NURSERY & LANDSCAPING “Let’s Grow Green Together!” 906 Marshland Road • Apalachin, NY 13732 607-687-0305 (phone/fax) • 2015 GARDEN CENTER CATALOG 906 Marshland Road • Apalachin, NY 13732 607-687-0305 (phone/fax) • Welcome Back, Old Friends Reacting to public and political outcry, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has decided to place both the Norway Maple and the Burning Bush on their regulated list, not their prohibited list. This means that all cultivars stemming from these plants CAN be sold in New York State so long as the customer understands they can be invasive in habit. All purchases come with this lovely disclaimer: “Invasive Species-Harmful to the Environment.” All the regulated plants on the list are as follows: • Acer platanoides (Norway Maple) • Clematis terniflora (Japanese Virgin’s Bower) • Euonymous alatus (Burning Bush) • Euonymous fortune (Winter Creeper) • Miscanthus sinensis (Chinese Silver Grass) • Robinia pseudoacacia (Black Locust) Unfortunately, the Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii) did not survive the vetting process and has been placed on the prohibited list. Starting this year, neither can we grow nor sell, nor can you purchase any cultivar of barberry in New York State. To them we must say farewell. Cultivars of the barberry include: • Rose Glow Barberry • Compact Crimson Pygmy Barberry • Golden Rocket Barberry • Bonanza Gold Barberry • Royal Burgundy Barberry • Golden Ruby Barberry • Admiration Barberry For further information go to: The link will take you to a comprehensive color picture list of all regulated and prohibited plants in New York State. This is a good resource to inform you of other really nasty plants out there, like Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), whose sap can cause blisters, long lasting scars, and even blindness! 1 906 Marshland Road Apalachin, NY 13732 NURSERY & LANDSCAPING 607-687-0305 (phone/fax) “Let’s Grow Green Together!” 2015 Retail Sales Yard Price List Alphabetical by common name For all items priced “N/A”, please call nursery for actual availability. Just because it isn’t in the catalogue doesn’t mean we don’t have it or that we can’t get it. Please call us for availability. ARBORVITAE – Thuja Emerald Green 3 - 4' ....................$40 4 - 5' ....................$48 5 - 6' ....................$65 6 -7' ....................$95 7 - 8' ..................$125 8 - 9'...................$155 9 - 10'...................$175 10 - 12'...................$215 Green Giant 4 - 5'.....................$74 5 - 6' ..................$105 6 - 7'...................$165 8 - 10'...................$255 10 - 12'...................$325 Rheingold#2................$29.99 ALASKAN WEEPING CEDAR 4 - 5'................................ $135 5 - 6'................................ $195 6 - 7'................................ $215 7 - 8'................................ $248 AKEBIA Techny 4 - 5'.....................$48 Niagra 5 - 6'.....................$85 6 - 7'.....................$95 7 - 8'...................$120 #2............................. $29.99 #5............................. $89.99 Woodward Globe ANDROMEDA AQUATICS Mountain Fire Shawn O’Hara #6 ................................. $74 AMERICAN BEAUTY – natives #1 ............................ $21.99 #2 ............................ $24.99 #3 ............................ $39.99 #6............................. $49.99 AMERICAN SYCAMORE – Platanus Occidentalis (priced at nursery) 2 18 - 24".....................$35 24 - 30".....................$40 .priced at nursery AZALEA (evergreen) Girard’s Fuchsia Girard’s Rose Girard’s Purple Hot Shot Rose Greely (deciduous) Cannon’s Double Maryy Poppins Mt. St. Helens #2................$24.99 #3................$32.99 #3................$39.99 #6................$49.99 3 ANNUALS BUCKTHORN (Mixed hanging baskets, flats, container gardens & proven winners priced at nursery) Fine Line #3................$49.99 BUTTERFLY BUSH – Buddleia BEARBERRY – Arctostaphylos uva #1................$14.99 #2................$19.99 BEAUTY BUSH – Kolwitzia Dream Catcher Bicolor Black Knight Butterfly Heaven Royal Red Miss Molly #2................$19.99 #3................$29.99 #5................$39.99 #3................$29.99 BURNING BUSH – Euonymus Alatus Compacta BEECH – Fagus Sylvatica 4 - 5 ft...................$165 Purple 5 - 6’...................$215 Rivers 6 - 7...................$255 Weeping 7 - 8...................$295 Roseo Marginata - Tri Color (specimens priced at nursery) Crimson Frost 6 - 7’.....................$65 7 - 8’...................$149 8 - 10’...................$165 10 - 12’...................$215 12 - 14’...................$265 14 - 16’...................$315 1 ½ - 2"...................$110 2 - 2 ½"...................$145 2 ½ - 3"...................$175 CEDAR – Cedrus Blue Atlas 6 - 7’...................$185 7 - 8’...................$215 CHERRY – Prunus #2................$22.75 #3................$34.75 18 - 24".....................$68 24 - 30".....................$75 Green Mountain Cone 24 - 30".....................$85 30 - 36"...................$138 Green Mountain Tiered ...................$185 Green Mountain Hen Sculpture ...................$245 Green Mountain Pom Pom ...................$270 4 CALYCANTHUS ‘APHRODITE’ CATALPA BOXWOOD – Buxus Green Mountain Green Velvet Winter Green Winter Gem 18 - 24".....................$25 24 - 30".....................$32 30 - 36".....................$38 3 - 3 ½".....................$45 3' Std....................$110 #3................$39.50 BIRCH – Betula River Dwarf Compacta Tree Form Accolade Canada Red Crimson Pointe 1 - 1 ½".....................$68 1 ½ - 2"...................$135 2 - 2 1/2"...................$185 2 ½ - 3"...................$235 3 - 3 ½"...................$285 1 - 1 ½" (#15).....................$95 1 ½ - 2"...................$145 2 - 2 ½"...................$185 2 ½ - 3"...................$235 1 - 1 ½".....................$68 5 1 ½ - 2"...................$135 2 - 2 ½" ..................$185 Little Twist 1 - 1 ½".....................$90 1 ½ - 2"...................$155 Royal Raindrops - (shrub form)#7.....................$95 *Ask about our new sprout-free varieties* Sand Cherry (tree form) 1 ½ - 2"...................$195 2 - 2 ½"...................$215 2 ½ - 3" .................$265 3 - 3 ½"...................$315 3 ½ - 4"...................$385 4 - 5"...................$425 WEEPING VARIETIES: Snow Fountain (white) Pink Snow Showers Subhirtella (pink) 1 - 1 ½"...................$125 1 ½ - 2"...................$145 2 - 2 ½"...................$165 2 ½ - 3"...................$205 3 - 3 ½"...................$285 3 ½ - 4"...................$345 4 - 4 ½"...................$415 CLETHRA Ruby Spice Vanilla Spice #3................$29.99 #5................$39.99 WEEPING VARIETIES: Louisa 1 - 1 ½".....................$75 1 ½ - 2"...................$145 2 - 2 ½"...................$175 2 ½ - 3"...................$195 3 - 3 ½"...................$285 3 ½ - 4"...................$345 4 - 5"...................$525 5 -6"...................$595 Sargent Tina Standards (dwarf) (graded by spread of the head) 36 - 42"...................$165 42 - 48"...................$185 48 - 54"...................$225 54 - 60"...................$265 60 - 72"...................$295 CYPRESS – Chamaecyparis Gold Thread Lemon Thread #3.....................$32 Nana Gracilis #3................$49.99 Obtusa3/4’...................$125 CYTISUS – Burkwood CRABAPPLE – Malus (not all varieties available in all sizes) Candymint Sargent Golden Raindrops Prariefire Sargent Snowdrift Sugartyme Red Jewel Robinson Royal Raindrops Showtime 6 #5.....................$65 #10...................$105 1 - 1 ½"...................$125 1 ½ - 2"...................$165 2 - 2 ½"...................$190 2 ½ - 3"...................$205 3 - 3 ½"...................$255 3 ½ - 4"...................$295 4 - 5"...................$345 #2................