Referred to Disability Advisor: Accessibility Services Confidential Information Form Date: _______________________ Last Name: ________________________________________________________________ First Name: ________________________________________________________________ Student Number: __________________________ Age: ______ Gender: Permanent/Sessional Address: _________ __________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________ Postal Code: __________________ University of Toronto Email Address: (Please confirm that your University of Toronto e-mail address ends in either or Telephone: Type: Phone Number: Session(s): May we leave a message? Primary Home Work (_______) Cell Pager ________________________ Sessional Permanent Yes No Name & phone # only. Alternate Home Work (_______) Cell Pager ________________________ Sessional Permanent Yes No Name & phone # only. Have you used our services before? Yes No If yes, who was your primary contact_____________________________, and when were you here? ________________________________. What is your current status at the University of Toronto? Part-Time Student (0.5 to 2.5 courses) Full-Time Student (3.0 or more courses) Special Student Visiting Student Undergraduate students: How many credits have you earned? 0 - 3.5 4.0 - 8.5 9.0 -13.5 14 or more PLEASE COMPLETE OTHER SIDE OF PAGE 1 Access Programs Academic Bridging Program Professional Faculty Applied Science & Engineering Architecture Dentistry Forestry Law Medicine Music Nursing Occupational Therapy OISE/UT Pharmacy Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education Physical Therapy Radiation Science Rotman Social Work Toronto School of Theology Degree: Transitional Year Program Special Student ________________________ St. George Campus Undergraduate: Arts & Science Innis College New College Saint Michael's College Trinity College University College Victoria University Woodsworth College (See also Professional Faculty) Degree:_________________ Program:________________ ________________________ Graduate Studies: Degree: ______________________ Program: ______________________ ______________________ Stage in program: Course work Comprehensive Thesis ______________________ UTM/UTSC Undergraduate You must first register with Accessibility Services on your home campus. Arts & Science UTM Arts & Science UTSC ______________________ International Student? Yes No ____________________ With which areas do you need assistance? Chronic Health Problem (e.g. epilepsy/MS/MD/IBD/Cancer) Mobility/Functional Disability (e.g. CP/Polio/RSI) Mental Health Condition (e.g. Depression/Bipolar/Anxiety Disorder/OCD) Learning Disability or ADHD Brain Injury with Mobility Effect Concussion Sensory Disability (e.g. Hearing/Vision) Temporary (Please describe): ______________________ Other (Please describe): ______________________ For Office Use Only: Registration YES NO 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 10 multiple 1 2 3 Entered in Database THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS CONFIDENTIAL. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE COMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE ASK AT THE FRONT DESK. 2 ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES Initial Questionnaire for Students with a Concussion If you require assistance completing this form or need it in alternative format, please ask at the front desk. Please answer the following questions as completely as possible. The information you provide will help us to develop an accommodation plan that meets your individual needs. 1. When did you receive your concussion? (date)_________________________________ 2. How did your concussion occur? (Please check one) while playing/practicing sports from a fall from a motorcycle, car or bike accident pedestrian accident assault other (please specify)______________________________________________ 3. Did you see a doctor, attend a clinic or visit a hospital after your injury? Yes No If yes, indicate who you saw: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Were x-rays, CT of the brain or MRI of head undertaken? ________________________ 5. Are you undergoing any treatment for your concussion? Yes No If yes, please describe: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Have you been referred to/seen a specialist? If yes, please describe: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. Are you currently on medical leave by doctor recommendation? Yes 3 No 8. Have you missed class as a result of your injury? Yes 9. Have you missed a test(s) as a result of your injury? Yes No No 10. Have you spoken to your course coordinator/Registrar about your injury? Yes No 11. Since the date of your concussion, you may have experienced a number of physical and/or cognitive symptoms. Please check all the boxes that apply as they relate to the LAST WEEK only. headaches sensitivity to light neck pain noise sensitivity blurred vision ringing/buzzing in ears sleep disturbance – if yes: difficulty falling asleep difficulty staying asleep sleeping more/increased fatigue reduced or lost sense of smell/taste difficulty concentrating difficulty paying attention difficulty organizing work difficulty remembering old information difficulty reading difficulty generating the right words feeling “foggy” more irritable lowered mood/crying 12. Have you ever been told you have? A learning disability Yes Attention Deficit Disorder Yes A mental health condition Yes No No No 13. Have you had any prior concussions/head injuries? Yes No 14. If you answered yes to the above, please provide details of prior head injuries: Date: ____________________________ Difficulties: _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4 15. Are you currently registered at U of T? Yes No 16. What are your reasons for attending U of T? (academic/career goals) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 17. Have you ever been on academic probation or suspension? Yes 18. Have you applied for OSAP? Yes If yes, are you OSAP eligible? Yes No No No 19. Do you have any additional comments or questions you would like to ask? Use the back of the page if necessary. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5 Accessibility Services Confidentiality and Consent to Share Information Agreement In order to provide good service Accessibility Services wants students to have trust and confidence in how your information will be used and shared. Staff employed by Accessibility Services regards information we learn about students in interviews, personal communications and/or reports from other professionals as confidential as required by law. We only convey information about the impact of your disability on your learning or your daily needs while on campus with your permission. The level of information provided is on a need to know basis meaning that only pertinent information relevant to the current request is shared. Your consent may be withdrawn at any time by informing your disability counsellor in writing. As required by law, Accessibility Services staff will reveal information when: There is a suspicion of child abuse A student poses a significant danger to themselves or others A student reports sexual abuse by a health care professional It is legally required, for example by subpoena, summons or court order 1. Please read and provide your written consent below: I give permission for my disability counselor to view my academic records on ROSI I understand that test/exam accommodations will be shared with Test and Exam Services at the Office of Space Management. 