- — TfiEJTOURNAL AND REPUBLICAN, LOWVILLE, N. Y ^ THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1926. , two children from Syracuse are St Pratt dam at Lyonsdale Bunday LYONS FALLS. PORT LEYDEN. spending a few days with their parmorning by a boy fishing. The funents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schindler. eral was held at Fowlerville Tuesday (Mrs. Sherman J.' Merry, Corresp't.) They also attended the wedding of Mrs. Adah Wilcox, Prominent Real* afternoon, Rev. Mr. Dobbie, of Port their sister, Miss Rose Chatrand, at Mrs. A. L. Bock has been entertainLeyden, officiating; Interment at dent, Dies at Age of 81—The Late Croghan, Tuesday. ;IIL, In r chiUlren from Oneida, Utica Fowlerville. .Mr. WeTSrter waa a vetM n , Edla Northrup Kenyon. '•rid M;issena\ the past \ve,ek. eran of the World war and a military Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Merry enterfuneral was held by his'comrades. Arnold Berk, who has been seri- tsiined the following of their children (Mrs. C. L. J. Ager, Correspondent.) Mr. and Mrs. William 8»cond of Five " Men Drowned in >ly ill tht? past two .weeks, with Sunday: Mrs. Friend K. Ward spent part of Crouso and family, of Glenfleld; Mr. j i. iim^niu, is able to sit ui> at this und Moose River Accidents is Found in BURDIOK'S CROSSING. Mrs. Meryl Shnw, of Crystaldale: last week In Utica. Wire Net Stretched to Catch Bodies. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Merry and son Cey- Harry Williams has been spending Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roe and family, lon, of Lowville; Clarence Merry, a few days with his family. (Mrs. Gary Burdick, Correspondent.) ..;' (;uuy«.'riu-ur, \\ i IV callers at thn lice eh 11111; Mrs. Ada Merry and fam- Mrs. J. Cross has been entertaining (Mrs. A. D. Edmonds, Correspondent.) Frank Barnes is driving a new ;. .lit..''of tlK'ir cousin, Mrs. Sherman ily and Foster Merry, of this place; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Millard,. of For the second time within a week Overland sedan. M-iTV, Sunday: also Mr. ;md Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John TatVl. son Donald Fayettevllle. the turbulent waters of the Moose Mrs. Clifford Allen spent last Wed.-• t>.i--tin Sundcrhaft and Kathrrine and daughters, Beatrice and Mildred; Mrs. Lucy Hart, of Utjca, is spend- river gave up the body of a victim of nesday In Watertown. • in ;. -iJiort, ot I'runhiin. also iv.ry Rowlands and F. C, Sigen- j « the week with Mrs. Mary L. John- the drowning accidents, which occurGeorge Fulton, of Utica, spent Sunston and family. red May 5th. Last Thursday morning Mi-, and Mrs. Lcmy Schlndlor and thaler, of Utica. with Gary Burdick. Mrs. "Mae Burkhart Swartzman at 9:30 the body of Augustan Lyman, day Hulda Tanner, of Turin, spent the spent the week-end and Decoration 54, was found In the wire netting week-end with Dorothy Edlck. day at her home in Utica. stretched i across . the river a quarter Burdick, of Utica, called Miss Eleanor Williams, who is a of a mile below the falls at Gouldtown, onRexford relatives here Decoration day. pupil nurse at Faxton Hospital, is four miles vast of this village. The MIBS M. Augusta Norton was the enjoying a few weeks vacation. bodly was recovered by the man's guest of friends in Holland Clifford Duster, of Holland Patent, brother, Kmim-tt Lyntan, who watched week-end was a week-end guest of his-parents, the river evfis day since the fatal- Patent. Ernest and George Young, of Utica, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Doster. ities. were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. J. Ager, Jr., and On Monday the body of Wilson Ful- Jay Meal us. daughter, Ann Low, were the guests ler, 53, who was drowned with Lyman MIBH Leila Norton was the week-end of their parents over the week-end. when jtfie boat, which they were using and Mrs. Fred Bradt and Mr. and Mrs. Dorrnnce Campbell in stringing a boom across the river, guest ofofMr. U.tica. and son Hawley, of Herklmer, were went over the lulls, was