The Art of Medicine - Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center

Winter 2006
Profılesin caring
The Art
of Medicine
Al Goldbaum’s photos
on display in Cancer Center
A Heart in the
Right Place
Capital Campaign
Donor List
2006 Profıles
…I was recently an ambulatory
surgical patient for a routine
procedure. Needless to say, I was
apprehensive and nervous.
I would like you to know that,
from the minute I arrived,
the staff was sympathetic,
supportive and made my stay
as enjoyable as possible.
I will always remember the nurses
as they were the reason the
experience was so positive. I
know this is their job, but they
were the nicest, most compassionate
nurses I have ever met. I felt you
should be made aware of how
well they do their jobs, and how
well they treat their patients. It is
people like this that help
Saint Francis maintain their
excellent reputation and, even
though I don’t want to need
a hospital, make it my first
choice when I do.
– Unionville patient
On the Cover: Etta and Al Goldbaum
in caring
Table of Contents
President’s Letter
The Art of Medicine
A Heart in the Right Place
Campaign Update
Honor Roll Donor List
President’s Letter
It hardly seems possible that I recently celebrated my first anniversary
as President and CEO of Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center.
This past year has been extremely rewarding for me both professionally
and personally.
It has been exciting to build upon the strengths of the Hospital as
we begin a comprehensive strategic planning process that will ensure that
Saint Francis remains a progressive leader in health care.With the exemplary
guidance of our Board Chairman, Archbishop Mansell, and the energy and
commitment of our Board of Directors, we have revised our governance
platform and are making plans for capital investments that will prepare us
for a future replete with new treatments and technologies.
While I have served with a number of health care institutions prior
to coming to Saint Francis, I have never experienced the sense of spirit
and dedicated purpose that pervade our Hospital. Each day, I see firsthand
the dedication of countless individuals to our mission and our community.
In this edition of Profiles in Caring, we acknowledge those who have
given to the Hospital through our Campaign for Saint Francis Care and
our annual giving programs.Through their gifts, we are able to provide
the highest level of health care service in the region.
On behalf of the Hospital, our patients, and the families we serve,
I express our gratitude to all those who have given so generously to
our institution.
Christopher M. Dadlez
President and Chief Executive Officer
Today, thanks to the generosity of the Goldbaum family, the Saint Francis/Mount Sinai Regional
Cancer Center is adorned with photos of people and places from around the world - photos that
touch mind, body and spirit.
Ruth Goldbaum left the Celebration of Life event that was held recently
at Saint Francis with her Mom and Dad by her side — just as they
had been two years earlier when her mother was discharged from
the Hospital. Circumstances, dramatically different this time, caused
Ruth to reflect on how their family had come full circle in the
past two years.
While visiting her daughter in 2003, Etta, who suffers from
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema, was hospitalized at Saint Francis. She remained at the Hospital for two weeks,
spending time in the Intensive Care Unit, a step-down unit, and, as she got better, on two different nursing floors. Etta and her family were impressed with the care she received during her stay. “My mother is
from the Bronx and was used to her hospital in New York.We were concerned the unfamiliar environment would be difficult for her.Thankfully the entire staff who treated
her were so nurturing and compassionate.They eased her anxiety and
provided exceptional care,” says Ruth.
The family visited Etta daily and spent many hours by her bedside.
If she was sleeping or out of the room for tests, they would walk
through the Hospital and gaze at the artwork that graced the Hospital’s
interior. “We found the photos and pictures to be so soothing and
comforting. Many times on our way to the cafeteria or gift shop we
would take different routes so we would see all the different art,” said
Since both Ruth’s parents are accomplished artists, the Goldbaums
have a special appreciation for art.They recognize the comfort a photo
“We wanted to give
back to Saint Francis
of a meadow at springtime can bring to someone who is not feeling
well.They realize an image of a child absorbed in play can bring a smile
in a meaningful and
to someone who is lonely and depressed. And they know how a picture
tangible way. I asked
of an ocean can bring back memories of happier times spent at the
Saint Francis also holds a special appreciation for art and its value in
the healing process.The Patient Care Tower features more than 290
original works, 10 of them commissioned by Saint Francis. Every
reception area displays original art by local artists and all 700 patient
rooms have print reproductions. Paintings, quilts, photographs, ceramics,
weavings and sculptures reflect the cultural diversity of the Greater
them if they might be
interested in the donation
of some of my dad’s
– Ruth Goldbaum
Hartford region.
“Most times, people enter our Hospital with concern, fearing the
future or feeling out of control of their destiny. Art helps them relax.
The body, mind and spirit all need care.We hope our artwork brings a
healing touch to all three,” said Hospital President and CEO,
Christopher Dadlez.
Shortly after Etta was discharged from Saint Francis, Ruth called the Foundation Office and inquired about
the Hospital’s process for selecting artwork. “My family was very grateful for the care my mother received.We
wanted to give back to Saint Francis in a meaningful and tangible way. I asked them if they might be interested
in the donation of some of my Dad’s photographs,” said Ruth.
Saint Francis was indeed interested in seeing the work and
welcomed the family’s kind gesture. On the day Ruth was to meet
with the Hospital administrators, she took some of her dad’s photos
off the walls at her home as a sample of his work. Over the years,
Al had taken thousands of photos of his summer vacations. Both Al
and Etta were teachers and each summer they traveled to many exotic
destinations. His collection included scenic photos as well as pictures
of local people.“Each fall we looked forward to dad’s slide presentation
of the previous summer’s trip. Many times he would select a few photos
and give them as gifts to people,” said Ruth.
As Ruth toured the Hospital, viewing possible locations to display
her father’s artwork, it soon became evident there was a wonderful
opportunity for both the Goldbaums and Saint Francis.The Saint
Francis/Mount Sinai Regional Cancer Center was expanding and
the new facility was in need of artwork. Ruth compiled 300 of her
father’s favorite photos into a portfolio. A committee comprised of
Cancer Center and Hospital staff was formed and charged with
choosing 41 photos to be displayed in the expansion area. As one
can imagine, this was not an easy task.
Today, thanks to the generosity of the Goldbaum family, the
Cancer Center is adorned with photos of people and places from
around the world.When the expansion was opened to the public at
the Hospital’s Celebration of Life event in September, the artwork
was admired by all and the Goldbaums were there to hear the praises.
Ruth recalls, “We are just so happy that we could give something to
those who will be treated in the Cancer Center. It is our hope that
the beautiful art surrounding them will help make them feel better
as they begin their road to recovery.”
Ruth compiled
of her father’s favorite
photos into a portfolio.
A Heart in the
Right Place
hen Dale Comey was first elected to the Board of Directors of Saint Francis Hospital and
Medical Center in the late 1980s, it was a difficult time for healthcare in Connecticut and
throughout the United States.
At the time, Sister Francis Marie Garvey was the President of the Hospital. Facing challenges such as
reducing costs, decreasing length of stay, coping with new regulations and managing managed care, Sister
realized the need for a new strategic direction.The healthcare industry was becoming a big business, and
for hospitals to survive they needed to become more corporate. Part of her plan included strengthening
the Board of Directors to include more area business leaders.