2. In addition to necessary sharing of information among staff at Accessibility Services, I consent to the release and sharing of information with the following: Initial all that apply: ____ My Registrar at __________________ College ____ Professors in courses I am registered in at U of T ____ Student Health Services ____ Counselling and Psychological Services ____ Academic Progress Team ____ Other _____________________ please specify Signature __________________________ Date ________________ Witness ___________________________ Date _________________ 6 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES Accessibility Services, University of Toronto 455 Spadina Avenue, 4th Floor, Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2G8 Tel: 416-978-8060 Fax: 416-978-5729 TTY: 416-978-1902 Documentation for Students with a Concussion Accessibility Services provides support for students with documented disabilities, including those with Temporary Disabilities. If you have sustained an injury that limits your ability to attend to your academic responsibilities, you may be eligible to receive alternative accommodations and support from Accessibility Services. In order to determine your eligibility, contact our office as soon as possible and an appointment will be arranged. Accessibility Services requires documentation to verify your injury, which you must bring to your first appointment. Please include the attached Medical Certificate completed by a physician, neurologist or neurosurgeon, with the following information: Date of Injury Diagnosis/detailed description of injury Treatment plan Prescribed and over-the-counter medications with dosages Anticipated length of recovery Please also note: If complications arise, or recovery takes longer than anticipated, students will be asked to provide additional documentation. When retrieving this information from the web, please obtain a University of Toronto Student Medical Certificate from the Health Services website at If mailing or faxing (416-978-5729) documentation please direct it to the attention of Accessibility Services. For further information please visit the Accessibility Services web site, 7 Please return completed form to: Accessibility Services, University of Toronto 455 Spadina Avenue, 4th Floor, Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2G8 Tel: 416-978-8060 Fax: 416-978-5729 TTY: 416-978-1902 MEDICAL CERTIFICATE for CONCUSSION-RELATED ISSUES This patient is requesting disability-related supports and accommodations while studying at the University of Toronto. The student is required to provide the University with documentation that is: • provided by a licensed health-care professional, qualified in the appropriate specialty • thorough enough to support the accommodations being considered or requested Note: A diagnosis alone does not automatically mean disability-related accommodation is required The provision of all reasonable accommodations and services is assessed based on the current impact of the disability on academic performance. Generally this means that a diagnostic evaluation has been completed within the last year. CONFIDENTIALITY Collection, use, and disclosure of this information is subject to all applicable privacy legislation TO BE COMPLETED BY A REGULATED HEALTH PRACTITIONER – PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Patient’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ Patient’s University of Toronto Student Number: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ (Year, Month, Day) How long have you been treating this patient ?________________________________________ Last date of Clinical Assessment:___________________________________________________ STATEMENT OF DISABILITY Please indicate the appropriate statement for this student in the current academic setting: Permanent disability with on-going (chronic or episodic) symptoms (that will significantly impact the student over the course of his/her academic career). This functional limitation is expected to remain with you for the rest of your life. Temporary with anticipated duration from ___/___/___ to ___/___/___ (Year, Month, Day) *If unknown, please indicate reasonable duration for which s/he should be accommodated/supported at this time (please specify number of weeks/months): ___________________________________________________________________ 8 DIAGNOSIS AND CONCURRENT CONDITIONS Please provide a clear diagnostic statement; avoiding such terms as “suggests” or “is indicative of”. If the diagnostic criteria are not present, this must be stated in the report. Please note any multiple diagnoses or concurrent conditions. Please note all applicable: Primary: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Secondary: _________________________________________________________________________________ Additional / Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICATION(S) N/A Brand/Generic Name and dosage: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Brand/Generic Name and dosage: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Brand/Generic Name and dosage: ___________________________________________________________________________________ POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS OF MEDICATION(S) ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Current treatment: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ IMPACTS ON ACADEMIC FUNCTIONING (please specify where possible) Energy level (please specify impact e.g. fluctuating): ____________________________________________ Impact on Sleeping Cycles: _______________________________________________________________ Ability to manage full work load: ____________________________________________________________ Recommendations for assignments/tests/exams: ______________________________________________ 9 COGNITIVE IMPACTS: Attention and Concentration Communication Information processing (written and verbal) Memory Organization and time management Social interactions Stress management Other/comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Does this individual require any adaptive equipment (lap top, voice recorder, furniture or seating in class), software (Inspiration, Kurzweil) or other supports (massage, light box, counseling, FM system, CCTV, hearing aid etc.) to achieve academic success? Yes No Please be specific about what is required. ___________________________________________________________________________________ HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER INFORMATION Name of Health Practitioner (please PRINT): Facility Name and address Note: If you do not have an office stamp please sign and attach your letterhead – signatures on prescription pads will NOT be accepted Please use office stamp Specialty: Physician o Family o Neurologist o Occupational Therapist o Speech Pathologist o Sports Medicine Specialist o Psychiatrist Psychologist Other: ___________________________ Health Practitioner Signature: License / Registration No. Date Telephone No. Fax. No 10