THE OPEN UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA FACULTY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES OEV 107: GENERAL BIOLOGY EXTENDED COURSE OUTLINE DR. EMMANUEL S.P. KIGADYE i THE OPEN UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA FACULTY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES OEV 107: GENERAL BIOLOGY EXTENDED COURSE OUTLINE By Dr. Emmanuel S.P. Kigadye B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Dar) Senior Lecturer in Biology Open University of Tanzania 2008 ii COURSE RATIONALE Since students enrolled in science stream of the environmental studies may have different backgrounds, there is need to provide sufficient knowledge in modern biology to better understand environmental studies. This course is designed to provide students with basic background information on major groups of living things including plant kingdom and animal kingdom. Also the course will provide an introduction to microbiology. Learning outcomes On completion of the course students will be able to: • Describe the origin and nature of life, • Clearly explain the distinctive features between plants and animals, • Apply diversity and unity knowledge in living world to study forms and organization of the different organisms, • Identify major groups of microorganisms and their economic importance. Mode of Assessment Continuous Assessment Written assignments 15% Timed tests 25% Final examination 60% Students are encouraged to read reference text books to supplement the material in this course outline. In addition, since this outline contains no illustrations students are advised to study illustrations in different text books. iii TABLE OF CONTENT COURSE RATIONALE................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................................iv LECTURE ONE.................................................................................................................1 ORIGIN OF LIFE...............................................................................................................1 1.0 Introduction ..............................................................................................................1 1.1 Ideas about the origin of life..................................................................................2 1.2 Early Earth............................................................................................................3 1.3 Simple Single Celled Animals to Complex Organisms ..........................................4 SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................8 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................9 LECTURE TWO ..............................................................................................................10 PLANT AND ANIMAL CLASSIFICATION ...............................................................10 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................10 2.0 Principles and Methods of classification..................................................................11 2.1 Nomenclature......................................................................................................11 2.2 Binomial nomenclature .......................................................................................12 2.3 Trinomial nomenclature ......................................................................................12 3.0 Theories of Taxonomy ............................................................................................13 3.1 Traditional Evolutionary Taxonomy....................................................................14 3.2. Phyogenetic Systematics/Cladistics ....................................................................14 3.3. Species Concept .................................................................................................15 3.4 The kingdoms of life ...........................................................................................15 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................16 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................17 LECTURE THREE ..........................................................................................................18 THE PLANT KINGOM ...................................................................................................18 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................18 2.0 Characteristics of Plants ..........................................................................................19 3.0 Plant Life Cycle ......................................................................................................20 4.0 Plant classification ..................................................................................................20 4.3 The Gymnosperms ..............................................................................................25 4.4 The Angiosperms ................................................................................................27 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................29 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................30 LECTURE FOUR ............................................................................................................31 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM..............................................................................................31 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................31 2.0 Body structure.........................................................................................................32 3.0 Animal classification...............................................................................................36 3.1. Phylum Cnidaria ...............................................................................................39 3.3 Phylum Platyhelminthes.....................................................................................43 3.3.3. Economic Importance of Phylum Platyhelminthes...........................................46 3.4. THE PSEUDOCOELOMATES ........................................................................47 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................48 References ....................................................................................................................50 iv LECTURE FIVE ..............................................................................................................51 PHYLUM MOLLUSCA...................................................................................................51 1.0. Introduction ...........................................................................................................51 2.0 Characteristics of Phylum Mollusca ........................................................................52 2.0.Classification of Phylum Mollusca..........................................................................53 2.1 Class Caudofoveata.............................................................................................53 2.2 Class Solenogastres.............................................................................................53 2.4 Class Polyplacophora ..........................................................................................54 2.5 Class Scaphopoda (tusk shells)............................................................................54 2.6 Class Gastropoda (Snails and relatives) ...............................................................55 2.7 Class Bivalvia (the bivalves) ...............................................................................55 2.8 Class Cephalopoda (squids and octopuses)..........................................................55 3.0 Economic importance of Phylum Mollusca .............................................................56 PHYLUM ANNELIDA ....................................................................................................57 4.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................57 4.1 Characteristics of Phylum Annelida.....................................................................58 4.2 Classification of Phylum Annelida ......................................................................58 4.3 Economic importance of Phylum Annelida..........................................................60 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................60 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................62 LECTURE SIX.................................................................................................................63 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA..........................................................................................63 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................63 2.0.Why Arthropods are the most diverse animals.........................................................64 3.0.Characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda.....................................................................65 4.0.Classification of phylum Arthropoda.......................................................................66 4.1 Subphlum Trilobita (triobite)...............................................................................66 4.2 Subphylum Chelicerata .......................................................................................66 4.3 Subphylum Crustacea..........................................................................................67 4.4 Subphylum Uniramia ..........................................................................................68 5.0 Economic importance of Insects..............................................................................73 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................74 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................75 LECTURE SEVEN ..........................................................................................................76 PHYLUM ECHINORDERMATA AND HEMICHORDATA ..........................................76 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................76 2.0 Characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata ...............................................................77 3.0 Classification of Phylum Echinodermata. ................................................................78 3.1 Class Crinoidea ...................................................................................................78 3.2 Class Asteroidea..................................................................................................78 3.3.Class Ophiuroidea ...............................................................................................78 3.4.Class Echinoidea.................................................................................................79 3.5.Class Holothuroidea ............................................................................................79 4.0 PHYLUM HEMICHORDATA ...............................................................................79 4.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................79 4.2 Classification of Phylum Hemichordata...............................................................80 4.4 Economic importance of Echinoderms and Hemichordates .................................80 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................81 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................83 LECTURE EIGHT ...........................................................................................................84 v PHYLUM CHORDATA ..................................................................................................84 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................84 2.0 The Non-vertebrate chordates .................................................................................85 2.1 Subphylun Urochordata.......................................................................................85 2.2 Subphylum Cephalochordata...............................................................................86 2.3 Subphylum Vertebrate.........................................................................................86 3.0.Overview of the evolution of vertebrates.................................................................88 4.0.Classification of Phylum Chordata ..........................................................................89 4.1. Group Protochordata (Acrania) ..........................................................................89 4.2 Group Craniata....................................................................................................90 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................91 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................93 LECTURE NINE..............................................................................................................94 CELL BIOLOGY .............................................................................................................94 1.0.Introduction ............................................................................................................94 2.0 Prokaryotic cells .....................................................................................................95 2.1 Eukaryotic cells...................................................................................................96 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 101 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 102 LECTURE TEN ............................................................................................................. 103 BASIC BIOLOGY OF VIRUSES BACTERIA AND FUNGI ........................................ 103 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 103 2.0 VIRUSES ............................................................................................................. 104 2.1The structure of viruses ...................................................................................... 105 2.2.Bacteriophages.................................................................................................. 105 2.3.Diseases viruses ................................................................................................ 105 2.4.Viroids .............................................................................................................. 106 3.0.BACTERIA .......................................................................................................... 106 3.1 Prokaryotes versus Eukaryotes .......................................................................... 107 3.2.The structure of bacteria.................................................................................... 108 3.3 Kinds of Bacteria .............................................................................................. 109 3.4 Economic importance of Bacteria...................................................................... 110 4.0 FUNGI.................................................................................................................. 111 4.1 The structure of fungi........................................................................................ 112 4.2 Fungi reproduction............................................................................................ 112 4.3 Nutrition ........................................................................................................... 112 4.4 Fungi classification ........................................................................................... 112 4.5 Economic importance of Fungi.......................................................................... 113 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 113 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 114 LECTURE ELEVEN...................................................................................................... 115 ELEMENTS OF BIOENERGETICS AND BIOCHEMISTRY....................................... 115 1.0.Introduction .......................................................................................................... 115 2.0.The Flow of Energy in Living Things ................................................................... 116 2.1 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions ......................................................................... 117 3.0 The laws of thermodynamics................................................................................. 117 3.1 The First law of Thermodynamics ..................................................................... 117 3.2 The second law of Thermodynamics ................................................................. 118 4.0..Entropy ................................................................................................................ 118 5.0 ENZYMES ........................................................................................................... 119 vi 5.1 How enzymes work........................................................................................... 120 5.2 Factors affecting Enzyme activity...................................................................... 120 6.0.Enzyme Cofactors................................................................................................. 121 7.0.What is ATP ......................................................................................................... 122 8.0 Biochemical Pathways .......................................................................................... 123 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 124 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 125 LECTURE TWELVE ..................................................................................................... 126 RESPIRATION .............................................................................................................. 126 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 126 2.0.The mechanisms of respiration in animals ............................................................. 127 3.0.Cellular respiration................................................................................................ 128 3.1 Glycolysis ......................................................................................................... 129 3.2 Aerobic Respiration .......................................................................................... 130 3.3 Anaerobic Respiration....................................................................................... 131 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 131 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 132 LECTURE THIRTEEN .................................................................................................. 133 NUTRITION AND GROWTH....................................................................................... 133 I.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 133 2.0 Animal Essential Nutrients.................................................................................... 133 3.0.Plants Essential Elements...................................................................................... 134 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 136 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 136 LECTURE FOURTEEN................................................................................................. 137 GENETICS .................................................................................................................... 137 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 137 2.0 Mendel and the Garden Pea................................................................................... 138 2.1 Mendel Experimental Design ............................................................................ 138 2.2 The F1 Generation ............................................................................................. 139 2.3 The F2 Generation ............................................................................................. 139 3.0 Mendel’s Model of Heredity ................................................................................. 140 4.0 Mendel First law of Heredity: Segregation ............................................................ 141 4.1 Mendel’s Second Law of heredity: Independent Assortment ............................. 141 5.0 Epistasis................................................................................................................ 141 6.0 Pleitropy ............................................................................................................... 143 7.0 Environmental Effects........................................................................................... 143 8.0.Mutations.............................................................................................................. 143 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 144 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 145 vii LECTURE ONE ORIGIN OF LIFE 1.0 Introduction Before, we can address the origin of life; we must first consider what qualifies something as “living”. What is life? This is a difficulty question to answer, largely because life itself is not a simple concept. If you try to write a definition of life you will find that it is not an easy task, because of the loose manner in which the term is used. However, all living things on earth are share certain general properties, these properties define what we mean by life. The following fundamental properties are shared by all organisms on earth. i. Cellular organization. All organisms consist of one or more cells: complex, organized assemblages of molecules enclosed within membranes. ii. Sensitivity. All organisms respond to stimuli, though not always to the same stimuli in the same ways. iii. Growth. All living things assimilate energy and use it to grow, a process called metabolism. Plants, algae, and some bacteria use sunlight to create covalent carbon-carbon bonds from CO2 and H2O through photosynthesis. This transfer of the energy in covalent bonds is essential to life on earth. iv. Development. Multicellular organisms undergo systematic gene-directed changes as they grow and mature. v. Reproduction. All living things reproduce, passing on traits from one generation to the next. Although some organisms live for a very long time, no organism lives forever, as far as we know. Because all organisms die, ongoing life is impossible without reproduction. 1 vi. Regulation. All organisms have regulatory mechanisms that coordinate internal processes. vii. Homeostasis. All living things maintain relatively constant internal conditions, different from their environment. viii. Heredity. All organisms on earth posses a genetic system that is based on the replication of a long complex molecule called DNA. This mechanism allows for adaptation and evolution over time, also distinguishing the characteristics of living things. Objectives: At the end of this lecture you should be able to: 1. Describe the origin and nature of life 2. List the eight properties of life 3. Explain how the early earth was like 4. Make link between earth earliest living organisms to modern day organisms. 1.1 Ideas about the origin of life The question on how life originated on earth is difficulty to answer. However, there are, in principle at least three possibilities. 1. Special creation: Life-forms may have been put on earth by supernatural or divine forces. The hypotheses of special creation, that a divine God created life are is at the core of most major religions. 2. Extraterrestrial origin: Life may not have originated on earth at all; instead, life may have infected earth from some other planet. The hypotheses of panspermia proposes that meteors or cosmic dust may have carried life forms to earth, perhaps as an extraterrestrial infection of spores originating on a planet of a distant stars. For example recent discovered suggestions of fossils in rocks from Mars, and the 2 discovery of liquid water on under the surface of mars and Jupiter’s ice shrouded moon Europa might lend credence to this idea. 3. Spontaneous Origin: Life may have evolved from inanimate matter, as association among molecules became more and more complex. Most scientists tentatively accept the hypotheses of spontaneous origin that life evolved from inanimate matter. In this view. In this view, the force leading to life was selection. As changes in molecules increased their stability and caused them to persist longer, these molecules could initiate more and more complex associations culminating in the evolution of cells. Spontaneous origin is the only testable hypotheses of life’s origin currently available and it provides the only scientific explanation that can be tested and potentially disproved. 1.2 Early Earth After the big bang the primitive earth cooled and its rocky crust formed, volcanoes blasted enormous amounts of material and gases from the earth’s molten core skyward. These gases formed a cloud around the earth and were held as an atmosphere by the earth’s gravity. The early atmosphere contained carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas, along with significant amount of water. It also might have contained compounds in which hydrogen atoms were bounded other light elements (sulphur, nitrogen and carbon). These compounds would have been hydrogen sulphide (H2S), ammonia (NH3), and methane (CH4). In addition the atmosphere was thought to be rich in hydrogen gas (H2). The availability of hydrogen atoms and their associated electrons made such an atmosphere to be referred as a reducing atmosphere. 3 Earth’s first organisms emerged and lived at very high temperatures. Debris from the forming solar system slammed into early earth from 4.6 to 3.8 billion years ago, keeping the surface molten hot. As the bombardment slowed down, temperatures dropped down. By about 3.8 billion years ago, ocean temperatures are thought to have dropped to a hot 49-88°C (120-190°F). Between 3.8 and 3.5 billon years ago, life first appeared on earth. The first step in the origin of life, therefore, probably took place in a hot reducing atmosphere, devoid of gaseous oxygen, and different from the atmosphere that exists now. On earth today, we are shielded by from the effects of solar radiation by the ozone gas (O3) in the upper atmosphere. ACTIVITY Molecules that are the building blocks of living organisms form spontaneously under conditions designed to simulate those of primitive earth. Read on experiments designed for testing the spontaneous origin hypotheses. 1.3 Simple Single Celled Animals to Complex Organisms 1.3.1 Microfossils The fossils found in ancient rocks show an obvious progression from simple to complex organisms, beginning about3.5 billion years ago. The earliest evidence of life appears in microfossils, fossilized forms of microscopic life about 1-2 micrometers in diameter, single-celled, lacked external appendages, and having little evidence of internal structure. The microfossil physically resembles present day bacteria. Organisms with simple body plan are called prokaryotes, from Greek words meaning “before nucleus”, because they lack a nucleus a spherical body characteristics of more complex cells of eukaryotes (see Lecture nine). Judging from fossil records eukaryotes did not appear 4 until about 1.5 billion years ago. Therefore, for at least 2 billion years-nearly half the earth-bacteria were the only organism hat existed. 