Statement Matter 9 Town Centres and Retailing

Statement by London Borough of Hillingdon – Hearing 9
Response to Matters and Issues - Hearing 9
Does the Core Strategy provide a sound basis for meeting the
Borough’s retail needs, including strengthening the Borough’s town
centres, consistent with the evidence base, the London Plan and
national policy?
1. The purpose of the Core Strategy is to guide the growth identified in
Hillingdon to ensure that the qualities that make the borough an attractive
place to live, work and study are maintained and enhanced. The Council’s
starting points for its retail and town centre strategy and policies are the
national guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework
(NPPF) and the policies and regional guidance given in the London Plan.
2. The Core Strategy has been subject to extensive engagement with
communities, businesses and strategic partners as well as neighbouring
authorities. This together with our comprehensive evidence base has
improved our understanding of the requirements of residents, developers
and businesses and enabled us to set out our strategic priorities. The Core
Strategy seeks to meet need where it is practicable to do so, consistent
with the objectives of sustainable development. It sets out where, when
and how change will take place in Hillingdon over the next 15 years.
3. The borough’s strategic and major town centres follow the strategic lead
given by the London Plan (at policy 2.15, Map 2.6 and Annex 2) and the
Core Strategy policies also follow its strategic aims of encouraging retail,
commercial, cultural and leisure development appropriate to the size, role
and function of individual centres.
4. There are 17 local town centres identified in the Core Strategy which vary
in size and purpose as well as performance. The enhancement and
protection of our town centres focusing growth in areas in need of renewal
and investment contributes to our vision of Hillingdon taking full advantage
of its distinctive strengths with regard to its places, communities and
5. Strategic Objectives SO16 and SO20 set out the Council’s objectives on
town centres and retailing. They promote appropriate growth, vitality and
regeneration within the borough’s town and neighbourhood centres and
seek to improve bus and underground/rail interchanges to promote
sustainable growth in Uxbridge, Heathrow, the Hayes/West Drayton
corridor and accessibility to other town centres. This latter objective
reflects the London Plan at policy 4.8 which looks to promote better
sustainable access to goods and services for Londoners.
Statement by London Borough of Hillingdon – Hearing 9
6. The NPPF promotes the need for competitive town centre environments
and policies for the management and growth of centres over the plan
period. Policy E5 looks to accommodate retail growth in local centres and
the Core Strategy emphasises that in implementing the policy the council
will work with town centres managers to deliver national, regional and local
7. The Council considers this policy is consistent with the NPPF. It will
ensure that its town centres should be the primary focus for the location of
new retail/other appropriate commercial development, having regard to the
distribution of future retail growth and the hierarchy of Hillingdon’s town
8. At policy E6 the Core Strategy also recognises that small and mediumsized enterprises play an important role in the local economy. In
recognition of this the Core Strategy supports these businesses by
encouraging new affordable accommodation for them in appropriate
locations (including town centres).
9. Through Hillingdon’s Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan and the
development of a Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedule we
will seek to ensure that planned infrastructure is deliverable in a timely
fashion in the borough’s town centres.
10. The Council considers that its approach to promoting town centres, setting
the parameters for development and maintaining local centres and
shopping parades is in accordance with the principles of the NPPF.
Statement by London Borough of Hillingdon – Hearing 9
Response to Matters and Issues - Hearing 9
Does the Core Strategy provide a sound basis for meeting the
Borough’s retail needs, including strengthening the Borough’s town
centres, consistent with the evidence base, the London Plan and
national policy?
1. The purpose of the Core Strategy is to guide the growth identified in
Hillingdon to ensure that the qualities that make the borough an attractive
place to live, work and study are maintained and enhanced. The Council’s
starting points for its retail and town centre strategy and policies are the
national guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework
(NPPF) and the policies and regional guidance given in the London Plan.
2. The Core Strategy has been subject to extensive engagement with
communities, businesses and strategic partners as well as neighbouring
authorities. This together with our comprehensive evidence base has
improved our understanding of the requirements of residents, developers
and businesses and enabled us to set out our strategic priorities. The Core
Strategy seeks to meet need where it is practicable to do so, consistent
with the objectives of sustainable development. It sets out where, when
and how change will take place in Hillingdon over the next 15 years.
3. The borough’s strategic and major town centres follow the strategic lead
given by the London Plan (at policy 2.15, Map 2.6 and Annex 2) and the
Core Strategy policies also follow its strategic aims of encouraging retail,
commercial, cultural and leisure development appropriate to the size, role
and function of individual centres.
4. There are 17 local town centres identified in the Core Strategy which vary
in size and purpose as well as performance. The enhancement and
protection of our town centres focusing growth in areas in need of renewal
and investment contributes to our vision of Hillingdon taking full advantage
of its distinctive strengths with regard to its places, communities and
5. Strategic Objectives SO16 and SO20 set out the Council’s objectives on
town centres and retailing. They promote appropriate growth, vitality and
regeneration within the borough’s town and neighbourhood centres and
seek to improve bus and underground/rail interchanges to promote
sustainable growth in Uxbridge, Heathrow, the Hayes/West Drayton
corridor and accessibility to other town centres. This latter objective
reflects the London Plan at policy 4.8 which looks to promote better
sustainable access to goods and services for Londoners.
Statement by London Borough of Hillingdon – Hearing 9
6. The NPPF promotes the need for competitive town centre environments
and policies for the management and growth of centres over the plan
period. Policy E5 looks to accommodate retail growth in local centres and
the Core Strategy emphasises that in implementing the policy the council
will work with town centres managers to deliver national, regional and local
7. The Council considers this policy is consistent with the NPPF. It will
ensure that its town centres should be the primary focus for the location of
new retail/other appropriate commercial development, having regard to the
distribution of future retail growth and the hierarchy of Hillingdon’s town
8. At policy E6 the Core Strategy also recognises that small and mediumsized enterprises play an important role in the local economy. In
recognition of this the Core Strategy supports these businesses by
encouraging new affordable accommodation for them in appropriate
locations (including town centres).
9. Through Hillingdon’s Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan and the
development of a Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedule we
will seek to ensure that planned infrastructure is deliverable in a timely
fashion in the borough’s town centres.
10. The Council considers that its approach to promoting town centres, setting
the parameters for development and maintaining local centres and
shopping parades is in accordance with the principles of the NPPF.