February 2013 - Covington Catholic High School

February 2013 | Issue 17
Covington Catholic
See page 11 for details
from the Principal
Covington Catholic
February 2013 | Issue 17
Pastoral Administrator
Rev. Mark Keene
Bob Rowe
Dean of Academics
Dean of Students/Athletic Director
Mike Guidugli
Advancement Director
Sue Finke
Alumni Director
Richard Dickmann ’80
Advancement Assistant
Making a Covington Catholic education available to all who seek it and keeping our
tuition at a reasonable rate is high on our list of priorities. In order to do so, we invite the
entire CCH community to band together to accomplish this goal. We want to give every
student, and every potential student, the opportunity to earn a Covington Catholic High
School diploma regardless of financial constraints. It takes teamwork and input from
the entire community to make this happen, and the payoff in terms of the positive and
life-long impact we have on lives is worth it. The stories that follow on the pages of this
magazine attest to this fact.
Kim Crail
Event Coordinator
Christa Ellison
Copyright 2013. Covington Catholic High School.
All rights reserved. The Journal is an official publication
of Covington Catholic High School for alumni, family,
and friends. All items submitted to the Journal and
Covington Catholic High School become the sole
property of the Journal and Covington Catholic High
School and cannot be reproduced without written
consent of the publisher. Letters and pictures welcome.
Postmaster, please send address changes to:
Covington Catholic High School
1600 Dixie Highway
Park Hills, KY 41011
(859) 491-2247
The primary purpose of
Covington Catholic High School
is to embrace the Gospel message of
Jesus Christ in order to educate
young men spiritually, academically,
physically, and socially.
recently listened to a celebrity talk about giving back. He said, “Every day when I
wake up, I ask myself who I can be of value to today, because it’s not about me. It’s
all about helping someone else.” I immediately thought of the faculty and staff of
Covington Catholic. For them, working in Catholic education is about helping others
– our young men. We have exceptional people here – talented and dedicated like no
other. Teaching the curriculum is just a small part of the influence they have as they open
windows of discovery, unlock potential, develop confidence, and nurture faith and love
of God. We are so blessed, and I thank them for their dedication.
As we look ahead in 2013, I embrace the contributions of our wonderful stakeholders
– both the parents and guardians who sacrifice to send their sons here, as well as our
alumni who have benefited from their time here. We work to earn the trust of those who
cannot wait to become Colonels and especially those watching us carefully in order to
make an informed decision about their choice of high school. We also work daily to earn
the respect of the 531 Colonels who are presently living the CovCath experience.
Anthony Zechella
Maureen Regan
Bob Rowe
Feature StorY
Loss of a Legend – Mr. Dan Tieman ’58
Dan Tieman Scholarship Fund
5 School News
11 Colonel Madness
12 Advancement
18 Reunion Updates
19 In Memoriam
One of the measuring sticks I use to gauge our success as a meaningful
institution is how many and how often our alumni come home to visit,
or when they just stop by to observe the present day happenings of our
student body. During final exam week in December, I was simply amazed
at how many graduates returned to reconnect with former teachers and
schoolmates. It reminded me of the power of the CCH experience.
To all our alumni, the door is always open to you.
Artwork by Sam Williamson ’13.
See page 8 for related story on
Gallenstein Art Scholarship.
Art teacher Mr. Tim Haders created this pencil drawing after learning of Dan Tieman’s passing.
“I created this piece out of love and respect for Dan and his family. Dan was a colleague, friend and
mentor who inspired me to be a better teacher, Christian and person every day,” shared Tim.
The artwork was presented as a gift to the Tieman Family.
May God bless each one of you and yours during the upcoming New Year. Please keep us
in your prayers as you will be in ours.
Covington Catholic Journal
Feature StorY
Feature StorY
to begin our new life with the Lord, He is
going to ask us these questions, ‘Did you
use the talents I gave you to the best of your
ability? Were you a good example to others?
Did you lead others to me or away from
Oh Danny. You led so many souls to God.
You focused on the eternal. I remember Dan
grabbing a student by the arm one morning
and saying, “Missed you at rosary service
this morning.” Not a chewing out, just a
tug. Then he handed him a finger rosary.
He carried a supply in his pants pocket for
occasions just like that one. Something for
the boy to digest.
Dan and his bride of 44 years, Janie.
At the Mass for the Repose of the Soul of
Dan Tieman on November 10, 2012,
Bill Snyder ’54, good friend and colleague
of Dan’s, delivered his eulogy. Excerpts from
the beautiful tribute follow.
ishop Foys, clergy, colleagues and
friends, students and especially Dan’s
family. Janie, who was always referred
to not as his wife, but as his bride, Chris,
Laura, Caitie, daughter-in-law Kelly and
son-in-law Mike. Jessie, Damon, Leigh and
A.J. Brothers Roger and Stan.
How many of us will warrant a tribute and
celebration such as this? What a testimony.
In 2010, Mr. Rowe
asked Dan to be
the commencement
speaker. There are
some points Dan
made then about his
life and life in general
that should be
repeated here today
because they tell us
about the man Dan
really was.
Dan began his
address with these
words, “A few weeks
ago when Mr.
Grotto dedication.
Covington Catholic Journal
Rowe asked me to speak at graduation, my
immediate reaction was something like, ‘Not
me. I get too nervous and emotional at times
like these. I’d rather be on the sidelines than
at center court.’ But Mr. Rowe convinced
me to think it over.
“When I have to make difficult decisions, I
seek the guidance of the Lord through prayer
and meditation. I have a little prayer that is
actually the chorus from one of our church
hymns that I particularly like. ‘Speak Lord,
I’m listening. Plant your words down deep
in me. Speak Lord, I’m listening. Show me
the way.’
“So here I am. You seniors and I have a lot
in common. It’s been fifty-two years since
I received my diploma from Covington
Catholic. Any success I may have had in
life I attribute to my Catholic education.
Beginning at home, examples set by my
parents, the good sisters at St. Aloysius and
especially the teachers I had at CCH.
“The secret to success here, William,” he told
me when I was just beginning as a teacher
twelve years ago, “is to make these boys
feel good about themselves. They’re not all
athletes. They don’t all have my good looks.
Some aren’t the brightest. But they need to
feel like they belong, like they are special.
If you can make them feel good about
themselves, they’ll give you all they’ve got.”
And he was right.
Dan led thousands of rosaries on Tuesday
and Thursday mornings at 7:30 for over
forty years. He died during the month of
Our Lady of the Rosary. What a blessing
from the Virgin. If you have a chance,
stop in school and on the first floor across
from the Chapel you’ll see a statue of Mary
mounted on the wall and dedicated to
Dan with a plaque which reads: To Dan
Tieman. In thanksgiving for his inspiration
and dedication to the young men of Covington
Catholic. And what an inspiration he was.
The first time Dan saw it, he cried.
was late getting back. He was never late.
Dan lived his life for his students and his
family. And Danny tugged at our hearts.
He raised the bar. He molded men out of
boys and good men, more than 5000 of
them. Look around here at the impression
he made, the lives he touched and the souls
he saved.
Covington Catholic expects excellence and
sets high standards in our mission statement
– excellence spiritually, academically,
athletically and socially. Dan promoted
excellence in all four of those categories.
He demanded perfection on and off the
basketball court and on and off the court
of life. He made you realize that being a
part of this school carried a responsibility to
protect our image and our integrity. He said
that those things are what gave value to your
Danny loved basketball and fishing. His
basketball skills and his competitiveness
led to many district and regional titles.
Dan played in the NBA, although he never
brought that up. In fact the only things I
ever heard him boast about were his bride,
his family and the fact that he taught at
Covington Catholic.
Dan and I took a fishing trip to northern
Minnesota a few years ago. Very near the
Canadian boundary waters. Beautiful place.
Sixteen hour drive one-way. You learn a lot
about a man when you spend thirty-two
hours in a car together, just the two of you.
He loved Janie and his family, a lot. “Janie
turned me around,” he said. “She faced me
in the right direction. I’m a lucky man. I
remember when I first met her, I said to
myself, ‘she’s the one,’ and she was, for fortyfour years.”
We stayed as guests at cabins owned by a
good friend of mine, Ben Mahle, a teacher
himself in the Minnesota public schools.
