appendix - The Druidic Craft of the Wise

Study Questions:
01 -Give a meaning for the word “Witch.” Explain the difference between the common definition and our definition.
02-What attributes did the early humans give to their Gods and Goddesses; explain.
03-What does the Maypole represent?
04-What role did the Wicca (Wise Ones) play in the communities they served?
05-Define the term “Burning Times?” Give a brief description of what occurred and why.
06-What year was the last anti-Witchcraft law repealed? (Suggested reading -”Witchcraft
Today” by Gerald Gardner)
Study Questions:
01- When we invoke Deity, what are we doing?
02- Why do we celebrate the phases of the moon and the seasons, and the phases and season
of our bodies, minds and emotions?
03- What is the basic idea behind a spell?
04- Define what we mean by “As Above, So Below; As the Universe, As the Soul; As
Within, So Without.”
The chalice is consecrated during the waxing moon. The waxing moon is the two week peri87
od of time between the new moon and the full moon when the moon appears to be increasing in
size. An almanac or a “Witches” calendar can help you establish the precise cycles of the
moon. Although any day is all right, Monday is the best day for consecration of the chalice.
In a bowl of salt water steep the following magical herbs: hyssop, lavender and rosemary.
Ground and center, place your palms down, above the water. Visualize electric blue light emanating from your palms and permeating the potion while chanting the following words: “Salt
and water, earth and sea I charge with light and clarity, be in true accord with me and as I will
So Mote It Be!”. Chant with feeling and passion over and over again until you really feel the
potion is charged.
Now sprinkle some frankincense and myrrh on to hot incense charcoal in an ashtray lined
with a thick layer of sand or earth (unscented cat litter works great too!). Charge the smoke the
same way you charged the water with these words: “Fire and air, breath and flame, keep light
and truth within thy frame, hear my words, attend to me and as I will so mote it be!”
Now sprinkle the chalice with your charged magic potion, and pass it through the charged
smoke visualizing the chalice emitting an electric blue light while chanting: “By all the elements
I conjure thee, that there remain within they frame the grail of immortality! Hear my will!
Attend to me! As my word, so mote it be!”
If you choose, you may paint the appropriate runes around the chalice charging each one
with the electric blue light (runes will be explained later in this book.). Also, you may paint
your magical name, in runes, at the base of the chalice. When you are finished, say “Blessed be,
thou cup of art!” and put it away for future use.
On the waxing moon, and preferably on a Tuesday purify your thurible with the elements the
same way you did your cup. The words remain the same for the charging of the water and
smoke. while you sprinkle the thurible with the charged water, and pass it through the charged
smoke you chant: “By all the elements I conjure thee that there remain within they frame the
fire and air of alchemy! Hear my will! Attend to me! And as my word, so mote it be!”
Again you may paint the appropriate runes on the thurible, as well as your witch name in
runes (charge each rune with electric blue light as you do). When complete, say “Blessed be
thou creature of fire and air!” From now on you will use your chalice and thurible of all your
purifications by the elements.
Again, you will consecrate on the waxing moon, this time on Saturday, if possible. Purify
the pentacle with the elements as before and use these words for the aspurging (sprinkling with
water) and suffumigation (passing through smoke): “By all the elements I conjure thee that
there remain with they frame fertile growth and stability! Hear my will! Attend to me! And as
my word, so mote it be!” There are no runes that I put on my pentacle. However, if you desire,
you may write your name in runes at the center of the star. When your consecration is complete
say, “Blessed be thou Shield of Art!”
This consecration is on a Wednesday during the waxing moon. Purify as usual saying this
time: “By all the elements I conjure thee that there remain within thy frame power and wisdom
for all to see! Hear my will! Attend to me! As my word, so mote it be!”
Paint or carve the appropriate runes if you desire, charging with the electric blue flame.
When complete, sprinkle a few grains of mastic (if you cannot find mastic, use a bit of allspice
instead) on the hot coals in your thurible. Pass the rod through the smoke as you chant:
“Blessed be thou rod of power, rod of wisdom”. When you feel it is fully charged, put your
wand away for future use.
