Shrek The Musical Playbill - Charlotte High School – Troupe 0922

Charlo tte Perfo rming Arts Center
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T he Performing Arts Department
of Charlotte High School
proudly presents
Based on the DreamWorks Animation Motion Picture and the book by William S teig
Book and Lyrics by
David Lindsay-Abaire
Music by
Jeanine Tesori
Originally produced on Broadway by
DreamWorks Theatricals and Neal Street Productions
Directed by
Cheryl Waal
Technical Director
Wendy Paul
Vocal Director
Jaclyn Cushman
Choreographed by
Kathleen Candales
February 8 at 7:0 0 PM
February 9 at 3:0 0 PM
February 13-15 at 7:0 0 PM
February 16 at 3:0 0 PM
Original Bro adway Pro ductio n Directed by
Jaso n Mo o re
“I’m A Believer” by Neil Diamo nd
Shre k The Musical
Is p re s e nte d thro ug h s p e c ial arrang e me nt with Mus ic The atre Inte rnatio nal (MTI).
All autho riz e d p e rfo rmanc e mate rials are als o s up p lie d b y MTI.
421 We s t 54th Stre e t, Ne w Yo rk, NY 10 0 19
Pho ne : 212-541-46 8 4 Fax: 212-39 7-46 8 4
www.MTISho ws .c o m
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Overture/Big Bright Beautiful Wo rld
Mama Ogre, Papa Ogre, Shrek
Sto ry Of My Life
Guard, Fairytale Creatures, Shrek
Do n't Let Me Go
Do nkey
I Kno w It's To day
Yo ung Fio na, Teen Fio na, Adult Fio na
What's Up, Dulo c?
Lo rd Farquaad, Dulo c Perfo rmers
Travel So ng
Do nkey, Shrek
Do nkey Po t Pie
Do nkey, Drago n
This Is Ho w A Dream Co mes True
Fio na, Shrek, Do nkey, Drago n
Who I'd Be
Shrek, Fio na, Do nkey
Mo rning Perso n
Fio na, Ensemble
I Think I Go t Yo u Beat
The Ballad o f Farquaad
Make A Mo ve
Shrek, Fio na
Lo rd Farquaad, Thelo nius, Guards
Do nkey, Three Blind Mice
When Wo rds Fail
Mo rning Perso n (Reprise)
Fio na
Build A Wall
Freak Flag
Fairytale Creatures
This Is Our Sto ry
Fio na, Shrek, Do nkey, Fairytale
I'm A Believer
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Entire Cast
Cast Me m be rs
Daulto n Lunsfo rd
Adult Fio na
Sara Hart
Do nkey
Terrence Barksdale Jr
Lo rd Farquaad
Bailey Tietswo rth
Drago n
Tai Blake
Sugar Plum Fairy/Gingy
Alexandria Po pe
Pino cchio
Jo e Parent
Yo ung Shrek
Christian Dietert
Yo ung Fio na
Myle Bittner
Teen Fio na
Laurie Akins
Papa Ogre
Jarro d Pratt
Mama Ogre
Jaeda Beverly
King Haro ld
Jo hno i So uden
Queen Lillian
Baylie Crawfo rd
3 Blind Mice
Aubrie Mead, Jaeda Beverly, Alley Po pe
Fairytale Characters
Baylie Crawfo rd, Jaeda Beverly, Alley Po pe, Annalise
Bo ckin, Brando n Blo ndun, Emily Bo dnar, Cassidi
Edwards, Taiya Go nzales, Danielle Hasler, Cheyenne
Helfrich, Mario Marquez, Aubrie Mead, James
Melanso n, Jarro d Pratt, Bealah Ro ger, Calvin Ro tering
Dalto n Smith, Jho no i So uden, Rigo Villegas, Barbara
Ann Wiko ff
Megan Bartho llo mew, Brando n Blo ndun, Branden
Inkster, Kat Jenkins, Nico le Jo nes, Amanda Langley,
Jo sh Po ulen
Drago nettes
Baylie Crawfo rd, Jaeda Beverly, Grace Helgamo
Cassidi Edwards, Kendra Henshaw, Kristina JeanBaptiste, Bri Phelps, Lydia Wo lfahrt
Co re Dance Tro upe
Balylie Crawfo rd, Jaeda Beverly, Alley Po pe, Laurie
Akins, Jaeda Beverly, Taiya Go nzales, Aubrie Mead,
Melanie Mo enning, Emily Nadel, Alexandria Po pe,
Bealah Ro ger, Jho no i So uden, Jacqueline Van Der
Meulen, Rigo Villegas, Barbara Ann Wiko ff
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Pro duct io n / Cre at ive
Directo r
Cheryl Waal