found in the family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keller, of Moweek-end guests of relatives in town. wire netting strung acorss the river to hawk, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Prltchard catch the bodies. Mrs. Edward Burdick. and children, of Utica, were week-end The body of Lyman waa In fairly Mrs. George H. Waters* of Philauests of Mr. and Mrs. William Prit- .rood condition and was not badly delphia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. chard. mutilated. It is thought that the body Burdick and family. Misses Huldah and Gertrude Loomis, came to the surface some time dur- Gary Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Seymour and of New York, have Toeen recent guests ing Wednesday night. daughters, June and Alleen, were of their brother, J. Clark Loomis and The office ot the Gould Paper Com- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliffamily. which had employed both men, ford Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Roberts, of pany, was immediately notified of the dis- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Levlker and New York, were guests of their'THs- covery the body. The remains wer_e daughter Eleanor attended the funeral ters, Misses Hannah and. Celia Rob- directlyoftaken to the. undertaking par- of Mr. Levlker's brother, Walter, In erts, the past few days. lors of M. A. Yeardori in this village. Lowville last Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mowers, of Utica, No trace has been found of the Mrs. Arthur Mason, of Vernon Cen"and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Capron; of other men who were drowned ter; Harry Champion, and eon and p Boonville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. within three two days of the Lyman and daughter, of Clinton, were Merton Eggleston over the week-end. Fuller fatalities, the bodies of Earl guests • of Mr. and Mrs. H Sunday Mrs. Fred E. Sarr and niece, Miss Webster, James Webster an un- and family. Esther Crowley, pf Albany, who came known French lumberjack,and still being Mr. and Mrs. Bert Co/, sons Bobriy to attend the funeral of their aunt, missing. and Glenn, of New Y Mills; -Mrs. Mrs. Ada Wilcox, returned home MonAugustan Lyman is survived by two Bud Atwell, two children, Bernlce and day. sisters, Mrs. Clinton Rogers, Lyons William and Herbert Prentice, of Dr. r and Mrs. J. P. Morgan, who and Mrs. Anthony Dolan, Ilion; Chadwicks, were guests Sunday and have 'been spending the winter In Falls, brothers, Charles, Ernmett and Monday of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Rochester, at the home of Rev. and four William, of this village, and John, of Levlker. Mrs. Harold Strathearn, have return- Ilion. ed home. The funeral services were held SatMr. and Mrs. Lewis Secoy and SECOND ROAD. morning at 9 o'clock from St. daughter Eileen, of Whitesboro, were urday John's Catholic church in this vilSunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. AnRev. Fathir F. M. Klnney offl- (Selma M. Mellnitz, Correspondent.) drew Secoy. They also visited Brant- lage, viating. Burial at Port Leyden. ihghanriCuke. Mrs. W. F. Meilnitz and daughter Piano Recital. Miss Marion Roberts, of Cortland, Selma were in Carthage Saturday. accompanied by Miss Janet Williams, The following programme will be Mrs. Adam E. Hoppel and Mrs. HerMorrlsville, came Friday night to be given by the pupils of Mrs. W. M. bert Hall spent Saturday in Lowthe guests of their parents over Dec- Shaw and Miss Kuma Jones at Forest ville. oration day. church, .Moruiuy evening, June 7: Glenn A. Sealy, of New Bremen, Duet. The SkateTs, Cramm, Merwyn made his visit in school district No. 4 Misses Ruth and Helen Sweeney, , of L'tica; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams and George Binfl; Dancing Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoppel were Sweeney and son John and Fred in the 'Moonlight, • Tappen, Helen Thurston, of Syracuse, were guests of Reed; (a) Dolly's Dancing Lesson, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sweeney for the Grett; (b) Two Easter Bunnies, Grett, anzel, of Rlverbank. Herbert Drew, (pupil of Mrs. H. F. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith were reweek-end and Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Williams and Shaw); Sleepy Time, Cramm, Ruth cent guests at the home of Mr. and daughters, Eleanor and Marion, of Gould; (a) Peasants' Dance, Blake; Mrs. W. F. Mellnitz. George Miller, Harold Streeter, Rome, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. (b) The Cello. Blake. John Williams; M. Ainsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Dimples, Evarts, Dorothy Seymour; Elmer Streeter and Bert Hoppel spent Kenneth's March, Cramm, Henry Sunday in Watertown. ert Williams for the past few days. Miss Olive J. Carter, Naumburg, Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Schell, of Gould; The Bunnies' Ball, Cramm, Syracuse, are the guests of Mr. and Louise Moreland; The Village Chapel, spent a short time this week with 9 Mrs. Everett Williams and family. Johnson, Iv;» Gallup; duet, (a) The her niece, Mrs. W. F. Mellnitz and Sunday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gingerbread Man, Tupper; (b) Sail- amlly. S. J. Neff, they spent the day at their or's Song. Tupper, Helen Reed and Misses Eleanor and Anna Hoppel and Dorothy Seymour; The Trumpeters, Helen and Phyllis Rhode spent MonCamp at Brantingham Lake. Mr. and Mrs. .Lainont Snyder have Duverway, Beatrice Haynes; Good day with their grandparents, Mr. and 'born spending a few days with Mr. Night. Little Girl, Cramm, Mary Mrs. A. E. Hoppel. Snyder's sister, Mrs. Sterling Hum- Cowles: The Gipsy Band, Luderbuehl, Misses Veronica and Dorothy Mcphrey, in Wutertown. They were uc- Alice Farney; The West Wind, Paid I, Donald and Mrs. Louis Egloff spent companied home by their little Margaret Sykes: Sonatina In C, Grant- the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hernephew, Richard Humphrey, who will Schaefer. Carl Fairchlld; The Danc- bert Walsman and family. Air. and Mrs. A. E. Hoppel entering Lesson, Friml, Avis Brown; Idlllo, remain a few days. Mrs. Julia M. Blckford and Mr. and Lack, Doris Hemings; Barcarolle, tained on-Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoppel and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Keyes drove from Brook- Offenbach, Jiimos Bidlnger; Scherlyn, leaving there Friday and reach- getto, Selivanov, Florence Gaylord; Mrs. Qi"rus Genzel and son. Rev., and Mrs. Rex, of Beaver Falls, ing Port Leyden Saturday afternoon. vocal solo, (.a > The Apple Blossom, Mrs. Bickford will spend the summer (old Jjrish air). Lemont; (b) Celtic were Wednesday guests at the home with Mrs. Andrew Secoy. Mr. and Love Song. Cadnmn; (c) How It Hap- of A. H. Wlsner and family. They Mrs. Keyes left here Sunday for Wa- pened. Stickles. Mr. Kenneth Gilbert also called upon other friends In tliis Hemings; For< st Murmers. Bohni, vicinity and visited our school. tertown and~Cazenovia. Charles A. Beyer, of West Carthage; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Miller and Bernlce Belknap; Japanese Lanterns, daughter Betty and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Keats, Merwyn Williams; Forest Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Virkler. Mr. liam Prltchard attended the recital Birdling, Kullak, Eleanor Leviker; (a) and Mrs. William E. Beyer and son given by the pupils of Raymond Prlt- Air Castles, Friml; (b) Dream Love, Chester, of Castorland, were Sunday chard, instructor of violin, at the Friml', Ruth Volmar; Aufschmung, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Utica Conservatory of Music. The re- Schumann, Raymond Hoffman; .Gipsy W. F. Mellnitz. Much sympathy Is extended by cital was presented at.