$28.50 DIERVILLA Kodiak Black #2................$28.50 DOGWOOD - Cornus Cherokee Princess (white) Cherokee Brave (pink) Cloud 9 3 - 4'.....................$85 4 - 5'...................$105 5 - 6'...................$155 6 - 7'...................$195 7 FORSYTHIA Kousa: Milky Way (white) Little Poncho – Dwarf 6 - 7'...................$195 24 - 30"...................$115 Shrub Forms: Cardinal Elegantissima Red Twigg #3................$24.50 #6.....................$35 30 - 36".....................$38 3 - 4'................$54.99 FRUIT TREES ELM – Ulmus Accolade#7.....................$95 Frontier 1 - 1 ½"...................$125 New Horizon 1 ½ - 2"...................$145 2 - 2 ½"...................$165 2 ½ - 3"...................$225 3 - 3 ½"...................$285 3 ½ - 4"...................$345 4 - 5"...................$485 5 - 6"...................$625 ENGLISH IVY Flat................$39.99 #1................$29.99 EUONYMUS Moonshadow#2................$29.99 FIR – Abies Concolor Fir 4 - 5'.....................$95 5 - 6'...................$135 6 - 7'...................$165 7 - 8'...................$195 Fraser Fir 5 - 6'...................$125 Picolo 8 Lynwood#3.....................$32 Show Off 4 - 5'.....................$40 Gold Tide 5 - 6'.....................$48 .(Priced at nursery) Your Choice Apple: Honeycrisp Liberty Red Delicious Red Winesap Spartan #7 (3 yr. 5/6' br.)................$54.99 . ortland – pollinate w/ Mcintosh or Delicious C .Empire – pollinate w/ Mcintosh .Macoun – pollinate w/ ylw. Delicious .Mcintosh – pollinate w/ ylw. Delicious/Cortland .Pollinate with ylw. Delicious .Yellow/Golden Delicious – self fertile Patio Fruit Trees: ColonadeGolden Sentinel Apple .Northpole Apple .Scarlett Sentinel Apple Espalier ..............$149.99 Visit for more tips and pollination information Cherry Jubileum Montmorency ................$54.99 .Sweet - self pollinating .Black York - self pollinating Peach Blushing Star . ed Haven - self pollinating R .Reliance - self pollinating .White Lady - self pollinating Pear . njou - pollinate w/ Bartlett A .Bartlett - pollinate w/Anjou or Self Plum .Red Ace - requires pollinator Blueberry Blue Ray ...............Earliblu ................ Patriot #3................$26.99 Pink Lemonade................$26.99 9 HACK BERRY - Celtis Honeyberry ........Blue Pacific ......... Blue Moon #3................$26.99 4 - 5"...................$415 HARRY LAUDER WALKING STICK - Corylus Lycium Big Lifeberry #3................$34.99 Mulberry Illinois #7................$49.99 Walnut Eng. Northern Prize #7................$79.99 Red Dragon 4' standards...................$210 2 - 3' shrub form.....................$75 4 - 5' shrub...................$115 HEATHER - Callunna Erica - pink #3................$29.99 (note – no warranty is given on any fruit trees, fruits or vegetables) GRAPES, BLACKBERRIES, RASPBERRY, GOJIBERRIES, AND STRAWBERRIES.......$26.99 Blackberry, Chester Thornless Blackberry, Prime Jan Blackberry, Triple Crown Grape, Cayuga White Grape, Concord Grape, Marechal Foch Grape, Niagara Grape, Red Reliance Grape, Reliance Gojiberry, Crimson Star Raspberry, Red Heritage Raspberry, Shortcake Raspberry, Yellow Anne Strawberry Korean Cherry Shrub VEGETABLE BULBS AND PLANTS - Priced at nursery Organic compost, vegetable fertilizers & eco sense products available at nursery HEMLOCK - Tsuga Canadensis Albospica#6...................$105 #3................$44.99 Canadian 5 - 6'...................$135 6 - 7'...................$160 7 - 8'...................$195 Coles Prostrate Bennet Dwarf Weeping Jeddeloh #6...................$135 #2................$69.50 30 - 36"...................$115 36 - 42"...................$135 HERBS - Misc. .priced at nursery HOLLY - Ilex Blue Prince / Princess Holly #3.....................$28 #6.....................$48 Upright Blue Maid Princess Crenata ‘Steeds’ Crenata compacta Inkberry ‘Shamrock’ 3 - 4'..............$149.99 #3.....................$38 #3.....................$38 GINKO Autumn Gold Mariken 10 4 - 5'.....................$85 HONEYSUCKLE – Lonicera Goldflame Halls #2 staked................$24.50 #5 staked................$34.50 11 JAPANESE MAPLE (see Maples) Dropmore Scarlet................$34.50 HORNBEAM - Carpinus Pyramidal 1 - 1 ½"...................$105 1 ½ - 2"...................$190 2 - 2 ½"...................$230 HORSECHESTNUT - Aesculus Briotii Red 2 - 2 ½"...................$165 2 ½" - 3"...................$195 HYDRANGEA Big Daddy #3................$39.50 Blue Cassel #3................$39.50 Pistachio#3................$39.50 Endless Summer #1.5................$24.50 Firelight#2................$32.50 Twist & Shout #3................$49.50 Tuff Stuff #7.....................$75 Phantom Little Lime Limelight Incrediball Invincibelle Quickfire#2................$24.50 Juniper - Juniperus Andorra Compact #1................$12.50 Angelica Blue #2................$24.50 Blue Rug #3................$34.50 Blue Star #5................$42.50 Gold Lace Procumbens – Greenmound Sea Green Blue Star Std....................$155 Upright: Spartan#5.....................$55 Witchita Blue 4 - 5'...................$105 5 - 6'...................$140 6 - 7'...................$160 KATSURA TREE - Cercidiphyllum japonicum Weeping Form LARCH - Larix LILAC 1 ½ - 2".....................145 2 - 2 ½"...................$185 2 ½ - 3"...................$225 3 - 3 ½"...................$285 5'...................$125 4 - 5'...................$125 24" - 30" ...............$28.50 Vanilla Strawberry #3................$39.50 #5................$49.99 #6.....................$75 #7................$84.99 Syringa Angel White Donald Wyman Monge - Deep Purple Royal Purple Tree Forms #7...................$115 #10...................$155 Sensation - Wine Purple w/ White Edge 24" - 30"................$28.50 Petiolaris - Vine Charles Joly - Deep Purple 30 - 36"...................$39.99 3 - 4'................$49.99 12 #2 staked................$29.99 #5 staked................$49.99 13 Bloomerang - Repeat Blooms #2...................$29.99 Bloomerange - Dark Purple #3................$44.99 Miss Kim - Dwarf #2................$34.99 #6................$59.99 Miss Kim Std. Palibin (Violet Purple) Tinkerbell (Dark Pink)3 - 3 ½’ Std..................$155 #3................$32.50 #6................$44.50 Ivory Silk Tree Form 1 - 1 ¼".....................$85 1 ¼ - 1 ½"...................$110 1 ½ - 2"...................$185 2 - 2 ½"...................$225 2 ½ - 3" ..................$285 3 - 3 ½"...................$325 LINDEN - Tillia Greenspire#10...................$110 Sterling Silver 2 - 2 ½"...................$185 2 ½ - 3"...................$245 3 - 3 ½"...................$285 3 ½ - 4"...................$325 4 - 4 ½"...................$425 LOCUST – Gleditsia Shademaster#7...................$105 Skyline#10...................$125 Sunburst 1 ½ - 2"...................$165 2 - 2 ½"...................$215 2 ½ - 3"...................$255 3 - 3 ½"...................$285 LONDON PLANE TREE – Platanus acerfolia Bloodgood 14 1 - 1 ½"...................$105 1 ½ - 2"...................$175 2 - 2 ½"...................$225 2 ½ - 3"...................$245 3 - 3 ½"...................$285 MAGNOLIA Jane Saucer Anne 3 - 4'.....................$65 4 - 5'.....................$75 5 - 6'...................$125 MAPLE – Acer Armstrong 2 - 2 ½"................245.00 Autumn Blaze #5.....................$65 1 - 1 ½"...................$110 1 ½ - 2"...................$145 2 - 2 ½"...................$185 2 ½ - 3"...................$255 3 - 3 ½"...................$315 3 ½ - 4".....................N/A 4 - 5"...................$455 5 - 6"...................$595 6 - 7"...................$725 Bowhall 1 - 1 ½"...................$115 1 ½ - 2"...................$145 2 - 2 ½"...................$185 3 - 4"...................$385 4 - 5"...................$455 Celebration 1 - 1 ½"...................$110 1 ½ - 2"...................$145 2 - 2 ½"...................$185 2 ½ - 3"...................