THE MOUNTAIN EAGLE, WHITESBURG, KENTUCKY THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1952 provement has been shown' by HIGH NEWS the band since Mr. Haigh has High been there. The Fleming-NeoSchool band will present its first of a series of concerts Speech Class Presents Thursday, January 24. Dates Play at Fleming-Neo- n for other concerts are March On Thursday evening, Jan4 and April 22. Tickets are uary 31, at 7:30 (EST), the $1.00 each, or a cut rate if three speech class of the Fleming-Neo- n tickets are purchased. High School will present play, "Comin' At the regular P. T. A. a one-ameeting this month plans 'Round The Mountain." The were made for a bake sale in setting will be that of a typical the various communities on mountain cabin-Cas- t of Characters: Saturday, February 2. Pro-cefrom the sale will be Maw Judkins Sue Collins used for the band. Under the Pap Judkins Harold Williams direction of Mr. Haigh, the Daisy Judkins Christine band has charge of 'the P. T. Fulton Considerable im- - Zeke Benus Kenneth Gooch Dynamite Ann, the Sheriff Rebecca Holbrook Mrs. Hortense Belmont Meade Millicent Lovell Alice Welch Carey Newbold Franklin Welch. Bertie Bates and Daniel Quillen will serve as stage managers. Mrs. W. B. Hall will direct with Tressie L. Spicer assisting. Monologue will be handled by Helen June uook. Aamisiion zu and 30 FLEMING-NEO- Special Sewing Machine Notice For new and used Singer Sewing Machines, Singer Vacuum Cleaners, or repair work, Singer Irons Electric or Steam Write W. R. Byi-d-, Jenkins, Ky., P. O. Box 541. The Only authorized Singer n Letcher in Detroit . by Rev. Byrd Adams ct Dealer for Letcher County. All Work Guaranteed By: SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 100 Bridge St., Hazard, Ky. ds 4W''''inmiiBiiiTiTffiiTOfl Lo-re- SALE an . Adams last week and Mrs- - Robert Ison are the parents of a baby girl, born in a Hazard Hospital January 8, 1952. Named Theresa Gayle Ison. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adams, Mrs. Reathie Blair, Lettie Adams, Alpha Adams and Minnie Adams, were visiting Mrs- - Susan Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ison last week. Mr- and Mrs. Bill Blair, Gehiza Adams, Beatrice Stewart, and Lettie Adams were visiting Mr. and Adams Sunday. Mr. Adams is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. London Francis, Mr. and Mrs- - Paris Hig-gin-s, Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Wil liams, and Carl, all of Breed- and Mrs. Steve Adams and ings Creek, were visiting Mr. Mr- - and Mrs- Sella Caudill last week end. end-Mr- N I must apologize to my readers of last week for leaving out the featured series I had started week before last in which I was to list each week 15 persons from Letcher County in Detroit. At the end of this column this week's list will be run with 30 names in order to make up for last week. From Mrs. William L- - come and bring your friends. We are sincerely seeking and praying for a revival here in this young church. The services will be at 7:30 o'clock each evening during these revival meetings. Detroit readers, come and be with us. Christians, pray for us. Address communications to: Rev. Byrd Adams, 5421 Third Blair, Avenue, Detroit 2, Michigan. Jr., of Detroit, came a letter saying that" Mr. and Mrs- - Blair Branch .... - Mrs-Squir- e - Charles Evans bought a The P. T. A. of Blairs Branch NEWS beautiful home in Hazel Park met and had a nice program on West Woodward Heights A birthday party was given and also discussed a lot of Boulevard off 9 Mile Road. at the home of Mr. and Betterment of our School, Mrs- - Evans was Christine Caudill Sunday after subjects concerning "T h e Bates from Kona and Charles noon in nonor oi lxuman Friends of Orville Adams have is from North Carolina Caudill on his sixth birthday. asked him to be a candidate cents- "Mr- - and Mrs. Claude Staple- Those present were Mr. and for Justice of Peace, District ton have moved to Grand Mrs. Watson Blair, Mrs. Ver-lo- n No- 3 for the next coming Notice of Dissolution River, near 12th. Street- - They Ison, Mrs- Tina Combs, election August 1953- - He said can you Mrs. new Cinda Caudill, Minnie he would accept it if his address give the This is to notify the public that the partnership of George of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davis, Adams, Alpha Adams, Collie friends insistedand Hettie Hogg of Kings who also moved just recently. Jewel Blair, and Jimmy Roger "Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Davis Adams, Steve Isom, Arnetta Creek, Ky-- , is dissolved as of BlackeyP.T.A. the first day of January of and family have moved back Mae Adams, Kathy Blair and Friday night, January On 1952 and said Hettie Hogg to Kentucky due to Mr. Davis' Jimmy Roger Adams. Re18, from 125 to 150 parents and served were freshments will not be responsible for any health." of nice presents were re- and children attended the debts made by any one other Mrs- - Blair went on to inform lots presented by Mr. D- - B. Barker, ceived. than herself as of this date. me of the presence in Motor Family School night program at is sick Mr. Adams Steve George Hogg will continue City of others from Neon and A. program chairman T. P. fj to operate the business and thereabouts. Mr. and Mrs. this time. We wish him a principal of Blackey and recovery. and speedy Mr. will be responsible for all Hargis Sisk, she informed me, school. f business transactions after could give me news about such Mrs- - Jim Adams, of Spring Parents enjoyed the demon this date. people as: Mr-- and Mrs- - Ford Branch, visited Mr. and Mrs. stration classes by the teachers ft GEORGE HOGG Hale, Mr. and Mrs. John Steve Adams Saturday night. so much they hope the school Kings Creek, Ky. Manies, Mr. and Mrs. Livern Mr. Quillen Craft was visit- will make this an annual Mullins, Mr. and Mrs. James ing his sister, Mrs. Willie C affair. Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Adams, last week. Writing Mrs- - D. B. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. L-- B. Blah- Arithmetic Mrs. Nola Back. Gooch, and others from Neon, Ky. were visiting Mr. and Mrs. "Watch What You Say" Mrs. Arlie M. Caudill and Mrs. Bill Bates, (a play). Mrs. Elbert Susan Banks of Brookville, Spelling Vina Mae Whitaker Mr. Richardson are both back to Indiana, last week end. Kentucky History Mr-- D. B. Miss Audry Adams, of Isom, work after visiting family and Barker friends in Kentucky, Fleming was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack After visiting the library, a and Tollivertown. new project this year, refresh Mr. and Mrs- Roy Bentley of ments were served in the Neon have been visiting Mr. lunch room by the hospitality and Mrs. Roy Grimms for the committee. past week. Mrs. Bentley is a sister to Mrs. Grimms. Pvt. Vanover Trains Pvt. Estil Vanover, 21, son. Letcher Names In Detroit of Mrs- - Cinda Vanover of Continuing the list of LetBurdine, is completing his AF cher County people in Detroit: DUE TO COLDS basic airmen indoctrination home Mr. and Mrs- - John Krolo; Mr-an- remedy to use Is . ..W VapoRub course at Lackland Air e Mrs. Arthur Brown; Mr. and Mrs. R. B- Adams and family; M r.and Mrs. M. S. Wright, and family; Ada Wright; John Wright; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Frazier and Vicki Lynn; Mr. General Stamper; Mr-- and Mrs. A, L. See Garnett Insurance Agency Holcomb, Jr., Mr. Gene Mullis; Mr. and Mrs. Arch Cole and Telephone 326 daughter; Rev. Harland Mr. and Mrs. Ballard HAZARD KENTUCKY Maggard; Mr. and Mrs. Ivel Maggard; Mr. and Mrs. Vester Breeding and family; Mr. and Mrs. Denver Quillen and family; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Breeding and son; Mr. Hennie Adams; Mr. John Adams; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Adams and son; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collins and daughter Fay; Mr. Larry Smith; Miss Mable Collins; Mr. James Irvin Sexton; Mr. and I Mrs. Edvar Maggard and family; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lewis and son; Mr. and Banks and Darrel; Mrs. Van B. Warax and daughter, Elmer Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Fuller and family; USED CLOTHING 1-- 2 Mrs-Georg- e .... - ALL KINDS FOR ALL AGES - - Also SB 25c BUNDLES OF A VARIETY OF ARTICLES BUNDLES OF COATS & SKIRTS 50c STUART ROBINSON SCHOOL ISOM 9:30 a. m. to 12 Noon 8a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday Thru Friday Saturday sfs fttliltllljBjUHjW - and ii g? NOW mem - -- ! CWGH$ WICKS n d - INSURANCE ALL KINDS -- Ken-dric- About, OldtmobiU Ninety-Eig- ht Sedan. Beloea. OlJ, mobile Super "83" Sedan. IIydra.Matic Super Drive extra one. Equipment, aceestoriet and trim euhject to change without notice. and GM Hydraulic Steering optional at k; I Mrs-Clyd- d Paul A. Frazier; Mrs. Beatrice Parkerson (Paul Frazier's sister). I intend to tie a string on my finger so that I won't forget to add fifteen more names from my list next week- Let's hope I don't forget to tie the string on my finger. I more delicious ) coffee - Meet the most powerful "Rocket" Engine Oldsmobiles ever built! ''" Ninety-Eiga triumph of fine-ca- r At top, the design a Classic! Below, the sensational new action-sta- r Oldsmohile's Super "88" for 1952! Both bring you the 160 horsepower "Itocket"! Both feature Oldsmohile's new Hydra Matic Super Drive with its thrilling new Super Range for spectacular action! Both offer new GM Hydraulic Steerand an even smoother "Rocket Ride"! And, in this ing Oldsmobile achieves a new magnificent new Ninety-Eigh- t, design. A sweeping new "long look" outside! high in fine-ca- r interiors the finest you've ever New "Custom-Lounge- " seen! These brilliant new "Rocket" Oldsmobiles for 1952 are now on special display in our showroom! See them today! all-ne- -- W" NEW SUPER DRIVE! HYDRA-MATI- NEW GM HYDRAULIC STEERING! NEW OLDSMOBILE'S "ROCKET"! Now Hydra Malic Drive adds a This newest development in With 25 more horsepower' new range "Super" Range for power-assiste- d steering new Quadri-Je- t Carburetor valves now super performance thrillingnew takes out the effort, leaves new high-liaction in any driving situation ! in the "feel" of the wheel! more thrilling than ever! -- ft 19 52 OLDSMOBILES NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE FOLLOWING Phillips Motor Company Neon, Kentucky DEALERS', I am one of the preachers invited to preach during the revival which begins on Feb., 8th., and lasts through February 22nd-- , at the Samaritan Southern Missionary Baptist Church of 819 West Warren in Detroit. All are welcome to ' Better Cough BlOef When new drugs or old fail to stop your cough or chest cold don't delay. Creomulsion contains only safe, helpful, proven ingredients and no narcotics to disturb nature's process. It goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or druggist refunds money. Creomulsion has stood the test of many millions of users. lEOMUIfSION rel"ci Coughs, Chest Colds, Acuta Bronchitis j e Mr-an- Mr. richer... A smoother... ' 5 I