1.3.2 Ancient Bacteria: Archaebacteria Most organisms living today are adapted to the relatively mild conditions of present day earth. However if we look in unusual environments; we encounter organisms that are quite remarkable, differing in form and metabolism from other living things. Sheltered from evolutionary alteration in unchanging habitats that resemble earth’s early environment, these living relics are the surviving representatives of the first ages of life on earth. In places such as the oxygen free depths of the black sea or the boiling waters of hot water springs and deep sea vents, we can find bacteria living at very high temperatures without oxygen. These unusual bacteria are called archaebacteria, from the Greek words “ancient ones.” Among the first to be studied in details have the methanogens, or methane producing bacteria, among the most primitive bacteria that exist today. These organisms are typically simple in form and are able to grow only in an oxygen-free environment, in fact oxygen poison them. Therefore, they grow without air “anaerobically”. The methane producing bacteria convert CO2 and H2 into methane gas (CH4). They resemble all other bacteria in that they posses hereditary machinery based on DNA, a cell membrane composed of lipid molecules, an exterior cell wall, and a metabolism based on an energy-carrying molecule called ATP. However, the resemblance ends at that point. 5 The methane-producing bacteria are survivors from an earlier time when oxygen gas was absent. Other bacteria that fall in into this category are some of those that live in very salty environments like the Dead Sea (extreme halophiles) or salt lovers. Those that live in very hot environments such as hydrothermal volcanic vents under the ocean are called extreme thermophiles (or heat lovers). 1.3.3 Eubacteria The second major groups of bacteria, the eubacteria, have very strong cell wall and a simpler architecture. Most bacteria living today are eubacteria. Included in this group are bacteria that have evolved the ability to capture the energy of light and transform it into the energy of chemical bonds within cells. These organisms are photosynthetic, as are plants and algae. One type of photosynthetic eubactreria that has been important in the history of life on earth is the cynobacteria, sometimes called “blue-green algae”. The have the same kind of chlorophyll pigments that is most abundant in plants and algae, as well as other pigments that are blue or red. Cynobacteria produce oxygen as a result of their photosynthetic activities, and when they appeared at least 3 billion years ago, the played a decisive role in increasing in increasing the concentration of free oxygen in earth’s atmosphere from below 1% to the current 21%. As the concentration of oxygen increased, so did the amount of ozone in the upper layers of the atmosphere. The thickening of ozone layer afforded protection from most of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun, radiation that is highly destructive to proteins and nucleic acids. Certain cynobacteria are also responsible for the accumulation of massive limestone deposits. 6 1.3.4 Eukaryotic cells In rocks of about 1.5 billion years old, we begin to see the first microfossils that are noticeable different in appearance from the earlier simpler forms. These cells are much larger than bacteria and have internal membranes and thicker walls. Cells more than 10 micrometers in diameter rapidly increased in abundance. Some fossilized cells 1.4 billion years old are as much as 60 micrometers in diameters; others, 1.5 billion years old, contain what appear to be small membrane-bound structures. Many of these fossils have elaborate shapes, some exhibit highly branched filaments, tetrahedral configurations, or spines. These early fossils mark a major event in the evolution of life: A new kind of organism had appeared. These new cells are called eukaryotes, from Greek word for “true” and “nucleus,” because they posses an internal structure called nucleus. All organisms other than the bacteria are eukaryotes. The early eukaryotes rapidly evolved to produce all of the diverse organisms that inhabit the earth today, including humans. 1.3.5 Multi-cellular organisms Some single eukaryotic cells began living in association with others, in colonies. Eventually individual members of the colony began to assume different duties, and the colony began to on characteristics of a single individual. Multicellularity has arisen many times among the eukaryotes. Practically every organism big enough to see with unaided eye is multicellular, including all animals and plants. The great advantage of Multicellularity is that it fosters specialization: some cells devote their entire energies to one task, other cells to another. Few innovations have had a great impact on the history of life as the specialization made possible by Multicellularity. 7 SUMMARY All living things are characterized by cellular organization, growth, reproduction, and heredity. Other properties commonly exhibited by living things include movement and sensitivity to stimuli. Of the three hypotheses of how life might have originated, only the theory of spontaneous provides a scientifically testable explanation. When life appeared on earth, the atmosphere was devoid of oxygen gas and very hot. It is believed that these conditions fuelled chemical reactions that gave rise to life. All bacteria living today are members of either Archaebacteria or Eubacteria. For at least the first 2 billon years of life on earth, all organisms were bacteria. About 1.5 billion years ago, the first eukaryotes appeared. Biologist place living organisms into six general categories called kingdoms. The two most ancient kingdoms contain bacteria. Self Assessment questions 1. List eight fundamental properties of living things. 2. Describe how the early earth was like. 3. Discuss on the earliest cells. 4. What was the major event in the evolution of life? 5. Explain how multicellularity promoted the diversity of living things 8 REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. 9 LECTURE TWO PLANT AND ANIMAL CLASSIFICATION 1.0 Introduction There are about 30 million kinds of organisms known to science and more remain to be discovered, named and classified. Of the 30 million known kinds only about 2 million have been identified named and classified. These organisms are not only enormous in number, but also present diversity of size, structure, mode of reproduction, modes of life, and ecological and geographical distribution over earth. This great diversity of life on earth today have attempted biologist to categorize similar organisms in order to better understand them and indicate their relationship to other living organisms. This endeavour gave rise to the science of taxonomy. The early scientist classified things according to size, colour or whether they possessed a soul. The Greek philosopher and biologist Aristotle was the first to classify organisms based on their structural similarities. Following the renaissance in Europe, the English naturalist John Ray (1627-1705) introduced a more complex system of classification and a new concept of species. Rapid growth of systematic in the eighteenth century culminated in the work of Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778), who produced our current scheme of classification. Objectives: At the end of this lecture you should be able to: 1. Describe the scientific method of naming organisms 2. Distinguish between taxonomy and phylogeny 10 3. Describe the kinds of tools used to establish phylogenetic relationships 4. List the six kingdom of organisms 2.0 Principles and Methods of classification Organisms are arranged into ascending series of groups of increasing inclusiveness or hierarchical system of classification. The major categories or taxa (singular-taxon), into which organisms are grouped are given one of several standard taxonomic ranks to indicate the general inclusiveness of each group. The hierarchy of taxonomic ranks has been expanded considerably since Linnaeus’s time. It now includes seven mandatory ranks in descending series: Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. All organisms being classified must be placed into at least seven taxa, one at each of the mandatory ranks. Taxonomist has options of subdividing these seven ranks even further to recognize more than seven taxa (super class, subclass, infraclass, super order, suborder, and others) for any particular group of organisms. For very large and complex groups, such as fishes, insects and some plants, these additional ranks are needed to express different degrees of evolutionary divergence. 2.1 Nomenclature Nomenclature is the process of giving a scientific name to an organism once it is identified. Organisms are given common names in different parts of the world and the same common name may be used for different kinds of organisms. Even within one country common names can confuse. The cat flea, sand flea, snow flea, and water flea have little in common. Despite haring part of their common names, each of these organisms is in a different major group. A scientific name is universally used for a particular species or a particular group of 11 organisms. The formation and use of scientific names of organisms classified as animals are governed by the International Code of Zoologist Nomenclature (ICZN); of those classified as plants (including fungi) by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature(ICBN); and of those classified as bacteria (including actinomycetes) by the international code of Nomenclature of Bacteria (ICNB). 2.2 Binomial nomenclature The names of species consist of two two terms and are therefore called binomial, binomial or binary. Each species has a latinezed name composed of two words (hence binomial) written in italics (underlined if handwritten or typed). The fist word is the name of the genus, written in capital initial letter. The name of a genus is always a noun, and the species epithet is usually an adjective that must agree in gender with the genus. For instance, the scientific name of a common robin is Turdus migratorius (L. turdus, thrush; migratorius for the migratory habit). A species epithet never stands alone; the complete binomial must be used to name a species. Names of genera must refer only to single groups of organisms; a single name cannot be given to two different genera, however, to denote different and unrelated species. 2.3 Trinomial nomenclature The system of nomenclature is employed to name the subspecies. The subspecies name is also a Latin name or Latinized word and follows the name of the species to which it belongs, for example mountain gorilla is Gorilla beringei. The full scientific name of subspecies is, therefore, a trinomial name consisting of three names – generic, specific and sub-specific names. 12 3.0 Theories of Taxonomy There are two current popular theories taxonomy; traditional evolutionary taxonomy and phylogenetic systematics (cladistics). Both are based on evolutionally principles. However, they differ on how evolutionally principals are used. These differences have important implication on how we use taxonomy to study evolutionally processes. The relationship between a taxonomic group and a phylogenetic tree or cladogram is important for both theories. This relationship can take one of three forms: monophly, paraphly or polyphyly. A taxon is monophyletic if it includes the most recent common ancestors of all members of a group and all descendants of that ancestor. A taxon is paraphyletic if it includes the most recent common ancestors of all members of a group and some but not all descendants of that ancestor. A taxon is polyphyletic if it does not include the most recent common ancestor of all members of a group; this situation requires the group to have had at least two separate evolutionary origins, usually requiring independent evolutionally acquisition of a diagnostic feature. For example, if birds and mammals were grouped in taxa called Homoeothermy, we would have a polyphyletic taxon because birds and mammals descend from two quite separate amniotic lineages that have evolved homeothermy independently. The most recent common ancestor of birds and mammals is not homeothermy and does not occur in the polyphyletic Homeothermia just described. Both evolutionary and cladistic taxonomy accept their classification. They differ regarding acceptance of paraphyletic groups. 13 3.1 Traditional Evolutionary Taxonomy Traditional evolutionary taxonomy incorporates two different evolutionary principles for recognizing taxa: Common descent and amount of adaptive evolutionary change, as shown on a phylogenetic tree. Evolutionary taxa must have a single evolutionary origin and must show unique adaptive features. Evolutionary taxa may be either monophyletic or paraphyletic. Recognition of paraphyletic taxa requires, however, that taxonomies distort patterns of common descent. An evolutionary taxonomy of anthropoid primates provides a good example. This taxonomy places humans (genus homo) and their immediate fossil ancestors in family Hominidae and places chimpanzees (genus Pan), gorillas (genus Gorilla), and orangutans (genus Pongo) in family Pongidae. However, pongidae genera Pan and Gorilla share more recent common ancestry with Hominidae than they do with the remaining Pongid genus, Pongo. Family Pongidae is therefore paraphyletic because it does not include humans, who also descend from its most recent common ancestor. Evolutionary taxonomists nonetheless recognize Pongid genera as single, family level grade of arboreal, herbivorous primates having limited mental capacity; in other words, they show a family level adaptive zone. Humans are terrestrial, omnivorous primates who possess greatly expanded mental and cultural attributes, thereby comprising a distinct adaptive zone at the taxonomic level of a family. 3.2. Phyogenetic Systematics/Cladistics A second and stronger challenge to evolutionary taxonomy is one known as phylogenetic systematics or cladistics. As the first name implies, this approach emphasizes the criterion of common descent and, as the second name implies, it is based on the cladogram of a group being classified. This approach to taxonomy was first proposed in 1950 by German 14 entomologist Willi Hennig. All taxa recognized by Hennig’s cladistic system must be monophyletic. We saw previously how evolutionary taxonomist recognition of primate families Hominidae and Pongidae distorts genealogical relationships to emphasize adaptive uniqueness of the Hominidae. Because the most recent common ancestor of the paraphyletic family Pongidae is also an ancestor of family Hominidae, recognition of Pongidae is incompatible with cladistic taxonomy. Cladists denote the common descent of different taxa by identifying sister taxa. Sister taxa share more recent common ancestry with each other than either one does with any other taxon. The sister group of humans appears to be chimpanzees, with gorillas forming a sister group to humans and chimpanzees combined. Orangutans are the sister group of the clade that contains humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas; gibbons form the sister group of the clade that contains orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas and humans. 3.3. Species Concept Species are groups of organisms that remain relatively constant in their characteristics, can be distinguished from other species, and do not normally interbreed with other species in nature. Scientist have described and named a total of 1.4 million species, but many more actually exists. 3.4 The kingdoms of life The earliest classification system recognized only two kingdoms of living things: animals and plants. But biologist discovered microorganisms and learned more about other organisms; they added kingdoms in recognition of fundamental differences discovered 15 among organisms. Moat biologist now uses a six-kingdom system of first proposed by Carl Woose of the University of Illinois. The six kingdoms are as follows: i. Kingdom Archaebacteria: Prokaryotes that lack a peptidoglycan cell wall, including the methanogens and extreme halophiles and thermophiles. ii. Kingdom Eubacteria: Prokaryotic organisms with a peptidoglycan cell wall, including cyanobacteria, soil bacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria. iii. Kingdom Protista: Eukaryotic, primarily unicellular (although algae are multicellular), photosynthetic or heterotrophic organisms, such as amoebas and paramecium. iv. Kingdom Fungi: Eukaryotic. Mostly multicellular (although yeast are unicellular), heterotrophic, usually non-motile organisms, with cell walls of chitin such as mushrooms. v. Kingdom Plantae: Eukaryotic, multicellular, non-motile, usually terrestrial, photosynthetic organisms, such as tree, grasses and mosses. vi. Kingdom Animalia: Eukaryotic, multicellular, motile, heterotrophic organisms, such as sponges, spiders, newts, penguins, and humans. SUMMARY For scientific communication, it is important to have one standard set of names. Biologist use the binomial system devised by Carl Linnaeus nearly 250 years ago. Species are grouped into genera, genera into families, families into orders, orders into classes, and classes into phyla. Phyla are the basic units within kingdoms, such a system is hierarchical. Species are groups of organisms that differ from one another in recognizable ways and generally do not interbreed with one another in nature. A cladogram presents the 16 evolutionary history of a group of organisms, without making any judgments about the reative importance of different characteristics. Taxonomists often choose to emphasize certain characteristics in classifying organisms. Self Assessment questions i. What do you understand by the term nomenclature? ii. What is binomial nomenclature? iii. What is trinomial nomenclature? iv. Define the following terms: polyphyletic and paraphyletic v. Distinguish between evolutionary and cladistic taxonomy vi. Define the term species vii. Discuss on the kingdom of life REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. Makonda, F.B.S. (1995) Plant Kingdom. OBT 101. The Open University Of Tanzania. 63pp. 17 Mamiro, D.P. and Mamiro, P.R.S. (2000) Taxonomy. OBL 301. The Open University of Tanzania. 70pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. LECTURE THREE THE PLANT KINGOM 1.0 Introduction Plants dominate all terrestrial communities; they provide most of our food, directly and indirectly, as well as our shelter, clothing, and medicines. Most of nearly 300,000 species of existing plants are photosynthetic, capturing energy from the sun and transforming it into chemical bonds. Photosynthesis also produces the oxygen essential to respiration of every living organism. Plants and fungi are the only major groups of organisms that are primarily terrestrial. They dominate almost every part of the terrestrial landscape, except for extreme deserts polar regions, and top of the highest mountains. Most plants are protected from desiccation (the tendency of organism to loose water to the air) by a waxy cuticle secreted onto their exposed surfaces. The cuticle is relatively impermeable and provides an effective barrier to water loss. Special structures in this barrier allow the entry of carbon dioxide, which is necessary for photosynthesis, and exit oxygen by diffusion. These tiny slit-like eye-shaped pores are called stomata. At an early stage of their evolution plants also developed a special kind of 18 relationship with fungi that has been a key to their successful occupation of terrestrial habitats. Mycorrhizae (a symbiotic association of fungi with plants) are found in 80% of all plants and frequently seen in fossils of the earliest plants. Many other features, such as efficient water and food conducting systems, developed and contributed to the success of plants on land. Roots, shoots and leaves expanded areas of photosynthetically active tissue. Specialization in key reproductive features improved the chances for survival of embryonic tissues within seeds as they were dispersed. In this chapter, we will discuss characteristics of the plant phyla, focusing on difference in their life cycles. Objectives: at the end of this lecture you should be able to: 1. Understand the nature and characteristics common to most plants 2. Recognise the characteristics of the major plant groups. 3. Understand structure of seed plants. 2.0 Characteristics of Plants All plants have similar characteristics: • Multicellular and have cells specialized to form tissue and organs • Contain chlorophylls a and b and carotenoids, store reserve food as starch, and have cellulose cell walls. • Have sex organs with an outer layer of non reproductive cells, which prevent desiccation of developing gametes. • Protect the developing embryo from drying out by providing it with water and nutrition within the female reproductive structure. • Have a life cycle that is described as alternation of generation. 19 3.0 Plant Life Cycle Plants live alternatively between two different forms during their life cycle “alternation of generation”. One stage of their life cycle is diploid (2n) stage called the sporophyte because special cells of this stage undergo meiosis and form numerous haploid (n) spores. The release of e spores allows the plant to be dispersed through the environment and explore new areas. In plants, spores are reproductive cells that are capable of developing into a haploid, multi-cellular adult without fusion with another cell. In land plants, a hard shell covers the spore. When spores land in suitable areas they germinate into their alternative stages in the life cycle, the gametophyte. Gametophytes are composed of haploid cells and look very different from the sporophyte plant. They are involved in the sexual reproduction of the plant since it is the gametophyte that produces male or female gametes. When the gametes unite at the time of fertilization, the newly formed embryo undergoes mitosis and grows into the sporophyte form of the next generation. 4.0 Plant classification Plants can be divided into for four major groups as follows: Bryophytes Phylum Hepatophyta: liverworts Phylum Bryophyata: mosses Phylum Antocerotophyta: hornworts Seedless Vascular plants 20 Phylum Psilotophyta: whisk ferns Phylum Lycopodophyta: club mosses Phylum Equisetophyta: horsetails Phylum Pteridophyta: ferns Gymnosperms Phylum Pinophyta: conifers Phylum Cycadophyta: cycads Phylum Ginkgophyta: maidenhair trees Phylum Gnetophyta: gnetophytes Angiosperms Phylum Magnoliophyta: flowering plants Class Magnoliopsida: dicots Class Liliopsida: monocots The Bryophytes Plants can be further divided into main group; bryophytes and vascular plants. The bryophytes consist of three groups: hornworts, liverworts and mosses (see section 4.0). Bryophytes lacks vascular tissue (specialized means of transporting water and organic nutrients. Although they often have a “leafy” appearance, these plants do not have true roots, stems and leaves. Which by definition must contain true vascular tissue. Therefore, bryophytes are said to have root like, stem like and leaf like structures. 21 The gametophyte is the dominant generation in bryophytes, it is the generation we recognize as the plant. Flagellated sperm swim to the vicinity of the egg in a continuous film of water. The sporophyte, when present, is attached to and derives its nourishment from the photosynthetic gametophyte. Bryophytes are quite small; the largest is no more than 20 cm tall. This characteristic is linked to the lack of efficient means to transport water to any height. And because sexual reproduction involves flagellated sperm, bryophytes are usually found in moist habitats. Nevertheless, mosses compete well in harsh environment because the gametophyte can produce asexually; allowing mosses to spread into stressful and even dry habitats. If need be mosses can dry up and later, when water is available begin to photosynthesize again. ACTIVITY Read on the structure and lifecycle of mosses and liverworts 4.1.1 Economic importance of Bryophytes Some bryophytes such as sphagnum also called bog or peat, has commercial importance. This has special nonliving cells that can absorb moisture, which is why peat moss is often used in gardening to improve the water holding capacity of the soil. In some areas where the ground is wet and acidic, such as bogs, dead mosses, especially sphagnum, accumulate and do not decay. This accumulated moss, called peat, can be used as fuel. 4.1.2 Adaptation of Bryophytes Bryophytes are small and simple plants generally found in most habitats for two reasons, they lack vascular tissue and their sexual reproduction involves flagellated sperm. 22 Bryophytes do not have the complexity of, nor are they found in the variety of habitats occupied by, the vascular plants. Nevertheless, mosses are better than flowering plants at living on stone walls and on fences and even in the shady cracks of hot exposed rocks. They slowly convert rocks to soil that can be used for the growth of other organisms. For these particular microhabitats, there seems to be a selective advantage to being small and simple. Vascular Plants Vascular plants include ferns and their allies (seedless), gymnosperms and angiosperms. Vascular tissue in these plants consists of xylem which conducts water and minerals up from the soil and phloem which transports organic nutrients from one part of a plant to another. The vascular plants have true roots, stems and leaves. The roots absorb water from the soil and the stem conducts water to the leaves. Xylem with its strong-walled cells, supports the body of the plant against the pull of gravity. The leaves are fully covered by a waxy cuticle except where it is interrupted by stomata’s, little pores whose size can be regulated to control water loss. The sporophyte generation is dominant in vascular plants. This is the generation that has vascular tissue and the other features just discussed. Another advantage of having a dominant sporophyte relates to its being diploid. If a family gene is present, it can be masked by a functional gene. The greater the amount of genetic material, the greater the possibility of mutations, that will lead to increased variety and complexity. Indeed, the vascular plants are complex, extremely varied and widely distributed. 23 The seedless vascular plants (ferns and their allies) disperse the species by producing windblown spores. When the spores germinate, a relatively large gametophyte is independent of the sporophyte for its nutrition. In these plants flagellated sperms are released by antheridia and swim in a film of external water to the archegonia, where fertilization occurs. Because the water dependent gametophyte is independent of the sporophyte, these plants cannot wholly benefit from the adaptations of the sporophyte to a terrestrial environment. 