« News and Personal Notes About Town * % WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. June 20.-—The Children’s Day ex­ ercises in the church here Sunday morning were extremely interesting. The church, owing to th e perfect w eather and to the fact th a t there was to be no preaching, was crowded, both fore and a ft and above, , Now the connection between the fact th a t there was to be no preaching and the fact th a t a large crowd attended is not a reflection on the pastor, but on the congregation. Well, anyway, the exercises were unusually good, as were the decorations, which com­ bined the simplicity of nature with the artisticness of artificiality, The singing, let it be said, was beyond POMONA GRANGE AT HORTONVILLE SATURDAY T H E LITTLE ITEMS YOU FIRST LOOK FOR IN YOUR HOME Following is the program for the Sullivan .County Pomona .Grange NEW SPAPER. meeting a t the Hortonville Hotel, Mrs. Richard Breen has gone to a Hortonville, on Saturday, June 24.: 10:00 a.m.—Opening exercises. city hospital for treatm ent. 10:15 a.m.—Reports of subordinate George Sieberg, electrician, has gone to Monticello to fill a several and juvenile granges. 11:00 a.m.—Discussion “Does the weeks’ job a t his trade, Present Telephone Service Meet the David W. Dilts *pf E ast Orange, N. J ., is stopping a t Diehl’s Terrace Cot­ F arm er’s N eeds?” reproach. 12:00 m.—Recess for dinner. tag e for a week or so. The Ladies’ Aid met with Miss E l­ 1:30 p.m.—Initiation of candidates la Hardenbergh last Thursday afte r­ Oscar Sander has comp up from th e city to spend the summer with in fifth degree. The ladies, after exchanging 2:30 p.m—Address on “Agricul­ noon. h is father, Jacob Sander. news and views, arranged for the Mrs. Marie Stuehler returned from tural Legislation a t W ashington” by holding of the annual fa ir sometime, Brooklyn Friday and opened her cot­ Congressman Charles B. Ward. later on in the summer. 3:30 pjtn.—Discussion and Ques­ tage here for the summer. W hite Sulphur is to have another Miss Phoebe E rnst goes to Kenoza tion Box by F arm Bureau Manager. Fourth of July celebration. A t’ least 4:00 p.m.—“Some Suggestions for the men of the church and others ex­ B ake today to assist a t The Elm ­ th e County F air,” Mrs. E. C. Chase, pect to have maybe a ball game with h u rs t ag ain fo r the. summer. Mrs. W. H. Addis of Plainfield, N. school superintendent. the bachelors, a few races, fireworks, 5:00 p.m.—Closing exercises J ., recently , spent a few days with A t 8 p.m an open meeting will be and, we hope, a nice dinner. . More h e r sister, Mrs. Cora Lixfield^, anon. ’ The Uniop. chapel Ladies’ Aid. have' held,, when the public is invited to be A , number o f .tow nspeople, attended s e t the first Wednesday in A ugust present.. A Very interesting program “Under Cover” a t Liberty Friday will be rendered as arranged by the fo r th eir annual bazaar and Supper. evening. Everybody., who went, t for : Michael Lober and'fam ily of" North members of Hortonville Grange. th a t m atter, went under cover or else B ranch motored here Sunday and- A ttorney Robt. B, McGinn of Jeff­ got wet. We speak from experience. .spent the day a t Clias. W. W ilfert’s. ersonville will be one of the speakers We heard a*'tale the other night Mrs. Bruen and daughter H arriet a t the evening session. of a young married lady in this town and Mrs. Fosdick of Brooklyn are who lost the diamond from her en­ season guests a t J. H. Glassel’s JeffAnnual Grange Basket Picnic. gagem ent ring, but found it . a fte r­ ersonia. The annual basket picnic of the wards in h er back yard. This near Miss M artha