2011 Annual Report – English

Heifer Mission
Heifer International’s mission is to work with
communities to end hunger and
poverty and care for the Earth.
From the Director
4 About Heifer International
5 Our Vision, Statement of Purpose, Project Approach
6 Heifer Armenia Project Map
7 Facts
11 Feelings
13 Cornerstones
15 Progress in 2011
17 Figures FY 2011
18 New Projects for FY 2012
20 Heifer Armenia Staff From the director
Dear Reader,
It is my pleasure to present to you, on behalf of the staff of Heifer Armenia our Annual Report for 2011
fiscal year. It has a new look; nevertheless, the information is presented in accordance with our regular
format Facts, Figures, Faces and Feelings.
This report covers period from July 1, 2010 till June 30, 2011. The development of new Strategic Plan last
fall was itself a major achievement, as it outlined the key priority areas for 2011-2016 years and translated
organization-wide goals and priorities into specific work plans. During past year we confirmed our commitment to advance Heifer mission in Armenia with focus on scaling up our programmatic efforts to ending
poverty in rural Armenia. To do so Heifer Armenia plans to enhance partnerships with like-minded organizations, local and national government. Our key priority goals are henceforth empowering rural communities by providing agricultural inputs; technical assistance and building social capital in the communities to
enable them to take further the responsibility for sustaining the positive changes stimulated in economic
and social spheres due to our support.
We still have a long way to go and I hope that this report demonstrates Heifer Armenia is making good
progress. I would like to thank, first of all, our staff for responding so well to new challenges, taking so
much initiative themselves, and working extremely hard to meet goals and deadlines.
Despite the economic downturn that would seem to undermine the efforts of the many nonprofit organizations who seek public and private support to achieve their missions, I am optimistic that Heifer Armenia
will thrive and we will succeed in our efforts simply because our methodology of values based planning and
management for community development seems particularly fascinating during these challenging times.
This report serves as a tribute to our donors whose generosity has allowed us to move forward with confidence in our ability to end poverty and hunger and care for the Earth. We are committed to making unprecedented efforts to engage our current supporters and to reach out to a broader constituency of donor community in the USA and worldwide who share our vision for supporting small holder farmers in
Armenia to achieve sustainable livelihoods.
Anahit Ghazanchyan, MPH, PhD
Country Director
About Heifer International
The mission of Heifer International is to work with communities to end hunger
and poverty and care for the Earth. Since 1944, Heifer has helped more than
13.6 million families in more than 125 countries move toward greater selfreliance through gifts of livestock, plants and training in environmentally-sound
agriculture. The impact of each initial gift is multiplied as recipients agree to
Pass on the Gift of their animal's first-born female offspring, along with training, or their equivalent, to another family in need.
The desired outcomes (ends) of Heifer’s work are:
Achieve sustainable income and food security especially among the
resource-poor and most marginalized families and communities in the countries where Heifer works.
Resource sharing at global, national and local levels, inspired by “Passing on
the Gift”, is practiced by Heifer participants and is growing more widespread
to address the environmental, economic and social crises facing the Earth community.
Environmental protection, restoration and conservation principals are understood and practiced
Individuals and groups are educated and empowered to advocate for and
create a socially and economically just and sustainable world.
Policies, practices and systems have been changed at local and global levels
to foster community-wide food security, economic prosperity and environmental
Relationships Heifer develops with Not-For Profit, For-Profit Organizations and
governments, both foster and nurture Heifer’s core values as stated in the Cornerstones
Our Vision
The vision of Heifer International is a world of communities living together in peace and
equitably sharing the resources of a healthy planet.
Heifer Armenia works for improvement of the socio-economic situation
of the vulnerable groups (men, women, boys and girls) through development of rural communities, finding solutions for economic and ecological problems, spiritual revival and strengthening peace in the region.
Heifer Armenia is a network of self-reliant, economically developed, effectively cooperating healthy communities, living in peace and in an ecologically
sound environment.
