIRE going for only 15 ” !■ 0^° 7/lC: Green rUaUo GARDEN HOSE , . . 50 feet 08BUILI-IN OVEN Alio RAIICt I _ COMPIETE W WN TOOLS! ^ ) URPORT OR PATIO! Get 2-woy ir o c service from the some oreo. M O. WRITE YOUR FARM LIABILITY INSURANCE GET VERSATILE, FUHCTIONAl LAWN RAKE FLOOR TILE' . ' • 9 . inch Squore. Eosy to opply A voilable in groins or stroighf colors. Ft. Koiser Dlamond-RIb ALUMINUM ROOFING-SIDINQ FIR SCREEN DOORS Sanded Smooih |5v ' 2 . 6 V6-0 Q ' -Cof^D/eri* ii-icct'On EACH ; s 4x8 P la in 7 6 5 1 •©( nnlls. I'^c j 4x8 Green | | I0 !t Has So Mcny'Usosr }>REDECORATED WOOD GRAINSI In Cherry, Pine, Soblcwood^, CypJwmWallboord H O M E O W N E R 'S R E P O R T ON ELECTRIC H E A T IN G C O S T : ' Easy to pul up! 1 il A A Bargain A t . , . m f in e / if v e ty e c o n o t n ic ^ r BEMBERG new all'clectric h om o was completed In tho fall o f 1958. " W o "w e rc'in'd o ub t c o n cc rning the cost o f h eating our home eloc* trically, b u t we find it very economical considering the many fea­ R tures connected with th is typo o f heating, such as the cleanliness c'ompared to other typos o f fuels. Wo have controlled temperature In every room, and wo w ou ld recommend this type home to every S new home builder.*' - . ' U ■ M R . and M R S. V . W . ALEXANDER,Richland, Oregon. Get the facts on low cost clectric heatl I D A H O ^ YeiiH w#*it ye«r atw hom« to hrr* lk« W hi CMnlort •nd conTWikw.’. . . aixl th.r m«.ni TOTAL IL ia n iC . Yo«'ll K«d Ik! CM .Uctri* hMHas, lh« kty f. Tot.l EUctrk Ihl**. »urpfWi»*Jr »!>*• yo» k m cempUt* IniuUliea <sd doakU v ta d m W 6»*n. CM hn rfc«*lh fre« yaur Idaho Povar aHiu »t fMr «UetTW bMtlsg c«atiKt«r, V p O W E R So MUCH-foli So UTTtE! 6 7 Foshion-righll Our ht^# grovp of sheer Bemboffl royon drcHcs in new iighr or dark pfintiflorolJ, polka doli, poisleyj, more. Lovel/ jlylcj-jcoop neckline^ V*n«ck*, pert collars, graceful skirls. Smart trims-jewelled buttons an d pins, velvet bows. 12-20 ond tABORARRANemNTS ■k BARGAINS AVAILABLE AT BESTWAY STORES: 12 2 U V - AV B G i i i ' GUARANTEED THE FOLLOWING U O H O L D ^ F I N G I L E - H 263 Acldison Ave. West in TWIN FALLS R A Z K E I M L B T E O R N L - Y S H R O U S P H E R T - B O N E - W U E RE 3-5212 R N L D E Y E L L T IM E S - N E W S , TWIN' F A L L S ! ID A H O PAGE ELEVEN LAST 3 DAYS G ig a n ik S E M S D A V S • 9 x 1 2 • 1 2 • A • O P o p u l a r l l N F O W C o o l s - W y l o n - W R e g u l a r o o l t o O L O o o l & Y E A R 'S B IG G E S T S A V IN G S HARDW ARE W EEK! L a s t 3 D ays S A L E ! H u rry t o S c M ir s f o r Y e a r ' s G r e a t e s t S a v i n g s T S E A R S N A T IO N A L S A V E ^20 on 70-Piece T O O L SET C O M P L E ^ 7 0 - P c . R S Mechanics Socket Set & R a y o n 8 9 ® ® ! R e g u la r to ta l L O W S E A R S D A Y SHOP EARLY WHILE SELECTION S e p a ra te P r ic e s S P R *60! I C E . . . IS COMPLETE! ■Charge • Drop- forged ’/ 2*fnch drive sockets — stronger, lighter,’ fhinncr. Socket* fit cosier in to tighter placcs. • Croftsmon socket sets ora uncon* ditionally guaranteed to give com* plete sotisfaction or they will be re> placcd. Double Dresser wifh Mirror, Bookcase Bed with Foot, M atching NITE STAND T he ver/ Jinest Hormony House workm anship an d design go into this lovely solid osh-provinciol-bed-—"| room group. See it right owoy ond m ony other Bedfoom Speciols ot Seors. R . „ 59.95 EXTRA CHEST, 4 9 . 9 5 Firm . support, ..b u t not h'ofd, woke u p rested ev­ ery m o rn in g ! O N L Y »5 D O W N Rich tick­ ing, tu rn hondlcs, vents, " S a t is fa c t io n guaraM e ed ^o r y o u r m o n e y back” S E A R S P o f k F ree! S a v e D u r in g S e o rS D o y sf T IIIE S - N E W S , T W I N P A L L S , I D A H O TAGE TWELVE ll'E IiN E S D A y , A {® IL 27. MGO Fire Season illaiik TJiinks Election Year nOISE, April 27 tiTP-The otrt.vciii.on r.tiiru May Bioj^rapliies Waste of Time ; cr.fd i lire rtul^ Otloljrr 31. Stiilc i'ur- n<)K>'' ...... . ........I* I..wl tnur I..... JiiM iMr* nbout -K/M.* dcclilrcJ In HO'ri' Giicriii.oy i-cpori:.. Hv HI:NRV McI,i;MC)Iti: r>ml Durinx Ihal llnir II 1:, lllcual W ■ p-lv»if oplninii.-, iiiaclc piililtc; |lioid iiiv vote until IUf.1, Mticii per Orio KO<Kl 'Uiy 10 .'.iivr llmi' tll'-rr «ilt br n c.itullclati Jiiirrifcf I'"- ii> rr.rl jiJiy o! ■■Uu) is-,iidili<T ft.-, mmti r.iii;:c hnil.t ot ilie ;i!.r ............ rf U.,n il..... » H.r " ' ‘H ’. cuiflif1.il'-.-. . • • iirr kiiiiIiIk, IlC-t. . , ^i-it 111!• iiic.u'lcs III ;i nl;i)'j;rguiul| S'l imr li;.< Hi.ia ihr Ii'cii llic |r)rr>l niirtlrn •ir 1)111 nn-irilounfr i-f .> b.Ti-b.-iU tr.iin ' imi lUiriUntf Millioiil a pciinil ki V IM.il Jtlly ■ II lu) .mirTMU-c-L-, more . . . He fx-jml.Mlrrnc.mor. hr .sUtl. I llirli' It liniii rn " . ............. . .......................... • c(>:niiiuiiiti'-:- l)Kl. 0 lie ciHiIiln't : l>rll III alil of ft .'rlf-iif' ; Man Sentenced By Police Judge n uiiL . April U7 — AMliiir \Vi';-i , li;;. »llc Rliir.. Buhl, wits tlne.1 Sim iukI! ‘ Iu- iliir.r C0M.1 fm(L^elltcllc^(l to :(0 111 1°'"^ 'T .-imrui :iilm ..i ju i m llio -ruin rails ciinty j .,11 lor n-;. • • “«r peated offrm.o ol bi-lin: intnxk-nti-il '‘I'l ilip iicus Kcl otii. \Mki:h did uiioii piibllt: wlicii ii>- up- “ ‘O' I' ll? pcnreil .Mondiiy Ix-fi’rc lliili] i’liltic li crni rallv lo Itr bi-Urvpd. Judge Bcriiiird Siarr. |nl.'.o. ili;il .MarK:(ri't rtally iMi’l WlRKlns Imd lir ii iirrcvli-il n.ilicplj- m lovr with Amoiiy Arm* r iiumbt-r of tliiu-j iiti tin- miiuc <if-|,struin;-Joni';.. and b iiiarryln:; lilm • Inisc lierr. v.illi i!ii- nin-.t ri'i-i-iit,jiiM la K.'t niairlrcl . . . Wonder ; ix-J/w .Mnn-)> :>■M ll>;il Ilmr JU(l;-c hIiv niiil lio* 11),il > Sinrr Hneil' liim Jloo • nnd .wnlciiced lilni lo 30 «lay.i I uoiider If there will ever I tile Twin l-'alk coiliily Jail. Tlic slorp-boUKht cake, or one mndc • >idKc dccldcd 10 wuiu-iuL the line Iriim n mix, that will ever taste like J nnd Jail frnlcncc provldln'i Wlu- iitc baked at home, l l ic nnswer Is • (tUn-woulil li-nvc lowii and mil n■niere should be ft law nRala'it ' turn. WlKdn.i was arrested Sunday .trawbi-rry i'hortCiiUe made with • nioriilnK by iJutit rartolniim IVm - ii,\cuit’ , nnd another forblddinR 1 ley Annis. ilie ,Mle of dyed *wcel potntoc.^ .. If f ''ere mother nature, and wen the trouble lo mnke veKCtitbles and frult.i as pretty n.s they I'd wrenk venEeance on thiv'e who tried to Improve on my handiwork ‘ RICHFIELD. April 27 — Mr. I hope to live to see the da) r nnd Mrs. Cncl Potit'on And koih when A telephone number I1n.ih1BTIf^im iicrlclal is not read I Jiave returned trom I’ocftlello .• ^liera'he ntlended n nitcilni: ol aloud by an announcer . . . llie • iclnll petroleum dcnliT.i. They ..... ROe.s for ftddre.-.'-e.i , . . Mo« 1can read a.s well n.i the nr , were bu« i .i of Mr. oiicl Mr*. Hurry nouncer. • Lind£ nnd lamlly. ; Vern IL Tlioinn.n nilcnrtcd Uie iDliirilwtol \i MrS'«urt>l » hUAlne.-u educntloii convention in Vlnlt r.labe'i Old-Kathloned .Seed » Dotae last v,-L-ok. atorr. on Truck l.ane. where , Pearl Sclil.iler. Denver. Is visit■till Dold In l)Ulk.^Adr. > Inc her rtplicw. Max Dclir, ft«d ; iftmlly. . Hie April LDS bulldlnR fund ' (lliiner wna Riven by the MIA I uroups with Mrs. Elmo Paucrson • nnd CUve Capps iw directors. J Dick John.wn lia.s entered the • I'fleMnj Jio.'pllnl. Botic. for fluri,• er}'. Mr. nnd Mrs,. Joliiison nnd ; KRinddnuRhlcr. Brcndn. reliirneil • Iftsi week from vlslilnR his brother. ’ l-’rnnk Jolinson, nnd Inmlly, Ball . U ka City. : • ' . ' I >• : Richfield Couple : Attends Confab ^"!IS ^ I ■ • ; ' ; r , • ' . • , • ; . Students Visit HAQEH.MAN. April 27-5tudenla home for the week-end from UrlK' ham Young university, provo, wcrt DUlne Hultne and Danny Moore ttnd from Idnlio stale collese. Sldney Erv,-1n ntid Doyle Conklin. Mr*. Everend Jensen left Monday for Lincoln. Mont.. to care ioi her davghter. Mrs. Iinj-old Le)i Fcldt. and the couple's son, born April 21. The nev. A. E. Ollbert will be vtcaUon for n week nnd the pulpii of the Methodist church will be filled Bundny by Ocrnld Martin, lay Jender. WIiy'Cood-Timr CharlieSuffers UneasyBladder _ Unwitc tiling nking mny be a noiiicc Ilf niild. 1 noyiiii; ., hisildcr iriilallunt-nuliiiE you feel tc'llcu. (cnve, nn.t uiiornf.itl.-ililc. And if »cMlc« niglil'. willi ii;iKl-;"s biicL.iche. cii!;>rachc« ai liMdachc (I due III nier etcilii'ii, < linnal u[itc(. aie nildini;.........ir minry —iliin'l u,iii-1iy l'ill>. I)ii,m’» I'illt ucl 3 Wii)i for -ipeedir fctirf, 1-1 hey hnve n Mmihinr. elftcl on l<l.v!dcr ittiUlionv 2-,\ f;.M painrtlicviiiR .icticin 1)11 tiacEin;; li.itkacht, licjdnclio. nnivcular :i>;lic\amiI p.iiiii. ,1-A Kimclcrliilly nilUl duiiclik: aL'tiun lliiu the tiiliK'v lemlini: i<> illl;lca^e the iiiiiput <>( ihe IS niiici of kidney lut'cv So, ccl Ihe MMic li.ipj./ relief millioin liave enjoyed for over 60 ycaU-.Vcw, liiRe. ecunonv ss.;/ Doan's Cirt watermg time by 3/4 Turfco Underground Sprinklier System -I 4 '^ N o more garden hose— s e ttin g sp rin ­ klers— tiresome watering b y hand. J u it turn a valve and...RELAX! FREE ESTIMATE ' wilWt ebngtlien on • piofttilenti inllttlilion. IDS?. PO N T IA C S T A U C H IE F — 4-door h a r d to p aednn. Hydrn m n tic transmi.s.sion, power .<iteerinp, p o w e r brakes, 4-wiiy seat control, rndio n nd heater. W e are .so C 4 #1 A f f pro ud of thi.s w e'll jjive a 30-dny w a rra n ty . M J 1D57 IN T E R N A T IO N A L 4 .W H E K L D R IV E i/o-TON IMCK* IIP — New rec o n d itio ne d motor, new p a in t, h e a v y duty traction tires — T h is i.s a bargain nnd we’re C 4 E * A M n o t " A Lion” — ................ ........... .................. ^ A 3 “ 3 1956 C H E V R O L E T 210 4-DR. S E D A N — V 8 m oto r, power G lide tninsm ission, tin te d Rias.s, paijded S i dnsh, w hite .sitlewall tiros. Very s h a r p .........^ A lOf)! C H E V R O L E T B E L A IR 4-DR. S E D A N — Powerfflido tran.-^mission .tin te d ^lass, whitewall tires, radio nnd h e ater. Clcane.>5t '54 in lown. JU ST 1957 P L Y M O U T H .S A V O Y 2-DR. S E D A N — V 8 m oto r, Power F iite tran.Hmission, 2-tone pain t. T h is C 4 w as 51:100 — N o w on .-^nle a t o n l y ................. v A ig.-;? C H E V R O L E T ‘210’ 2-DR. S T A T IO N W A G O N — V8 m otor, P o w erslido transm ission, 2-tone S 4 C O C p ain t, radio a n d h e a te r. Very nice — JU ST A 3 CALL RE 3-6696 I IDAHO FENCE CO. , capltAls of California. when yo p lS H ^ S ! A 23.piece tel of Bioskpatk Melatnine OmnenMOtc. Beautiful f frantfucBnf' Cuaronlfed Ourobic' Open iletV ptice, $79.95. Hufty—whcif Ihe supply Iq»i » G - E P O W I E R S H O W E R AVz Minutes after dessert— dishes ore done Cleaner D ishes fo r Sure . . . only the new Gcncrnl Elcclric C ustom rJ-C.vclc Jlobifo M aid washo.s t w o ways— from the bo tto m niiti from the top — .so thoro’ll be no two way.«t n bou t the rcsull.s. ^ Y ou're ho m e free . . . and free lo do m ore im ­ p o rta n t Ihititr.-? w ith y o u r / ’iitiiiJy aiitJ frie/nJs. ' -•jlr-JIohilc-JIald J a i i ’orlabic . . . you pay n o t one. penny -for’in std llatio n . Use it wherever there is a s in k ; roll i t aw ny w hen it I.h not in use. H o lds Service fo r 13*. J u s t imaKine— if you owned ft M obile M nid, you could be done w ith the dislies to n ig h t in th e time it takea to clear the table. (* N E M A plucc settings) lOSa S T U D E B A K E R f<-TON P IC K U P — W i t h cam per, iia.i tw o bunk.s, w ater ta n k , .sink, butane ranKC, v e ry well b uilt atul clean. Ju s t th e th in ;; fo r Hon hunting:. C M A E* A ll fo r o n l y ........... ................................................. GE custom M obllam o ld .65 2 por week M 0 8 IL E M A ID L tM C lK lS l 1 7 8 ‘^ . 3 o s DUhe* W ubed FllEE for Odd'. TTetk Wbeo Yon B 07 10 Gal>, lon< GuoUoa at Anjr FcArleu Farrti SUUodI A P P L IA N C E & $19 9 5 G . J E N K IN S F U R N IT U R E 223-2nd Ave. E. • Wc G L E N 19r,8 C H E V R O L E T B E L A IR 2-DR. H A R D T O P SPO RT CO U P E — V8 P o w e r P a c motor, Power Glide trnnsm isaion, power eteerin;?, ra d io a n d heater. T his is real n i c e . ___ — , T ^V IN F A L L S — B U R L E Y 313 MAIN WEST TWIN FALLS-RE 3-3033 WEDNESDAY, A P R IL 27, 1360 P A G E THffiTEEN T IM E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , ID A H O Boyle Tells Plans to Avoid Boredom in His Retirement Is the same you face on the dally Br HAL B O Y t e 'NEW YORK. April 27 MT-Are Job. Boredom, therefore It wise you inlddle-tged? to avoid this menace In advance. TDcn nov U the time to atari Here’s my plan: I Intend to buy a smull wlilte pliiminir for your retlreinent, Noi U the itme to gel reody to ipend houfe with a front and btiek porch. Ui»a ''golden ye<ir<~ on llXc'a euK. Instewl of t«'0 cars, i wfll have me Jun the other morning when two rocking cliijrs. e will bf tin old-fashioned I went In to wake up raj’ dauRhtrr, who lA nearly 7. <he wm murmur* rocker. The oUier will be In* worrltdly In her *Icep: “I do model, high style platform rocker hops my deiir ftlher Is ^lannlns < with a seat done In fine needle for*-ard-Iooklng retirement pro- point. . gram tltt«d to h li emoUonitl »nd In the morning I will sit In Uie front porch rocker smirking at Uir mental needs. It will come i people wnllclng to work and Jeering i:Teat shock to him when, he I them under my breath: denly has to quit w-orlc at’' M.‘ n u'Ul Ilka the devil. Having to "On. fools. on!