JUNE 1: Lift up John Dryden, Indiana, as he seeks opportunities to

JUNE 2013
JUNE 1: Lift up John Dryden, Indiana, as he seeks opportunities to begin new work//Thank God for Rhonda
Simon, Missouri, as she and her husband seek to plant new churches//Remember the years of service that
Carol Barbour, Retired, Southern Africa gave to the work of the kingdom.
JUNE 2: Lesotho: Pray for summer missionaries Cara, Debbie, Matt, Jodie and Julie as they serve in this
mountain kingdom May-July.
JUNE 3: Thank God for the ministry of Betty Sams, Retired, Ohio, and the multiethnic people she ministered
to over the years//Lift up Ida Claiborne, Retired, Kansas, thanking God for her years of service to Him.
JUNE 4: Pray for DeNiel Gillen, American Peoples, and her work in church and home evangelism//Praise God
for the life and ministry of Bruce Muskrat, Retired, American Peoples.
JUNE 5: Pray for safety for Stephen Hagen, Southeast Asian Peoples, as he travels in difficult mountainous
areas and for the new believers in the Agta people group where Stephen ministers.
JUNE 6: Pray that Missouri Baptists will see God’s plan for partnering with the Puebla Baptist Convention in
Mexico and churches will respond to that call.
JUNE 7: Pray that Jeff Christopherson, Canada, will have an opportunity to work with the Pat and Nadine
Armstrong as they reach out to the lost in Northern Ontario.
JUNE 8: Ask God to direct Brenda Lee, Nebraska, as she seeks opportunities for new church plants//Praise
God for the faithful service of Lorna Sims, Retired, California, and Donna Willcoxon, Retired, Utah//Thank
God for Connie Craig, Adult Specialist, MWMU, and her leadership in Adult missions in Missouri.
JUNE 9: Pray for direction for Ken McCune, Missouri, as he seeks to begin new churches among language
groups in Missouri//Remember Joyce Payton, Retired, Montana, thanking God for her service among the
ethnic population//Thank God for the past service of Phillip Brewster, Retired, Pacific Rim, and his current
service as DOM, St. Francois Association//Remember Peggy Smith, Retired, Indiana, for continuing
opportunities to spread the Good News.
JUNE 10: Thank God for the years of service by Richard Carter, Retired, American Peoples//Lesotho:
Continue to ask God to pave the way for the land where the Flora’s can build a mission house.
JUNE 11: Lift up Lynelle M., North Africa Middle East, as she learns the language in this far away land//Ask
God to prepare the hearts of those whom, Deborah Avery, Ohio, witnesses to this year//Pray for ministry
opportunities for Bill Victor, Missouri, as he shares the love of Christ with university students.
JUNE 12: Seek God’s direction for you and your church to be involved in the partnership of Missouri Baptists
and the Hudson Valley Association, New York.
JUNE 13: Ask God to guide Galen Jones, Georgia, as he witnesses and ministers to the African American
population in that State//Lift up the team from FBC, Perryton, Texas, as they arrive in Lesotho to embrace the
Motsoku Valley.
JUNE 14: Remember Tammie Emerson, Illinois, as she works to mobilize volunteers//Give thanks for the
sacrificial ministry of Margaret Logan, Retired, Missouri//Ask God to bless Kathy Scott, past MWMU Director,
for her leadership in leading women and children to serve through missions.
JUNE 15: Lift up Rachel Weigand, Sub Saharan African Peoples, before God today, asking His blessings on her
family and protection for her as she serves Him.
JUNE 16: Ask God to give Betty Jo Hall, American Peoples, strength and courage as she shares Christ with the
lost around her//Praise God for the dedication of Bob Warren, Retired, Arizona//Thank God for Joyce Baxter
as she serves as South Central Regional Consultant on the MWMU Board.
JUNE 17: Lesotho: Thank God for the team arriving from Glenstone Baptist Church, Springfield, MO as they do
pastoral training and village evangelism/discipleship.
JUNE 18: Lift up the children who are under the protective care of the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home
praying for support through the birthday offerings and the Missouri Missions Offering.
JUNE 19: Remember Loy Reed, Florida, today praying that he will be open to God’s leadership in all areas of
his life as he serves in collegiate evangelism.
JUNE 20: Pray that MK Kennedy Wilbanks, 12, European Peoples, will continue to grow in favor with God and
man//Say a prayer of thanksgiving for MK Matthew Hamline, 13, East Asian Peoples, and for the joy he brings
to his family//Thank God for the service of Norma Altis, Past MWMU President, and her continuing
dedication to missions as she serves this coming year as Nominating Committee Chairperson for MWMU.
JUNE 21: Thank God for MK Samuel Robertson, 11, Sub Saharan African Peoples, praying for friends along his
way with whom he can share God’s love.
JUNE 22: Remember the partnership needs of the Western Gateway Cluster of West Africa as our
missionaries share the love of Christ in that part of the world.
JUNE 23: Praise God for MK, Blake Brandt, 4, Sub Saharan African People, praying for friends in this far away
land//Lift up Paul Weiblen, American Peoples, as he shares about the love of Jesus.
JUNE 24: Pray for your part as you support Association and State Mission Offerings that will support missions
in Missouri.
JUNE 25: Ask God to direct the decisions that need to be made by children who attend Vacation Bible Schools
and church and associational camps this summer.
JUNE 26: Lift up Jeanne Wright, Retired, East Asia, in her retirement thanking God for the blessing she has
been to those she served.
JUNE 27: Pray for spiritual encouragement and clear directions from God for David Stow, American
Peoples//Lift up Daniel Cookson, California, as he seeks where God is leading to plant new churches//Pray for
Darwin Payton, Montana, as he seeks to win people to Christ in an area where there are few believers//Praise
God for the faithful years of service of Loren Turnage, Retired, European Peoples//Ask God to bless the work
of Russell Adams, DOM, Dallas County Association.
JUNE 28: Ask God to lead and protect C.C., Journeyman, Southeast Asia as she seeks His direction in reaching
people for Him.
JUNE 29: Pray that Linda Hess, Missouri, will sense God’s leading as she serves in church multiplication//Say a
prayer of thanksgiving for the many years of faithful service given by Glen Johnson, Retired, American
Peoples and Wayne Willcoxon, Retired, Utah//Ask for direction for Joe Coppedge, DOM, as he supports
churches and pastors in the Mid Lakes Association//Thank God for Michael Frealy, 2, MK, American Peoples.
JUNE 30: Thank God for the joy that MK Grace Bredbenner, 8, American Peoples, brings to her family each
day//Pray that Ken Harmon, Oregon, will have a clear sense of God’s direction as he seeks to plant new
churches//Lift up Kyle Hoover, Virginia, as he seeks to share the Good News of Christ with those who have
not heard//Ask that Pauline Seat, Retired, Western Pacific, will have strength and good health with blessings
from above in her retirement.
Norma Tolbert
Prayer Advocate, Missouri WMU