4.2.1 Ferns Ferns have about 12,000 species, they are widely distributed and most abundant in warm, moist tropical regions but they are also found in the northern regions and in dry, rocky places. They range in size from those that are low growing and resemble mosses to those that are tall tress. The fronds (leaves) in particular can vary. The royal ferns have fronds that can stand six feet tall; those of the Genus maidenhair fern are branched with broad leaflets. And those of the heart tongue fern are strap like and leathery. In nearly all ferns, the leaves first appear in a curled-up form called fiddlehead, which unrolls as it grows. 4.2.2 Economic importance of Ferns Ferns are used by florist in decorative bouquets and as ornamental plants in the home and garden. Wood from tropical the tropical fern tree is often used as a building material because it resists decay, particularly by termites. Ferns have medicinal values: many Indians use ferns as an astringent during child birth to stop bleeding, and maidenhair fern is the source of an expectorant. 24 4.2.3 Adaptation of Ferns Ferns have true roots, stems, and leaves. The well-developed leaves fan out, capture solar energy, and photosynthesize. The water dependent gametophyte, which lacks vascular tissue, is separate from the sporophyte. Flagellated sperm require an outside source of water in which to swim to the eggs in the archergonia. Once established, some ferns, like the bracken fern Pteridium aquilinum, can spread into drier areas by means of vegetative (asexual) reproduction. Ferns also spread by means of the rhizomes growing horizontally in the soil, producing the fiddleheads that grow up as much as fronds. 4.3 The Gymnosperms There are four groups of gymnosperms: conifers (division Pinophyta), Cycads (division Cycadophyta), ginkgo (division Ginkgophyata) and gnetophytes (Division Gnetophyta). The seeds in gymnosperms are not covered; they are exposed on the surface of sporophylls, leaves that bear sporangia. (In flowering plants, seeds are enclosed within a fruit). Reproductive organs are borne in cones on which the sporophylls are spirally arranged. Other than these features, the four divisions of gymnosperms have little in common. Seed plants like a few of their predecessors, produce heterospores called microspores and megaspores. There are also separate micro gametophytes (male) and mega gametophytes (female). A microspore develops into a pollen grain, which is the immature micro gametophyte, while retained within a microsporangium. After they are released, pollen grains develop into mature, sperm bearing micro gametophytes. Pollination is the transfer of pollen to the vicinity of the mega gametophyte. The sperm is delivered to the egg through a pollen tube: therefore, no external water is required for fertilization. 25 Independence from external water when reproducing is a major evolutionary trend in the plant kingdom. A megaspore develops into an egg-bearing mega gametophyte while still retained within an ovule. An ovule is the sporophyte structure that holds the mega sporangium and then the mega gametophyte. After fertilization, the zygote becomes an embryonic plant enclosed within the ovule, which then becomes the seed. NOTE: Mega gametophyte and micro gametophyte are dependent to a degree upon the diploid sporophyte. This means that the sporophyte can evolve into diverse forms without any corresponding changes in the gametophyes. The seed disperse the sporophyte among seed plants. In see plants, seeds disperse the sporophytte, which is the diploid generation. A seed is the mature ovule; it contains an embryonic sporophyte and stored food enclosed by a protective seed coat derived from the integument (coverings) of the ovule. Seeds are resistant to adverse conditions, such as dryness or temperature extremes. They contain an embryo that is already partially developed and a food reserve that supports the emerging seedlings until it can exist on its own. The survival value of seeds contributed greatly to the success of seed plants and their present dominance among plants. ACTIVITY: Read on the structure and life cycles of conifers (division Pinophyta), cycads (division Cycadophyta), ginkgo (division Ginkgophyta) and the gnetophytes (divison Gnetophyta). 4.3.1 Economic importance of Gymnosperms 26 Conifers are widely distributed on the earth’s surface and are economically important. They supply much of the wood used for building construction and paper production. They also produce many valuable chemicals, such as those extracted from resin, a viscous liquid substance that protects the conifers from attack by fungi and insects. 4.3.2 Adaptation of Gymnosperms Gymnosperms have well developed roots and stems. Many are tall trees that can withstand heat, dryness, and cold. The reproductive pattern of conifers has several important innovations not found in plants we have considered so far. There is no need of external water fertilization to occur. Pollen grains are transferred by wind, and the growth of the pollen tube delivers sperm to an egg. Enclosure of the dependent megagametophyte in an ovule protects it during its development and shelters the developing zygote as well. Finally, the embryo is protected by seed and is provided with a store of nutrients that supports development for the first period of its growth following germination. All of these factors increase the chance for reproduction success on land. 4.4 The Angiosperms Angiosperms (phylum Mangoliophyta) are the flowering plants: their seeds are enclosed by fruits. With 235, 000 species, they are an exceptionally large and successfully group of plants. This is six times the number of species of all other plant groups combined. Angiosperms live ain all sorts of habitats, from fresh water to desert and from the frigid north to the torrid tropics. They range in size from the tiny, almost microscopic, duckweed to eucalyptus that are over 100 meters tall. It would be impossible to exaggerate the 27 importance of angiosperms in our every day lives. They provide us with clothing, food, medicines and many commercially valuable products. Angiosperms are divided into two groups: dicotyledons (class Magnoliopsida) and monocotyledons (class Liliopsida). The dicotyledons are either woody or herbaceous and they have flower parts usually in fours and fives, net-veined leaves, vascular bundles arranged in a circle within the stem, and two cotyledons or seed leaves. Dicots families include many familiar plant groups, such as the buttercup, mustard, maple, cactus, pea, and rose families. The rose family include roses, apples, plums, pears, cherries, peaches, strawberries, raspberries and a number of other shrubs. The monocotyledons are almost always herbaceous and have flower in the stem, and are almost always herbaceous and have flower parts in threes, parallel-veined leaves scattered vascular bundles in the stem, and one cotyledon or seed leaf. Monocots families include the lily, palm, orchid, iris, and grass families. The grass family includes wheat, rice corn (maize) and other agricultural important plants. ACTIVITY: Read on the structure of the flower and function of the flower parts 4.4.1 Economic importance of Angiosperms Angiosperms provide the food that sustains most animals on land, including humans. Humans also use plant fibres to produce cloth, to provide firewood, and to supply construction materials. Plants, oils, spices and drugs are derived from different parts of various angiosperm plants. 28 4.4.2 Adaptation of Angiosperms Angiosperms have true roots, stems, and leaves. The vascular tissue is well developed and leaves are generally broad. Angiosperms are found in all sorts of habitats; some have even returned to the water. The reproductive organs are in the flowers, which often attract animals pollinators; their ovules are located in ovaries that develop into fruits. Therefore, angiosperms produce covered seeds. Fruits often help with dispersal of seeds. SUMMARY Plants are adapted to living on land. In general they tend to have features that allow them to live and reproduce on land. Plants unlike green algae protect the embryo from drying pot. During an alternation of generations life cycle, one generation is dominant over the other. In bryophytes the dominant gametophyte is water dependent because it lacks vascular tissue and produces flagellated sperm. Bryophytes (liverworts and mosses) lack specialized vascular tissue and have a dominant gametophyte. Fertilization requires an outside source of moisture, and they are often found in moist locations. The seedless vascular plants are dispersed by windblown spores; those that produce seeds are dispersed by seeds. The seedless vascular plants include ferns and their allies. The sporophyte is dominant and the species is dispersed by spores. The independent nonvascular gametophyte produces flagellated sperm. Seed plants produce micro- and megagametophytes. This has led to two evolutionary events: replacement of flagellated sperm by pollen grains, and the production of seeds for dispersal of the sporophytes and the species. Gymnosperms share common characteristics: the seeds are naked (not covered). Conifers, with their ability to live under extreme conditions, are still a very prevalent 29 and successful group. Conifers are the most prevalent of the gymnosperms. In conifers life cycle, windblown pollen grains replace flagellated sperm. Following fertilization, the seed develops from the ovule, a structure that is on a cone. The seeds are uncovered and dispersed by the wind. Angiosperms are the flowering plants. The flower both attracts animals (e.g. insects) that aid in pollination and produce seeds enclosed by fruits, which aid dispersal. Self Assessment questions 1. List the characteristics of plants 2. What are general characteristics of bryophytes? 3. What are general characteristics of vascular plants? 4. Differentiate the life cycle of a seedless plant and a seed plants 5. List and describe the four phylum’s of gymnosperms 6. What is the economic importance of gymnosperms? 7. Explain why flowering plants are the dominant plants today. REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. 30 Makonda, F.B.S. (1995) Plant Kingdom. OBT 101. The Open University Of Tanzania. 63pp. Mamiro, D.P. and Mamiro, P.R.S. (2000) Taxonomy. OBL 301. The Open University of Tanzania. 70pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. LECTURE FOUR THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 1.0 Introduction Animals are multicellular eukaryotes that are heterotrophic by ingesting food. Animals produce heterogametes (eggs and sperm) and follow the diplontic life cycle in which the adult is always diploid. In this cycle meiosis produce haploid gametes, which join to form a zygote that develop into an adult. Today there are four million known species of animals, ranging in size from microscopic rotifers, 40 micrometers in length, to giant blue whales, 30 metres long. Animals not only vary in size, but also inhabit widely diverse habitats, from the frigid Arctic to the scorching desert, from the dry African savanna to the South America tropical rainforest, and from violet tidal zones to the ocean depths. The following are characteristics common to all animals: i. Animals are multicellular organisms 31 ii. The bodies of animals are usually composed of groups of cells organized into tissues, organs and organ systems. iii. All animals cells have nucleus but lack cell walls iv. Animals are heterotrophic. They do not carry on photosynthesis v. During all parts of their life’s animals are able to move from place to place or move one part of their body with respect to other parts. vi. Animals respond quickly and appropriately to changes in their environment. vii. Sexual reproduction is a characteristic of animals, although many animals reproduce asexually as well as sexually. Objectives: The end this lecture you should be able to: i. List the characteristics of Animals ii. Draw a phylogenetic tree that shows the nine major animal phyla. iii. Describe the way of life and the anatomical features of different classes of animals iv. Describe the life cycles of several invertebrates of economic importance to man v. Compare the phyla in terms of body plan, type of symmetry. Number of tissue layers, level of organization, and presence of coelom. 2.0 Body structure One of the criteria used to classify animals is type of symmetry. Asymmetry means that the animal has no particular symmetry. Radial symmetry means that the animal is organized circularly and, just as a wheel, two identical halves are obtained no matter how the animal 32 is sliced longitudinally. They have a body design in which the parts of the body are arranged around a central axis in such a way that any plane passing through the central axis divides the organism into halves that are approximate mirror images e.g. phyla Cnidaria (jelly fish, sea anemone and corals) and Ctenophora (comb jellies). Radially symmetrical animals tend to be attached to a substrate; that is, they are sessile. This type of symmetry is useful to these animals since it allows them to reach out in all direction from one centre. Bilaterally symmetry means the animal has definite right and left halves that are mirror image of each other: only one longitudinal cut down the centre of the animal will produce two equal halves. A bilaterally symmetry body plan has a top and a bottom, better known respectively as the dorsal and ventral portions of the body. It also have a front and, or anterior end, and a back, or a posterior end. Bilaterally symmetry constitutes a major evolutionary advance. This unique form of organization allows parts of the body to evolve in different ways, permitting different organs to be located in different parts of the body. Bilaterally symmetry animals tend to be active and to move forward at an anterior end. They are therefore efficient in seeking food and mates and avoiding predators. One of the main events during the development of animals is the establishment of the germ layers from which all other structures are derived. Although a total of three layers are seen in most animal embryos, some animals only have two germ layers: ectoderm and endoderm. Such animals have the tissue level of organization. Animals with three germ layers – ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm – have an organ level of organization. The second key transition in the evolution of the animal body plan was the evolution of the body cavity. The evolution of efficient organ systems within the animal body depended 33 critically upon a body cavity for supporting organs, distributing materials and fostering complex developmental interactions. The presence of a body cavity allows the expansion and sometimes lengthening of portions of the digestive tract. This longer passage allows for storage of undigested food, longer exposure to enzymes for more complete digestion, and even storage and the final of processing of food remnants. Such an arrangement allows animals to eat a great deal when it is safe to do so and then to hide during the digestive process, thus limiting the animals exposure to predators. An internal body cavity also provides space within which the gonads (ovaries and testes) can expand, allowing the accumulation of large numbers of eggs and sperm. Such accumulation helps to make possible all of the diverse modification of breeding of breeding strategy that characterizes the more advanced phyla of animals. Furthermore, large numbers of gametes can be released when the conditions are as favourable as possible for the survival of the young animals. Three kinds of body cavities are found in bilaterally symmetrical animals. Acoelomates have no body cavity. Pseudocoelomates have a body cavity called pseudocoel located between the mesoderm and endoderm. Coelomates in which the fluid filled body cavity develop within the mesoderm. In coelomate animals the gut is suspended, along with other organs systems of animals, within the coelome. The coelome is surrounded by a layer of epitheal cells entirely derived from the mesoderm. The portion of the epithelium that lines the outer wall of the coelome is called the parietal peritoneum, and the portion that covers the internal organs suspended within the cavity is called the visceral peritoneum. 34 The third and key transition in animal body plan is involved the subdivision of the body plan into segments. During the animal early development, these segments becomes most obvious in the mesoderm but later are reflected in the ectoderm and endoderm as well. Two advantages results from early embryonic segmentation: i. In annelids and other highly segmented animals, each segment may go on to develop a more or less complete set of adult organ systems. ii. Locomotion is far more effective when individual segments can move independently because the animal as a whole has more flexibility of movement. Segmentation underlies the organization of all advanced animals. In some adult arthropods the segments are fused, but segmentation is usually apparent in their embryological development. In vertebrates, the backbone and muscular areas are segmented. In addition segmentation leads to specialization of parts because the various segments can become differentiated for specific purposes. The fourth key feature in animal body plan is seen in two outwardly dissimilar large phyla, Echinodermata (star fish) and Chordata (vertebrates). They are members of a group called the deuterostomes. Members of other coelomic animal’s phyla are called protostomes. Deuterostomes are a group of coelomate animals in which the second embryonic opening is associated with the mouth and the first embryonic opening, the blastopore, is associated with the anus. Protostomes are a group of coelomate animals in which the first embryonic opening, the blastopore, is associated with the mouth and the anus develop at the other end. Deuterostomes differ in many aspects of embryo growth, including the plane in which the cells divide. Perhaps most importantly, the cells that make up an embryonic protostome each contain a different portion of the regulatory signals resent in the egg, so no one cell of 35 the embryo (or adult) can develop into complete organism. In marked contrast, any of the cells of a deuterostomes can develop into a complete organism. All animals are believed to be descendants from protoctists; however, the sponges may have evolved separately from the rest of the animals. 3.0 Animal classification The animal kingdom is traditionally divided into two subkingdoms. In the simpler subkingdom, Parazoa, the animals lack symmetry and possess neither tissues nor orgsns. In the more advanced subkingdoms, Eumetazoa, the animals are symmetrical and possess tissues. The phylum is the largest category of the animal kinddom. Animal phyla are often grouped together to produce additional, informal taxa intermediate between phylum and kingdom. These taxa are based on embryological and anatomical characters that reveal phylogenetic affinities of different animal phyla. The traditional higher-level grouping of true animals phyla is as follows: Branch A (Mezoa) Phylum Mesozoa, the mezoa Branch B (Parazoa) Phylum Porifera, the Sponges Phlum Placozoa Branch C (Eumetazoa) divided into two grades: Grade I, (Radiata) Phylum Cnidaria 36 Phylum Ctenophora Grade II (Bilateria) all other Phyla categorised into two divisions: Division A (Protostomia), Acoloemates: Phylum Platyhelminthes Phylum Gnathostomulida Phylum Nermertea Pseudocoelomates Phylum Rotifera Phylum Gastrotricha Phylum Kinorhyncha Phylum Nematoda Phylum Nematomorpha Phylum Acanthocephala Phylum Entoprocta Phylum Priapula Phylum Loricifera Eucoelomates Phylum Mollusca PhylumAnnelida Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Echiurida Phylum Sipunculida Phylum Tardigrada Phylum Pentastomida 37 Phylum Onychophora Phylum Pogonophora Division B (Deuterostomia) Phylum Phoronida Phylum Ectoprocta Phylum Chaetognatha Phylum Brachiopoda Phylum Echinodermata Phylum Hemichodarta Phylum Chordata 3.1 The Sponges There are perhaps 5000 species of marine sponges, phylum Porifera and about 150 species that life in fresh water. Sponges probably represent the most primitive animals, possessing neither tissue-level development nor body symmetry. The cellular organization hints at the evolutionary ties between the unicellular protistis and the multicellular animals. Sponges are unique in the animal kingdom in possessing choanocytes, special flagellated cells whose beating drives water through the body cavity. 3.1.1 Characteristics of Phylum Porifera i) Multicellular; body a loose aggregation of cells of mesenchymal origin ii) Body with pores (ostria), canals, and chambers that serve for passage of water iii) All aquatic, mostly marine iv) Symmetry radial or none 38 v) Epidermis of flat pinacocytes; interior surface lined with flagellated collar cells (Choanocytes) that create water currents vi) Gelatinous protein matrix called mesohyl (mesoglea) contains amebocytes, collencytes, and skeletal elements vii) Skeletal structure of fibrillar collagen ( aprotein) and calcareous or siliceous crystalline spicules (sponging) fibrils viii) No organs or true tissues; digestion intracellular, excretion and respiration by diffusion ix) Nervous system absent x) Asexual reproduction by buds or gemmules and sexual reproduction by eggs and sperms; free swimming ciliated larvae 3.1. Phylum Cnidaria Although members of phylum Cnidaria are more highly organized than sponges, they are still relatively simple animals. Most are sessile; those that are unattached, such as jelly fish can swim only feebly. Cnidaria are radiate animals, which are characterized by primary radial symmetry, which is ancestral to eumetazoan. They have two well defined germ layers, ectoderm and endoderm. The body plan is sac like, and body walls composed of two distinct layers, epidermis and gastrodermis, derived from ectoderm and endoderm respectively. Polymorphism; polyp (sessile and attached) stage medusa (free swimming) stage has widened their ecological possibilities of occupying a benthic (bottom) and pelagic (open water) habitat by the same species. Polymorphism also widens the possibility of structural complexity. 3.1.1. Characteristics of the Phylum Cnidaria 39 i) Entirely aquatic, some fresh water but mostly marine ii) Radial symmetry or bilateral symmetry around a longitudinal axis with oral and aboral ends; no definite head iii) Two basic individuals: polyp and medusa iv) Exoskeleton or endoskeleton of chitinous, calcareous or protein component in some v) Body with two layers epidermis and gastrodermis with mosoglea (diploblastic); mesoglea with cells and connective tissue (ectomesoderm) in some vi) Gastrovascular cavity(often branched or divided with septa) with single opening that serve as both mouth and anus; extensible tentacles usually encircling the mouth or oral cavity vii) Special stinging cells organelles called nematocysts in either epidermis or gastrodermis or in both. viii) Nerve net with symmetrical and asymmetrical synapses; with some sensory organs, diffuse conduction. ix) Muscular system (epitheliomuscular type) of an outer layer of longitudinal fibers at base of epidermis and an inner one of circular fibers at base of gastrodermis x) Asexual reproduction by budding (in polyp) or sexual reproduvction by gametes (in all medusa and some polyp); sexual forms monoecious or dioecious; planula larva, holoblastic indeterminate cleavage xi) No excretory or respiratory system xii) No coelomic cavity 3.1.2. Classification of the Phlum Cnidaria Class Hydrozoa Examples: Hydra , Obelia. Physalia, Tubularia 40 Characteristics i) Solitary or colonial ii) Asexual polyp and sexual medusa, one of the type may be suppressed. iii) Hydranth with no mesenteries iv) Medusa when present with a velum v) Both fresh water and marine ACTIVITY: Read on the life cycle of Obelia showing alternation of polyp (asexual) and medusa (sexual) stages. Class Scyphozoa Examples: Aurelia, Cassioopeia, Rhizostome Characteristics i) Solitary ii) Polyp stage reduced or absent, iii) Bell shaped medusa without velum iv) Gelatinous mesoglea and much enlarged v) Margin of bell umbrella typical with eight notches that are provided with sebnse organs vi) All marine Class Cubozoa Examples: Tripedalia, Carybdea, Chironex, chiropsalmus Characteristics 41 i) Solitary ii) Polyp stage reduced iii) Bell shaped medusa square in cross section iv) Tentacles or group of tentacles hanging from a blade like pedalium at each corner of the umbrella v) All marine Class Anthozoa: three subclasses; Subclass Zoantharia (sea anemones): Examples: Metridium, anthopleura, Tealia, Astrangia, Acropora Subclass Ceriantipatharia: Examples: Cerianthus, Antipathes, Stichopathes Subclass Octocorallia: Examples: Tubipora, Alcyonium, Gorgonia, Plexaura, Renilla Characteristics i) All polyp no medusa ii) Solitary or colonial iii) Enteron subdivided by mesenteries or septa bearing nematocysts iv) Gonads endodermal v) All marine Economic importance i) Some species of the cnidarians are involved in coral reef formation. Coral reefs are the most productive of all ecosystems and their diversity of life forms is rivalled only by tropical rain forests ii) Part of ecosystem food web iii) Have environmental importance 42 3.3 Phylum Platyhelminthes Platyhelminthes were derived from an ancestor that probably had many cnidarians-like characteristics, including a gelatinous mesoglea. Nonetheless, replacement of gelatinous mesoglea with cellular, mesodedermal parenchyma laid the basis for a more complex organization. Parenchyma is a form of tissue containing more cells and fibres than the mesoglea of cnidarians. The acoelomates, represented by the flatworms, are the most primitive bilaterally symmetrical animals and the simplest animals in which organs occur. All of the higher animals are fundamentally bilaterally symmetrical. Among bilaterally symmetrical animals, different parts of the body are specialized in relation to different functions. Among bilaterally symmetrical animals, those with the simplest body plan are the acoelomates: they lack any internal cavity other than the digestive tract. In this lecture we will focus our discussion of the acoelomates on the largest phylum of the group, the flat worms. 3.3.1 Characteristics of the phylum Platyhelminthes i. Three germ layers (triploblastic) ii. Bilateral symmetry: definite polarity of anterior and posterior end iii. Body flattened dorsoventrally, in most; oral and genital apertures mostly on ventral surface iv. Epidermis may be cellular or syncytial (ciliated in some); rhabdites in epidermis of most Turbellaria, epidermis a syncytial tegument in monogenia, Treamatoda, Cestoda, and some Turbellaria. 