“ CO to work every day htia been > In the tiftemoon l will sit In the cre»l shock to me. Some days It back porch rocker and doM and h u been more than I could bear. watch the sonRblrds dig for worms Quitting work should nlwaya be In Uie yard. Whenever 1 feel the far leu el a shock to a sensible need for exercise, Ml rlie man’s nert'ous system than RolnR stretch mywlf—and yawn. to nork. I took my first Job nt t' In the evtnlng 1 will read t'Wnr ase or 10—delivering new.ipapen and Peace“-thL'« has been a life­ nnd there hasn’t been iv tiny since long chore wlih me nnd m) far I ’ve Ihtn ihnt 1 haven't drcamrd o( only got up 10 pntje 74—nnd wntcli redoj of shown on trlevl.tlon. retirement. Tile great danger In retirement Tliey nay travel help* avoid the ennui of retirement and I ’ve planned for that. Ones a day I'll travel acnxu the street to the su­ permarket to buy my bourbon and peanut butter and shake my hoar>head at the strange antics of lady shoppers. If i find I can stand the excltemrnt. I may make two trips a day to the supermarket. My retirement program Is the (rult'Df 33 years of steady brooding —most of It on the boss’s time. When I'm U, 1 plan (o put It Into operation. Maybe alter 20 years IhM way of llrlng might be­ come a bit confining. If it does. I'l prepared for that; loo. At 85. I ’ll pack my knftp.«ek. ni nwny from home—and start life all T.F.MeetSeton ScKool Problems TROLINGERS ed today plans for a series of arfra conferences on Khool problemj. The schedule Includes a meeting Thursday at T«’ln Falls. D. r. Engelklng. superintendent of public Instruction, said financial iidmlnlstratlon. annual school ports and the minimum program, study w’hlch U In progress would' be dlscuucd. , Cleanup Set RICHFIELD. April 27 - Cub Scout packs eight and are sponasrlnir a eieanup day In ntehfleld Saturday as a eommiinliy service. noadsldM and slreels will be cleaned of debrL^ and trn.ih haul­ ed away from rrtldence.i If pl.iced ouWde for pickup. Dill Honing. Scout C(>mtn!^^lon' •. nnnounccd the S:i>iils are l< meet nt the vllingp p.irk at fl njn V A L U E S ! FREE Prescription Delivery READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS GOLD STRIKE STAMPS M A G iv e Y 8 B e a u ty t h . IS . . T G iv e S o m e th in g S m a rt fr o m E N G E L E N 'S V A N a n d H E D A Y ! FRE E One# th li w a i th« lymbol of a Drvg Slera, Tim* chpngM mony things, bvt to our ttor«, thU lo m * princlpl* holds trtii today, os c f old: "COMPOUNDIliP PRESCRIP. TIONS WITH THE UTMOST CARE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SINOU THINO IN OUR BUSINESS." F a s h io n A t O lo fs e n a n d Y O U CAN ALWAYS RELY O N THE PHARMACISTS A T TROLINGER'S . . . P r a c tic a l S W IM M IN G H o p in g a fo r from live rubber. Now only............. F IN S ' N ew B r o w l A I .| y SW IM M IN G CAPS Picnic Coolors Doy wishes come Ifue with The SBoson is here! 2l!95VQluej.. 1 8 t 8 8 Reg. 32.50 valuel in Ram bler leathers... Rubbing A lcohol 19.95 new fobrics . . . fosh- lO - ' fu ll p in t.................... l y c a fine hondbog. See be autiful new bo g s . , . V ita m in C a p s u le s 2 .6 .8 0 D e n ta l C re a m 69c 3 f.r 88c (only 3 left) Buy S to re W it h Gardol. plus FREE Reynotdi A lu m in u m W rap. A Irem endoui Yolua. Economy t i n ............. BO TH F O R MOVIE CAMERAS ALSO MASKS A N D H a n d b a g H er M o t h e r 's n ie o f G e r ia tr ic M in e r a l C o lg a te M ade 1 P A R K IN G R e a r M o rn fa ln i body health. Regulor 6 .7 9 b o H l t i............-......... M o m 's Superior Jet Brond. th e FLASH BULBS"n ..5 .. pk, . o,8._ 69c MENDA-KLEENEX H tiue boxei . . . w ort* baikett tr a y i end notion 2.00 & 4.00 ionoble plastics. Society Tissues Box of 400 (no lim it) ..... I9c W alg re o n « e g . 69e ASPIRIN TABLETS Stripe T ooth Paste Bottle of 1 0 0 ___ with 49c BALL PO IN T PEN ..... ............. 2 . 39c 69c c w r e u iE f f i T R O L IN G E R 'S HAS A COM PLETE SE L E C T IO N A N D P R A C T IC A L M O T H E R 'S D A Y GIFTS. OF B E A U T IF U L M A K E T H IS T H E B EST M O T H E R 'S D A Y E V E R W I T H A GIF T F R O M T R O L IN G E R 'S 1 Foitotla ELECTRl'c TOASTERS, Automotle and guaranteed. A gift Mother will oppreelate. 11.95 V a lu e ........... 6 . 9 5 COSTUME JEWELRY, j u i t reeaiv«d tho n tw t t t tilic tlo n o f it y U i ond col* or*, f i n i i t quality ~ PRtCED L O W . LEATHER BILLFOLDS, b « w t t y l i i . Y o u will fin d just the billfold to s u it m oth* Entiro ^ 4 9 H e r D a y T rue ! G L A M O U It B O N N E T S Nyiori M a lH n o with All-Over Flockling ___________ C O L O R F U L HUMMINGBIRD D U S T E R S Charming la m p lo r prinr on cotton' Ciiptbni 'w m Or Florol Strip o n pollihod cotton. ..Com* g pictely w oih o blo ................................................ # L in e d N y lo n P E G N O IR & Nylon tricot d u ite r , with nylon tc'ollop. « d loce bodico. SoHn t ie ............ ............................................. V D U S T E R ■ a | I1 a -H O SE— Hosiery made for comfort and smooth fit. Chooie from a vonderlul caUecUon of fash* lon-rlght eolort. b 9 9 ^O PE TTE D E O D O R A N T LOTION — Roll on. Reg. 2 .00 size. 9 9 ^ Our pricc N U T R I TONIC CREME S H A M P O O . COLOR S H A M P O O , by H elena Rubinitein . 5 color to n ei in plastic ^ C A bottlei. Reg. 2 .5 0, save 1 .0 0 l « ^ U 1 C A W is h e s C o m e 1.98 PLASTIC U D IE S ' PURSES. R eg. 4 .9 8 . W h ilt thay lost | M Q Y ou poy o nly..............I Regularly 2.50. G e t'th e g ian t ja r for o nly ............... M o t iie r 's HAND SOAP, M P o lm oliveorJergenB *T bars c . ] . 3 5 . ^.5 0 Russell Stover Condies 'T H E BEST TO ■ FAT , , , THE BEST TO GIVE. Assorted chocolates Sam e Slie SHAMPOO DEODORANT IN C R E A M , Flower, Stick or roll on. Reg. 1 . 0 0 i J - ....... -...... 9 8 c ... 1 . 1 0 T uisy or Desert C A - .............. D U C - C L E A N S tN G C R E A M rty 'D u b a r ry ,— fo r dry ik ln . REG. 2 .3 5 ........................... • p ’C A 1.9 1 / BUBBLE BATH & W A T ER SO FTENER, by Worthm are. Full quart, cheoM fro m Pine, A O .. Floral, Carnotlon. REG. Z O O V A L U E .... T V C Hallmark Cards fo r Mother H o llm o rk cords say It best fo r g radu ation and everyday events. S e e . 40 1 lb. box “Exclusively Use Our Loyaway Plan R tg . 1.75 Hudnut CREM E RIN SE , fu ll 16 ox................................................... O uts " our lo rge selection. Q0 "Show You Care Enough . to Give the Very Best^ M e th o d is t G rp u p B u r le y C h a p t e r S o c ia l C a le n d a r L e a d e rs -II Won A tG e n e r a lM e e t I -Srivi Ni u- o(Itc<-r;. lo ii-. iii Jillip «rrr i-l.Tti-il n; Iiirclln;: of Ifir \Vo:i:,iii ClirnSliin .Scr-lcr' l;i..l .McllifxlLit cliurch. ;.UST norcricp U duj rut; Mr,., 1-rank Tliiclic i;.' ;irr vrir-raii;. ol \v<iild W prc.Mrtcni: Mr.v Cjir! lloy.l, ''' li”'i tary. iiMil Mr.s. C, M, KWi>t . Ina '■nHIUi, lhn-r mil K.-aftarir.-. i.re Mr,-,. V ".' ''.v„i 1!"". ‘ ClcrA-.',rr. pi oiiKill.ni: Mr,-,, I’ '" ""*■'>• Wiir. nii:..ioiiiiry rdiicainiii: .Mr; I ^ ¥ :ian WlllMill.S IumI rliiilcli lid li u.inl Hfll(-f Mxlrly v.U--'; H. ,1, fli iiili.in|t,'"‘'">' m ■I'ntir-clay v.i Ujiitli miii;; Mis. li II. .Mi.d.iii, -Mil.<-.in nlvliu the i, ,Minli-iit noil;; .Mr-,. Julin Htimicr, ' o-.:il--d. (litldi.-ii\ HurU: Ml;. ' : Mi ... I. A. All)'---. .•.i)lril!i;il 1 : .Ml,’ P a s t P r e s id e n ts S e le c t s In s t a lls '- W o r t h y M a tro n WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, IDGO .T IM E S - N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O PAGE FOURTEEN o f O ES ■ ,r Illf Ill-.l ll.lM I I.r I. tn ^.cirll.y rli li'l-n ttl;i|)llT. i^lic In- I|Cr (.illicr, I'.I III HaliiKill. iiuitrmi l>i nnd wUlt Hummel (Isurlnc-i. cifu the rellrlnc leader* i>nd the T w in F a l l s P a r r from -Mrs, Teaa, .• mivtron nnd pnlron. N e w L e a d e rs a t 1 an orlBlnal. -Tpscthcr" preOilier offlcer.1 ln.iUlled are O b s e rv e s D o te Mrs, m n k Oebkey. »-\ioclnle mn- sentniion, the fuvwlate in-Hfon H a i l e y S e a t e d in iron; ’llirodore Urnyles. nvioctaie nnd palron prc.ienicd Kill* nnd brat Mr, nnd .Mrj, Clltlord Thoiii;-.i patron; .Mi,i. Fred Tomlln.ion, fee*, wLihe* to the new leadrri of the wi-re honored l,is! wei-k with a aui. O E S C e r e m o n y reiary: .Mm .MnfRucrile Wu-e., cimpter., piL'.f p.iriy lit their lioine by ,•> ■n.iurrr; Mr*. Paul Brasi: rroup ()I relaiin'j nnd friend.' iii .Mr, .pnd Mr^, Tonilii . n-\II.t:Y. Apiil ;-7 - Mj>.‘ Mux I h;uid-l oii.scrvancp cf iheir <Olh ttcddiii'; T.-C.--1 and C lu rlo 0,.v v.,-rc wa;- .Mr,v Throdorp Broylp.i, cimducl- Milled' .Mf*, Tccr-i made memory book. Oilier Kill iis'ocinie conduct nl a.'. iif-A hcacl.s or B. ll-„iiiy d'l’ PI t Nil. :-3, Ordrr of Ka.-.i.-iii Sl.ir, I.Mr.i, Herman .McQuinn. Adah; and expre.-.MOiw of goodwill were I The sur.iU broiiKhl floucrs and III CDndut-iciI Inst iiTrij nl the .Mr,v J,iy. SilvcM, Iluth; .Mrs. made. j.-x t!iri-e-jler(-d t.ike made by ihnr M,riiiilc- iniiplr by .Mm Mllloii 'rhoii-„vi Fic.i. t'lher; Mr.v Marj- In her acccpiance .'pi-rch Mrs. daUijhler -in • l;n\, .Mrs, Lyleand cnndnctrt.'' o! Miller, Miirlha; Mr,i, Le«.t,i Ste- Trc.-:a llianked cliupter' niembn.i IThomas, \rris. tl«-cl.-\: .Mr,i. GeorKe ncrkln.i, for the privilege o.' .'crvlni; i " nr.:-,I CJuc.'M Inrluded Mr, and M:\ nd c outlined hrr .•'prelal III!' public <1 i'f , IHllr^ll;'l; Mr,'. Halph 'niomas, 'nioinas ;ind sons, Co-Kllni:: :cliai)laln: Mr,%. McKerthcr, oriiiin. Kuidance for the year. The Hibir ;i,vlo ..iiv v,cir '1-.-1.-.M. Mr.v .Mr, :ind .Mr,v j, C. Hendrix. Jr, >t:..i-,aal!,I-.l;c Cily; .Mr*. M.uli- M ; Irwin Davis, w.irdcn. and I’aiil is ber riiiWcni; '"nie Word c[ and .Mr, iind Mr,v Urn 'lU'iey, all Ciod" her thi-me and .'iicrlil .'a I iII-] Uiilll, a;-d Mr, iind Mrs, Lynn .1 ^.ulv and ll.iidy K. C.r-.uly, oiri.c rrlvi'd tnldrn lur.il \erM',i hiivr been ilun-n lor, Tlii<niii,s and Kony. and Mr, and .Mi,'. 'III Di-im-i, liiL'baiid, ninlhM. •nir II , liL'jilnllun, Cold nnd ulnli' an- lu r: !--ied Clardiiri, all l-ll>r. in: .111,1 <i«i.';n r,l llir new rhiivii eIllor^. Teer-* .pii-.tcntrn'lii' d Ml;, -Oay. ^^l^e iit llir uite wllh n Boldcul Kavcl liom her' .V 'r.ini:in.'i.i ; lliruuKlioiii the coin liiiiilly. :i Ihi S<li u piuM .Mi.%, Alba Anult, ,-,rru-laiy lor Itl'I.llllIU [<-.1111 the th,i[it.'i. I,j !• mi'i'Um: a rereptl') Ihf pa,sl lu-viar,-.. iiller dirliliiir:; ni-mili-;, i|]ai;.l I',|.-.1. .M;.v s.harlci in'.ulr ii ;;ill the jkiI, w,i,i iire'.i-nleit '.uili ;i Mit'iiy. I'liiipl il i> Jlie-ehaplrr In thr loiiii ol a lloi,il aiinhiii-iin-iit Irom_ll',i- Iddiie V.eic- Min K. y. Si-aule, Mrs,. I/ii-' r.iliii- I'yie, .Mr.-.. O. S, l-'arnliiii. iie,,idiii; m;ilion’s pin, pre;,emin;:,by .Mr,s. TomUn-'iOii. I lo Mis . Tee/.;x to wear Itir ihe| Day, in tils talk, lu'keil for h.ir- •Mr.-;. Victor Andcr.vui and Paul iir.st lime, Khe al'o pre-sented Kifulmony, service. fellou;,hlp and Brnui;. Miv Matinc- l-:rl; F e te d in J e r o m e Ml;;. WlUlA pi-1 \p;il ;7-: aniM; .Ml.-,. Ciillic-rin Ji-.'oine L;.dii Iradir nnd coiirtr.-.y card cliairnnred ni the aniuul m;in; Mr.i. Uiura Wilcox and -Mr.i \ liaiu|uel l;i.'. «et-k nl the D.ink I.illl.in ivilldiT,i. flower cominittir. cUib, A. K. Mc'l''.irl;inrt. aoilliy p^lrmi. and Mrj, I-T.ank UriKK.', put)lici:y iit;.i;iIlP(l !)v Oiiy Nr\vm:iii; clialrmaii, Mr.i, A, II, I’nri.i I,' -i I‘a,^t pri'„i!|rnl.', atlendiiis Ml'. (;irm Knodir, m;i. M i .'. John llnlver.snii, .Mr,i. ....... mnnb(-r the nfiniuiatin:; Ki niiMly, .Mr*. John D.irnall, Mrs. I:oii. Iiy Mr.i. Kalinnii: W.iltiT ,1'-il- M i s s A t k i n s o n I s c'liiiiiiiitPe, 1 ";i. n.'.’.oclnto piilrnn, hy I/m Cl iy1,1'iinard I.ane and Mr.i. Elinore ■llie proi:rnm roiisMed of ml- Jt.-ncK. Mr». Kd’.vard Cliurchniiiii l-m; Mr.i. .S.mili llntrbnii, nm. E n g a g e d to W e d rrd film ^t^lp.1 ,Mio«inK buildlnc^ Li retlrlni; pre.Mdent. Mr.-., Ly (Iin-Iri-.-j*. titKl Mr.-;. Kkliitid. tttiHI.. A|)III •- •Ih<- rm:a!:pnd proplr Involved In rvivnr.elhtic 0,ivt,i jire.senled Her with a k nv;lsUnl cnnilurtrc'.'.', by Mr,' rihicatloniil. hpallli and rcnniiiiil<- on behalf of ihe or.;iini7.iitlon, I’<mrr«: Mr.i, K tUjni DiiiilMr, Mrtr.dJiliiK uork rariicd on in many ri'lnry, by Mr.v .Siliimii; Mi..r.rc Mrs, Churchmnn rrected I Cilfim Blinmdii.i. tri'.mircr, liv Mr.N Iii-I. Mr.s Mur. p.iri.i of thp world liy the Wimirn';. rue;,1.1 nnd ihiiiikrd niembi-i.v Dh'blon of ClirlMliin Aervlnv I'-rnlik Kcdflrltl. .Mn A. K. McThe vu-dilini: their eii()[H-ralii)ii durhnt the p;i,'i rnrlnnd, mitrslMl, l>)- Mr,' I'"a- plaiinct tor M.iy 7 al llir l-'r.-c*lll lesM, f.chool.1. haipllaLi and t year,, Mrs, Grace Bolrii, 1' ' Ini: reiiten of varloiti klnd,i crii. mill Mi.v Kil .S(li«,i<i;lcr. IJaplL'l cliiiirli Fallv and Mrs, Clayton Toler inrluded, rhiiplnln, by Iicr lutirr, I'r.iiik M l ' Atkliu.an iiltc-iidr-d Buhl Mr.i, KBhiR led the devolloi I?r(»li-I(l, hluli nli'Hd and ni)tiblii.'. alii-iiilci All'-r^lh" dinner c,irds 'Hip new moMUv mnlrim upnl .Ii-innii', Hr Is nnployrd "New llKhiA for town nnd (•oiuury," pla.vi-d -.Mill pri;i-s koIiik to polnH'd 111- Ktiir it'iiiiu-.. 'Ilii'y Mr*. K. J, W illi wii,i in ehai Mr.i. K<iy •niiiriihiin:, Atl;di: Mrv l>y thp flol) Hrr.-a- Mn',<ir coinpiuiy lliB prORram. (iA,il,itcd by nipmber.i lln b Ki-niipdy, .Mr, I'aul Piait, Iti Tttlli l-'all.V .M rs. Miirlo Dairy nnd Mr.i, Vlnccni 8111III1, Kitili: Mr.%. Ail.iiii t tliD liosieM circles pIkIU ....... ¥ ¥ UUIHTl, WotHlworlli, MMhc-r. iilitl Mr,', lllrli Mm. Hott-iird conducU-d tlie bii.iV ¥ M nrrf Hllnnx', .M.irrhii .Mr.v lidlirrl Inr.M *e.'.ilon. Oue.it.i Included .Mr.'. M i s s D e p u t y e n d MllkT «lll l.(> lll.-lall.xl n.i Kli'fl.i A. L. Spenccr nnd Mr.v Frances M rs. Jo h n C ro s s nt n Illicr mci lliii;, nice, Spokane, former met L a w to n A r e W e d Mr,i, C.iiy Nt",viil:i!i n.ii Ifbt.illnl U wa.1 announced th.H . ... Is U n i t S p e a k e r ti.1 (irci'lll,'-! I>y ll'T llll^lI: . WKNDKM,, April 27 — Wayne rnoEe wxle will be held J-Tiday and Mr.i. 1), C. I'lllliiirr, nanlrrl, nnrl J.iM’toii, win of Mr, and Mrs. Le»- Saturday In the former Belty Ann MURTAUGlr. April 27 — Mr.^. Mrs. TiitljiTl. friiUlul, by llp L,i'At<in, Wendell, nml Mary b.tkery bulldlnu with circle 13 in John CrckU .ipnke on "'nie way in Mr.i, Itoiiard II:itr,v Deputy. dnuKhter of Mr. nnd eharce. Member* nre a.