$255 3 - 3 ½"...................$325 3 ½ - 4"...................$395 4 - 5"...................$525 5 - 6"...................$595 Crimson King Maple 1 - 1 ½"...................$125 1 ½ - 2"...................$185 2 - 2 ½"...................$245 2 ½ - 3"...................$355 3 - 3 ½"...................$390 15 Crimson Sunset 1 - 1 ½"...................$110 Globe Maple 1 ½ - 2"...................$185 2 - 2 ½"...................$255 2 ½ - 3"...................$315 3 - 3 ½"...................$385 Hedge Maple 1 - 1 ½"...................$125 1 ½ - 2"...................$195 2 - 2 ½"...................$255 2 ½ - 3"...................$295 3 - 3 ½"...................$325 Norweigen Sunset 1 ½ - 2".....................N/A 2 - 2 ½".....................N/A 2 ½ - 3"...................$215 3 - 3 ½"...................$295 3 ½ - 4"...................$390 4 - 5"...................$545 5 - 6"...................$765 October Glory 1 - 1 ½"...................$110 1 ½ - 2"...................$145 2 - 2 ½"...................$185 2 ½ - 3"...................$245 3 - 3 ½"...................$345 3 ½ - 4"...................$415 4 - 5"...................$545 5 - 6"...................$595 Paperbark 1 - 1 ½"...................$175 2 - 2 ½"...................$255 Princeton Gold 3 - 3 ½"...................$315 3 ½ - 4"...................$395 Red Point #15.....................$85 2 - 2 ½"...................$210 Red Sunset 1 - 1 ½"...................$125 1 ½ - 2"...................$195 16 2 - 2 ½"...................$245 2 ½ - 3"...................$295 3 - 3 ½"...................$345 3 ½ - 4"...................$415 4 - 4 ½"...................$545 4 ½ - 5"...................$625 5 - 5 ½"...................$765 5 ½ - 6"...................$825 Regal Petticoat #7...................$125 1 - 1 ½"...................$150 Silver Variegated 1 ½ - 2"...................$145 2 - 2 ½"...................$185 2 ½ - 3"...................$275 SUGAR VARIETIES Green Mountain 1 - 1 ½"...................$105 Legacy 1 ½ - 2"...................$175 2 - 2 ½"...................$225 2 ½ - 3"...................$275 3 - 3 ½"...................$315 JAPANESE MAPLE Upright: Bloodgood 4 - 5'...................$155 Mikawa Yatsubusa 5 - 6'...................$215 Northwind 6 - 7'...................$265 Skeeters Broom 7 - 8'...................$295 8 - 9'...................$310 9 - 10'...................$415 #25 Specimen...................$590 Weeping: (Graded by the spread of the head) Crimson Queen 15 - 18".....................$95 Inaba Shidare 18 - 24"...................$135 Ryusen 24 - 30"...................$195 Virdis 30 - 36"...................$255 3 - 3 ½'...................$285 3 ½ - 4'...................$315 #25 Specimen...................$490 17 MICROBIOTA Russian Cypress Tree Form #3................$34.50 24 - 30"...................$155 4 - 4 ½"...................$490 4 ½ - 5"...................$590 5 - 6"...................$735 6 - 7"...................$825 PACHYSANDRA MOCK ORANGE - Philadelphus Blizzard Snowflake#3................$24.99 #5................$34.99 MOUNTAIN LAUREL Nipmuck Pink Charm (American Beauty) #3......................$44.99 MYRTLE Ralph Shugert Vinca Minor Flat................$39.99 #1..................$9.99 MULBERRY - Morus Weeping Form #15..............$149.99 NINEBARK - Physocarpus Centerglow Coppertina Diablo#3................$38.50 Little Devil #6................$58.50 Summerwine Lemon Candy Tree Form Diablo 1 ½ - 2"...................$165 2 - 2 ½"...................$195 Flat................$39.99 #3..................$9.99 PEAR - Pyrus (ornamental) Cleavland Select #5..................58.00 1 - 1 ½"..................90.00 1 ½ - 2"................145.00 2 - 2 ½"................195.00 2 ½ - 3"................255.00 3 - 3 ½"................335.00 3 ½ - 4"................365.00 Silver Ball #10..................75.00 1 ½ - 2"................185.00 2 - 2 ½"................210.00 2 ½ - 3"................265.00 3 - 3 ½"................345.00 3 ½ - 4"................395.00 4 - 5"................545.00 PEA SHRUB - Caragana #5..................34.50 Weeping Form 3 - 4' Std.................105.00 #10................215.00 PEACH - (Ornamental) Bonfire#7................109.99 OAK – Quercus Pin#7.....................$95 Red 1 - 1 ½"...................$110 Regal Prince 1 ½ - 2" (#15)...................$155 Swamp White 2 - 2 ½" (#25)...................$195 White 2 ½ - 3"...................$245 3 - 3 ½"...................$295 3 ½ - 4"...................$365 18 PINE - Pinus Austrian ‘Gold Coin’ Scotch 3 - 4'..................65.00 4 - 5'..................95.00 5 - 6'................115.00 6 - 7’.....................N/A .(priced at nursery) 19 Mugho#3..................28.50 Pumilio dwarf #5..................36.50 #7..................68.00 Nana - Lox Std. #7................105.00 Vanderwolf 3 - 4'................155.00 5 - 6'...................$185 Tanima no yuki #3...................$125 Taylor’s Sunburst #6...................$175 RED BUD - Cercis Canadensis Common - Purple 1 - 1 ½".....................$85 Common - Clump 1 ½" - 2"...................$205 Alba - White 2” - 2 ½"...................$225 Forest Pansy - Purple Foliage Merlot Lavender Twist 5 - 6"...................$255 REDWOOD - Metasequoia Glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood #10...................$125 8 - 10' b&b...................$215 5 - 6"...................$645 RHODODENDRON Umbrella White 3 - 4'...................$175 3 - 4'.....................$65 4 - 5'.....................$85 5 - 6'...................$115 6 - 7'...................$135 7 - 8'...................$165 8 - 9'...................$215 9 - 10'...................$265 10 - 12'...................$355 POTENTILLA Abbotswood - White #2.....................$20 Gold Drop - Yellow #3................$24.50 #5................$29.50 PRIVET - Ligustrum Northern 24 - 30"................$24.50 30 - 36"................$34.50 PYRACANTHA Boursalt (Purple) #3................$39.50 Cat. Album (White) #5.....................$58 Grandiforum (Lavender) #6.....................$68 Nova Zembla (Red) #10 hvy.....................$88 Roseum Elegans (Violet) PJM Purple Elite#3................$39.50 Compacta#5.....................$58 Olga (Pink) #6.....................$78 Aglo (Pink) #10.....................$88 Purple Gem (Dwarf) #6.....................$58 ROSE OF SHARON - Althea Althea - mixed #3................$22.50 Blue Satin #5.....................$35 Chiffon#6.....................$45 Lil Kim Fireworks Tree Forms 4 - 5' Std......................$68 5 - 6' ....................$78 #5.....................$38 ROSES - Repeat Bloomers QUINCE - Scarlet Storm #2................$28.50 #3................$39.50 20 Shrub Forms (single and double) Blue Girl #1................$19.99 21 Knock Out (Red) #2................$28.50 Knock Out (Pink) - dbl. #3................$34.50 Ketchup and Mustard Mr. Lincoln (Red) Rugosa Red Drift Peach Drift Knock Out Tree Form - Red ................$99.99 Climbing Rose Don Juan #3................$34.50 FLOWER CARPET Goldflame ........ Neon Flash Double Play Pink Double Play Big Bang #2.....................$20 #3.....................$28 #5.....................$35 SPRUCE - Picea Baby Blue Eyes (shiners/dwarf) 3 - 4'...................$145 4 - 5'...................$225 5 - 6'...................$255 Birds Nest Pink Supreme Red Carpet #1................$24.50 #2................$32.50 DAVID AUSTIN#3................$44.99 Carding Mill LD Braithwaite Claire Austin .Munstead Wood Crown Princess Margaretta Sir John Benjamin Fall Staff Tess of Durbervilles Graham Thomas W illiam Shakespeare Harlow Carr Wisley 2008 #3.....................$34 Colorado Blue Spruce 24 - 30"................$39.99 30 - 36"................$44.99 3 - 4'.....................$85 4 - 5'...................$120 5 - 6'...................$155 6 - 7'...................$175 7 - 8'...................$195 ( larger priced at nursery) Columnar Blue – Fastigata 5 - 6’......................