NOTE: Do not aspurge with water after passing your rod through the smoke the second time.
The second suffumigation is not for cleansing, it is for charging. To aspurge again would undo
the charge.
Buy at least twenty-four feet of cord, the color of your rank or choice. During the waxing
moon, Friday if possible, purify with the elements as before. Cut off one eight (8) foot piece.
Take the remaining sixteen foot piece and loop it in half. Place one end of the eight foot piece
in the crease of the loop. Now tie a knot in the top leaving a small one inch loop at the top.
Braid the three pieces together chanting all the while: “Made to measure wrought to bind,
Blessed Be thou cord entwined!” At the end fasten with a clothespin or paper clip. Measure
from the tip of the loop, tie knots at the three foot mark, the four and a half foot mark, and the
six foot mark. Remove the clothespin and unbraid any cord braided beyond the six foot mark
leaving it as a tassel. Continue your chant until the cord is complete, then put away for future
During the waxing moon and preferably on a Wednesday, purify the Book with the elements
as you did for each of the other consecrations. Then with your pen and ink of art, draw in the
book of shadows the pentacle and it’s runes on the inside front cover and then again on the
inside of the back cover chanting the following all the while: “Book of words, book of deeds,
blessed be thou book of art!”
Write your witch name in the center of each pentacle and complete the consecration by say89
ing: “so mote it be!”
Show your book only to those persons who share a close, magical bond with you.
This is the most involved of all the consecrations, and I think the most fun. This consecration is the only one done during the waning moon (between full and new while the moon
appears to decrease in size) and preferably on a Tuesday.
Fill a large heat-resistant bowl with water and to it add a handful of powdered cinnamon, a
tablespoon of powdered dragons blood resin and a couple of tablespoons of cayenne pepper.
Mix well and set aside.
Your thurible will need to have quite a few coals in it for this consecration, so if your thurible is on the small side, you may want to use a larger container (i.e. chaffing dish, cauldron, or
small hibachi). Scatter some of the same herbs you used to steep in the water upon the hot coals.
Heat the blade of the knife in the coals until it gets as hot as possible (this may take awhile).
Then thrust the red hot blade into the large potion that you set aside. It should steam and sizzle.
Visualize the athame vibrating with the power of the electric blue flame as you say “Blade of
steel I conjure thee to ban all things as named by me, and as my will, So Mote It Be!” Repeat
this “reforging” process a total of three times.
The next step requires a magnet or lodestone. Hold the magnet in your weak hand, and the
knife at the handle in your strong hand. Place the magnet at the base of the blade, close to the
handle. Holding the magnet steady, pull the blade so that it is drawn across the magnet from
base to tip. Turn the blade over and repeat the process over and over, magnetizing both sides of
the blade from base to tip. Keep it up for five to ten minutes, always stroking in the same direction chanting: “Blade of steel I conjure thee, attract all things as named by me, and as I Will So
Mote It Be.”.
You may paint the appropriate runes on one side of the handle and your name on the other
side if you desire.
Direction: East Rules: Mind, intellect, all mental work, knowledge, learning, theory Time:
Dawn Season: Spring Basic color: Yellow Zodiacal Signs: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra Tools:
Wand and thurible Spirits: Sylphs with their ruler Paralda Kabalistic deity: Yod He Vau He
Archangel: Raphael Totemic guardian: Golden Eagle Sense: Smell Jewel: Topaz Incense:
Galbanum Some Plants: Frankincense, lavender, mastic, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet,
yarrow, Gods: Enlil, Khephera, Shu, Thoth, Hermes, Taliesin Goddesses: Aradia, Arianrhod,
Nuit, Urania Name of the east wind: Eurus.