Vo cal Direco r
Jaci Cushman
Lighting Design
Wendy Paul
Cho reo grapher
Kathleen Candales
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Cre w Me m be rs
Directo r/Set Design
Vo cal Directo r
Cheryl Waal
Mrs. Jaclyn Cushman
Tech Directo r/Lighting Designer
Dance Cho reo grapher
Head Carpenter & Ogre Handler
Mrs. Wendy Paul
Mrs. Kathleen Candales
Christo pher Craib
Dance Captain
Emily Nadel
Stage Manager
Camero n Fo ltz
Assistant Stage Manager
Katerina Ruh
Flying Effects/Head Electrician
Fly Master
Marcelo Shah
Campbell DeMo tt
Fly Man
Branden Inkster
So und
Ken McCo o g and Lights Out! Stage Lighting Design
Co stumes
Ms. Sue Stro pe
Technical Equipment
Lights Out! Stage Lighting Design
Spo t Operato rs
Kevin Mo o dy,
Set Co nstructio n
Set Crew
Stage Craft Classes and special reco gnitio n to : Fred
Anderso n, Mark Blo mquist,Christo pher Craib, Kevin
Janeck, Andrei Mating, Marcelo Shah, Bo b Turgeo n &
Matt Vega
Juliana Benak, Megan Bartho lo mew, Branden Inkster,
Kat Jenkins, Nico le Jo nes, Amanda Langley, Maranda
Malno ry, Co lleen McGo wan, Tatiana Leo nardo , Jo sh
Po ulto n, Kayley Vaughn, Fabian Velez
Adina Lewis, Gina Paris
Co stume Co nstructio n
Martha Alvarado , Liz Andresen, Belinda Blanche,
Mario n Co rco ran, Mary Crawfo rd, Cheryl Ho bbs, Avril
Llo yd, Nancy Newto n, Jackie Po ssel, Shirley Siko rski,
Vandi Valliere
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as Shrek
Daulton Lunsf ord
A so phmo re, Daulto n is the so n o f Christyl Lunsfo rd and grandso n
o f Dan & Sherry Mearns. Previo us sho ws include Dearly Departed,
The Ho bbit Yo uth Opera, Aladdin and West Side Sto ry. Favo rite
rehearsal memo ries include a burping co ntest and breaking o ut o f
the o utho use fo r the 1st time. "Better o ut than in, I always say."
as Adult Fiona
Sara Hart
A senio r, Sara is the daughter o f Geo rge & June Hart. Previo us
sho ws include The Miracle Wo rker, West Side Sto ry, Xanadu, The
Music Man. She plans to attend Valencia and to beco me a dentist.
Her favo rite rehearsal mo ment is when Mrs. Waal fo und the burp &
fart so und fx. "He who laughs last didn't get it." Thank yo u to mo m
and dad fo r always suppo rting me. I lo ve yo u guys!
as Donkey
Terrence Barksdale Jr
A graduate o f CHS, TJ is currently studying dance and has plans to
co ntinue wo rk in the perfo rming arts. Previo us pro ductio ns include
West Side Sto ry, Xanadu, Aida, A Raisin in the Sun, Jo seph and the
Amazing Technico lo r Dream Co at. His mo st recent wo rk includes
a KFC co mmercial. "Oh lo o k! A flo ater!"
Bailey Tietsworth
as Lord Farquaad
A junio r, Bailey is the so n o f Dr. James and Liz Tietswo rth.
Previo us sho ws include Oklaho ma, Seusical Jr and The Music
Man. Favo rite memo ries o f rehearsal include reminding Mrs.
Cushman that he WAS standing - in character. "Aro und here,
ho wever, we do n't lo o k backwards fo r very lo ng. We keep mo ving
fo rward, o pening up new do o rs and do ing new things because
we're curio us." Walt Disney
Tai Blake
as Dragon
A senio r, Tai is the daughter o f Allfredo & Debbie Rames. She
plans to catch up o n sleep in the near future. Shrek the Musical
marks her debut o n the stage. "I ain't no ho llerback girl!" - Gwen
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Alexandria Pope
as Sugar Plum Fairy/Gingy
A senio r, Alley is the daughter o f Edward Po pe & Fran Smith.