Ben sent me the book, A Man Called
Intrepid. It is a true story about the life of
a spy in World War II. There is a passage
in the book about Franklin and Eleanor
Roosevelt sitting in the Oval Office talking
after Franklin had just come back from the
Capitol where we had declared war on Japan
in December 1941. Eleanor said, “I am so
scared, Franklin. So many young boys will
die for us, and sometimes I wonder if I am
worth dying for.”
Have you ever wondered if YOU were worth
dying for? I assure you that if Jesus were
physically standing here right now with Dan,
he would look into his heart and soul, stare
right into his eyes, smile, and say, “Danny,
I died for you. And you, Dan Tieman, were
worth dying for.”
And so the Spirit that is Covington Catholic
goes on - The Spirit That Will Not Die. Dan
is physically gone, but his heart and his love
will never leave any of us… never.
May God grant Dan a well-deserved peace
in His Kingdom. We are all better people
because of the gift of Dan. Thank you, God,
for what you have given to all us. And may
we all cherish the memories. God bless.
He never missed a morning Mass. If Mass
wasn’t being celebrated in our Chapel, he’d
run up to St. Agnes between classes when
he was free. He’d ask some of us teachers to
cover for him for maybe a few minutes if he
“I tried to surround myself
with good people. I learned
the value of hard work,
and Covington Catholic
prepared me for life and
especially for marriage and
my vocation as a husband
and father.
“Sometimes I think when
we end this life and hope
Dan and Janie with (from left) Leigh, A.J., Chris, Kelly, Mike, Damon, Laura, Caitie and Jessica.
n 2010, alumni, parents and friends
contributed $10,000 to establish the
Dan Tieman Scholarship Fund. Many
have made gifts to the Fund since that time,
and many more did so recently in Dan’s
memory. Listed below are gifts made to the
Dan Tieman Scholarship Fund since the last
printing of the Journal.
Mr. & Mrs. W. G. Ahlrichs
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Albrinck
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Averdick ’68
Mr. & Mrs. John Bain
Ms. Mary J. Beresford
Mr. & Mrs. James Berns ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Bibbins
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Boehmker ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bosch ’59
Mr. & Mrs. James Bradley
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Brueggemann ’49
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Buring
Mr. & Mrs. James Cahill ’70
Mr. & Mrs. John Cahill ’77
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Connaughton
The Cooney Family
CCH Baseball Team
CCH Basketball Team - Class of 2002
Mrs. Lori A. Cox
Dr. & Mrs. William Danneman
Mrs. Hannelore Driscoll
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Due ’59
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Dyas ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Ellison ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Etler ’63
Mr. Dave Fangman ’58
Mrs. Alma Finke
Ms. Susan J. Flach
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fredrick
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fritz ’74
Mr. Thomas Gerrein
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Gross
Ms. Kila Hanrahan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harmeling, Sr. ’58
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hebbeler ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Heidrich ’68
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heimbrock
Mr. & Mrs. David Hellmann ’83
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Henn, Jr. ’68
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Hodge
Mr. Michael Joyce ’58
Mr. Jack Kaelin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kemper ’62
continued on page 4
Covington Catholic Journal
School News
Feature StorY
continued from page 3
Mr. & Mrs. John Kennedy ’85
Ms. Kathleen Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kennedy &
Ryan ’04
Mrs. Jackie Kriege
Mr. & Mrs. William Krumpelbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lang ’61
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Listerman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maile ’65
Mr. Chet Markham
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Martin ’90
Mr. & Mrs. Larry McGovern ’81
Dan ’70, Eric ’08 & Nick ’11 Meier
Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Mescher in honor
of John Pauly ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Michels ’83
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Morehead ’85
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Murphy
Ninth Region Basketball Office Assn.
Northern Kentucky Sports Hall of Fame
The Nutty Nine plus One
Nuvo Technologies
Mr. Robert Pohlabeln ’78
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Pohlabeln
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rasp ’72
Mr. Robert H. Rauf
Mr. Patrick Read ’06
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robbins ’58
Mr. & Mrs. David Rodarte
Mr. David Ruwe ’84
St. Elizabeth Oncology - 2A
Dan, Rose & Louis ’62 Schlosser
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Schneider ’60
Mr. George Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. William Schrudde ’56
Mrs. Judith Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Kenney Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Snyder ’64
Ms. Joyce Staverman
Ms. Rosemary Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tewes
Mr. Gerald Thelen ’57
Mr. Ray Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Tull
Mr. Jeffery Tull
Ms. Mary Warken
Mr. & Mrs. James Weyer
Mr. Charles Wietholter ’56
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Wilder ’97
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wischer ’56
Mr. William Witt ’83
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Witte
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wurtz ’77
To make a gift to the Dan Tieman
Scholarship Fund, please visit the Giving
page at CovCath.org or contact the
Advancement Office at (859) 448-2247.
Dear Mrs. Tieman,
w how much your husband,
I am writing you this letter to let you kno
d all the time why I do so much
Mr. Dan Tieman, meant to me. I get aske
I graduated from there or because
around Covington Catholic. Is it because
would be very good reasons, but the
my three sons went to school there? Those
holic High School in such high
real reason as to why I hold Covington Cat
h teacher known as Coach T. He
regard centers on a certain business mat
changed my life the day I walked into his
entary, the principal informed me
As an eighth grader at Holy Cross Elem
I continued my education somewhere
and my parents that it would be best if
decided that Covington Catholic
other than Holy Cross High School. We
Things did not start out well for
High School would be a good place to try.
the quickest detention ever given. I
me there. I believe I hold the record for
ol started, things did not improve
received it on Orientation Day! Once scho
Freddy. When you are given a
too much. I was given the nickname Fat
are two ways you can handle it –
nickname like that as a freshman, there
e class clown. By the end of freshman
transfer or become the class clown. I chos
e bringing in 38 detentions (real
year, I had definitely lived up to my nam
n, but my studies were suffering as
impressive). Not only was I the class clow
year going to summer school. By
well. I spent the summer after my freshman
wed me to return for my sophomore
some act of God, Covington Catholic allo
and geometry. After one week, I was
Sophomore year began with Brother Joe
t was going to happen next. I was
kicked out of his class and had no idea wha
and told to take a seat. After class,
sent to Mr. Tieman’s business math class
talked about school, where I was
Coach T called me up to his desk and we
that we only lived two streets away
from and many other things. We realized
me home so that I would not have to
from each other, and he offered to drive
me the best part of my day. Even
take the bus. That fifteen minute ride beca
ol, I would wait for him. At the
when Coach T had things to do after scho
impact those fifteen minutes would
time I probably did not know what an
Christian, a good student, what it
have on me. He taught me how to be a
t importantly he taught me that a
meant to be respectful of others, and mos
g that he wanted. I most likely
fat kid from Latonia could achieve anythin
a that was sad to get a driver’s
was the only high school student in Americ
er have that special fifteen minute
license because I knew that I would no long
husband I only received one more
ride. Do you know that after meeting your
detention and that was in my senior year
your husband there is no possible way
I want you to know that if it wasn’t for
cation by going to college, which is
that I would have ever continued my edu
We have had the pleasure of raising
where I met my wonderful wife, Christa.
kful they all had the pleasure of
four beautiful children, and I am so than
they are better people because of
knowing Coach T. I know for a fact that
Randy Ellison (aka Fat Freddy), Class of
Covington Catholic Journal
School News highlights the activities and accomplishments of our current students and staff. In between issues,
be sure to check CovCath.org or our Facebook page for the most up-to-date news.
for Outstanding
Covington Catholic students offer their
time in a variety of ways including helping
in their parishes, volunteering at local nonprofit agencies, and lending a hand when
unique circumstances arise such as the
Junior Paul Wagner proudly displays
Spring 2012 tornados. This past December, his varsity letter… his second for
forty-seven students (listed below) were
awarded varsity letters for community
service. To earn a letter, a student must complete a minimum of forty hours
of service in six totally different activities within a twelve-month period.
Mr. Bill Snyder ’64, Community Service Director, recognized letter winners
before the entire school community. Before announcing their names, he told
all the young men of the
school how proud he
was of them. Collectively,
CCH students performed
16,000 hours of
community service, more
than double what is
required. “We have the
best service program in
Greater Cincinnati and
there’s a reason for that.
We have the very best
kids,” noted Mr. Snyder.
Alex Hodge ’13 is ready to hit the slopes with his new friend.
