AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY PANEL Date 7 FEBRUARY 2008 Title PROCUREMENT STRATEGY ACTION PLAN 1. PURPOSE/SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to update members on the progress made against the Procurement Strategy Action Plan previously presented to this panel on 4 October 2007. 2. KEY ISSUES • • • 3. The Council’s Procurement Strategy was approved at Council on 22 February 2007. A copy of the strategy was presented to the previous meeting The Procurement Action Plan 2007 – 2010 is contained within the Procurement Strategy The Action Plan looks to improve procurement within the Council and especially procurement surrounding the Council’s key corporate objectives. Appendix 1 outlines progress to date on each procurement action within the plan. RECOMMENDATION(S) That members of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel note the progress made against the Procurement Action Plan. Wards Affected All Forward Plan Reference No. Not Applicable (if applicable) Portfolio Holder(s) Councillor Geoff Harper CBE Report Originator Guy Robinson, Procurement Manager Contact Officer(s) Mat Taylor, Executive Director (Finance) Tel: 01354 622203; e-mail: Mark Saunders, Chief Accountant Tel: 01354 622486; e-mail: Guy Robinson, Procurement Manager Tel: 01354 622270; e-mail: Fenland’s Procurement Strategy Background Paper(s) 1 of 6 Appendix 1 Procurement Action Plan to address the Council’s key objectives 2007/08 Community First – To deliver services and work with partners to ensure improved health and social wellbeing for the whole community Action By when Lead Officer Progress to date Take advantage of Throughout Procurement Regular attendance at County Collaborative Procurement Group collaborative contracting 2007/08 Manager where contract collaboration is a standing item. Have already opportunities with other developed an Abandon Vehicles contract. Cambridgeshire Councils to improve services in Also plan to improve internal collaboration. At present we have multiple suppliers for specific goods and services. It would be Cambridgeshire more efficient to have one or two suppliers of a product that all services could use. For instance the Council uses seven cleaning firms, eight caterers, and others could include corporate clothing contracts and corporate fire prevention contracts. Using Government Contracts and buying organisations can reduce the procurement process substantially, e.g. • Develop regional procurement through the RCE(Regional Centre of Excellence) Throughout 2007/08 Procurement Manager OGC (Office of Government Commerce), these contracts negate the need to tender regardless of the contract value. • ESPO (Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation), these contracts negate the need to tender regardless of the contract value. • Constructionline (A pre-qualified list of suppliers whose insurance, equality, health and safety, etc has been assessed. This reduces the need to advertise construction related contracts.) Links direct to RCE and via Cambs Collaboration Group. Currently involved with postal services, contracts database and spend analysis. 2 of 6 Streets Ahead – To use a prevention, intervention and enforcement (PIE) approach to create an attractive and sustainable environment for the community to enjoy, with a streetscape that is clean, green, safe and well maintained Action By when Lead Officer Develop a ‘Green 31 December Procurement Purchasing’ guide 2007 Manager Cost effective and efficient Throughout Procurement procurement to free 2007/08 Manager resources for alternative use Open for Business – To work in partnership to promote the growth of local businesses and develop the Fenland economy Action By when Lead Officer Invest in a ‘Meet the Buyer’ 31 March 2007 Procurement open day Manager Ensure the Council’s website Ongoing Procurement offers advice and guidance of Manager how to do business with the Council Develop a supplier database 31 July 2007 Procurement Manager Progress to date A guide has been developed and has been posted on the Council’s Intranet. Ongoing programme to improve procurement efficiency by o Developing corporate contracts o Greater use of OGC, ESPO, Constructionline o Improved procurement awareness o Library of standard procurement documentation o More statistical information on spend o Further collaborations with other councils o Greater supplier liaison Progress to date One event held. Further events should be considered but the format and structure needs to be relevant. The Council website currently offers; o How to do business with the Council o Procurement Strategy o Procurement Policy o Procurement process o Contract opportunities o Links to other Cambs Councils procurement opportunities The supplier database is the list of companies on the Agresso Creditor Payment System. 