Previo us pro ductio ns include The Miracle Wo rker, West Side Sto ry
& Xanadu. She ho pes to attend UCF to beco me a veterinarian.
Favo rite rehearsal memo ries include writing an o riginal so ng with
Sara Hart. "A dream is a wish yo ur heart makes" - Cinderella
as Pinocchio
Joe Parent
A so pho mo re, Jo e is the so n o f Chris & Christine Parent. Previo us
pro ductio ns include West Side Sto ry, Greek Mytho lo gy
Olympiaganza and The Music Man. His favo rite part o f rehearsals
has been making peo ple laugh with his Pino cchio vo ice. "Inter
Arma Enim Silent Leges"
Myle Bittner
as Young Fiona
A grade six student, Myle is the daughter o f Mark & Melissa Bittner.
Previo us pro ductio ns include Seusical. Favo rite rehearsal memo ry
includes singing o n the to wer fo r the first time. Thank yo u to Mo m
and Dad fo r being suppo rtive and thank yo u to my friends fo r the
enco uragement!
Laurie Akins
as Teen Fiona
(Also White Rabbit & Co re Dance) A freshman, Laurie is the
daughter o f Hal & Tami Akins. Previo us sho ws include The Miracle
Wo rker, Legally Blo nde & The Music Man. Favo rite rehearsal is the
o ne when Sara bringing her bro wnies. "Life mo ves pretty fast. If yo u
do n't sto p and lo o k aro und o nce in while yo u co uld miss it."
Jarrod Pratt
as Papa Ogre
(Also Papa Bear) A freshman, Jarro d is the so n o f Shawn & Jackie
Pratt. Previo us sho ws include Ro meo & Winifried and vario us
church pro ductio ns. Favo rite rehearsal memo ries include starting
the blo cking, & starting to learn dances. "Pickle."
Copyright © 2013 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
as Mama Ogre
Jaeda Beverly
(also Co re Dance, 3 Blind Mice, Fairy Go d Mo ther, Shrek's Mo ther)
A junio r, Jaeda is the daughter o r Julian & Jo elle Beverly. Previo us
pro ductio ns include Legally Blo nde, West Side Sto ry & Xanadu.
Her favo rite rehearsal memo ry is o f Bailey T reminding Mrs.
Cushman that he WAS standing, (he was o n his knees), because
he was in character.
Johnoi Souden
as King Harold
(Also Big Bad Wo lf, Pied Piper & Co re Dance) A senio r, Jo hno i is
the so n o f Reggie Neal & Nadia Bryan. Fo rmer pro ductio ns include
The Miracle Wo rker, West Side Sto ry and Xanadu. Future plans
include co llege and enjo ying his yo uth. He feels that every
rehearsal is special and lo ves the fact that so mething new happens
at every o ne to make it better than the last.
Baylie Crawf ord
as Queen Lillian
(Also Co re Dance & Three Blind Mice/Pigs) A so pho mo re, Bailey is
the daughter o f Jo hnnie & Mary Crawfo rd. Previo us pro ductio ns
include Seusical Jr, Annie, Oz: Tin Wo o dsman and West Side Sto ry.
Her favo rite rehearsal memo ry includes learning the Dulo c dance
number. "Life isn't abo ut waiting fo r the sto rm to pass; it's abo ut
learning to dance in the rain."
Megan Bartholomew
(Puppeteer & Set Crew) A senio r, Megan is the daughter o f Brian
and Dawn Bartho lo mew. Fo rmer pro ductio ns include The King and
One Act Festival. Her future plans are to attend UCo nn fo r tech
theatre. Favo rite rehearsal memo ries include belting Idina Menzel
so ngs with Kat while sewing the drago n and finding o ut later that
everyo ne co uld hear them. "Things happen fo r a reaso n and in
their o wn time."
Brandon Blondun
(Puppeteer & Giant) A graduate o f CHS, Brando n lives in Lo s
Angeles and is pursuing a career in film & TV. He currently wo rks as
a perso nal trainer and with a pro ductio n co mpany. Past CHS
pro ductio ns include Aida, Jo seph & Fame. Film credits include
Ro ck o f Ages as well as stunt wo rk fo r Batman vs Superman and
Rise o f an Empire. "Oh lo o k, a flo ater!"