Mr. Comey, then President of The Hartford, was honored to be asked to serve as a Director.“I thought
it was important to contribute to the community where I lived and worked,” he said. “I was familiar with
the Hospital and strongly identified with its mission of caring for every individual regardless of their ability
to pay,” he continued. He also had many colleagues who were active at Hartford Hospital which he
thought was a good idea. He explains, “I have always been a firm believer of having more than one large
hospital serve the greater Hartford community. I feel a sense of competition can only serve to make each
institution better.”
Throughout his tenure as a board member, Dale has seen
tremendous changes within the institution.“I’ve been delighted to
see the way the Hospital has grown these past few decades. I think
the development of a strong business base has been integral in
ensuring the Hospital’s success,” he said. Mr. Comey credits the
affiliation agreements Saint Francis has made with other area
hospitals and health care providers, along with the creation of the
Centers of Clinical Excellence, with earning Saint Francis a
national reputation.“I take great pride in being associated with an
organization that has repeatedly been named a Top 100 Hospital
in America,” he said.
“I take great
Mr. Comey also feels that the Hospital’s community outreach
has contributed significantly to the strength of the institution. In
pride in being
1991, he and his wife, Marilyn, chaired the second annual MIRACLES
first event far exceeded anyone’s expectations and the momentum
with an
now the largest black-tie affair in Hartford and benefits the diverse
black-tie gala.“It was great being involved with MIRACLES.The
during the second year was incredible,” said Dale. MIRACLES is
populations of the region.
organization that
has repeatedly
been named
a Top 100
“The longer I’ve been associated with Saint Francis, the more
personally attached I have become.Yet, it was not until I was a
patient here that I could fully grasp what a unique and special place
it is,” said Mr. Comey.
In April 2005, he began experiencing burning sensations in his
chest. Being a self-described physical fitness fanatic, he realized
something was wrong and turned to his primary care physician
Hospital in
at Saint Francis, Dr. John Papandrea, and cardiologist, Dr. Steven
Cohen. A cardiac cathertization and angiogram revealed severe
blockages in his arteries and a quadruple bypass was performed by
Dr.William Martinez and his associates.
– Dale Comey
Mr. Comey compliments his entire treatment team for the
outstanding care he received before and after surgery. “From Drs.
Cohen, Chawla, and Martinez, to the staff at the Cardiac Rehab
Program, everyone was so attentive to my needs. It could have been
a very trying experience for me and my family if everyone had not
been so supportive and encouraging,” said Mr. Comey.
Mr. and Mrs. Comey were so appreciative of the care he received
they did not hesitate when asked to contribute to the Hospital’s
current Capital Campaign. In fact, they made a very generous
leadership gift in support of the Hospital’s plans for future. “My
already positive emotions for Saint Francis were greatly reinforced
during my hospital stay. Saint Francis is a tremendous asset to this
community. Marilyn and I consider it our responsibility to do all
we can to ensure its vitality through the next several decades,”
concludes Mr. Comey.
We are pleased to announce the Campaign for Saint Francis Care – Building Today for the Miracles of Tomorrow
— has nearly reached the $23 million mark, or 61% of the $37.8 million goal.We are deeply grateful to all
those who have given so generously to the Campaign (for a complete listing of donors, please turn to page 12).
An Early Sign of Success
Already one astounding result of the early success of the Campaign is
the expansion and enhancement of the Saint Francis/Mount Sinai
Regional Cancer Center. Located on the Hospital’s main campus,
the recently completed $5 million first phase of the construction
project added 7,000 square feet to the Cancer Center.When fully
complete, the two-story building will encompass 46,000 square feet.
The expansion was necessary to accommodate the growing
demand for the expertise of the Cancer Center’s services. Among the
Center’s new facilities are 10 patient examination/consultation rooms,
each equipped with the most sophisticated electronic devices for immediate and direct review of X-ray,
laboratory and medical records data.The new outpatient treatment area has six large spaces in a single
treatment center and four one-bed rooms and is fully equipped for isolation, advanced care and cell
pheresis procedures.
A ‘Hospital within a Hospital’
“With the additional space and greatly improved infrastructure to our expanded Cancer Center, we are able
to provide a new level of care that offers real hope for cure to cancer patients in our state and region,” said
Peter J.Tutschka, M.D., Physician-in-Chief of the Cancer Center and the Chief of the Hospital’s Section of
Hematology/Oncology. “Equally important, our expanded Cancer Center will greatly improve the quality
of life for our patients by giving them as much independence and control over their lives as possible, since
we deliver virtually all care in an outpatient setting.This ‘hospital within a hospital’ concept allows us to provide
even the most complex chemotherapy treatments comfortably and safely so that patients can return home
each evening.”
The space will also facilitate the new organ-specific multidisciplinary cancer clinics, making Saint Francis a
leading-edge facility providing an unprecedented level of streamlined care for the Greater Hartford region and
beyond.These clinics will serve patients with gastrointestinal, lung, blood, breast, urological and gynecological
cancers. In addition, a new, on-site special chemistry laboratory will provide immediate test results for patients.
Our goal at Saint Francis is to provide access to superior healthcare for every individual.To obtain that
goal, we need the support of the community – generous individuals, corporations and foundations. Please
consider a gift to The Campaign for Saint Francis Care – Building Today for the Miracles of Tomorrow.
For more information, contact the Saint Francis Foundation at (860) 714-4900. Thank you!
MIRACLES, the annual black-tie gala of Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center, marked its 16th
year on Saturday, October 1, 2005. This year’s event, attended by nearly 1,400 guests, was held at an
outstanding new venue, The Connecticut Convention Center.
An evening of dinner and dancing to the music of
Big City Swing, a nationally-acclaimed orchestra from
New York City was enjoyed by those in attendance.
MIRACLES once again had a silent art auction
curated by Janice La Motta of Paesaggio Fine Art
in Hartford. A wonderful new component of the
event was a silent auction of fine collectible wines, all
donated by individuals. Not only did this provide an
additional dimension of interest, it also contributed to
the record-breaking fundraising initiative.
Marilda Gandara, President, Aetna Foundation, Inc. addresses the
audience.Through the generosity of the Foundation, Saint Francis
continues to operate the Aetna Foundation Children’s Center
which meets the medical and social needs of children who have been
physically and emotionally abused. Aetna was the title sponsor
of this year’s MIRACLES.
The beneficiaries of MIRACLES XVI are the
programs and services provided by Saint Francis
Hospital and Medical Center for “children at risk.”
With a broad spectrum
of healthcare services
ranging from maternal
and fetal medicine to
Top Row, L-R: Christopher and Eileen Dadlez with Archbishop Henry Mansell; Hartford Fire Chief Charles Teale and his wife, Helaine; Brad Davis,
MIRACLES Master of Ceremonies, with his wife Rosanna. Bottom Row, L-R: MIRACLES co-chairs Janet Newman, Patricia Gould and Dawn Bauer;
Maureen and Brendan Fox, M.D.; Eileen and Christopher Dadlez with Cindy and Jake Scheinerman, M.D..
accident prevention, Saint Francis touches the lives
of thousands of Hartford children. Beneficiary
programs included the Aetna Foundation Children’s
Center for child abuse services, the Hospital’s Maternal
and Fetal Medicine Department and Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit, the Jaycees Center for the Evaluation of
Children’s Development, Saint Francis Behavioral
Health Inpatient Services,The Healthy Homes Project,
the Violence and Injury Prevention Program, the
Nurturing Families Network and the Saint Francis
Parent Aide program.