$235 SERVICEBERRY - Amelanchier Tree Forms: Autumn Brilliance 1 ½ - 2"...................$165 2 - 2 ½"...................$235 Shrub Forms#5.....................$24 5 - 6'...................$115 SMOKE TREE – Cotinus Royal Purple Golden Spirit #3.....................$38 #7.....................$55 5 - 6’.....................$85 #10 Std....................$155 Dwarf Alberta Spruce 15 - 18"................$24.50 18 - 24".....................$32 24 - 30".....................$38 30 - 36".....................$68 36 - 42".....................$95 42 - 48"...................$115 4 - 4 ½'...................$155 5 - 6'...................$195 6 - 7'...................$225 ‘Sander’s Blue’ #6...................$185 ‘Rainbow’s End’ #6...................$185 SPIREA Anthony Waterer Gold Mound 22 .... Little Princess ..... Magic Carpet Fat Albert #5................$49.99 30 - 36".....................$75 3 - 4'...................$165 23 Globosa 4 - 5'...................$185 18 - 24"...................$155 30 - 36"...................$195 Standards 15 - 18"...................$135 18 - 21"...................$155 Little Gem - Norway Norway #2................$26.50 24 - 30"................$39.99 3 - 4'.....................$85 4 - 5'...................$125 5 - 6'...................$155 6 - 7'...................$175 7 - 8'...................$205 (larger priced at nursery) TAXODIUM Peve Minaret #3...................$105 TULIP TREE - Liriodendron1 - 1 ½"..............$90 1 ½ - 2"...................$145 2 - 2 ½"...................$195 2 ½ - 3"...................$255 VIBURNUM Burkwood Double File Korean Spice Fragrant #5.....................$44 30 - 36".....................$48 3 - 3 ½".....................$54 3 ½ - 4".....................$64 WEIGELA Weeping Norway 3 - 4'...................$145 4 - 5'...................$185 5 - 6'...................$235 7 - 8'...................$265 Cupressina - Columnar Norway 5 - 6'...................$235 Variegated#2................$24.50 Red Prince #3................$32.50 My Monet #5.....................$45 Wine & Roses Spilled Wine My Monet Sunset WILLOW - Salix Dwarf Standard 18 - 24" #10...................$155 Weeping White Spruce #6...................$155 4 - 5'...................$195 5 - 6'...................$285 ST. JOHN’S WORT - Hypericum (See American Beauties) SUMAC - Rhus Grow Lo Tiger Eyes #3................$38.50 #3................$34.50 Arctic Willow (Shrub Form) Hakuro Nishiki (Shrub Form) #3.....................$32 Golden Sunshine #5................$44.99 #7................$79.99 Tree Form 4 - 5' Std......................$95 5 - 6' Std....................$105 1 ½ - 2"...................$175 2 - 2 ½'...................$195 2 ½ - 3"...................$245 3 - 3 ½"...................$285 SWEETGUM Moraine 24 5 - 6'.....................$65 6 - 8'.....................$85 Corkscrew Weeping Golden Weeping Green 8 - 10'.....................$65 25 10 - 12'.....................$95 1 ½ - 2"...................$155 2 - 2 ½"...................$255 Weeping Pussy Willow 5 - 5 ½ 'Std............................$125 French Weeping - Pink #3................$29.99 ZELKOVA Green Vase Village Green Wireless 1 - 1 ½".....................$95 1 ½ - 2"...................$185 2 - 2 ½"...................$225 2 ½ - 3"...................$255 Shrub Form - Located in American Beauty Section WINTERBERRY - Ilex Verticillata Southern Gentlemen Winter Red #3.....................$38 Musashino#15.....................$85 2 - 2 ½"...................$225 4 - 5"...................$485 5 - 6"...................$625 WINTERGREEN - Gaultheria #1................$15.99 #2................$19.99 EXOTICS, SPIRALS, POODLES, TOPIARYS, & SPECIMANS, ETC. PRICED AT NURSERY. (located in “funky stuff” area) WISTERIA Aunt Dee Amethyst Falls 2 - 3' Staked................$39.99 3 - 4' Staked.....................$45 CUSTOM STARTER TREES: WITCHHAZEL - Hamamelis These trees are grown at our farm with the “do-it-themselves” in mind that want a nice size starter tree they can handle at a reasonable price. We have taken the work out of pruning and have given the tree a nice branch structure to start with. Commmon Jelena#6................$79.99 Trees are grown in either a 10, 15 or 20 gallon container. Lawrence 5 - 6'................$89.99 Yew – Taxus Densiformus 18 - 24".....................$38 24 - 30".....................$52 30 - 36".....................$75 Hicksi 24 - 30".....................$44 30 - 36".....................$58 Capitata 26 2015 PERENNIAL PRICES All 1 qt...................$8.99 All 1 gal. ...............$12.99 All 2 gal................ $16.99 All 3 gal................ $26.99 (priced at nursery) REMEMBER – BUY 3, GET 1 FREE! YUCCA Adams Needle Bright Edge Misc: Varieties to include - Maples, Oak, Cherry, Pear, Crabapple, etc. #2................$24.99 CHECK ONLINE WWW.WWNURSERY.COM OR AT OUR SALES COUNTER FOR THE 2015 PERENNIAL PLANT LIST 27 ORNAMENTAL GRASSES # 1.5 # 3 #5 HARDSCAPES $13.75 $34.99 $39.99 Festuca ovina ‘Elijah Blue’ Miscanthus ‘Gigantacus’ Miscanthus ‘Gracillimus’ (Maiden Grass) Miscanthus ‘Oktoberfest’ Miscanthus ‘Strictus’ (Porcupine Grass) Miscanthus ‘Varigatus’ (Japanese Silver Grass) Panicum ‘Heavy Metal’ Pennisetum ‘Hameln’ (Dwarf Hameln Grass) Pennisetum ‘Fountain’ (Dwarf Fountain Grass) Schizachyrium ‘Smoke Signal’ Check out our Aquatic Supply Center. We will be offering: liners, fountains, pumps, Koi (fish), and more! Various landscape boulders, decorative stones, colored mulches, weed fabric, planting mixes, fertilizers etc. are available. Please call for pricing and availability, or look in our hard goods sections. Misc. Decorative patio pot displays Priced at nursery Quality Pottery available. Priced at nursery. 28 29 HARDGOODS & SUPPLIES BARK MULCH Hemlock..... $50 per yard ....$30 per scoop Dyed Hardwood .... $40 per yard ....$25 per scoop Colorfast Red, Brown, & Black *Saturday Special* Pick up only Colorfast mulch ..........$34.99/yd. PREMIUM NATURAL BARK...... $30 per yard ....$18 per scoop **Saturday Special** Pick up only .....$26.99/yd. BULK MULCH COVERAGE Check out our web site for our bulk mulch calculator! BAG MULCH Colored Mulch 2 cu' .................$4.99 (Red, Black or Brown) Hardwood Mulch 2 cu' .................$4.29 Pine Nuggets 2 cu'................. $4.99 Mini Nuggets 2 cu '................. $4.99 BAG MULCH COVERAGE Check out our web site for our bag mulch calculator! TOPSOIL Screened Grade A ½ yd. ................... $20 1 yd. ....................$38 40 lb. Bag....................3.49 BLENDED PLANTING MIX 1 yd. ....................$60 1 scoop ................... $35 COMPOST 30 1 yd. ................... $60 1 scoop ................... $30 LEAF COMPOST 1 yd. ....................$20 1 scoop ................... $15 PEAT MOSS iracle Gro Sphagnum Peat Moss (8 qt.) ......... $4.99 M Lambert Golden Peat Moss (2.2 cu') .........$11.99 PLANTING MIXES iracle Gro Tree & Shrub Soil (1.0 cu') ...... $8.99 M Mushroom Compost (40 lb.) .................$4.99 Lambert Pro Bark Mix (3 LCF) ................$19.99 Lambert RTU Mix (3 LCF) ............... $19.99 BULK DECORATIVE STONE Autumn Red (¾ - 1") 1 scoop ......... .$40 or 1 yard .......... $70 Pocono River (1- 3") 1 scoop ......... .$45 or 1 yard .......... $85 Firelight (red ash) 1 scoop .............. .$45 or 1 yard .......... $80 #3 Rounds 1 scoop ........................ .$25 or 1 yard .......... $45 Delaware Blend 1 scoop ................ .$45 or 1 yard .......... $85 Berkshire 1 scoop ........................... .$55 or 1 yard .......... $95 Blue Mountain 1 scoop ................... .$25 or 1 yard .......... $45 Maryland Beach 1 scoop ................ .$70 or 1 yard ....... .$130 Northern Rounds 1 scoop .............. .$50 or 1 yard .......... $90 ** Calculation on coverage 1 yd. covers approximately 60 -100 sq. ft. pending stone size** BAGGED DECORATIVE STONE Autumn Red (50 lb) ................ $3.99 Marble Chip (50 lb) ................ $4.99 Maryland River (50 llb.) ................ $5.49 Pocono River (50 lb.) ................ $3.99 Brick Chip (40 lb.) ................ $5.49 Mexican River 2-3” (20 lb.) .............. $12.99 Mexican River ½-1” (20 lb.) .............. $12.99 Firelight (40 lb.) ................ $4.49 Salt & Pepper (20 lb.) .............. $12.99 Terrapin Green (40 lb.) ................ $5.99 Maryland River Pea Gravel .................$5.49 We are dealers of Everlast Stone Products and carry a wide variety of boulders, stepping stone and wall stone. priced at nursery pending availability. 31 SOD - LIMITED AVAILABILITY 2' x 5' roll..................$5.99 TREE STAKES..................$2.99 2 x 2 x 5’ with point TREE STAKE KITS.............. $12.99 Includes Poly-lock, hose and stakes TREE GUARDS Corrugated Wt. 3"..................$3.99 Decorative Black..................$7.99 PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN & INSTALLATION SERVICE W&W Nursery offers three landscape design service options: • Professional Landscape Design and Installation Services • Snapshop Design Services • Design Consultation Services Professional Landscape Design and Installation Services: Landscaping: “The art of expressing a thought with plants” - Ken Williams, founder W&W Nursery, Street Smart Gardener (S.S.G.) WEED BARRIERS (priced at nursery) BURLAP (priced at nursery) * All Fertilizers, Pesticides, Organic products, Pottery, Fountains, Furniture & Gardening supplies - priced at nursery * If you were selecting an artist to paint your portrait you certainly wouldn’t use “low bid” as your only criteria. Past work, quality, artistic flair, and creativity would all figure into your decision. Likewise, we believe choosing the right landscape contractor should involve experience with past projects, quality work, and creative flair. At W&W we start with considering your thoughts and needs, creating a ‘one of a kind’ design, locally grown top quality plants, professional nurserymen technique, finishing with plenty of good planting soil and our 100% service guarantee. 32 33 Our design team can assist you with plant selection and layouts to meet your needs. We provide both overhead plot plans and state of the art “photo computer imaged design”, showing you tomorrow .... today! We can assist with both residential and commercial applications. An appointment that is convenient to you and W&W is necessary. We are generally available most days, except Saturday and Sunday. Advanced booking is recommended. Design rates are $50.00 per hour. The average family home normally costs approximately $200 - $300 and is not deductible from the materials or installation fees. Design fees are due when they are viewed at the nursery. Designs must be paid for in full in order to leave the nursery. Photorealistic imagery designs are available for $125.00 first page, additional pages $75.00. Landscape Installation Costs: W&W requires a $500.00 minimum. Landscape design charges are based on size and type of plant, soil preparation, choice of mulch, hardscapes, and type of lawn installation. All plant materials meet or exceed A.N.L.A. (American Nursery and Landscape Association) standards. Due to the high volume of scheduled installation projects, and in order to complete your design in a timely manner, W&W Nursery may assist you in selecting an approved landscape contractor for installation. All landscape contractors are certified by W&W and have the W&W certified logo. DESIGN CONSULTATION SERVICES Choosing the “right plant for the right place” is an important consideration for all types of landscaping. Ignoring this guideline may lead to increased maintenance, a failure of plants to thrive, and sometimes the death of installed plant material. Let W&W Nursery help you. For only $50 per hour ($l00/hr. if you request the owner), we will send a W&W representative to your home or business, while there we will answer your questions and advise you on the proper plants to install at your location. Call 607-687-0306 to schedule an appointment. FAQ How much will it cost to landscape my yard? A landscaping project can cost anywhere from $5,000 to over $100,000. When deciding on a budget keep in mind that investing in professional landscaping will greatly add to the value of your home. A general rule of thumb is to spend 10% of your home’s value on landscaping. So, if you have a $200,000 house then a landscaping budget of $20,000 is appropriate. Factors that Impact Landscaping Costs • The size of your yard • The features you desire (i.e. patio, outdoor kitchen, pool, etc.) • The materials and plants you select • Where materials are sourced from • Your location • Local labor costs • Site Work How can I reduce my landscaping costs? • Phased Installation (i-design, 2-hardscaping, 3-trees, 4-garden beds) • Reduce plant size • Vary hardscape materials • Avoid specialty items (i.e. outdoor kitchen, pool) Is there a quantityl bulk discount? W&W works very hard at providing high-quality plant material to you at the lowest price possible. Therefore, we do not offer additional discounts on any of our plants, including those used in design installation projects. “The bitterness of poor quality outlasts the sweetness of a good deal” ~ Ken Williams, S.S.G. 34 35 ASK US HOW TO EARN 10% OF YOUR PURCHASE BACK WITH OUR NURSERY BUCKS PROGRAM! TERMS & CONDITIONS • For larger and hard to find material, call for a quote. • Bids welcome and quantity discounts given. • Wholesale discounts given to those established in the trade. Ask for details. • 25% deposit, balance net 30, for those with established credit. • Prices subject to change without notice. All prices are F.O.B • Delivery available • Due to sales and growth of plants, all sizes and varieties may not be available. Availability changes daily. • Additional items not listed may be available. Call for inventory. • This list cancels all previous lists • For your convenience we accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover. • Need to see something in particular? We can e-mail photos to you. NURSERY & LANDSCAPING “Let’s Grow Green Together!” 36 37 DESIGN INSTALLATION WARRANTY POLICY STORE RETURN POLICY We warranty our nursery stock to be true under the name which it is sold. Should any plant purchased at W&W Nursery and Landscaping die within one year of the purchase, we will honor a 1 year - 100% guarantee of the purchase price towards a replacement plant, provided that: An item may be returned if: • The printed cash register receipt accompanies your return. • Reasonable horticultural practices were used by the customer. • The care sheet was read and followed. • No conditions happened per the original proposal agreement. • The item is not a sale or final sale item. • The return is within 30 days of the purchase date. • The item is unused or in resalable condition. *A nursery credit or replacement for dead plants will be given at the discretion of management. W&W Nursery and Landscaping reserves the right to visit the site prior to any reimbursement or replacement. When returning an item paid for by check there is 14-day waiting period. However, an in-store credit or a check sent in the mail for the amount of the refund is available. No cash refunds. Items paid in cash will be refunded via check after the 14 day waiting period. NOTES GIFT CARD/CERTIFICATE POLICY • No warranty on replacement items. • Discounted and special price items will NOT be warrantied. • Cash refunds will not be issued. • Any plant that is up to 30% dead will not be warrantied. With proper care the plant should recover. • W&W Nursery and Landscaping is not responsible for damage done by animals (girdling), insects, disease, or weather conditions; generally things that we have no control over. We are also not responsible for the death of the plant due to lack of and/or improper watering, human misbehavior, mechanical damage occurred, salt damage, or theft. Once activated, gift cards/certificates are redeemable for merchandise only at W&W Nursery and Landscaping and have a monetary value determined at the time of purchase. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash applied towards wholesale accounts, credit cards, or other electronic pay cards. W&W Nursery and Landscaping is not responsible for lost or stolen gift cards/certificates. Gift cards/certificates expire one year after the date of purchase. • For seeded lawns we offer a one-time call back within 30 days for weather damage only. • Customer is responsible for all ‘grow in’ procedures for seeded and sodded lawns as per-care sheet. • All extra jobs, items, and/or addendum must be paid for by the customer. • Any cancellation of contract after 2 business days will result in a forfeit of deposit and/or a service charge of 25%. • Any cancellation or returned nursery stock will result in a 25% restocking fee. • If payment is neglected client will be responsible for all court costs, interest charges, and attorney’s fees. • Any check returned by the bank will result in a service charge plus the amount due. No Exceptions to the Above Conditions Will Be Allowed. 38 39 DELIVERY POLICY NURSERY STOCK WARRANTY POLICY • Delivery hours are Monday and Friday, unless otherwise noted. Due to a great many factors inherent in deliveries, an exact time of delivery cannot be given. The driver will call the customer prior to delivery, We warranty our nursery stock to be true under the name which it is sold. Should any plant purchased at W&W Nursery and Landscaping die within one year of the purchase, we will reimburse 50% of the purchase price towards a replacement plant. The reimbursement will be issued as an in-store credit provided that: • Your delivery will arrive on the scheduled day. • Drivers will call if there is a problem or delay. • We appreciate your patience during our busy season (April - June), • Please notify us immediately if you have a new driveway or low power lines. • Drivers are not permitted to drive on lawns or unpaved surfaces due to the weight of trucks and materials, so please, do not ask. Driver reserves right to dump materials where safest. • Customer does not need to be home to accept delivery. • Merchandise is placed in driveway or on curbside, unless otherwise noted. Marking flags can be given to mark delivery placement. • W&W Nursery and Landscaping is not responsible for any/all damages done to driveways, parking lots, etc., due to the delivery of bulk stone, mulch, topsoil, compost, hard goods, or plant stock where the customer has instructed the delivery to be placed. • The dead plant is returned for inspection at the time a claim for replacement is made. If the plant is too large to return, extensive photographs of the plant, area of concern, and root zone (the part that’s in the ground) will suffice. This is the only time photographs will be acceptable. W&W Nursery and Landscaping reserves the right to visit the site for inspection prior to any reimbursement. • Reasonable horticultural practices were used by the customer. • The original printed cash register receipt or invoice accompanies the returned plant. A nursery credit for the 50% reimbursement will be given at the discretion of management. NOTES • Any bulk product that has been over-ordered will not be picked up or reimbursed. • No warranty is given on any sale, final sale, discounted items, annuals, perennials, houseplants, vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs, or trees with a four inch (4") caliper or larger. • Delivery charges are non-refundable on replacement items. If your replacement item needs to be delivered, another delivery charge will be required by the customer. • No warranty on items purchased with a landscaper or contractor discount. • Any and all claims must be made within 24 hours of delivery and before bulk product, hard goods, or plant material has been inserted into the landscape. • Cash refunds will not be issued. • By NYS law, W & W is not allowed to dump any product on streets or any other municipal property. Please do not ask. 40 • No warranty on replacement items. • Any plant that is up to 30% dead will not be warrantied. With proper care the plant should recover. • W&W Nursery and Landscaping is not responsible for any labor costs, delivery fees, or other costs incurred in planting or removing any/all materials. We are also not responsible for damage done by animals (girdling), insects, disease, or weather conditions; generally things that we have no control over. We are also not responsible for the death of the plant due to lack of and/or improper watering, human misbehavior, mechanical damage occurred, salt damage, or theft. 41 • W&W Nursery and Landscaping does not warranty retail installations. A W&W Certified Installer carries a one year guarantee on installations. Please contact your installer for any/all questions or comments regarding: install process, time of install, billing for the install, additional work needed, plant health concerns, etc. • Special orders require 25% down payment. There is a 25% restocking fee on all cancelled special orders. • Any check returned by the bank will result in a service charge plus the amount due. No Exceptions to the Above Conditions Will Be Allowed. STORE RETURN POLICY An item may be returned if: • The printed cash register receipt accompanies your return. • The return is within 30 days of the purchase date. • The item is unused or in resellable condition. • The item is not a sale or final sale item. When returning an item paid for by check there is a 14-day waiting period. However, an in-store credit or a check sent in the mail for the amount of the refund is available. No cash refunds. Items paid in cash will be refunded via check after the 14-day waiting period. GIFT CARD/GIFT CERTIFICATE POLICY Once activated, gift cards/certificates are redeemable for merchandise only at W&W Nursery and Landscaping and have a monetary value determined at the time of purchase. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash applied towards wholesale accounts, credit cards, or other electronic pay cards. W&W Nursery and Landscaping is not responsible for lost or stolen gift cards/certificates. Gift cards/certificates expire one year after the date of purchase. DELIVERY POLICY • Due to many factors inherrent in deliveries, an exact time of delivery cannot be given. The driver will call the customer prior to delivery. Deliveries will arrive on their scheduled day. • Drivers will call if there is a problem or delay. • We appreciate your patience during our busy season (April-June). 42 • Please notify us immediately if you havea new driveway or low power lines. • Drivers are not permited to drive on lawns or unpaved sufaces due to the weight of trucks and materials, so please, do not ask. By NYS law, the driver is not permitted to dump product on the street or other municipal properties. Again, please do not ask. Drivers reserve the right to dump materials where safest. • Customer does not need to be home to accept delivery. • Merchandise is placed in driveway or on curbside, unless otherwise noted. Marking flags can be given to mark delivery placement. • W&W Nursery and Landscaping is not responsible for any damages done to the driveways, parking lots, etc. due to the delivery of bulk mulch, much, topsoil, compost, hard goods,or plant stock where the customer has instructed the delivery to be placed. • Any bulk product that has been over-ordered will not be picked up or reimbursed. • Delivery charges are non-refundable on placement items. If your replacement item needs to be delivered, another delivery charge will be required by the customer. • Any and all claims must be made within 24 hours of delivery, and before bulk product, hard-goods, or plant material has been inserted in the landscape. Nursery Stock Warranty Policy We warranty our nursery stock to be true under the name which it is sold. Should any plant purchased at W&W Nursery and Landscaping die within one year of purchase, we will reimburse 50% of the purchase price towards a replacement plant. The reimbursement will be issued as an instore credit provided that: • The dead plant is returned for inspection at the time a claim for replacement is made. If the plant is too large to return, extensive photographs of the plant, area of concern, and root zone (the part that is in the ground) will suffice. This is the only time photographs will be acceptable. W&W Nursery and Landscaping reserves the right to visit the site for inspection prior to any reimbursement. • Reasonable horticultural practices were used by the customer. • The original printed cash register receipt or invoice accompanies the returned plant. You must have the receipt. We do not keep duplicates. A nursery credit for the 50% reimbursement will be given at the discretion of management. 