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Annalise Bockin
(Three Little Pigs) A junio r, Annalise is the daughter o f Jo hn &
Janice Bo ckin. Previo us pro ductio ns include West Side Sto ry,
Xanadu and Seusical Jr. Favo rite rehearsal memo ries include
Bailey pretending that Aubrie was dead so Aubrie sank back behind
the chairs and laughed and sno rted unco ntro llably. "It's no t nice to
thro w peo ple" - Princess Anna fro m Fro zen
Emily Bodnar
(Mama Bear) A junio r, Emily is the daughter o f Vincent & Lisa
Bo dnar. Previo us pro ductio ns include Annie and Plays in 24. Her
favo rite rehearsal memo ry is spending time with peo ple who have
beco me like family. "Live fo r the go lden mo ments."
Brielle Collands
(Mad Hatter) A junio r, Brielle is the daughter o f Lyam Ago sto & Mike
Co llands. Previo us sho ws include Xanadu, West Side Sto ry,The
Miracle Wo rker. Her best rehearsal memo ry is making funny faces
behind Mrs. Waal's back, (but do n't tell her). "When the po wer o f
lo ve o verco mes the lo ve o f po wer, that is when the wo rld will kno w
peace." - Jimi Hendrix
Cassidi Edwards
(Guard) A so pho mo re, Cassidi is the daughter o f Ro dney &
Michelle Edwards. Previo us sho ws include West Side Sto ry,
Charlo tte Players Summer Wo rksho p & Greek Olympiaganza. Her
favo rite rehearsal mo ment is the cast laughing really hard when
blo cking the Dulo c/bathtub scene fo r Shrek. "Music is no t what I do ;
it is who I am."
Taiya Gonzales
(Also Co re Dance & Witch ) A freshman, Taiya is the daughter o f
Jo aquin & Lisa Go nzales. Previo us sho ws include Guys & Do lls,
Go dspell Jr & Pied Piper. Favo rite rehearsal memo ries include
hanging o ut with the cast & crew and getting to kno w everyo ne &
everything. Yo u can please so me o f the peo ple all o f the time and
yo u can please everyo ne so metimes, but yo u can't please
everyo ne all the time."
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Danielle Hasler
A so pho mo re, Danielle is the daughter o f Dave & Amy Hasler. Her
favo rite Rehearsal memo ry is when she was asked to be part o f
the sho w. "I'm a artist, I do what I want." - Danielle Hasler
Cheyenne Helf rich
A so pho mo re, Cheyenne is the daughter o f Taffy Helfrich. Previo us
pro ductio ns include vario us elementary and middle scho o l plays.
Grace Helgamo
(fairytale creature) A freshman, Grace is the daughter o f Dr. Ben &
Kathy Helgamo . Previo us pro ductio ns include Beauty & the Beast,
Oklaho ma & The Music Man. Her favo rite mo ment o f rehearsal
was when Bailey T pretended that Aubrie was dead and Aurbie sank
behind the chairs and kept laughing and sno rting unco ntro llably.
"So me peo ple are wo rth melting fo r" - Olaf fro m Fro zen
Kendra Henshaw
(Guard) A junio r, Kendra is the daughter o f Mark & Elizabeth
Henshaw. Previo us sho w include Xanadu, The Miracle Wo rker &
The Greek Olympiaganza. "Yo u can have anything in life if yo u will
sacrifice everything else fo r it." - Peter Pan
Kristina Jean-Baptiste
(Guard) A freshman, Kristina is the daughter o f Willy and Geo rgette
Jean-Baptiste. Previo us pro ductio ns include The Miracle Wo rker.
Her favo rite rehearsal memo ries include watching the dance
sequences. "Thank yo u to my parents fo r taking me to rehearsals
every day and to everyo ne who came to see me in the sho w."
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Kat Jenkins
(Puppeteer & Set Crew) A senio r, Kat is the daughter o f David and
Ro bin Jenkins. Previo us pro ductio ns include The Miracle Wo rker,
Crimes o f the Heart and Po litrick. She plans to attend UCF to study
film. She shares a favo rite rehearsal memo ry with Megan
Bartho lo mew. "Do n't dream it. Be it." - Frank N. Furter
Nicole Jones
(Puppeteer & Set Crew) A so pho mo re, Nico le is the daughter o f
Sam & Lisa Jo nes. She plays basketball with the CHS tarpo n
wo men and this is her debut as a set crew techie.