Heifer Armenia works hard toward achieving the following results for rural
 Improved and sustainable access to formal markets
 Improved and sustainable access to formal financial services (microfinance
institutions and banks)
 Enhanced and efficient cooperation amongst the farmers
 Food security and effective agricultural production
 Steadily increasing income
 Promoting value chains in rural economies, with focus on dairy sector HEIFER ARMENIA PROJECTS
Heifer Armenia projects can be viewed in the following categories:
 Pro-poor economic development projects
 Rural youth development projects
 Capacity building of grassroots groups (men, women, irrespective of gender and age)
 Community mobilization
 Values based planning and management
 Passing on the Gift, including Peer-To-Peer methodology
 Capacity building and shared learning
 Needs-driven investments
 Creation of peer networks
 Advocacy
Armenia Projects Map
Heifer Armenia is currently implementing
16 projects in 50 communities of Armenia Armenia
Heifer International came to Armenia in 1999 to give hope and inspiration to the
people of Armenia. Since 1999, Heifer Armenia has implemented 58 projects assisting more than 8000 rural families to improve their livelihoods. Currently, 16
projects are underway, covering over 50 communities of Armenia. Only in FY 2011
Heifer Armenia supported 934 small holder farmers families and 2297 rural youth.
The organization places various types of agricultural inputs, including cows, goats,
sheep, beehives, rabbits, chickens, fish, turkeys, buffalos, bull calves, Californian
worms, potato seeds, alfalfa seeds, wheat seeds, fruit tree seedlings. Heifer Armenia works towards improvement of the socio-economic situation of the vulnerable
groups (men, women, boys, and girls) by developing rural communities, finding solutions to economic and ecological problems, spiritual revival, as well as strengthening
the prospects of peace in the region.
Heifer Armenia operates reliable and valid systems for administration, program
implementation, and trainings. Its working principles, which are in line with clear policies and well-established procedures, allow the program to grow in order to help
more and more families to build sustainable and prosperous livelihoods.
Heifer Armenia focuses on projects which include economic development components.
The value chain development methodology adopted by Heifer Armenia is aimed at
establishing economically viable, efficient, and sustainable linkages between different value chain (e.g. dairy) actors, thus creating lasting income generating opportunities for its target project participants and contributing to sustainable community
The organization pays special attention to rural youth leadership development and
vocational training initiatives. Heifer Armenia has established and successfully runs
26 Youth Clubs in rural communities of Armenia. These Clubs employ seven directions
of youth development and leadership programs, including vocational trainings in
agriculture, health education, civic education, ecological education, logical thinking,
journalism, and business education.
Around 2300 children have benefited from enrollment in rural youth clubs. As a result of its focused work with rural youth, Heifer Armenia holds annual forums on
regular basis, to reflect on achievements, discuss salient issues, plans, as well as implement further action to bring sustainable change into the communities, families,
and personal lives. Heifer Armenia has created a country-wide rural youth network,
which unites young people who serve then as Peer Leaders and Educators. The program has empowered over 250 community adult leaders and trainers and has more
than 1200 peer -to-peer young educators in Armenia.
Throughout the years, Heifer Armenia has supported both youth and adults to have
access to programs that raise awareness in legal, economic, environmental and civic
participation spheres, advance their vocational knowledge and skills. The organization focuses on building capacity of community groups through a variety of trainings
delivered by highly professional staff and experts. Trainings relate to livestock
breeding, horticulture, plant protection, artificial insemination, beekeeping, farm
management, marketing, management, business plan development, and other similar
During its 12 years of serving people, Heifer Armenia has promoted creation of
several networks: rural youth, community veterinarians, community leaders and partners’ network.
Heifer Armenia currently employs staff of eight.