Scheidell of Deposit Sullivan County Grange will be held spent from Saturday until Tuesday at Swan Lake Pavilion, Stevensville, misfortune should serve as a warn­ h ere with her mother, Mrs. Mary on Wednesday, June 28. J. M. Scott ing to those of our young unmarried ladies, who are likewise decorated. Scheidell. of Copake, N. Y., m aster of Colum­ M. L. Joyner has received his ap­ Ralph P. Bird and fam ily of E ast bia County Pomona Grange, will de­ pointment as inspector of construc­ O range will come to Jeffersonville liver an address. A large attend­ tion for district five and is already Saturday to spend two weeks with ance of members and friends is u rg ­ a t work near Parksville, where the relatives. F rank Davis, afte r spending sev­ ed. Games, races, boating and a contractors are getting ready to tope ra l weeks in the city, has returned general good time is promised for dress the concrete highway. Later, to this place and is stopping a t W ag­ all. when the lower section of the Libern e r’s on the hill. ty-Kenoza Lake highway is resur­ Fosterdale Grange. * Misses Caroline and Gertrude faced, it is probable th a t Mr. Joy­ The Fosterdale Grange held a ner will be transferred to Jefferson­ Y ager of U tica are spending a couple weeks a t the home of their uncle, M. meeting June 9, w ith a fa ir attend­ ville. Now we’ll have somebody to ance of the members. E. C. Neiger, pick on if our roads don’t come up F . E rnst, on Sixteen. Henry A. Hoos and fam ily of H ur­ m aster of the Jeffersonville grange, to the m ark. But Mel won’t let the leyville spent Sunday a t th e home of was present and gave an interesting contractors get away w ith much. h is fatherinlaw, Jno. F. Neiger, mo­ talk on the value of grange in­ Mr. and Mrs, George Ludwig, chap­ surance. Recitations were given by toring o v e r:in his car. . eroned by Ed Roth and M iss' Carry John Brining and family of Lake Myrtle Phillips and Fred. Bernhardt. Hogencamp, visited P ort Jervis, Mid­ H untington motored to Jeffersonville Refreshments were served. The next dletown and other points south Sun­ Tuesday in, their-mew Hudson Six, m eeting will be June '23. day, making the trip in Mr. Ludwig’s which Mr. Brining recently ’p ur­ automobile^ NORTH BRANCH chased. '‘ J. B. Lindsley .was surveying on the F rank Neuberger Sr. has leased * JUNIOR MECHANICS VISIT Barrens with Larry McGrath of Liv­ MIDDLETOWN COUNCIL ingston Manor last,w eek.., Luckily, his house fo r the summer to' Wm. K ranich and friends of Newark, who. they didn’t h it any rattlers. Sunday recently spent a couple w eeks. at the Two carloads of Junior Mechanics Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and a couple of Mansion House. ■ ' of the North, Branch •council motored the children, and Mrs. M. L. Joyner Mrs. Louise A rm strong and niece, ed to Middletown Thursday afternoon Forded the Delaware fo r a visit with Miss Mildrd Kocher, will go to Phil­ to pay a visit to Walkill Council that, Pennsylvania friends and relatives, adelphia today for a week or so, night, when candidates were intiated returning in th e evening with Mrs. Mrs. A rm strong having some, m atters and a banquet followed. I t was the Lindsley’s sister and niece. to. attendffo there. W alkill" Council degree team which George Ray, who is said to be one Branch of the Erie road’s best firemen, has John L.i Schmidt, Oscar Muery and officiated when the N orth Council was instituted a few years been visiting friends and relatives O tto Bollehbach went to H ust’s pond, ago, and the N orth Branch* boys had here. Mrs. Ray is here also. Kenoza Lake’, Monday and caught a standing invitation