Direction: South Rules: The will, power, action, passion Time: Noon Season: Summer
Basic color: Red Zodiacal signs: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries Tools: Athame and thurible Spirits:
Salamanders with their leader Djinn Kabalistic deity: Adonai Archangel: Michael Totemic
Guardian: Red lion Sense: Sight Jewel: Fire opal Incense: Dragon’s blood Some plants:
Garlic, hibiscus, nettle, capsicum, onion, red poppies, cinnamon, Gods: Agni, Hephaestus,
Horus, Vulcan, Mars Goddesses: Brigit, Hestia, Pele, Vesta Name of the south wind: Notus
Direction: West Rules: The Emotions, feelings, psychic development, scrying, intuition,
dreams Time: Twilight Season: Autumn Basic Color: Blue Zodiacal Signs: Scorpio, Pisces
and Cancer Tool: Chalice Spirits: The Undines with their leader Nechna Kabalistic Deity:
Eheieh Archangel: Gabriel Totemic Guardian: Dolphin Sense: Taste Jewel: Aquamarine
Incense: Myrrh Some Plants: Lotus, ferns, seaweeds, rose of jerico, water lilies and water plants
Gods: Poseidon, Neptune, Llyr, Dylan, Osiris Goddesses: Isis, Mari, Tiamat, Levannah,
Direction: North Rules: The body, the physical world, prosperity, possessions Time:
Midnight Season: Winter Basic Color: Green Zodiacal signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Tool: Pentacle Spirits: The Gnomes with their leader Gob Kabalistic deity: Agla Archangel:
Uriel Totemic Guardian: Black bull Sense: Touch Jewel: Salt (also quartz) Incense: Storax
Some Plants: Oak, ivy, comfrey, cedar, pine, all grains Gods: Adonis, Cernnunos, Pan,
Dionysos, Athos, the Green Man Goddesses: Ceres, Demeter, Gaea, Persephone, Rhea,
Rhiannon, Cerridwen, Modren Name of the North Wind: Borealis
The pentagrams shown in the illustrations above and on the next page demonstrate how one
would draw pentagrams in the air when calling a quarter. The pentagrams should be seen as a
mirror image and so, for example the pentacle on the upper left, “earth evoking” would be starting in the upper right of the body and moving the hand toward one’s left foot, the earth point of
the pentacle. One would then continue to complete the pentacle, encircling the star with a circle
drawn clockwise around the star. The banishing pentagram is done in reverse, beginning at the
lower left earth point of the pentagram and completing the pentagram in reverse. The circle is
drawn counter-clockwise or “widdershins”. The illustrations on the next page show additional
Mercury is the planet which rules divination. Therefore, many witches find this exercise
quite effective in linking up. Purify a blank sheet of parchment with the elements as you know
how to do by now. Then carefully, with your pen and ink of art, draw the square of mercury
writing each number in it’s order on the square (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.). When this is complete say
“So Mote It Be”, and draw three equal armed crosses (plus signs) in the air above it to seal it.
Then just say a small prayer to the god Mercury (as in the previous exercise) and go on to your
Once you have made your square, you may keep it for any time in the future.
To use, simply hold the talisman in your hand, and let your glance fall on each number in
sequence, then say your prayer and go on with your divination.
Find a suitable pendulum. Many witches use an acorn on a string, or a stone in a macrame
net. However, a favorite necklace will do fine as well. Purify and consecrate your pendulum,
and spend some time getting to know it. Link up, and ask it questions to which you already
know the answers. Then hold out the pendulum and make a note of which direction it swings.
For example: “Is my name Fred?”, counter clockwise - I already know my name is not Fred.
Therefore, counter clockwise means “No”. Ask it more yes and no questions until you are satisfied with your pendulum’s consistency. Once you have established the yes/ no directions (say
clockwise/counterclockwise) then ask the pendulum what direction it will swing for “maybe”
(say back and forth). Then ask it to swing for “Won’t Tell” (side to side). Work with your pendulum often, and it will be become one of your most valued tools of divination.
Link up, ask your question over and over in your mind while shuffling a pack of tarot cards.