“Covington Catholic’s
He was a volunteer with Special Olympics at Perfect North.
commitment to service is
something of which we should all be very, very proud.”
Seniors: Kevin Boerger, Ryan Bowman, Tanner Fangman, Adam Goddard,
Nik Knipper, Kyle Massie, Chris Molony, Alex Scanlon, Andrew Schwartz,
Jimmy Stratman, Patrick Verst, Trevor Wendt and Norb Wessels
Juniors: Garrett Atchison, Brett Bauereis, Joseph Berns, Maxwell Boyle,
Andrew Branch, Michael Brunot, Matthew Ellison, Alec Hardcorn, Riley
Kinsella, Jacob Kleier, Austin Oberhausen, John Pieper, Keith Radcliff, Drew
Rensing, Thomas Ryan, Aaron Schilling, Daniel Schlachter, Mark Schult,
Andrew Skubak, Jonathan Thiel and Paul Wagner
Sophomores: Ryan Arlinghaus, Joseph Cahill, Stuart Green, Chris Holthaus,
Ben Kindt, Tim Martin, Adrian Neff, Mitchell Rensing, Jacob Roth, Mark Ryan,
Ben Schmidt, Todd Sheets, Kevin Sommers, Cooper Theobald, Robert Urbina,
Mason Webster and Grant Woodcock
37th Annual
The 37th Annual Academic Awards
Assembly was held November 29,
2012. Mr. Jack Kaelin was the
keynote speaker. Many students
were recognized for their academic
achievements. Visit the News section
of CovCath.org to see the names of
those recognized, as well as those who
made the Honor Roll for the 2nd
n n n
Quill & Scroll
Society Members
Fifteen students were inducted into
the Quill and Scroll Society on
November 8, 2012. Quill and Scroll
International Honorary Society for
high school journalists was organized
April 10, 1926, at the University of
Iowa by renowned pollster George
H. Gallup and a group of high
school advisers for the purpose
of encouraging and recognizing
individual student achievement in
journalism and academics. Inducted
were seniors Bobby Beatrice,
Blake Bir, Joe Breen, Drew
Brueggeman, Andy Gregg,
Will Henry, Corbin Maschinot,
Kyle Massie, Cameron Murphy,
Daniel Sandfoss, Andrew Schwartz,
Jimmy Stratman, Zack Tobler,
Sam Wehrman and Max Williamson.
n n n
Covington Catholic Journal
School News
School News
for Life
CovCath students partnered
with Notre Dame Academy and
Covington Latin students for the
Wash for Life. They made close to
$600 to support pro-life charities.
National Honor Society Members Inducted
Character, leadership, scholarship
and service are the pillars of the
National Honor Society. Students
exemplifying these four qualities
were inducted into NHS on October
29, 2012. The newest members are
juniors Brett Bauereis, Joseph Berns,
Maxwell Boyle, Nicholas Cheesman,
Connor Field, Anthony Goebel,
Jeremiah Greer, Evan Harmeling,
J.D. Henize, Thomas Hiltz, Adam
Holstein-Seibert, J.Riley Kinsella,
Zachary Landwehr, Thomas Lawler,
William McMurtry, C.J. Moellering,
unior Tom Ryan and sophomore
Nate Urban have completed
their Eagle Scout projects.
Tom designed and constructed an
open-air stable for the Children’s
Home for use by their equine
therapy program. Nate designed and
constructed flower pot holders for
use at Villa Madonna Manor.
Dear Mr. Flesch,
William Neltner, Sean Nemann,
Keith Radcliff, Thomas Ryan, Aaron
Schilling, Daniel Schlachter, Neal
Stansel and Nathan Wichmann, and
seniors Kevin Boerger, Dalton Davis,
Prescott Drees, Joseph Schaefer and
Nicholas Wessels.
Concerned, Inc.
Covington Catholic Journal
It wasn’t until I walked through the cafeteria with the aroma of chili and the sound
of the Bengals game blaring overhead that it hit me. I’ve been through this a few
times before. Nine years have gone by since my first Father/Son Day at CovCath.
Now I’m looking eye to eye with my youngest son Ben ’13 – okay, maybe I’m
looking up a little – asking him which event he wants to get beat in first.
I’m not sure your tactics – I heard some rumors about a competition with Notre
Dame, but whatever you did, please patent it, because the result was absolutely
Ben and Bill Metzger
It couldn’t have been that long ago when I was with my son Jon ’08 for our first
Father/Son Day. Mass initiated the day and he, like all freshmen, you could barely
hear respond during the service. When the games began, he searched out his
grade school classmates as we rotated through the events, hoping I would not
embarrass him with a lack of athletic skills. At the end of the day, I would ask if he
had a good time, and he would reply succinctly, but respectfully, “Yes.” The first
year for Bryan ’12 and Ben were pretty much the same.
Then, with a blink of an eye, your son is a senior. You have seen the transformation from boy to young man with each
passing father/son event. Over the years, their confidence has skyrocketed as has their respect for their classmates and
faculty. Every senior seems to take an underclassman under his wing. Each event is played as a team, with freshmen
and seniors playing side by side. As I watch the
interaction, I understand when my sons tell me they
love this school. When the day was done, I had
added more incredible memories to my stockpile.
In the end, you know your son is now a young man
when you don’t have to ask him if he had a good
day on the way home. Instead, he volunteers that
it was a great day, and the two of you would have
won the volleyball game if only….
A Villa Madonna resident demonstrates the
compatibility of his wheelchair to Nate Urban’s
n n n
by Bill Metzger ’78
November 26 was one of those days here because of the tremendous job your
students did on their food drive for us. The grand total was 5,526 lbs. making
your drive our second largest this year.
Paul Gottbrath
his fall, sophomores Kevin
Sommers and Joseph
Marino, and freshman
Kentucky Youth Assembly participants Joseph Marino,
Peter Brothers were among the
Kevin Sommers and Peter Brothers.
500 students from across the
Commonwealth that participated in the Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA)
in Frankfort with their moderator, teacher Mrs. Barbara Hagedorn. KYA is
a simulation of the democratic process in which students take on the roles of
senators and representatives writing, debating and voting on legislation they
write. Kevin was recognized as an Outstanding Delegate. The CCH group
was designated an Outstanding Delegation, an honor awarded by other club
Time Flies: A Father’s Reflection
Any day that our truck has to make two trips to pick up all the food from one
location is a good one here at Be Concerned. And when the driver returns with
news that the second load is even bigger than the jumbo haul he picked up the
first time, that is a great day.
Please extend our thanks to your students and everyone else at CovCath who
collaborated on the drive.
Waiting for the Be Concerned truck to arrive, seniors Kyle Massie, Sam Williamson, Corbin
Maschinot, Will Henry and Zach Toebben stand with the nearly three tons of food the CCH
community collected.
Covington Catholic Journal
School News
School News
Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky radio station Q102 awarded the Covington Catholic Chamber Choir
1st Place in their annual Christmas Choir Competition. Morning Show hosts Jeff and Jenn presented a check for
$5000 to choir director Jim Wolfe on Tuesday, December 18 at an all-school assembly. Fox19 was on hand to
film the presentation. From all eligible entries, a panel of judges selected CovCath as one of nine semifinalists for
their rendition of Blue Christmas. The semifinalists were posted on Q102’s website for listener vote. As one of
three finalists, the Chamber Choir received 1st Place by the judges for their professional quality of sound and
quality of performance.
The Chamber Choir has recorded three CDs. They are available for $10 through the school office or online through the Spirit Shop.
Class of 2017
171 eighth graders have taken the High School
Placement Test at CovCath – an increase of more than
forty over last year! On January 7, 2013, test scores were
distributed and scholarships announced. Mark Briede
from St. Joseph, Crescent Springs was the top scorer.
Other scholarship recipients included Andrew Alcorn,
Cody Esmeier, Ben France, Zack Hemsath and
Colton Schabell from Blessed Sacrament; Joseph Gray
from IHM; Ryan Eckerle, Michael Finke, Matthew
Franxman, Jacob Kunkel, Stephen Metzger and
Hunter Ziegelmeyer from St. Agnes; Jake Dressman
from St. Joseph, Crescent Springs; Trey Breen and
James Gerner from St. Joseph, Cold Spring; and Aidan
Donaghy from St. Paul.
