THE MOUNTAIN if- - Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Adams, Sr. were Mr. and Mrs. John M. Adams, Jr. and three daughters of Carlisle and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Day, Robbie and Cheryl of NEWS -- THURSDAY, AUGUST EAGLE, WHITESBURG, KENTUCKY by Mrs. Cecit Webb Camp-bellsvill- V' ;j e. r BELLE BENNETT CIRCLE MEETS Brunch For Bride-EleMrs. Bob Fike entertained with Margaret Collier and Elizabeth an outdoor brunch for bride-eleBlair were shoppers in Lexington Mrs. Albert Jones and Mrs. Clyde Frazier were hostesses to Miss Sheila Moore at the home of during the weekend. the Belle Bennett Circle of the Mrs. D. W. Little on Saturday Mrs! A. K. Franklin of SomWoman's Socity of Christian Ser- Morning, August 18th. A delicivice of the Methodist Church at ous breakfast was served to the erset was a recent visitor with bride-elec- t and the following ,Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Franklin at the home of Mrs. Jones on Frifriends, Misses Ann Cox, Arylane aergeni. day evening. y Collins, Walleen Enlow, The program centered around Asher, Peggy Joan Yontz, Mrs. Clel B. Rodgers and son the "Goals For The New Year" Betty Jo Little, Mrs. Rose Moore, Buzz, Mrs. Mildred Duvall and with Mrs. Jones leading the dis- Mrs. Joanne Collins, Mrs. Eloise daughter, Janet were guests of cussion and Mrs. Frazier, Ellene Little, Mrs. Flo Lucas, Mrs. D. W. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Holbrook at Salyer and Ruth Rice also dis- Little. Sheila received many loveMayking, Friday Night. cussing phases of the proposed ly gifts. work. Mrs. Cecil Webb gave the On Saturday night Mrs. Dudevotional using as her subject vall and daughter were guests "The Spirit of Christ", The Em Open House At Manse Mrs. Rodgers and family. of Rev. Howard, The Pastor John blem of the W.S.C.S. Mrs. Jones gave as the final number two of the Graham Memorial PresMrs. Delilah Wrightt isin Lexpoems "Why Don't You" and byterian Church, and Mrs. Howington, at- JACK BURKICH "The Chuch of the Living God" ard held open house at the Manse tending Kentucky this week the graduation exercises on ACCEPTS POSITION Sunday afternoon from four after which a beautiful closing at Good Samaritan Hospital IN BARDSTOWN . to six o'clock. Members of the prayer was offered by Mrs. where her daughter Mary is a Jack Burkich, recently resignchurch and friends called to get member of the graduating class ed his position as principal at acquainted with new pastor the A lovely refreshment course of nurses. Others attending are Stuart Robinson High School and was served by the hostesses to and his family. Misses Waughletia Wright and has accepted the position as printhe following: Mesdames: E. H. beldon Wright. cipal of Bardstown High School, Barnette, Ruth Rice, Elsie Mc- - Mrs. Leach Has Guests Alary has many friends in Bardstown, Kentucky. Mr. BurGuests of Mrs. Lettie Leach on Clure, August Codispoti, Vernon Whitesburg who offer congra kich, a young man of excepGoff, Ulis Hunsucker, Joe Adams Monday were Mrs. A. C. Slemp, and best wishes. tulations tionally high character and qualKyle Campbell, Forrest Brown, Big Stone Gap, Virginia, Mrs. Tenne-eseJerry Andes, e ifications has served as principal Kingsport, James Brown, Cecil Webb, Ellene Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swisher, of the Stuart Robinson High and Mrs. Jack McCormick Salyer, Bonnie Combs, and one Scott and Rebecca spent several of Seattle, Washington. guest, Patty Goff. days recently in Chattanooga, August was of gifts A lovely shower 27th for the regular Tennessee where Mr. Swisher at August meeting. presented Mrs. Barnette, the pas- Norton Visitors a meting of the Equitable tor's wife, who is leaving soon Mrs. Jack Passmore and chil- tended dren, Carol Frances and Jack Life Assurance Company. Mrs. Frank Caudill and Mrs for Florida. Granford of Norton, Virginia are, Marvin Holbrook were shoppers Mrs. Ritter Tolliver spent last guests of their parents and grand m Lexington Attend Wedding recently. in Jackson as guest of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Paul Collins parents Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jenk- week 0 and Mrs. Tolliver and Millard Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ingram and and Donelda Breeding attended ins. Other guests on Sunday were family of Baltimore, Maryland the wedding of Miss Peggy Gay Jack Passmore and mother, Mrs. son Jimmie. Ingram and Mr. Bob D. Breed C. G. Passmore of Norton. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs Bobby Howard, son of Rev. ing held at the Church of God at Windus Williams. and Mrs. John Howard has been Mrs. Hawk's Luncheon Mount Sterling on Saturday. Mrs. French Hawk entertain- a patient in Memorial Hospital MOTHER CRAFT GIVES The bride is the daughter of Mr part of the week. He received in RECIPE and Mrs. C. C. Ingram of Mount ed members of the Thursday in a fall the first part juries Evening Sewing Club and the Sterling and the groom is the Mother Craft who has been week. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Monday Evening Sewing Club of the famous for her excellent creme Breeding formerly of Whitesburg at her home on College Hill on de la creme recipes for many Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Fike of Friday. Garden flowers in lovely years now gives us one for maknow living in Detroit. arrangements were used through Morgantown, West Virginia were ing delicious apple butter the guests of their son and out the home. A delightful lun- recent Following Vacation Return Home modern way. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fike family, 8 cups of cooked apples that have Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Harding cheon was served to the followson, Bobby Lee. been run through colander have returned to their home in ing members of the clubs. Mes and 6 cups sugar Detroit following a two weeks dames Sam Collins, Sr., Arthur Dorothy Reese Circle Meets 1 ten cent package cinnamon vacation in Jacksonville, Florida. Dixon, Maurice Lewis, Leonard They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, J. E. Crawford, J. L. Hays The Dorothy Reese Circle of drops. George Caudill on the return trip Lewis Ammerman, C. L. Kilgore the W. S. C. S. of the Methodist Cook ingredients 25 minutes and home and reported a wonderful B. W Hale, Paul Vermillion, Al- Church met at the Church on seal in sterilized jars. -0- time of fishing in Florida bring- bert Jones, Gordon Lewis, Harry Tuesday for their August meet-inMr. and Mrs. Irvin Frazier of ing along ssveral large bass to Caudill, Mrs. Hawk was assisted Mrs. Dan Combs called the prove their luck. Mr. Harding in entertaining by Mrs. Sam Col- meeting to order. Prayer was of Charleston, Indiana are the hap was the Champion fisherman of lins, Jr. fered bv Mrs. Virgil Blair. A py parents of a 7 lb. baby girl. the party. thought promoting devotional on Mrs. Frazier is the daughter of Mrs. Craft Has Guests "Be Still and Know That I Am Mr .and Mrs. Jesse Bentley of Webb-PottMrs. Virgie (Mother) Craft had God" was given by Mrs. Mitt Whitesburg. Vows Exchanged 0 as recent guests Mr. and Mrs. Vir Myers. In Lakewood, New Jersey PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH The wedding of Miss Betty Lou gil Niel and other relatives of The 2nd chapter of 2nd Peter TO BE HOSTS TO OTHERS Webb to R. V. Potter, Jr. was so- Williamstown, Kentucky and Mrs was read and discussed by the A Youth Night Dinner will be Lou Harris, Los Angeles, Calif. lemnized at the chapel in group. Missionary briefs on the held at the Presbyterian Church New Jersey on August 11 use of Week of Prayer Funds Sunday night at 6 o'clock. All at 2:00 p.m., The Chaplain offi- Visitors At Jackson cerering Rodgers double Wanda and Lula Jane was reported by Mrs. Blair. Mrs. young people who are going away ciated at the Collins visited last wek in Jack- Combs closed the meeting with for any reason are cordially in mony. daughter of son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. prayer. vited to attend. Following the The bride is the Mrs. L. W. Kelseof St. Peters dinner the youth of the Presby-- J Mr. and Mrs. Creed Webb of May Charles Back. On Saturday Wanda and Lula burg, Florida was guest of the tenan Church will present a pro king and previous to her mar Tele Bell gram. by employed and Ronald and Barbara members. Jane was riage Bentley attended the wedding of Others present were Mrs. Le- phone Company. The groom is the son of R. V. Miss Lucille Ison and Claude roy Fields, Mrs. James R. Mar Teachers lowe, Mrs. Dan Combs, Mrs. Mitt Potter, Sr. of Whitesburg and Sallee at Jackson. Myers and Mrs. Virgil Blair. was employed as bookkeeper for All Letcher County teachers are informed that the Confer