Make sure that you mix the cards up enough so that some are upside down (reversed). Then
simply cut the deck. If the card you cut to is facing upright, your answer is yes, if it is reversed,
the answer is no.
I suggest that you buy a couple of books on the tarot and familiarize yourself with the traditional meanings of the cards. That way if you get stuck, and your intuition shuts down, when
your rational mind steps in it will at least be stepping in with a traditional meaning. The traditional meanings of cards are no substitute for your own intuitive interpretation, but at least if
you are familiar with the esoteric symbols and their meanings, it will smoothly bridge any gaps
you may experience in your intuition. Any book by Eden Gray is highly recommended for the
beginner, as is “A Pictorial Key to the Tarot” by Arthur Edward Waite.
Link up, ask your question as you are shuffling. Cut the deck once. The card to which you
have cut is called the “Querente Card”. This card represents you, or the person for whom you
are giving the reading. Place this card before you facing up. Now replace the cut portion of the
deck back on top making the deck one again. Now cut the deck into three piles, and put them
back together in any order you choose. From the top of the deck deal ten cards in the following
manner: Please note that card number 1 is placed directly over the querente card covering it
completely. Card number 2 is placed sideways over both of these (crossing them). The interpretations are as follows:
Covers you, represents what seems to be going on right now in regards to your situation.
Crosses you, represents any obstacle in your way.
Above you, represents the forces governing the situation. Often interpreted as
future events.
Beneath you, represents the root of the situation. Also usually represents your
Behind you, represents your recent past. This is the influence that you are just leaving.
Before you, what is coming in your future. This represents what the future will
look like if you continue on your present path. (NOTE: The future can always
be changed)
Represents how you are relating to the situation, your role.
Other peoples influence, represents how others are feeling in regard to the situation.
Hopes and fears, represents what you are hoping and/or fearing and very often hopes
and fears have nothing to do with reality.
10. Outcome, this is basically your outcome.
Read the entire spread like a story, and let your imagination really get involved.
Link up, light a candle and meditate for a while on your question. Pick up the candle and
drip wax onto a piece of paper of contrasting color to the wax, or drip the wax into a small bowl
of water. Interpret the wax drippings.
I really suggest that all scrying be done in a circle. Link up, gaze into your consecrated
speculum or bowl of water. Position it so that the candle flames are not reflected directly into
the speculum. Relax your gaze, relax your body, lose yourself into the speculum. If you have a
scribe taking notes for you, call out what you see being careful not to pull yourself out of your
trance. It is extremely difficult to take notes for yourself without coming out of the trance,
therefore, I suggest that you work with a scribe or tape recorder, until you become skilled
enough at scrying to remember your trance in detail.
Day of Week
Each day of the week is ruled by a different Planet. Begin your spell on the day of the week
whose planet corresponds most closely with your desire. The colors listed correspond traditionally with each planet. The planets are certainly not limited to those colors listed, however.
Sunday - The Sun - faith, money, fame, friendships, authority, protection, generosity, ambitions, health, father - gold, white, yellow
Monday - The Moon - the home, peace, childbirth, psychic development, protection, emotions, increase and decrease, healing, nourishment, mother - white, silver, black, blue
Tuesday - Mars - courage, energy, will power, drive, ambition, war, sex, revenge, enterprise,
quick results, overcome enemies - red, orange, crimson
Wednesday - Mercury - business, The mind, divination, influence, tests, studies and schooling, short trips, communication, gambling, uncover theft, find lost articles - yellow, violet, silver
Thursday - Jupiter. expansion, honor, wealth, position, legal matters, real estate, good luck,
gambling, make investments and business grow - purple, royal blue, gold
Friday - Venus. Beauty, love, romance, friendship, creativity, art, poetry, dance, music,
friendship, marriage, attraction, harmony, joy - green, pink, coral
Saturday - Saturn. The occult, business, foundation, karma, lessons, secrets, reversing, binding, separation, caution, prudence, discipline, systems, endurance, justice - black, brown, gray
Time of Day
After you have determined the moon phase and day of the week, it is strongly advised that
you work your spell during a planetary hour which corresponds to your desire. For instance, a
love spell might be worked on a Friday during a Venus hour. A spell for increase in business
might be worked on a Wednesday (mercury) during a Jupiter hour. You may either use the hour
and day of the same planet, or two which compliment each other according to your purpose.
