Hierarchy of Settlements in an Urban Network This is a model of an urban network. It might apply to S.E.Australia, Southern Germany, Iowa-Rural USA, or Russia. The size, space and number of things changes relatively depending on the age and density of settlement. China and Europe have been settled for a long time and are densely settled, populations are larger and trade areas smaller. Sparsely settled areas or developing countries have very large cities, towns and rural hamlets. This model is based on Central Place Theory which proposed relationships between places based upon size, spacing, and functional complexity. It works best in flat areas, with uniform resources, uniform transfort, and limited governemtn interference. This theory can be used (with great care) in computer modelling of trade flows or connectivity. It is used in development planning, transport network analysis, business modelling and other forms of National network analysis. A multilinear analysis model with carefully added constants and variables might use this as a starting point. Type of settlement Population Approximate Number Trade of places Area Size of Trade A. Types of Business Number of Businesses High Major Regions State & Federal Gov’t Offices Wollongong, Newcastle Ballarat High LargeRural Districts Moderate Some Gov’t Services Albury, Wagga Wangaratta Townsville 100-200 many multifunctions Active Small Rural Districts Few minor Gov’t Agencies Cooma, Lithgow Bega, Coffs H. 50 perhaps multifunctions Moderate Low Post Office maybe 50 farms 1 1 million km2 National Highly specialised products Or services, with the best range of shopping and daily items City 60,000-100,000 3-6 100,000km2 Major regions Few specialised Services 2000+ Total service centre for shopping And daily items Large Town 5,000-60,000 20 + 10,000km2 Rural regions Most Goods and Services available maybe 1000 Most professional & Gov’t may have Services available multifunctions Town 1000 + 100’s 1000+km2 Village 300+ 1000’s 100+km2 Hamlet < 100 -300 10,000’s 30km2 Weekly needs few higher order Services Local area Daily or weekly needs Within a metropolitan area, one will find an urban hierarchy just like this. Metropolis = Central Busness District, Large Town –Muncipal Centres and Major Shopping centres Village = shopping district 10 to 50 shops Highly Global and complex. National sophisticated Examples Sydney, Melbourne Beijing, Beirut London 1 Million 6-10 hamlets Connectivity Government Activity State Gov’t National Influence Metrolopolis Major local centre Most Goods available and some Professional and gov’t services Level of Business activity 10,000+ few specialised but many smaller firms about 10 but May be in 1 store High, Basic What is internet? Stamps & Post boxes Jyndabyne, Luara, Sofla Bringyadogalong BoganGate City - Suburban Cities like Parramatta or Centres of metropolitan importance Town = Large shopping centres, Hamlet corner store Here are some Business functions, At which level of the hierarchy might you find them Queens Council __________________________ Post Office _______________________ Bank Loans _______________________ Member of Parliament _____________________ Airport __________________________ Steel Mill ________________________ Stock Broker ___________________________ Stock and Station Agent ______________ Cinema __________________________ Savings Bank ____________________________ Stock Exchange __________________________ Internet Café ____________________________