43 v. Muscular system of mesodermal origin, in form of a sheath of circular, longitudinal, and oblique layers beneath the epidermis or tegument vi. No internal body space (acoelomate) other than digestive system incomplete (gastrovascular type); absent in some vii. Digestive system incomplete (gastrovascular type), absent in some viii. Nervous system consisting of a pair of anterior ganglia with longitudinal nerve cords ix. Simple sense organs, eye spots in some x. Excretory system of two lateral canals with branches bearing flame cells (protonephridia), lacking in some forms xi. Respiratory, circulatory and skeletal systems lacking, lymph channels with free cells in some trematodes xii. Most forms monoecious; reproductive system complex, usually with well developed gonads, ducts, and accessory organs; internal fertilization; lifecycle simple in free swimming forms and those with single hosts; complicated life cycle often involving several hosts in many internal parasites xiii. Class Turbellaria mostly free living; classes Monogenia, Trematoda and Cestoda entirely parasitic 3.3.2 Classification of Phylum Platyhelminthes Class Tuberllaria Examples: Dugesia (planaria), Microstomum, Planocera Characteristics 44 i. Usually free living with soft flattened bodies, covered ciliated epidermis containing secreting cells and rod like bodies (rhabdites) ii. Mouth usually on ventral surface sometimes near centre of body iii. No body cavity except intracellular spaces in parenchyma iv. Mostly hermaphrodite, some have asexual fission v. A paraphyletic taxon Class Trematoda Examples: Fasciola, Clonorchis, Schistosoma Characteristics i) Body covered with syncytisl tegument without cilia ii) Body life like or cylindrical in shape iii) Usually with oral and ventral suckers iv) No hooks v) Alimentary canal usually with two main branches vi) Mostly monoecious vii) Life cycle complex, with first host a mollusc final host usually a vertebrate, parasitic in all Classes of vertebrate Class Monogenea Examples: Dactylogyrus, Polystomia, Gyrodactylus Characteristics i) Body covered with syncytisl tegument without cilia 45 ii) Body usually leaf like or cylindrical in shape iii) Posterior attachment organ with hooks, suckers, or clamps, usually in combination iv) Monoecious v) Simple lifecycle. With single host usually with free swimming, ciliated larva vi) All parasitic, mostly on skin or gills of fish Class Cestoda Examples: Diphyllobothrium, Hymenolepsis, Taenia Characteristics i) Body covered with conciliated, syncytisl tegument ii) Tape like body shape iii) Scolex with suckers or hooks, sometimes both for attachment iv) Body usually divided into series of proglottids; no digestive tract v) Usually monoecious vi) Parasitic in all classes of vertebrates vii) Lifecycle complex with two hosts or more hosts, fist host may be vertebrate or invertebrate 3.3.3. Economic Importance of Phylum Platyhelminthes Some flat worms are very important pathogens of humans and domestic animals. Examples of flukes infecting humans and domestic animals are: The blood flukes (Schistosoma species), Chinese liver fluke (Clonorchis sinensis), Lung flukes (Paragonimus species), Intestinal flukes (Fasciola species) and sheep liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica). 46 Common Cestodes of human are: beef Tape worm (Taenia saginata), pork Tape worm (Taenia solium), fish Tape worm (Diphyllobothrium latum), dog Tape worm (Dipylidium caninum), dwarf Tape worm (Hymenolepsis nana), unicolar hydatid (Echinococcus granulosus), and multilocular hydatid (Echinococus multilocularis). 3.4. THE PSEUDOCOELOMATES All bilaterally symmetrical animals except solid worms posses an internal body cavity. Among them, seven Phyla are characterized by their possession of a pseodocoel. Only one of the seven, phylum Nematoda, includes a large number of species. In all pseudo coelomates, the pseudocoel serves as a hydrostatic skeleton: one that gains its rigidity from being filled with fluid under pressure. The animal muscle can work against this skeleton thus making the movement of pseudocoelomtes far more efficient than those of the acoelomates. 3.4.1.Phylum Nematoda Nematodes are present in nearly every conceivable kind of ecological niche. Approximately 12,000 species have been named. They live in the sea, in fresh water, and in soil, from Polar Regions to the tropics, and from mountaintops to the depth of the seas. Nematodes also are of parasites virtually every type of animal and many plants. The effect of nematode infestation on crops, domestic animals and humans make this phylum one of the most important of all animal groups. 3.4.2 Characteristics of Phylum Nematoda i. Body bilaterally symmetrical, cylindrical in shape ii. Body covered with a secreted., flexible, non living cuticle 47 iii. Motile cilia and flagella completely lacking; some sensory endings derived from cilia present iv. Muscles in body wall running in longitudinal directions only v. Excretory system of either one or more gland cells opening by an excretory pore, a canal system without gland cells, or both gland cells and canals together; flame cell protonepridia lacking vi. Pharynx usually muscular and triradiate in cross section vii. Male reproductive tract opening into rectum to form a cloaca; female reproductive tract opening a separate gonopore viii.Fluid in pseudocoel enclosed by cuticle forming a hydrostatic skeleton ACTIVITY: Read on the life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides and Necator americanus 4.4.3.Economic importance of the Nematodes Nearly all vertebrates and many invertebrates are parasitized by the nematodes. A number of theses are very important pathogens of humans and domestic animals. Many nematodes are very prevalent in Tropical Africa. The common parasitic nematodes includes: Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworms), Necator americanus and Ancyclostoma duodenale (hookworms), Entoroboius vermicularis (Pin worm), Trichinella spiralis (trichina worms) and Trichuris trichura (Whip worms) SUMMARY 48 Animals are hterotrophic, multicellular, and usually have the ability to move. Almost all animals reproduce sexually. The Kingdom Animalia is divided into two subkingdoms: Parazoa, which includes only the asymmetrical phylum Porifera, and Eumatazoa. Most animals are characterized by a symmetrical appearance. In few instances, the symmetry is radial: a mid body axis can be drawn in any two-dimensional plane. Most animals exhibit bilateral symmetry: the body can be divided in only one plane. Bilaterally symmetrical animals include three major evolutionary lines: acoelomates; which lack a body cavity, pseudocoelomates; which develop a body cavity (psuedocoel) between the mesoderm and endoderm; and coelomates, which develop body cavity (coelom) within the mesoderm. The sponges are characterized by specialized, flagellated cells called choanocytes. Theu do not possess tissue or organs, and most species lack symmetry in their body organization. Animals with radial symmetry body plan and distinct tissues include the phyla Cnidaria and Ctenophora. Acoelomates are the most primitive bilaterally symmetrical animals. They lack an internal cavity, except for digestive system, and are the simplest animals that have organs-like structure made up of two or more tissues. The most prominent phylum of the acoelomates, Platyhelminthes, includes the free-living flatworms and the parasites flukes and tapeworms. Pseuodocoelmates, represented by the nematodes (phylum Nematoda), have a body cavity that develops between the mesoderm and the endoderm. This pseudocoel gives these worms enhance powers of movement. Self Assessment questions 1. What are the characteristics that distinguish animals from other living organisms? 2. How do the two subkingdoms of animals differ in terms of symmetry and body organization? 49 3. Why sponges are considered as one of the most primitive groups of animals? 4. Describe the two body forms present in phylum Cnidaria. 5. How are tapeworms different from flukes? 6. Why are the nematodes structurally unique in the animal world? References Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. 50 LECTURE FIVE PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 1.0. Introduction Molluscs are a major group of the true coelomate animals. They belong to the protosome branch, or schizocoelous coelomates, and have cleavage and mosaic development. Mollusca is one of the largest animal phyla after Arthropoda. There are nearly 50,000 living species and some 35,000 fossil species. The name mollusc indicates one of their distinctive characteristics, a soft body. This diverse group include organisms as different as chitons, clams and octopuses. The group range from fairly simple organisms to some most complex invertebrates, and in size from almost microscopic to giant squids Architeuthis harveyi. Molluscs are found in a great range of habitats, from tropics to polar seas, at altitudes exceeding 7000 m, in ponds, lakes and streams, on mudflats, in pounding surf, and in open oceans from the surface to abyssal depths. Most live in the sea, and they represent a variety of lifestyles, including bottom feeders, burrowers, borers and pelagic forms. The phylum includes some of the sluggish and some of swiftest and most active invertebrates. It includes herbivorous grazers, predaceous carnivores, and ciliary filter feeders. The enormous variety, great beauty and availability of the shells of molluscs have made shells collecting a popular hobby. Objectives: The end this lecture you should be able to: i. List the characteristics of Phylum Mollusca 51 ii. Describe the way of life and the anatomical features of different classes of the phylum Mollusca 2.0 Characteristics of Phylum Mollusca i. All organ system are present and well developed ii. Body bilaterally symmetrical (bilateral asymmetry in some), unsegmented, usually with definite head iii. Ventral body wall specialized as muscular foot, variously modified but used chiefly for locomotion iv. Dorsal body wall forms the mantle, which encloses the mantle cavity, which is modified into gills or lung, and secretes the shell (shell absent in some) v. Surface epithelium usually ciliated and bearing mucous glands and sensory nerve endings vi. Coelom mainly limited to the area around the heart vii. Complex digestive system; rasping organ (radula) usually present, anus usually emptying into mantle cavity viii. Open circulatory system (mostly closed in cephalopods), heart usually three chambered, two in most gastropods. Posses Blood vessels, and sinuses, respiratory pigments in blood ix. Gaseous exchange by gills, lung, mantle, or body surface x. Usually one or two kidneys (metanephridia) opening into the mantle cavity xi. Nervous system of paired cerebral, pleural, pedal and visceral ganglia, with nerve cords and sub-epidermal plexus; ganglia centralized in nerve ring in polyplacophorans, gastropods, and cephalopods 52 xii. Sensory organs of touch smell, taste, equilibrium and vision (in some), eyes highly developed in cephalopods xiii. Most dioecious, some hermaphrodite. Many aquatic and marine molluscs pass through free swimming Trochophore and veliger larvae 2.0.Classification of Phylum Mollusca 2.1 Class Caudofoveata Examples: Chaetoderma and Limifossor Characteristics: i. Wormlike, shell head and excretory organs absent ii. Radula usually present iii. Mantle covered with chitinous cuticle and calcareous scales, oral pedal shield near anterior mouth, mantle is cavity posterior end with pair of gills iv. Sexes separate 2.2 Class Solenogastres Examples: Neomenia Characteristics: i. Wormlike, shell head and excretory organs absent ii. Radula usually present iii. Mantle usually covered with scales or spicules, mantle cavity posterior iv. Without true gills, but sometimes with secondary respiratory structures, foot represented by long narrow ventral pedal groove v. Hermaphroditic 2.3 Class Monoplacophora 53 Example: Neopilina Characteristics i. Body bilaterally symmetrical with a broad flat foot ii. A single limpet like shell iii. Mantle cavity with five or six pairs of gills iv. Large coelomic cavity v. Radula present vi. Six pairs of nephridia, two which are gonoducts vii. Separate sexes 2.4 Class Polyplacophora Examples: Chaetopleura (Chitons) Characteristics i. Elongated, flattened body with reduced head ii. Bilaterally symmetrical, radula present, shell of eight dorsal plates iii. Foot broad and flat iv. Gills multiple, along side of body between foot and mantle v. Sexes usually separate, with trochophore but no veliger larvae 2.5 Class Scaphopoda (tusk shells) Example: Dentalium i. Body enclosed in a one piece tubular shell open at both ends ii. Conical foot iii. Mouth with radula and tentacles 54 iv. Head absent v. Mantle for respiration vi. Sexes separate, trochophore larvae 2.6 Class Gastropoda (Snails and relatives) Examples: Busycon, Polinices, Physa, Helix, Aplysia Characteristics i. Body asymmetrical, usually in a coiled shell (shell uncoiled or absent is some) ii. Head well developed with radula iii. Foot large and flat iv. Dioecious or monecious, some with trochophore, but most with veliger, some without larva 2.7 Class Bivalvia (the bivalves) Examples: Mytilus, Venus, Bankia Characteristics i. Body enclosed in two-lobed mental, shell of two lateral valves of variable size and form, with dorsal hinge ii. Head greatly reduced but mouth with labial palps, no radula, no cephalic eyes iii. Gills plate like iv. Foot usually wedge shaped, sexes usually separate, typically with trochophore larva and veliger larvae 2.8 Class Cephalopoda (squids and octopuses) Examples: Loligo, Octopus, Sepia Nautilus 55 Characteristics i. Shell often reduced or absent ii. Head well developed with eyes and a radula iii. Head with arms or tentacles iv. Foot modified into a funnel v. Nervous system of well developed ganglia, centralized to form a brain vi. Sexes separate, with direct development (no larvae) 3.0 Economic importance of Phylum Mollusca A group as large as molluscs would naturally affect humans in some way. A wide variety of Molluscs are used as food. Pearls, both natural and cultured, are produced in the shells of clams and oysters, most of them in marine oyster, found around eastern Asia. Some molluscs are destructive. Burrowing shipworms which are bivalves of several species, do great damage to wooden ships and wharves. To prevent the ravages of shipworms, wharves must be either creosoted or built of concrete. Snails and slugs often damage garden and other vegetation. In addition, many snails serve as intermediate hosts for serious parasites. A certain boring snail, the oyster drill, rivals sea stars in destroying oysters. 56 PHYLUM ANNELIDA 4.0 Introduction Annelida consists of the segmented worms. It is large phylum numbering approximately 15,000 species, he most familiar of which are earthworms and freshwater worms (class Oligochaeta) and leeches (class Hirudinea). However, approximate two-third of the phylum is composed of marine worms (class Polychaeta), which are less familiar to most people. Among the latter are many curious members: some are strange, even ugly, whereas others are graceful and beautiful. They include the clam worms, plumed worms, parchment worms, scale worms and many others. Annelids are true coelomates and belong to the protosome branch, with spiral mosaic cleavage. They are a highly developed group in which the nervous system is more centralized and the circulatory system more complex than those of phyla we have studied so far. Annelids are worldwide in distribution, occurring in the sea, freshwater, and terrestrial soil. Some marine annelids live quietly in tubes or burrow into bottom mud or sand. Some of these feed on organic matter in the mud through which they burrow; others feed on suspended particles with elaborate ciliary or mucous devices for trapping food. Many are predators either pelagic or hiding in crevices of coral or rock except, when hunting. Fresh water annelids burrow in mud or sand, live among vegetation, or swim about freely. The most familiar annelids are terrestrial earthworms, which move about through soil. Some leeches are bloodsuckers, and others are carnivores, most of them live in fresh water. 57 4.1 Characteristics of Phylum Annelida i. Body metamerically segmented; symmetry bilateral ii. Body wall with outer circular and inner longitudinal muscle layers, outer transparent moist cuticle secreted by epithelium iii. Chitinous setae, often present on fleshy appendages called parapodia, setae absent in leeches iv. Coelom (schizocoel) well developed and divided by septa, except in leeches, coelomic fluid supplies turgidity and functions as a hydrostatic skeleton v. Blood system closed and segmentally arranged, respiratory pigments (haemoglobin, hemerythrin or chlorocruorin) often present, amebocytes in blood plasma vi. Digestive system complete and not metamerically arranged vii. Respiratory gas exchange through skin, gills, of parapodia viii. Excretory system typically a pair of nephridia for each metamere ix. Nervous system with a double ventral nerve cord and pair of ganglia with lateral nerves in each metamere: brain, a pair of dorsal cerebral ganglia with connectives to cord x. Sensory system of tactile organs, taste buds statocysts (in some), photoreceptor cells, and eyes with lenses (in some) xi. Hermaphroditic or separate sexes, larvae, if present are trochophore type, asexual reproduction by budding in some, spiral and mosaic cleavage. 4.2 Classification of Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Example: Nereis, Aphrodita, Glycera, Arenicola, Chaetoptersus and Amphitrite i. Mostly marine 58 ii. Head distinct and bearing eyes and tentacles iii. Most segments with parapodia (lateral appendages) bearing tufts of many setae iv. Clitellum absent v. Sexes separate, gonads transitory, asexual budding in some vi. Trochophore larva Class Oligochaeta Examples: Lumbricus, Stylaria, Aelosima, Tubfex Characteristics i. Body with conspicuous segmentation, number of segments variable ii. Setae; few per metamere, no parapodia iii. Head absent iv. Coelom spacious and usually divided by intersegmental septa v. Hermaphroditic development, no larva vi. Chiefly terrestrial and fresh water Class Hirudinea Examples: Hirudo, Placobdella and Macrobdella Characteristics i. Body with fixed numbers of segment, usually 34 with many annuli ii. Body usually with anterior and posterior suckers iii. Clitellum present iv. No parapodia, setae absent (except Acanthobdella) v. Coelom closely packed with connective tissue and muscle vi. Developent direct, hermaphrodite 59 vii. Terrestrial, fresh water and marine 4.3 Economic importance of Phylum Annelida Much of the economic importance of annelids is inderict, deriving from their ecological roles. Many are members of grazing food cahains or detritus food cahains, serving as prey for other organisms of more direct interest to humans, such as fishes. Cnsequenly a lifely market in some polychaeta and oligochaetes as fish bait thrives. Burrow of earth worms increase drainage and aeration of soils, and migration of worms help mix soil and distribute organic matter to deeper layers. Some marine annelids that burrow, serve an analogous role in the sea, lugworms (Arenicola) are sometimes called “earthworms of the sea”. New medical use of leeches have revived the market in bloodsucking leeches and established “leech farms” where these organisms are raised in captivity. SUMMARY Mollusca is one the largest and most diverse of all phyla, its members ranging in size from very small organisms to largest of invertebrates. Their basic body division are the head, foot and the visceral mass, usually covered by a shell. The majority are marine but some are freshwater, and a few are terrestrial. They occupy a variety of niches, a number are economically important, and a few are medically important as host of parasites. Molluscs are coelomates, although theircoelom is limited in the area around the heart. The evolutionary development of a coelom was important because it enabled better organization of visceral organs and, I many of the animals that have it, an efficient hydrostatic skeleton. The mantle and mental cavity are important characteristics of molluscs. The mantle secretes 60 the shell and overlies a pat of the visceral mass to form a cavity housing gills. The mantle cavity has been modified as a lung in some molluscs. The radula, a protrusible, tongues like organ with teeth is used for feeding except in bivalve and some solenogasters. The primitive larva of molluscs is the trochophore, and most marine molluscs have a more derived larva, the veliger. Phylum Annelida is a large, cosmopolitan group containing polychaetes, earthworms and freshwater oligochaetes, and leeches. Certainly the most important structure innovation underlying diversification of this group is metamerism, a division of the body into a series of similar segments, each of which contain a repeated arrangement of many organs and systems. The coelom is also highly developed in annelids, and this, together with the septal arrangement of fluid filled compartments and well-developed body-wall musculature, is a an effective hydrostatic skeleton for precise burrowing and swimming movements. Self Assessment Questions 1. What is the basic body plan of a mollusc? 2. What is radula? How is it used in different types of Molluscs 3. What part of the mollusc is represented by the coelom 4. What is a trochophore? What is a veliger? 5. What evolutionary advantages does segmentation confer upon an organism 6. What are annelid setae? What function do they serve? 7. What are parapodia? What class of annelid possess them? What is their function? 8. How are annelids developmentally similar to molluscs? What is the likely evolutionary connection between these phyla? 61 REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. Mader, S.S. (1996) Biology. 5Th Edition. Wm. Brown Publishers. Boston. 908pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. 62 LECTURE SIX PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 1.0 Introduction Phylum Arthropoda embraces the largest assemblage of living animals on earth. It includes spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, crustaceans, millipedes, centipedes, insects, and some smaller groups. In addition there is a rich fossil record extending back to the mid-Cambrian period. Arthropods are eucoelomate protosomes with well developed organ system, and their cuticular exoskeleton containing chitin is a prominent characteristic. Like annelids, they are conspicuously segmented; their primitive body pattern is a linear series of similar somites, each with a pair of jointed appendages. However, unlike annelids, arthropods have exaggerated their segmentation theme: variations occur in the pattern of somites and appendages in the phylum. Often somites are combined or fused into functional groups, called tagmata, for specialized purposes. Appendages, too, are frequently differentiated and specialized for walking, swimming flying, or eating. Arthropods are found in all types of environment from low ocean depths to very high altitudes and from the tropics far into both north and south Polar Regions. Some species are adapted for life on land or in fresh, brackish, and marine waters. Others live in or on plants and other animals. Most species use flight to varying degrees to move among their favoured habitats. Some live in places where no other animals could survive. Although all feeding types (carnivores, omnivorous and herbivorous) occur in this vast group, the 63 majority are herbivore. Most aquatic arthropods depend on algae for their nourishment, and most land forms live chiefly on plants. There are many parasites. In diversity of ecological distribution arthropods are the most diverse animals in world. Objectives: At the end this lecture you should be able to: i. Explain why arthropods are the most diverse animals ii. Describe the way of life and the anatomical features of different classes of the phylum Arthropoda iii. Describe the characteristics of the major insect orders iv. Describe the economic importance of insects 2.0.Why Arthropods are the most diverse animals Arthropods have achieved great diversity, number of species, wide distribution, variety of habitats and feeding habits, and power of adaptation to changing conditions. The following are some of the structural and physiological patterns that have been helpful to them: • A versatile exoskeleton. The skeleton is the cuticle, an outer covering secreted by the epidermis. • Segmentation and appendages for more efficient locomotion • Air piped directly to cells. Most arthropods have a highly efficient tracheal system of air tubes. Aquatic arthropods breathe mainly by some form of gills. • Highly developed sensory organs • Complex behaviour patterns • Reduced competition through metamorphosis 64 3.0.Characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda i. Bilateral symmetry: metameric body, tagmata of head and trunk; head, thorax and trunk; thorax, and abdomen; or cephalothorax and abdomen ii. Appendages jointed; primitively, one pair to each somite (metamere), but number often reduced: appendages often modified for specialized function iii. Exoskeleton of cuticle containing protein, lipid, chitin, and often calcium carbonate secreted by underlying epidermis and shed (molted) at intervals iv. Muscular system complex, with exoskeleton for attachment, striated muscles for rapid action, smooth muscles for visceral organs, no cilia v. Coelom reduced, most of body cavity consisting of hemocoel (sinuses, or spaces, in the tissues) filled with blood vi. Complete digestive system, mouth parts modified from appendages and adapted for different methods of feeding vii. Circulatory system open, with dorsal contractile heart, arteries, and hemocoel viii. ix. Respiration by body surface, gills, trachea (air tubes), or book lungs Paired excretory glands called coxal, antennae, or maxillary glands present in some, some with other excretory organs, called malpighian tubules x. Nervous system similar to annelid plan, with dorsal brain connected by a ring around the gullet to a double nerve chain of ventral ganglia, fusion of ganglia in some species, well developed sensory organs xi. Sexes usually separate, with paired reproductive organs and ducts, usually internal fertilization, oviparous or ovoviviparous, often with metamorphosis, pathogenesis in few forms. Growth with ecdysis. 65 4.0.Classification of phylum Arthropoda 4.1 Subphlum Trilobita (triobite) All extinct forms, body divided by two longitudinal furrows into three lobes, distinct head, thorax, and abdomen, biramous. 4.2 Subphylum Chelicerata First pairs of appendages chelicerates, have pairs of pedipalps and for pairs of legs, no antennae, no mandibles, cephalothorax and abdomen often with segments fused. Class Merostomata Aquatic chelicerates, Have cepahalothorax and abdomen only and compound lateral eyes. Appendages with gills, sharp telson. Subclasses: Eurypterida (all extinct) and Xiphosurida the horse shoe crab. Class Pycnogonida (sea spiders) Small (3 to 4cm), but some reach 500mm, body chiefly cephalothorax, tiny abdomen, usually four pairs of long walking legs (some with five or six pairs). One pair of subsidiary legs (ovigers) for egg bearing. Mouth on long proboscis. Four simple eyes. No respiratory of excretory system. Example: Pycnogonium. Class Arachnida Scorpions, spiders, mites, ticks and harvestmen. Have four pairs of legs. Segmented or unsegmented abdomen with or without appendages and generally distinct from cephalothorax. Respiration by gills, trachea or book lungs. Excretion by malphigian tubules or coxal glands. Have a dorsal bi-lobed brain connected to ventral gangilionic mass with 66 nerves and simple eyes. Sexes are separate and chiefly oviparous. No true metamorphosis. Examples: Argiope, and Centruroides. 