Mario Marquez
(Baby Bear) A grade 5 student, Mario is the so n o f Angela M Juarez.
Making his debut o n the stage, Mario 's favo rite memo ry o f
rehearsals has been when he first go t to dance with the rest o f the
Aubrie Mead
(also Co re Dance, 3 pigs/mice) A so pho mo re, Aubrie is the
daughter o f To rrey Mead and Lo ri Sands. Previo us pro ductio ns:
West Side Sto ry, Cats & The Wizard o f Oz. Her favo rite rehearsal
memo ry is Mrs. Cushman asked the cast to stand. Bailey was o n
his knees as Farquaad and Mrs. C asked why he wasn't standing
and Bailey replying that he WAS standing. "Life begins at the end o f
yo ur co mfo rt zo ne.
James Melanson
(Thelo nius) A senio r, James is the so n o f Frank & Karen
Melanso n. Previo us pro ductio ns include Po litricks. A favo rite
rehearsal mo ment is just being with the cast. "Tho se who mind
do n't matter and tho se who matter do n't mind." -Dr. Seuss
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Melanie Moenning
(Co re Dance) A freshman, Melanie is the daughter o f Dr. Stephen &
Amy Mo enning. Making her debut o n the CPAC stage, her favo rite
rehearsal memo ry is practicing the skeleto n dance. "Thank yo u,
Lo rd, fo r this wo nderful cast and thank yo u, Mo m and Dad, fo r
suppo rting me as I try new things."
Eddie Perez
A graduate o f CHS, Eddie is currently studying perfo rming arts at
Higher Gro und Studio as well as Physical Therapy at Ediso n State
Co llege. Previo us pro ductio ns include West Side Sto ry, One Act
Festival and vario us studio recitals. "Live yo ur life fo r yo urself - no t
fo r anyo ne else."
Bri Phelps
(Guard) A so pho mo re, Bri is the daughter o f Yo landa Phelps.
Previo us pro ductio ns include West Side Sto ry, Greek
Olympiaganza and The Miracle Wo rker.
Bealah Roger
(also Co re Dancer, Peter Pan) A so pho mo re, Bealah is the
daughter o f Ero nie No el. Previo us pro ductio ns include West Side
Sto ry. Her favo rite rehearsal memo ry is saying "My bad" to peo ple
she wo uld bang into while leaping o ver them. "We are no t human
beings trying to be spiritual. We are spiritual beings trying to be
Calvin Rottering
(Dwarf) A graduate o f CHS, Calvin is currently embarking o n a
mo ve to Lo s Angeles. Previo us pro ductio ns include Beauty & the
Beast, The Wizard o f Oz & the Bro thers Grimm. "Oh lo o k! A
flo ater!"
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Dalton Smith
(Tro ll) A freshmen, Dalto n is the Grandso n o f Dennis & Deniece
Jo zefiak. Previo us pro ductio ns include The Miracle Wo rker, Music
Man, & Oklaho ma. His favo rite rehearsal memo ry is laughing with
friends. "There are no small parts o nly small acto rs."
Jacqueline van der Meulen
(Co re Dance, Little Red Riding Ho o d) A so pho mo re, Jacqueline is
the daughter o f Michael & Laura van der Meulen. Previo us
pro ductio ns include West Side Sto ry, Willy Wo nka Jr. & Wishful
Thinking." Yo u'll miss 10 0 % o f the sho ts yo u do n't take." - Wayne
Rigo Villegas
(Fro g Prince & Co re Dance) A senio r, Rigo is the so n o f Angela
Juarez. Previo us pro ductio ns include West Side Sto ry & Greek
Olympiaganza. He plans to attend co llege in the fall and his favo rite
rehearsal memo ry is dancing next to his little bro ther in rehearsals.
"Better than no thing."
Barbara Ann Wikof f
(Ugly Duckling & Co re Dance) A so pho mo re, Barbara Ann is the
daughter o f Terry & Peggy Wiko ff. Previo us pro ductio ns include
West Side Sto ry, The Miracle Wo rker and Greek Olympiaganza.
She is enjo ying every mo ment o f rehearsals. "Do so mething to day
that yo ur future self will thank yo u fo r."
Lydia Wolf arht
(Guard) A freshman, Lydia is the daughter o f Rudi & Cyndi Wo lfahrt.
Previo us pro ductio ns include Willy Wo nka, Cafe Murder &
Seussical Jr. Favo rite rehearsal memo ries include her first
rehearsal and learning that the o ther peo ple in the cast were really
sweet because she was nervo us.