MIRACLES was first held in 1990 to celebrate
the affiliation of Saint Francis Hospital and Medical
Center and Mount Sinai Hospital. Over the years,
the gala has raised nearly $7 million for a wide range
Guests enjoy the silent wine auction, a new feature to this year’s MIRACLES.
of clinical and community based beneficiaries.Today,
it is the largest annual black-tie affair held in the
Hartford area.
Spirit Awards
Ellen Lysak, Elaine Dalton and Mary Kay Godar were the
recipients of the 2005 Spirit Awards.This award is presented
annually to individuals whose contributions reflect their
longstanding loyalty and dedication to the Hospital.
Cancer Center Opening
The Most Reverend Henry J. Mansell,Archbishop of Hartford
and Rabbi Howard Wolk, President of the Greater Hartford
Rabbinic Council share a moment at the blessing and
dedication of the newly expanded Saint Francis/Mount
Sinai Regional Cancer Center.
Women’s Auxiliary
Remembrance Way
At the Women’s Auxiliary Remembrance Way Celebration,
Malcolm Galen, M.D., Medical Director Saint Francis Hospital
PHO and Jean Carosella, M.S.W., Dialysis Unit talk about
Bea Nimrod’s life and 50-year career as a Saint Francis nurse.
A brick was placed in honor of Bea.
Rehab Hospital 10th Anniversary
Christopher Dadlez, President and CEO; Sister Judith Carey,
Vice President for Mission Integration; Robert Krug, M.D.,
Chairman/Director, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
and Paul Stillman,Vice President, Mount Sinai Campus prepare
to cut the cake at the tenth anniversary celebration of
The Rehabilitation Hospital of Connecticut.
Race for the Cure
Hospital employees and members of the Women’s Auxiliary
pose before participating in the Komen CT Race for the
Cure in June.The race raises funds for the Susan G. Komen
Breast Cancer Foundation whose mission is to eradicate
breast cancer as a life-threatening disease through research,
education, screening and treatment.The Hospital is a major
sponsor of the event.
Rehabilitation Hospital of
Connecticut Golf Classic
Lorraine Albanesi, Mary Lou Edmonds, Mary Jarvis and
event co-chair Jackie Gfeller prepare to play in the ninth
annual Rehabilitation Hospital of Connecticut Golf Classic.
Celebration of Life
Brigette Tutschka addresses the audience prior to the release
of butterflies symbolizing life during the ninth annual
Celebration of Life held on September 25. In addition to
the butterfly release, activities at the event included tours of
the newly expanded Saint Francis/Mount Sinai Regional
Cancer Center, a picnic lunch and a jazz trio.
Chamber Music Concert
A chamber music concert entitled “Celebrating Hope and
Healing” was held in recognition of the observance of
September as Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month.
The concert featured Wendy Pender-Cudlip (far right),
a grateful patient who was treated for gynecologic cancer
at Saint Francis. Funds raised benefited the Program for
Integrative Healing.
Dragonboat Races
A group of breast cancer survivors and Hospital employees
successfully competed in the Riverfront Dragon Boat Festival
in September.
Lena Oliva Plaque
Christopher Dadlez, President and CEO and Lena Oliva,
benefactor unveil a plaque that honors the Oliva family’s
generosity to the Saint Francis/Mount Sinai Regional
Cancer Center.
The Honor Roll of Donors recognizes those whose generous support helps to ensure the Hospital’s
continued excellence by providing annual fund and capital campaign gifts for new facilities, stateof-the-art technology and high-quality programs and services.
The gifts listed below represent annual fund donations (over $100) from March 1, 2004 to
September 30, 2005 as well as capital campaign commitments from May 1, 2002 to September
30, 2005.The extensive list of Tribute Gifts will be reported in the next issue of Profiles
in Caring.
Chairman’s Circle
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Marc C. Abrahms
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Marilyn Alfeld
Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Archdiocese of Hartford
The Beatrice Fox Auerbach
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Budd
Mrs. Shirley M. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Caputo
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Comey
ConnectiCare, Inc.
Connecticut Health and
Education Facilities Authority
Connecticut Health Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George S.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez
Mr. and Mrs. Geraud Darnis
Dr. and Mrs. David D’Eramo
Dornenburg Group, LLC
Miss Helen Fanning
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fiondella
Mrs. Barbara L. Flynn
Reverend Henry C. Frascadore
The Estate of Angela L. Gionfriddo
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Goldenberg
The Estate of Catherine Guethlein
The Estate of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold L. Hart
The Hartford Financial Services
Group, Inc.
Hartford Foundation for
Public Giving
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection
and Insurance Co.
Henkel Loctite Corporation
Maximilian E. & Marion O.
Hoffman Foundation
ING Foundation
The Alice C. Jarvis Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Kelly
R. C. Knox and Company, Inc.
Mrs. Georgette A. Koopman*
Karl and Tina Krapek
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lentini
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Marziali
MassMutual Financial Group
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. McInerney
The Estate of John M. McNally
The Estate of Mr. and Mrs.
Gerard H. Morrissey
Mount Sinai Association
The Mullane Family
The Estate of Mary V. Munger
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Murphy/
Murphy Security Service LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell
Mrs. Louis J. Oliva
The Estate of Jean W. Pappas
Radiology Associates of
Hartford, P.C.
Donald Ruffkess Unitrust
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington
The Estate of Pauline H. Schwind
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shima
C. M. Smith Agency, Inc.
St. Paul Travelers
Mr. and Mrs. John M.Trani
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre van Rooy
The Women’s Auxiliary of
Saint Francis Hospital
Woodland Anesthesiology
Associates, P.C.
Century Circle
Anonymous (1)
Dr. and Mrs. Nicolas N. Abourizk
Advest Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Albanesi
The Alumni Assoc. of Saint Francis
Hospital School of Nursing
Mr. Douglas K. Anderson
Drs. Saumitra and Nasima Banerjee
Dr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Barba
Dr. and Mrs. George Barrows
Mrs. Norma L. Barry
The Estate of Claude R. Belliveau
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Berrien
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Bisson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs.William L. Bucknall
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Carey
Dr. Angelo S. Carrabba and
Ms. Jane Formica
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Carver
Chip In For A Cure
CIGNA HealthCare
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Clark, III
Winifred E. Coleman, D.H.L.
Dr. Linda H. Crabbe and
Dr. David Winsemius
Perry M. Dansky, M.D.
Angelo DeFazio, R.Ph., P.D.
Dr. and Mrs. John T. DeMaio
Dr. and Mrs. Luis F. Diez
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Diver
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Driscoll
Richard L. Edwards, M.D.
The Estate of Lucian M. Euliano
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Farrell
The Estate of Carol Morse
Mr. James F. Flaherty, III
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Flaherty, Jr.
Flo-Tech, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Fox
Susan L. Freeman, M.D., M.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Fromson
Mr. and Mrs.Antonio Garofalo, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gassner
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller
Dr. and Mrs. P. Anthony Giorgio
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Godar
Greater Hartford Jaycees
Cheryl and Joseph Grisé
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanley
Dr. and Mrs.Walter Harrison
The Hartford Courant
Foundation Inc.