Anchors Aweigh
The Arts
Nine out of the thirty-three pieces
selected for exhibition in the
Thomas More Art Show were works
by CovCath students – more than
from any other school. Shae McKee
’13 was named Director’s Choice.
Daniel Chal ’14 received Honorable
From left: Sam Williamson, Will Huber, Chris
Grunner and Clint Noble.
ovington Catholic Seniors
Chris Gruner, Will Huber
and Clint Noble are
recipients of the Jon Gallenstein
Art Scholarship. Jon passed away
during his junior year in 1993. Jon’s
love and passion for art is continued
through this scholarship established
in his memory. Recipients were
selected in a juried art show. Sam
Williamson won the Student’s
Choice award.
Covington Catholic Journal
The View and The Today Show both
mentioned Tung Toos as part of
segments on the hottest Halloween
products. Tung Toos are temporary,
candy-flavored tattoos for kids. Several
designs shown on television were
created by Covington Catholic graphics
design teacher Craig Cleveland ’87
and students Sean Kreke ’12, Hunter
Pasek ’12, Casey Stone ’11, Justin Van
Dusen ’13 and Sam Williamson ’13.
The product website is www.tungtoos.
com. If you click on the IN THE
NEWS button, you can watch clips
from the TV shows.
150 8th graders attended Preview to the Blue in mid-January. A highlight
was receiving their official Class of 2017 t-shirt. Several St. Pius X Panthers
show their spirit for their new school. Pictured clockwise from top are
Anthony Bosch, Benny Gerdes, Jared Reid, Jacob Kennedy, Danny Matos,
Kevin Schutte and Jared Haught.
Whether it is a Blue-Out, Beach Attire or a Christmas
theme, the Colonel Crazies come to games prepared to
cheer for their teams. Prior to the Beechwood football
game, the Crazies marched to the stadium in true
Braveheart style with a bagpiper leading the way.
Engineering Club members (above) Walt Menke ’15,
Joe Marino ’16 and Daniel Foster ’15 teamed up to
create a duct tape/cardboard boat for the Barge Race last
school year. They won both the CCH contest as well
the regional science fair at NKU. They moved on to the
state competition and although they did not win, their
project was selected as a National Winner for Innovative
Engineering and they received a $1000 scholarship from
the National Society of Professional Engineers/Professional
Engineers in Industry.
n n n
Adam Goddard ’13 was chosen WCPO Student of the
Week in November 2012.
n n n
Daniel Chal’s piece is an 18”x 24” pencil selfportrait metamorphosis. Dan spent well over 30
hours executing this detailed piece.
Blake Bir ’13 was LaRosa’s MVP of the Week in early
October 2012. He broke the CCH record for most
touchdown passes. Four-time Kentucky state swimming
champion, Max Williamson ’13, garnered the same award
this past January.
Pardon our error...
In the last issue of the Journal, we neglected to indicate Andrew Epplen,
proud member of the Class of 2016, is the son of Dave ’87.
Covington Catholic Journal
Founders ............................................ $10,000+
Benefactors .......................................... $5,000+
Trustees .............................................. $1,000+
Colonels ............................................... $500+
Leaders .............................................. . . $100+
(Please include matching gift form from your company)
Company Name _______________________________________________
� Gifts of Stock __________________________________________________
� Matching Gift. My gift $ ______________ Company match $ __________
Underestimated, Cross Country
Team Shows its Mettle
In addition to earning the respect of your worthy opponents,
members of the winning class in each category will be eligible
to win free passes to the 2013-14 Covington Catholic
basketball games. Winners will be chosen at random from all
members of the winning classes. No donation is necessary to
participate. In addition, members of the winning classes will be
recognized in the Honor Roll of Donors in an upcoming issue
of this Journal.
Expiration Date ________________________ Security Code: ___________________________
Levels of Giving
Name on Card ___________________________________________________________
� Credit Card � Visa � Mastercard
Card # ________________________________________________________ _
� Check Payable to Covington Catholic High School
Email ______________________________________________
Method of Payment
Phone ______________________________________________
Please bill my credit card or call me for more information regarding
monthly check withdraws.
City, State, Zip _______________________________________
As we rally around our favorite NCAA teams, let’s Rally
‘Round Covington Catholic and support the Annual Appeal.
“It’s gonna be great, baby!” Here’s how it works.
2012 Cross Country Team. Front from left: Coach Tom Arnold ’01, seniors Casey Moore, Chris
Gruner and Chase Moriconi, and Coach Josh McCoy ’99. Back from left: Thomas Ziegler ’16, Jake
Zimmerman ’15, Brian Menke ’14, Matt Rose ’16, Grant Guenther ’15, Bradley Couch ’14 and Sean
Panoushek ’14.
Golf coach Robb Schneeman (pictured
above with Beck Family) was named
2012 Coach of the Year by the
Kentucky Golf Coaches Association.
Covington Catholic Journal
Tip-off begins as soon as you receive your Journal, so lace up
those shoes and get on the court. Huddle your classmates to
participate and make it a real team – class – effort.
Name ______________________________________________
� Total Gift Amount $ ____________________________________________
� I would like to pledge $ _________ to be paid over _____ installments.
Join all the action as we approach the greatest month of
college hoops action. Here in northern Kentucky, we call it
he 2012 cross country season was phenomenal. With only three returning
seniors, the team was young, but strong. From the start, the team had its
eyes on bringing the competition to the state meet. Coach Tom Arnold ’01
prepared us for the post-season races from the beginning, focusing on key meets
rather than winning individual trophies. However, the start of the season was
rocky. The team was all but dismissed in the state preview – projected to place
sixth – but the team would soon prove its guts.
Austin Beck ’13 has accepted a golf
scholarship to Northern Kentucky
University. He led Covington Catholic
to a regional championship this past
season garnering the team a trip to the
state competition. He was named to the
2012 All-Region Team by the Kentucky
Golf Coaches Association. Beck plans to
study business. He is the son of Lisa and
Robert Beck ’84 of Villa Hills.
Address _____________________________________________
Senior Max Williamson will attend
Stanford University on a swimming
scholarship. He is the sixth-ranked
recruit in the nation according to
CollegeSwimming.com. This past
summer, Williamson competed in the
U.S. Olympic Trials in three events. He
also holds the state records in both the
200 IM and 500 free. Williamson plans
to study foreign affairs. He is the son
of Cindy and Kenny Williamson of Ft.
Graduation year ______________________________________
by Chris Gruner ’13
As the post-season began, the freshman Colonels went out with a bang finishing
first in the freshman regional championship. The JV team also competed well with
a respectable second place finish in the regional meet. As for the varsity team, the
Colonels came in a disappointing third behind a newly-revived Highlands team
and Lexington Catholic. The Colonels were left underestimated for the state race
and with a bitter taste in their mouths. However, the disappointing finish may
have been for the best.
The Colonels were the underdog at state with no pressure to defend a place in
the meet. That’s when Brian Menke ’14, Grant Guenther ’15, Sean Panoushek
’14, Matt Rose ’16 and Jake Zimmerman ’14 turned in gutsy races. Finishing in
fourth place, the Colonels proved their talent and left quite a few surprised. The
Colonels beat the rival Bluebirds and Lexington Catholic in an outstanding race,
finishing only six points shy of second place.
The team leaves behind a solid roster with an excellent outlook for next year. The
Colonels will continue to aim high hoping to achieve more in 2013. As one of the
three seniors, this last season was an incredible experience; however the thing that
is most memorable to me is the friendships that have grown throughout my four
years and will continue to grow even though my cross country season has ended.
Covington Catholic High School
Below are stats for class giving to the Annual Appeal so far
this year. From now until the end of March, we will track
these stats and post weekly participation updates at
CovCath.org/AnnualAppeal and on our Facebook pages.
There will be three winning classes in Colonel Madness: class
with highest participation percentage, class with greatest total
donor participation and class with most money donated.
Parents & Friends
We invite your participation in the Annual
Appeal too! Your support is greatly
appreciated and will be acknowledged in the
Honor Roll of Donors in the October 2013
issue of the Journal. You can use the
envelope provided or donate online at
Thank you!