4.3 Subphylum Crustacea Crustaceans, they are mostly aquatic, with gills. Cephalothorax, usually with dorsal carapace. Have biramous appendages modified for various functions. Head appendages consisting of two pairs of maxillae, sexes usually separate, development primitively with nuplius stage. Class Brachiopoda Brachiopods: Have flattened, leaf like swimming appendages (phyllopodia) with respiratory function. Examples: Triops, lynceus and Daphnia. Class Maxillopoda Ostracods and copepod, branchiurans and barnacles: Five cephalic, six thoracic and usually four abdominal somites no typical appenegaes on abdomen. Unique maxillopodian eye. Examples: Cypris, Cyclops, Ergasilus, Argulus and Balanus. Class Malacostraca Shrimps, Cray fishes, Lobsters and Crabs: usually with eight thoracic and six abdominal somites, each with a pair of appendages. Examples; Armadillidium, Gammarus, Megacytiphanes, Grapsus, Homarus and Panulirus. 67 4.4 Subphylum Uniramia Insects and Myriapods. All appendages uniramous. Head appendages consisting of one pair of antennae, one pair of mandibles, and one or two pairs of maxillae. Class Insecta Insects: Body with distinct head, thorax and abdomen. Have a pair of antennae. Mouth parts modified for different food habits head of six fused somites, thorax of three somites. Abdomen with variable number of wings (sometimes with one pair or none) and three pairs of jointed legs. Separate sexes, usually oviparous. Gradual or abrupt metamorphosis. Insects are dived into orders chiefly on the basis of morphology and developmental features. Entomologists do not agree on names of orders or on the limits of each order. Some tend to combine and others to divide groups. However, the following synopsis of major orders is one that is rather widely accepted. Order Protura Very small (1 to 5 mm), have no eyes or antennae. Appendages on abdomen as well as thorax. Live in soil and dark, humid places. Develop through gradual metamorphosis. Order Diplura Usually they are less than 10 mm in length. Pale and have no eye. Have a pair of long terminal filaments or pairs of caudal forceps. Live in damp humus or rotting logs. Have a direct development. 68 Order Collembolla Spring tails and snow fleas. Small (5 mm or less). No eyes. Respiration by trachea or body surface. A spring organ folded under abdomen for leaping. Abundant I soil. Sometimes swarm on pond surface film or on snow banks in spring. Direct development. Order Thysanura The Silverfish and bristletails. Small to medium size. Have large eyes and a long antennae. Three long terminal cerci. Live under stones and leaves and around human habitations. Direct development. Order Ephemeroptera Mayflies. Have membranous wings, fore wings larger than hind wings. Adult mouth parts vestigial. Nymph aquatic, with lateral tracheal gills. Hemimetabolous development. Order Odonata Dragon flies. Among the most primitive of insects orders. Have two pairs of transparent wings. Have a large, long and slender body. Have chewing mouth parts. Hemimetablous development. Order Orthoptera Grasshoppers, locusts, crickets cockroaches, walking sticks and playing mantis. Wings when present, with fore wings thickened and hind wings folded like a fan under forewings. Chewing mouth parts. Hemimetablous development. 69 Order Isoptera Termites. Small, membranous, narrow wings similar in size with few veins. Wings shed at maturity, erroneously called ‘white ants’. Distinguishable from true ants by broad union of thorax and abdomen. Complex social organization. Hemimetabolous development. Order Mallophaga Biting lice. As large as 6 mm. They are wingless and have chewing mouth parts. Legs adapted for clinging to host. Live on birds and mammals. Hemimetabolous development. Order Anoplura Sucking lice. Depressed body as large as 6 mm. Wingless, mouth parts for piercing and sucking. Adapted for clinging to warm blooded host. Include the head louse, body louse, cab louse and others. Hemimetabolous development. Order Hemiptera Heteroptera: the true bugs. Size 2 to 100 mm. Wings present or absent. Fore wings with basal portion leathery, apical portion membranous, hind wings membranous. At rest wings are held over the abdomen. Have piercing and sucking mouth parts. Many with odorous scent glands. They include the water scorpions, water striders, bed bugs, squash bugs assassin bugs, chinch bugs, stink bugs, plant bugs, lace bugs and others. Hemitabolous development. Order Homoptera 70 Cicadas, aphids, scale insects and mealy bugs, leafy hoppers and tree hoppers. Wings present or absent, if winged, either membranous or thickened fore wings and membranous hind wings. Wings held roof like over body. Have piercing and sucking mouth parts. All are plant eaters some very destructive. Few serve as source of shellac, dyes etc. Some with complex life histories. Hemimetabolous development. Order Neuroptera Dobson flies, lion flies and lacewings. Medium to large size, similar membranous wings with many cross veins. Chewing moth parts for biting and chewing. Include ground beetles, stag beetles, dung beetles, diving beetles, boll weevils, fire flies and lady bird beetles. Hemimetabolous development. Order Coleoptera Beetles, fire flies and weevils. The largest order of animals. Fore wings (elytra) thick, hard, opaque, membranous hind wings folded under forewings at rest. Mouth parts for biting and chewing. Include ground beetles, carrion beetles whirling beetles, darkling beetles, stag beetles, dung beetles, diving beetles, boll weevils, fire flies, lady bird beetles and others. Holometabolous development. Order Lepidoptera Butterflies and months. Membranous wings covered with overlapping scales, wings coupled at base, mouth arts a suckling tube, coiled when not in use. Larva (caterpillar) with chewing mandibles for plant eating stubby pro-legs on abdomen and silk glands foe spinning cocoons. Antennae knobbed in butterflies and usually plumed in moths. Holometabolus development. 71 Order Diptera True flies: Single pair of wings, membranous and narrow, hind wings reduced to inconspicuous balancers (halters). Sucking mouth parts or adapted for sponging or lapping or piercing. Legless larva called maggots or when, aquatic, wigglers. Include crane flies, mosquitoes, month flies, midges, fruit flies, fresh flies. House flies gnats and many others. Order Trichoptera Caddis flies: Small, soft bodied, wings well veined and hairy, folded roof like over hairy body. Chewing mouth parts, aquatic larvae construct case of leaves, sand, gravel, bits of shell, o plant matter, bound together with secreted silk or cement. Some make silk feeding nets attached to rocks in streams. Holometabolous development. Order Siphonaptera Fleas: Small, wingless, bodies laterally compressed. Legs adapted for leaping. Withpout eyes. Ectoparisitic on birds and mammals. Larvae legless and scavengers. Holometabolous development. Order Hymenoptera Ants, bees and wasps: Very small to large insects. Membranous, narrow wings coupled distally. Subordinate hind wings. Mouth parts for biting and lapping up liquid. Ovipositor somestomes modified into stinger, piercer, or saw. Both social and solitary species occur. Most larvae legless, blind and maggot like. Holometabolous development. 72 ACTIVITY: Distinguish Between Hemimetabolous and Holometabolous insect development. 5.0 Economic importance of Insects Insects are necessary for cross-pollination of many crops. Bees pollinate many food crops per year in the world. In addition, some insects produce useful materials: honey and bee wax from bees, silk from silkworms, and shellac from wax secreted by lac insects. Many predacious insects, such as tiger beetles, aphid lions, ant lions, playing mantis and lady bird beetles, destroy harmful insects. Some insects control harmful ones by parasitizing them or laying egg where their young, when hatched may consume the host. Dead animals are quickly consumed by maggots hatched from eggs laid on carcasses. Harmful insects include those which eat and destroy plants and fruits, such as grasshoppers, chinch bugs, corn borers, boll weevils, grain weevils and scores of others. Practically every cultivated crop has several insect pests. Humans expend enormous resources in all agricultural activities, in forestry and in the food industry to counter insects and the damage they engender. Lice, blood-sucking flies, warble flies, bot flies, and many other attack humans or domestic animals or both. Malaria, carried by the Anopheles mosquito is still one of the world’s major diseases. Mosquitoes also transmit yellow fever and Lymphatic filariasis. Fleas carry plague. House flies are vectors of typhoid and cholera. Tsetse flies carry African sleeping sickness and certain blood sucking bugs, Rhodnius and related genera transmit Chagas’ disease. There is tremendous destruction of food, clothing and property by weevils, 73 cockroaches, ants, clothes months, termites, and carpet beetles. Not the least of insects pests are bed bugs etc. The beneficial roles of insects in our environment is often overlooked. In recent years methods of control other than chemical insecticides have been under intense investigations, experimentation and development. Several types of biological control using insects have been developed. Introduction of natural predators or parasites of insect pests has had some success. Another approach to biological control is to interfere with reproduction or behaviour of insect pests. SUMMARY Arthropoda is the largest, most abundant and diverse phylum in the world. Arthropods are metameric, coelomate protostome with well developed organ systems. Most show marked tagmatization. They are extremely diverse and occur in all habitats capable of supporting life. Perhaps more than any other single factor, success of arthropods is explained by adaptation made possible by their cuticular exoskeleton. Other important elements in their success are jointed appendages, tracheal respiration efficient sensory organs, complex behaviour, metamorphosis and ability to fly. Insects are important to human’s welfare, particularly because they pollinate food crops, control population of other harmful insets by predation and parasitism. Insects also serve as food to other animals. Many insects are harmful to human interests because they fed on crops and many are carriers of important diseases affecting humans and domestic animals. Self Assessment Questions 74 1. List some characteristics of Arthropods that clearly distinguish them from Annelids. 2. Name the subphyla of Arthropods and give a few example of each. 3. Differentiate the following from each other: Diplopoda, Chilopoda and insecta. 4. What different modes of feeding are found in insects, and how are these reflected in their mouth parts? REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. Mader, S.S. (1996) Biology. 5Th Edition. Wm. Brown Publishers. Boston. 908pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. 75 LECTURE SEVEN PHYLUM ECHINORDERMATA AND HEMICHORDATA 1.0 Introduction Echinodermata, along with Chordata and Hemichordata (acorn worms and ptrebranchs) are deuterostomes. Typical deuterstomes embryogenesis is shown only in chordates such as amphioxus (next lecture), but these shared characters and molecular evidence support monophyl of Deuterostomia. Echinoderms are marine forms and include classes Asteroidea (sea stars or star fishes), Ophiuroidea (bristle stars, Echinoidea (sea urchins), Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers) and Crinoidea (sea lilies). Echinoderms have a combination of characteristics found in no other phylum. i. An endoskeleton of plates or ossicles ii. Water vascular system iii. Pedicillariae iv. Dermal branchiae and v. Secondary radial or bi-radial symmetry The water vascular system and dermal ossicles have been particularly important in determining evolutionary potential and limitations of this phylum. Their larvae are bilateral and undergo a metamorphosis to a radial adult. 76 Phylum Ehinodernmata belongs to the Deusterostomia branch of the animal kingdom, the members of which are enterocoelous coelomates. The other phyla are Hemichordata and chordate (see next lectures). Deutersostomes have the following features in commaon: anus development from or nar the blastopore, and mouth developing elsewhere,. Coelom budded off from the archentoron (entercoel). Radial and indeterminate cleavage and mesoderm derived from or with endoderm from entorocoelic pouches. Objectives: At the end this lecture you should be able to: i. List the characteristics of the echinoderms ii. Depict the position of Echinoderms in the animal kingdom iii. Describe the biological contribution of Echinoderms iv. Name and characterize the classes of phylum echinodermata 2.0 Characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata i. Body not metameric, adult with radial, pentamerous symmetry characterized with five or more radiating areas. ii. No head or brain, few special sensory organs. iii. Nervous system with circumoral ring and radial nerves. iv. Endoskeleton of dermal calcareous ossicles with stereom structure, covered by an epidermis (ciliated in most). Pedicellariae (in some). v. A water vascular system of coelomic origin that extends from the body surface as a series of tentacles like projections (podia or tube feet). vi. Locomotion by tube feet, which project from ambulacral areas, or by movement of spines or by movement of arms, which project from central disc of the body. 77 vii. Digestive system usually complete, axial or coiled. Anus absent in ophiuroids. viii. Coeleom extensive, forming the perivisceral cavity and the cavity of the watervascular system. Coelom of enterocoelous type. ix. Respiration by dermal brancjhiae, tube feet, respiratory tree (holothuroids, and bursae (ophiuroids). x. Excretory organs absent xi. Sexes separate xii. Development through free swimming, bilateral, larval stages (some with direct development). Metamorphosis to radial adult or sub-adult form. 3.0 Classification of Phylum Echinodermata. 3.1 Class Crinoidea Sea lilies and feather stars: Five arms branching at base and bearing pinnules. Ciliated ambulacral grooves on oral surface with tentacles-like tube feet for food gathering, spines, madreporite and pedicelllariae absent. Examples: Antedon., Nemaster, Comantheria. 3.2 Class Asteroidea Sea stars: Star shaped, with arms not sharply demarcated from the central disc. Ambulacral grooves open, with tube feet on oral side. Tube feet often with suckers. Anus and madreporite aboral. Pecillariae present. Examples: Asterias and Pisaster. 3.3.Class Ophiuroidea Brittle stars and basket stars: Star shaped, with arms sharply demarcated from central disc. Ambulacral groove closed, covered by ossicles. Tube feet without suckers and not used for locomotion. Pedicillariae absent. Examples: Ophiura and Astrophyton. 78 3.4.Class Echinoidea Sea urchins, sea biscuits and sand dollars. More or less globular or disc shaped, with no arms, compact skeleton or test with closely fitting plates. Movable spines. Ambulacral grooves closed. Tube feet often with suckers. Pedicellariae present. Examples: Arbacia, Strongylocetrotus, lytechinus and Meoma. 3.5.Class Holothuroidea Sea Cucumbers: Cucumber shaped with no arms, spine absent. Microscopic ossicles embedded in muscular body wall. Anus present, ambulacral grooves closed. Tube feet with suckers. Circumoral tentacles (modified tube feet). Pedicillariae absent. Medreporite plate internal. Examples: Sclerodactyla, Parastichopus and Cucumaria. 4.0 PHYLUM HEMICHORDATA 4.1 Introduction Hemichordates are marine animals formerly considered a subphylum of chordates, based on possession of gills slits a rudimentary notochord and a dorsal nerve cord. However zoologist now agrees that the so called hemichordates ‘notochord’ are really an evigination of their mouth cavity and not homologous with the chordate notochord, so hemichordates are considered a separate phylum. Hemichodates belong to deuterostome branch of the animal kingdom and are enterocoelous coelomates with radial cleavage. Hemichordates show both echinoderm and chordate characteristics. A chordate plan of structure is suggested by gill slits and a restricted dorsal tubular nerve cord. Similarity to Echinoderms is seen in larval characteristics. A tubular nerve cord in the 79 collar zone may represent an early stage of the condition in chordates: a diffuse net of nerve cells is similar to the un-centralized, sub-epithelial plexus of echinoderms. Gill slits in the pharynx, also characteristic of chordate, serve primarily for filter feeding and only secondarily for breathing and are thus comparable to gill slits in proto-chordates. 4.2 Classification of Phylum Hemichordata Class Enteropneusta Acorn worms: Sluggish worm like animals that live in burrows under stones, usually in mud or sand flats of intertidal zones. Has a mucus cover body divided into tonguelike proboscis, a short collar, and a long trunk (protosome, mesosome and metasome). Class Pterobranchia The basic body plan of Pterobranchia is similar to that of Enteropneusta, but certain differences are correlated with the sedentary mode of life of pterobranches. Only two genera are known in any detail. In both genera arms with tentacles contain an extension of coelomic compartments of the mesosome, as in a lophophore. One genus has a single pair of gill slits, and the other has none. Both live in tubes from which they project their proboscis and tentacles to feed by mucociliarly mechanism. Some species are dioecious others monoecious, and sexual reproduction occurs by budding. 4.4 Economic importance of Echinoderms and Hemichordates The Echinoderms are important both biologically and geologically: biologically because few other groupings are as abundant in the biotic desert of the deep sea, as well as the shallower oceans, and geologically as their ossified skeletons are major contributors to many limestone formations, and can provide valuable clues as to the geological 80 environment. Further, it is held by some that the radiation of echinoderms was responsible for the Mesozoic revolution of marine life. Echinoderms are regarded as a delicacy; and for children sea-urchin skeletons are as popular a collecting object as brightly coloured starfish are fascinating. Sea cucumbers are also considered a delicacy in some countries of south east Asia; particularly popular are the pineapple roller Thelenota ananas (susuhan) and the red Halodeima edulis. They are well known as bêche de mer or Trepang in China and Indonesia. The sea cucumbers are dried, and the potentially poisonous entrails removed. The strong poisons of the sea cucumbers are often psychoactive, but their effects are not well studied. It does appear that some sea cucumber toxins restrain the growth rate of tumour cells, which has sparked interest from cancer researchers. The calcareous tests of echinoderms are used as a source of lime by farmers in areas where limestone is unavailable; indeed 4,000 tons of the animals are used annually for this purpose. This trade is often carried out in conjunction with shellfish farmers, for whom the starfish pose a major irritation by eating their stocks. SUMMARY Phyla Echinoderamata Chordata, and Hemichordata show characteristics of Deuterostomia. Echinoderms are important marine group sharply distinguished from other animals. They have penta-radial symmetry but were derived fro bilateral ancestors. Echinoderms are unique, exclusively marine group of organisms in which deuterostomia development and an endoskeleton are seen for the fist time. Echinoderms are characterized by a secondary radial symmetry and a five part body plan. They have characteristic calcium-rich plates called 81 ossicles and unique water vascular system that includes hollow tube feet. Sea stars also called starfish are five armed, mobile predators. Brittle stars are dwellers of the deep ocean floor and shallow waters, where they pull themselves along two arms at a time, like oars rowing a boat. Sand dollars and sea urchin lack arms but have five part symmetry. Sea cucumbers are soft-bodied slug-like animals without arms. Arrow worms are among the most abundant primary carnivores in marine food web. Hemichordates were formally considered chordates because their buccal diverticulum was considered a notochord. In common with chordates some of them do have gill slits and a hollow nerve cord. Hemichordates show affinities with chordates, echinoderms and they are the likely sister group of chordates. 82 Self Assessment Questions 1. What constellation of characteristics of echinoderms is found in no other phylum? 2. Define the following: Pedicellariae and madreporite. 3. Give three examples of how echinoderms are important to humans 4. Hemichordates were once considered chordates. Why? REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. 24th August 2008. Mader, S.S. (1996) Biology. 5Th Edition. Wm. Brown Publishers. Boston. 908pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. 83 LECTURE EIGHT PHYLUM CHORDATA 1.0 Introduction The chordates are deuterostomes coelomates whose nearest relations in the animal kingdom are the echinoderms, also deuterostomes. The chordates are the best known and most familiar of all animal groups. There are 43,000 species of chordates, a phylum that includes birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes and mammals. Four principle features characterize the chordates and have played an important role in the evolution of the phylum. i. A single hollow nerve cord runs just beneath the dorsal surface of the animal. In vertebrates, the dorsal nerve cord differentiates into the brain and spinal cord. ii. A flexible rod, the notochord, forms on the dorsal side of the primitive gut in the early embryo and is present at some stage in the life cycle in all chordates. The notochord is located just below the nerve chord. The notochord, which persists throughout the life of some invertebrates chordates, becomes surrounded and then and then replaced during embryological development in most vertebrates by the vertebrae column that form around the nerve chord. iii. Pharyngeal slits connect the pharynx, a muscular tube that links the mouth cavity and oesophagus, with the outside. In most vertebrates, the slits do not actually connect to the outside and are better termed as pharyngeal pouches. Pharyngeal 84 pouches are present in the embryos of all vertebrates but re lost later in the development of terrestrial of terrestrial vertebrates. The presence of these structures in all vertebrate embryos provides a clue to the aquatic ancestry of the group. iv. Chordates have a postnatal tail that extends beyond the anus, at least during their embryonic development. Nearly all other animals have a terminal anus. All vertebrates have all four of these characteristics at some time in their lives. For example humans have pharyngeal slits, a dorsal nerve cord, and a notochord as embryo. As adults humans retain only the nerve cord and one pair of pharyngeal slits, which are the Eustachian tubes that connects the throat to the middle ear. Objectives: At the end this lecture you should be able to: i. Distinguish chordates from invertebrates ii. Explain why vertebrates are more successful than invertebrates iii. Describe the characteristics the major of chordates iv. Characterize the classes of phylum chordate 2.0 The Non-vertebrate chordates 2.1 Subphylun Urochordata The urochordates, commonly called tunicates, number some 3000 species. They are found in all seas from shoreline to great depths. Most are sessile as adults, although some are free living. The name tunicate is suggested by the usually tough, non living tunic that surrounds the animal. As adults tunicates are highly specialized chordates, for in most species only larvae forms, which resemble a microscope tadpole, bears the entire chordate hallmark. During adult metamorphosis, the notochord (which in larvae is restricted to the tail, hence 85 the group name urochordata). And tail disappears, while dorsal nerve cord becomes reduced to a single ganglion. Urochordate are traditionally divided into three classes: Ascidiacea, larvacea and Thaliacea. ACTIVITY: Read on the characteristics of the three classes of the urochordates. 2.2 Subphylum Cephalochordata Cephalochordates are marine lancelets: slender, laterally compressed, translucent animals about 5 to 7 cm in length that inhabit sandy bottoms of coastal waters around the world. Lancelets originally bore the generic name Amphioxus later surrendered by priority to Branchiostoma. Amphioxus is especially interesting because it has the four distinctive characteristics of chordates in simple form. No other chordate shows the basic diagnostic characteristic of chordates so well. In addition, to the four chordate anatomical hallmarks, Amphioxus posses several structural features that foretell the vertebrate plan. 2.3 Subphylum Vertebrate The third subphylum of chordates is the largest and diverse Vertebrata. This monophyletic group shares the basic chordate plan characteristics with the other two subphyla, but in addition it reveal novel homologies that other do not share. Vertebrates are chordates with a spinal column. The name vertebrate comes from the individual bony segments that make up the spine, which are called vertebrae. Vertebrates differ from the tunicates and lancelets in two important respects. i. Vertebral column. In vertebrates the notochord becomes surrounded, and then replaced during the course of embryological development by bony vertebral column. 86 ii. Head. In all vertebrates except the earliest fishes, there is a distinct and well differentiated head, with a skull and brain. For this reason, the vertebrate are sometimes called the craniates chordates. In addition to these two key characteristics, vertebrates differ from other chordates in other important respects. i. Neural crest. A unique group of embryonic cells called neural crest contributes to the development of many vertebrate structures. These cells develop on the crest of the neural tube as it forms by invagination and pinching together of the neural plate. Neural crest cells then migrate to various locations in the developing embryo, where they participate in the development of a variety of structures. ii. Internal organs. Among the internal organs of vertebrates, livers, kidneys, and endocrine organs are characteristic of the group. All vertebrates have a heart and a closed circulatory system. iii. Endoskeleton. The endoskeleton of most vertebrate is made up of bone (in a few, like sharks, there is flexible cartilage instead). The vertebrate endoskeleton makes possible the great size and extraordinary powers f movement that characterize this group. iv. Integument. Basically of two divisions, an outer epidermis of stratified epithelium from ectoderm and an inner dermis of connective tissue derived from mesoderm. v. Many muscles. Attached to the skeleton to provide for movement. vi. Complete digestive system. Ventral to the spinal column and provided with a large digestive glands, liver and pancreas. vii. Well developed coelom. Largely filled with visceral systems. 