The table of planetary hours provided at the end of this chapter is calculated based on the
“witches’day”, which is from sunrise to sunrise, rather than the modern day, which is midnight
to midnight. Therefore, you must determine the hour of sunrise for the day in question (use the
daily newspaper or a farmer’s almanac) and count each hour after sunrise. For instance, if the
sunrises at 5:45, the first hour is from 5:45 until 6:45, the second hour is 6:45 until 7:45 and so
Moon Sign
After you have determined the exact day and hour you are going to cast your spell, find out
which astrological sign the moon is in. you can look this up easily in your astrological calendar.
This will help you to understand the type of tide which is at work in order to gear your working
to go with the flow of the cosmic tides, rather than trying to buck the tides. Rather than rescheduling your spell to accommodate a particular moon sign, you simply find out what sign the
moon is occupying at the time you have planned to work your magic.
For instance, you know that you are doing a money spell on Sunday during the waxing moon
in the hour of the sun. You find that at that time, the moon is in the sign of Cancer. You look up
the sign of Cancer and find that it deals with the home, the womb and domestic issues. You simply gear the money spell toward bringing money into your home! It sounds complicated at first
but it’s all quite easy once you get the hang of it!
Here is a simple listing of the zodiacal signs and what they govern:
Aries: Energy, action, pioneering, temper, good time to start things, yet they may lack staying
Taurus: Stability, money, possessions, slow moving but long lasting, Things done in this sign
tend to increase in value over time.
Gemini: Intellect, changeability, ambidexterity, a time for thinking.
Cancer: Home, family, womb, good time for emotional connections, growth and nurturing.
Leo: Romance, performing arts, self interest. A time for looking out for number one.
Virgo: Analytical thinking, detail, solitude, celibacy, hygiene and medicines.
Libra: Balance, visual art, relationships, self-examination.
Scorpio: The occult, psychic awareness, grudges, severing ties.
Sagittarius: Travel, expansion, philosophy, religion.
Capricorn: Work, discipline, structure, prudence, system.
Aquarius: Humanitarian pursuits, friendships, groups of people, imagination, science, “newage” thinking.
Pisces: Illusion, psychic awareness, sensitivity, mediumship, hospitals, prisons, secret enemies, faith.
Planetary Days Guide
Each day of the week is ruled by a different Planet. Begin your spell on the day of the week
whose planet corresponds most closely with your desire. As regards the hour, use either the
planetary hour of the same planet as day, or use an hour of a planet with complementary vibrations.
Sunday - The Sun - faith, money, fame, friendships, authority, protection, generosity, ambitions, health, father.
gold, white, yellow
Monday - The Moon - the home, peace, childbirth, psychic development, protection, emotions, increase and decrease, healing, nourishment, mother - white, silver, black, blue
Tuesday - Mars - courage, energy, will power, drive, ambition, war, sex, revenge, enterprise,
quick results, overcome enemies - red, orange, crimson
Wednesday - Mercury - business, The mind, divination, influence, tests, studies and schooling, short trips, communication, gambling, uncover theft, Find lost articles.
Yellow, Violet, Silver
Thursday - Jupiter. expansion, honor, wealth, position, legal matters, real estate, good luck,
gambling, make investments and business grow.
Purple, Royal Blue, Gold
Friday - Venus. Beauty, love, romance, friendship, creativity, art, poetry, dance, music,
friendship, marriage, attraction, harmony, joy. Green, Pink, Coral
Saturday - Saturn. The occult, business, foundation, karma, lessons, secrets, reversing, binding, separation, caution, prudence, discipline, systems, endurance, justice.
Black, Brown, Grey