Hartford Wolf Pack
Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Hoffman
Aaron & Simon Hollander Funds
Mr. Chandler J. Howard
Hughes Health and
Rehabilitation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Jarvis
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jeresaty
Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S.
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Kaplan
Paul Karvoski Memorial Golf
Anita Kelsey, M.D.
Ms. Joanne Klocek
Dr. and Mrs. Bimalin Lahiri
Mr. Ronald F. LaPensée
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Levi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levin
Mr. John R. Longo
Mr. James B. Lyon
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony S.
Andrew J. and Joyce D. Mandell
Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. John Mara
Dr. and Mrs. Allan R. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt
McDonough, Jr.
Mr. E. Merritt McDonough, Sr.
Mrs. Judith G. McDonough
Dr. Raul Mendelovici and
Dr. Pamela Lewis
Mrs. Madeline Ann Milligan
Drs. Margaret and Paul Mitchell
Mr. Amit K. Mody
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moed
Mr. and Mrs.Wayne Morris
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy J. Moynihan
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas F.
Mullaney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Murphy
Beth E. Nelson, M.D.
NewAlliance Foundation
Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
On-Site Support Services Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pabich
The Estate of Fred T. Panagrosso
The Robert & Margaret Patricelli
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Perretta
Pitney Bowes World Headquarters
The Estate of Ruth B. Post
Mrs. Carol McCrann Proom
Mrs. Claire M. Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Rockwell
Mr. Steven H. Rosenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick N.
William C. Russell Trust
Saint Francis Hospital Medical
and Dental Staff
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sams, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo L. Sanchez
Dr. and Mrs. R. Kent Sargent
The Estate of Thomas F. Sarubbi
SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Phyllis L. Schatz, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. S. Jacob Scheinerman
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schepker
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Schulz
Drs. Julia and Howard Shaw
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Shumway
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Small, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Smullen, Jr.
Jonathan R. Sporn, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stillman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Straceski
The Estate of Edward A. Suisman
Ms. Catherine M. Szenczy
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L.Therrien
Mrs. Gloria M.Turco
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J.Tutschka
Eric van Rooy, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L.Whitmire
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F.Wilbur, Jr.
Wiremold/Legrand N.A.
The Solomon and Katie Wohl
Woodland Women’s Services, L.L.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. ZuWallack
Leadership Circle
Anonymous (1)
AIG Matching Grants Program
Applied Proactive
Technologies, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Babkowski
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas O. Barnes
Reverend Thomas J. Barry, J.C.L.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Bauer
Jay B. Benson, M.D.
Ms. Diane Betkoski
Dr. and Mrs. Syed Fazl Ali Bilgrami
Ms. Mona Branchini
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burns
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burt
Mr. and Mrs.Anthony J. Campanelli
Mr. Jere A. Carangelo
Ms. Debra Carragher
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Carrier
Mr. Stephen P. Christopher
Chubb & Son Federal
Insurance Company
Dr. and Mrs.William J. Cibes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cloud, Jr.
Community Foundation of
Western Mass.
Mr. Patrick J. Cosgrove
Most Reverend Daniel A.
Cronin, S.T.D.
Drs. Mary and Chester Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Dalstrom
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva
Mr. Robert J. Falaguerra
Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
Mrs. Elizabeth Frechette
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Fulco
Mr. Ezequiel L. Galo
Mr. Hunter K. Giroux
Mr. and Mrs. R. Max Gould
Ms. Louise Graham
Mr. and Mrs.William R. Griffin
Irma and Morton E. Handel
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas W. Hijeck
Ms.Whitney Hubbs
Hughes & Cronin
Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Karl
Mr. Albert Kissling, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Knoll
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Koseski
Dr. Pamela and Mr.Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kupec
Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Kurtis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Lipton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Loiseau
Manuel Lorenzo, M.D.
Patricia Luhan, Ph.D.
Mrs. Carol B. Martin
Estate of Grace S. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Martin
Ms. Ruthie B. Mathews
Drs.Thalia and Dean Mesologites
Metal Finishing Technologies, Inc.
Ms.Valerie A. Mickewich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Midura, Sr.
Mr. Peter A. Mobilia
Mr. James F. Murphy
Mr. Howard W. Orr
Dr. Lee M. Pachter and Dr.
Deidre Reynolds-Pachter
Mr. and Mrs.Warren C. Packard
The Philip D. & Tammy S. Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. Elliot S. Pollack
Ms. Millicent Prayzner
Pulmonary & Internal Medicine
Association of Greater Hartford
Dr. Susan N. Rabinowe and
Mr. Daniel Rapoport
Zia Rahman, M.D.
Joerg Rathmann, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Reynolds
The Estate of Stephen F. Richards
Mr. and Mrs.William Roston
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schmidt
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Schnatz
Ms. Margaret A. Schwanda
The Estate of Lillian Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Pat L. Sinatro
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Soucier
Spudman Charity Open
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J.Talge
Dr. Sharon Tan and
Dr.Wayne Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Anton W.Taschner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.Taub
Ms. Ernetta A.Van Orden
Mr. and Mrs. David P.Watson
Founders’ Society
Anonymous (1)
Paula K. Anderson, Ph.D.
Antonacci Foundation
Ms. Catherine A. Babick
Mrs. Susan D. Bartsch and
Mr. Robert A. Mileti
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Beaty
The Estate of Antoinette M.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Birnbaum
Ms. Patricia A. Biss
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown
Brown, Raysman, Millstein,
Felder, & Steiner, LLP
Ms. Nancy J. Budds
Ms. Denise M. Burns
Ms. Anne Cahill-Dufour
Mr. Joseph Capone
Ms. Lisa V. Carl
The Hon. and Mrs. Stephen T.
Ms. Josephine M. Cristofaro
Mr. David A. Crowell
Miss Mary E. Curtin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cushman
Mrs. Denise M. Czapracki, R.N.
Reverend Msgr. Charles W.
Daly, S.T.L.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Danek, Jr.
Mrs. Donna P. Davis
Ms. Marilyn Diaz
Ms. Kathleen F. Dimond
Mr. Antonio M. Domingos
Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle
Mr. Robert W. Dunn
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Dworkin
Ms. Carol Eckler
Ms. Evelyn Ertman
Mr. and Mrs.William H. Farley
Dr.Virginia S. Ferlan and
Dr.Timothy Machon
Mr. Robert R. Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Flannery
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Flaxman
Ms. Margaret L. Gaylord
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Gerardi
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Giamalis
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Gibbons, Jr.
Mr. Paul D. Hennessey
The Hermann Family Charitable
Mrs. Joanne K. Hoye
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Hylander
Mr. James W. Jacobs
Emmanuel C. Javier, M.D.
Ms. Patricia C. Johnson
Anna S. Jovanovic, M.D.
Dr. Kathleen A. Kennedy and
Dr. John D. Papandrea
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kiely
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Kilray
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Krajc
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Krug
Mrs. Jane Rowen Kuhn
Ms. Linda A. Kuszaj
The Estate of Irene Lavell
Mrs. Jeanne D. and Mr. John C.
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas D. Lips
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Little
Ms. Ann M. Lizak
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Long
Ms. Maryellen Lyman
Mr. and Mrs. Bret Maffett
Marita Malone, M.D.
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Murray, Jr.