Ready for the Opportunity…
To be a PTP and slam dunk a few points for your team, just
support the Annual Appeal. It couldn’t be easier! Just mail in
the envelope included with this Journal or donate online at
Class Giving
to Date DonorsSize * Participation
1939 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 $25.00 $55.00 $100.00 $225.00 $525.00 $25.00 $1,275.00 $1,200.00 $250.00 $1,275.00 $200.00 $150.00 $70.00 $100.00 $210.00 $550.00 $425.00 $703.00 $1,215.00 $4,450.00 $1,945.00 $1,860.00 $1,595.00 1
13 15 13 18 8
11 16 17
19 14 13 16 17 26 53 39 62 76 94 88 87 84 17
1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Class Giving
to Date DonorsSize * Participation
$3,405.00 $2,425.00 $2,905.00 $7,851.00 $2,815.00 $3,230.00 $5,785.00 $3,100.00 $3,725.00 $9,140.00 $4,220.00 $8,295.00 $1,220.00 $575.00 $10,620.00 $3,695.00 $6,335.00 $2,550.00 $1,050.00 $5,140.00 $2,550.00 $5,450.00 $3,520.00 17 11 18 15 23 10 26 9
13 8
14 4
13 11 11 8
12 12 105 122 132 138 151 133 179 159 155 143 113 99 92 116 106 118 108 102 110 111 109 106 120 16
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Class Giving
to Date DonorsSize * Participation
$1,225.00 $675.00 $365.00 $400.00 $1,755.00 $750.00 $1,775.00 $1,105.00 $1,860.00 $900.00 $2,385.00 $2,435.00 $1,375.00 $400.00 $675.00 $2,170.00 $650.00 $450.00 $210.00 $15.00 $150.00 7
17 5
13 7
98 85 95 83 85 68 94 99 106 82 109 124 104
107 121 96 108 111 102 91 114 7
* Based on number of living donors with contact information.
Covington Catholic Journal
In Honor of Clare Hehman
In Memory of Robert Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Hehman ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Maier
In Memory of Jared Barlage ’87
Ms. Jane Bracken
Mr. Patrick Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. William Germann
Ms. Kim Guffey
Mr. & Mrs. John Haas, Jr. ’77
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knorr ’61
Ms. Julie Meister
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nicely
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rohling ’87
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schwab ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Short
Southeast Systems, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David Thiel ’60
Mr. Michael Wascom
In Memory of Ray Bergman ’45
Mrs. Susan Bergman
In Memory of Ron Bitter
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Due ’59
In Memory of Paul Brinker
Mr. Jack Kaelin
In Memory of Louis Cogswell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Etler ’63
In Memory of Patricia & Gene Eckerle
Mr. & Mrs. David Hellmann ’83
The Most Reverend Roger J. Foys, D.D.
Scholarship Fund
Most Reverend Roger J. Foys, D.D.
In Memory of Martin A. & Theresa H. Foys,
Margaret Foys Ciesla & Richard M. Foys
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Roch
In Memory of Jim Franxman
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Snyder ’64
In Memory of Jon Gallenstein ’95
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schmidt
In Memory of Arthur Graessle
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Benzinger
In Memory of William Grady ’37
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gerrein
In Memory of Frances Grogan
Mrs. Kay Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Grimm
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Schipper ’73
In Memory of Galen Healey ’95
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Healey
In Memory of Emmett Ireland ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gerrein
In Memory of Dorothy Kling
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Snyder ’64
Covington Catholic Journal
In Memory of John Kuchar
The Gallenstein Family
From the Advancement Director
Sue Finke
n the last Journal that listed donors
for the 2011-12 Annual Appeal,
an alum was surprised to discover
the participation of his class was only
nine donors. He knew that his class
had incredible spirit and passion for
CCH when they walked the halls of
their alma mater, so he asked himself,
“Why are we not encouraged to give
back to a place that meant so much to
us?” He then decided to send an email
to his classmates encouraging them to
give to the Annual Appeal this year.
He told them, “It is not the amount of
the gift that is important, but to show
your support as a proud alum and a
member of our great class.” Once this
email went out, online donations from
the class began to come in. To date,
they have already doubled last year’s
This year, our overall donations are
up 4.3% from contributions given
by alumni, parents, past parents,
grandparents and friends. Some of
the donations are from annual givers
but others come from first-time
donors or people who gave several
years ago and decided to give again
this year. Right now we have 778
donors compared to last year’s 644.
This increased participation gives me
great pride and a renewed spirit for
the school. I would like to thank those
who have already given to this year’s
Annual Appeal, as well as those who
have given in the past and those who
plan to give in the future.
The annual appeal is the cornerstone
of our fundraising. Among its benefits,
the Annual Appeal:
• Keeps tuition affordable for all
• Covers on-going maintenance of the
• Provides scholarships for new and
existing students
• Funds our operating budget
Last year, 940 donors contributed
over $250,000. The year’s goal is
1,000 donors and $300,000. Will you
consider helping Covington Catholic
High School with a donation or send
an email challenge to your fellow
Colonels as part of Colonel Madness?
(See page 11 for details.)
Right now Covington Catholic has
received $228,000 in donations.
Achieving our goal is very important
to the administration, faculty and
students. Gifts that exceed our goal
allow the school some opportunities
such as assisting teachers with their
continuing education, purchasing
items on the Wish List (see those
items on the Giving page on the
website), as well as covering a broad
range of unexpected needs.
This year, we administered the High
School Placement Test to 171 8th
graders – forty more than last year.
The Class of 2017 is eager for the
opportunity to attend Covington
Catholic. Our soon-to-be graduates,
the Class of 2013, are ready to make
their way in the world. Consider
investing in Covington Catholic
whether it be a one-time gift or
an ongoing gift through monthly
debits to your credit card. Visit
CovCath.org/AnnualAppeal to
donate online or send a check to
Covington Catholic High School,
Attn: Annual Appeal, 1600 Dixie
Highway, Park Hills, KY 41011.
Thank you for your support.
In Memory of Jim McKinley
The Hardcorn family. (from left) Advancement Director Sue Finke, Monica and Ken Hardcorn,
Daryl Cox, Alec Hardcorn, Barbara Cox, Andrea Hardcorn, Susan Winter, Gerald Hardcorn and
Principal Bob Rowe.
Gerald & Andrea Hardcorn
Scholarship Established
Longtime supporters of Covington Catholic High School and Catholic
education Gerald and Andrea Hardcorn have established a scholarship at
Covington Catholic for tuition assistance. The scholarship was announced at
an all-school Mass on December 18, 2012.
Jerry Hardcorn, a 1962 graduate, came to Covington Catholic from St.
Augustine Parish in the fall of 1958. He helped pay his tuition working after
school and weekends at Covington Latin. After graduating, he attended
the Ohio Mechanics Institute and joined the carpenters’ union. He served
his country enlisting in the U.S. Navy, and when his enlistment ended, he
returned to carpentry work. Eventually he and his wife, Andrea, began their
own company, J & A Interiors, a business they ran for twenty-five years. Their
son Ken, a 1986 graduate of Covington Catholic, now runs the business.
Principal Bob Rowe introduced Jerry and Andrea to the student body at the
Mass and expressed his gratefulness to them. Mr. Hardcorn then addressed
the students saying, “Your life will be shaped by many things. You are
probably thinking, how does high school fit in with that? Covington Catholic
shapes your values, your work habits, your social skills and most importantly,
your faith. These things matter and can actually determine your ability to
succeed.” He concluded, “I am grateful that my education gave me the
groundwork that prepared me [for life]. Covington Catholic High School will
do the same for you. I am grateful to be able to establish this scholarship and
hope it helps young men have a better life.”
Several family members attended Mass with Jerry and Andrea including son
Ken, daughters Susan and Barbara, and grandson Alec, currently a junior at
the school. Another grandson, Nicholas Winter, is in the Covington Catholic
Algebra program as an eighth grader.
Mr. Robert Brink ’45
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Becker
The McDonough Family
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Everson
The Felix Family
Adam, Paige & Peggy Premec
In Memory of Stan Meihaus
Mr. Jack Kaelin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Seales
In Memory of Betty Moser
Beacon Hill Neighbors
Ms. Beverly Broestl
Mr. & Mrs. Shannon McClure
Mrs. Joanne Schuler
Mrs. Joan Schulte
Ms. Angie Schultz
Mr. J. Joseph Tuemler, Jr. ’63
In Memory of Tim Pangallo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grimm
In Memory of Ryan Carter Poston
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Longshore
In Memory of Harry Rankin
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Jones
In Memory of Pete Satori
Mr. & Mrs. Larry McGovern ’81
In Memory of Maria Schaffstein
Maggie, Nick & Lily Weber
In Memory of John Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Connelly
Frederick & Mathilde H.