^k^•d lo take Africa’’ nl l,vii WTck'n meellni; ol Mr.i, Criiwford wm.i Kt,ir of the Mr.', Jnhn Deputy. BoLic, wen nrilclp.^ there Tliursday or to i the Woman's Society of Chrl,-.llan . fvcnlnc. Mrs, Oiinlmr. n p.wi n iiitTlrd Murcli 31 n l Cocur d' Al- Mm, E, M. Tinker or Mr.i, Crow;.. Service at llie .Me[hodl,il church iron, prfr.cnli’d Mr.i, I’lmiTS, Ji A lellow.ililp mcctint: of United lit the home of Mrs, Jiick Allred lor piL'.t iiinlnm. n j:in Jrimi Doth were Rrndunted from Ihe Church Women ivn.i nnnounci-d for Mrs. E, K, Wriuht w:ui co-ho.in-,-.s A ll m e r c h a n d is e n o t p u r c h a s e d fo r th e N e w V o g u e M u s t G o tlir chiipliT, Mr,i. I’(i«Tr,< i-xprf.wd Unlvi-rsliy of Idaho In 196U mid May. e at the V.illey ClirWtan .Mr,i, Iluwell Cwlson ri-porl«l on licr thnnk,« nnd n|>jiri.'cli>‘Jon have Khicc been employed by Uoe- churcha recent luncheon which f,lic nnd lirr offlcrr.i (or Ihrir coopcfntlim liiK AlrcnifL comt)nny. Smttle. Mr.v Allred *en-ed that brouchi Member,i decided to.ierve * din-: tliirlrur,llip pn.it yr.ir. Tlicy vbilled hLi parenLi here R E M O V A L S A L E N O W O N ! A L L S A L E S F I N A L proceeds of t52iO for the WSCS, Ilownrd Ualc.i prr.icnifd a sifi lo ...nd In Bol.ie the p a« week en. pr for church bowling proupi on Mr.i, We.'ley Horn wn.i namei. Wnltpr Jni.ini, jimlnr p,wt pairnn, route to CiUlfomln ivhrro they Hill May 0, Mr*, irowurd and Mr.i, Tliletten chairmnn for the onniiat May UiirlnR tlin iiiccIIiir timl prrc«il* be cmploy«r' bri-akfasl lo bo held May 3 from reported on the Eivitern dWlrlct f(l thft inMnllnilon cfrrninnyt Mr*, ¥ ¥ * ’/ 2 E V E R Y T H I N G P R I C E A N D L E S S WSC3 conference they attended .... 8:30 II. m, to 1 p, m. 11i>; men are rowtrji WM prr.'filtpil to tlie'flwr deleKBtefl nt Dolae. Mr.i. H.Mier and Invlied lo "come ii* j-ou are," polnu ttpil rccrlvrd a rwebud cor« H o z e l t o n S h o w e r Mrs, D. R.lVrner. president, an­ *nsc. Mr.i. Oemlm rdl nl*o noled their Including a nicc selection o f Bernhard A lfm onn and Loubcllo SKIRTS, nounced that the Rev, John Crcw I'Uml comniltteo rfpnrtji were H e l d f o r W o m a n lnipre.viloii.1 of Uie nieetlnif. One of the *peakcr* there, Mrs. Edward will insiftll olficer.i nt the renular tnado for ilie yfi»r. Announcpmffii sizes 8 to 16. Now priced $6 to $10* wn,? miulp tlmi Mrs, Wiilier Jenscii IIAZELTON, April 27 — Mr*. DUon, Durlcy, will *pcak at the mcetlnR on May 5, wiui clmlrmiiii ot Uie nncer drive Lnrry Jfan.sen v,-n.-i honored last local church. She Li ^ relumed week vi'llh n pink nnd blue ahower flil.ulonnry from Clilna, Suinatr.i. for the clinptrr. A report wiui Riven nt the home of Mrs. Charle* ort the dinner ifrved the ScoUlnh Thornton In the Greenwoal area, and Indonc.ilii. rite. Mrs. Jack Royston. Eden, nnd Mrs, Refre.'ilimenLi were *cn-ed by VlAllora nilcndlnc ths mcetlnn Dewey Riutsnui,i.icn were IHBtew.t. member* of the ho.iic.u clrcki durwere Mr.i, Nellie RequLit. Oood- Mr», Ott-eti Hammond, Eden, ar* Ini! a toclal hour after the mectlnir, ¥■ ¥ ¥ Inc Cfkimopolllim chnplrr 30; Mrs. mnxed ihe prORrnm, Ineis nr}-ftnl. Rupert chnpt^r No, Oul-of-iott-n KUCMA wer« Mr*, READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS D I D Y O U H E A R ? an. Mid Mr.v LoiiAniie afrnhtiri, ,/. C, Jacloon, Welser; Mr*, M. Goixllnnd. Knii,i, diaplfr No. 1:2, Beck, Jerome, and Mrs, John Roy AIiiT the lii.ilnlblloii rcfrrjh- ^Uln; Mt», Ocrald SWRdlcc. 8l\itwa ninit.i wen- .•.erveU bv Mr.i, M. Thornton. Jeanette I’ertcln* and Mr,i. Shrnnnn Coiu'li, Mr,i. Wllmn 8uo Allen, nil Twin I-'nlU. F U R ninl .Mr,i, J:i:ttrj Kirrlier, * >f S t o r a g e A c t iv it ie s L is te d JfAGERMAN. April 27 - Tlie • C L E A N IN G G u e s t H o n o re d Zion'* lenciie of the reorsnnlred • GLAZtNG WENDEIU April 27 - Mr*, Lfju U33 church met lu.ii wrelt at the Jlc Wftllnce wn,i liostfu tt a limch. church lo practice a play. "Faith • R E P A IR IN G eon liut week In honor of her of Our Fattier*,'" Director Bud Al­ • R E M O D EL IN G house KiiMt. Mrs. Jrrrj- Wllllnms, len, Kins Kill, 1* counselor for tlie P H O N E RE 3-2255 Spokiine. Tlie limcheon sroup. lowoil by contmct brldst. THE • in.itead of b rcRUltu’ mcetlnc. the ^Irs, Albert Lnncawer and Mr.i, Junior leamie held a wiener roa.it . Oarlnn McCulloch received In the vlllixRe park In honor of F u r S h o p prize*.s--. Judy and Slevrn Elmer who are moving lo OreRon soon. Mr*,' In A n ne 's C otug it OeorKe Lemmon wn-i In chnrcr ot M a r ia n M a r t in _________ . Ihft party. O N L A S T Y E A R ’S G .E . M O D E L 950S IMS'. Mr:,. U>lv .C'.avu.h. Mi .'. Hiirrl .Sch«.icv:lT. I'lul Mr.v Miimi'lU I’ull- COMING SOON! B LA C K ER S A R E G IV IN G .0 0 T R A D E -IN P a tte r n "P L N C U r”^ G e n e ra l E le c tr ic FILTER-FLO W A S H ER S O L V E S B L E A C H IN G A U T O M A T IC A L L Y . P R O B L E M S . . p u n c ljc J . . . fo r tlic s o fte s t, ju p p lc jt c a .n c - t t fe e l n fo o t . p ar ad is e G,E. B leach D ispenser M e a s u r e s , D ilutes a n d A d d s Bleach 9407 ■ S c ie n tific a lly t o give y o u SIZES ■ C leo n, B r ig h t W a s h e s . . . . HAI.K-SI/.K .srcfi:.ss TJio /.ultdrc.M—perfecl for your bu.iy dayUme hfo and Ideal for your *horter. fulli-r flmire. A amarl, 'c. new fa.ihlon noie—tho flatierlnj' pelaled-effect collar. i Prinird PiUtern £H07: Half Hje.i r-t':. 16',. I0’-„ 20'4. 2J!i. 24'.i.: 61r< 5C‘j rcijulrca 4 yards ao-lnch! fabric, I Send 50 centj (coins) for thb' pattern — ndd 10 cents for ench. paltem for first - cla.M mnlllnir. Send to Marian Mariln. TlmesNews.i»aitem Dcpl„ 232 West ISUi St,. New York II. N, Y. Prtnl plainly itamc, addrciu vlth zone, size and style number. Ja it outl BIk. new 1060 Spring nnd Summer Pallern CaUlog In , vivid, full-color. Over 100 smart V-u • “iylw . . . nil *l7« . . . all occaAlon*, r 'Scod, nowl Only 25 ceaul BeiRC o r w liita M.n.'i Plus These Features: • Non-Clogging, moving filter • 5 Automatic Cycles • Automatic rinse agent dispenser O P E N 0 :3 0 T O 5:30 MOK. T H R U S A T . ' 150 M A IN AVE. N . • Cold water wash key WEDNESDAY, AP R IL 27, I960 T IM E S - N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , I D A H O PAGE FIF T EE N RECEIVE PRIZES MEET FOB SOCIAL RIcftnELD, April 37 — The SHOSHONE, April 37 — A (o d ll Merrlettes Bridgi club met Fri­ afternoon was spent by membvs B r id e ^of M c K a y day evenliif at Uie home of .Mrs. of Lucky 13 club Friday at thi M e m b e rs A tte n d B e ll R e c i t e V o w N o te s L ite r a r y Oall Hansen. Priies were'recelred home of Mrs, Roger Freeman. Th# WENDELL, April 27 — Mr. and ' In C h u r c h R ite s M e e t f o r W a r d s by Mr*. Le.iler McCllnloek, Mrs. next meeting will be held May B e l l e v u e S e s s i o n Mn. Keith Davis announce the Carl Piper and Mrs. Charles .Maes- 6 at the home of Mrs. Myron D. HAILEY. April 27 - Jeanlnc DELLEVUE. April 27-Memberi marriage of Iheir daughter. Linda, JEnOME, April 37-A new .. i guest. IJohnson. Of Ituih Rebekah lodge No, io7,|to Larry Dell, son of M rjjn d Mr.v tlon speaks" was the le.von for K.iion, dftURhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Durley took a "mystery trln’'i'^®'''’°" Salmon. Tlie mar- the first ward Relief society la.« Ucn Eaton. Idaho Palls, and Ed> wm McKay. Mtj of Mr, and Mrj. wcrk at Ihe LDS church. Mrs pUinned by Mrs. May Shelby. thelr;r>«Ke Parley Olne.i, nssLiled by Mrs, Rny cu-orce McK.-iy. Hailey, were united noble grand, last week. Their d e s - i ' * ® " ' ' o ' ' Dl^on. Mrs. Hnzel Ivle and Mr.i. In marrluse dl 3 pm. Monday, tinatlon was a vWl to Mayflower 7’° " ’ R'''- Mor**" nebeknh lodfc here. don officiating, Leon Olsen presented the lesson April 16. Mrs, Uwrence Ulya. Mayflower; The bride chose a gown of white ■■om American literature. Tile double rlnc ceremon> nobiB grand. In turn surprlsedlMtm with matching hat and vcU Mr*. Orani Humphries conducted performed by tlie Rev, W. D. Eilthe meeting, Mrs. Joe Ilartle gave Ihrin by turning the opening oflfor her wedding, 6he wr uny. At the Emanuel. Episcopal GIRLS' ehurcli. the regular meeting al the lOOP chid conagc. Attendants fnr the the Invocation and Mrs'L'Jon 01and Mrs. Kny Ford directed Tlie bride wa^ Riven In marrlARe hall over to Mrs. Shelby and her couple were Mrs. Keith Davis and C O R D U R O Y L E V I Vernon Bell. the n1ll.^lc. by her fnthtr. Her gown w u > otflcers. ulilie lacc and nel mid featured . GuesU Introduced were Oeorpc announced that a ward, Schoeler, Ourley, and Oecrge Ven. quilt »as being made and everyonci tilted bodUe ultli Ions sleeves and f * 2 . 0 0 S " . . . * 2 .0 0 bouffant, floor>lenitl)i «klrt. Her able, Ketchum, past grand ma.'- table'was centered with a thrre- was urged to pul' tlieir name on' finnerilp veil Kas causht ullli ter.i; Mrs. Floyd Clevenger, Burley, llered cake diconited with tlie ,quill, Mrs, Bea Tliomason clusters ol orange falouoinjs. Slie and Mrs. Venable, past as.iemb1y and wedding bells. BOYS' Sloigh Bell gave the 'eltt^lnB benediction, ' c;trrled a buuquct of red prc.ildents; Mrs. Qlen Chaney, as­ Tliey plan to make Uielr home In Members of the second ward' .0 0 buds on lier Dlble. sembly reporter, and Mrs, Badliia Salmon. society aitrndrd nn all-day work W i n t e r J a c k e t s Bell, Burley, lodge deputy. ¥ ¥ * se.*.^loll quilting nnd embroidering Mrs. Phllltp Ealoii, slMer-lnOfficers of the department of leu loweL^, ]i\u' of Uie bride, uns niiitroii of Reg. 12.50 — 3 O n ly .................... D e ss e rt S e rv e d Ladle.V Auxiliaries Patriarchs Millhonor. She wore a pa.it*l blue Mrs, f'rnnk Walker demon.«ralecl lant honored were Mrs. Esthrr SH0Sh6nE. April 37-Member« the illcnl baby lender. Mrs. Will /lull wtlh neutrnl aec:Morlr.i and Arbogast, Durley, president; Mrs, of Our cliib met 'at the home of Robinson demonstrated using dried' n corsnEC of white and Nancy Howard. Burley, assLitant Mrs. Charle.1 Pendleton last, week foods for storage Itenw. nntlon.r 1 - $ 1 .0 0 T A B L E to the p^e.^ldent; LoRene Lar.ion, ir an B. o'clock de.*.«ert. ’ Mrs, Den E.ilon cha-<r fnr her Bellevue, secretary, and Mrs, Ca- Oue.Ms were Mrs, R, W. Orove, Mrs. Elmer Pctcr.van was pre-' daufihter'n v,'cddlri|;. a p.\Ie V ALUES TO $4.95! tlirena I'alrman, Hailey, captain of Mrs, Floyd Silva and Mrs. Oiiicr senled a gift and a note of thnnk.-> linen nftcriioon drr.'.i with white for her work as counselor. Mrs.' the ho^or guard. ahook. nccesiiorles and a corsace of r:d Dreitcs - Sweaters - Slack* - Shirti - H eti • etc. Harold He.v\ was honmed guest ofi ro.iebud.1. Mrs, McKay wore n char* During the buslne^i meeting Prizes were received by Mrs. the month and presented a gilt.! tru.no and while nylon afternoon plans were made for (he official Orove, Mrs. Richard Baumann and Mri. Viola Morgan and Mrs, WII-' dress and white acce.uorles and vUlt May 21 of Mrs. Evelyn-Baker, Mrs, Margaret Gehrig. Ham Cough gave the prayers. ] ¥ ¥ ¥ Idaho Falls. a.isembly presldenl. a curanse of carnations and red Blanche Houshka’s TOURS FAKM Mrs, Milton Wilding and Mr.sJ rof-e.^. • , Robert Ferebftuer, Mrs, Charles Mrs. .Venable, Mrs. Wlllls McKerTliompson were In charge T h e brldecrooin’s ftltcndwila M r s . G e r a r d I s Pendleton. Mrs, DocslKer, Mrs, cher and Mrs. Ward Deck were' Elula Koda Cnmp Fire group Wayne 'were hli brother, Junes McKay, Oeorge Kenaston, Mrs, Che.w, Mrs. named as the program planning met last week at the home of Mrs, of Ihe noon lunchcon. They were! be.ic man, and Ptillllp Eaton and T O T & B E E - T W E E N committee; Mrs. Waller Nelson, Robert WlLvin lo ro as a group lo assist^ by Mrs, Dan«61elght, Mrs. I Emery Ufer and Robert Perebauer. N e w M a tro n o f Wllba Peterson, Mrs. Maurice Reid, I Tliomlcy Williams. Jr„ ushers, During the opening ceremonies, Nfrs. Bruce Springer and ^{rs. the Jack Helfrccht fann. After Mrs. Martina Jensen, Mrs. Art' !>{rs. C, E. Arndl u u orRan 635 Main E a s t. a guest, Mrs. Nick Senton, of Chaney, table decoratlon.i; Mrs, games and a tour of the farm, Dick, Mrs. Mary McHan and Mrs.l L i n c o l n C h a p t e r Martha chapter, Dlngham, Utah. Jaird Ivle and Mrs, Fred Tomlin­ refrahments were served A reception »a.» held In Uie Phnebe Robln.^on.. I undercroft of the church at son. corsages, and Miss Larson. In­ Kathy Helfrecht, hostess, • SHOSnONE, April 27 - Mrs. WM Introduced and welcomed. Mrs, Orln ShlrU and Mr*, jacl: Morrli Gerard was I n i t a lt e il vitations to dignitaries and otl A report was made on the re­ lodges. Vlahiu served ca>:e. punch and worthy matron dI last week's meet­ covery of Mrs. Mans Cofiin and of coffce; Mrs, Jam u Broadhurst and ing of Lincoln chapter No, 42, Or­ Tlie program was presented by; Mrs. Ralph Orlffln were m chari;e der of Eastern Slar, at Uie Ma­ Uie Illness of Mrs. Angle WhltC' members of the Ruth lodge and naek. of the Kttl table and Mrs. Thorn- sonic temple. Included solos by Mrs. Edith CanA lu tv e ll poem to ollteerx b*i nell, ley Williams, Jr., was fn charge Olher officers are.M. H. Drown, readings by Mrs. Lena Toner of the Ruest book. worthy patron; Mrs, &( JL Drown. read by Mrs. Alexander, retiring and a skll by Mrs. Wilma SouthThe new Mrs. McKay attended a.voclat« matron; Ray Drown, as« worthy matron, and each received eVn, Mrs, Creola Core and Mrs, Idaho Falls high school and Mc­ soclute patron; Mrs, Charles Pen­ a gift from her for their, coopera­ Esther Sdioeler. Ruih members Kay Lt a ISi8 grftduale of Hallcy dleton, secretary; Mrs, Ray Drown, tion and work of the past year. aLio served refreshments. Mrs. Qerard led an addenda hlRh school. He l» «mp]oyed a', treasurer; Mr.v Roberl Vaden, con. Precedljlg"' the regular lodge tho Idi\ho FnlLi Farm and Ho.iie. duclre-vi, and Mrs, Em ut Docslger, honoring Mrs. Alexander Charles Pendleton, retiring worthy meeting members of the Bellevue oMoclale conductress. Odd Fellows lodge and Mayflower On return from a ueddlng trip Appointive officers iiutalled are palron, Rebekah members held iheir anto Pnyetle lakes the couple M m . Howard Hill, chaplain; Mrs. Mrs. Gerard was assisted by Slar nual dinner commemorating the reside In Idaho Falls. ArUiur Marlin, marslial; Mrs, points and ofllccrs. DoUi retiring annlversarr of Oddfellowshlp In I- * * Claude Che.u. organist; Mrs. John officers received handkerchiefs In America. IIEADIIANDS MADK Tlioniftfl, Mrs. Elden Guthrie, Mrs. the Star point colors. Mrs. Alexan­ During the Mayflower meeting O-We-A Camp Fire group met ZaniB Alexiknder, Mrs, Louise Rose' der's mother, Mrs. D. L. Stlckney, the Odd Fellows washed dishes Saturday at the home ol Mrs, and Mr.t, W. A. Hall, Star pclnis;; presented Mrs. Alexander wlUt a and prepared the coffee for Ihe' Lynn Ooodman, guardian, to work Mrs, Ida Sllckney, warder, and gift from the oHlcers. refreshment' hour at the close of B re e ze t h r o u g h s u m m e r i n these g a y , c a s ­ on headbands, nefrc.