87 viii. Excretory system: consisting of paired kidney (mesonephric type in adults), provided with duct to drain waste to the cloaca or anal region. ix. Highly differentiated brain: 10 or 12 pairs of cranial nerves usually with both motor and sensory functions: a pair of spinal nerves for each primitive myotome; an autonomic nervous system in control of involuntary function of internal organs. Paired special sense organs. x. Endocrine system of ductless glands secreted through the body. xi. Nearly always have separate sexes, each sex containing paired gonads with ducts that discharge their products either into the cloaca or into special openings near the anus. 3.0.Overview of the evolution of vertebrates The first vertebrates evolved about 470 million years ago in the oceans as fishes without jaws or paired fins. Many of them looked like flat hot dog; with a hole in one end and a fin at the other. Jawed fishes became the dominant creatures in the sea, some of them growing larger than cars. Their descendants, the amphibians, invaded the land. Salamander like amphibians and other, much larger now extinct amphibians were the first vertebrate to live successful on land. Amphibians in turn, gave rise to the first reptiles about 300 million years ago. Within 50 million years, reptiles better suited than amphibians to living out of water, replaced them as the dominant land animal on earth. With the success of reptiles, vertebrates truly came to dominate the surface of the earth. Many kids of reptiles evolved, ranging in size from smaller than a chicken to bigger than a truck. Some flew, and others swam. Among them 88 evolved reptiles that gave rise to the two great lines of terrestrial] vertebrates; dinosaurs (and their bird descendants) and mammals. For over 150 million years, dinosaurs dominated the face of the earth. Over all these centuries (over a million centuries) the largest mammals was no bigger than a cat. Then about 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs abruptly disappeared, for reasons that are still hotly debated. Mammals quickly took their place becoming in turn abundant and diverse. Vertebrates are a diverse group, containing members adapted to life in aquatic habitats, on land and in the air. 4.0. Classification of Phylum Chordata There are nine principal classes of living vertebrates. Five of the classes are fishes that live in water, and four are land dwelling tetrapods, animals with four limbs. 4.1. Group Protochordata (Acrania) Subphylum Urochordata (Tunicata). Tunicates: Notochord and nerve cord in free swimming larva only. Ascidian, adults sessile. Encased in tunic. Subphylum Cephalochordata (Amphioxus) Lancelets; Nerve cord and notochord found along entire length of body and persist throughout life. Fish like in form. 89 4.2 Group Craniata 4.2.1 Subphylum Vertebrata Bony or cartilaginous vertebrae surrounding spinal cord (vertebrae absent in agnathans). Notochord only in embryonic stages, persist in some fishes, also may be divided into two groups (super classes) according to presence of jaws. Super class Agnatha (without jaws). Cyclostomata: the hag fishes and lampreys. Without true jaw or paired appendages. Probably a paraphyletic group. Class Myxini. Hag fishes: Terminal mouth with four pairs of tentacles, buccal funnel absent, nasal sac with duct to pharynx, five to 15 pairs of gill pouches, partially hermaphroditic. Class Cephalaspidomorphi (Petromyzones). Lampreys: Suctorial mouth with honry teeth, nasal sac not connected to mouth, seven pairs of gill pouches. Super class Gnathostomata. Jawed fishes: all tetrapods. Have jaws and usually have paired appendages. Class Chondrichthytes. Cartilaginous fishes (sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras). Cartilaginous skeleton, teeth not fused to jaws and usually replaced. Five to seven gills with separate openings, no operculum, no swim bladder. Class Actinopterygii. Ray finned bony fishes. Ossified skeleton, single gill opening covered by operculum. Paired fins supported primarily by dermal rays. Limb musculature within body. Swim bladder mainly a hydrostatic organ, if present. 90 Class Sarcopterygii. Lobe finned bony fishes. Ossified skeleton, single opening covered by operculum, paired fins with sturdy internal skeleton and musculature within the limb. Diphercercal tail. usually with lung like swim bladder. Class Amphibia. Amphibians. Ectothermic tetrapods, respiration by lungs, gills, or skin. Development through larval stages, skin moist containing mucous glands and lacking scales. Class Reptilia. Reptiles: Ectothermic tetrapods possessing lungs embryo develops within shelled egg. No larval stages. Skin dry, lacking mucous glands, and covered by epidermal scales. A paraphyletic group. Class Aves. Birds: Endothermic vertebrates with front limbs modified for flight, body covered with feathers, scales on feet. Class Mammalia. Mammals: Endothermic vertebrates, possessing mammary glands, body more or less covered with hair. Well developed brain. ACTIVITY: Read on the ecology and the economic importance of the various classes in the phylum Chordata. SUMMARY 91 Phylum Chordata is named for the rod like notochord that forms a stiffening body axis at some stage in the life cycle of every chordate. All chordates share four distinctive hallmarks that set them apart from all other phyla: notochord, dorsal tubular nerve cord, pharyngeal pouches, and postnatal tail. Two of the three chordate subphyla are invertebrates and lack a well developed head. They are Urochordata (tunicates) and Cephalochordata (lancelets). Chordates have evolutionary affinities to echinoderms. Chordates have a greater fundamental unity of organs systems and body plan than many invertebrate phyla. Subphylum vertebrate includes the backboned members of the animal kingdom. The living jawless vertebrates: hagfishes and lampreys, actually lack vertebrae but are included with the vertebrates because they share numerous homologies. As a group vertebrate are characterized by having a well developed head and by their comparatively large size, high degree of motility and distinctive body plan, which embodies several distinguishing features that permitted their exceptional adaptive radiation. Most important of these are living endoskeleton, which allow continuous growth and provides a study frame work for efficient muscle attachment and action. A pharynx perforated with slits with vastly increased respiratory efficiency. A complex nervous system with clear separation of brain and spinal cord and possession paired limbs for locomotion efficiency. Self Assessment Questions 1. What are the four primary characteristics of the chordates? 2. What re the three subphyla of chordates? Give example of ach. 3. List the classes of vertebrates and give examples of each. 4. Distinguish mammals from other classes. 92 REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. Mader, S.S. (1996) Biology. 5Th Edition. Wm. Brown Publishers. Boston. 908pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. 93 LECTURE NINE CELL BIOLOGY 1.0.Introduction In lecture 1.3 we were introduced to ancient cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In the present we are going to learn on some basic principles of cell biology. All organisms are composed of cells. Some organisms are made up of a single cell too small to be seen with unaided eye. While others are, like human beings are composed of many cells. Cells are the smallest living things, the basic unit of organization of all organisms. In the present lecture we will take a close look at the structure of cells, how they communicate with the environment, grow and reproduce. The general plan of cellular organization varies in the cells of different organisms, but despite these modifications, all cells resemble each other in certain fundamental ways. In terms of structural organization cells can be divided into two groups; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryote cells include bacteria, blue green algae, and mycoplasma. Eukaryotic type of cells is found in organisms such as fungi, plants and animals. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the present chapter you should be able to i. Describe the structure of the cell ii. Explain how cell communicate with the environment iii. Explain how cells grow 94 iv. Describe cells reproduce 2.0 Prokaryotic cells Prokaryotic cells are simple cells, their organization is fundamentally similar. They are small cells surrounded by a membrane and enclosed within a rigid cell wall, with no distinct interior compartments. Sometimes bacterial cells adhere in chains or masses, but the individual cells function independently of another. Most prokaryote are enclosed by a strong cell wall composed of peptidoglycan. No type of eukartotic cells possesses cell walls with this type of chemical composition. Bacteria may be classified into two type’s base on differences in their cell wall detected by the Gram staining procedure. Gram positive bacteria have a thick, single layered cell wall that retains the Gram stain within the cell, causing the stained cell to appear purple under a microscope. Gram negative bacteria have a multi layered wall which does not retain the Gram stain. The susceptibility of bacteria to antibiotics often depends on the structure of their cell walls. Prokaryotes have simple internal organization, there are few if any internal compartments such as simple organelles like ribosomes. Most have no membrane bounded organelles, they do have true nucleus. The entire cytoplasm of the prokaryotic cell is one unit with no internal support structures. The strength of the cell comes from the rigid cell wall. Have one chromosome, a simple circle of DNA. Some prokaryotes have a flagellum (plural flagella) 95 which is used for movement. They may be one or more per cell or none, depending on the species. Only few eukaryotic cells have flagella. 2.1 Eukaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells are far more complex than prokaryotic cells. The have internal compartmentalization. The interior of eukaryotic cells contain numerous organelles, membranes bounded structures that close off compartments within which multiple biochemical processes can proceed simultaneously and independently. Plant cells often have a large membrane bounded sac called a central vacuole, which stores proteins, pigments and waste materials. Both plant and animal cells contain vesicles, smaller sacs that store and transport a variety of materials. Inside the nucleus, the DNA is wound tightly around protein packaged units called chromosomes. All eukaryotic cells are supported by an internal protein scaffold, the cytoskeleton. While the cells of animals and some protistis lack cell walls, the cells of fungi, plants and many protistis have strong cell walls composed of cellulose or chitin fibres embedded in a matrix of other polysaccharide and proteins. This composition is very different from the peptidoglycan that makes up the bacterial cell walls. Let as know examine the structure and function of the internal components of eukaryotic cells in more details. The Nucleus 96 The largest and easily seen organelle, the nucleus is the storehouse of the genetic information that directs all of the activities of a living eukaryotic cell. Most eukaryotes posses a single nucleus although, the cells of fungi and some other groups, may have several to many nuclei. Mammalian erythrocytes (red blood cells) lose their nuclei when they mature. Many nuclei exhibits a dark stain zone called the nucleolus, which is the region where intensive synthesis of ribosomal RNA is taking place. The Nuclear Envelope The surface of the nucleus is bounded by two phospholipid bi-layer membranes, which together make yup the nuclear envelope. The outer membrane of the nuclear envelope is continuous with the cytoplasm’s interior membrane system, called the endoplasmic reticulum. Scattered over the surface of the nuclear envelope like craters on the moon, are shallow depressions called nuclear pores. Nuclear pores are filled with proteins that act as molecular channels, permitting certain molecules to pass into and out of the nucleus. The chromosomes: Packing DNA In both prokaryote and eukaryotes, DNA contains the hereditary specifying cell structures and function. However, unlike the DNA of prokaryotes, The DNA of eukaryotes is divided into several linear chromosomes. The chromosomes are associated with packaging proteins called histones. The Endoplasmic Reticulum The largest of internal membranes is called the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). ER is composed of a lipid bi-layer embedded with proteins. It weaves in sheets of through the interior of the cell, creating a series of channels and interconnections between its folds. The 97 ribosome rich regions of the ER appear rough, like the surface of sandpaper and they are therefore called the rough ER. The ER region is devoted to protein synthesis. The regions of the ER with relatively few bound ribosomes are referred to as smooth ER. The membranes of the smooth ER contain many embedded enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of a variety of carbohydrates and lipids. The Golgi apparatus: Delivery system of the cell Occurs at various locations within the endomembrane system, they are flattened stacks of membranes called Golgi bodies, which are found often interconnected with each other. The number of Golgi bodies a cell contains ranges from one or few in protists, to 20 or more in animal cells and several hundreds in plant cells. They are especially abundant in glandular cells, which manufacture and secrete substances. Collectively the Golgi bodies are referred to as the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus is the delivery system of the cell. It collects, packages, modifies, and distributes molecules that are synthesised at one location within the cell and used at another. Proteins and lipids manufactured on the rough and smooth ER membranes are transported and modified through the Golgi apparatus. Vesicles: Enzyme store houses. Lysosomes, membrane bounded digestive vesicles, are also components of the endomembrane system and seem to arise from the Golgi apparatus. They contain in a concentrated mix the digestive enzymes of the cell, which catalyze the rapid breakdown of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates. In addition to breaking down organelles and other structures within cells, lysosomes also eliminate particles (including other cells) that cells have engulfed in a process called phagocytosis. 98 Peroxisomes (Detoxifiers of Hydrogen peroxide), contain enzymes that catalyzes the removal of electrons and associated hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen Peroxide is dangerous to cells because of its violent chemical reactivity. Peroxomes contain the enzyme catalase, which breaks down hydrogen Peroxide into harmless water and oxygen. Ribosomes: Sites of Protein Synthesis Ribosomes provide a frame work for protein synthesis in the cytoplasm. During protein synthesis, ribosomes attaches to the messenger RNA (mRNA) transcribed from a gene and use the information to direct the synthesis of a protein. Ribosomes are made up of several molecules of a special form of RNA called ribosomal RNA or rRNA, bound within a complex of several dozens different proteins. Ribosomes are among the most complex molecular assemblies found in cells. Bacterial ribosomes are smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes. Organelles that contain DNA Among the most interesting cell organelles are those in addition to the nucleus that contain DNA: Mitochondria, Chloroplasts and Centrioles. Mitochondria are typically tubular or sausage shaped organelles about the size of bacteria and found in all types of eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria re bounded by two membranes: a smooth outer membrane and an inner one folded into numerous contiguous layers called cristae. The cristae partition the mitochondrion into two compartments: a matrix, lying inside the inner membranes and an outer compartment, or intermediate space lying between the two mitochondrial membranes. On the surface of the inner membranes, and also submerged within it, are proteins that carry 99 out oxidative metabolism, the oxygen requiring process by which energy in macromolecules is stored in ATP. Chloroplast: where photosynthesis takes. The photosynthetic cells of plants and other organisms that carry out photosynthesis (using light energy to manufacture organic molecules) typically contain from one to several hundred chloroplasts. The Chloroplast contains the pigment chlorophyll that gives most plants their green colour. The chloroplast body is enclosed, like the mitochondrion, within two membranes that resemble that of mitochondria. However, chloroplast is larger and more complex than mitochondria. In addition to the outer and inner membranes, which lie in close association with each other, chloroplast have a closed compartment of stacked membranes called grana (singular granum), which lie internal to the inner membrane. A chloroplast may contain a hundred or more grana, and each granum may contain from few to several dozens disk shaped structures called thylakoids. On the surface of the thylakoids are the light-capturing photosynthetic pigments. Surrounding the thylakoids is a fluid matrix called stroma. Like mitochondria, chloroplast contain DNA, but many of the genes that specify chloroplast components are also located in the nucleus. Centrioles: Microtubules Assembly Centres, are barel shaped organelles found in cells of animals and most protists, they occur in pairs. The pair is refereed to as centrosome. At least one centriole contains DNA, which apparently is evolved in producing their structural proteins. Centrioles help to assemble microtubules. Microtubules influence cell shape, 100 moves the chromosomes in cell division and provide the functional internal structure of flagella and cilia. The Cytoskeleton: Frame work of the Cell The cytoplasm of all cells is crisscrossed by a network of proteins fibres that support the shape of the cells and anchors organelles to fixed locations. This network is called the cytoskeleton. Individual fibres form by polymerization as identical protein subunits attract one another chemically and spontaneously assemble into long chains. Fibres disassembles in the same way as subunit after another breaks away from one end of the chain. Cells from plants and animals contain three types of cytoskeleton fibres, each formed from a different kind of subunit. Actin filament, Microtubules and Intermediate filaments. SUMMARY The cell is the smallest unit of life. All living things are made up of cells. The cell sib composed of a nuclear region, which holds the hereditary apparatus, enclosed within the cytoplasm. In all cells cytoplasm is bounded by a membrane of phospholipid and protein. Eukaryotic cells are far more complex than prokaryotic cells. A eukaryotic cell is organized into three principal zones the nucleus, the cytoplasm and the plasma membrane. Located in the cytoplasm are numerous organelles that which perform specific functions for the cell. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are part of the energy processing systems. Self Assessment Questions 1. How are prokaryotes different from prokaryotes? 2. What is endoplasmic reticulum? 101 3. Describe the basic structure of mitochondria? 4. What of eukaryotic cells contain mitochondria? 5. What type of eukaryotic cells contains chloroplast? REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. Mader, S.S. (1996) Biology. 5Th Edition. Wm. Brown Publishers. Boston. 908pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. 102 LECTURE TEN BASIC BIOLOGY OF VIRUSES BACTERIA AND FUNGI 1.0 Introduction The present lecture offer students an introduction to the vast knowledge of viruses, bacteria and fungi. Viruses which are not cells have been of inestimable importance in the development of biochemistry and molecular biology. These relatively simple systems have helped biologist to understand the working of more complex organisms and have also provided the biological tools to engineer cellular activities for human purpose. Many people think of Bacteria as the germs that cause disease. However, most bacteria do not cause disease. Bactria help to recycle vital chemicals in the ecosystem, therefore, they are essential for the well being of l[all organisms. Fungi were once classified as plants as plants. However, close examination shows that fungi and plants do not share enough similarities to be classified in the same kingdom. Characteristics of that distinguishes from 103 plants include cell walls composed of chitin, multinucleated cells, lack of chlorophyll and differences in spore structure. OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lecture you should be able to: i. Describe the basic biology of viruses, bacteria and fungi ii. Distinguish prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells iii. Discuss the importance of bacteria and viruses to health and biotechnology iv. Discuss the importance of fungi to animal and plant health. 2.0 VIRUSES Viruses are not considered to be living organisms, as they cannot reproduce independently and can only replicate themselves by gaining entry into a cell and using that cell machinery. A virus is more accurately considered a detached fragment of a genome. Because of their disease producing potential, viruses are important biological entities. Viruses cause AIDS, polio, flu and many other important human and plant diseases. Viruses are made of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Many animal viruses form an envelope around the capsid rich in protein, lipids and glycoprotein molecules. Individual kind of viruses contains only a single type of nucleic acid, ether DNA or RNA. They are able to reproduce because they carry genes that are translated into proteins by the cells genetic machinery, proteins that lead to the production of more viruses. Viruses also lack ribosomes and all of the enzymes necessary for protein synthesis and energy metabolism. 104 The simple structure of viruses, the large numbers that are produced in an infection of a cell, and the fact that their genes are related to those of their hosts have led many scientists to study viruses in attempts to unravel the nature of genes and how they work. In future it is expected that viruses will be one of the principal tools used to experimentally carry genes from one organism to another. 2.1The structure of viruses The simplest viruses consist of a single molecule of nucleic acid surrounded by a capsid, which is made up of one to a few different protein molecules repeated many times. In more complex viruses, there may be several different kinds of molecules of either DNA or RNA in each virus particles and many different kinds of proteins. Most viruses have rod like or threads like appearance. Isometric viruses have a roughly spherical shape. Most viruses are icosahedral in basic structure. It is the most efficient symmetrical arrangement that linear subunits can take to form a shell with maximum internal capacity. 2.2.Bacteriophages Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. They are diverse both in structure and function and can be found only in bacterial hosts. Many of these bacteriophages are large and complex, with relatively large amount of of DNA and proteins. Some of them have been named as members of the “T” series. The T-series bacteriophages are all virulent viruses, multiplying within infected cells and eventually lysing (rupturing) them. 2.3.Diseases viruses Among the diseases that viruses cause are influenza, small pox, infectious hepatitis, yellow fever, polio rabies, and AIDs, as well as many other diseases not well known. Viruses not 105 only cause human diseases but also cause major losses in agriculture, forestry and in the productivity of natural ecosystems. 2.4.Viroids Viroids are tiny naked molecules of RNA, only a few hundreds nucleotides long, that are important infectious disease agents in plants. A recent viroid outbreak killed over ten million coconut palms in the Philippines. It is not clear how viroids cause disease. However, one important evidence is that viroid nucleotides sequence resembles the sequence of introns within ribosomal RNA genes. These sequences are capable of catalysing excision from DNA. 3.0.BACTERIA The simplest organisms living on earth today are bacteria, and biologists think they closely resemble the first living organisms to evolve on earth. Too small to see with unaided eye, bacteria are most abundant of all organisms are the only one characterized with prokaryotic cellular organizations. Life on earth could not exist without bacteria. Bacteria make possible many of essential functions of the ecosystems, including the capture of nitrogen from the atmosphere, and in many aquatic communities, photosynthesis. Indeed bacteria photosynthesis is thought to have been responsible for generating much the oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere, Bacteria are also responsible for many serious human diseases. An understanding of bacteria is thus essential for both scientific and practical reasons. 106 3.1 Prokaryotes versus Eukaryotes Prokaryotes or bacteria differ from eukaryotes in numerous important points. These differences represent some of the most fundamental distinctions that separate any group of organisms. i. Multicellularity: All bacteria are fundamentally single celled. Eukaryotes are multicellular. ii. Cell size: Most bacterial cells are one micrometer or less in diameter. Most Eukaryotic cells are well over 10 times that size. iii. Chromosome: Eukaryotic cells have a membrane bound nucleus containing chromosome made up of nucleic acids and protein. Bacteria do not have membrane bound nucleus. Have naked circular DNA localized in a zone of the cytoplasm called the nucleoid. iv. Cell division and genetic recombination: Cell division in eukaryotes takes place by mitosis and involves spindles made up of microtubules. Cell division in bacterial takes place mainly by binary fission. True sexual reproduction occurs only in eukaryotic cells and involves syngamy and meiosis, with alternation of diploid and haploid forms. Despite lack of sexual reproduction bacteria do have mechanisms that lead to the transfer of genetic material. v. Internal compartmentalization: The cytoplasm of bacteria unlike that of eukaryotes contains no internal compartments or cytoskeleton and no organelles except ribosomes. vi. Flagella: Bacterial flagella are simple, composed of single fibre of the protein flagellin. Eukaryotic flagella and cilia are complex and have 9 + 2 structure of microtubules. 107 vii. Metabolic diversity: In photosynthetic eukaryotes, the enzymes for photosynthesis are packed in membrane bound organelles. Only one kind of photosynthesis occurs in eukaryotes, and involves the release of oxygen. In photosynthetic bacteria, the enzymes for photosynthesis are bound to cell the membrane. These bacterial have several different patterns of anaerobic and anaerobic photosynthesis, involving the formation of end products such as sulphur, sulphate and oxygen. 3.2.The structure of bacteria Bacterial cell walls are usually made up of peptidoglycan. Bacteria are mostly simple in form, varying mainly from straight and rod-shaped (bacilli) or spherical (cocci) to long and spirally coiled (spirilla). Some bacteria form branched filaments or form erect structures that release spores. Some rod shaped and spherical bacteria, adhere end to end after they have divided, forming chains. Bacteria have slender, rigid, helical flagella. Flagella may be distributed all over the surface of the bacterium in which they occur, or may be confined to one or both ends of the cell. Pili are other kinds of hair-like outgrowth that occur on the cells of some bacteria. They are shorter than flagella, pili help the bacterial cell to attach to appropriate substrate and exchange genetic information. The number and arrangement of flagella and pili are useful aids in bacterial identification. Some bacteria form thick walled endospores around their chromosomes and a small portion of the surrounding cytoplasm when they are exposed to nutrient-poor condition. These endospores are highly resistant to environmental stress, especially heat, and can germinate to form new individual after decades or even centuries. 