3 of 6 Open for Business – To work in partnership to promote the growth of local businesses and develop the Fenland economy Action By when Lead Officer Analyse local supplier Ongoing Procurement interaction with the Council Manager Develop a ‘supplier policy’ Outline a ‘contract monitoring’ process Adopt the SME concordat Assist local SME’s to do business electronically with the Council 31 December 2007 31 December 2007 31 December 2007 Procurement Manager Procurement Manager Procurement Manager 31 March 2008 Procurement Manager Quality Organisation – To provide effective access to services, and to improve the skill and capacity of the organisation to meet local priorities and deliver excellent services Action By when Lead Officer Develop a procurement 22 February Procurement strategy 2007 Manager Review the Council’s Code of 31 March 2007 Procurement Procurement Manager Develop procurement 31 March 2007 Procurement performance indicators Manager Progress to date Analysing local supplier business with the Council, e.g. value of business, no. of invoices submitted, frequency of use, delivery distances, their use of ICT, etc. This will help make informed decisions about retaining details on the supplier database. Policy complete and has been posted on the Council’s Intranet. A process has been developed as part of the Code of Procurement (paragraph 14.5). This is a Government initiative to provide commitment from local councils to treat SME’s (Small to Medium size businesses) fairly. Such as being open with our procurement process, giving honest feedback and paying invoices on time. A document has been developed and is being assessed for authorisation. This is part of the supplier policy and includes, improving the Council’s internal invoice payment process, assessing online ordering, especially with local suppliers, and to deliver and receive tender documentation electronically. Progress to date Strategy complete and agreed by Council on 22 February 2007. New Code of Procurement agreed by Council on 17 May 2007. The Council has adopted procurement performance indicators recommended through the National Procurement Strategy. 4 of 6 Quality Organisation – To provide effective access to services, and to improve the skill and capacity of the organisation to meet local priorities and deliver excellent services Action By when Lead Officer Develop a procurement 31 March 2007 Procurement training plan Manager Develop a ‘Contracts Database’ Develop a procurement risk strategy 31 March 2007 Procurement Manager 31 August 2007 Procurement Manager Roll out e-sourcing software 31 March 2008 Develop an e-procurement strategy Develop a procurement sustainability policy Outline a ‘contract monitoring’ process Develop corporate standard documentation for procurement 31 December 2007 31 December 2007 31 December 2007 31 December 2007 Procurement Manager Procurement Manager Procurement Manager Procurement Manager Procurement Manager Roll out a pilot scheme for procurement cards 31 December 2007 Procurement Manager Progress to date Procurement is now part of the Corporate Training Plan where two specific sessions are on offer to staff; a detailed procurement workshop (1 day) and a 2 hrs awareness session for general/background knowledge. Also procurement training is part of the current Management Development Programme and the Capable Manager Programme. Contracts database completed and is on the Council’s intranet. Risk is already part of the Code of Procurement (paragraph 3.12). After discussion with the Council’s Risk Manager there is sufficient guidance within the Code of Procurement and the Corporate Risk Strategy, consequently there will be no further development of a specific procurement risk strategy. Business case being developed for evaluation. Implementation will be during 2008/9 if the business case is approved. A policy has been developed as part of the Supplier Policy and has been posted on the Council’s Intranet. Sustainability already part of the Code of Procurement (appendix 6) and an individual guide has been developed. A process has been outlined as part of the Code of Procurement (paragraph 14.5). This is ongoing. Currently available is a standard Tender document and a standard outline contract. Also, many short guides have been produced, including, code of procurement, procurement checklist and green/sustainable purchasing. Pilot Scheme already rolled out. Two credit cards in use within the Procurement Team (over £31,000 spend in the last 7 months) and two cards acquired for emergency purposes for the Executive Director(Finance) and the Chief Accountant. 5 of 6 Decent and Affordable Homes – To contribute towards the provision of decent and affordable homes for local residents. Action By when Lead Officer Engage and create 31 December Procurement partnerships with Social 2008 Manager & Enterprises. Cambs (Ongoing) Procurement Group Progress to date Regular contact with the Cambridgeshire Social Enterprise promotion organisation. 6 of 6