“Our “Tsaghik” (in Armenian means flower) cow came to our house and everything
started to change for the better in our lives. Our nutrition has become diverse. Once
our barn was empty, today it is filled with warmth, smell of fresh milk and mooing. Our
“Tsaghik” has two calves: the elder is its female calf Zhanna which is 1.5 years’ old and
the younger one is the bull calf Zhiro - 6 months’ old. Our cow is going to give birth to
one more calf in five months. Strong will; patience and hard work are the most important factors leading to success. We want to say special thanks to all those people who
have their contribution to this project. We know that Heifer has been functioning since
1944 and its age is a big hint to understand that its methodology is very productive
and people who work for Heifer are loyal to its mission. We wish you good luck in all
your initiatives”
Sayad Kalantaryan, 50 Choratan community, Tavush Region
I’m very thankful to Heifer for the cow that I received from it. Our cow is pregnant; we
are looking forward to having the calf born. Me and my wife are happy that our baby
will have the opportunity to enjoy fresh milk, matsoun (Armenian yogurt) and other
dairy products that Ani prepares from the tasty milk of our cow. We are steadily getting out of the hard conditions and extreme poverty as we used to be in. Heifer’s support is invaluable”
Hayk Martirosyan, 32, Shirakamut community, Lori Region
“We participated in Heifer Armenia’s project and got perhaps the best cow in the village and we are happy for that. Our cow Nargiz (the Armenian word for the flower
daffodil) gives about 14 liters of milk daily in high season. Thanks to God, it’s enough
for all of us. The kids really like to drink a cup or two of fresh milk in the mornings.
They also enjoy tasty curds and cheese that I prepare. That’s why they have healthy
teeth and grow well. Heifer’s program is a very good one, very devoted and caring
people are engaged in it, that’s why we feel a very high sense of responsibility to pass
on a very good animal”
Susanna Nazaryan, 47 Getap community, Vayots Dzor Region
“I am so thankful to this project. This is a great help for our family. It gives us strength
and hope for a better future in our village. Heifer encourages families like ours to stay
in our homeland and not become self reliant. Just like us!”
Susanna Grigoryan, 45, Khachik community, Vayots Dzor Region
“Heifer Armenia helped us get out of the extremely poor conditions and difficulties that
our family has undergone. We had nothing, and no hope that someday the hardness
and difficulties will end. Now we do. The cow that Heifer provided was nothing but
salvation. We get 12 liters of milk per day. This, believe me is enough for a family”
Arevik Simonyan, 25, Kirants community, Tavush Region
“We were happy to learn that Heifer was starting a project in
our community, as it was a chance for us to come out of poverty. Our family was engaged in the list of potential recipients
and in the fall of 2010 we got 5 sheep from Heifer Armenia.
We like sheep farming because it is very profitable for the
Bagrat Vardanyan, 64 Spitak, Lori Marz
“We were very lucky to be engaged in the project of breed
improvement. Our cow became artificially inseminated and as
a result now we have a female calf which we hope will be a
high productivity animal. We have very big expectations from
this animal. We indeed hope it can help us generate more
income to care the expenses of the family”
Youth Club members replacing
Californian Worms
Romik Qocharyan, 27, Berqaber, Tavush Marz
“Heifer gives its project participants not only animals or other
agricultural inputs; it also provides us with very important
trainings, knowledge and skills. Many of beekeepers in our
village would not succeed as beekeepers, if not trainings on
beekeeping provided by Heifer Armenia”
Lusine Aghajanyan, 23 Arpi, Vayots Dzor Marz
A cow recipient family from Getap
''I'm so happy that I was given the opportunity to meet members from other Clubs from different communities of Armenia.
The Forum enabled us to discuss a lot of issues that the youth
are concerned with. I'm happy for my friend Hripsime to visit
Poland. She really deserves to be selected as one of the participants of the Study Tour. For all these opportunities given to
us we are thankful to Heifer!''
Tamara Khechyan, 15, Tsaghkut, Shirak Marz
“I was out of homeland for seasonal work. As soon as I knew
that there is already a new stable source for income in our
family, I rushed back home. It was very hard for me to live far
apart from my wife and children, though the reason I left was
to generate money for my family expenses. Now I’m back due
to Heifer. I’m so thankful to Heifer for such assistance and for
enabling me to live close to my family”
Melkon Tigranyan, 40, Aragatsavan, Aragatsotn Marz
Landscape from Debed village, Lori
region of Armenia
Passing on the Gift
allows families who have received
animals to be donors themselves.