to come ■ to Cap Bossley, who shows ’em how th ree fine bass weighing from 1 to 3 pounds, and some pickerel and Middletown. The visitors were Wm. to d o . things down a t Black Lake, Rose, H arry Schutt, A lbert W agner, spent S.umiay in this section among perch. A rthur Stengel, E rnest Dorrer, Louis his numerous friends and relatives.. Mrs. Chas. Cronauer of the Maple Charlie Snyder shouldered the old Grove House received a telegram Schutt, Wesley Dorrer, Chas.Robisch, Jacob Beck, Herm an Ebbert. fish pole one day last week between Tuesday th a t her husband in Brook­ The boys returned home Friday, a f­ .showers, dropped his line in below ly n was lying unconscious. She left te r being handsomely entertained by this village a-ways, and soon brought a t noon for the city. Mr. Cronauer back enough fish to last an Irish is connected with the Brooklyn post- Walkill Council. fam ily a week of Fridays. He left office. In the summer Mrs. Cro­ the biggest, one in the brook, with nauer runs their boarding house on BRAVES LOSE IN BASEBALL AT LIBERTY three feet or so of leader in his gul­ Maple avenue here. let. Fred F. Baum, of the Special Uni­ Jam es Kilcoyne, according to an The Jeffersonville Braves played versal Motor Co. of New York, who unconfirmed report, is in a hospital installed the motion picture machine their first game of ball of the season to be oprated on fo r appendicitis. in Masonic Hall, returned to the city a t Liberty la st Saturday and lost, 20 Thomas Tremper, who has been to 7. I t is said th a t Shields of the Monday. Mr. Baum was so much Liberty team, who umpired the game, traveling in Pennsylvania, is home impressed w ith our beautiful little was the most im portant factor, in the now. town th a t he tried to rent a cottage home team ’s victory. However the Mr. and Mrs. Chris Weiss and fam ­ here for the summer. HIT expects to visiting team were treated on th e ball ily of Roscoe spent Sunday w ith Mrs. m otor up for the Fourth. field, they fared well a fte r th e game M ary Hardenbergh. Jam es Gaffney of New York, afte r a t the Liberty House, where dinner Mrs. M affett is in New York city spending a few days a t John VonBer- was dished up to them. for a few days. Alan Lieb and John Huff were the gen’s will return home today. Mr. Jay Broadhead, who haS-Uctftd as Gaffney is a special investigator for battery for the Braves, and the oth­ chiffonier for Charles Snyder fo r a prom inent attorneys in the city, and ers in the line up were Lester year or so, has gone to Roscoe, where h e acted in th a t capacity' for W. Guischard, Pete Huff, Ray Kohler, he has three automobiles to operate. Bourke Oockran, when th a t well Chas. Lixfield, Ed Baum gart, Fred Several local people attended the ^ children’s day exercises a t Stevens­ known lawyer was counsel for Police Joergle and F rank Kenny. Lieut. Charles Becker. Mr. Gaffney ville Sunday evening. relates some tales of crookedness and AGRICULTURAL LAW VIO­ Stephen Wood of Jersey City and persecution in city official circles th a t LATOR RELEASED FROM JAIL E gbert Wood of Colorado called on - would make your blood boil. their brother George here Sunday. Millard Conklin, formerly of High The kids are all excited * today. John Hofer, who is paying a visit to the scenes of his early boyhood View, this county, was released from There’s to be movies a t Roth’s Hall here, has gone to spend a week with the Goshen jail last week after serv­ this evening, and if the pictures live be . his niece, Mrs. Wm. Pless, a t H unter ing time for selling adulterated milk up to the posters, well, they’R worth seeing. Pond. L ater he will go