suggested focus areas on
Broadway East between
Prince Albert & Clark
Trees highly valued -- but unlike this image
(south side of the street), the north side is less pleasant to walk.
Great plaza opportunity at VCC campus,
fronting onto Broadway -- in the past: plaza used much more for public events
Improve the gate to the
Community Garden (north side of Broadway East) and the sidewalk / boulevard stretch on the eastern approach to the
VCC campus (shown here), beside that gate.
The gate now
New gate?
Another view of the existing entrance (off
Broadway East) to the community garden
City Farmer gate
. . . one of many examples of more handsome gates in other Vancouver neighbourhoods
Uneven walking surface.
Permeable paving here?
Northern side of the most eastern stretch of
Broadway East, approaching Clark Street.
...or boulevard planting?
A single person’s work further east (McGill).
More amenities on VCC plaza?
Rain canopy possible?
VCC campus plaza seen as good spot for enhancement efforts
“Always dirty” is how walkers described
North China Park, on Broadway East, close to Clark.
Broadway to 8th, at Fraser St.
First, fix the lane connection to Sahali Park.
Programming temporary “plazas” -especially in or beside locations that could become permanent plazas
like Arts in the Heart
(outdoor film night --August 2012) at Broadway and Kingsway
Private additions to the public realm
St. George Rainway (north-south link, potentially across Broadway East)
Laneway programs & installations