the U. S. Steel Co.. at Lynch prior Visitors From Indiana Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Return From Vacation to his entering the Navy. ence on both Thursday, August Mr. and Mrs. Homer McKen 30, and Friday, August 31, will After a short wadding trip to H. D. Minns were Mrs. Dave Atlantic City the couple will re- - Jones, Mrs. Chester Hogg, and zie and daughter, Sarah have re begin promptly at 8:30 A.M., turned from a vacation in John C. S. T. instead of 9:00 a.m. as side near the base at Lakewood, Airs. Harold Minns, Jr. of Indiana. Harold Minns, son County. They were accom previously announced. New Jersey. who is serving in the U. S. Navy panied home by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hall, Superintendent PARTY FOR VISITOR Payne Williams of Winchester. is stationed at Virginia Beach. Letcher County School Mrs. Lee Moore and Miss Sheila During the week end the group Moore entertained on Tuesday Guests at Pine Mountain Hotel visited Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Mc- Creek evening complimenting Miss MalMr. and Mrs. G. D. Polly of Kenzie at Madison, Tenn., and loney Asher, niece of Mrs. Moore Naples, Florida are guests at the enjoyed sight seeing in the Smok-e- School Begins Sept. 7 from Barbourville'. Following the Pine Mountain Hotel. Mountains. PINE VILLE, Ky. August 23 swim and picnic at the Municipal Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ward of The fall semester at the Clear Miss Malloney Asher of Bar- - White Pine, Tenn., are now Creek Baptist School will begin Pool the guests enjoyed dancing at the home of Mrs. Moore. In- - bourville, Kentucky was guest guests in the McKenzie home. with the registration of new stueluded were: Ann Cox, Phyllis of her aunt Mrs. Lee Moore and dents on Wednesday, September Hall, Walleen Enlow, Arylane, Dr. Moore last week. Here From 5tt, according to an announce Florida , Collins, Harvey Francis, Jennings ment made recently by the Rev. Peggy Yontz, Arbadella Pigman, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kelsey A. N. Abercrombie, acting dean. Dixie Webb of Louisville was a Margaret Combs, Joyce Carrigan, recent visitor in town. Miss Webb and son of St. Petersburg, Fla., Two days will be devoted to Norma Cole, Sheila Lane Moore, has been employed by the Bur- are guests of Mrs. L. W. Fields, an orientation program for memJohn Rufus Hall, Ike Hall Jack eau of Internal Revenue in Louis Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Fields and bers of the incoming-class- . RegisHammock, Doug Polly, Buddy ville for several years. She is Mrs. Don Brown. of second, third, and 4th tration Fields, Mancy Brown, Bert Bach, the daughter of the late Mr. and year students will be held on Billy Thomas, Jimmy Giles, Har Mrs. John A. Webb. Attend Friday, September 7th. Graduation lan Francis Collins, Jimmie Tolliver, Cecil Barnes, Don Webb Miss Ann Lewis had as guests Among those who attended the The first chapel exercises of Johnny Rodgers, Ernie Trosper, on Monday morning for refresh- graduation of Miss Betty Hays at the year marking the formal Don Hughes, Richard Adams, ments Misses Harvey Frances the Good Samaritan School of opening of the 1956-5session Jennings, Mary Allen Berry, and Nursing, Good Samaritan Hos will be held on Friday, SeptemWarren G. Combs. Martha Gossett, visitors in pital, Lexington were Mr. and ber 7, at 11:30 a.m. President Al- Coke Party For Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Am- Mrs. J. L. Hays, Mrs. Belle Hays, dridge will bring the opening Guests at the home of Mrs. merman. Rita Kathryn Hale of Whites message. s Lewis Ammerman for a Coke burg; Mrs. Steve Hidvegi, Pound, The Clear Creek Baptist School party last" Thursday Morning at Mr. and Mrs. French Hawk Va.; Mrs. Raymond Litz, Jenkins, offers a full course of study for 9:30 o'clock complimenting her spent Sunday at Kingsport, Tenn. Ky.; Mrs. Harry Isaacs, Pine-vill- students in training for the gosKy. pel ministry and other Christian niece Harvey Frances Jennings where they visited with Mr. of Lexington were Miss Malloney Hawk's sister, Mrs. W. K. Doans vocations. Clear Creek is one of Garden Club seven schools and collges main-tainAsher, Barbourville, and Misses and other relatives. To Meet Sheila Moore, Arlayne Collins, by the General Association Among those shopping in LexThe Garden Club of Whites- of Baptists in