December 2015 - Muskegon Catholic Central

Savion Xavier Thompson
MONTH HONORED: December 2015
Savion Thompson was selected by Mr. Casey Christensen
Savion Thompson embodies the qualities of an MCC Crusader. His values, work-ethic, and natural
leadership are admirable and obvious because of the respect he has from his classmates, teachers, and
athletic opponents.
Savion is a committed student. He seeks help from his teachers when grasping difficult concepts and is
always up for a challenge. He has taken on a challenging class load and consistently participates
meaningfully in class. He manages his time effectively, making sure he gets his school work done while
having a full athletic schedule as well. Most importantly, Savion does not settle for the correct answer.
Instead, he seeks to understand why and how he arrived at the correct answer. This is a tell-tale sign of
someone who values his education and is committed to lifelong learning.
Equally impressive are Savion’s athletic successes. Savion is a three-sport athlete competing in football,
basketball, and track. He is a three-time state champion in football and a three-year letter winner in
basketball. Savion’s values, work-ethic, and leadership have not gone unnoticed by colleges and
universities. He is being actively recruited and plans to play football in college to continue on his path as a
student-athlete. Specifically, the importance of his leadership was obvious on a team that overcame early
season adversity to come together and win a third straight state championship last fall.
Savion is a shining light in his community. He was crowned homecoming king, which is a testament to how
well liked he is by his peers. Outside his school community, he is an active member in his church and
ushers the services on Sundays.
Perhaps Savion’s greatest attribute is his humility. He is exceptionally humble for such a successful and
impressive young man. In a day and age of a culture that celebrates personal achievement and self promotion, Savion is grounded in his values and modesty. His “old-school” sense of politeness and care
for others is obvious and refreshing.
Savion Thompson is exactly the type of student that teachers want to have in their classroom and get to
know personally. Savion’s skills and work-ethic will take him far in any future endeavor he wishes to
pursue. We are blessed to have him as a part of the MCC community.
Savion is the son of Stacy Thompson and Yolanda Smith. He attends New Light Baptist Church.
Madison Anne Lewis
MONTH HONORED: December 2015
Madison Lewis was selected by Mr. Matt Callow
I am happy to select Madison Lewis for the December Student of the Month.
Madison is a model student in the classroom. She is an extremely hard-working individual who strives for the best in
all that she does. I had Madison in several math classes, and she is an extremely hard working individual. Madison,
when working in groups, always keeps her group working and on task. She is ready to take on all tasks in class,
including working through tough questions, solving the seemingly impossible, taking five classes this past semester
and always helping those around her when they have a question or concern.
Madison is a leader outside of the classroom as well. She is one of two captains of the Varsity Girls’ basketball team.
She leads every day on the gym floor. No, she is not the most vocal leader, but she leads by example. She strives to
improve and works very hard to achieve this goal. She is remarkably unselfish and is willing to do what it takes to
help her team be successful. The most unselfish play that someone can make on a basketball court is to put their
body on the line and try to take a charge. Madison takes, albeit not always getting the call, several charges every
game. While not playing basketball, she spends her time as a member of the track team, going on the March for Life,
and working with the American Cancer Society. Madison is a member of the National Honor Society
Madison will attend Eastern Michigan University next fall and plans to study clinical psychology. Madison is a logical
thinker and keeps a level head in all that she does. Madison will do well in her upcoming endeavors because of her
knowledge, work ethic, and determination. She is always willing to help someone out and never asks “what's in it for
me?” She helps because she cares. I believe Madison has chosen a great major because she will be in a position to
help a lot of people. Her ability to take tough courses and succeed in these courses will help her gain a degree, but
her ability to empathize with others will make her an incredible individual in the field of psychology. Her willingness
and courage to stand up for what she believes in will take her wherever she wants to go.
Madison is the daughter of Anne and Edward Lewis and attends Our Lady of Grace Church.