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as Dragonettes
as 3 Blind Mice
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Director/Set Design
Cheryl Waal
A Native Canadian, Cheryl made the mo ve to SW Flo rida in 20 0 4
and became the directo r and spo nso r o f Tro upe 0 9 22 in 20 0 6 .
Since, she has directed numero us pro ductio ns including Little Sho p
o f Ho rro rs, Peter Pan, A Raisin in the Sun, The Laramie Pro ject,
Beauty & the Beast, Aida, West Side Sto ry, Steel Magno lias,
Xanadu, Fame, Ordinary Peo ple & The Miracle Wo rker - just to
name a few.
Vocal Director
Mrs. Jaclyn Cushman
Since mo ving to SW Flo rida fro m Indiana in 20 0 6 , Jaci has been
the vo cal directo r fo r every Tro upe 0 9 22 musical pro ductio n. As
vo cal department head o f CHS, she also devo tes much o f her time
to Charisma, CHS's elite perfo rmance cho ir and is beyo nd thrilled
to be taking them to perfo rm at Carnegie Hall in New Yo rk City in
March o f this year.
Mrs. Wendy Paul
Tech Director/Lighting Designer
As the new Technical Directo r and Operatio ns Manager o f CPAC,
Wendy is beyo nd thrilled to take her place as co -spo nso r o f
Tro upe 0 9 22. She has spent the past 7 years vo lunteering her
vacatio n time fro m her previo us jo b to designing tho usands o f
lighting cues fo r previo us Tro upe 0 9 22 pro ductio ns. Her mo st
recent pro fessio nal designs were seen in "Metamo rpho " and
"illusio nAria".
Mrs. Kathleen Candales
Dance Choreographer
Kathleen Candales is the Artistic Directo r and Fo under o f Higher
Gro und Perfo rming Arts Studio and Perfo rming Co mpany. She has
studied hip-ho p, jazz, ballet, mo dern dance, flamenco , African and
Caribbean dance, salsa, belly dance and cho reo graphy. So me
highlights in her career include special appearances in such films
and music video s as “The Crew,” “Rando m Hearts” & "Music o f
the Heart".
Emily Nadel
Dance Captain
(Co re Dance) A freshman, Emily is the daughter o f Ofer & Michelle
Nadel. Previo us sho ws include The Little Mermaid and vario us
dance studio recitals. Her favo rite rehearsal memo ries include
trying o n co stumes fo r the first time because it made the sho w
co me alive. "Life isn't abo ut waiting fo r the sto rm to pass. It's abo ut
learning to dance in the rain."
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Ken McCoog and Lights Out! Stage
Lighting Design
Ken wo uld say "I'm just the so und guy", but his years o f technical
backgro und make him an invaluable ally in every Tro upe 0 9 22
pro ductio n.
Christopher Craib
Head Carpenter & Ogre Handler
Christo pher's first experience with theater go es back to reluctantly
agreeing to sell tickets fo r his high scho o l's pro ductio n o f Grease
in Stratfo rd, Ontario . Who wo uld have tho ught that he'd end up
falling in lo ve with making magic co me alive o n the stage? Since
20 0 6 , he has built multiple sets fo r Tro upe 0 9 22 and his
pro fessio nal wo rk includes "Metamo rpho " and "illusio naira".
Marcelo Shah
Flying Effects/Head Electrician
A graduate o f CHS, Marcelo is currently wo rking fo r Cunard Celtic
abo ard the Queen Victo ria as the Senio r Pro ductio n Engineer.
Previo us engagements include Disney Wo rld, Disney o n Ice,
No rwegian Cruise Lines, Spamalo t Natio nal To ur, 25th Annual
Putnam Co unty Spelling Bee, and When the Wo rld Was Green.
Cameron Foltz
Stage Manager
A senio r, Camero n is the so n o f Charles & Marcia Fo ltz. Fo rmer
pro ductio ns include West Side Sto ry, Xanadu, The Miracle Wo rker
and Bro ther's Grimm Spectaculatho n. He plans to attend UCF in
Orlando in the fall. His best memo ry o f rehearsal is the pre-sho w
meeting fo r West Side Sto ry. "Speak lo udly and carry a big stick. It
keeps the acto rs at bay."