to New York a i t h e Wurtsboro creamery. This was an action brought under Miss Helen D elam arter has been at C ity and New Haven to Visit rela­ tiv es until fall. Mr. H ofer has of the A gricultural Law for the sale of the home of her parents here for sev­ late years been making his home a t adulterated milk by Conklin. A judg­ eral days. th e United States M ilitary Home at ment was recovered by the people pre­ BEECHWOODS. Marion, Indiana, and not a t the Sol­ against him for the penalty diers’ Home a t Bath, as stated in scribed by law with costs, and he was last week’s Record He enlisted in compelled to serve tim e at the Goshen June 19.—Wm. Keim and family jail under this judgment. Company F. of the 143rd Volunteers, spent Sunday with relatives in Fos­ Henry F. Gardner o f Cailieoon was which was organized here by Capt. terdale. E . H. Pinney in 1862, an d 1he served attorney for the people. Fred Hubbert has purchased a till th e end of the war, when the Pullman car from Kohler & Hess of Who’s Record are you reading? regim ent was discharged. Jeffersonville. They went to New / of South Fallsburg are spending a few days with 'h e r grandparents, Henry Gabel and wife. * York Friday, returning "Saturday night w ith Mr. Hubbert’s car. Mrs. Catherine Krenrich of Jeffer­ sonville spent last week w ith h e r brother, Henry Gabel. Henry Huth and granddaughter are spending a few weeks with rel­ atives in New York. ' Mrs. Wm. W hittaker and son John Operated on for Cancer. Mrs. Adolphus Neuman of Cocheeton Center”, underwent an operation for cancer of the rig h t side a t Napanoch Thursday. lfnfl tjl We Are Specialists | | | n|l t T f I in all kinds of FEED FOR POULTRY as well as Poultry Supplies. > Incubators, Brooders, Hovers, Coal-burning Stoves. get Park &Pollard Gritiess C H IC K FEED the kind that contains fish -then she wont wony about our having colic. She says she never lost a chicken oa this feed; GOOD, CLEAN GOAL, f S ero w dc Francesco, ....... aA H^rJyW v v ..j ~ jC iberti/j 2/* ^ AVAvAfrVjfcW AAVi?kidtxvAVAfrVAVA AV ifo^ A ♦ifo AAA W ift-AA v v VV+ V V y Vw v w A & J TNA E TN su r ed HAT JL JL THE HAT WITH A POLICY T 'H E smartest styles and * colors.' You take no chance on quality—there’s a broad satisfaction policy in each hat. Trimmed with /ETNA. LEATHER which does hot soil Soft — $ 3 — S tiff See the Nea) Arrivals i We carry a complete line of modern-priced uptodatc H ats -831(1 Caps for Men, Boys, Youths and Children. . Men’s and Youths’ Hats, latest styles, $1, $1.2 5 and $1.50. Children’s and Boys’ H ats, 25c to $1. • t Caps, 25c to $1. We have them for everybody, big and little. Clothing of Quality 4$ W ith every Suit .costing from $15 up we give a w ritten manufac­ tu rers’ guarantee backed by ourselves. We carry, the largest stock 4.rf~ of Clothing in W estern Sullivan. We have them for tall men and *t ■& short men, stout men and lean men. We have a very complete line & f of stouts and can fit stout figures perfectly. We have Suits made & % to individual measure, w ith satisfaction guaranteed. $ f Our $12 and $14 line of Men’s Suits are not equaled when m arket ♦t conditions are taken into consideration. *!*■ Boys’ two-piece Suits, $1.98 to $8—exceptional values. i't- J. M. Schmidt & Sons Co., >I< * >t<he >t<* $ >>* >$»>** ** * * * North Branch 4. * >t<&ft ft gufr%» >t«>t<>t<>t<>1<>t< FOR SALE CHEAP! 1913 INTERNATIONAL, 20 HORSEPOWER, NEW f 1915 TRANS- MISSION, NEW CLUTCHES AND DIFFERENTIAL. SIDE CURTAINS AND MILES. THREE SEATS. RUN HAS TOP, ABOUT K ^ 4ir 41 O o 'A«■ 4 4► 4t tmmWMtMftmrt WILLIAM HONES, Jr., 4 if-' 5000 INQUIRE OF & i► ROSCOE, N. Y. 4b 11 i►