Schuhmacher Scholarship
Ms. Annie Mize
Mr. Fred Schumacher ’63
Rev. George Schuhmacher
Mr. John Schumacher ’67
Mr. Rick Schumacher ’72
Mr. Tom Schumacher ’70
In Memory of Tim Shields ’61
Mr. & Mrs. David Hellmann ’83
Mr. John Ryan ’59
Mr. & Mrs. Kenney Shields
In Memory of Artie Steinmetz ’97
Mr. & Mrs. David Spaulding
In Memory of Anne Marie Tost
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Snyder ’64
In Memory of William Whalen ’59
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Due ’59
Covington Catholic Journal
LT Ryan Hackman ’97 –
n October 12, 2012, the National English Honor Society sponsored the
annual Veterans’ Day assembly. The honorary speaker was Lieutenant
Ryan Hackman ’97. His address to the students and faculty included
stories from his time spent in the U.S. Navy and memories of his high school
LT Hackman graduated magna cum laude in 2003 from the University of
Kentucky with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a MBA. He was
LT Ryan Hackman
commissioned a Naval Officer in 2004. He survived the nuclear power training
pipeline and reported to his submarine USS Oklahoma City in September 2005. While on board, he led the ship as
Officer of the Deck during several missions vital to national security, and in 2007 was selected as Submarine Squadron
Eight Junior Officer of the Year. From 2008 to 2010, LT Hackman enjoyed shore duty in Pearl Harbor, HI as a submarine
tactics instructor.
In his address to the students, LT Hackman shared stories from his military career. Unfortunately, the audience heard only
highlights as the stories often involved classified information, otherwise he could have held the audience spellbound much
longer. The highlights did include stories about hunting drug runners in Columbia and confiscating eleven metric tons of
cocaine worth about $2 billion, as well as aiding Japan with their nuclear reactors after the tsunami in 2011.
He credited several of his teachers
with helping him develop specific
qualities that have contributed to his
success. “Mr. John Horton taught
me military bearing, that is to keep
cool and calm under the most extreme
conditions. Coach Krumps (Mr. Bill
Krumpelbeck) taught me a fit body is
as important as a fit mind. Mr. Charlie
Parrott made me attentive to detail.
Mr. Jack Kaelin taught me persistence.
Mr. Balskus and Coach Hertsenberg
taught me knowledge is power. Rank
is not power. I had no appreciation for
this place until I left, but a very specific
foundation was being built during my
time here.”
William Whalen, Jr. passed away October
3, 2012. He was the court-appointed
attorney for Donald Harvey, the former
orderly at Drake Hospital who was
convicted of thirty-six murders. Mr. Whalen
co-authored a book on the experience
entitled Defending Donald Harvey.
This past holiday season, the families of
Newport Independent Schools received
a special gift. Thanks to the generosity of
the late Bill Feldman, the district’s drama
program was revived. A guidance counselor
for thirty-six years before retiring in 2005,
Bill made a $14,000 gift to the district
just weeks before he died this past August.
As a result of his generosity, the schools
were able to present the holiday show, Yes,
Virginia the Musical. (From The Enquirer on
December 20, 2012, by Sarah Hardee.)
Jack Toerner and American Sound helped
to improve the sound system in Griffin
Centre Alumni Hall. American Sound
also helped Sports Fest in 2012 with three
ten-foot projection screens to watch the
NCAA basketball games.
Pat Sheehy spoke to Mr. Bill Snyder’s
Psychology classes about his experience
with Parkinson’s Disease.
Art Fischesser with All-Rite Ready
Mix was named to the Home Builders
Association of Northern Kentucky 2013
Board of Directors.
USS Oklahoma City pulling into Souda Bay, Crete.
Covington Catholic Journal
Bob Roland was inducted into the
Northern Kentucky Sports Hall of Fame.
Joe Koester passed Herzog Jewelers to
his son, Ted ’90. Joe will continue his
presence at the store two days a week.
LT Hackman separated from active
duty in December 2010, but continues
as a drilling reservist. He lives in
Lexington with his wife and daughter
and is an Operations Manager for
What’s Happening
Bill Holocher discussed cardiovascular
care at St. Elizabeth Medical Center in the
Summer 2012 edition of Healthy Neighbors
library services across the Commonwealth.
Dave (below center) is the Kenton County
Public Library Director.
Tom Lux was named to the executive
committee and board of directors of Villa
Madonna Academy.
Guy Linneman and other Serra Club
of NKY leaders presented Bishop Foys
a check for $1000 for the Seminarian
Education Fund.
Ken Mueller was named NKY Athletic
Conference president. Ken is the athletic
director at Scott High School.
Bryan Harper started a screen printing
business with The Point/Arc of
NKY, an organization that serves the
developmentally disabled. The Point
Logo and Design can screen print and
embroider. The business employs clients of
The Point/Arc.
Phil Drees of Terrace Holdings was
named to the Home Builders Association
of Northern Kentucky 2013 Board of
George Gerdes’ wife Sharon was
recently diagnosed with Myelodysplastic
Syndrome, a rare blood disorder. She
needs a bone marrow transplant. Donor
drives have been held, however the need
for donors is great. Consider helping
Sharon and others fight blood cancers. Go
to www.deletebloodcancer.org for more
Dave Schroeder was awarded the
James A. Nelson Advocacy Award from
the Kentucky Library Association for
consistent and effective promoting of
Jared Barlage (below) passed away
December 20, 2012 in Odessa, Texas
from complications of liver disease. He
enjoyed a successful lobbying career in
Washington, DC, including fourteen years
with The John F. Kennedy Center for the
Performing Arts.
Charlie Bradley was inducted into the
Northern Kentucky High School Soccer
Coaches Association Hall of Fame
Paul Metzger with Fischer Homes was
named to the Home Builders Association
of Northern Kentucky 2013 Board of
Directors. He was also named Land
Development Council President.
Brian Dunham and other Serra Club of
NKY leaders presented Bishop Foys with
a check for $1000 for the Seminarian
Education Fund.
Covington Catholic Journal
John Dorning served as an event
committee member for the Catholic
Charities’ first annual Board of Directors
golf outing held at Triple Crown.
Graybach, LLC was ranked #438 on
Inc. magazine’s 2012 list of 5000 Fastest
Growing Companies in America. Tyson
Grace is CEO and member of Graybach.
Mark Exterkamp was elected to the NKY
Soccer Hall of Fame. He was an all-region
midfielder for CCH.
Nick Cento recently opened Valley Wines
and Spirits in Ft. Wright near Walmart.
Ted Koester will take over for his father
Joe ’63 at Herzog Jewelers in Ft. Mitchell.
Ted joined the business in 1996 and is a
certified gemologist.
Congratulations to Kristin and Michael
Finke who welcomed Mitchell James into
their family on November 27. He weighed
in at 8 lbs., 11 oz. and 23 ¼ inches long.
Sue Finke, Director of Advancement at
CovCath, is the proud grandmother.
Eric Andriot is studying at St. Vincent
Seminary in Latrobe, PA and was installed
to the Ministry of Acolyte by Auxiliary
Bishop William Waltersheid of the Diocese
of Pittsburgh. Eric studied business
administration at Thomas More College
and has an Associate of Applied Science
degree from NKU.
Ben Dusing served as an event committee
member for the Catholic Charities’ first
annual Board of Directors golf outing held
at Triple Crown.
Chad Summe recently completed an
International MBA from Duke University’s
Fuqua School of Business. Over the past
eighteen months, his studies included
classes in China, Russia, India, Dubai and
London. Chad is employed at P&G.
On December 20, 2012, Matthew
St. Pierre ’96 was awarded his PhD
in human factors psychology from
Clemson University.
During his time at Clemson, St. Pierre
conducted research under grants for
the U.S. Navy. As an intern for the
Space Naval Warfare Command in
Charleston, SC, he worked on teams
performing classified research. Dr. St.
Pierre’s dissertation was conducted to
improve the use of helmet-mounted
displays in military training exercises.
Kurt Kreyling and his wife, Lori, welcomed
daughter Elliott Rose on October 17.
Emily and Joseph Durrett welcomed
Annie Joe to their family. She joins older
sister, Maggie Lin. Joe is a Financial
Center Manager with 5/3 Bank.