<hmenLs Clinrli'.n Pendleton, sentinel. Tlie new worthy matron thanked the evening. Six members of Debserved by Mr.v Ooodman. Iiistnlllnir officers wera chapter members for tho honor orali Rebekah lodge. Hailey, »Iso u a l c a n v a s s h o e s . .W h a t e v e r size, c o lo r o r conferred upon her and spoke on attended. f a b r ic y o u h a v e i n m in d , y o u ’l l f i n d i t a t the importance of regular attendlice at meetings. H u d s o n ’s 1 Mrs. Edward Thomason, Buhl. C a r e o f Y o u r C h ild r e n Committees she Introduced In­ Mrs. Alexander presenled Mrs. cluded Mrs. Gerard. Mrs. Alexan­ Oerard a glfU Mrs. Oerard, Robert By ANGELO PATRI der and Mrs. Martin, education F'erebauer and Mrs. Alexander alli . Mrs, Vaden, Mr.i. Doc-slger conutbuied to the birthday fund, , All our lives we are forced to be carried out. To allon a class to and Ray Bros Refrcsliments were sehed byi make choices. Sliail we do thl vote on a matter of class action Che.<ui, Mrs. Shaffer and Charles Mrs. Ufer and Mr. and Mrs. Ihftl, and on ihe decLilons and Uien say, 'Tm sorry but you’ve Pendleton, auditing, nnd Mrs, I<ot. George Kenaston during a social make, our forti^es depend. Make made the wrong dKlslon. It must tle Pllger, Mrs. Coffin and Mrs. hour. Vaden, slcK*Bnd visiting. the right-one and we are rewarded be this way." Tlils Is disastrous. • by success: niake the wrong ' In order to train children to Other committee members ' in­ and we are faced by failure. It Is tliink Independently, make wise clude Mra. Ray Drown, Mrs. Mar­ our duly tliertfore lo teach young decisions, carry their responsibili­ tin and Rny Drown, examining; P E R R Y 'S children to make wise decisions; ties, we have to allow them choices. Mrs. Alexander, Red C t w and »hen possible, offer them a cholcc In the beginning these are cancer; Mr.f, John Tliomas, pub­ Here, we must be careful. It Is fully slttRed. As the children grow licity; Mrs. TliomM and Mrs, How­ T V S e r v ic e not going lo help If we know there In undersumdlng. these choices ard Adkins, ESTARL, and Mrs. Is but one way open and offer the can be offered with more of a chol- Hill, Mrs. Oulhrle. Mrs. Sllckney child li cliolce. Should he make the lenge. Then U Is we say; Think and Pendleton, ways and means. vrOHB decision wo stiall have to about this: think of what the con­ Mrs. Alexander was presented say. "Ko. 'Vou must do this,” Make sequences of Uie choice will b« for the post natron's ring and Invited sure that there Is a choice, that you must abide by 11 and » “ to Join Past Matron's club by Mrs. either way the child will be aaTe, through." Only In this way __ Thomas, club prwldent. before asking him what ha would we expect clilldren to grow up with Mrs. Perebauer read a humoroai' like to do. the ability lo consider a question, poem on problems of being Children have color preferences examine all sides of It, ask: What worthy matron, which was written quite early In their lives. LltUe then? aiid act with th« wisdom by Mrs. Alexander's slstcr-ln-law, glrb of 4 and 5 have favorite col­ they can call on. ors. Small boys know which tie Even then Uiey will make misthey like best to wear ulth Iheir Ukes but they will not ask; ''Mo­ dress-up ault. MoUiers can . . . . ther, Father, what shall i do?" •'which sweater today?" knowing They will have grown Independent, S u m m e r i s C a r e f r e e . . . . i n cooicircic-dotud the youngster will be equally But happy ending must be prepar­ collon law n...needs only touch-up ironing.T uckcd warm In • clUier. but bo happier ed for during the growing years. ivearlnE the one he chooses. bodiccpnth kcrchici neckline, flnltcringly full skirt. The teacher who tells his ela&s Anr'l" r*lri »fr»rt iMnm »n Sizes 9 .1 7,10;1S. he would like them to vote . varltir "I •ubj>ru (MKrrnlnr question of action must be careful that the decision the majority makes will be acceptable and J e a n in e E a to n Is H a ile y R it u a ls J o in C o u p le B u r le y R e b e k a h L in d a D a v is .a n d - Je ro m e S o c ie ty -JACKETS- ‘5 play i t c o o l! a n d S M A R T fb r S C O M P LE T E LY W A S H A B LE LA ^T 2 DAYS f o r y o u r ^ . ^ y 7 P O R T b a b y ’s R A T T o f yo u r ch ild ., .fo r only 49< Yoor choice boiee c of i ^ e n l ,pose*. Additionftl h l^ ie r pietora if yoo wish,, at m pricet, b u t y o u t d U n o t b e u r g e d to b u y . UallW H tm dUUrM MdM la aodi hmOf. P ixy Ptn-Vps BxeluHvely at Penney^t TIM ES: 9:45 to 12 — 1:00 to 5:30 dLop n W EDNESDAY, A P R IL 27, I960 T IM E S - N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O I'A G E SIXTEEN Class B Athletes Start Track Eliminations in Sub-Dis]trict Meet Friday T. F. Tops Tigers To Take Lead in SIG Eastern Play Pro Basketball Wind Didn’t Helpt T he Twin F alla B ruins, K cttinjr nnothor stellar p itch in ;r perform ance from ju n io r (Jary Kountrcc, moved in to the lead o f the So iiiitcrn I<!aho confcrenee eastern division baseball nice Tiie.sday by ilu n ip in n the Idaho Fall.s Tiffer.-? :i-l. The TiKcr.t cam e hack in a .sccond Kamc, fen tu rin if .sopljomores and a few jiinNEW YORK, April 27 WWTlie lor.H, to win 2-1 h u t thi National Ba.ikelball- luisoclallon lory does nol cuuni In itu' coiiferdb<u«ed the iruiufer of .Minne­ eni-e ^tandlnt:s. Tlie Urulii.i aie apolis frnnchl.ic m Lo-i Ancclei l-O for the year with Id.ilio Tails ’IMesday while owner Bob Short 1-1 and Pocatdli) 0-1. Tiie eastwa.^ In California complctlnR dc- cm champloiLi will play Itie li'niltall.i for ihe propwed Awltcli, er.i of the Botw valley diiblon to Maurlse Podololf, NBA pre.il- determine the chnmiilunsliip dent, ^ald no final action would B0I.1C May 21. By The Associated Preaa be tjiken unlit Short rcturn.1. He Rountree allotted only three 1.1 expected lo return durlni: the two of Ihcm nfitr the Kame aIiouIi I Don Jordan, wortd'a wclterweluht have been over, nnd lOM his 5luil- boxlni; ciiniiiplon. nnd Suftar t^y nlRlit, The propased shift of the Hi>blnson. former nilddlewelRlit Lakcr.i, re*odmLviton of ChicnRO lo InnlnK. He fanned II Idaho I'lill/ chnmplon, will appear on Ihe anme the NBA. nnd the drnftlnR of n batsmen and didn't L^'ue 11 walk. proRrnm In tivo 10-round bouU at lOGO-Cl .-chcdule were three of the Tlic Bruiiw clinched lli; Kaiiic .Meinurial siadluin Mny U. before innklnc nn oul in iiii' lirsl mnln itrin.i on the n;:enda for the Charle.s Ro.iebaum, chairman of three-day meeilnK, which opened Innlni:- Cary Jeff walked ami Ter- the Maryland .Mate athletic comrj' Lawrence .ilnnled. Dale llarilett ml.vilon, said Tue.iday Jordan hna Tue.idny. Podoloff Mid Wiiller Drown, drove In Jclf wuh another hit iiiircetl to..meet Candy McKarland and Lawrence scored on Jue Kellpre,-.ldenl of ife;iI(v,ion Celtics, of t’hlladelphla in a non-title icconipankd sfuiT^o Lcki Anjele.i •'a Kfuundoui. filiht. ust week to look Into a posilble Rountree k^I In trouble In tlu .ilxili innUiR when u pair of error.i auKftr Rny will fiRht Jny Andernove to lhat elty. )ii in what hns been billed as a •'Short went back to Los An- put two men on bxse. Hut iiilty -^ecolld luiie-up bout for Robin­ piny by Bnrtlctl nnil n .Mrlke lo Rrle.T .Mundny lo lion out-.ii second b;L-.e ‘ liy .ratcher Darrell son's fifiht with Pnul Pender In lulLi. iind Broun v.lll nil . Boston June 10 for the New Yorlt.T,'. lierr on the situation,” Alnick wl|K'd the bn.ies clean. MaMncliu.ictl.1 version of t h * Tlie Tli;crs scorcd wiih one Po<loli>ff .said. world's mlddlewelKht title. A Chlcai:o nroup hended by Max In the .leventh innlnr:, Holverson Winer iilrrady hii.i 'been Rrnnled lived when Keller and Amlck col­ At Providence, R, I., Anthony. fntnchl.-e with the iiiidcriiand- lided' under a hliih pop foul ball M.iccronl, pre.sldrnt of tlie NahiR that the elty will have a NBA nnd took ndvnnlaRc of liie sec­ llonnl BoxhiR n.viocliillon. promised ond chance to bell u lonR double to ’'dnistlc iictlon" nRalnst Chnmplon •am BlarthiK the 1D01-C2 «n.ion. centcrfleld, A Ihrowlnu er.'or bj Jordan If he ROe.i IhrouRh with The re-entry of ChlcnRO ! Unrtlelt let nomrell live nnd Hot- the nnnouncnl bout. wied by owners since 11 Ive team.' nroiher Midwest stop- ver.'ion came home on a ilncle by TIioUKh Mnceronl would not def­ Otto. initely Kiy the NBA would wlihvcr city In event of n shift The Bruins had nullified that dr.w 11.1 rccojtnltlon of Jordan, he the We.ll Con.il, jn In liie sixth iniilni: when aid "our ncliun could Include zucli Other teams In the NDA a , wllhdrnwnl of recosnllion." a.';tern dlvlslon-Ncw York, Plilln- Barllell walked, took third delplihi, Syrucme and Boston: Bart StronR's .ihiRle nnd c •'i'm iimftfed," Mnceronl aald WeMern division—Delnilt, Cinclll- home on Kellers loni; jacriJicc from Ills home. "I don't aee why nvSt. LouLi. and Minne.ipolls, •Ilie Brulas took ihe lead In Ihe In the world anyone would aiRn a ¥ ¥ V flr.st Innlni: of ihe tecond chnmplon for a tune-up no close three walks and an error, Bui title bout. We definitely frown Idaho Fftll,i took the vlctor>- on . uch a bout and don't want It wnlk.1 to KumberRer nnd Ilnrucn to take pl.ice. Wc won’t stand for and O rIc's triple. It." Sophomore Cecil wiUon blanked the Tigers durhlR his three-innlnK f.tint while fre.ihman Leroy Lindell LOS ANGELES. Ai>rU 27 W1t-T1ic touched for the CoIl.-.cum cominlMlon TU Rave the Ro-ahend slRnal MlnneapolLs Ijikers to lease the si>orl3 arena If ihe club can Ret liermlsslon from the NntlonftI Get Relieved of Basketball nwoclalion to move the l.r,|i.1ph rf S 0 franchise to Los AnRele.s. Alter -several hours of dLicu.ulon S in u s In f e c t io n , tlic commlMlon voted unaiilmousli to Klve the Lakers exclusive proA r t h r it is fcsslonftl basketball rlRhts In tlie Tol.l. threuKh a proven, pleaaanl blR, H ,000-sent nrcnft, method. If you have a stub­ Robert Short, owner of Ihe fl- T-ln’ K^IU 1 born condition I nm Interested nnnclally hnrn.ise*l Lakers, apIn dluuulnff It with you. peftred to plend his . case. lie ftRreed lo-pay a $3,000-p«rKame rental fee, phis about $SOO a H. W . HILL, D. C. came for staffinc nnd cleanup. The HE 3-7C18 — W8 Main North Ulk concerned a schedule of about 28 KRiiiM for the 19C0-C1 NBA srn-ion. It Is up to UiP IcflRue to Krant permission for the switch of the fr.inchl.ic. It track reccinls appear in fo r a l)n(l day li-s mcci ill (iu! .si:l>-diKtricl ca rn iva l at ■first fitcp fo r tlui atlilctc.s tow ard stat ii'‘.s c'r<>i> will Ifave its .stam p on tlie record •liDiiis will l)u j)ar(‘d to six fin alist.s fo r the (iistrii't m eet a t T w in F alls .M Till- Ili'ia win bo dlvUlrd Into U-i> (Iivir.lijiiJi — nortlulilc niiil Viillry hn.i bum' 111 ll;<; MiiitlLilcliT illvblon h ivdit ulirrr Ihc Vllcliin.i will br buittiiK liciul:! with tliR iwn oilier l;li: ir.ic k lymer.n on llic local .Mai N K W Y O R K , A))ril 27 l,V> — —Mmt!iiii:li niid Klmbi-rly. 1 till Jiirts’i'.'*. ‘’slio ck cd" in- n'pdrl.-; nf (li>>ciisi' In thr .‘.pill inci-l. tlio ioi> three callc'l it meeting: i>f his playiTS T ursilav in n c a i u ir lui. fllllr.li t will Ko on the fhiiiL'i lit Twin I'lill.v T lic tm'<'tiii^r w;iH hi'ld in tlii' visiting' clui.litiiisr at Vankc'c While thein U i.onie doubt fitatiiiim, hcfori! the '^ith N’i‘W' V n il;. |:n>tcni wcm wlirthiT llie sub-di.iirlct Ilitips and 7-'>. " I callod th e ))!avers to-[ (ll-.lanriM will be lillowed'on t cli.'.lrlrl level, Mx record.'should jmit Ihe iKiiird.i nnd another t all' In irouble. Nohmiy I fi'd C;i;.tleford’5 Iniiky Kellh Barne.i d i a l is Ihe only way t<> Kct should tup the hiKh liurdles mark t h is thitl^r str:ii>rlilv''‘'<l i>r l(>3 (which he now iioULi) and -1 will pli'V the low liiirdle.i <if 22 fliil, act by I probltiii. I niiy III I'artln, Ca.illcford, In 1050. T Jnr» hoi' It .'.liouM liiKell Morrl-1, Kimberly, wemhiBjiirKcx’ itccbidii.s In H mil ly h;i.i the IiIkU Jump recurd i5 with 111.' pliiyiTN w;i.' pt<mi|iu-il by land, Ls leel, IP. Inchrit nnd the imlc vault )VlllK report* III IKuton iic-n-.paiwrs Ihiit Hiiiry Tdiiipkm:., Oublai, Trx.. in HI leclt well hi hand. Ro<l Ilulmni-d Sox jilaycM wiTL' criiinbllm: hor.M, Valley, Ui cyulni? the 4B-fool. nnd milc.il of JurKfV inannKltiK the all nroiind ch;ini]):'ili.',ln U'}-lnch .ihotput record. John In over the pn.il ivcck. irofi'v.lonal n«lei> rlniiu. lirlck-n, Carey, htn bettered llie Tflinpklii.v who lii'ld' (lie nllrnJ. &WIC u rJim riiiolrd unltli-iibroadjimip record of 111 feet, llflcd iln l Sox liliiyer.i w crillclx- rduiid lltli- In ,IU5:. lia';-,\nn $10,- Inch lit different tlme.i. liiK 'Jim!rV lineup JUKulinic mid <H7 llils ;.e;i.-.on, 'llur I'fi-yinir-old KdbliiMin. hk Ipo's ronkle of the Also In Jeopardy l.t the mile .. friinllc drrlsloiis. One player, iibo iinlilcntlllal, •ar hi iri57. ha.s lotulecl JlO.lnS, liiy record ilmc of 3:18,5 nnd Imlfprc-dlcled JurKri woiilil Ijc out as Hobla^on alsti moveil fn'in flllh niller Loiil.i Oliuio. Olcnns Kerrj-. to fourth In "j^tetr wrr.