Kentucky and is Walleen Enlow, Joyce Carrigan, Ann Cox, Arbadella Pigman, Phy ington this week are Sheila burg will meet at the home of a charter member of the Associa llis Hall was invited but unable Moore, Ann Cox, Julia Faye Wil Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Taylor, Jr., tion of Southern Baptist Bible In Sandlick Road on Monday night, stitutes. liams and isioise Reynolds. to attend. son-Duiiai- ct ZZ- - F- Man works from sun to sun, but SAVINGS BONDS work for you 24 Hours a day, Give them a chance to make your future more secure. A porous brick soaked in kerosene for a few days makes good kindling for a picnic fire. Taylor's Bargain Store Mal-lone- Bar-nette- can return $3 and more for every dollar spent: 2 Fertilizer can helP farmers meet the cost- ynue S4uee uy CUlling me COSl oi producing crops and increasing net income ner acre: 3 plant food, in teamwork with uinw practices, maintains the land at high cron- Jlciu"'S levels 23, 1956 located on Main Street in the old School for the past two years, is a past president of the Rotary Club, Civic minded in affairs of the county and active in work of the Presbyterian church. The entire county regrets to loose such an outstanding young man, but wish for him such success in his new undertaking. Mrs. Burkich will also teach in the Bardstown Grade School. They are parents of two children, Michael and Jennifer. LETCHER COUNTY FARMERS HELPED BOOST KENTUCKY FERTILIZER TONNAGE OF 5519,143 IN 1955 Letcher County farers helped boost Kentucky's fertilizer consumption to a statewide total of 519,143 tons in 1955, reports the Middle West Soil Improvement Comittee, in summarizzing stat istics compiled by the University of Kentucky. Among the most popular fertilizer ratios in use on Kentucky farms last year with 73,296 tons was the ratio, which includes fertilizer grades such as and the statistics show. The committee reports that Kentucky farmers have stepped up their use of fertilizer since th end of World War II, because they realize that: 1 Plant food is a high paying investment that Ebin Cook Building in WHITESBURG, KENTUCKY has Just Received a shipment of Shoes. We have new and used shoes for men, women, and children. We also have clothing and used furniture and a beautiful Ime of figurines. We make pictures frames any siz- eMade to order and reasonable rates. Come in and see us for Bargains. TAYLOR'S BARGAIN STORE Whitesburg, Kentucky miTIIIIIimmTIIIIIIIHMHTItTTHHTITTTTT BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL WEBSTERS UNIFIED Dictionary Encyclopedia The only reference work that can be used as a Dictionary and as Encyclopedia at the Same Time. Contains more than 1700 Big Pages, over 100,000 entries, more than 1800 illustrations (Many In Full Color) includes a World Atlas and Gazeteer. Dictionary and Encyclopdic entries follow each other in Alphabetical order. The Complete reference work for every Home, School and Office. Beautiful deluxe edition. GIANT 4Vi INCHES THICK. Special Price $10.75 Retil Price $20.00 CASH, Money Order V2 Down, Bal. C.O.D. FREE: Rubber Address Stamp. 3 Lines with your name Box No. and Town. DEBBIE SHOP, General Delivery, Thornton, Kentucky e. It's usable horsepower er Lake-woo- fhaf counts ! d, Rated horsepower figures don't tell the whole story of truck performance! i Aw Cnference wear, repair and shortened life. International Truck engines built for trucks turn at relatively low rpm deliver high usable power at normal road speeds. They are part of the engineering that asks no passenger to do a truck job part of the thinking that builds trucks stronger, to last longer . . . save you the BIG money in operating and maintenance costs. Come in and let us give you all the facts all-tru- ( Char-lestow- n, Clear 1 Baptist 7 the-hom- Many passenger-car-typ- e engines have to strain at the job of developing power to pull a normal load. They have to "give it an tnejr ve got to move tneir loads ana Power All-Tru- ck Plus Today's Most Modern Truck Features Functional, practical, money-savin- g styling Famous d Comfo-Vmo- cab n Power steering, power brakes available for most models Automatic transmission optional on man models Your trade-i- n may cover the down payment. Convenient terms arranged. INTERNATIONAL' TRUCKS IK If! Built to save you the BIG money I All-Tru- ck e, KYVA MOTOR COMPANY, d Madison Street WHITESBURG, KENTUCKY Inc. f