LISGAR COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE DEPARTMENT: Math and Technology COURSE NAME: Gr. 11 University Math COURSE CODE: MCR3U OVERVIEW This course is designed for students intending on pursuing university courses where math is an integral part of the material; engineering, physics, computer science, etc. This course introduces the mathematical concept of the function by extending students' experiences with linear and quadratic relations. Students will investigate properties of discrete and continuous functions, including trigonometric and exponential functions; represent functions numerically, algebraically, and graphically; solve problems involving applications of functions; investigate inverse functions; and develop the ability to determine equivalent algebraic expressions . COURSE OUTCOMES A. CHARACTERISTICS OF FUNCTIONS A.1. demonstrate an understanding of functions, their representations, and their inverses, and make connections between the algebraic and graphical representations of functions using transformations; A.2. determine the zeros and the maximum or minimum of a quadratic function, and solve problems involving quadratic functions, including problems arising from real-world applications; A.3. demonstrate an understanding of equivalence as it relates to simplifying polynomial, radical, and rational expressions. B. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS B.1. determine the values of the trigonometric ratios for angles less than 360º; prove simple trigonometric identities; and solve problems using the primary trigonometric ratios, the sine law, and the cosine law; B.2. demonstrate an understanding of periodic relationships and sinusoidal functions, and make connections between the numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations of sinusoidal functions; B.3. identify and represent sinusoidal functions, and solve problems involving sinusoidal functions, including problems arising from real-world applications. C. EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS C.1. evaluate powers with rational exponents, simplify expressions containing exponents, and describe properties of exponential functions represented in a variety of ways; C.2. make connections between the numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations of exponential functions; C.3. identify and represent exponential functions, and solve problems involving exponential functions, including problems arising from real-world applications. D. DISCRETE FUNCTIONS D.1. demonstrate an understanding of recursive sequences, represent recursive sequences in a variety of ways, and make connections to Pascal’s triangle; D.2. demonstrate an understanding of the relationships involved in arithmetic and geometric sequences and series, and solve related problems; D.3. make connections between sequences, series, and financial applications, and solve problems involving compound interest and ordinary annuities. E. COMMUNICATIONS (COM) concise, well-organized, written explanation (which may include an appropriate diagram) of solution; use of mathematical language with a high degree of clarity to explain and justify solutions; use of appropriate mathematical terminology, symbols, and conventions F. EXTRA material that is not specific to any of the above outcomes, but consider as a prerequisite or reach ahead. EVALUATION TERM The TERM MARK will be worth 70% of the final grade and will be based on the following outcomes (weighted evenly): 1. Characteristics of Functions (Chapter 3, 4) 2. Trigonometric Functions (Chapter 5, 6) 3. Exponential Functions 4. Discrete Functions (Chapter 1, 2) 5. Communications *Within each Chapter, evaluations will be broken down into the categories of knowledge, application, communication and TIPS (Thinking, Inquiry, Problem Solving) SUMMATIVE The summative portion of this course is worth 10% of the final grade. EXAM The final exam is written during the formal exam period and covers all the course material and is worth 20% of the final grade. ASSESSMENT METHODS Quizzes, tests, in class assignments SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES MISSING A TEST/PRESENTATION 1) If you know ahead of time that you will be away for a test/presentation (e.g., school sports), alternative arrangements must be made with your teacher before the test/presentation date. 2) An unexpected absence from a test/quiz (e.g., illness) must be explained by a parental note or medical certificate. A note must justify your absence from a class test within two (2) school days of your return to school or a mark of zero will be assigned. 3) There is no make-up test/quiz/in class assignment in this course. The weighting of the final evaluation will be increased in proportion to the justified missed test(s). This policy applies only to tests missed for legitimate reasons ABSENCES FROM CLASS You are responsible for catching up on class notes and completing any assignments for which you were absent. If you are absent for class work, you are still responsible for understanding the material, and arranging for time to make up the work.