Ms. Nancy A. Neligon
Mr. and Mrs. John F. O’Connell, Jr.
Mr. Richard J. Papanos
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Parmelee
Mr. Philip A. Perrone
Ms. Catherine E. Petrunti
Mr. Robert J. Phelan
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Quartararo
Surita Rao, M.D.
Mr. Carlos A. Rivera
Ms. Maria E. Rodrigues
Ms. Kathleen B. Rogers
Mrs. Jane M. Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Rosen
Dr. and Mrs. Neil L. Schechter
Ms. Carol Schuster
Mr.Terry N. Shook
Ms. Mary L. Simmonds
Ms. Kathleen O. Smith
Ms. Donna G. Sobol
David J. Spinelli, D.M.D.
Mr. Daniel W. Stanton
Mr. Robert A. Strange
Mr. Francis A. Sullivan
Mrs. Doreen M.Tarascio
Ms. Shirley A.Thomas
Ms. Sandra L.Vezina
Mr. Edisio C.Vieira
Mr. Richard Weaver-Bey
Mr.William Witkowsky
Dr. and Mrs. C. Steven Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Woodrow
Dr. Susan Lowery and
Dr. Roy Zagieboylo
Zachs Family Foundation
Ms. Michelle H. Zajac
Mr. Robert T. Zbuska
Roy J. Zuckerberg Family
Woodland Society
Anonymous (1)
Ms. Sandra K. Alexander
All Saints Orthodox Church
Mr. and Mrs. Latham L. Allison
Ms. Helene H. Anthony
Jose M. Arias-Camison, M.D.
Mr. George Bahamonde and
Ms. Jenny Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker
Balch Bridge St Corp
Ms. Pamela H. Bannon
Ms. Diana Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Batch
Ms. Marie L. Benoit-Connors
Frederick J. Bogin, M.D.
Mr. James F. Boucher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bouvier
Mrs. Kimberly A. Brault
Brodeur & Company, CPAS, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Morton B. Brown
Mr. Jerry Buchanon
Mr.William Buckley
Sister Elizabeth M. Burns
Ms. Patricia L. Byrnes
The Estate of Elizabeth A. Callahan
Ernesto M. Canalis, M.D.
Judith A. Carey, R.S.M., Ph.D.
Mr. Christopher M. Carroll
Mr. Jorge M. Carvalho
Reverend Liam C. Casey
Ms. Jody Cella
Mr. Clifford M. Chapman
Ms. Phyllis E. Chapman
Ms.Virginia G. Chipps
Morris N. Cohen, M.D.
Mrs. Sherry Banks-Cohn and
Mr. Robert E. Cohn
Ms. Cheryl B. Collins
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy H. Coppage
Mr.Theodore W. Crommett
Ms. Patricia M. Daigneault
Mr. Artemis H. Damble
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dance
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. DaQui
Mr. Paul F. Davern
Ms. Beverly A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs.William R. Davis
Reverend Robert Decker
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard DeFusco
Tom R. Dekker, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Del Negro
The Delaney Memorial
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Kathleen A. DeMatteo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Devino
Ms. Darlene E. Dionne
Mrs. Joyce DiVenere
Ms. Arlene K. Doherty
Mr. Brian D. Dolge
Ms. Delphine R. Donaghue
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dropick
Dr. and Mrs. Leon DuPlessis
Maria L. Ellis, M.D.
Ms. Lynne M. Erickson
Mr. Julio E. Fernandez
Ms. Faye M. Ferris
Festa Della Republica
Mr. Joseph D. Filomeno
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fiondella
Mr. and Mrs. John Fiori, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Fisher
Mr.Terry B. Fletcher
Mr. Robert J. Fliss, Jr.
Kelly Flynn, M.D.
Ms. Holly A. Foetsch
Mr. Alfred C. Forster
Ms. Pamela J. Fowler
Mr. Paul Freitas
Ms. Susan J. Fullana
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gales
Mr. Alexander Gavitt, Jr.
Ms. Joan B. Gialluca
Mr. Harvey A. Ginsberg
Reverend Msgr.Thomas M. Ginty
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Gionfriddo
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Glassman
Mr. and Mrs.William B. Glotzer
Ms. Patricia J. Goodrich
Mr. Edmund J. Goralski
Richard J. Grayson, D.P.M.
Mr. Joseph Greenier
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Grimes
Mr. Diego F. Grisalez
Ms. Frances Guinipero
Ms. Mary Guinipero
Mrs. Maureen E. Guite
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gunning, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gutmann
Ms. Brenda Haber Sutter
Ms. Kim G. Hanka
Mrs. Marie Hebert-Begley
Mrs. Eugenie B. Hijeck
Mr. Gregory T. Hoogkamp
Mr. and Mrs.Vincent G. Hunt
Ms. Lorraine Hurd
Ms. Deborah Hurst
Ms. Marie F. Jaboin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Jason, Jr.
Ms. Leonore M. Joaquim
Reverend Msgr. Charles B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Johnson
Mr. John Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Johnson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas V. Johnson
Mr. Joao S. Jorge
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Kalman
Mrs. Anne C. Kaminski
Ms. Joann Chapel and
Mr. Robert Kaufman
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Keating, Jr.
Ms. Lauren Kelly
Sister Mary Kelly, C.S.J.
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas D.
Kennedy, III
Ms. Cynthia L. Kiesewetter
Ms. Doris A. Kinsley
Ms. Mary J. Kirchhof
Ms. Karen Kitchens
Mrs. Judith B. Knowlton
Mr. and Mrs. James Kole
Eric M. Kosofsky, D.P.M.
Mrs. Pamela D. Kraiza
Mr. Gerald E. Kulig
Mr. David Kumnick
Ms. Shelley L. Lampron
Mrs. Ellen W. Lawrence
Mr. Jonathan A. Lazzarini
Ms. Jodine M. Leahy
Dr. Lynn and Mr. David LeBlanc
Mr. Michael G. Lemire
Ms. Sheila A. Lennon
Lewtan Family Foundation
Lexington Partners, Inc.
Mr. James F. Ley
Mr. and Mrs.Worth Loomis
Mr. and Mrs. Jae Lorenzet
Ms. Donna J. Lovallo
Mr. and Mrs.Vernon S. Lunt
Ms. Lorraine Mack
Main Street Community
Ms. Linda S. Mangiafico
Dr. and Mrs. Neil F. Mara
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Marra
Ms. Jean F. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Martone
Mrs. Marian C. Mason
Mrs. MaryLinda McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCafferty
Mr. Peter A. McCormick
Ms. Kathleen J. McGann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Reverend and Mrs. Marcus M.
Mr. Joseph Medeiros
Mr.Wesley Mendes
Dr. Lisa Menillo and Dr. Otto Weis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Messier, Jr.
Middlesex United Way, Inc.
Ms. Mary-Beth Moriarty
Adam P. Mucinskas, D.P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Murphy
Jacqueline C. Napper, M.D.
Mr. Gary E. Neilan
Ms. Ann R. Nelson
Mr. David A. Neville
Mr. and Mrs.William J. Newman
Ms. Kristen P. Nichols
Ms. Kathy A. Noel
Ms.Theresa M. Nunes
Dr. Mark Obadowski and
Dr. Karen Magnuson
Mr.Walter J. Oppelt
Mrs. Sharon Ormstedt
The Estate of Mary C. Oswald
Ms. Donna A. Peacock
Ms. Susan E. Pearson
Ms.Wendy J. Pelkey
Mr. and Mrs. David Pena
Ms. Roberta M. Peron
The Phoenix Companies, Inc.
