Simon Fraser University School of Computing Science – Burnaby

Simon Fraser University
School of Computing Science – Burnaby Campus
Instructor Evaluation
Philippe Giabbanelli
Summer „09 (1094)
1.Instructor - Strongest
Philippe was always available for answering questions. He was extremely
prepared and putted in an immense amount of effort and time into teaching
this course. He exceed my expectations of an excellent professor, and is an
example of a model instructor.
2.Course - Weakest
The only that was “bad” was that the course assignments were at times, felt
like it was too challenging to complete.
3.Comments/Suggestions He should definitely continue teaching, definite asset to the CMPT faculty.
Best prof I‟ve had.
3.Comments/Suggestions The amount of work required for this course is a bit much for a 3 credit
course otherwise it‟s very enjoyable.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Teaches well/good lectures. Always available for help. SFU should keep you.
2.Course - Weakest
Really heavy work load.
3.Comments/Suggestions Marking scheme is flawed, boosts top students more than others.
1.Instructor - Strongest
He kept things interesting  with pictures and animations.
3.Comments/Suggestions I could have done with a little more time on a few difficult topics.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Looks and acts exactly like a professor.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Very good prof. Class well structured. Relates to students. Make lectures
entertaining. Never fell asleep once. That‟s a good thing.
My problem was that I didn‟t have much interest in material. Also labs and
assignments seem to be at a higher difficulty level than examples in lectures.
Labs and assignments designed for CMPT geniuses, not for average schmoes
like me. Enjoyed the course though.
2.Course - Weakest
I think that assignments and labs placed more emphasis on programming
skills rather than content of the course, and overall they gave an advantage to
students who had a stronger programming background.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Good at explaining and truly wanted the students to understand the material,
always available for extra help. The best part is that he doesn‟t bullshit
(unlike other CMPT profs) about what is important and what isn‟t.
Assignments were kind of hard but it was a good course.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Good with communicating material.
More Programming, less theory.
Simon Fraser University
School of Computing Science – Burnaby Campus
Instructor Evaluation
1.Instructor - Strongest
1.Instructor - Weakest
2.Course - Strongest
Able to provide an entertaining lecture.
Some assignments lack explanation
Materials are interesting
Provide more example for assignments will make it easier to approach them.
Very helpful and available most of the time, but too hard!
The number of assignments/labs and the amount of work required per each
was a lot but overall, he has been by far one of the most interesting
professors that I have had to this date! His passion for teaching really
motivated me to push myself further and I truly enjoyed each and every
1.Instructor - Strongest
Most enthusiastic CMPT prof ever. Spends the most time preparing lectures.
Always in his office.
SFU is stupid for not letting him teach again. Students will miss him when
they get other shit profs in CMPT who don‟t know programming.
1.Instructor - Strongest
1.Instructor - Weakest
2.Course - Strongest
2.Course - Weakest
Excellent feedback, cares for students, and is often very quick w/email
Still new @ teaching so course seemed disorganize, but was remedied after
student feedback.
Lots of topics to learn.
Some topics aren‟t really relevant…course a little hard.
Great prof overall.
Pretty good and interesting course overall, but the exams were too time
1.Instructor - Strongest
He really makes an effort to present the material to his students in such a way
that make it easy to understand.
Very creative in assignment descriptions, makes them more interesting t do
as well as expand on (bonus).
1.Instructor - Strongest
He is very reasonable, he works very hard, his preparation for classes was
great. Lecture notes, slides, demo are very helpful even if you miss a class.
He was always accessible for extra help even on weekend or holiday.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Made boring material better at times.
Bad timing of due dates and lab. Too many labs/assignments/quizzes.
Great prof, hard course.
1.Instructor - Strongest
2.Course - Strongest
Very passionate, nice guy.
Nice lecture notes.
Maybe some C++
There were too many hard assignments and labs.
Simon Fraser University
School of Computing Science – Burnaby Campus
Instructor Evaluation
1.Instructor - Strongest
Very energetic person. No weakness. Wonderful prof.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Excellent prof, lectures interesting + informative. Always available for help.
Excellent explanations regarding to class material.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Very good instructor, made attending lectures easy. Material was well
explained. Much better professor than most.
Complexity is difficult
Keep up the awesome teaching.
2. Course
1.Instructor - Strongest
Very innovative lecture style that was also very learn informative –
combined powerpoint, movies, and humor to help us. Spent way more time
than required helping students. Seemed to sincerely care about his students
learning. Very nice and cool guy as well.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Most of his examples were clear to understand (sometimes were difficult).
Very good teacher, always went out of his way t help me/other students.
Very cool guy in general.
Philippe, pleasure having you as an instructor.
Philippe is a great prof and a great person. Very informative and helpful. One
of the best courses I‟ve had so far!
1.Instructor - Strongest
Good organization in delivering lectures. Lectures were very entertaining but
informative as well.
Limited time in finals and midterm.
2. Course – Weakest
1.Instructor - Strongest
2. Course – Weakest
Knows how to convey info in an interesting way.
Waaay too much material (talked to students in previous years, they didn‟t do
half the stuff we did).
Very good lectures and notes, though assignments can sometimes be vague.
1.Instructor - Strongest
1.Instructor - Weakest
2. Course – Weakest
Great lectures, both entertaining and informative.
Lab questions can be vague or confusing.
Again. Labs were at times confusing but overall good job.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Very humorous and hard working.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Explains concepts really well. Entertaining!
More hints on assignments/labs. Make quizzes easier. Rehire Phil.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Interesting, fun, and always available for extra help. Easily one of the best
teachers I‟ve had yet. Great feedback on work.
1.Instructor - Strongest
2.Course - Strongest
Good lectures, interactive.
As the course was described. Good introduction to data structures.
Simon Fraser University
School of Computing Science – Burnaby Campus
Instructor Evaluation
1.Instructor - Strongest
Did an excellent job of bringing new material in class (i.e. not directly out of
a text book). Excellent feedback, and very fair testable assignments and
Hire this man again!
A bit of heavy work load, must spend lots of time on labs/assignments but
some time students need to spend some time on other courses.
1.Instructor - Strongest
2. Course – Weakest
Very very helpful. Very organized.
It‟s hard!
More time to discuss important concepts. Practice materials. Need easier
assessments (exams). Thank you!
He is a good instructor know what to teach and help student, but heavy
contents. Very helpful.
Decrease the work load.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Explained everything clearly, assignments were challenging, but fair.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Very good teacher with strong passion for teaching and a dedication to
students that goes beyond expectations.
1.Instructor - Strongest
Puts in a lot of work. I would hire you.
1.Instructor - Strongest
The instructor‟s ability to teach is excellent. The lectures are very organized,
clear and easy to understand. Instructor was very helpful and accessible
outside of lectures.
Assignments and labs are a little on the hard side.
It would be better to take an introductory Java course before entering this
course. Thanks P.G.
2.Course - Weakest
1.Instructor - Strongest
2.Course - Weakest
Very fun prof. Very VERY accessible for help. Very willing to go the extra
mile for students.
A bit too much/hard work, requires a LOT of time.
1.Instructor - Strongest
1.Instructor - Weakest
2.Course - Strongest
2.Course - Weakest
Prepared, interesting, knowledgeable, expects a lot.
Expects a lot, very hard quizzes.
I learned a lot
Lots of work
I would like to wish Philippe well. Even though it was tough I learned a lot.