Matthew Foertsch graduated from the
Air Force Institute of Technology at
Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH in
March 2012 with an MS in Aeronautical
Engineering. He is a Captain in the Air
Force stationed at Eglin AFB in Ft. Walton
Beach, FL. As Developmental Engineer,
he leads a team of about a dozen other
military members designing and testing
small unmanned aircraft systems.
Matthew St. Pierre, right, pictured with his
mentor Dr. Eric Muth of Clemson University.
Alice and Kevin Lonneman welcomed
future Colonel Lucas to their family on
Oct. 26. Lucas is the grandson of Ron
Lonneman ’73 and Ed Fritz ’74; nephew
of Tony Lonneman ’03 and Gus Fritz ’07.
Class of 1994 alum, John Gardiner, was in town in
December for the production of Jersey Boys. Jersey Boys is
the story of the group The Four Seasons who recorded
such mega hits as Sherry, Walk Like a Man, and Big Girls
Don’t Cry. John portrays group member Tommy DeVito
in the touring production that played at the Aronoff
When John stopped by CovCath, there was much
discussion on the recent success of the Chamber Choir
in vocal competitions. CCH has John to thank, in part,
for the start of the school’s music program. In his junior
year, he and some fellow Colonels – Todd Knapke ’93,
Jason Kuhlman ’94, and Frank McDermott ’92 – were
in a band called Pacific Rim. They entered Bogart’s
Battle of the Bands. To prepare for the contest, John
asked for time off from the work study program to
rehearse. The highly-skeptical principal, Mr. Stephen
McCafferty, told John that should the group win, he
could choose how the prize money would be used.
Pacific Rim did win the contest and $10,000 in prize
money that went to the winning band’s school. John
requested the money go towards starting a music
program. As a result, the first music director, Mrs. Renee
Harris, was hired the following year.
Covington Catholic Journal
Matt also holds a master’s degree
in industrial and organizational
psychology from NKU and bachelor’s
degree in psychology from UK. He
recently accepted a position as Human
Factors Engineer at GE Power &
Water in Greenville, SC.
Brad Kirn and other Colonel alumni
raised awareness of men’s health issues
through an event called Movember. As
part of this national event, Movember
participants grew mustaches for the
month of November and raised money
for the cause by seeking sponsors for their
mustache-growing efforts.
Kevin Lubbers (third row, third from
right) is a member of the renowned
Purdue Glee Club. They performed
during the Indiana Inaugural Ball in the
nation’s capital the evening before the US
Presidential Inauguration.
Troy Timmerman (below right) and
fellow teammates on the Air Force
Academy football team visited patients
in the Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort
Worth, TX. The team was in town to
play Rice in the Armed Forces Bowl on
December 29. Troy is a defensive lineman
on the team. Check out the video of their
visit on YouTube.
David Duncan started medical school this
fall at the University of Louisville.
Kevin Moser competed on Jeopardy!
The show aired December 18, 2012.
Moser came in second with $18,200. He
applied online in February 2011 to be
a contestant, so he was surprised to get
a call eighteen months later in August
of 2012 to tape a show. According to
John Kiesewetter’s TV & Media blog on
Cincinnati.com, Moser told him that
players stand on risers that come out of the
floor so everyone appears the same height
on the show.
John Gardiner, as Tommy DeVito, is second from right.
Before touring with Jersey Boys, John played Timon in the national
tour of The Lion King. He loves Shakespeare and hopes to get back
to that someday. He resides in New York City.
Greg Hiltz graduated from Harvard
University’s School of Business.
Chris Riesenberg, owner of Live Loud
Studios Tattoo and Body Piercing, teamed
with Pink Ribbon Girls to raise money
and support for Breast Cancer Awareness.
Christopher Verst was commissioned a
Navy Officer on June 15 in Newport RI.
He reported to Pensacola, FL for eight
weeks of training and will be spending the
next three years in Hawaii. He is in the
Information Warfare Division. 2012
Josh Kissel designed the website for The
Point Logo and Design, a screen printing
business employing clients of The Point/
Arc of NKY.
Thomas More College offensive lineman
Jake Henderson and punter Mitch
McDowell were named All-PAC this past
football season.
Ryan Darner was a junior designated
hitter with Thomas More College’s baseball
team. He was named to the 2012 All-PAC
1st team. TMC had a record of 25-16.
Covington Catholic Journal
Reunion Updates
Class of 1949: The proud graduates of 1949 claim to be the class
to have held the most reunions. The first reunion was held one week
following graduation at Devou Park. They were held annually for
many years after, although now they meet quarterly. Of the thirtyfour members of the class, nineteen are still with us, fourteen of
whom still live in the greater Northern Kentucky area.
Class of 1957: The Class of 1957 celebrated their
55th reunion on October 19, at the Griffin Centre.
Fifteen guys attended and enjoyed beverages, a light
meal and lots of conversation. Some of the “old
guys’’ left early, but a good time was had by all. Alumni
In Memoriam
In memory of the deceased loved ones of Covington Catholic-alumni, faculty, staff, and community
Those listed below have passed away since August 15, 2012, or we have become aware
of their passing since the last issue of the Covington Catholic Journal.
Paul Allgeyer ’38, father of David ’69
David Andrew ’85, father of Blake ’15,
brother of Doug ’86 and Bill ’90
Jared Barlage ’87, brother of Ben ’92
Glen Brodde ’35
Anthony Cardosi ’01, brother of Rob ’99
and Alex ’04
George Eilerman ’57
William Feldman ’62
Daniel McGrath ’54, brother of David ’64
Raymond Nienaber ’72, brother of Jim ’61,
David ’67 and Jack ’70
Class of 1982: On Saturday, October 13, the Class of 1982 celebrated their 30-Year Reunion. The Class of ’82 was quite
accomplished in both academics and athletics. The planning committee was very pleased with the participation from more than
fifty alums, and a great time was had by all. Reunion activities were held at the varsity football game and the Griffin Centre. The
class decided to dedicate part of the weekend’s proceeds to purchase memorial bricks in honor of their five classmates who have
passed away. The bricks are located at the Grotto. They are in memory of Keith Carney, Mike Johnson, Ted Lyon, Jeff Smeltzer
and Scott Sogar.
Class of 1997: The Class of 1997 celebrated
their 15-Year Reunion October 12-13. The weekend
consisted of a golf outing on Friday at Summit
and the football game vs. Harrison County on
Saturday. Following the game, the group spent time
catching up at the Alumni Centre and concluded
at Dickmann’s. About thirty alumni were on hand.
Thanks to the reunion committee for organizing the
event: Ryan Finke, Drew Hollenkamp, Corey Grace,
Ben Schreiber, and Matt Zumbiel.
Covington Catholic Journal
After 50 years in the classroom, Mr. Jack
Kaelin is setting down his chalk and eraser.
Please join us for Mr. Kaelin’s Retirement Party on Friday, May 3
from 7-10 PM. Further details will be posted soon on the website
and Facebook.
