SMU-DDE-Assignments-Scheme of Evaluation PROGRAM SEMESTER SUBJECT CODE & NAME BK ID SESSION MARKS Q.No 1. A 2. A 3. A B.Sc./DIPLOMA IN HEALTH INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION III BH0044/DH0024– PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUES B1262 FALL 2014 30 Criteria Marks Explain the various steps followed to observe effective decision making. Definition of decision making: “A judgment; a final 1 resolution of a conflict of needs, means or goals; and a commitment to action made in face of uncertainty and complexity.” Mentioning the steps following in a decision making 2 process Step 1: Specific Objectives Step 2: Identification of Problems Step 3: Search for Alternatives Step 4: Evaluation of Alternatives Step 5: Choice of Alternatives Step 6: Action Step 7: Results Explanation of all the steps in decision making in detail 7 Total Marks (Unit 2;Pg 15,18-20) 10 Discuss the critical elements required to encourage efficient implementation of six sigma in any organization. (Unit 6;Pg 81-82) Definition of six sigma: Six Sigma may be defined as: 1 1. A statistical measure of the performance of a process or a product 2. A goal that reaches near perfection for performance improvement. 3. A system of management to achieve lasting business leadership and world class performance. 10 Mentioning the six critical elements of six sigma 3 1. Genuine focus on the customer 2. Data and fact driven management 3. Processes are where the action is 4. Proactive management 5. Boundaryless collaboration 6. Drive for Perfection; tolerate failure Explanation of the critical elements of six sigma with 6 examples Describe DMAIC Team life cycle. (Unit 6;Pg 85-86) Expansion of DMAIC 1 Define 10 Measure SMU-DDE-Assignments-Scheme of Evaluation Analyse Improve Control Step 1: DEFINE the problem Step 2: MEASURE Step 3 : ANALYSE Step 4: IMPROVE Step 5: CONTROL Mentioning the 6 phases of DMAIC life cycle Phase 1: Identifying and Selecting the Project(s) Phase 2: Forming the Team Phase 3: Developing the Charter Phase 4: Training the Team Phase 5: Doing DMAIC and Implementing Solutions Phase 6: Handing off the Solution Explanation of all the phases of DMAIC life cycle 3 6 *A-Answer Note –Please provide keywords, short answer, specific terms, specific examples (wherever necessary) ***********