Mr. Daniel M. Pierce
Ms. Georgia B. Pope
Mrs. Catherine H. Posteraro
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Potter
Ms. Elaine F. Pratt
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pryor
Mr. John Quinlavin
Dr. and Mrs. Richard I. Reaback
Mr. Carlo A. Reale
Mrs. Martha Rebmann
Mr. and Mrs.William Reis
Ms. Sandy E. Renfro
Mr. Keith T. Revaz
Ms. Raquel L. Rhone
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Richter
Mr. Albert Rizzo
Mr. John C. Roberson
Mr. Luis Rodriguez
Elizabeth Romac
Karrenberg, D.P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Rosenberg
Ms. Deborah Rossi
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Rotatori
Ms. Jeanne M. Roush
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruef
Robert D. Rutstein, D.P.M.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Sadler
Mr. Milton Santiago
Ms. Nancy G. Scanlon
Mr. Craig W. Schmechel
Mrs. Shelley T. Schulman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Schwedel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Shanfield
The Estate of Eleanor M. Smith
Mrs. Melinda W. Smolkin
Sorenson-Pearson Family
Ms. Rose Stamilio
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stearns, Jr.
Mr. Robert J. Stratton, Jr.
Ms. Antoinette C. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan
Mr.Thomas L. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E.Templeton
Ms. Maureen Tiroletto
Ms. Kathleen Tummillo
Ms. Lauren J. Underhill
Mr. Fred J.Verrilli
Ms. Kathy C.Vieira
Mr. Manuel L.Vieira
Mr. Anthony J.Vitale
Mr. Robert J.Volz
Ms. Gloria G.Walsh
J.H. & C.K.Walton Fund
Mr. Andrew J.Wasilewski
Ms. Alexandra Welch
Mr. Robert D.Wilkins
Ms. Holly A.Wills
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K.Wilson, Jr.
Ms. Joan Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. David Winter
Kristen E.Winters, D.P.M.
Ms. Donna L.Wirthman
Ms. Ann C.Wojcicki
Mr. George Wood
Ms. Kathleen Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.Wozniak
Capital City Club
Anonymous (1)
Ms. Laura E. Abbatemarco
Ms. Sandra M. Alexander
Teresa A. Allen, M.D.
Reverend Anne S. Alvord
Mr. Jon M. Aramendi
Ms. Elizabeth M. Arbeiter
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Armour
Arts Exclusive, Inc.
Ms. Susan A. Bailey
Ms. Gladys L. Baker
Mr.Wallace Barnes and
The Hon. Barbara H. Franklin
Ms. Erin E. Barry
Mr. George J. Baylock
Ms. Gail Beaulieu
Ms. Sarah A. Begina
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bernardini
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Betts
BL Companies, Inc.
Mr. David J. Black
Mr. and Mrs. David Black
Donna Boccelli, D.P.M.
Mr.Vito A. Botticello
Ms. Diane D. Bouchard
Ms. Elizabeth D. Bouchard
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Boyle
Mr. John J. Brady
Ms. Jorgina Braga
Ms. Margarida Braga
Ms. Debra C. Bridgewater
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S.
Bruttomesso, Sr.
Ms. Nancy Burton
Ms. Madalena M. Cabral
Mrs. Sally D. Campbell
Ms. Dana Cantiello
Ms. Rose P. Carter
Central Connecticut
Cardiologists, LLC
Ms. Linda Chagnon
Mr. Antonio B. Chaves
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Chaves
Mr.W. Reed Chisholm, II
Ms. Carol L. Choomack
Ms. Donna C. Claffey
Ms. Ruth Clancy
Ms. Susan Clarke
Dr. and Mrs. Steven R. Cohen
Ms. Michele F. Connors
Ms.Wendy T. Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Cooper
Mr. Sergio D. Correia
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Cosker
Mr. Albert A. Costa
Mr. Richard W. Coyle
Ms. Susan Crawford
Mrs. Marianne C. Cronkhite
Mr. Robert T. Cross
Mrs. Natalie Cummings
Mrs. Elizabeth Cunha
Ms. Maria R. Cunha
Mrs. James P. Curley
Dr. and Mrs.Timothy L. Curran
Ms. Denise B. Currier
Mrs. Sharon M. Cutler
E. Steven Damon, D.P.M.
Mr. Daniel D’Angelo
Ms. Catherine L. Davis
Ms. Evelyn C. Davis
Mr. John H. Davis, Jr.
Ms. Angela Dejesus
Delta Industries
Ms. Janet A. Deltenre
Ms. Judy F. Demarest
Ms.Wanda DeRonck
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Deschamps
Ms. Iris G. Dichner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dombi
Mr. Kevin P. Donahue
Ms. Lisa Dorr
Ms. Diana S. Downs
Mr. Anthony L. Drapelick
Mr. Joseph C. Driscoll
Ms. Esperanza R. Ducharme
Mrs. Ellen O. Duell
Ms. Jacqueline Dunbar
Ms. Elaine M. Durato
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Edmunds, Jr.
Ms. Joan O. Elliott
The Hon. and Mrs.
Joseph J. Fauliso
Mr. Robert M. Fechtor
Ms. Margaret Fernald
Mr. Jorge B. Fernandes
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Ferrante
Mr. Jose M. Ferreira
Ms. Maria C. Fiano
Ms. Felicia Flaherty
Mrs. Angela C. Flammia
Mr. and Mrs. John Foley
Gordon E. Fosdick, D.P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fraleigh
Ms. Laudalina G. Freitas
Mr.Yefim Frenkel
Mrs.Terry M. Gagne
Mr. Howard J. Gaines
Mr. Robert E. Gauvin, Jr.
Mr.Theodore M. Gawlicki
Mr. Edward C. Gendreau
Ms. Sheila Gifford
Mr. John A. Giordano
Ms. Michele Giuliano
Dr. and Mrs. Bertram Gold
Mr. Louis J. Golden and
Ms. Margaret Buchanan
Delores P. Graham
Ms. Patricia A. Graham
Mr. and Mrs.Victor Greenberg
Ms. Judith A. Gregson
Dr. and Mrs. Gary F. Grilli
Mr. Marcel J. Grondin
Ms. Ceya L. Guilford
Mr. Patrick Gunn
Mr. James M. Hafford
Ms. Marcelle Haffreingue
Ms. Nancy A. Hagen
Mr. Richard G. Hajjar
Ms. Barbara A. Hamel
Ms. Derri L. Hamilton
Ms. Ellen F. Hankard
Ms. Hattie C. Harbour
Mrs. John T. Heagney, Sr.
Mrs. Patricia A. Healy
Ms. Cathy B. Hebert
Mrs. Noreen M. Hendley
Sister Sally M. Hodgdon, C.S.J.