This spirit of goodwill ripples
through the community as animals
are passed on and bonds are formed in a
group effort to better their own lives.
Gender & Family
encourages women and men to
share in labor division, decision
making as well as in the benefits the animals
and training bring.
G en u i n e n e ed
& justice
Is translated into the responsibility
of the organization at the grassroots level and the community members for
setting the mutual goals, plan appropriate
strategies to achieve those goals and evaluate
their success.
Sharing & caring
embodies Heifer’s belief that
global problems can be solved
if all people are committed to sharing
what they have and caring about others.
& self-reliance
is necessary for the long-term
success of projects. Heifer can only fund
a project for a limited time so the families
Heifer works with must plan to support
I mp r o v e d a n i m a l
man ag e ment
means that project participants
learn how to keep their animals
safe, healthy and productive through
proper food, shelter, healthcare and reproductive management.
Nutrition & Income
are the rewards Heifer expects
recipients to reap from heir gift
animal through the consumption and/or
sale of products such as milk, eggs,
cheese, honey and wool.
ensures that those most in need are given priority in receiving animals and training.
I mp ro v ing
t h e env iron men t
includes such agro-ecological
techniques as improving soil fertility with animal manure, promoting forestation, respecting and encouraging biodiversity, monitoring watershed conditions and
F u l l p ar t i c i p a t i o n Is expected in groups that Heifer
works with. Leaders at the grassroots
level should be committed to involving
all members in decision making.
Training & education
include formal sessions as well as informal farm visits and demonstrations.
Each project group decides on their
own training needs and best local capabilities
serve as trainers. Some topics of education include human nutrition, food processing, marketing
and leadership development.
S p i r i t u al i t y
is expressed in common values, common
beliefs about the value and meaning of all
life, a sense of connectedness to the earth
and a shared vision of the future. Heifer International
works with people of all beliefs in our efforts to overcome poverty and hunger.
Progress in 2011
During FY 2011 Heifer Armenia launched the following four projects:
1. Young Agriculturists Network of Armenia (YANOA)
The Young Agriculturists Network of Armenia project delivers extracurricular
vocational training to school-age children in 22 rural youth clubs. In youth clubs
children attend classes on animal husbandry, business development and
management, ecology, health education, civic education, public relations and
journalism, and logical thinking.
In the framework of YANOA project, children and their families were provided with
at least one of the following inputs: Californian worms (vermiculture), female calves,
fruit trees, seed grant for small business development, full package of vocational
training. The youth club members have received agricultural inputs to develop
vermiculture and biohumus production, raise heifers, and cultivate fruit trees. In the
framework of the project it is planned to provide 110 female calves; 500,000
Californian worms; 1,200 fruit tree seedlings; 44 kg decorative tree seedlings; and
a total of $22,000 USD for a revolving business fund. During the project lifetime,
about 220 rural families and 3,780 adolescents aged 10-16 years will be reached
either as original or Pass on the Gift participants.
2. Agricultural production and youth development to build sustainable
livelihoods in Shirakamut village
The Agricultural Production and Youth Development to Build Sustainable Livelihoods in
Shirakamut Village of Armenia Project is a partnership between Heifer Armenia and
the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA). The project is aimed at
improving the socioeconomic situation of the Shirakamut village, where AMAA
operates. The project includes cattle breeding, artificial insemination (to improve the
local cattle breed), potato production, and rural youth development.
Within the agricultural component of the project in the fall of 2010, 30 families from
Shirakamut received 30 heifers (one cow per family) and established their family
farms. In the fall of 2013, the original families will pass on the gift (POG) of 30
heifers to 30 new families in the same community. All participating families were
trained in cattle breeding and animal husbandry, farm management, dairy
production and marketing. Additional 20 original families received high-productivity
potato seeds (661 pounds per family). In spring 2013 and 2015, two POGs are
planned within the framework of the project, thus increasing adding to the existing
potato POG recipients another 40 families. Also, as part of the project, 16 families
from Aragatsavan community have received cows (one cow per family).
