VOTE “YES” FOR BETTER TRANSIT IN VANCOUVER Hundreds of thousands of people living, working and studying in Vancouver use the Metro Vancouver transit system to get between work, school, and home. Vancouver depends on the transportation network to efficiently move goods and provide services, but it is becoming increasingly unreliable, due to increasing congestion on our roads and transit systems. Congestion is bad for the air we breathe, it’s damaging to our economy, it erodes family time and it hurts our health. With over one million new residents expected in Metro Vancouver over the next 30 years, we need to take action to reduce congestion by investing in our region’s transportation system. VOTE “YES“ TO REDUCE CONGESTION BY INVESTING IN OUR REGION’S TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Key Benefits of Broadway Rapid Transit The Mayors’ Plan will address many of the issues faced by people living, working or studying in Vancouver. The Plan will improve and extend bus service and expand the rapid transit system. This will provide a real alternative to driving through improved transit service and will reduce congestion on the roads for those people who choose to drive or are still unable to use transit. The Plan will provide reliable regional connectivity and accommodate travel growth by walking, cycling and transit— leaving room for growth in the movement of goods and services. VOTE “YES” FOR BROADWAY CORRIDOR TRANSIT Currently, transit on the Broadway corridor is over capacity and is not able to meet growing demand. The Broadway corridor is one of North America’s Prospect Point busiest bus corridors and is a regional asset, with over half of its trips beginning outside Vancouver. The interchange between bus and SkyTrain at CommercialSiwash Rock Broadway Station is currently a regional transportation bottleneck. Existing Stanley Loop transit services on this corridor do not provide sufficient capacity orPark a reliable enough service to major regional destinations Third Beach and economic hubs. Vancouver ⎷ Less congestion ⎷ Increased travel reliability ⎷ Increased capacity to accommodate growth ⎷ Better transit services means fewer cars on the road ⎷ Unlocks a regional transportation bottleneck ⎷ Connects regional rapid transit lines, including improved access to Vancouver International Airport (YVR) Lonsdale Quay Market P T Project Details Lonsdale Quay FTN Se aB us » 5.1-kilometre rapid transit corridor Aquarium Brockton Point » 6 new stations (in addition to BROADWAY CORRIDOR MILLENNIUM LINE EXTENSION Brockton existing VCC-Clark Station) Oval » 56 additional SkyTrain cars Second Beach Broadway Rapid Transit will increase regional transit capacity and reliability to to serve Broadway and the serve the existing and growing demand in the corridor. Millennium Line Burrard F TN This project will extend the Millennium SkyTrain Line west from VCC‑Clark Waterfront to Arbutus Street, providing a tunneled connection with the Canada Granville Line at Broadway‑City Hall Station (see below). Phib Exc PNE/Playlan ank Jericho Beach Mille Exp nniu o Lin e mL ine Comme Broadwa Broadway Rapid Transit FTN B-Line City Hall VGH Vancouver Community College Ca na da Li ne FTN Arbutus Village FTN Vancouver East Cultural Centre Broadway Corridor Rapid Transit Locarno Beach KingBETTER EdwardTRANSIT | VANCOUVER | FEBRUARY 2015 VOTE “YES” FOR VanDusen BC Children’s Nanaimo VOTE “YES” FOR BETTER TRANSIT To provide a fast and efficient transportation system in a growing region, the Plan is proposing new and better service, expanded infrastructure and other investments to keep the region’s people and goods moving, including: BROADWAY CORRIDOR MILLENNIUM LINE EXTENSION • 5.1-kilometre tunneled rapid transit corridor extending the Millennium SkyTrain Line west from VCC-Clark to Arbutus Street • • • • • New B-Line – Downtown Vancouver to SFU Burnaby via Hastings Street New B-Line – Downtown Vancouver to SE Marine Drive via Victoria Drive/Commercial Drive New B-Line – Joyce-Collingwood Station to UBC via 41st Avenue New B-Line – Lynn Valley Centre to Downtown Vancouver via 29th Street, Lonsdale Avenue, Marine Drive and W. Georgia Street New B-Line – Metrotown to Richmond, via Knight Street and 49th Avenue INCREASE IN BUS SERVICE - MORE RELIABLE, MORE FREQUENT, MORE HOURS • • • • Improve and expand frequent all-day service: service that runs at least every 15 minutes in both directions throughout the day and into the evening, every day of the week Improve and expand frequent peak service: service that runs at least every 15 minutes during highest-demand time periods and directions Increase the frequency and span of service on the existing NightBus network 30% more HandyDART service 50% MORE SEABUS SERVICE • Increasing frequency to provide service every 10 minutes in the a.m. and p.m. peak periods and every 15 minutes at other times UPGRADES TO SKYTAIN AND WEST COAST EXPRESS NEW B-LINE RAPID BUS SERVICE • Upgrades and expansion to fleet and stations on existing rapid transit lines, including the Canada Line, Expo Line and Millennium Line, to reduce overcrowding and improve the transit experience • Increase capacity on the Expo and Millennium lines with 200 new SkyTrain cars • Canada Line capacity expansion to serve an 85% increase in ridership by 2045 • Investment in 10 new train cars for West Coast Express to meet demand WALKING AND CYCLING IMPROVEMENTS • • • • • Better connections to transit through pedestrian improvements at or near transit stops and stations Investments in cycling routes in partnership with municipalities Investments in bike parking at transit stations Completion of the Central Valley Greenway, a 24-kilometre multi-use regional route that parallels the Millennium Line, running from False Creek in Vancouver through Burnaby to New Westminster Quay Upgrades to the existing BC Parkway, a 26-kilometre cycle route connecting False Creek in Vancouver to Gateway Station in Surrey, paralleling the Expo Line ROAD INVESTMENTS • Cost-sharing to maintain and upgrade the Major Road Network (MRN) to keep people and goods moving FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Email