Katerina Ruh
Assistant Stage Manager
A senio r, Katerina is the daughter o f Bo b & Co nnie Ruh. Previo us
pro ductio ns include West Side Sto ry, The Miracle Wo rker, Greek
Mytho lo gy Olympiaganza & Plays in 24. Her future plans are to
study criminal justice. "Reach fo r life beyo nd the stars."
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Campbell DeMott
Fly Master
A senio r, Campbell is the so n o f William DeMo tt & Kerry O'Brien.
Previo us pro ductio ns include Xanadu, West Side Sto ry & The
Miracle Wo rker. This fall he plans to wo rk fo r the Disney co mpany.
His best memo ries o f rehearsal include late night silliness. "I'm
go ing to Disney Wo rld!" - Every Super Bo wl Winner Ever
Branden Inkster
Fly Man
A senio r, Branden is the so n o f Linda Inkster and is making his
debut as a fly man. He plans to attend Ediso n State Co llege to
beco me a teacher in the future. His favo rite rehearsal memo ry is
seeing the drago n's head fo r the first time.
Tatiana Leonardo
(Set Crew) A freshman, Tatiana is the daughter o f To dd & Betsy
Puglise. This is her debut as a stage tech. Favo rite rehearsal
mo ment is de-o gre-ing Jaeda to transfo rm her into Fairy
Go dmo ther. "Why cry when yo u can smile?"
Amanda Langley
(Set Crew) A so phmo re, Amanda is the daughter o f Mary Kay
Langley. Previo us pro ductio ns include Greek Mytho lo gy
Olympiaganza, Plays in 24, & Chatterbo x. Her best rehearsal
memo ry is when she tho ught there was a gho st in the band ro o m
because the lights flickered and a vacuum turned o n. "Do n't
sacrifice yo ur happiness fo r anyo ne else. Do what yo u really want
to ."
Kevin Moody
(Set Crew) A so pho mo re, Kevin is the so n o f Mike & Sherrie
Mo o dy. Previo us pro ductio ns include The Music Man, Oklaho ma &
West Side Sto ry. Film wo rk includes A Do lphin Tale & A Do lphin
Tale 2.
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Josh Poulton
(Spo t Operato r) A so pho mo re, Jo sh is the so n o f Keith & Tammy
Po ulto n. Previo us pro ductio ns include The Miracle Wo rker. His best
memo ries o f rehearsals is having fun with all o f the o ther techies.
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin do ing." Walt
Julianna Benak
(Set Crew) A so pho mo re, Julianna is the daughter o f Bryan &
Karen Benak. Previo us pro ductio ns include The Miracle Wo rker,
West Side Sto ry & Seussical.
Colleen McGowan
(Set Crew) A so pho mo re, Co lleen is the daughter o f Patrick &
Cindy McGo wan. Previo us pro ductio ns include The Miracle Wo rker
& Side By Side. Favo rite rehearsal time includes seeing the acto rs
befo re and after makeup applicatio ns.
Kayley Vaughn
(Set Crew) A senio r, Kayley is the daughter o f Charles & Tammy
Vaughn. This her debut with a Tro upe 0 9 22 pro ductio n. Her favo rite
part o f tech wo rk is building sets. "If the universe is truly infinite,
anything is po ssible."
Fabian Velez
(Set Crew) A graduate o f CHS, Fabian's previo us pro ductio ns
include Xanadu, The Laramie Pro ject, Ordinary Peo ple, Crimes o f
the Heart, Peter & the Wo lf and Jo seph and the Amazing
Technico lo r Dream Co at. His future plans include figuring o ut life.
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Sue Strope
Sue studied theater at American University and co mpleted her
graduate wo rk in theatrical directio n at the Natio nal University in
Mexico City and Cal State LA. She has been directing and
co stuming fo r lo nger than she wo uld like to admit. She enjo ys
wo rking with aspiring yo ung acto rs and co stuming is a lo ng time
passio n.
Maranda Malnory
(Set Crew) A senio r, Maranda is the daughter o f Linda Griffin. Shrek
marks her debut as a techie. Her future plans include attending
Ediso n State to beco me a teacher. "The go o d life is o ne inspired by
lo ve and guided by kno wledge."
Clint Hurst
(Set Crew)
Costume Construction
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Daulto n Lunsfo rd gets up clo se and
Sara Hart practices kissing her new
perso nal with his new alter ego .
hero .
June Hart, o ur PR queen, takes a
mo ment to hang o ut with the big guy.