43 NOTES • No warranty is given on any sale, final sale, discounted items, annuals, perrenials, houseplants, vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs, bulbs, or trees with a 4 inch (4") callibar. • No warranty on items purchased with a landscaper or contractor discount. • No warranty on replacement items. • Cash refunds will not be issued. • Any plant that is up to 30% dead will not be warrantied. With proper care, the plant should recover. • W&W Nursery and Landscaping is not responsible for any labor costs, delivery fees, or other costs incurred in planting or removing any materials. We are also not responsible for damage done by animals (grazing), insects, disease, or weather conditions: generally things we have no control over. We are also not responsible for the death of the plant due to lack of and or improper watering, human misbehavior, mechanical damage occurred, soil damage, or theft. • W&W Nursery and Landscaping does not warranty retail installations. A W&W certified installer carries a one year guarantee on installations. Please contact your installer for any and all questions or comments regarding: install processes, time of install, billing for the install, additional work needed, plant health concerns, etc. • Special orders require 25% down payment. • There is a 25% restocking fee on all canceled special orders. • Any check returned by the bank will result in a service charge plus the amount due. NO EXCEPTION THE ABOVE CONDITIONS WILL BE ALLOWED. The following are invasive species - harmful to the environment: Acer platanoides (Norway Maple), Ciematis terniflora (Japanese Virgin’s Bower), Euonymous alatus (Burning Bush), Euonymous fortune (Winter Creeper), Miscanthus sinensis (Chinese Silver Grass), and Robinia pseudoacacia (Black Locust) PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS 1) For well drained soils dig the hole twice as wide and the same depth as the rootball. Fill in the bottom 3 inches with a mixture of 1/3 topsoil, 1/3 of your soil, and 1/3 of compost and peat moss (AKA, rule of thirds). 2) For poorly draining soils, plant the tree or shrub higher, generally 1/2-2/3 above soil level (or even higher), depending on how well the soil drains. Add gypsum to the bottom of the hole to help break up the clay and other tightly packing particles. Again using the rule of thirds with your soil moisture, mound the soil up around the rootball. For particularly bad drainage, add a drain channel in the bottom of the hole about 3 ft long filled with gravel. 3) If you purchased a plant in a container, remove the rootball from the pot. Try to rough up and tease the roots loose by moving your hands up and down the root mass. If the root-ass is potbound, use a knife or hand pruner to score the roots vertically 3-5 times, then use your hands to make the roots loose. Don’t fear for the plants health. Beleive us, you’re doing it a big favor! This will encourage new root growth. 4) Carefully place the rootball into the hole so that the top of the rootball is 1-2 inches above ground level unless you have poor draining soil. 5) Backfill 2/3 of the rootball with blended soil comprised from the rule of thirds formula. For xxx and burlap trees, cut the rope that wraps around the trunk. Remove only the top of the wire basket, leaving the bottom 2/3 on. NEVER REMOVE THE WIRE CAGE COMPLETELY, as the plant needs the cage to help keep the soil packed around the roots. The roots will grow through the wire cage perfectly fine. Loosen the burlap from around the trunk and fold it down around the hole. Remember, make sure the rootball is firmly set in the soil before untying the burlap and rope. For potted plants, simply slide them into the hole and backfill. 6) Continue to fill around the rootball with your blended soil. Tamp the soil firmly and continue to add until is roughly 3 inches from the top of the rootball. 44 45 47 7) Water the plant with Superthrive Rooting hormone mixed in. See package for mixture rate. Avoid fertilizers for the first 3-4 weeks. The mycontize needs that time to activate and colorize the soil. 8) Complete filling with the blended soil, leaving the top 3 inches untampered. Make sure there is no soil, mulch, string, etc. next to the trunk. Do no bring the soil higher than the original rootball. Do no pack any soil around the trunk as this will rot the bark, welcoming insects and diseases. Using topsoil, make a bowl around the trunk to hold water for future waters. 9) Lay mulch 1-3 inches thick using wood chips, bark, decorative stones, etc. Avoid building mulch up around the base of the plant. If built up, the heat produced by the mulch can burn the plant. It can also rot the bark. 10) Guy and stake your trees for the first year. Tree stake kits are offered at the nursery. 11) In 3-4 weeks add your fertilizer. The type of fertilizer you used is dependent on the variety of plant. See package for application rates. Check with a W&W associate for best fertilizer choices. TIPS, TRICKS AND GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TO HELP YOU THROUGH THE FIRST YEAR •P ROPER WATERING- Proper watering is perhaps the most crucial duty. Newly planted material should be in water well using a using a wetting agent for the first few weeks. Your plants should have ample water during the growth period following blooming. The amount of water depends on the condition in your area, but generally for the first year you should water 2-3 times per week if you haven’t received at least 1 inch of rain. Most plans should NOT be soaked or kept soggy. Moist conditions are simple. Don’t be concerned with a little wilt during the heat of the day, provided your plants are fresh-looking again the next morning. It is important to let up on watering as much as possibly on frosty mornings approach. This will encourage the new growth to harden off for the winter. Continue to water even as the cold temperates settle in (October and November). For sod, keep thoroughly watered until established, especially on hot and dry days. Grass seed should be protected and kept moist. 