Louis Cogswell, grandfather of Chad ’93
and Kevin ’95
Doris Coyle, sister of Guy Oehler ’70, Gary
Oehler ’73, Jeff Oehler ’75 and Don
Oehler ’82
Judy Darnell, wife of Larry Darnell ’63
Albert Dennis, father-in-law of Nick ’91
James Dugan, father of faculty member
Maureen Dugan Osterhaus
Keller Quigley ’05, brother of Patrick ’96
and Hampton ’10
Howard Lee Dunwoody, father of Thomas ’69
Michael Rohe ’74
Arthur Graessle, father of Robert ’76
Ralph Schawe ’57
Norma Hovan, mother of Nick ’91
Dan Tieman ’58, father of Chris ’89,
brother of Roger ’56 and Stan ’62
Ken Kallmeyer, father of Ken ’83
Wayne Warning ’84, brother of Randy ’86
William Whalen ’59, brother of Wayne ’65,
Wallace ’69 and Warren ’74
Florence Burke, mother of T.J. ’62 and
Mick ’66; grandmother of Andy
Williams ’87, Mike Burke ’92,
Don Fritz ’95, Bradley Fritz ’02 and
Ben Burke ’08
Family Members
Jim Franxman, brother of Tom ’59
Dorothy Kling, mother of Frank ’64 and
Walter ’65
Robert Kramer, father of David ’68 and
Tom ’74, grandfather of Brandon ’98,
Jonathon ’00, Casey ’02, Scott ’04 and
Mark ’08
Virginia Becker, mother of Bernie ’51 and
grandmother of Marc Morwessel ’80
Helen Kruer, mother of Jim ’64 and
Tom ’73; grandmother of Justin ’90 and
Joshua ’09
Ron Bitter, grandfather of Brandon
Rozanski ’11
JoAnne Lukey, wife of Jerry ’80
Jacob Bogaczyk, father of Jack ’68 and
Terry ’71
Stanley Meihaus, brother of Robert ’68,
Donald ’72, and faculty member Carol
Leonard Brauckmann, brother of Walter ’40
Jim McKinley, father of Scott ’81
Even after 50 years, Mr. Kaelin continues to lead our young men
both in the classroom and through extracurriculars. This winter,
the Bowling Team, which he now coaches, won regionals and
advanced to the state tournament. As a coach, Mr. Kaelin has led
three different sports to regional titles - cross country, track and
Mary Ann Breetz, mother of Aaron ’01,
sister of Robert Ringo ’74 and Kurt
Ringo ’79
Betty Moser, mother of Dr. Michael ’65,
Dan ’69 and Kevin ’72, grandmother of
Kevin ’01 and David ’08
Paul Brinker, former Principal of Covington
Vincent Nienaber, father of Vincent, Jr. ’72
Thank you, Mr. Kaelin, for your dedication and commitment to
Covington Catholic. We look forward to celebrating with you!
Leulla Bronesky, grandmother of Nathaniel
’08 and Noah ’15
Mary Cay Ostendorf, mother of Marty ’82
Audrey Petroze, mother of Marty ’72,
Peter ’74. Donald ’77 and grandmother
of Louis ’10 and Henry ’14 Hehman
Jane Quigley, grandmother of Patrick ’96
and Hampton ’10
George Reed, father of Mike ’78
and Mark ’80
John Robinson, father of Jonathon ’06 and
Michael ’10
Peter Sartori, father of Paul ’78
Helen Scherder, grandmother of Eric ’94
and Brian ’95 Ford
Juanita Spaulding, grandmother of Brett ’97
and Adam ’04
Roger Spradlin, grandfather of Zachary ’06
Laverne Sterling, mother of former CCH
Chaplain Rev. John Sterling, mother-inlaw of Joe ’73 and Jerry ’75 Zembrodt,
and grandmother of J. Ryan Williams
’97, Joseph Zembrodt ’03 and Cullen
Lewis ’15
Paul Talbert, father of Jeffrey’71 and
grandfather of Paul Thamann ’97, Nate
Thamann ’99 & Ben Thamann ’01
Esther Theissen, mother of John ’80,
grandmother of Alex Lubrecht ’05 and
Kevin Lubrecht ’07
Ann Tost, mother of faculty member Alene
Joseph Travi, grandfather of Austin Griffin ’16
Virginia Volpenhein, mother of William ’61
and Edward ’70
Correction. In the October 2012 issue, Patricia
Oldfield was incorrectly identified as deceased.
Our apologies to Mrs. Oldfield and her family.
Dorothy O’Hara, mother of Dennis ’71,
Brian’76 and grandmother of Austin ’01
& Ian ’03
Covington Catholic Journal
Upcoming Events
From the Alumni Director
Richard Dickmann ’80
In the fall of 1976, I began my freshman year at Covington Catholic. It was
immediately apparent that I was somewhat of a celebrity, or was I? I was singled out
as one of those kids from Ludlow. It did not bother me because I was proud to have
made it to the ”top of the hill” for my high school education. St. James in Ludlow was
a small, Catholic elementary school with five boys and ten girls in my graduating class.
Dubbed a River Rat, I would make my way through the first month of school learning
the names of my classmates while realizing that they really did not care that I came
from a very modest upbringing.
There was, however, one teacher that made it a point to remind me of the importance
of the challenge associated with integrating into this new world called Covington
Catholic. He, too, was a student that climbed the hill from a riverside community to
become a student of this great school. This teacher, whom everyone feared yet had great
respect for, was Mr. Dan Tieman. Rarely did a day pass when he didn’t put his hand on
my shoulder and say, “How are things?” I never had the opportunity to be in one of Mr.
Tieman’s classes, but he would always seem to find me.
When I took on this role as Alumni Director, I became very aware that the road to
building our Alumni Association might be long and bumpy. The same was apparent
to another individual. He would once again put his hand on my shoulder and say, “Be
patient. It will happen.” It was Dan Tieman. Dan was a big supporter of the Alumni
Association. He knew the importance of the Alumni Association in advancing this
great school. He understood that the alumni’s support is what helps keep a Covington
Catholic education affordable through the funding of the work study/tuition assistance
program – the very same program that helped me to become an alumnus over thirty
years ago.
Fellow alumni, our paths in life have taken us in different directions, but we have had
the opportunity to spend four years at the same spot in the road. We have had the great
fortune to have parents that gave up more than we will ever know to make it possible
for us to attend this great school. And most of us had the privilege to know Dan
Tieman. Let us remember Mr. Tieman, those that care for us, and our alma mater...
With a spirit that will not die!
Covington Catholic Journal
Alumni Socials
On the 2nd Wednesday
of the month, alumni
gather from 7-11 PM.
Socials begin with a guest
speaker – a coach, teacher or
administrator – who shares
the latest news from inside
the school. The remaining
time is for networking and
Colonel Business
The Colonel Business
Connection is a networking
group that typically meets
on the 3rd Wednesday of
the month at 7:30 AM.
At each meeting, a
prominent business alumnus
speaks on a timely subject.
The meetings have been
informative and indicative of
the passion that our alumni
have for business. Over 30
alumni are participating
so far, and the number is
growing each meeting.
February 20 Colonel Business Connection, 7:30 AM in Griffin Centre
This month’s topic is How the New Affordable Healthcare
Bill Affects You, Your Family, Your Business, Your
Employees and Your Employer. Brennan Scanlon ’96, a
Chartered Benefits Consultant/Broker, provides an
explanation of the new law.
February 23 Class of ’61 and Tim Shields Memorial Euchre Tournament
February 24 Spaghetti Dinner, 4:00 PM in Cafeteria
March 1
First Friday Mass, 7:15 AM in Chapel
March 13Alumni Monthly Social, 7:00 PM in Griffin Centre
March 20
Colonel Business Connection, 7:30 AM in Griffin Centre
April 5
First Friday Mass, 7:15 AM in Chapel
April 10
Alumni Monthly Social, 7:00 PM in Griffin Centre
April 17
Colonel Business Connection, 7:30 AM in Griffin Centre
April 19-21CCH/NDA Spring Musical Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat
May 3
First Friday Mass, 7:15 AM in Chapel
Mr. Jack Kaelin’s Retirement Party
May 8Alumni Monthly Social & Spring Choral Concert
7:00 PM in Griffin Centre
All alumni and their wives are invited to listen to the
Chamber Choir followed by a reception in Alumni Hall.
May 10
Northern Kentuckian of the Year Luncheon
May 15
Colonel Business Connection, 7:30 AM in Griffin Centre
May 21
Visit CovCath.org for more information on any event
Covington Catholic High School
1600 Dixie Highway
Park Hills, KY 41011-2797
(859) 448-2247
Non-Profit Org.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Permit No. 6207
Address Service Requested
The 2013 Alumni Basketball Tournament will be held on
March 22-24. For those who have participated in the past, we
hope to see you on the court again this year. If you have never
experienced the Alumni Tournament, we invite you to pay
a visit to campus this weekend. While there is quite a bit of
basketball being played, the real purpose is to get alumni back
to campus and enjoy hanging out with old friends. Over the
past couple of years, we have averaged well over 200 people
throughout the weekend. This has become an event that
many look forward to each year.
Last year we introduced the “Over 30” division to the
tournament, and it was a huge success. We hope to grow this
part of the tournament in order to get some of our “more
experienced” alumni involved.
Don’t worry about missing any of the NCAA Tournament.
We will have several flat screen TVs courtside so you can
watch all the action while enjoying cold refreshments in the
beer garden.
If you have interest in playing, please email Mickey Fritz at
mfritz@rwbaird.com to reserve a spot for your team. There
is a limit of 16 teams this year, so please RSVP as soon as