Hoffman Enterprises
Stanley Alfeld
Stanley Alfeld, a Director of Saint Francis Care and the
Saint Francis Foundation, passed away in July. He was
a mentor and friend to many in the Greater Hartford
community and the Saint Francis family. The Hospital
was blessed to have Stan’s involvement and is grateful
for his business acumen, spirit of life and desire to
make Saint Francis a world-class institution.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Hook
Mr. and Mrs. Denis E. Horgan
Mr. Arthur H. House and
Dr. Rita D. Jepsen-House
Ms. Sandy M. Howard
IBM Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Inguanti
Ms. Susan Ives
Mr. Antonio J. Janeiro
Ms. Sheila J. Junious
Ms. Karen S. Kaeser
Jeffrey S. Kahn, D.P.M.
Ms. Joan M. Karpuk
Mr. John B. Keane
Dr. and Mrs.William P. Keefe
Keeney Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Jean T. Kelleher
Ms. Peggy S. Kent
Ms. Stella Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Kinsella
Kohn-Joseloff Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Elaine Kovach
Mrs. Anna Krempl
Mr. Andrew G. Labrot, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. LaCava
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Lafaw
Mr. John F. Lagosz
Mrs. Kathleen Langan
Ms. Caron D. Lanouette
Mr. Edson Lawrence
Mr.William R. Leahy
Ms. Kristine B. LeFebvre
Mr. John J. Leone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason W. Limansky
The Lindberg & Ripple Company
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Lindboe, Jr.
Mr. Raymond Lindsley
Mr. Michael J. Lombardi
Ms. Elaine T. Lowengard
Mrs. Kathy M. Maher
Ms. Nancy L. Mahony
Mr. Marco Maio
Ms. Claudia Malino
Irwin T. Mancall, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse S. Marotta
Mr. George D. Marquis
Ms. Audrey M. Marshall
Ms.Victoria P. Marshall
Mrs. Carolyn B. Martindale
Ms. Jennifer M. Martino
Mr.Terry L. Mason
Mrs. Allison Matheson-Laudati
Ms. Miroslawa Matosz
Mr. John A. Matuszko
Ms. Paula M. Mayo
Mr. Arnell McCormack
Ms. Sharon R. McCray
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mccue
Ms. Corliss McCusker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McHugh
Mr. John S. McLean, Jr.
Ms. Janice M. McLear
Ms. Farrah McMahon
Mr. Gerald C. McNamara
Mr. Robert B. Menschel
Ms. Caroline S. Merrick
Ms. Dolores M. Messier
Mr. Angelo Messina
Ms. Pamela J. Michaels
Ms. Cynthia G. Michaud
Ms. Betty D. Mieczkowski
Ms. Leola Miles
Dr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Miller
Mrs. Debra Mlinek
Ms. Linda Moffitt
Ms. Judy A. Monroe
Ms. Susan E. Montminy
Mr. J. Michael Moore
Ms. Rafael A. Morales
Mr. Reynaldo Morales
Mrs. Regina Moskey
Mr. and Mrs. B. Mossavar-Rahmani
Ms. Corinne A. Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Murphy
The Estate of Catherine Muska
Mrs. Gloria J. Myers
Ms. Margaret E. Nagle
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Navage
Mr. David C. Neff
Mr. Ceferino C. Ng
Niantic Community Church
Mr. Pedro Nieves
Ms. Karen N. Northrop
Mr. Emile G. Noujaim
Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert O’Brien
Mr. Steven M. O’Keefe
Mrs. Jeanne H. O’Neil
Ms. Ava M. Opalach
Mr. Juan A. Ortiz
Ms. Rosenne L. Orvis
Mr. Armindo A. Pacheco
Mr. Antonio C. Paiva
Mr. Joseph Pallis
Mr. Philip J. Peluso
Mrs. Idalina C. Pereira
Drs. Anne Marie and
Stephen M. Perlmutter
Ms. Judith A. Petrone
Mr. Diem H. Phan
Ms. Mary Agnes Phelan
Mr. Lawrence D. Pierce
Mr. John R. Pike
Mr. Steven L. Pilver
Ms. Susan A. Pinkham
Mrs. Karen N. Pitkin
R.M. Jone & Co., Inc.
Mr.William Ramos
Mr. Dennis C. Redden, Jr.
Reid and Riege, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Reid
Mrs. Lucille Reynolds
Mrs. Irving S. Ribicoff
Mrs. Greta L. Rich
Mr. Ken Richardson
Ms. Donna Ricketts
Ms. Dorothy E. Riley
Mr.Timothy P. Riley
Mr. Andrew S. Rinkavage
Ms. Ana C. Rivera
Mr. Robert P. Roberge
Ms.Veronica F. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mr. Ralph Rossano
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Rotavara
Ms. Pamela Rothenberg
Ms. Cathy A. Roy
Mr. Charles T. Salvatore
Mr. Juan G. Sanchez
Saint Francis Hospital
Retirees Club
Mr. Paul E. Santanella
Drs. Karla and Michael Scanlon
Mrs. Jennifer S. Schneider
Mrs. Jeanne F. Schoen
Mrs. Marian Sciacchitano
Ms. Kathleen A. Scotti
Ms. Lorraine D. Scrivano
Mrs. Martha A. Segui
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shanks
Ms. Jayne M. Shea
Ms. Barbara A. Shelanskas
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Sibella
Mr. David M. Silfen
Mr.William D. Simpson
Ms. Sandra B. Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D.
Sinsigalli, Jr.
Sisters of Saint Joseph
Mrs. Lucille R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Smith
Mr. John F. Soha
Mr. Sheldon S. Sones
Ms. Maria F. Sousa
Ms.Vernette Soutar
Ms. Karen Stasinos
Ms. Susan M. Stebbins
Ms. Patricia A. Stefanow
Mr. George F. Stelmack
Ms. Mary Sternberg
Ms. Leslie Suarez
Ms. Nancy M. Sullivan
Ms. Maria A. Summa
Ms. Amy B.Taranovich
Ms. Louise M.Thomas
Eric M.Thompson, D.P.M.
Ms. Marta J.Tipping
Mr.Victor F.Tomasso
Mr. Stephen Tracy
Ms. Carolyn H.Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tymkow, Jr.
UBS Matching Gift Program
Ms. Deborah Ugoretz
Benedict C.Valentine, D.P.M.
Ms. Linda Z.Varcoe
Mr. Margaro Velez
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Voog
Dr. Goolcher J.Wadia and
Mr. Jimmy Wadia
Ms. Donna C.Walker-Thomas
Ms. Raquel Welch
Mrs. Judith B.Welcome
Mr. Frank E.Wellersdieck
Clarence W.Welti, P.C.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Mr. Arthur D.Williams
Mr. Jerome C.Williams
Miss Ann M.Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Willingham, Sr.
Ms. Elizabeth A.Winkler
Mr. Peter J.Wirth
Mr. Peter P.Wonsewicz
Ms. Bonnie Zebrowski
Ms. Cynthia F. Zotter
Mr. Donald Zurell
1897 Club
Anonymous (8)
AAA Industrial Temporaries, Inc.
Abbott Ball Company
Mrs. Eleanor P. Abel
Mr. Grigory Abramovich
Dr. Jonathan H. Abrams and
Dr. Adrienne B. Berke
Accra-Temp, Inc.