A youth club was established in the target community to work with school-age
children. The club delivers extracurricular vocational trainings in ecology, health, civic
education and logical thinking. About 200 young people will have benefited from
this project.
3. Beekeeping to Support education (2-nd phase)
This project is the second phase of the Beekeeping to Support Education Project.
Within the first phase of the project, more than 110 families have benefitted from
their involvement, which helped participant families increase their income and be
able to pay for their children’s education.
The goal of the second phase of the project is to support rural families in 12 communities of Vayots Dzor region. Project participants are families that have children
enrolled in higher education. The project helps to insure a source of sustainable income that allows resource-poor families engaged in the project to pay the tuition
fee for their children. The project also aims at improving the nutrition of participating families.
In the Spring of 2011, 30 families received 149 beehives and established small bee
farms. Two cycles of POG (every two years) are planned for the lifetime of the
project. The project also serves as an educational center for rural youth/students to
acquire hands-on knowledge and experience in beekeeping and honey production.
4. Agricultural development project in Spitak and Lernantsk communities
The Agricultural Development Project in Spitak and Lernantsk Communities intends to
improve the socioeconomic situation of 120 original and Pass on the Gift (POG)
recipient families. In the framework of this project, sheep and pig breeding smallholder farms have been established, a feed base has been created for the farmers,
and animal shelter conditions have been improved to achieve better livestock production. The project participants received technical assistance and acquired advanced knowledge on designated topics in agriculture.
In the fall of 2010, 20 families from Spitak community received 40 pregnant pigs
(two per family). During 2 POG cycles additional 40 families will benefit through
POG total in every 2 years.
Also, in the fall of 2010, 24 families from Lernantsk community received 120 pregnant sheep (five per family). During 2 POG cycles additional 48 families will receive sheep through POG total in every 2 years.
Partnership with Heifer Poland
In FY 2011, Heifer Armenia and Heifer Poland have entered into a new partnership
as a result of which Polish Aid has supported Heifer Armenia’s partner
“Development Principles” NGO to implement the “Young agriculturist network as a
chance for bettering lives of young rural dwellers in Armenia” project. This project is
an educational project that assumes delivery of fruit trees and saplings, as well as
respective education in ecology and business development to empower young people from rural communities of Armenia. The project has empowered about 640 ado‐
lescents aged 10 to 16 from 22 different communities in Armenia, by developing their practical skills in tree‐planting, gardening and business planning. Armenia
Figures 2011 FY
The figures presented in above charts (excluding direct contributions to the communities) are audited by Deloitte and Touche. Armenia
New Projects for FY 2012
For upcoming FY 2012 Heifer Armenia developed and approved the following
new projects:
1. Milk for Better Livelihoods
Co-funding and co-implementing partner: Ashtarak Kat CJSC
Location: Vahan, Gorayk, Pemzashen, Agarak and Khachaghbyur villages, Armenia
Project components: animal crops production (barley); artificial insemination
(AI); milk collection units; technical assistance and trainings.
2. Milk for Money
Co-funding and co-implementing partner: CARD (Center for Agribusiness and
Rural Development),
Location: Integrated Service and Marketing Centers (ISMC) in three regions of
Armenia (Syunik, Shirak and Lori)
Project components: gravid cows; artificial insemination (AI); milk collection units;
technical assistance and trainings.
3. Community Agricultural Resource Management and Competitiveness
Co-funding and co-implementing partner: Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia, World Bank Project Implementation Unit at the Ministry of Agriculture.
Location: 55 villages in six regions of Armenia
Project components: Community Pasture/Livestock Management System,
Strengthening Institutions and Support Services, Competitive Grant Program
(CGP) for Village Agri-business and Farmer Groups, Project Management.
Heifer Armenia Staff
Anahit Ghazanchyan
Country Director
Vahe Sardaryan
Program Manager
Liana Hayrapetyan
Communication and PR Officer
Karine Matevosova
Program Coordinator
Mariam Asoyan
Finance Manager
Knarine Ghazanchyan
Program/Training Coordinator
Aram Petrosyan
Agricultural Specialist