-the Century Roads, Haydn, Winifred Hanley; Club and proved to be most enjoy- Kamennol-Ostrom, Rubinstein, Ethel friends in this community to Walter Sliter; Scherzo, Haydn -Kreutzlin, Hirschey and other members of his able. Mrs. Edla Northrup Kenyon, who Florence Burkhart; Drifting, Friml, family In their bereavement in the passed away on Wednesday, May 19, Dorothy Burrows; vocal solo, (a) death of his sister, Mrs. Emma Hirat Greensburg, Kansas, was born in Kashmerl Song, Wood ford-Finden; schey Gillen, who passed away in the town of Greig June 8, 1S59, wuefre (b) A Song to You, Woodman, Mr. Carthage, %Sunday. she grew up to womanhood. Mrs. Hemings. Knabe piano by courtesy of Kenyon was married to Lee Kenyon, Kempf Bros., Utica. of Mt. Vision. N. Y., in August, 1881. A few years later Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Mrs. Harold Pease spent the weekyun moved to Kansas, where they with relatives at Edwards. homosteaded north oi Greensburg, endDoris Reed, of Watertown, has been THE VITAMIN-TONIC Kansas.) About twelve years ago Mr. the recent guest of Bernice Barnum. Kenyon died. Mrs. Kenyon in her II. B; Dobbs, 6f New York, spent a young womanhood successfully taught few days with his family here over the school for several years in Lewis county and lately was connected with week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Owens have OP PURE COD-UVER OIL many different organizations, both gone to Ilion, where they have secured political and religious.— She was a employment. member of the D. A. R. at Boonville. Elsie Williams, of Utica. spent the She Is mourned by a host of relatives, week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Leonfriends and admirers, who loved her ard Mclntyre. for her sterling qualitiea. She leaves Andrew B. Radley and family, of one sister, Mrs. Alice Robson, of Port -Utica, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Leyden, who is the la.st surviving Mrs. Ira Btidd. member of the family; a niece, Mrs. Children's will be observed at Mary Beals Hess, of Lowville. and a Forest churchday number of cousins, to mourn her loss. priate services. June 13th by approHer remains were accompanied east Mrs. Edward A. Barnum was the by a very dear friend, and Interment guest her sister, Mrs. Charles made at Mt. Vision. Mr. and Mrs.Lewis, of Wednesday. Matthew Robson attended the com- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teal entermittal services. tained Mrs. Frank Durkin, of SyraMrs. Adah Wilcox passed away May cuse, over the week-end. 2Cth, at "her home on Main street. She Margaret Heae, of Utica, was the had been in declining health for some time, but her last illness was only of week-end guest of her parents, Mr. Mrs. Elmer E. Hess. about two weeks duration. She was and Mr. and Mrs. Niles Vero, of Henr born in Claremont, N. H., April 12, derson. were the week-end guests of 1845, a daughter of Don A. and Miller Block, Lowville, N. Y . and Mrs. Jay Satterley. Phineite W. Clay. September 11, 1SGG, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn B. Parker, of 9 Phone 7 7 she became the wife of Horace Lyon Rochester, spent Sunday as the guests Wilcox and has since that time been of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Markham. a resident of Port Leyden. Mrs. WilMr. nnd Mrs. H. P. Gould and Mrs. cox was one of Port Leyden's__oldest and most respected residents. She G. H. P. Gould rtre spending a week in New York and Quebec, Canada. ;' which she retained -until the last, and Mary Cox,entertained over the weekwas always able to relate interesting end Mrs. E. Cook, of Blnghamton; Ida happenings of the history of the vil- and Mary Wilcox, Whitney's Point. Vernon J. Belknap and family and lage. She was a charter member of the loca-1 King's Daughters, and was Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dyer spent the Wappinger Falls with one of its most Interested members. week-end in W Mrs. Wilcox leaves three children, relatives. was. the ,hostess at a IN RELIABLE COMPANIES Fred. Ray and Mrs. J. Clark Loomis, ,Alice , _Brown ., ,, on the all of this place. She also leaves six p beach. i c n i c Friday evening held The supper was cooked on SERVICE GUARANTEED grandchildren. Her husband parsed the beach. away 15 years ago. She continued. Mr. and Mrs. Rollln C. Hemmlngs living in the old home with her son and children were the week-end Ray, most devoted his guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Parker motherwho in was her declining years.toHer other children.Mra. J. Clark Loomis at Carthage. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis and and Fred Wilcox, with their families, were her nearest neighbors, which to Dora Haldman, of Utica, were the her was always, a source of great week-end guests of Mr., and Mrs. Eaiton 8t.—10-room house, lights comfort. Her funeral was very large- Edwin A. Barnum. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Swartz, Mrs and bath, suitable for two families; ly attended at her home Saturday afternoon at a unlock, S Dob- Harriet Swartz and Mrs. John O'Brien 3-car garage. River St.—7-room house, elect rio ble officiating. The bearers were jof Ogdensburg, motored here and \llghts, garden. Everett Williams, Edward Schroeder, spent Sunday with relatives. Mrs. George Murray, of Boonville; NEaston St.—8-room house, bath Vincent Sweeney, Arthur Sweeney, : Ray Gaylord and Chester Ackerman. Misses Mildred and Doris Markham, ligrka and furnace, garage and garden. Interment ~vvas made In Port Leyden of Utica, were Sunday guests of Mr. 8tkU 8treet—12-room house, electric lights, bath, furnace, equipped for cemtery. Those from out of town to and Mrs. Homer J. Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter, of Ilion, two families; garage and garden. attend the funeral were Mrs. Phlnette 8tste St.—7-room bouse, hacttwood Sarr and Esther Crowley, of Albany; and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey ReibenMr. and Mrs. Charles JPairchlld, of nacht, of Utica, whfje en-route to floors,, electric tights, both, hot water Lowville; Jonas Wilcox and Mr. and Canada called on relatives at Colllns- hesit. fireplace, sleeping porch, Urge fron* said back •eranidejs, large barn Mrs. Wells Salmons, of Glenfleld; $Ir. ville, Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. William H. Edmonds and. garagfe and large lot. and Mrs. Myron Crowner, of HarrlsMrs. Herbert Sparr, of South Edmes• Collins 8tr#et—10-room house, large ville; Mrs. J. Stevens and son, of Carthage, and William Windecker, of ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ward tot and garage, modern. Improvements. and son Donald, of Carthage, were the House, Bsrn and Six Acres of Lsnd— Lowville. guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Edmonds Situate on High street, Copenhagen, The secretary bird of Africa gets ita Decoration day. N. T. Rev. Heilly, . one of the Redempname from the tuft of quills sticking t- Room House—Electrlo lights, furtlonist Fathers, of Saratoga Springs up at the back of its head. , nace, cement cellar and walks; 1-osx closed a week of mission services at When things are going your way garage, one-fourth acre land, situate don't forget to say your prayers, be- St. John's church Sunday. The serv- on south side of Main street in Tillage Compare Our Prices and Quality With Others ices were largely attended and much cause you don't forget to say them of Castorland, N. T. Interest shown. Shady Ave.—Two-family bouse, mod when things are not going your way. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reed, Mr. and era Improvements, barm and fire acres Mrs. John Sawyer and daughter May of land. Ave.—If-room brick boose; garUSETHKCXLD of Fulton: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck age,Shady large lot, modtora and complete and family, of New London, who have throughout. been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs Herman Lewis and Mr. and Mrs Lewis, motored to Bernard's Sunday and wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs Edward Lehman. General Insurance, Real Batata,, The remains of James Webster, who Investments, Loan* Negotiated. at all Draoaiats, or Miat prepaid by was drowned on the Gould log drive W I L U A M S M P O . CO.CLKVCLANO.O. In Moose river May 3d, near Fowler- Lewie County Ifmat