^lllnc And could well brealc the 3:(M3.t lime he nmnaner before July. 1. t» sixth In ji. Uirned A e.mvifu of Uie plnyer.i TUMclny from /.cvrnth rldlnc:; fullowlni: fCMilUi of prcxJucfil iiio.si1y ilenlnla lhat n ny rhe larit two rodeo.-.. Vflcrrm Illll Ihlnu WM wroiiK. 'nieri: were .%rv- I.lnderrnnn, Ooodlntt, Ida.. Li i eral "no comment" repllc.i. One, her nine In thi^ nll-iirniiiid < ftlio Bskrd that liLi nnrne not be .•llh 15.0^3 In prl;i- \iliiiilni:.s. luied, Anld JurRe.i liiid becmiie popular wUli the playm by hW Btaiulini; of Inti riiiotniliiin cowbuj'.n. In otlu-r event.'nre; iinsiy itiovc.\ coiutitnt JukkUhr of Saddle bronc-Jlin llmer. Wlldplnycrs. and ■•unsound inctlc.v" Ida,, .levenlli wlin S3.03I. Otiicm, like Ted wnifnni.v wolfea IJan'biick bronr — Clyde Fro.n, nt the dlweiulnn report and cX' prw ed complete fnllli In Jtirite.*! L.il><ilnl. UlnlJ. sixlti wllli $3,103; PINEHUnST. N. C.. April 27 "Ifj! bU ft lot of horscfciilhers.’ Dao'I llobdy, Goodlni:, hla.. bcv- Bin Nicks, JO-ytur-old road build­ enlh wllh SS.O.'iS: Don I,. Wll.vm, er from Lo.1 Angele.i, ousted ,Medsnapped Wllllnriu'. "It's tlio-ie dnmn Uo.^lon wrUer.i KUHenc-, Ore, ninth with $2,7;.^; all.1t Herb Durlmin of Dnllas, Tex., Jny r , Smiin. Iimii. Jil.r, tentli AKaln. TlieyTa clwiiys et.irlliiK 1-up 'I'uesduy in the major eur* •llh $2,527, prise of the fIrM round of mulch trouble. ■•Wliat do they wnnt tliB fellow Dull ridlnff—Pete Cnirnp, Orecn play In the North nnd South ama­ (JurKM) to do? He'fl dolns tti Acre.% Wa.ih.. tenth with s2,n4R, teur Rotf tournitmcnt. Ilarolil CarrlMH, memt»er of the Twin Falli Btneh IlMt Shoolhif Calf rophiK—Dean Oilier, IJnLie, best he c.in, And he‘» dolns Nicks, (I two hnndlcnppcd. pIny* a>snclation, dliplayi (he brtt croup fired In (he aMoclatlon't flr.1t wilt) Jftf!7I. dnmn good Job." Inc here for tlie first time, won wind blnwii meet Sunday. He llred a ,22-2S0 eallbrr rifle. GarJurRt*. who succeeded Mike Steer wriMtllnK—mil IJndeniian. Ihc flr.',t two holes, then fell lie- ri«>n'a lurcrt Rhuwii (he primary aim of (he anioriallan memliert lliRRlns AS Boston niDtiAKer liuM GoodlnK. Idn.. third wllh $4,078; hind, but rcKftlncd Uic lend with Is not a butli-eye but placing fUe tholi In tlie amallr>t pi>»Iljle BUmmer, expressed nnmzcment, nt Hnrry Chnrtcr^ Mtlba, Ids, flltli n par on is nnd a blrdlc on 10. }{e .Sluce. A caliber hule would mark perfecllBn for a rifleman reporU tliftt the Red Sox w--- with «.D23. halved the lft.it two liolea lo protcct uilnc a 22 cullber rifle. The iroup mret* (lie first and (liird Sundayi nnythlnR but a hnppy family. hl.n ndvnnlnKe, IIo wn.i four over «f each month at the Twin KalU Illflo ami rinlol cluh cround at (he " I Jwit cnn't undcfitand It." pftr for his trip nround- ths 7,007- end of n'axhlnK(on alreet north. tStaff photo-ensravlnR) M id. •Tjn reftlly «hocked. I Itail yurd No. 3 course of the country no Iden thut anythlnft like tliL'i club, nitnln alrcatnln* under 00BRAVK8 WIN OPKNEIl WM KOln* on nnd I Just can't be­ dcRrec heat. BOISE. April 27 Tlie Boise lieve It. It comc.t out of B clear r r . MEADE, Md.. April 21 W Brftves, deftndlnft Pioneer lenRUc AtlhouRh the aa mfttchts pro­ blue eky." Don Bowden, flr.il American to run duced no oUier alnrtllns develop'iamplon.1, ^iqucezed by Pocittcllo lr;..» than four mlrnite.i. nienrs ther» were notable achieve •ST^if-idny nlKhl In the fl.'sl rrame .In ii-v lo ninl;p ihr TOLEDO, o.. April 27 ments, . of the SM.ion for, both clulw. The that diii.mie lop 10 slnndinKs of the AmerlCDnjUrnvr.i Olvniple vpinil the Ranic lhi.^ ........ Uowlit;K concie.'.s tournament ml-rrun.s In the ....................... '.h InnlnK which Howclni Mild 1 will c. nor event.i remained unchanBcd lor featured four errors, by Pocaicllo. the fourih .sirnlKht dny ST. LOUIS, April 27 tlWChrls lance xull.i ■be.'t." Cnlcher'.i Miln Kiiiirc.i . . Cnnnl;:nro, the St. Louis Cardin­ Bowden i ftrmy reeond lleved to have been flr.it used in llculennnt. l.t .. ft larKC i:rou|i als' 2I-yenr-old catcher, wn.i iius- : all-cveiiUi. Uie major IcnRue.i In 1907 by Uocer of irflckmen In Uic nrmy belnB pended for Iwo dnyi Tuesday and Joe Lnmcndoln nnd Tony Ardll- Dresnnhnn nf itie New York OlanLi. Batlicred lirro to trnin for Ihc fined $50 as a result of a home 1 of Rochester, N. Y., had a 1,214 pints rhubarb In Mondny nlRht's Olj-iiipic trials In July, Kamo with tlie San Francisco NATIONAL I-KACtlK I the doubles, the top perform' Bouden ran the mile In 3:58.7 nee of the dny In Uiat event. Tlie 1 Junp 1, 1057. nl Stockton. Calif. Olnnls, F O R A D D E Umpire Frank S«or>- ejected the best RlnKle.i wore was a Ofll by' No other American cnnie close lo him unlll la.1t Sidurdny ahen Dy- rookie receiver In the nevenlh in- Ed TJinyer, Connenut, O.. while AND EXTRA rtil Burlenon, UnlverRlly of Oreson fimc for-ftrruln(f too alrenuously William Wlsle'a 1,831 total Rnve, sopliomore. w.is clocked ft tenth of after wnilo Mftys Wfts called safe the AmheratburR. Ont., bowler tlie Mcond fft.ilcr. . clo.ie play. ;op all-events f,core Tue.iday. (K to D lX r :. A p ril 27— F o m lli J'ri(l:i\' wlu‘11 till; M.'uric Valley I'hiss B ;illi S tate ’s fiuM . The sul.-riistrirt is l liolior.-; mi'l oarlic^r .sliowiiins iiidicatc lliis y f,nr)ks,'All IliP aUiloU’s from the class 1< Eyes Move to West Coast Robinson and Jordan to Share Billing Sox Hold Meeting to Stem “Dissension” sl: ;S Idaho Co,vl)ov In Race for Cliani])ionslii|) Nicks Ousts Medalist in Golf Tourney Bowden to Drop Down to Half Mile Lakers to Play In Coliseum if Team Is Moved Standings Remain Same in Tourney Standings Rookie Fined D S A F E T Y T IR E W E A R piosr.cn LEACUB S T TAaric COA.ST i.rARiin S T O P S U O P N B P O U T R N A - C T O O G N T R E E N R O L K N O T S DRIVE IN FO^ THE EXaUSIVE I U l . Clir-- * G e t N o. 1 P o ta to e s S E R V ia Drive In for the exclusirt OK Krvice that if prorJdlng notoristi sll actou ihe couatrr wiih betier. ufer drivini, and yet Mvlog them monef. .sonntEn.s nivisius w it h " A C M E " POTATO Scores SATIO.S'AI, I.KACI'i: H IL L E R S The ACME Illllrr makrt a perfect hill for proper prnteeUnn of pnlalo « and the finest IrrlKatlns qiislKItt. Tko Doddi: for uilnc wllh TerUcal ((andard or eurrrd stand­ ard. ACME Hllltn mean more profl(! ACME Hlllen mean more No. 1 po(atoe(. They hare full ailjuilmeot for width and deplli, leave a aairsv. baltAm.' amooUi UOLREO WALL eemrile. AXCKIL'AS l.rAdiP. 1 (i:i. unJ bttl/ffrt. :ilmiT«_____sno JOO OJ»-H i: • hlnilon ...... (Ki< 001—10 IS V.Ikrr. W|]h.lm (]). iTi nr. .ndo.; I.«. Al-r«lh, III. ll„l. ,4 eher (Si, J'4ku.I tPj. Clotrref |! Every' OK recap ci the famous OK nilion* wide-wr/ttea road harard. jcusrsnce«. Perfect satiiftction or your noner back. WHILE THEY LAST C lo s in g A C*bt*r,'*T»rr7"o).*i (I) .n j Ilow.nl. • RAIJ-IES FOR WIN PORTLAND. April 27 Wi—Lcttli and Clark eoUese came from be­ hind wllh four runs In the fifth Jnnlns nnd defeated the University of Portland 7-4 In a non-conftrcnce basebftU eonleal here Prldny. -COLONIAL CONCRETE IS BEST For Pattoc, Sldenlki, Drlreiraya and All Tour Conerct« Need# . Phono RE 3-5500 S & H Green Sram pi See COODINO GfMMlinc Tractor i ImpWasnpr’n, Inc. Jerome implement . n illL E Y liurirr Truck * Tmclor ' <'a\*ii Knulpmenl I’o. <Mil»lioIm Ilrothrn •Idaho Implement Co, RobfrJa'lmplement Co. .Mauey-Kerrujon, Ine. Y o u r M a g ic V o lle y nuhl Implement Co. Dana Implement Co. Valter Tractor & Impl Rb'I'ERT (^meron'm Inc. Hoyle Implement Co. Mlnliloka Kqulpment Min. HU(c< Implement Trerlno A Jobnaon Imp. A c m e NYLON TIRES 94 T R A D e a le r . JEROME - M & M Kqulpment Co. llUhop's, Inc. Jerome Implement T^VJN FALLS MeVey., Inc. 'Min. Stale* Implement Twin Falli Traetr.r i Im[ Walsh >ord Traelor Y S U p T o F o r N O R N o u r P R I C E S -00 4 Y M O M O u f T r a d e - I n O l d T ir e ' S IIAZELTOV llaielinn llarduare -MeVey's. Inc. Eentaek; /eUn u y : “THEEE’S NO WHISKET I lK E BOUliBONNOJ30TOB0K LIKE OLD STAGG" A C M E H illc n oic m anufactured by A C M E M A C H IN E W O R K S , Filer, Idoho, tho m a k t n ' o l ACME H IG H SPEED CO RR U G A T O R S, A C M E SILVERTIP P O T A T O A N D BEET C H A IN and other q u a lity proven farm p ro duc ti. -.... - I , ----- WEDNESDAY, A P R IL 2 7 ,1D50 ^.w^AGE SEVENTEEN T IM E S - N E W S , T W IN - F A L L S , ID A H O TlieyVe Junior State Bowling Champions Braves Dump Reds 4-3 in 11 Innings »y The A»«orlalf(l Prn* Dpi Cr;itulair» Illli-mnlnK hnmcr f the Milwaukre Bravr.i r lctor>' over the Cincinnati Red.i Turcliiy n'Kht Vcter.in Wiirrrn .‘^pahn ho«ikert , p wilh ronkle Jim OTnolr hi a Itltchrr.v duel and otiilaMpd the wrnppy yoiinKMcr. OToole had' clvrn tip fmit n{ hU 11 hlt.t In the flr.'i Iniiini for a ilirfe-rim (Irficit. ihcti bnttlrd tjiick fur the ATLANTA. A pril 27 (/P)— Tlie NCAA hri'lui w ill) I h f A A U Tm'!<(lay ttvcr siTsiu'ii.siim rriiiil.itlon time Hr. of college nlhlclcs. Tho jic lim i “ .xlcms from widespro.-Kl dissatisfuctiim aniotiK N T A A Tlir St. Loun C,ii(lliinl.i knocked Jllnc^ 'Utli n four-run nicniljei'sliip oti the cap ricio us nml iiicotisistfiiL m an ner in w hich tlip A A U iias api'lic^l out liiui ndmitiislered its suspciisinti rules." the N C A A council said. Thu comieil al.su look oiiiinir.-f In tl;e fir.-.t InalnK. then huiiR nil beliuid L..irry Jiick^on'i the fir.'t .'itci) iti brnacicnin;: in tcrniitional com pulitioii aniim tr colii'Ko-aKc iilhlctc.’ . W a l­ alrady ^cv('^•hlt pltchlhR to hand (he linn Krinclsco Clniiis a 4-: ler IJyer.-f, N C A A execiiLi di'leat. officer, .said any a n n o u iK 'c - :p | .; i C i,,!- c Junes who hud br.itrn tlir C.ird nu’ni irom ihe riilej liifMctioiis O C I I l l l C 0 1 I I 1 V & InnLi five KtrulRhl tlm » .siiirc he coinmlttce ^mhiIiI bt* made Wrdun.'i triidccl.by the Red Birds bf» ije.sifay. )!e ili-clinrd to clabornte. fore the 19.'>9 sevon, wii-i t);itterrd Tlie NCAA left Ihf diwr op-'n for fnr Mx hlt.« la the openliiR Irnnie. rfconclllatlon with tlie AAU over Tlie key blow a two-riin triple the auspeii'loii l .mip. by Dill White, the man for whom Siirli rrconclliolluu «lll not be Jnnej. was f.w.ippcd. fly The An»i>flalrri J'res» miide until there ix "cnininnii' Dna DryMlnle, niakUiR his fourth LO.VDOS-. April : i (T.- nriiin . ............... str.ilRht complete Rnnir n fourI/iiidoii. {nrmer DriiL'li liravy- njrecnirni on rulM under which: Jliji GrntllP. who bP.it WnslilnS'............................ RClEht fli.impinn. (looird Prir Auch nuxperwioitf are to be nd-' ..in with a Ihrcp-run hnnier Mon-| (ilttrr. Ipd the thlrd-plncp L«.'\« .. liny nlKht. did a nRnin Tiir.Mliiy, ,;,.|m DoilRcrs out of n fnur-KUi mlliblrrcO." Uio NCAA couucll nadcmaclifr ImIci* Tut'diiy niBlit 1,11. cnnnrclln” In tllC rlrlllh wllli tuoila-.lii;; Mrr.ik with nil 0*1 Victt la llir jlxth rr>iitid ■itiid 11' kaockctl ou( llic AiiiprlL-iin n ie council .'I»kIc[I out t'Ao ln-!i'H i'!' Unltiiimn- riiiicd the K.'n- over the ChlciiKO Cub.i. itanci'i in uhlch It wild the AAUjn'or.^ 11-10................................ I In tjoostlns hu wnsoii record Irfl liouk 10 llin boily iilicr , Oriolrs led 5-0 but ti that 3-I. the rlRhltinnder struck' jpcoudi of llie jich'HUi round. 'Die .. tncuiisuient in il.i lulmiiilS' lend. They wfnt nlirml ni ■ to nm ht.s total to 38. Me faced boul u'xi icticdiilrd tor ]o roiind.s. irntlnn of the .sii.ipcn;,lon ruler.. Earl BiUtey shove Wii.sliim;. only H batters In a :io-lilt stint The 31-j'Mr-nld lliidrin.ichtr Tlie fir.'l Involved a b.^^kflb.•lll D-B Ic.id wiih !i urantl bclore OeorRc Altman nnd Del from Oundvicw, Wiuh.. imfl CoRice doubted In the fifth Innlnc lumbui, On., h;id nn uiibcnicii for thu Cubi' only Ktrr;il: Uroken nt ^evin, inniiv conimlttmeal.i rommlllmrnLs h !-.<I be bL-flll • many hr.d fourth pitcher. Bill Fi.M'hcr, wulhcd Tlip 0-tool, 2-iiicli Amcrlciin lind made with our menibcr.'t." Jackie Brandt. brliiKlnK C.imllo mirlcd 111' pro carccr til lUc top. Another liuMnnce died by the Piucunl In from the bullpen. Qcae nnd WM knocked oul by Floyd Pullcrson. thtn the heavjikelKhi NCAA was dWuptlon of a buket- Woodllns Rrectert the Senators' ace champion, In a title IlRhV nnd Ijy bnlf Ranie one hour before K wn with a slURle, then Ocntile drove boKtInc coach. »o m left, ar« / le ball into Uie leftlleld senLv riT« Idabe sUU th Zom Wllf)'. » Iciidlnn American scheduled lo atari. Tlie same In Mndn Shelanioik^ and noanli contender. Since the Policy lo.w he volvcd the AAU-annciloncd Phil­ Vie Wctlz drove In three n lips es Oller.^ of the National In ­ and Tom Brewer turned In laumnment was Ifid March U , {I liad u'on «lx nnd drawn oncc, London nnApp<4 t. three-flcht dustrial basketball lencue and sparkllnR relief perfornmncc a* ■iMlns jtrwk. Including n knockout ftlumnl team from the University Uie Boston Red Eox snapped New !ou to Palltrion in t. Ulle flRht of Iowa. The AAU ruled ot 7 pjn. York's (our-Rumo wlnnlns streak Little Buzz Jones gave the crowd of the nlRht of the sam# that two with ft 7-5 victory. somethlne to cheer about Tuesday In IndlinapolU lost. May 1. A croad of 10,000 nl the Indoor of the olumnl squad were InellRl- Werti Jeatwed a five-run third. night when he more than held hi* Wembley sl.idlum ^aw the 25-ycnr- ble. Tlie auditorium was overflow- Inning ior BoMon with a bnscs- own with 240-pound Victor, the SEATTLE. April 27 W ~ H i old, »lx-fool Britain domlnalo Ihc lns for..lJ^ contp-^t, A memorlnl loaded slnRle that drove in two wrestling bear. lor Uie lirte Iowa coach Frank O ’­ run*. In the seventh, after the Jones made (rood on two bets tItH >iU tlie way. • ^ademachcr ran Into trouble In Connor, ■nie Twin Foils Mnjlc Bowl’* Bmckett. Lynn Baird. Miss ShelanYankees had narrowed t|io Red made prior to the flRht. He lasted ^ e alxih round as London plied Tlie NCAA b Lio ripped Into the Sox' lead lo S-4, tlie veteran first seven minutes with the animal, got Junior bowling proKrani, hlglw KOaJcle and Jim Sharkey. tames Tuesday, beating the Coudrove a lont; cacrlflee around behind him once and In wlUi R bis rlRlil hand and /ol- AAU "nil# of contamination." This COflVALLig. Ore, AprU 27 t1>— lighted by n state championship, Senior high boys' Wednesday lowed ullh tomblnatlon punches chivln reaction rule makes inellRl' fly that scored Pete Runnels, who nipped the bear with a side roll. Bryan Bailey rifled n single that has been concluded with presenta­ nlgh^chatnpA were Larry Kay, Joe gor boseballcrs 11-2 behind PhU Swlmley’s tlirec-hlllcr. In Uie women’s match. Rita snapped a tlo and slnrlea OrcKon tion of nwMds, 10 Uie head nnd body, any player who plays, against had tripled. ICItiney, Doug Harper nnd Dennis Swlmley. who had betUn .the London caiiRhl Pete with a short InellRlble player. Vic Power dumped n two-out aln- Valde*. helped by her second. ‘'El State toward a 7-2 ba.scball vic­ Tlie stnie champlwwdiHv-tc^, BlrreU nnd ninner.s-up r.