108 The internal structure of the bacteria cell is basically the prokaryotic cell organization. Bacterial cells lack nuclei and do not carry out mitosis, instead dividing by transverse binary fusion. Bacteria cells lack the extensive functional compartmentalization seen within eukaryotic cells. 3.3 Kinds of Bacteria As we learned in lecture 1.3.2 bacteria is split into two lines early in the history of life, so different in structure and metabolism that they are as different from each other as either is from eukaryotes. The differences are so fundamental that biologist assign the two groups of bacteria to separate domains. One domain consists of the archaebacteria (ancient bacteria) The only survivors are confined to extreme environments that may resemble habitats on the early earth. The other more ancient domain consists of the eubacteria (true bacteria). It includes nearly all of the named species of bacteria. Archaebacteria and eubacteria differ in four ways. i. Cell wall: the cell wall of eubacteria is constructed of carbohydrates-protein complexes called peptidoglycan. The cell wall of archaebacteria lack peptidoglycan. ii. Plasma membrane: the plasma membranes of eubacteria and archaebacteria are made up of very different kinds of lipids. iii. Gene translation machinery: Eubacteria possess ribosomal proteins and an RNA polymerase that are distinctly different from eukaryotes. However, the ribosomal proteins and RNA of archaebacteria are very similar to those of eukaryotes. iv. Gene architecture: The genes of eubacteria are not interrupted by introns, while at least some of the genes of archaebacteria do possess introns. 109 ACTIVITY: Read on the major groups of bacteria, giving typical examples and key characteristics. 3.4 Economic importance of Bacteria Bacteria are responsible for creating the properties of the atmosphere and the soil over billion of years. Many bacteria are autotrophic, either photosynthetic or chemoautotrophic and make major contribution to the world carbon balance in terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats. Others are heterotrophic and play a key role in world ecology by breaking down organic compounds. Some of these heterotrophic bacteria cause major diseases of plants and animals, including humans. One of the most important roles of bacteria in the world ecosystem relates to the fact that only a few genera of bacteria and no other organisms have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen and thus makes it available for use by other organisms. Bacteria are very important in many industrial processes; bacteria are now used in production of acetic acid and vinegar, various amino acids and enzymes, and especially in the fermentation of lactose into lactic acid, which coagulates milk protein and is used in the production of almost all cheese, yogurt, and similar products. Many of the mostly widely used antibiotics, including streptomycin, aureomycin, and chloromycetin are derived from bacteria. Genetic engineering methods are being applied to produce improve strains of bacteria for commercial use. Bacillus thuringiensis attacks insects in nature, and improved, highly specific strains of B. thuringiensis have greatly increased its usefulness as a biological control agent. 110 Many costly diseases of plants are associated with particular heterotrophic bacteria. Almost every kind of plant is susceptible to one or more kinds of bacterial disease. The symptoms of these diseases vary, but they are commonly manifested as spots of various sizes on the stems, leaves, flowers or fruits. Fire blight, which destroys pears, apple trees, and related plants, is a well known example of bacterial disease. Bacteria causes many diseases in humans, including cholera, leprosy, tetanus, bacterial pneumonia, whooping cough, and diphtheria. Members of the genus Streptococcus are associated with scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, pneumonia and other infections. Tuberculosis another bacterial disease is still a leading cause of death in humans. Some sexually transmitted disease are also caused by bacteria, these include gonorrhoea, syphilis, and Chlamydia. 4.0 FUNGI Of all the bewildering variety of organisms that live on earth, perhaps the most, unusual, the most peculiarity different from ourselves, are the fungi. The Fungi is a distinct kingdom of organisms, comprising about 77,000 named species. Although fungi have traditionally been included in the plant kingdom, they lack chlorophyll and resemble plants only in their general appearance and lack of mobility. Significant difference between fungi and plants include the following: Fungi are heterotrophy no fungi carry out photosynthesis, fungi have filamentous bodies, fungi have non motile sperm some plants have motile sperm with flagella, fungi have cell walls made up of chitin and fungi have nuclear mitosis the nuclear envelop does not break down and reform, instead mitosis takes place within the nucleus. 111 4.1 The structure of fungi Fungi exist in form of filamentous, barely visible to the naked eye, which are called hyphae (singular hypha). These hyphae may be divided into cells by cross walls called septa (singular septum).A mass of hyphae is called a mycelium (r-plural mycelium). This mycelium grows through and penetrates its substrate resulting in unique relationship between the fungus and its environment. 4.2 Fungi reproduction Fungi reproduce sexually after two hyphae of opposite mating type fuse. Asexual reproduction by spores is a second common means of reproduction. 4.3 Nutrition Fungi obtain their food by secreting digestive enzymes into their surroundings and then absorbing back into the fungus the organic molecules produced by this external digestion. Many fungi are able to break between glucose subunits and then absorbing the molecules as food. Other fungi are predators. 4.4 Fungi classification There are four groups of fungi: Phylum Zygomycota, the zygomycetes. Phlum Ascomycta, the ascomycetes and the basidiomycetes. The groups of fungi are distinguished primarily by their sexual reproduction structures. In the zygomcetes the fusion of hyphae leads directly to the formation of a zygote, which divides by meiosis when it germinates. In the other two phyla, an extensive growth of dikaryotic hyphae within which are formed the distinctive king of reproductive cells characteristic of a particular group. 112 4.5 Economic importance of Fungi Some species of Penicilium are sources of the well known antibiotic penicillin, and other species of the genus give the characteristic flavours and aromas to cheeses. Citric acid is produced commercially with members of this genus under highly acidic conditions. Fungi cause skin diseases in humans, including athlete foot and ringworms. SUMMARY Viruses are not living organisms, they cannot reproduce outside of living cells, since they lack the machinery to do so. Viruses detached fragments of bacterial or eukaryotes genomes that are able to replicate within cells by using the genetic machinery of those cells. Viruses are basically either helical or isometric. Most isometric viruses are icosahedral. Viruses are responsible for many human and plant diseases. Bacteria are oldest and simplest organisms, but they are metabolically much more diverse than all other living organisms. Bacteria [lay vital roles in cycling nutrients within ecosystems. Certain bacteria are the only organisms able to fix atmospheric nitrogen into organic molecules, a process on which all life’s depends. Bacteria differ from eukaryotes in many ways, the most important of which concern the degree of internal organization within the cells. Most bacteria have cell walls that consist of network of a network of polysaccharides molecules connected by polypeptide cross-links. In gram negative bactreria, an outer membrane containing lies over a thin peptidoglycan layer. Gram positive bacteria lack this membrane but have a thicker peptodoglycan. Bacteria a rod shaped (bacilli) or spiral (spirilla) in form. Bacilli or cocci may adhere in small groups or chains. A bacteria cell does not posses a membrane bounded nucleus but it may exhibit a nucleod region where the bacterial DNA is 113 located. The two kingdoms Archaebteria and eubacteria, are made up of the prokaryotes, or bacteria. Some heterotrophy bacteria cause major diseases. The fungi are distinct kingdom of eukaryotic organisms characterized by a filamentous growth form, lack of chlorophyll and motile cells, chitin-rich cell walls and external digestion of food by the secretion of enzymes. Together with bacteria are the decomposers of the biosphere. Fungal filaments called hyphae collectively make up the fungus body which is called the mycelium. There are three types of fungi: Zygomycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. The yeast are a group of unicellular, mostly ascomycetes. They are commercially important of their roles in baking and fermentation. Self Assessment Questions 1. Why are viruses not considerdd as living organisms 2. What is a bacteriophage? 3. What type of microscope is generally required to visualize a virus particle? 4. How are different species of bacteria recognized? 5. How do Arhaebacteria differ from Eubacteria? 6. What is the composition of fungal cell wall? 7. Fungi are nomotile how are they dispersed to new areas? REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. 114 Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. Mader, S.S. (1996) Biology. 5Th Edition. Wm. Brown Publishers. Boston. 908pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. LECTURE ELEVEN ELEMENTS OF BIOENERGETICS AND BIOCHEMISTRY 1.0. Introduction The aim of this is lecture to provide an elementary account of biochemistry. This lecture is made up selected topics of some importance in biochemistry. Life can be viewed as a constant flow of energy, channelled by organisms to do the work of living. Each of the significant properties by which we define life: order, growth, reproduction, responsiveness, and internal regulation require a constant supply of energy. Life stops if deprived of a source of energy. Therefore a comprehensive study of life would impossible without 115 discussing bioenergetics, the analysis of energy power activities of living systems. In this lecture we will focus on what it is and how organisms capture, store, and use it. OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lecture you should be able to i. State the laws of thermodynamics ii. Define free energy iii. Describe how enzyme works iv. Explain how ATP stores and power energy requiring reactions v. Discuss the organizational units of metabolism. 2.0. The Flow of Energy in Living Things Energy is defined as the capacity to work. It exists in two states. Kinetic energy (the energy of motion) and Potential energy (stored energy). There are many forms of energy: mechanical energy, heat, sound electric current, light or radioactive radiation. There are many ways to measure energy. The most convenient is in terms of heat because all other forms of energy can be converted into heat. The study of energy is called thermodynamics, meaning heat change. The unit of heat most commonly used is the kilocalorie (kcal). One kilocalorie is equal 1000 calories (cal), and one calorie is the heat required to raise the temperature of one gram by of water one degree Celsius (ºC). Energy flow into the biological world from the sun, it is estimated that the sun provide the earth with more than 13 x 1023 calories per year, or 40 billion calories per second. Plants, algae and some certain bacteria capture a fraction of this energy through photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy garnered from sunlight is used to combine small molecules (water 116 carbon dioxide) into more complex molecules (sugars). The energy is stored as covalent bonds between atoms in the sugar molecules.Breaking such a bond require energy to pull nuclei apart. It takes 98.8 kcal to break one mole (6.023 x 1023) of carbon-hydrogen bond. 2.1 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions During a chemical reaction, the energy stored in chemical bonds may transfer to new bonds. In some of these reactions, electrons actually pass from one atom or molecule to another. When an atom or molecules loses an electron, it is said to be oxidized, and the process which occurs is called oxidation. On the other hand, when an atom or molecules gains an electron, it is said to be reduced, and the process is called reduction. Therefore, chemical reactions of this sort are called oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions. Energy is transferred from one molecule to the other via redox reaction. 3.0 The laws of thermodynamics Activities such as running, thinking, singing, reading all involve energy changes. A set of universal law we call the laws of thermodynamics govern all energy changes in the universe, from nuclear reaction to the buzzing of a bee. 3.1 The First law of Thermodynamics The first law of thermodynamics states that “energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only undergo conversion change from one form to another”. This means that the total amount of 117 energy in the universe remains constant, it can change from potential energy to kinetic energy but it cannot be destroyed. 3.2 The second law of Thermodynamics The second law states that “disorder (entropy) in the universe is increasing”. For example, it is much more likely that a column of bricks will tumble over than that a pile of bricks will arrange themselves spontaneously to form a column. In general, energy transformation proceed spontaneously to convert matter from a more ordered less stable form, to a less ordered more stable form. 4.0..Entropy Entropy is a measure of disorder of a system, so the second law of thermodynamics can stated as simply as “entropy increases.” When the universe formed 10 t0 20 billion years a go, it held all the potential energy it will ever have. It has become progressively more disordered ever since, with energy exchange increasing the amount of entropy in the universe. Free energy Free energy is the energy available to do work. In a molecule within a cell, where energy is donated by the symbol G (for “Gibb’s free energy”, which limits the system being considered to the cell). G is equal to the energy contained in a molecule’s chemical bond (called enthalpy and designated H) minus the energy available because of disorder (called entropy and given the symbol S) times the absolute temperature T in degrees Kelvin (K = ºC + 273): G = H – TS 118 When chemical reaction occurs under condition of constant temperature, pressure and volume as do most biological reactions the change in free energy (∆G) is simply: ∆G = ∆H - T∆S The change in free energy is a fundamental property of chemical reactions. In some reactions the ∆G is positive. This means that the products of the reaction contain more free energy than the reactants; the bond energy (H) is higher or the disorder (S) in the system is lower. Such reactions do not proceed spontaneously. They require an input of energy and thus endergonic (inward energy). In other reactions, the ∆G is negative. The product of the reaction contains less free energy than the reactants, either. Either the reactions tend to proceed spontaneously. Any chemical reaction will tend to proceed spontaneously if the difference in disorder (∆S) is greater than the difference in bond energies between reactants and products (∆H). These reactions release excess free energy as heat and are thus exergonic (outward energy). The rate of a reaction depends on the activation energy necessary to initiate it. Catalysts reduce the activation energy and so increase the rates of reaction. Although they do not change the final proportions of reactants. 5.0 ENZYMES Enzymes are biological catalysts. The chemical reactions within living organisms are regulated by controlling the points at which catalysis takes place. Life itself is, therefore controlled by catalysts. The agents that carry out most of the catalysts in living organisms are proteins called enzymes. Thousands of different kinds of enzymes are known each catalysing one or a few specific chemical reaction. Different types of cells contain different 119 enzymes of enzymes, and this difference contributes to structural and functional variation among cell types. 5.1 How enzymes work Most proteins are globular with one or more pockets or clefts on surface called active sites. Substrate binds to the enzyme at these active sites forming an enzyme-substrate complex. For catalysis to occur within the complex, a substrate molecule must fit precisely into a n active site. When that happens, amino acid of enzymes ends up in close proximity to certain to certain bonds of the substrate. This side group interacts chemically with the substrate, usually stressing or distorting a particular bond and consequently lowering the activation energy needed to break the bond. The substrate now a product dissociate from the bond. 5.2 Factors affecting Enzyme activity Any chemical or physical factor that alters an enzyme’s three-dimensional shape, such as temperature, ph, salt concentration, and the binding of specific regulatory molecules can affect the enzyme ability to catalyze a reaction. Temperature Increases in temperature increase the rate of a reaction. The rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions also increases with temperature, but only up to a point known as temperature optimum. Above the optimum temperature enzymes are denatured. pH 120 Ionic interactions between oppositely charged amino acids residues such as glutamic acid (negative) and lysine (positive) also hold enzyme together. These enzymes are sensitive to the hydrogen ion concentration of the fluid the enzyme is dissolved in, because changing that concentration shifts the balance between positively and negatively charged amino acid residues. For this reason, most enzymes have a pH optimum that usually ranges from pH 6 to 8. Inhibitors and activators Enzyme activity is sensitive to the presence of specific substances that are bind to the enzyme and cause changes in its shape. Through these substances, a cell is able to regulate which enzymes are active and which are inactive at a particular time. A substance that binds to an enzyme and decreases its activity is called an inhibitor. Enzyme inhibition in two ways: competitive inhibitor competes with the substrate for the same binding site, displacing a percentage of substrate molecules from the enzyme. Non-competitive inhibitors bind to the enzyme in location other than the active sites, changing the shape of the enzyme and making it unable to bind the substrate. Most non-competitive inhibitors bind to a specific portion of the enzyme called an allosteric site. A substance that binds to an allosteric site and reduces enzyme activity is called an allosteric inhibitor. Alternatively, activities bind to allosteric sites and keep the enzyme in their active configuration, thereby increasing enzyme activity. 6.0.Enzyme Cofactors Enzyme faction is always assisted by additional chemical components known as cofactors. When the cofactor is a non-protein organic molecule, it is called a coenzyme. Many 121 vitamins are parts of coenzymes. In numerous oxidation-reduction reactions that are catalyzed by enzymes, the electrons pass in pairs from the active site of the enzyme to a coenzyme that serves as the electron acceptor. The coenzyme then transfers the electron to a different enzyme, which release them (and the energy they carry) to the substrate in another reaction. Often the electron pair with proton (H+) as hydrogen atoms. In this way, coenzymes shuttle energy in the form of hydrogen from one enzyme to another in a cell. One of the most important coenzyme is hydrogen acceptor nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). When NAD+ acquires an electron and a hydrogen atom from the active site of an enzyme, it is reduced to NADH. The NADH molecule now carries two energetic electrons and the proton. The oxidation of energy containing molecules, which provides energy to cells, involves stripping electrons from those molecules donating them to NAD+. NOTE: Not all biological catalysts are proteins. The ability of RNA, an informational molecule to act as a catalyst has stirred great excitement among biologist. It seems RNA evolved first and catalyzed the formation of the first proteins. 7.0.What is ATP The chief energy source of all cells is a molecule called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Most of the energy that plant harvest during photosynthesis is channelled into ATP production. Likewise, most of the energy stored in fat and starch is used for ATP production. Cells use the their supply of ATP to power almost every energy requiring 122 process they carry out, from supplying activation energy for chemical reactions and actively transporting substances across membranes to moving through their environment. ACTIVITY: With aid of a diagram describe the structure of the ATP molecule How ATP store energy The key to how ATP stores energy lies in its triphosphate group. Phosphate groups are highly negatively charged, so they repel one another strongly, therefore unstable. The unstable bonds holding the phosphate together in the ATP molecules have low activation energy and are easily broken. When they break they can transfer a considerable amount of energy. The instability of its phosphate bonds makes ATP an excellent energy donor. 8.0 Biochemical Pathways Biochemical pathways can be referred to as the organizational units of metabolism. The total of all chemical reactions carried out by an organism, is called metabolism. Those reactions expend energy to make or transform chemical bonds are called anabolic reactions, or anabolism. Reactions that harvest energy when chemical bonds are broken are called catabolic reactions, or catabolism. Organisms contain thousands of different kinds of enzymes that catalyze a bewildering variety of reactions. Many of these reactions in a cell occur in sequences called biochemical pathways. In such pathways the product of one reaction becomes the substrate for the next. Biochemical pathways are the organizational units of metabolism, the elements an organism controls to achieve coherent metabolic activity.. Most sequential 123 enzyme steps in biochemical pathways takes place in specific compartments of the cell. The steps of citric acid cycle for example, occur inside the mitochondria. SUMMARY Energy is the capacity to bring about change, to provide motion against a force, or to do work. Kinetic energy is actively engaged in doing work, while potential energy has the capacity to do so. Many energy transformations of living things involve transformation of potential energy into kinetic energy. An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is one in which an electron is taken from one atom or molecules (oxidation) and donated to another (reduction). The first law of thermodynamics states that amount energy in the universe is constant; energy is neither lost nor created. The second law of thermodynamics states that disorder in the universe (entropy) tends to increase. As a result energy spontaneously converts to less –ordered forms. The rate of a reaction depends on the amount of activation energy required to break existing bonds. Catalysis is the process of lowering activation energy by stressing chemical bonds. Enzymes are biological catalysts. ATP is the energy currency of life. Metabolism is the chemical life of a cell. Self Assessment Questions 1. What is the difference between anabolism and catabolism? 2. Define oxidation and reduction reactions. 3. State the first and second law of thermodynamics. 4. What is free energy? 5. Distinguish between exergonic and endergonic reactions. 6. Define activation energy 124 7. How does the rates of enzyme catalysed reactions affected by temperature? 8. What is ATP? 9. What is biochemical Pathway? REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. Mader, S.S. (1996) Biology. 5Th Edition. Wm. Brown Publishers. Boston. 908pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. 125 LECTURE TWELVE RESPIRATION 1.0 Introduction Animals get energy out of food molecules using biochemical process called cellular respiration. While the term cellular respiration pertains to the use of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide at the cellular level the general term respiration describes the up take of oxygen from the environment and the disposal of carbon dioxide at the body system level. Respiration at the body system level involves a host of processes not found at the cellular level, like the mechanics of breathing and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the arteries and veins. Respiration involves the diffusion of gases across plasma membranes. In plants all active cells respire continuously, often absorbing O2 and releasing CO2 in equal volumes. However, respiration is much more than a simple exchange of gases. The overall process is an oxidation reduction-reduction in which compounds are oxidized to CO2 and the O2 absorbed is reduced to form H2O, starch, fructans, sucrose or other sugars, fats, organic acids and under some conditions, even proteins can serve as respiratory substrates. The common respiration of glucose, for example can be written as follows: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy. Much of the energy released during respiration approximately 686 Kcal per mole of glucose is heat. When temperature are low this heat can stimulate metabolism and benefit certain species, but usually it is instead transferred to the atmosphere or soil, with little 126 consequence to the plant. Far important than heat is the energy trapped in ATP because this compound is used for many essential processes of plant life, such as growth and ion accumulation. OBJECTIVES: at the end of this lecture you should be able to i. Explain the mechanism of gas exchange in different kind of animals ii. Discuss the mechanics of breathing in animals iii. Describe cellular respiration iv. Define anaerobic and aerobic respiration 2.0.The mechanisms of respiration in animals In bony fishes water is forced past gills by the pumping action of buccal and opercular cavities, or by active swimming in ram ventilation. In the gills, blood flows in opposite direction to the flow of water. This counter-current flow maximizes gas exchange, making the fish’s gill an efficient respiratory organ. Air is piped directly to the body cells of insects, but the cells of terrestrial vertebrates obtain oxygen by diffusion across the wet membranes of the lungs, which are filled with air in the process of ventilation. Amphibians force air into lungs by positive pressure breathing, whereas reptiles and all other terrestrial vertebrates take air into their lungs by expanding their lungs when they increase rib cage volume through muscular contractions. This creates sub-atmospheric pressure in the lungs. 