Company Building, For Bale *t Snydtr'i Drug Store. ville, were found just above the Moyer LOWVILLK. N. T. NORTH NEW BREMEN. BODY OF AUGUSTAN LYMAN RECOVERED AT COULDTOWN 8 pi 8. S s>: hll/O I I The Entire Stoqk of I8 Gent's Furnishings 8 and Shoes 8 Will Go At A Price. THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED. 8 8 Lewis Big Shoe and Clothing Sale 8 8 I SEVERAL HUNDRED PAIRS OF SHOES WILL BE CLOSED OUT. 8 & Men's, Boys and Children's Suits $ and Top Coats at a Big Saving p| Men's & Young Men's Suits & J8 Top Coats, Now on display, $5.98 | Boys' Knee Pants, $1.00 value, 79c. 5 A Remarkable Value § Men's $40.00 Suits......... $28.50 Positively the Newest Spring Style $30 Suits.".:". $16.50 i Men's and Boys' Work pj- and Dress Shoes, $3-$4 Values 98c. 38 Men's Athletic Union Suits, ea. 39c. jjj Men's Balbriggan Uniori Suits, 79c. 8 Men's Black or Brown 6 Cotton Hose, 4 pair 25c. g Ladies' $5 Rain Coats $3.98 LOWVILLE, NEW YORK ^u^#^>^ •ci&sn ACCORDING to the rating of the So* * • ciety of Automotive Engineers, no other car in the world of its size and weight can equal the Studebaker Standard Six in rated horsepower. Twenty-eight makes h a v e fiw»-pfl««»n<rer £nr1r^R*H rrft)flelfl w h j c h cost from $100 to $1890 more than the Standard Six Sedan yet have less rated horsepower. Studebaker cars offer abundant power at a One-Profit price. 80HAKTZ BROTHERS, Lowville, N.Y. TO IHE PEOPLE OFLEWIS COUNTY WE WELCOME YOU! If you have not yet found out by actual experience the benefits o! a checking account, come in and see us about i t Our officers will beffladto meet you and talk over banking matters with you. We want you to learn to take full advantage of every facility this bank offers you. . Deposits made in interest department on or before June 3d, draw interest from June 1st at 4%. BLACK RIVER NATIONAL 6 A I OF LOWVILLE " The Bank of Personal Service,' Diamonds, Scott's Emulsion Wearing Glasses Does not mean that the vision is poorer than in former times butthat defects are being corrected tottay that were formerly ignored. E. E. PARKER, OPTOMETRIST REAL K M FOR SALE "W $ LEWIS CLOTHING STORE XX* Standard Six Excels in Power KEEPS YOU ROBUST $ $7.0Q>Ladies' High and Low Shoes, to dose out 59c. §06 Boys' Tennis Shoes • 98c. I $15.00 Boys' Suits . . . $3.98 £: Men's $7.00 and $8.00 Dress Pants - $5.98 . $2.98 Pi Men's $4.00 and $5.00 Dress Pants . $1.00 up ;<>• Men's Dress or Work Pants Men , $1.00 Work Shirts, Black and All Colors 75c. Children's $4.00 Shoes $1.98 Girl's $2.00 Sandals . 98c. Men's $2.00 Dress Shirts 50cBoy's Union Suits 39c. Men's Jerfey Gloves, 2 pair for 25c. % Men's Frocks and Overalls, each, 79c. & Men's Leather Palm Canvass Gloves, per pair 15c. Q Boys' Suits, $18.00 value . . $12.98 % Ladies' Silk Hose, pair . . . 39c. £ Boys' 75c. Golf Hose 39c. Boys' Waists 39c. d Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, each 39c. § Men's Solid Leather Work Shoes . . $1.69 jS Men's $6.00 and $7.00 Dress Shoes - $1.48 § Shoe Polish, All Kinds 7c. Girls Union Suits 39c. & Men's Cotton Work Socks, 2 pair . . 25c. I Ladies'Union Alls 89c. 1 you should know about ^MARSHALL'S -TRYRUMBLE & CUMMINGS Gift Shop A part or every modern home \ ac uu m E1 c> c tr i c M Everywhere, thousands mnd ^ HOME TRIAL DEMON. STRATION thonaands of Easy* ere eliminating waahday labor in thouNext washday-—or sooner sands and thousands of mod—any time you wish, test tne ern hornet. Easy in your own home with your own clothes. You, too, may hare thia No charge (or the Demonbeautiful and efficient laborstration and no obligation. saving Eaay Waaher. We're glad to let you invesThe term* are ao astonish- tigate and see for yourself* ingly low it will pay you to Don't delay. Telephone or Investigate. write today. DOYLE HARDWARE 1' \ Lyons Falls; Port Leyden, Newport ConstableviUe, Dolgeville, North Genesee St., Utica, W. F. PATTEN Journal and Republican want and for sale adyertiBements "do the trick." One cent a word, cash with order; HO advertisement for lees than 25 cents. '•:«