-rre I-Yed Cougars once before this season, rislil Bucl scni the American to the Rlc Into left field and Rave the MonRol," defeated Adn Ash. El tory- aver Idolio hfrc IMesdny. conched by Juy L.-Ueunesse. In- Ott. Lnrry Stevens. Dale Bartlelt fanned nine Washington Stale canva.n for n count of nevea, Cleveland Indian.^ n 12-lnnlnR 2-1 Mongol pulled MlM Ash out of the Bailey's timely hit nnd the clude.s Linda ShcUngaskle, Bonnie asd Jim Clark. batters ns his mates combed WfiU At the itart of the acvcntu round will re.<iult In the AAU's nile of decWon over the Detroit TiRera. ring and MIas Asli took after him. pitching of lefthander BUI Oerdlng - FreLs. Mary Mixed doubles crown went to London acaln waded In and n vle- eontamlnatlim collapslnR under its The loM was Detroit’s first niter But MLss Valdez pulled her back combined to give the Stnlors their Seaver and Jo Cole. Tlie fivcsome rnul McDonald. Carol Blnkeslce. pitching for eight hlU. Washington teed off on WSU Into the arena nnd pinned her. loiM left 10 the body *eni Rndc- own welRht." Byers aald. five straight triumphs. the honors in the National 'Judy Chatterton and Jim Herrick. starter Dick Montee and itllefer second victory over tho Vnndnb in maeher down lor thn count. Al Sai.« drop-kicked his way out Junior Bowling congreu' mallonn many days. Second place was won by NIva Power's K»me-endlnff blow Qd Hahn for eight luns lo Oerdln;; went Into the game xvlth gniphlc lournnment. Jenkins. Bill Jenkins, Terry Cutler off Tom Morgan and scored pinch of George Kostl's full nelson twice , third Inning. Hires on P«l« and turned his trick Into a victory a string of 30 scorele.vs InnlnR.s. nnd Ijirry Kay, runner Carroll Hardy from second Winning the Junior Ii IrIi Thurs­ Hanson's homer nnd three more He Rave up only five hlt.s. but wii.s day nlRht crown was the team of base. Dave SLsIer walked Rum over the Canadian strong boy. Earleen Peterson was given on Oeorge Grant's basti-loaded Melby won on a dlsquallflea- touched for two ninj in the fourth. Mbs LnJeune.ue, MLss Shelan- special AJBO tropliy for posting double down the left field Una. Nixon lA ilarl the Inning nnd Mor over El Mongol, who made IdaJio got thaso run.i on Bill MELBOURNE, Australia, April gan yielded a bloop single to such a hit with local fans one gave Jolmson's single and a sacrifice gasklc, Snlly Lyon and Mike Me- * 325 came. Linn. NSonday night cliamplons READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS • 37 Ul—Herb Elliott, the world's pinch hitter Don Dlllar to set up chair over Uie head. DO^VLADROME fly by Lorry Hattcrmer. Tlint tied were Dean Uimmers, Jolin Cox. JA CKS BTOArr RUSSETS fastest mller, may have to rnee llio decldlnp Cbatlencer Lcapia le score at 2-2. . Miss Seaver nnd MLs* Frels with Bob Shaw's shutout pitching and MISSOULA. Mont., April 27 Ot^Mc.Mahin'1 Richfield defented, In tho United Stales without his In OSC> half of tlie fourth, the second place going to Bonnie lusty Chicago White Sox hItUng More than I.OOO fans faced Uie cold Dcrtle'i poultry. <-0; Mlke’i Cold coacli, Percy Oerutty. Staters p d r^e n on second and weather Tuesday night to see the StorBse defetted Idaho FJ-osen The Australian ace leaves next brought tlie defendlnn American third OS Larr>' Peicr.'on slnKlcd PKFKNDINa c iia :iip w in s Pioneer leaRue opener between poods, 3*l; Hood'* pipeline defcttt- month for two appearances In league champions an 8-0 vlctori' and John Whltlaw doublrtl. Ballcy the Kan.nas City Athletics. ed ChallfnBC Milk. 3-1; Scrpa America—tho Compton Invitation then cleared the bwes with his line BOURNE.MOUT11, E n g la n d , Mlssouln and Idaho FnlU. And Uie April 27 liB-Levr Oerrard, defend- Timbcrjacks whomped the vlsltlnr UeiUnj defeated Brokers Best, 3- nnd the Coliseum relays In Los drive single Into lelt-centcr, AnReles. Ing clinmplon from New Zealand Ru-sseU 7*1 behind the pllehlng o' RE 3 - 7 3 7 1 f"> 8 - lilr FISH TOURNEV OKAYED Id a h o ________ 000 200 000-2 5 3 Promoter* ot tlio U5. mccU NEW YORK, April 27 tn—The Ing boaters to atny away from i.v 0 50 __ — ____Oil SOI llX-7 B-1 Tuesday defeated Bill Davis of John SmlUi and reliever Ed Decdj lUgh IndlTldual pime. Ken Mblands In Snake river of souUiwestNew York, U. S. Negro champion, •00. 318; hljh individual »crles. have arranged to pay expentes for IBth U. 8. AUanUo Tuna fishing Idaho to avoid disturbing geese 0-2, 0-1. 6-3 In the second round Ken Mawn. 8M; hlfth »crBtch both Elliott nnd til* manager, toimuiment wlU be held off Nnrra- during their Besting season. of tlie Brltbb hard eoorU tennis team girae,- Berp» MeaUnit OH. George Camither*. AT AN D ERSO N LU M BER-NOW 853; hlEb hwdleap U&m ffttne, No proTltlcn ha* been mada ^or gaiuett. R. I . again. the'4S mem­ The department enld bloIoRlstd READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS championship. Mlke‘i cold StorARe, OSi; high Ceralty. Th# veteran coach Is ne- ber elubs voted Tuendsy. 1711 have completed the first part of hnndlup team series. Mike's Cold KoUatlng with U £ . Interests, say* three-day tournament will be held their annual survey and will re­ turn t« nesting area.i later to de­ Blorase. i.Vii: high scratch team Ing if he can get transportation he can pay other expenses thrmgh Aug^l7,4^B'nnil 19. More tlian 600 termine the number of goslings series, Berpa HeatlnR OH. 2,BM. anglerg_^rc expected to compete. which have liniehed, HlBhllKlils-Dowler of the week. lectures. O B thliPertir>C oblt O, I t Melody. 631; fierpa HeaUng: Oil, leaeue champion. NCAA Splits With AAU on Matter J Of Suspending College Athletes London KO’s Radeniaclier in Round No. 7 Senators With 3-Run Homer Jones Pleases Mat Crowd by Beating Bear BeaveraMake It Two in Row Over Vandals bqwl AN G Washington Ends Twin Falls Junior Bowlers WSU String 11-2 Receive Trophies for Year Elliott to Tour Without Coach Boaters Asked Not To Disturb Geese KING COAL WARBERG'S SAVE 1 0 Major tcar>« To«-n •• 1 4 tied Arctlo Circle, ^ Oil defented Troy National Loundry, 4-0; Kfty'* Rice Bowl defeated 1-Up. 4-0; Horse Slw Club defeated Wchflrdson’a Clcnners. 4-0; Reynold.i nnd Walk­ er defeaud Crandall TV. 4-0. HiRh Individual game. Ray Frle-i, 2:8; lilRh Individual nerlea, Doe RuMiton, at: hlRh acrntch trnm Rame. Ka>"t Rice Bowl, 1.033; hlRh handicap team Rame. Kay'a lUce Bowl. l,lll: hish lmndlc»p team aeries. Kay> Rice Bowl. 3.070; hlsh Rcratch tram aeries, Kay's Rice Bowl, 3.B4!. HlBhUghl*-Doo Riwhton, 824; Bud Oardner. 605; Fred Stone. GM; . John Ohan. fl03, Korse Shu club. MAGIC n o u ’t/ BUrlliht Learun eterllng Jewelry defeated IX)R Tavern, l-l; Twin Falls Tractor, defeated Fox Floral. 4-0; Young Dairy defeated Parmrra Insurance. 4-0: Stylist Denuty Salon drfentrd ThP^Psfh, 3-1: Hud.ion Shops dpfpated Wyllles T.P. Motor, 2'jI'i. HlRh Individual Rame, Onll Mor. rl*. IDG; lilsli Individual serle.v Mnude Honiteln. 535: hlRh scmtch lenm Rame. Twin Fulls Tractor. 758; high handicap lenm game. Hudson Shoes, on; high handicap team setles, Tn'ln FnlLs Tractor. 2.BM; hlRh scratch team series. Twin mils Tractor. 2.200, JIlghllRhts-Bowler of the week. Oall Morris, 483; Arlene Mtisenger picked 7-MO split. rioneer !.es>ue Boyds Cotfe* defeated Mayfair. 3-1: C, C, Anderiuins split Bank and Trust. 2*2; Curl Manufactur­ ing defeated Arctic Circle. 3*1; . Ungdon SUclers..defeated MnrUnlslnR. 3-I; 'Meadow Gold de­ feated Texaco, 3-1. High Individual game. Lob Kays, 344; hiRh Individual series. Lois Kay. 576; high scratch team gome, LnngdonSteelers, 861; high handi­ cap team game. Langdjsn fitcelcrs, SSS; high handicap team series. Langdon - Sleelcri. 2,S31: high scratch team scries. Lnngdon Steelera, 5,4!P, - Hlghllghts-Bowler of the week. Mlnnip Hardy. 514 serles;_Bettynelchert picked 6-7 spllU TAKE i H d MANILA, April 27 — The FhlUpplnes look a 2-1 lead over Japan Tuesday by winning the doubles In their eastern zone Davis cupTenais-malclL v R u g a n d F u r n if u r e C Ic o n in g T R O Y N A T IO N A L FULL TIRANSPORT LO FULL-TRANSPORT LC A D OF ^ ^ L a r s o n '* BOATS ELECTDIG HAHD SAW KIT H iiP J U S f RECEIVED! w L A P S T R A K E iif if iD D E S IG N S P O R T , Professional Salesmen P L E A S U R E F IS H IN G Who W ant the Opportunity to Whalerer you desire and need for a boat, yeu will tlnd It here In our complete selection. Earn $10,000 A Yeor /I^ rs o n" hut been building m?{^c.slgnlng boats for over 44 years, nnd farlnRS all this experience nnd know-how In­ to Ihe constnictlon of ihe.se boats. Built for utmost service, speed, and maneuverability . . . at the most economical price for quality. K IT • • • • • Selling the Finest Home ApplianceW n the world for the nation's largest retail sales organizotion, . Y*»n »lrk •nM r« ORIlUt ACTIONI •CvliJWnwf«l«r.tlvM » tln*i lM|*r hl.i(< tif. * Cwta » m 4, mtlst. ^loiila • SthM JH'I «t « • Sears, Roebuck & Co. Many fypcs of benefits, including; E X /IIM R U D E IN C L U D E S ; Mogie Circit Angle fiasi Rip Guidi Woll Hold«r 3 Blodei SAVE $13.00 M«i)>l I4SAK l.f. M?.tl • VACATIONS n o w .* 4 9 ® ® SICKNESS PAY ■-'•=INStmANeE:r_rT:- ----- - ^ THE MOST OUTSTANDING I BENEFIT P R O G R A M IN AMERICA! ' Mileoge allowoneo for your cor. £ M « ll« n t opportun' I IH u for odvBiicement.' Y o u r inqtiiry wUI b« kep( con« I' BUD & M A RK fidenrioi. a n d SPECIAL OFFER I M S V A lU E fO R O N U f« VUl «ur (iM* tal aik for (IM ax>. M toUi a t i lo«uti «hU hudr, to-fartr»f tilwi riMl m f l n g toy. * ih w e m o n o g « r , ' p t i w j ^ _ « . ^ T «ln Foils. S n n , ’Ro<(»ick & C o itc r a '' M A R I N E HOM E REN EW A L HEADQUARTERS fO I JOHNS-MANVIILE 7-STAR VALUE PRODUCTS " i ■. - ;SEE M R.,VAUG h W LIHITED OFFERI Com* in Todayl • 40 HOUR,'S-Da,Y W EEK • PROFIT S H A R IN G C O M E IN , V IS IT O U R N E W B O A T A N D SPO R T S S A L E S R O O M . Se« UB fo r nil y o u r needs In Fishlnjr, B oallnR an d W ftlcr flklinjr c<iutpmcnl n n d acceft.soric9. T T A C K L E Corner o f 2nd and 2nd Avenue East - Across from Bus Depot • C*KI>ralt4 dtptk K«t* • IitKirt rf<prh«Uk«v>l ! RIO. 999.9S A. name without peer . . . set our teleellon. 3 lo 75 II.P. efferinr-a tnator for every-- KH IaiM u. Saw. i tiritUg ttii, tSr«Bt.pffU< hUfli. lip suld,. rinol. K m ••rf 1 3 2 3rd Street W est WEnN'HSnAV. A rn !L 2 7 , IDfif) t b ik s -n e w S t t w ;IN F A L L S , I D A H O ;y W I L L I A M S WEDNESDAY, A P R IL 2 7 ,19S0 W KPNKSPAY. A I’R IL 27.19(10“ - PAGE N IN ET EE N T IM E S - N r n v S , T W IN F A L L S / I D A H O MARKETS AND FINANCE Livestock Grains Cattle Steady, Hogs,' Spring Lainhs Higlier Collide GOE Charge Grangers Slate T»lnCars Tall^ police Invcxtlgsted a Party for «n-c*r aciKlMit Bi 8:05 u rn. T ay »i ihr mtrr'fctWn of Sixth AiisAvcred l)y Work Grounds Sunday' April J1-A »-r>rk .l.ly' c , i Deinp Leader M HAILEY. punned for Bundiiy . t the Ui." JEnOME. April J7 - n if «ii>rkri Ri ilir Jrromf I,ivmu>c>: Comimwioii fomptiny ».ilr •nirj('4<y uaj slflid)' on nil cIumm of c»lt> wllli imss ond iprtns InniUs irlllni; pfr nie wood ni»fr OranEP h s l l , [ o i 2 Old^mabU# ^ ipnlcfAniAii.' I,. Jnmei Jvoiiinil. In ulirn woik slreiwly besoiw*n I l i c p o u l i o n 19 ' rtn fvfrj'tliins poMihle in hide the croimd* will be coiillnued. -jjd }^urftl ^;rfct' ' ' ■ ' LvMiM diiriiiK itie rampaitn. Tliej ] Join, Drexler, Jolm Ilfeder andl Pnlire, snui ii'ie Hlnnger Tortl 1 O. Hopiirr ot W, K. J!ul kiinw lhai ihe perfornianre of the;j,,nirA SeBBravw, cnminlliee In Mnpi.fif |..r a i.cHrMrinii mid the lnrpiiblic»n nflk-e liolcleis In lhl» ch«rse, hnvr already rtireried (lie 01rl-m-!)llr iinl Mop belaro K diiiniy In ilie pn-M in year* 1ms pinminc of frin red»r and perm- hiilint ilir ir.ir ot iIk J'fird. D»m• t>frn dr|ilninDlr nnd (liry »lll do anif nrborvilae »hr\il)S, l"ce v.:<s r'liiiiaird at JTO In th# ^ evervihiiiE wllliln ihelr pm.er lo] ^ ,,Lscuvlon on the propovd "'>'1 »•'' '■> f 'f Old.-.mohllt*. I keep ihat irrorrt f'om beins eii>ov-j,„^^.,^,„ n ,„o n,i p«rk,*«s held IlOTAUIANS J O MKKT f^fd 10 publle-vlr», I., „ meellnt anrf the n IDAHO KAIJST, Aplll 27 ir-TlOI- of Miff ciimprllUc ■They upend itieir time doltif.jnriiv of member* ulcnlfled II .lariam lium 47 vlubs In Uiah. hinihini: while ihw rniiulv and ihbj ipprovr Mich k prepMsl, Idaho n|'.ii,,l.ipk.N(Jn. Wyo.. will bo '••■.tme ri.pirtlydecline In reUiion loj uWinp played »ev • Siindiiy, Mu:iday (vnri Tuei; ihr m , .1 • ! « '»■ f l - „ , „ M o „ .»lo.; Jc.nnlr Vnun. , {or Ihr ;iiiiniiil dIMrlrl cOllfCfivnre oi »oiitli Ululio. |„,rt Charlole Rice 6ave readme*. ]t Offire!.'' will nirrt Saturday. ‘ I Walker ndd< thni ihe DniincraU' a i Ihe Mav 13 meellnr the “ nre eiilhiiMRMlc nnrt well plra.ved of the nrKanlrailnn Rill fur Iwlth the *laie of canrtid»!e.' Iiled the proKianj and »erve refrejlih for Ihe June and November elec- nienw. i IJ, Ursrn. Jrrntnr. lopiipcl ilif msrkrl »l J1B30 »lHl U«lr i».