127 The avian respiration system is the most efficient among terrestrial vertebrates because it has unidirectional air flow and cross current blood flow through the lungs. Mammal’s lungs are composed of alveoli that provide a huge surface area for gas exchange. Air enters and leaves these alveoli through the same system of airways. Humans inspire by contracting muscles that insert on the rib cage and by contacting the diaphragm. Expiration is produced primarily by muscle relaxation and release elastic recoil. As a result, the blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels are maintained in a normal range through adjustment in the depth and rate of breathing. Breathing serves to keep the blood gases and pH in the normal range and is under the reflex control of peripheral and central chemoreceptors. These chemoreceptor’s sense pH of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, and they regulate the respiratory control centre in the medulla oblongata of the brain. Deoxyhaemoglobin combines with oxygen in the lungs to form oxyheamoglobin, which dissociates in the tissue capillaries to release its oxygen. The degree to which the loading reaction occurs depends on ventilation. The degree of unloading is influenced by such factors as temperature and pH. Carbon dioxide combines with water in the tissue capillaries to form carbonic acid, which is primarily formed within the red blood cells as a result of an enzymatic reaction. The reverse reaction occurs in the lungs so that CO2 gas can be exhaled. 3.0.Cellular respiration 128 Cells are able to make ATP from the catabolism of organic molecules in two different ways. In the first called substrate-level phosphorylation, ATP is formed by transferring a phosphate group directly to ADP from phosphate bearing intermediates. During glycolysis discussed below, the chemical bonds of glucose are shifted around in reactions that provide the energy required to form ATP. In the second called aerobic respiration, ATP forms as electrons are harvested, transferred along the electron transport chain, and eventually donated to oxygen gas. Eukaryotes produce the majority of their ATP from glucose in this way. In most organisms, these two processes are combined. To harvest energy to make ATP from sugar glucose molecules in the presence of oxygen, the cells carries out a complex series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions that occur in four stages: the first stage captures energy by substrate-level phosphorylation through glycolysis, the following three stages carry out aerobic respiration by oxidizing the end products of oxidation. 3.1 Glycolysis Stage 1: Glycolysis is the first stage of extracting energy from glucose. It is a ten-reaction biochemical pathway that produces ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation. The enzyme that catalyse the glycolysis reactions are in the cytoplasm of the cell, not bound to any membrane or organelle. Two ATP molecules are used up early in the pathway, and four ATP molecules are formed by substrate Glycolysis. This yields a net two ATP molecules for each molecule of glucose catabolised. In addition four electrons are harvested as NADH that can be used to form ATP by aerobic respiration. Still, the total yield of ATP is small. When the glycolysis is completed, the two molecules of private that are formed still contain most of the energy the original glucose molecule held. 129 Glycolysis occurs in all organisms and the Glycolytic reaction that form ATP by substratelevel phosphorylation can occur with or without oxygen. In animals, however, the harvesting of energetic electrons by glycolysis cannot take place indefinitely in the absence of oxygen. As a result animal cells without oxygen soon die. 3.2 Aerobic Respiration Stage 2: Pyruvate oxidation. In the second stage, pyruvate, the end product from glycolysis, is converted into carbon-dioxide and a two-carbon molecule called acetyl CoA. For each molecule of private converted, one molecule NADH is synthesized. Stage 3: The Kerbs Cycle. The third stage introduces this acetyl-CoA into a cycle of nine reactions called the Krebs cycle, named after the British biochemist, Sir Hans Krebs, who discovered it. In the Krebs cycle, two more ATP molecules are extracted by substrate-level phosphorylation, and a large number of electrons are removed by NADH. Stage 4: Electron Transport Chain. In the fourth stage, the energetic electrons carried by NADH are employed to drive the synthesis of a large amount of ATP by the electrons transport chain. Pyruvate oxidation, the reactions of the Krebs cycle and ATP production by electrons transport chains occur inside the mitochondria of all eukaryotes, as well as within many forms of bacteria. Although plants and Algae can produce ATP by photosynthesis, they can also produce ATP by aerobic respiration, just as animals and other nonphotosynthetic eukaryotes do. 130 3.3 Anaerobic Respiration In the absence of oxygen, some organisms respire anaerobically, using different inorganic electrons acceptors than oxygen. For example many bacteria use sulfur, nitrate, or other inorganic compounds as electron acceptor in place of oxygen. Therefore when oxygen is limiting NADH and pyruvate begin to accumulate. Under this condition plants carry out fermentation (anaerobic respiration) forming either ethanol or lactic acid. Alcoholic fermentation is called so because one of its products is ethanol an alcohol: C6H12O6 → 2C2H5 OH + 2CO2 + Energy Yeast, a unicellular fungus, uses aerobic respiration when oxygen is present but switches to anaerobic respiration if oxygen is absent. Alcoholic fermentation has an economic importance. Bakers use alcoholic fermentation of yeast to make bread. Alcoholic fermentation is also used to make wine and beer. Lactic acid fermentation: Certain animal cells including human muscle cells, convert pyruvate to lactic acid instead of alcohol. During strenuous exercise, breathing cannot provide the body with all the oxygen it needs for aerobic respiration. When muscles run out of oxygen, cells switch from aerobic respiration to lactic acid fermentation. SUMMARY Respiration involves the diffusion of gases. Gills are used for respiration by aquatic vertebrates. Lungs are used for respiration by terrestrial vertebrates. Mammalian breathing is dynamic process. Blood transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Cells harvest energy in chemical bonds. 131 Cellular respiration oxidizes food molecules. Catabolism of proteins and d fats can yield considerable energy. Cells can metabolize without oxygen. Self Assessment Questions 1. What to features of the respiratory system in birds make it the most efficient of all terrestrial respiratory systems? 2. In what way is the amphibian respiratory system inefficient? 3. Where in a eukaryotic cell does glycolysis occur? 4. With examples, describe anaerobic respiration. REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. Mader, S.S. (1996) Biology. 5Th Edition. Wm. Brown Publishers. Boston. 908pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. 132 Salisbury, F.B. and Ross, C.W. (1992) Plant Physiology. Fourth Edition. Wadsworth Publishing Company. California. 682pp. LECTURE THIRTEEN NUTRITION AND GROWTH I.0 Introduction The ingestion of food serves two primary functions: it provides a source of energy, and it provides raw materials the animal is unable to for itself. In plants needs mineral nutrition in order to live and grow. The present lecture highlights nutrients essential for both animal and plants livelihood and growth. OBJECTIVES: at the end of this lecture you should be able to i. List essential nutrients necessary for animals livelihood and growth ii. List essential nutrients necessary for plants livelihood and growth iii. Discuss about growth hormones in both animal and plants 2.0 Animal Essential Nutrients 133 Substances that an animal cannot manufacture for itself but which are necessary for its health must be obtained in the diet and are referred to as essential nutrients. Included among the essential nutrients are vitamins, certain organic substances required in trace amounts. Some essential nutrients are required in more than trace amounts. Many vertebrates, for example, are unable to synthesize one or more of the 20 amino acids used in making proteins. These essential amino acids must be obtained from proteins in the food they eat. Food also supplies essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorous and other inorganic substances, including a wide variety of trace elements, which are required in very small amounts. Among the trace elements are iodine (a component of thyroid hormone), cobalt (a component of Vitamin B12), zinc and molybdenum (components of enzymes), manganese, and selenium. Animals obtain trace elements either directly from plants or from animals that have eaten plants. 3.0.Plants Essential Elements There are two principal criteria by which an element can be judged essential or nonessential to any plant. First: an element is essential if the plant cannot complete its life cycle (that is, form viable seeds) in the absence of the element. Second, an element is essential if it forms part of any molecule or constituent of the plant that is itself essential in the plant. There are 14 elements believed to be essential for all angiosperms and gymnosperms, although in fact the nutrient requirements of only 100 or so (mostly cultivated) species have been investigated. Addition of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon (from O2 and H2O and CO2) brings the total to 17 elements. With these 17 elements and sunlight, most plants can synthesize all the compounds they require. But plants also require some organic molecules such as vitamins synthesized by microorganisms that normally grow on roots, stems or leaves. Plants really are autotrophic and 134 make all the organic molecules they need, even though some associated microbes are beneficial (for example, in mycorrhizae and root nodules). 1.0 Growth Hormones Animal growth hormones Growth hormone is a protein hormone of about 190 amino acids that is synthesized and secreted by cells called somatotrophs in the anterior pituitary. It is a major participant in control of several complex physiologic processes, including growth and metabolism. Growth is a very complex process, and requires the coordinated action of several hormones. The major role of growth hormone in stimulating body growth is to stimulate the liver and other tissues to secrete Insulin like Growth factors I (IGF-I). IGF-I stimulates proliferation of chondrocytes (cartilage cells), resulting in bone growth. Growth hormone does seem to have a direct effect on bone growth in stimulating differentiation of chondrocytes. IGF-I also appears to be the key player in muscle growth. It stimulates both the differentiation and proliferation of myoblasts. It also stimulates amino acid uptake and protein synthesis in muscle and other tissues. Plants growth hormones Plant hormones (also known as phytohormones) are chemicals that regulate plant growth. Plant hormones are signal molecules produced within the plant, and occur in extremely low concentrations. Hormones regulate cellular processes in targeted cells locally and when moved to other locations, in other locations of the plant. Plants, unlike animals, lack glands that produce and secrete hormones. Plant hormones shape the plant, affecting seed growth, time of flowering, the sex of flowers, senescence of leaves and fruits. They affect which tissues grow upward and which grow downward, leaf formation and stem growth, fruit development and ripening, plant longevity and even plant death. Hormones are vital to plant growth and lacking them, plants 135 would be mostly a mass of undifferentiated cells. Examples of plants hormones include: Abscisic acid, Auxins, Cytokinins, Ethylene and Gibberellins. SUMMARY Essential nutrients are substances that an animal cannot manufacture for itself but which are necessary for its health and must be obtained from the diet. An element is essential to plant life if the plant cannot complete its life cycle (that is, form viable seeds) in the absence of the element. Second, an element is essential if it forms part of any molecule or constituent of the plant that is itself essential in the plant. Growth hormone is a protein hormone of about 190 amino acids that is synthesized and secreted by cells called somatotrophs in the anterior pituitary. It is a major participant in control of several complex physiologic processes, including growth and metabolism. Plant hormones (also known as phytohormones) are chemicals that regulate plant growth. Plant hormones are signal molecules produced within the plant, and occur in extremely low concentrations. Self Assessment Questions 1. Define the term nutrition 2. List all elements which are essential to an animal life. 3. List all elements which are essential to a plant life 4. Discuss growth hormones in relation to animal life 5. Discuss growth hormones in relation to plant life REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. 136 Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. Mader, S.S. (1996) Biology. 5Th Edition. Wm. Brown Publishers. Boston. 908pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. Salisbury, F.B. and Ross, C.W. (1992) Plant Physiology. Fourth Edition. Wadsworth Publishing Company. California. 682pp. LECTURE FOURTEEN GENETICS 1.0 Introduction Every living creature is a product of the long evolutionary history of life on earth. While organisms share this history, only human beings wonder about the process that led to their origins. We are still far from understanding everything about our origins, but we have learned a great deal. Like a partially completed jigsaw puzzle, the boundaries have fallen into place, and much of the internal structure is becoming apparent. In his lecture we will discuss on piece of the puzzle, the mystery of heredity. For instance, why do group of people from different parts of the world often differ in appearance? Why do members of a family tend to resemble one another? OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lecture should be able to: i. Define the concept of genetics ii. Explain Mendelian principle of heredity 137 iii. Differentiate between monohybrid and dihybrid iv. Discuss few example of gene interactions 2.0 Mendel and the Garden Pea The first quantitative studies of inheritance were carried out by Gregory Mendel, an Austrian monk. In the garden of a monastery, Mendel initiated a series of experiments on plant hybridization. The result of these experiments had a permanent change on how human being viewed heredity. 2.1 Mendel Experimental Design Mendel was careful to focus only on a few specific differences between the plants he was using and to ignore the countless other differences he must have seen. For example, he appreciated that trying to study the inheritance of round seeds versus tall height would be useless. The traits like apples and oranges are not compatible. Mendel usually conducted his experiments in three stages: i. First, he allowed pear plants of given variety to produce progeny by self fertilization for several generations. Pea plants with white flowers, for example when crossed with each other, produced only offspring with white lowers, regardless of the number of generations. ii. Mendel then performed crosses between varieties exhibiting alternative forms of traits. For example, he removed the male parts from the flower of a plant that produced white flowers and fertilized it with pollen from a purple lowered plant. He also carried out reciprocal cross using pollen from a white-flowered individual to fertilize a flower on pea plant that produced purple flowers. 138 iii. Finally, Mendel permitted the hybrid offspring produced by these crosses to self pollinate for several generations. By doing so he allowed the alternative forms of a trait to segregate among the progeny. Then he counted the number of offspring of each type in each succeeding generation. No other scientist had ever done that before. The quantitative results Mendel obtained proved to be of supreme importance in revealing the process of heredity. Mendel studied seven traits in his experiments: flower colour, seed colour, seed shape, pod colour, pod shape, flower position and plant height. The seven traits possessed several variants that differed from one another in ways that were easy to recognize and score. In this lecture we will examine in detail Mendel’s crosses with flower colour, although other traits were similar, and produced similar results. 2.2 The F1 Generation The first filial generation (F1 Generation): In every case the flower colour of the offspring resembled one of their parents. Thus, in a cross of white-flowered with purple-flowered plants, the F1 offspring all had purple flowers. Mendel referred to the trait in the F1 plants as dominant and to the alternative form that was not expressed in the F1 plants as recessive. For each of the seven pairs of contrasting forms of traits that Mendel examined, one of the pair proved to be dominant and the other recessive. 2.3 The F2 Generation After allowing individuals F1 plants to mature and self pollinate, Mendel collected and planted the seeds from each plant to see what the offspring in the second filial, or F2, generation would look like. He found that some F2 plants exhibited white flowers, the recessive form of the trait. 139 Latent in F1 generation, the recessive form reappeared among some F2 individuals. Believing the proportion of the F2 types would provide some clue about the mechanism of heredity, Mendel counted the numbers of each type among the F2 progeny, ¾ of the F2 individuals exhibited the dominant form of the trait, and ¼ displayed the recessive form. In other words, the dominant: recessive ratio among the F2 plants was always close to 3:1. Mendel carried out similar experiments with other traits, such as wrinkled versus round seeds and obtained similar results. 3.0 Mendel’s Model of Heredity To explain the results, Mendel proposed a simple model. It has become one of the most famous models in the history of science, containing simple assumptions and making clear predictions. The model has five elements: i. Parents do not transmit physiological traits directly to their offspring. Rather they transmit separate information about the traits, what Mendel called factors. These factors later act in the offspring to produce the trait. ii. Each individual receives two factors that may code for the same form or for two alternative forms of the trait. Each adult individual is diploid, when the individual form gametes (egg or sperm), they contain only one of each kind of chromosome, and the gametes are haploid. Therefore only factor for each trait of the adult organism is contained in the gamete. iii. Not all copies of a factor are identical. In modern terms, the alternative forms of a factor, leading to alternative forms of a trait are called alleles. When two haploid gametes containing exactly the same allele of a factor fuse during fertilization to form a zygote, 140 the offspring that develops from that zygote is said to be homozygous: when two haploid gametes contain different alleles, the individual offspring is heterozygous. In modern terminology, Mendel factors are called genes. iv. The two alleles, one contributed by the male gamete and one by the female, do not influence each other in way, they remain separate. Thus, when an individual matures and produces its own gametes, the allele’s foe each gene segregate randomly into these genes gametes as described in point ii. v. The genes that an individual has are referred to as its genotype; the outward appearance of the individual is referred to as its phenotype. 4.0 Mendel First law of Heredity: Segregation Mendel’s models thus account in a net and satisfying way for the segregation ratios he observed. Its central assumption that alternative alleles of a trait segregate from each other in heterozygous individuals and remain distinct has since been verified in many other organisms. It is commonly referred to as Mendel’s First Law of Heredity, or the low of segregation. 4.1 Mendel’s Second Law of heredity: Independent Assortment When two genes are located on different chromosomes the alleles included in an individual gametes are distributed at random. The allele for one gene included in the gamete has no influence on which allele of the other gene is included in the gamete. Such genes are said to assort independently. 5.0 Epistasis 141 Epistasis is the interaction between non-allellic genes (i.e. between loci) on trait. Two or more genes influence a trait. The production of a phenotype is often controlled by more than one gene. Such a situation is seen in Zea mays a particular variety of corn. Some commercial variety exhibit a purple pigment called anthrocyanin in their seed coats, while others do not. In 1918 geneticist R.A. Emerson crossed two pure-breeding corn varieties, nether exhibiting anthrocyanin pigment. Surprisingly, all of the F1 plants produced purple seeds. When two of these pigment-producing F1 generations were crossed to produce an F2 generation, 56% were pigment producers and 44% were not. What was happening? Emerson correctly deduced that two genes were involved in producing pigment, and the second cross had thus been a dihybrid cross like those performed by Mendel. Mendel has predicted 16 equally possible ways gametes could combine with each other resulting in genotypes with a phenotypic ration of 9:3:3:1 (9+3+3+1=16). How many of these were in each of the two types Emerson obtained? He multiplied the fractions that were pigment producer (0.56) by 16 to obtain 7. Thus, Emerson had a modified ratio of 9:7 instead of the usual 9:3:3:1. Why was Emerson’s ratio modified? When genes act sequentially, as in a biochemical pathway, an allele expressed as defective early in the pathway blocks the flow of material through the rest of the pathway this makes it impossible to judge whether the later steps of the pathway are functioning properly. Such gene interaction, where one gene can interfere with the expression of another gene, is the basis of the phenomenon called epistasis. Epistasis affect grain colour because the purple pigment found in some varieties of corn is the product of a two step biochemical pathway. Unless both enzymes are active (the plant has a dominant allele for each of the two genes, A and B) no pigment is produced. 142 6.0 Pleitropy Sometimes, an individual gene allele will have more than one effect on the phenotype. Such an allele is said to be pleiotropic. Pleiotrophic effects are difficulty to predict; because the genes that affect a trait often perform other functions we may know nothing about. Pleiotrophic effects are characteristic of many inherited disorders, such as sickle cell anaemia. In sickle cell anaemia, a defect in the oxygen-carrying haemoglobin molecules causes anaemia, heart failure, increased susceptibility to pneumonia, kidney failure, enlargement of the spleen, and may symptoms. 7.0 Environmental Effects The degree to which an allele is expressed may depend on the environment. Some allele are heat sensitive, for example. Traits influenced by such alleles are more sensitive to temperature or light than are the products of other alleles. The arctic foxes, for example, make fur pigment only when the weather is warm. Similarly, the ch allele in Himalayan rabbits and Siamese cats encodes a heat sensitive version of tryosinase, one of the enzymes mediating the production of melanin, a dark pigment. The ch version of the enzyme is inactivated at temperatures above 33ºC. At the surface of the main body and head, the temperature is above 33ºC and the tyrosinase enzyme is inactive, while it is more active at body extremities such as the tips of the ears and tail, where temperature is below 33ºC. The dark melanin pigment this enzyme produces causes the ears, snout, feet, and tail of Himalayan rabbits and Siamese cats to be black. 8.0.Mutations 143 Mutations are changes in the hereditary message. Mutations that changes one or a few nucleotides are called point mutations. They may arise as a result of damage from ionizing or ultraviolet radiation, chemical mutagens, or errors in pairing during DNA replication. Slipped mis-pairing, in which non-homologous sequences on homologous chromosomes pair up during meiosis can lead to deletions. When a deletion interrupts a codon, the result is a frame-shift mutation, in which the downstream portion of the gene is transcribed out of register. Cancer is a disease in which the regulatory control that normally restrains cell division is disrupted. A variety of environmental factors, including ionizing radiation, chemical mutagens, and viruses have been implicated in causing cancer. SUMMARY Mendel solved the mystery of heredity. Mendel quantified his data by counting the numbers of each alternative type among the progeny of crosses. By counting progeny types, Mendel learned that the alternatives that were masked in hybrid (the F1generation) appeared only 25% of the time in the F2 generation. This finding, which led directly to Mendel’s model of heredity, is usually referred to as the Mendelian ratio of 3:1 dominant to recessive traits. Mendel deduced from 3:1 ratio that are traits are specified by discrete factors that do not blend. He deduced that pea plants contain two factors for each trait that he studied (we now know this is because the plants are diploid). When a plant is heterozygous for a trait, the two factors for that trait are not the same, and one factor which Mendel described as dominant, determines the appearance, or phenotype, of the individual. We now refer to Mendel factors as genes and to alternative form of genes as alleles. When two genes are located on different chromosome, the alleles included in individual gametes are distributed at random. The allele for gene included in the gamete. Such genes are said to assort independently. Because phenotypes are often influenced by more than 144 one gene, the ratios of alternative phenotypes observed in crosses sometimes deviate from the simple ratios predicted by Mendel. This is particularly true in epistatic situations, where the product of one gene masks another. Mutations are changes in the genetic message. Cancer results from mutations of growth regulating genes. Self Assessment Questions 1. Describe the three stages in which Mendel conducted his experiments. 2. Explain the Mendel’s model of heredity 3. State the first and second laws of heredity 4. Using specific examples, discuss on modified Mendelian ratios 5. Describe the effect of the environment on heredity REFERENCES Brooker, R. (2005) Student Guide to Biology. Mc-Hill, Boston. Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and Bailey, D.B. (2005) Concepts in Biology. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill. Boston. 570pp. Hickman, C.P., Roberts, L.S. and Larson, A. (2003) Animal Diversity. 3rd Edition. Mc-Hill, Boston. 447pp. Mader, S.S. (1996) Biology. 5Th Edition. Wm. Brown Publishers. Boston. 908pp. Raven, H. and Johnson, G.B. (1999) Biology. Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston. 1284pp. 145 146