1. 2. 3. 4. The eight principles of quality management

The eight principles of
quality management
Quality – that is the quality of processes and results – is and will continue to be an essential competitive factor, if not the most decisive one. When
it comes to achieving one’s own objectives as well
as fulfilling customer requirements, a reliable
quality management system is indispensable.
Customer focus
Consistent customer focus is the single most
essential factor of every business success.
Being “Best in Class” means predicting and
exceeding customer expectations. The whole
company organisation needs to be aligned
The eight principles of quality management
reflect the experience of leading top managers.
They provide assistance in focusing on objectives, on systematic leadership and on the continual improvement of performance.
Your customers‘ needs are understood throughout the company.
Your internal company are directly linked to customer expectations.
You improve your company‘s ability to fulfill customer needs in
day-to-day activities.
You ensure that your employees have the necessary knowledge and
skills to satisfy your customers.
The degree to which the purpose, focus and internal environment
of an organization fit together is a question of leadership. Managers
create the internal environment in which people develop their skills
and apply them for the benefit of the entire organization. Important
tools to achieve this are management by example, the consideration of involved stakeholders inside and outside the organization
and the development of a clear vision of the organization’s future.
Involvement of people
Every organization is only as good as its employees. To allow them to apply their abilities and
release their potential, it is necessary to involve
them in the decision-making process. Doing that
requires promoting commitment and problemsolving skills on all levels and to encourage the
employees to take the initiative in seeking opportunities for improvement.
You translate your vision into measurable goals
for the organization.
You involve your employees in the realization of
your company goals.
You have a motivated, competent and stable staff.
Your employees contribute actively to the improvement of your
business strategy.
Your employees adopt the organization‘s goals as their own goals.
Your employees are involved in decision-making and the
improvement of processes.
Your employees are more satisfied with their work and devote their
individual development potential to the service of your organization.
Process approach
Results can be achieved more efficiently if necessary
activities and resources are bundled and managed as a
process. For this purpose, individual process steps need
to be defined, inputs and outputs determined and the
interfaces with the organization‘s function identified.
Finally, in order to ensure the smooth running of organizational processes, possible error causes need to be
identified and responsibilities determined.
© DQS GmbH, Germany
You develop and communicate a clear vision of
your organization’s future.
Your processes ensure achievement of planned results and
efficient use of resources.
You take advantage of improvement potentials because you
are aware of the essential success factors.
Consistent emphasis on process orientation helps you to
reduce costs and prevent errors.
You take advantage of improvement potential because you are
familiar with the essential success factors.
The eight principles of
quality management
System approach to management
Each organization is a complex entity;
that is why it is important to identify,
manage and understand individual processes and their interactions within the
organizational workflow. This is the only
way for organizations to establish objectives effectively and efficiently.
You develop extensive and ambitious business plans, which combine
functional and process aspects.
Sub-goals of individual processes become aligned with the main goals of
your organization.
Monitoring the effectiveness of individual processes allows you to better
identify error causes and improvement potential.
You coordinate competencies and responsibilities for superordinate goals,
avoid any overlapping of competencies and stimulate teamwork.
Continual improvement
“If you cease to improve, you cease to be good.“
Behind this simple statement lies the realization that
competence and quality are not static, but dynamic
values; that applies to organizations as well as to
the people working there. That is why it is important
for the success of an organization that continuous
improvement of products and systems becomes the
ultimate goal of each employee.
You combine continuous improvement and strategic planning
for more competitive business plans.
You set realistic, measurable and ambitious goals for improvement and provide any necessary resources.
Your employees become involved in the process of continual
All employees of your organization are capable of improving
products, processes and systems.
Factual approach to decision making
You develop your company strategies based on facts and information.
Efficient decisions are based on the
analysis of data and information. Ap Taking into account relevant comparative data, you pursue more realistic and
more ambitious goals.
propriate decisions, based on experience and entrepreneurial intuition,
You make use of recognized methods for data analysis, making results available
can only be reached when these data
where appropriate. You optimize your company’s processes and system performance, taking into account data and information, manage improvement processand information are reviewed and veries and prevent future problems.
fied continuously
Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
All things are interdependent; organizations particularly depend on good business relationships
with their suppliers. This is the only way for both
parties to make the maximum contribution to the
creation of mutual value. Indispensable to that end
is transparent communication, agreement on common goals while taking account of the customer‘s
interests, and cooperation in the development and
improvement of products.
You increase your competitive advantage through the development of strategic partnerships with suppliers.
You develop more ambitious goals by including your suppliers in
your planning at an early stage.
Through improved relationships with suppliers, you ensure reliability, punctuality and error free compliance of incoming goods.
You develop and strengthen the performance capability of your
suppliers through training activities and joint efforts towards continuous improvement.
Successful application of the eight principles in day-to-day operations requires customized
interpretation according to business sector and scope. When it comes to promoting the
performance ability of management systems in a spirit of partnership, DQS is the competent
partner at your side.
© DQS GmbH, Germany