\i>n«l U\f Sand l.:iii(l ranch. Irll, n r « st *l«. •Ilirre wrtf II n«lilcr, T.’ 11 }'allv l.iHd of : lt »old fi V Kintlli. T «in ^•alL^. i>c ■ r li<-llrr!i nl »'Jt36. Ji Ma­ 1, llnRprman. convlRiird & im tttiiiT slrrrs lhal »nld {iii 0 in };;r>.ys. Miinrrclnl co u * . »H'.0 um '■I'he Open House Set 49 (o JM; . Sia I t:o.' i; llKhI >iilU. p. m. Prldav at the home of e hrHiT I; i:<>o<l and rl .1r. and Mra. Duffy Smllh. S:.S; fal Holskln Meen. % Shannon waa a te.itdenl of Je'V ^ ’’ ’ '<1l'»>l»' Mr, Kouiii iienvv uhlie fare Jeedrr M '• (lenert litM ' plclilie f,,..!,..om« for many .year*. o J25.3S: liahi aierr.v *; ’ ts likely Moiidav Ihe OOP I; heavy heifers, (19 to - KIX WO.MF.N DROWN* o »25: < V(.w,Vrl'i leinPi >0 f 'l ‘he lirkrl H under- TAIJ’EI, Formo.'a, April 27 'f— cnlvc , t28 10 »0; ' M iin d a b le , Ihe Ormocraw »hould SI* women drowned when a lerry ,• Hol. have Riven »oi.ie ihoiight to the'bool capiUted yeaterdiy. }I8: llKht })ol' re<iiiiremenw of the office and the; sleer.i, }I6 lo lloblclr <lii.illflrallon.' of Ihe canUldali c.ilvcv tig in J25: Jioblelr anil accused the Deinoctai* of hrller rnlVM, J18 to $21; Holslelr milk cows, J125 to I2:0 per head. an-Mry are no loiieer chiiliied loj "dicRlnc lip" rnndldaie.» ai the la.^l Meal type houa, J16.50 lo tlB.30; the nllloinoblle lire, accnrdlnc to' nilmite "to aerve only the rubber lard hOKs, (M lo »IB; Ueht *ows (he Alrxaiider Xniiiltloii ItuMlluIe.l iiamp Inlere'i.' of the founly J ll in *13.75; heavy soivs. JB 10 The iniliuiry I* addlne InKenlniwj Deinorrat chairman and hi.' em­ bryonic Deniocrni machine »hlch SIl: fredrr pICJ. (U to t l6.S0:! hnivy wmlier pl«.'. »7 U> J12 prr: iii)*(l tor niiciexr povrrrd Delivered A f head; llclil wenner pin*, (4 to «| pln.illc film for flrMble aillomoblle In defense of hli candldatea.I per hp.id; fai Umb^. JlD to *22 <0; Ii:a,^ lniHt.v and opilrally clear plu.». iWnlker alnte.\ -niey repreieni an feeder lamb>, tlO lo (18; k^iltcr: llc.cnnople.t for supersonic aircraft, |f»iremely succe.i.'ful and diverse ewes, JI.50 to (4, I •n if In.ntUule .saya thnt demand for 1ijroiip who will repre.^enl all of the ihe.'e new priKliicl.% ha-i made the Ivoters and cltltem In Twin Falla the Indii.slry coiinly." y.maker. READ TTME3»NEW8 WANT ADS fa r m G a s The Form REGULAR T. F. Student Has National Merit Award rr..« r« i. oiifi by the Uie Dr, Charles K, Keller' Inc. a .<clentl.<t and Inventor o: world renown. Tlie awatdj form i Five in Idaho ir s - i'i'.ir a v ’i 'i i . ’v n :« r<n ; unr4i>nr«4 lo WhrmI (iilurn f v r S i ! Potatoes-Onions xrw vofiK. Arrii':? airii - i- i iui-t r..nt Butter and Eggs II in •ll(hl)]’ onk.r. rr>rk tllM riw lb., i>rwU« iialMli: ia>lv •.Ay. D ” ,, ! ? * ' * • „ ,Ji'' Stock Averages lii'i jsvrsT»ti;sT Tiit^.'j Lambs Killed in Mishap at Burley nDRr.T7i*, ApiU'27—Three urnall Umb.» were killed nnd another had 10 be (llspo'ed of nlier ihe anli ' i:in under a 1D53 Studcbnker niKl (ine-liiilf ton truck driver , .lohn W. Tilley, 52. route 2, B«rIrv, •nic.rrtay on a country roaiI n n miles south nnd one and. three, faiirih!! inlle.i east of here. Accordlne to the report made #l Ihe shrrlffa office, Ihe lamb,-., imnrrt by J. II, Jonc-i. were srarIne aloiji: the ro;id and had wan­ dered awuy from the re.^^ of the Hock. HMrinit Iho noise of the truck, they became excited nnd ran uiiderneatU Uic vehicle. •niley told ahcrlff'a officers he wns uiiawnre Ihnt, the truck, own- n l by Hic Butley IrrUtit'tm >ll4trltl, had hll the lamb.v SrKAKEIl SLATIJl KINO HILL. April 27 — Df. A. W.ilion Roth. Salt Lakft City, field repvfAfnlfttlvc of the United Presbvtrrlan church of the USA, will -b.' Eucst speaker nt the local P/rjhyierlnn church aervlce.i Bunduy t l Ui« Kins Hill Criuis« liall S. M. Rosenbaum Claimed by Death GOODING. April 37-flamuel M, Ro/.enbaum, Sfl, JoiuiLlme Goodins re.^ldenl. died at Ooodlnc Memorial 'lo^pllal Wednesday morning of a ihort illne.sv He wn.i born D « , 38, 1871, at Marlon. Va. nnd moved at the ase nf 12 to Nebrn.'ka where he lived ■ llh two Btoter.v He went to Norlan. OkU.. wtien he wa.% 10 and mrrled Lfonn Pearl Ellege there May 17, 1850. In January. 18M, the couple :ame to Goodins where he hnnii iteaded. He fanned for many years ind aflcr retlrtnc he operated Ihe vtale liquor /"tore and k lervlce 11.1Uon and hl.i own truck builneu or several yenra. Hl.'i wife preceded him In death, ^Ir.'Ro.ienbntim-wiui t> member of the Uiiheran chtircti. CASTLEPORD. April 27 — The Survivors Include Ralph Ro-^tn i t f ij CCaatleford a Grange will sponsor sum. Goodins: three daughti dance Friday nlshl Ir.i, Rlsle-^'uller. Buhl; M r arommunlty ^i the high Khool gymnulum. MiiUc Po.sting t l overtime pnrklnii Monle Bevlnston, BoLw, and Mr.i. will be provided by Holland (Holly) bonds with Twin Falls police Ttie.sJonw, Vancouver. Wash.; IS . Donalif McEwen. Mrs HoVifburs and his orcheatra. Tlie ind 2S sreat grandNelllt Ostrom Babcock, Grant A. public M Invited, children. Tliti.\eil (|wo5" aVI CampbelOfay.' Meunler. Carl Baw, Nolan' READ Tn-tES-NEWS WANT ADS Victor. R, W. Mrs. Watson, Lance Cran­ Dance Set Parking Fines T>vdn Falls Markets ■UTMOAT (DMtm *H ICC! (Iflt Ik li.d., Uri. ,----UVI rOULTXt (DMlm Ml «uM)^ I1H>8 (K» dxlm fluwinei REA.S'8 (Nb <«»l«n «u»lrt) ETHYL Flrestons Ne«r Trtod H o w To H old F A L S E S T E E T H M o r e Firm ly In P la c e j bnrrm» hr •II|)pln«.Ofnnplns Orwci JiiK «prlnkl«'»‘mut r-iaTECTH EVANSTON, in.. April 27 rm —Five brlshl Idaho hish achool atiideiit.^ were named ulnnera today of merit «holarshlps In national competition. A »lxih Mudent waa named an ht>nornr>' winner. Only Pocatello had more than one nnllonal winner, while Sniidpolnii LcwLilon. IVIn FalU and lioLse each had one. Tlie winners In Idaho are Robert D. Brown and nichardJ. ReLMnKer. Pocatello; SurJkn Cantrell. Snndpolnt; Stephen Thoma.'i. l^wlxton. nnfl Donald Hoffman. Twin Falla. Roderick C. McCiUley. DoU*. was the honorary winner. pari of the foundatlon'i expand Ing progrnm to uslsl outitanding atudenU In obtaining a college: education In scientific fleld.<. Other] foundation actlvltle.i Include pfl.st>graduat« fellonshlp program, iperatlon of photosynthe.'!* and magneilti Uboratorles, and the foundation make.r direct grants scientific orgnnltallona and edu> callonal Institutions, Forty of these acholarshlps are clng awarded this yenr to high Ischool seniors who have eipre.ued Uhelr Intention to become blolog* ' l.its or chemlst.\ and qualify. The foundation hope.i a number of bi>' oloRliu nnd.chemists of natlnnal repuie will emerge as a result of the.ie (cholarshlfvs. The fund.i lor all National Merit scholarihlpn come from private sources, and lOOO sponsors include about 110 business and InAuntrlal ,corporAtlon.i of all sizes, as well at foundations, profewloiial a.vsoclalions and others. Each spon.tored.1 merit scholarship U named after Its sponsor. *nie average scholar* ship Is expected lo amount to a tS.OOO expenditure by the sponsor. Standard mnlxmum expenditure on a given award Is JC.OOO, ‘ About 1XK» lilsh school seniors throughout the United Stales wen named 1060 merit scholar.t’ o r thl; number. 830 will share In mor< than four million dollars In achol•rship assistance and about HO. senlori received hnnorarj' awards. Nearly one-third of the nation's high school senior enrollment en­ tered the competlilon which began a jesr rro with the NMIonnl Merit Scholarship quallfylnj lest Riven In M.MO high schooh. flemlflnallsts then took a second lest and. sent In complete personal record.^. Ench flnalisi wai awarded « cerllflcnte of merit. A commit­ tee of 12 evatuntors, largely frpm Uie eollese adtnlJ-Mon field. final Judging student record.^ nnd chose the scholarship winners. More than D5 per cent of the flnallsis are expected to enter col­ lege next fnll. In the first five years ot the merit program, nbout ■ 1.000 schol­ arships Jiwe-bcen awarded with an .cstlmnicd value.of 2Q millions. A L p e r g a l. .. Most M ajor Brands of O il E p lu i tax ippoble tir filiei: e.70xlS - 7.MxU 9.88 T H R IF T W A Y TIRE M A R T GOLD STRIK E STAMPS Mfrom Maln.ATe. Safewar Don P IE P E R 'S S E R V RE 3-3427 I C E 240 W . A ddison P O R T A B LE A P P L IA N C E S D e s i g n e d f o r t o d a y ’s I n f o n n a i l i v i n g These beautiful yet practical work savers do so tnucli tc make cookine, mixing, and ironing easier ^ ...provide more time together for the family;^ And in keeping with today's informal living, entire meals can be prepared in the living room, dining ro6m, play room or on the terrace. For the gift that’s sure f to please, get the appliances most women want m ost AUTOMATIC TOAST-R-OVIN SHAM AND ORr IRON Good Collte cvervtlmc. Just Jdl it jnd forcel it. Makes 2 lo 9 cups. Msde of tfurable stainless sled. ^ ^ "Dill Tlie rabric'' Itmpeijture conlrol. Presses wilhoul jptinklinj. Switditi fcom sleam lo dry instanlly. So new-So Different! Automatic loasler with handy loaslin; oven below! Has oven loastin; chiit, si{n}1 lighL PORTABtE MIXER AUTOMATIC EUCTRtC • CANOPtNIR FAST! Opens cans in seconds! EASY! No Cfankin£-iust i tinjef touch! SAFE! No jsjjed ed{cs-tlejn, smoolli ri/n( Grills s inM es. fries bacon ind egcs Simply reverse irids for colden waffles. Temperiluie (ontroL Hantflesl'initer ever-powerful enough for most any raiiinj job. Comes In yellow, Nhile, pink Cft turquoise. - G eneral Electric Appliances M A Y BE PURCHASED. dall. Uoyd Hamilton. Ma^ Spohr. Ted Hou.ston. Marilyn Hubble, Ida May Adams. Gene Shirley,-Myrna Craner, Heru Rental. Mrs, Melba: Teeter. Ronald Wall. Ann Robert-s.: Mr.i. E. Bnuer. Jay Mltlon, Mr.v Ida etlgall, Lynn Knoble, RolUnd Moon *nd Stanley Fowler. STUDKNTELECTi:i> RICKFIELD. April 27 — Lte Proctor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Proctor. Richfield. Unlveriliy of Idaho Junior. hM been elected vice pre.sident of the American Insutuie of Electric.M Engineers. Proclor and his .wife, Ute former Edith McCarter, and Infant daugh­ ter resldi In Moscow. 2 8 .9 c 3 0 .9 c p e r g a l. . . . fo r o» ' l iH lt a t . 1 .0 0 waokly Walker^ Makes cooliine easter. Dial cortecl l(n;)er* *luie. . . no btiffiide! * 453 M a in A v e n u e .E a s t R E 3-3839 PAGE TWKNTV WKDNESDAY. APRIL 27. I960 TIMI-.S-NI-WS, T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O Locljic H olds Fluids E veiil J''()r(!()iicla\(‘ B E N E A T H ■M arket Place of . • M a g ic V a lle y PSHSONALS ■ ■■ ■“ ■ T H IS B A N N E R A R E T H E W O R L D 'S B EST B A R G A IN S S B : HELP W A N T E D — MALE .UNFURNISHED APTS. M ISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT ^ ......;■ © HOM ES FOR SALE .........I . s I ' , RE 3-0931 HOMES FOR SALE , S V 5 'S » ;» A 5 3 i!w r ....... ....................................... A lii'ontn C>mic T n ic Kui-$i;:.10() i i i S l i C A LL R EA LT Y fA R M S ^ O R ^ A L E LUKE'S AGENCY FAR.MKR’S R E A L T Y iillp s g D I R E C T O R Y NEED O i\ E Classified O P AN T H E S E I EXPERT? C A N H E L P i- Y O U ! .W A N T - A D R A T E S u H E I) !•; n F L V IN C S[-:KV1CK 1 :1 ? .... • S l’K A Y lN C l:; rri,' .V,ul Wrr.l^ GEM S l’H A V lN C SEK\-1(.-E HELP WANTED...... u n f u r n is h e d a p t s . . ilS ii ........ R E A LT Y j IJIIUCCiTOllV TW IN F A L L S TRA CT O R nmi IM P LE M E N T LU.MI' COMPANY i-'in-ni'ir-.M 'n’ED M ^SD A T.'APRIL 27,1 ■T IJ I E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S ; ID A H O AUTOS FOR SALE M a rk e t Place of M a g ic V alley FERTILIZER LIVESTOCK i ........ B E N E A T H T H IS B A N N E R A R E T H E W O R L D 'S B E ST B A R G A IN S RE 3-0931 FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE TRUCKS A N D TRAILERS POULTRY "-i •’ r.8 FORU -l.(ioor ............... ....r-M.. - 'S E E D S “ A N D “ PLANTS ... JS f in.’iS 'lM P A L A » £ S SPO RT C O U P E p l? 3 s l TJIOLLKV T R A IL E R S A L E S E5£:-’-£’S ris I.r .M llK U S A I.K .......j : u H B : "C" JOHNIE BOYD w m HATCHERY t RE 308:3 m m USED 51895 IP r.8 M KRCURY HDSEL YOUREE MOTOR CO. NO DOWN PAYiMISNT AUTOS FOR" sI U e“ ------B A B r C H IC K S B STATION W A G O N o TIM E! 51995 ■ S17D5 MEUCURY 51895 CARS ""S ^S a S S H A LO U S K A . ^ AUTO SALES ^ 50 PLYM OUTH . SU D6' ' i p i s M N O W JIA T C IIIN G K. C. A N D EU .SO N SAVE SAVE m '1 1 S & W llH n E Y O U R D O I.I.A ItS SU N N Y c n i x H ATCHERY $605- THEISEN MOTORS H A V E M O liE C E N T S ! R U S S E T T S E K !) P L Y JIO U T II ” ” 1 S V '......... . O.M.A.C. T«rnui B R O W N IN G A U T O CO. S P A E T H 'S A P R IL S P E C IA L S 'S5 C A D IL L A C JE N S E N _ & U LLM AN O ur Cars A re BETTER! TOP TE N TR A D E -IN S O ur Priccs A ra ' 51795 LOWER! c r C I l E V R O L E t ‘'''W l'l» W Y L L IE ’ S F U R N IT liR T T T ^ F P L ...... WE HAVE A LARGE ............. T W IN F A L L S M O T O R „ j, s S r " ■ m m m m ^ S ^ L D S M O B l' ' m m t i 1st C H O IC E ' Dodcc - DodBO D a rt T R A D E - I N ' S iM A GIC V A L L E Y SPAETH M OTOR CO. OtJJS CUC t.AUiC S ”S ! K...I.C. •>» r M B g fa ■ “ ilis llE i : s i 2 , ’s s . BOB R E E S B - Q U A L IT Y sss U S E D C A RS » i Ti =r i C-A-R-L-E-S-O-N’-S ' ’ “ s ' s n s ' " - ” “" " r , a TRADER HORN T R A IL E R S A L E S ■ ’' S v . K v a - a T . ' " W ILLS w.to,. i»o jono H WB ritvuf — P IC K U P S A N D Y S P E C IA L! & MOTOR Buhl. Idaho K IT - IN T E R S T A T E i!s ..S L 9 2 :. 0 HIGHEST R T R A D E -IN S T R Y US F O R BEST L O C A L L Y P^V N E D B O B ’S CO. Phono 313 F RAM BLER SALES t >:» U SE D C A R S a . - '" '- USED CARS ■.