The big guy gets his time o n stage with
Charisma, CHS's elite perfo rmance
cho ir.
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Copyright © 2013 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
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Copyright © 2013 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
Copyright © 2013 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
Copyright © 2013 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
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Copyright © 2013 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
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From Mrs. Waal, Mrs. Cushman & Mrs. Paul,
T hank you to the cast, crew, alumni and volunteers f or making this show what we
knew it could be....amazing!! T hank you to our advertisers f or their generous
support. T hanks to the parents of our students f or enduring the f requent and
late rehearslas. And a special thank you to our audiences f or coming out and
supporting the Perf orming Arts Department of Charlotte High School.
Special Thanks
Mrs. Deelyn Bennett
and the Administration of Charlotte High School
Dr. Douglas Whittaker
and the School Board of Charlotte County
Mrs. Ellen Harvey
Fine Arts Curriculum and Instruction Specialist
T he Drama Mamas and Papas
Mrs. Kay Whitee
Mrs. Sue Strope
Miss Meghan Strope
Mrs. June Hart
Mrs. Vickie Shelander Howard
Mr. Marcello Shah
Mr. Fred Anderson
Mr. Bob Turgeon
Mr. Terry Wikof f
Mr. Trey Jayne
Mr. Ken McCoog and Lights Out! Stage Lighting Design
Copyright © 2013 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
There are so me subtle and no t-so -subtle references to numero us Bro adway musicals and
sho ws in Shrek the Musical. Ho w many can yo u hear and spo t? See if yo u can catch the no ds
to Gypsy, Rent, Miss Saigo n, Chicago , Wicked, The Lio n King, Dreamgirls and an ho mage to
Bo b Fo sse.
It to o k o ver five weeks wo rking Mo nday to Saturday, (and so me Sundays to o ), to build Drago n.
The heaviest part o f her is her head. Her lip co lo r is "candy apple red".
There are 234 light dimmers, (each are 1.2 kilo watts), fo r the Main Stage. 39 o f them co ntro l the
lights that are o n while the audience enters and leaves the theater. We have used every single
o ne o f the o ther 19 5. They are co ntro lling 6 par can lights,15 cyc lights, 33 parnels and 56
leko s, and 10 0 strip lights. The mo ving lights are a beast o n their o wn no t run by o ur dimmers.
The seven o f them eat up 175 channels!
We have used almo st 40 0 feet o f stage 3 pin extensio n co rds.
A regular ho useho ld bulb is, o n average, 40 -6 0 watts. We use everthing fro m 50 watt halo gen
bulbs to 10 0 0 watt quartz bulbs in o ur cyc lights. There are 15,0 0 0 watts aimed at the cyc
alo ne, (the cyc is that giant drape o f white material at the back o f the stage which is never
actually left white.
We've given Fio na so me interesting reading material to keep her busy in her to wer fo r the 8 523
days she's spent in there. Mo st o f the titles are to ngue in cheek, making reference to her first
so ng in the sho w. They include "So , Yo u're Bipo lar", "Chamber Po ts - a Guide" and "Ho w to
Bo wl".
Every year we make sure that we give o ur directo r a no d by hiding her name so mewhere o n
the set. This year, we've given her a bo o k in Fio na's library entitled "Wo es o f the Waal". Given
the wild year o ur vo cal directo r has experienced, we've given tribute to her in the fo rm o f a
bo o k o n the shelf as well entitled "Cush's Crisis".
Fo r every perfo rmance, we will use 25 po unds o f ice to make lo w lying fo g.
It takes Shrek o ver an ho ur to get ready fo r each sho w.
"I'm a Believer" was written by Neil Diamo nd in 19 6 6 . Since then it has o fficially been reco rded
fo r 26 o ther albums including bo th the animated feature, Shrek, (perfo rmed by the gro up
Smashmo uth), as well as the o riginal Bro adway cast reco rding fo r Shrek the Musical. Neil
Diamo nd himself reco rded a slo wed do wn mo re acco ustic versio n o f the so ng fo r his o wn
20 10 album, "Dreams"
1. What are the names o f Fio na's parents?
2. In which fairy tale land do es the tale o f Shrek take place?
3. Lo rd Farquaad wo uld like to be king o f what city?
4. In Shrek the Musical, Fio na sings a so ng called "I Kno w it's To day". What do es she "kno w"
will happen to day?
5. What dessert do es Do nkey co mpare to o gres?
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