46 •F ERTILIZING - Superthrive rooting hormone at the time of planting. Avoid applying fertilizers for the first 3-4 weeks so that the mycontize can activate and colorize the soil. 3-1-2 for an N-P-K value is the golden ratio for most plants. New plantings should have more frequent applications of lesser amounts. DO NOT OVER FERTILIZE. An application of superphosphate in August-September will help harden off your plants for winter as well as help with the flower buds set for the following year. •D ISEASE AND PEST CONTROL - The best way to ward of diseases and pests is to ensure you have a healthy plant. But nature happens. Diseases and pests are inevitable and integral part of gardening. Observe your plants frequently and take preventative action against disease and pests. Applying horticulture oil in early spring suffocates eggs that can otherwise turn into troublesome pests. Use Malahion and Sub-due on your rholes to help ward off strawberry root and Phytophizora. Using sevin on evergreens during spring and summer during hot periods can help prevent the spread of spider mites. Fungoril should be applied to hydrangea to help handle fungus spots that can show up. Keep dogs, deer, and rabbits away from plants using liquire fence products. Always, always, always be responsible and conservative with pesticide application, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. • Rhododendron, azalea, and andromeda should be planted in a sheltered area away from the wind. Broad leaf rhodes should be out of the morning sun, as it can wilk-pruf the plant too rapidly, and dry it out. Partial shading for all three plants is best, as it is North-Northwest exposure. Screening in winter is preferred. • Rhododendron, azalea, and andromeda like acid soils with plenty of organic manure. They like it to be moist, but hate having wet feet. Welldrained soil is crucial! • Place a burlap screen around (not over) our plants for the first year if they are exposed to winter win and for winter sun. This helps prevent dehydration on evergreens, rhodos, and Japanese Maples. Also, spraying “wilt-proof” and watering will help deal with this. • Dead flower heads should be pinched off. When doing this be careful not to damage the bud which produces the new shoots. • If it is necessary to prune for shaping up, the cut should be made just about the leaf xxx. Pruning as such can also produce a bushier plant. See our pruning guide at the nursery’s intro center for more help and 47 information on roper pruning. PREMIUM NATURAL BARK TO OUR CUSTOMERS W&W Nursery and Landscaping is pleased to continue to offer the costsaving ‘Premium Natural Bark.’ This mulch is all natural. No pallets. No discarded lumber. No brush. No stumps. Just the bark and bits straight off the log. ‘Premium Natural Bark’ is comprised of twice-ground hardwood bark designed by W&W with the intention to maximize color, scent, texture, and function without spending a small fortune. All nursery stock shall meet A.N.L.A standards and is in the best quality we can offer at the time of sale. Acceptance of nursery stock at the time of sale is proof of good health. All nursery stock is inspected by the Department Of Agriculture and Markets. Regardless of the mulch you choose, you will have W&W’s commitment to quality when sprucing up your beds! PREMIUM NATURAL BARK CHARACTERISTICS: • All natural hardwood bark. No pallets or old brush. • A W&W custom formula designed to maximize color, scent, texture, as well as function. • All natural color. No dyes. • A great hardwood smell. • Twice-ground bark creates a fine, yet eye pleasing texture. • Compacting nature of mulch provides superior root-zone protection and weed prevention. All inventory is used to daily irrigation in our yard and it is of the utmost importance that you, our customer continue these watering practices for the plants, until it has been planted in the ground and has begun to acclimate. W&W Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. strives to do our part in providing good, quality nursery stock, and we ask our customers to continue with these practices and do their part to insure that your investment made keeps healthy and growing. We care about our customers and have detailed planting instructions available at the time of sale for benefit of the purchaser during the installation process. If you do not receive one, feel free to ask your sales rep. We appreciate our customers and THANK YOU for choosing W&W. KNOW WHAT YOU PUT DOWN! Beware! Many bulk mulches on the market today are produced from mixed demolition and CCA treated woods. They are artificially colored and can rob garden soils of valuable nutrients. They can also be harmful to plants. Make sure the mulch you use is purchased from the people who make it. Only this way can you feel confident and reassured of what you’re applying to your beds. 48 49 ANIMATED LIGHTING NURSERY SALES YARD HOURS W&W Nursery and Landscaping is proud to offer animated lighting services for larger venues! Don’t miss the chance to get noticed for the holiday season. Bring the magic of a dazzling custom designed music-driven light display. We can even make those plain Christmas lights dance like they have broken free of the humdrum beat! Perfect for businesses, shopping plazas, and community centers looking to increase holiday traffic and sales. With animating lighting you get: April 1st - June 30th July 1st - October 31st Sunday - CLOSED Mon thru Sat - 9 am - 6 pm • Sunday 10 - 4 Mon thru Fri - 9 am - 5 pm • Saturday 9 - 4 Open at 8 am for wholesalers only. NURSERY SALES YARD DIRECTIONS We are located along Interstate 86 or Rte. 17 • The ability to coordinate light arrangements and combinations around holiday tunes. • RGB light bulbs capable of over 16 million colors. • All light bulbs are LED, and are designed to minimize power consumption. • The capability of millions of colors and arrangement combinations for your venue. • The option of adding traditional holiday lighted figurines into the show/ holiday scene. But animated lighting can be so much more than Christmas decoration. Get noticed! Vibrant lighting displays offer year round color, pizzazz, and flash appeal. Restaurants, bars, retirement communities, malls, shopping centers, golf courses, new real estate projects, hotels, hospitals, and even municipalities (buildings, parks, downtown or central districts, telephone poles, bridges, etc) all stand to benefit from animated lighting. The venues are limitless! TRAVEL > Route 17 - Exit 65 - Owego > Turn left, South to light at Rte. 434 > Turn left on Rte. 434 East > 1st Left onto Marshland Road > 8/10 mile on right (follow signs) WHOLESALE GROWING FIELDS Separate lists available for those involved in the trade. Minimum quantities wholesale only. SALES YARD LOCATION Located at Marshland Road Apalachin, NY • Year-round focus on lighted objects and buildings. • A perfect source for animated signage. • Offers a major WOW factor for special events. • Increase foot traffic. • Increase profits. 50 51 GARDEN NOTES: Let’s Grow Green Together! ____________________________________________________ MAR Cut back ornamental grasses Spray Dormant Oil when temperatures reach 50 APR Apply slow release fertilizer to your trees, shrubs and perennials Time to plant summer flowering bulbs Time to cut back roses Apply organic lawn fertilizer ____________________________________________________ MAY Replenish your mulch Time to prepare your vegetable garden with fresh compost Memorial Day Weekend: plant your annuals and vegetables Don’t forget Mom on Mother’s Day! ____________________________________________________ JUN Apply Plant Tone Install Japanese beetle traps Prune faded spring flowers & perennials There’s still time to plant herbs, veggies & perennials JUL Time to trim needled evergreens Keep your plants watered Keep your gardens weeded AUG Install seeds for cold crops Trim faded perennials Fertilize your container garden, check moisture daily Enjoy summer vegetable harvest Keep your lawn mowed higher SEP Time to fall seed Add some mums for fall color Time to divide perennials Use frost blanket over your veggies to extend your season OCT Apply netting over your ponds for leaf control Apply organic matter to perennial & vegetable gardens Time to plant spring bulbs Winterize your ponds NOV Time to winterize your tender plants Apply deer control products ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 607.687.0305 NURSERY & GARDEN CENTER 906 Marshland Rd., Apalachin, NY For more information, visit our garden center. 52 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 607.687.0305 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 53 GARDEN NOTES: GARDEN NOTES: ____________________________________________________ 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