-7i R ICE CHEVR OLET J i'a G IC V A L L E Y ’S B-U-Y - p i S I AND S-A-V-E N-O-W T R A D IN G D E A L E R ! HOME TOW N T R A IL E R S A L E S T W IN FA LLS EQUIP. CO. Free 8-Dny Ila w n iin r TRO LLEY U PH O LST ERY Ilo lid n y fo r T w o! GORE’ S A-1 USED CARS TA.SK^rl,.nll,e, C.ll L i M ia i i a B i i i i \ TO BUY — ’55 FORD S i.” S ' ’58 FORD $495 " ■■' $1495 ’56 CHEV. $1195 J IA G IC V A L L E Y J IO B IL E H O M E S '■ T W IN F A L L S CONS'I*. CO. Q U A L IT Y . USED TR UCKS REMOVAL L IV E S T O C K ID A H O H ID E & T A L L O W CO. S T A N D IN G AT STUD Used C A M E R A SALE ’53 BUICK ,$395 ’53 PLYM. $545 ■ nei ,8 BU ICK SZ39]; 8 PLY M O U TH $1505 PICKUPS------- S 5 ”“ ™ ’57 DODGE $1495 9 FOR D $1895 " I f , is C OM PLETELY GUARANTEED! , om, imowNir. . « m. i 'A ’57 DODGE III! 0«d ■ "'•M S l.lV S '.K .S U JS '' i i s SEARS T W IN F A L L S EQ U IP. CO. ’55 FORD $1995 . $995 S., R IC E CHEVR OLET GORE’S W ILLS USED CAR DEPT. U-N-I-O-N M-O-T-O-R-S B IG DR IV E-IN L O T U S E D C A R LO T 'F O R D -M ER C U RY S A L E S r J r H E ^ T j il T ^ . ’r.lU ■ — D K m 8.1 PAGK T U 'EN X y-m O ” ■WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27,1366 ■ T IM E S - N E W S .' T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O State Department Man Slated To Talk at Women’s Meeting in'-!! llir oiiciiltii: ti nl y:SO n in, 'IVrsdny <il Hii tiilirm of WoiiiriiS clilli liiiM liinili|U» '>r I l(],(n midiifinum. A .u u l/ Monday will Inrlmlr hii Signup Slated WKNUEIX. April 27-Pre-school •iiiMrvilna ulll be conducted bL ic iiriitlr fctiool'M 3 p. m. Friday ir cliildrcn wlif> will enlfr ' r.\t iimde nfxl fall. A<c»rdinic i» iinta nllnir illd mii.n hr 8 by mldnlnlil of Oct. IS. iMreal.s of children 111 Ijr old rnouKli (o enter kIiooI Alik-. 'JO «fe Invitrd to »Uenrt the irc-rrHi.'iralloa piirty nnd brinn hr cliild'.s blfili cerilflc»ir. A ll S W 3 :'r(;0 P Women Set 'I'oa I’oi- Wendell S U I T S 'S. S ;S f„ ‘ . publlenn*, £ C a m e r o i|______________ C e n te r IJLOrSH.S— Fiif \v<»mcii. Koll up ^l(;cvc.'i, finest, (|iialii\ ton blnii.sps. Solid i’olor.«, [iiint.i nnd stripes, .Size.s to :!8, AiHiiver.'.nry .Sjincial-..................... V2 Price .Sl'OUTSWJCAR — Cai.t'i Pant.^ - Plon.xp.s - nnd I ’cdal i ’tishct'.t, A nniviTK ary S p ecial.................... j/iutAee UI,()l!SKS— For wom en. Kine-iiualily cotloii lild — rcKtiLir J,9!) value. Anniversary Spncial...... 3. C r a w le r W o m e n 's S p r in g W om en 'i T WhIcJ Spring O P P E R S Vz P r ic e V R Y H A V z T SUITS S V2 Price P r ic e 2, Toddler E E B O D Y S A V E S - U S E Y . ? . 1 3 O U R I . D . C H A R G E A C C O U N T Is b e s t 0 . S te p p e r fo r yo ur baby’ s A.-sk those w h o 4 S ca m pi h a v e a t te n d e d th e fii'S t fe\\' d a y s o f the s a le ! T h e y ’ll tel! y o u t h e b a r g a in s a r e t e r r i f i c ! S h o p e v e r y d e p a r tm e n t, C H A R G E P U R C H A S E S u.>^o th e Lay-a-\vay P la n , O p e n an L D , C h a r g e A c c o u n t a n d p a y f o r y o u r purchase.*; in W , 60 oi- flO d a y s , o r u s e t h e I . D . ’s in s t a ll­ M a d e w a lk in g s ta g e ? P A Our liltrra are trained to At yoHf baby's boot lo Hie proper one of i basic Little Yanke* bsby foot desicns iilie Cwwler, the Todiilcr, the Stepper and the Scamper) dependinj on thejrowlhitag# V b ' i . iic'^in.Cnnyou ‘ afford to take ehances with le«* cartful ill? r Y A D u r in g B L E T h is J U N Y O U R T R U ii? B E A H l .. . World's finest bourbon since 1795 l O m e n t j) la n ! R Y G O O D SPORT SHIRTS M E N Klnt rjiinllty. Wn-sli 'n Wear flnbhei, per* ninncntly. stayed nnd top - stttelied collar*. A wide ns.sortment. Sizes 0 to IB. « am Annlreraary Havlnn_______ __ _ 1 « 4 4 P RIC E V z S 'S S T O R E G I R L S ' W E A R (M ain Floor) (BasemenO SHOItT SI.HKVK .Sl'pIlT SIIIIlT.S-FliM Qil.illl.v. n il! cut, la nv\orted cnlors nnd pattcnis, PfrmnSt.ived and top-stltched collm.v \Vn.-,h 'n a A « t Wcnr flnWi. S-M -I,-XI.. Ilej. 1.73 . SIIOIIT SI.KKVK SI'OKT Slim TS-flrst qiulltv. Wash ’» Wrnr finish. ».s.-.nrted rolor.^ nnd .styles. InchidinB H';iibr cniliir. hnilon-dowii collnrs nnd luillovrr niddfls. i^t?ps ,S • .M - I, - XI., Kecular ... 2 .9 9 I’,AJAM,\S—Ixine slepves nlid I,I|IR Ipr. Fir.st tiunlI'.v. Many cnlois and pntteriu (o choos^ from, Wn,\Ji n' Wp;ir fiuUh. SU'cs A-U-C dm a A -D. Itejtiilar .1.98 ....... ..................... X t « 4 4 WHITK T-.'illlltTS—rir.'t fiuallty, nylnn reinforced ncfk iind taped shoulder Acains. Sires J I A m S. .M, I., -XI,. Ite*ular I.DO ..................... corro.N' mti:.ss sox-nr.M nu,iiiiy, bumb'hed contlneiil.il tone cotton. A widp n.>.'nrtmeni nf color.i nn<l p^ittcrns, iilr.r.s are 10-13. Itetular S.\e ............. .......... 3 3 c STKKTt'H SOX—Kir.1t qunllty, heavy knit nylon nnd CDitiiii blrnd. Ar.wirted color.i nnd jmttera.v llefular 1,00 ^ pair O O C C OITOS KMT m tlKfS — Hrjl qunllty, Sesni.i nre taped at point of itrnln, , Itejular 55e......... PI.AVUTAIU-Glrl!<’. BloiLW - Capri Paiilj • Shorts - Jamnlcfts - Pedal 1‘xishers. A good aeleetlDii nf f.ibilcj In new color tone*. Solids and prini.v Polished cottons, nnteen* nnd ixiplun. Sire* J-fiX and 7 - H .... ........ 7 4 * 5 .4 9 nEA(;il TOW{;i..S—Sllsht IrrCKUlurs due lo exctsnlve (lye In prlntlnr.. Sm.ill and Inrse 9 9 c nirrs ttiih .‘ pvernl |i*ttern.» ..... — Aworted nhnpes 9 9 c and covers. .Mtvvly cotton filled....... 2 S H Choose ftii;n H ' CosmcHc Cnsea with pla.stle Irny - ST' Weekender* • 28 Pullman .sl«, Rayon satin lined, ply laniinaled veneer bodies. Buy the set or buy n piece, A niDe *.wrtinfnt of colors and M A A p,Sttem*. AVEnAOE VALUE TO Plecli IB.9J1.............................................. ^ . . U w h ile p N b a r g a in s fo r in p a r tm e n t- ! m SSc StVIM.SllIT.S—Glri.V. poll.shcd cottons. Perfect fltHnc prints, colorful pnttern.' to choo.'e 1 .8 7 from. Slits 7 to J4. 3 to OX... B 87c D E P T . S ' W E A R Wtlis. stani.s' n poly are a n y e v e ry d e ­ / C SIIOIIT SI,ri&'E SPOUT SHIRTS—First qualllv, Wash ’n Wear flaLsh. A.'soried pntteriu and colors. Stock up on your needed boys' shirts at A A m this lo»’ price. Sire* 0 to 18, Her. 1,79 . 7 7 W WIIITK T-SIIinT.S—First qualily. Nylon reinforced neck nnd taped JJioulder sennus ln.'uie lone wear and InslInK fit, Blr.ts are 4 lo la, A IleruUr SSC............................................ 4 4 c Ladies' Girls' Panties Kayon nnd cotton piintip.-*. W hite nnd |)a.stel.«. In flirM 2 to I J........................... Y n ov s' POI.I.SHKI) COTTON PANT.S-First qunlliy polished colton jinnU. Heavy wpIkIu and 8nnfortred. Many slmdc.s to clioo.se from, « a a Slie* 8-ie. Iteiular 2J* ... . ............... A > 7 7 2.44 ' O nOTS" UUII'.l'S-nrsl ci«rUIv cotton kn« Heat rr.'inant rln.stlc in wnisibnnd. Tnprd at points of strain. Packed three pairs In tmk’. Sices 2 to IS. A ItecuUr <9e pair....................... J pair 9 Nyloh-TAnklets 25- N ylon atrc lch nnklct.s - in irrc R ulnr— 2p .ir2 5 c.. o w p r ic e s a t- t- h e ir ^ w e s t! C o m e p re p a re d E riAHV DOM, PAJAMAS—Girls- Drlp-rirr,bsllslB or no-lron pll.vie. BrnUl ccIkc tiiin*. Hornl psttern.s. Sires 4 U’0 :mkn'S rA.SH,\l.S-AII white, colors, cu-ililon crepe nnd coinjxv'ltlon ouL'oles, Sever,il Myles, IncliidlnE Tlrs - Sllponj - and Buckla ^ fiO K tinjis................................................ U'OMKV.S STVI,K SIIOKS — White nnly. Small medium. hlKh nnd cubiin hrrls, Vnlurs ■« Q Q Vo\l tan't to pius. ItrEUlai to 3.35 3 * ® ® (;lIll,I)ItKVS CANVAS O.VKOItl) — Hed or tjliir color.', nibber rap toe. cii.shloa Iri.'olc and bullt-u nrrh. Bluchcr Iiire .style*. Sin n ',. 12, i2'j-3. Buy now nnd MH.N'S WOKK SIfOKS—fi" ulove leather upper with moccasin toe con.'triicHoa. l-ull cushion crcjie uedcp out.'olc, A fine shoe for work or a a a cnsiml wenr. E width only.................. SPECIAL PURCHASE S t o c k O sriOIlT.>;—Girls'. Poplin In Knr prints or *oIlrt rnlor I'Aill.s. Well tniloicd, color m a A fuL. £lres 3-a. 55c carh or . . ^ fnr A a U U (M ain Floor) LUGGAGE )IM BIAM K pROOr. All HEiaUCKY STRAIClfr ROURBOti WlllSKItS 0/SIILltD AfID BOIILIO IHE JAMES B. BEAM DiSriLlINO CO., CLEKHOia, KENIUr.KY S le e v e (M ain Floor a n d Basomcnt) NOVKI.TV KAriltlC.‘<-An n*.sortmeni flf taffetas and rotton-ciiplnnls In dot.' nnd woven pntienvs. 3(!-lneb nnd 45-Inch. Kecular lo W e ............... ................... VIV, 4 4 c I.At>irs‘ SI.KCl’WKAIt—Attractive RrouP nf drip, dry cotton bntU'te prinu In populsr style.'. At* irucHvely trimmed. — Oroup Includes; Walt* Oowas . Bsbv Uoil PA)a,inas - Torreador Pn)nini>s - abort Slerxe SlKht Shirt, SIms h a- M - I,. YOUH CHOICE............ I.:»I>IKS' IIAHY IIOI.I, PAJAMAS—Better etter qunlltv nnd styliau m a practical drip-dry b.itUte. Slrei S-M-I. GltA.SNY fiOWNS—Mill cut, lonc itvles Ivies nylondncron-culton bknd for ea.^y care. aiort Siort nleeve with embroidered yoke, Slw.s 31 t' Annlversarr' sale price...... ............ 5 .9 9 tiI,KKl'\VK.\l< — I.adle.V slre.s, Wallz Edviu nnd Baby Do|U In nylon • daciou -cotton A A . floral prims, ltef.log.9S................... A * W 1.ACK TAHI.K CI.OTIIS—A apcclftl value of firstcjnslliy l.ice doth' In scvernl *tie.v j / SomeUilns •aiic" can nlwny* use .... /,'J OI K! I,ACK .SCAiiK_i><ipiilar lfl-x3(J- sire lace scarf In rciii. Hits uuny ii.'rt around the houAC. neruUr 1.4S ........................................ / / ^ ItKAIJY-.MADK DKArKIllES—m i 43-*84' flnWipd iir.!, printed drnpcrle.s. Plented top a hich hem, Modern nnd flornl d 5 - 0 0 , signs, IteiuUr *,9S ralue ....... Ct.'KTAIN MATCKIAf.—Colton print* for kitchen, playroom, hs.vemrnt, etc, AttrncA A t* tive pntternj ....................... YI). 4 ^ ^ nnAPilllY rAltrtlC-Prlnted *all and bntk cloth . S h o rt nilKS.S f'AnniCS—A (tmiip of boiicle, knit and •ftinciW" ril.unv Whnt nuike« Beam lx>ur. bon tnsto no pood? More than nnythinK—it U ilie fnct Uint today, n» for If* ymr*, it ia still tho Ik.nnis who nuiVe RKAM, under tJtc Kimo W-nm formula, in Kentucky where Ixjur. bon wna bom. Tliat’n wliy vouennnlwnyn Iniy Bc.im bourbon wit!i IrunU' B o y s' Girls' COATS Here »re flrst-quallty poll.ihed cotton cit.sunl pania of Wash ' d Wenr finish. A.uorted heAvywelght, corded nnd lustroiii combed poll.ihed cotton fabric*. Beml-tapered models. Newest 8prlnit color*. Slr.ei 29 to 40. necvlar 4.9* value......... 2 . 9 9 D 9 M O R E BIG D A Y S ! f h Men's PANTS T i i M sin A v t. North ' : ® S a le E 3 .9 9 ' " S All \vool!i, cottons mill iilcnd fabric.'*. G roup also include.i'Faillo Du.stcr.s. 3 .9 9 Four Fined Filings Noted W o m e n 's COATS SU'I.M S l'IT S — One Kroiip o f j<tan(l- ' ard braii'i swim .siiils, \’jilue.s to M.O.'j. All Aniiiver.'Jary .S|u;ciid............... lim liiiicMcoii nt llir ,.,,11 lio.l' l. A Ihr n-w: lurticlpallijii la tlic ciKWC■CAlti-: .vll-licl|) projccl lo llTr.iI I l« llfld Bt 7 (I in. «l lib. W,ii,.iniiikrr BMllmrd hK II.1 dlrcclor, ;,(• M-ivui-^ burrnii <i[ i I'lr .llie <lrimrtiiii'ni nf ; f fill J.in. 14.. IflM. TliM dllii'' 1 n' II' U'lpoaslblllly llir jih>N< Ijri'icrn Ihr drimrinii'nt ci tKSII'I.K U'AN.'MAKKIl iind itir Aiiirrlca:) jiiiblir. Hint, end ViTltc.i nnd publlcntion<i o'n forruii siuwers mnll Irom llu- [ rrrtiUii; lorrlKn n{(nlt\ llnL\uii ulUl IKill'i:"' iirKnnlr.nIliinfc iiiint-MMt. WKNDKI.l.. Ajiil IP Ilub^'l' nllnlrn nnd HiriiiKiv. R.iBCinnii.i for ollitri: i pnrtineiil of Man\ iin iii ........ Born In iii-iilllc. mia..iiid riadii- |)ni. Mom '•I, Hiir<'llnn. Bird Irdiii .StJinlmd in r.nu. lie, Mi., w. iiilicriiimaii, brKAO td'' M'lilrc in n:itliiiial Ip lo Wanli J041 Upon lii.t ii...Mi;i\iiii-iii 1(. mil .'.iic-.ik Kcluilu, iilialii, UN Mil' imriil. lli- iiii;i>iii. I) uppiit IliriT :ind niic-.lijitl \r;ir.-. ni Mi% M.l IliAinxyii). IJoLKP.Mat Hjinili llVM 111 15-.iii''li>u,. i.ml llivn ]ii r-uli lil, /ll iilinr It- ii.i-. <l;/r. ()('iiiii'nik- <it/i r /{fjitiljlic.m IVomcn <-(im-i'riiPd mill nldin.: .Mticii nlu- ciiil,'. in 11 KCTS \»lu> ciiv.-id ilii- j’vrriiii'.' c.nulidiiir.i in ilip June 7 prlIroni I'rniirr Inl'i iip.iiii. Aiiuiiu;,miiry will lip Jiuiniltircd by .Mrs. ilirm wrrf over lixi Aiiirrii'an air- (i o. ivirr.'cn. A iph clubs nrr in^ iiicii, liiK'd In iitlciid Hip Its nnd nny' Krcni in44 1» IfiKI Wiui.niiHk'T niii' inlnrslfd l.s Invilnl. ' «.i\ In Mn' iiavy iiiiailicd In ii Ml-.. J.iinrs Knioil, prpsidrni ol niiliinrj- Eovniinii'nt (itiii <m Tnik ilip Hub City llcjiuljllcnii Women, in Hic Carcilliiu l.'lands. In linii lie. will wcIcDnie Hip Riiril.s. Mrs. O. M. rriurucd lo Uie InrciKu nivicf um'.kiflitko, lipiids Hiir luvlWUoiw tftn ttns n.v.lRiiPd lo Ciiiiliid 'I'riijillojmltlrr, Mr.<. D. B. llrad.'hivw. pri In III" Dnniliiirin rrpiililic. lli- Kr.im, nnd Mr.i. liny ■I^I^nff h i liiirr ncrvrd la tJir Hillliiiiliic.i nnillcliarKt: of Ki'iirrnl nrr.miidaciil.^. oppiird llie Aaifrlcnii coiuulnlc ' CfUii. Krom 1050 to 1D5J lie «n.s i>lilllppine dMl: officer In llic ilfp.irtmeni ni;nU':V, April Sl-Fmtr Orlver.i of Klnte. next A.ulKiiiiient wn.< rrp fined by .liutlce of Hie J-encp lo the Ainericnn emba.^.^y. Trl Aviv, AlffPd Crnne for vlnlsiloiw of the Israel,' whero be uns ftcllnR clilrf mtor velilcle iirl. of Ihe cconninlc section, h'rom 1S5C I-'Inrd U ructi oi'te Neal U.i to 11158 lie wn.s consul nnd princi­ Diiili:l.i«, .H. Twin J^'alLs, failure to pal officer nl Nft.wftu. Uftlinnw. rniL't'T. cited Ijy SI.ilc P.itfolmaii Wnnnmnker also will spenk (o K. Albl.stoa; Lcon^flrlbBlemcHij. Junlnra and aciiIom nt 'IMln Knlls ll.iirlrr. Jnllure to reRWer pickup, liiEh school «nd nt never.il otlirr citrd bv titntr Patrolman Donald tentntively ncliedulrd plm nnd Abble W. Wilkinson., Maslo ■Vnlley. iliiilpy, no drlvrr'.s IIcpiw . died by Pnirolaiiin Jiroy Hardlni?.! Cliarlrs W. U;inks, 17. Uurlry, wns: fined $5 by Police Judge llenryi | BURLEY. At>rU 7t — Tvku addj- IMckcr for no driver’* llccnse. Monal petitions- of nomUKitloc were rccclved In the county clrrk'* A>k 7aiir llnmelown Dealer (nr ofllco here Monday. Since Uiey J301 Kerdllier, W orm and Hue Cnntrnl—Adr. »ere postmarked Sauirdsy, which s the deadline, the '' v.illd, »ny» Prank Kenrai. coiialy PHOTO FINISHING clerk. I n ilo z for Jiullee of llie prnre We nf.ilrh or Outdo an; de4l i>-n.s Pnj'B L. Ounnell, Strevell prp-'l cfncl, and W. C. Paul, filed for;l I M THE OF ID A H O TWIN FALLS DEPARTM ENT ST O R E