Ms. Diane Achenbach-Zatorski
Acme-Monaco Corporation
Mr. Charles Adams
Ms. Gloria J. Adams
Ms. Judith A. Addazio
Advanced Printing Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Agins
Mr. Leonard J. Agnew
Miss Nellie A. Agostino
Tesfaye Aklilu and Negest Retta
Mr. Luis M. Albuquerque
Ms. Lynn C. Aldrich
Mr. Gregory K. Aldridge
Ms. Joyce A. Alexander
Mrs. Claudette G. Alleyne
Mr. and Mrs.Warren J. Almquist
ALSTOM Power Inc.
Mr. Mark P. Alves
Ms.Tina Alves
Ms. Maria C. Amaral
Mr. Rory O. Amaya
Wendy L. Amblo, M.D.
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Ambrosi
The American School for the Deaf
Ms. Linda M. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Sherwood Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Loren J. Andreo
Mr. Raymond S. Andrews, Jr.
Mr. Louis Annino
Ms. Deborah J. Anthony
Mr. Owen Antoine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Antoniac, Sr.
Mr. Ernesto Aponte
Mr. Savitri M. Appiah
Ms. Paula A. Ardel
Arizona Research Center
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Armetta, Jr.
Arnold and Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph P. Arnold
Mrs.Vicki Arpin
Mr.Thomas Arrigoni
Mr. John R. Arrington
Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson
Ms. Sandra J. Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs.William H.August, Jr.
Avon - St. Paul Hockey
Mr. and Mrs.William L. Axline
Mr. Anwar Aziz
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Bahre
Mr. Chris R. Baier
Mr.Wilbur H. Baisinger and
Ms. Amy Lee Davis
Ms. Marcia T. Bajjo
Mr. Jeffrey D. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. George Balaschak
Mrs. Beverly B. Baldwin
Ms. Erin Ballou
Mr. Andrew E. Balosie
Ms. Ann L. Banda
Ms. Sue F. Banks
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F.
Ms. Beverly A. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barnett
Mr. Paul J. Barnett
Ms. Allison A. Barringer
Mr. John F. Barry
Ms. Rosemarie M. Barry
Mr.William H. Barton
Ms. Janet H. Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Batterson
Mr. Alvin H. Baum
Mrs. Arline J. Baum
Mr. Brian E Baumgart
Ms. Mary O. Bavier
Mr.William H. Bayrer
Mr. and Mrs. Chester R. Bazyk
Mr.Thomas J. Beaulieu
Ms. Claudia Bechard and Family
Ms. Betty Beck
Mrs. Patricia D. Beckley
Ms. Gloria P. Beebe
Mr. Robert J. Beeman
Bel Air Investment Advisors LLC
Mr. and Mrs.Walter S. Bell
Ms. Sara L. Bellefleur
Ms. Nila B. Bellody
Dr. and Mrs. Gary H. Belt
Mr. Michael J. Belzo
Dr. and Mrs. Claudio Benadiva
Mrs. Joan L. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Bensen
Mrs. Marion P. Berard
Ms. Lillian L. Bergeron
Ms. Myra Berges
Mr. John A. Berman
Mr. Jose A. Bermudez
Mr. Joel J. Bernstein
Mr. Myron Bernstein
Mrs. Rose Z. Bernstein
Ms. Diane C. Bertrand
Ms. Mamie R. Bibbins
Ms. Carol A. Bielecki
Biella Construction Company
Bielonko Farms
Ms. Dorothy A. Bieszad
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Bigos
Ms. Mary I. Bihlmeyer
Mr. Robert O. Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bishop, III
Ms. Joanne Biskupiak and
Mr.Tony DeSanto
Mr. Anthony Biskupic
Mrs. Nancy J. Bisson
Mrs. Pauline D. Bisson
Ms. Louise Blache
Ms. Dorrett Black
Mr. Scott D. Black
Mr. and Mrs.William R. Blackham
Ms. Karen A. Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Blanchette
Mr. and Mrs.William Blazinski
Mr. and Mrs.William Blecher
Ms. Frances M. Blessing
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua C. Block
Mrs. Cynthia L. Blozie
Bob’s Discount Furniture
Mr. Nicholas C. Bochain
Mr. Robert M. Boesch
Mr. Robert Bolam
Ms. Denise Bolduc
Ms. Laura A. Bolella
Bolton & Company
Mr. John L. Bonee
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Bonee
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bonelli
Mr. Henry T. Bonney
Reverend Mark J. Bonsignore
Mrs. Ann S. Boornazian
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Boornazian
Mr.William H. Boornazian
Ms. Corinna R. Bordewieck
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W.
Mr. Dennis Borkman
Mr. and Mrs. Cosimo J. Bosco
Ms. Marjorie Bossi
Mr. Frank Bottaro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bouchard
Mr. and Mrs. Claud D. Bourret
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bouvier
Bozzuto’s Inc.
Ms. Arlene Brace
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe S. Brancato
Mr.Thomas C. Brasco
Ms. Heather C. Bray
Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Brayer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brazil
The Jonathan Bremmer Family
Mr. Bailey Brenn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs.Terrence S. Brewer
Ms. Pamela K. Bridgman
Ms. Kristen Brillo
Bristol Boys & Girls Club
Association, Inc.
Ms. Janaki M. Bro
Ms. Natalie Broadbent
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy J. Brockway
Ms. Delrose Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Broderick
Ms. Amy Brodeur
Ms. Shirley Brodrib
Mr. and Mrs.William T. Bromage
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bronsord
Mr. Donald Brookman
Ms. Mary M. Brooks
Brooks Pharmacy
Ms. Sarah F. Brown
Ms.Teresa Brown
Mrs. Marion Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bruner
Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich Brunken
Ms. Judy Brusby
Ms. Katharine Van R. Brush
Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Bruyette
Mrs. Jennifer B. Bryant-Sevigny
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C.
Buckingham, Jr.
Ms. Barbara M. Buckley
Mr. Mark F. Budaj
Mr. Robert H. Bullis
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford S. Burdge, Jr.
Mrs. Anne B. Burke
Mr. Francis R. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burke
Mrs. Nancy Burns
Mr.William Burns
Mrs. Jeanne L. Burr
Ms. Evelyn Bushkoff
The Bushnell
Mr. Lance F. Bylow
C & S Distributors, Inc.
Ms. Barbara L. Cable
Ms. Gilda M. Cabral
Ms. Linda M. Calcagni
Ms. Allison L. Calhoun-White
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Callahan
Calvery Presbyterian Church
Bible Study
Calzone Case Co.
Mr. Robert W. Camp
Ms.Valerie J. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Can
Ms. Patricia A. Carbone
Ms.Verna Carduff
CareGain, Inc
Ms. Nicole M. Cari
Ms. Bonnie Carilli
Ms. Linda Carillo
Ms. Nancy M. Carlson
Ms.Victoria S. Carmona
Ms.Tanya L. Carpenter
Ms. Noel Carrasquillo
Mr. John J. Carson
Dr. Patricia and Mr. Carl Carta
Ms.Tracy Carter
Ms. Paulette A. Caruso
Ms. Kimberly A. Case
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Catanio
Mr. Chandler M. Caton
Mr. Joseph S. Cattafe
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cattelan
Mr. Stephen Cauffman
Mr. and Mrs.William R. Caval
Mr. Richard H. Cave
Ms. Mary P. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. B. Chan
Ms. Susan Chandler
Ms. Corinne E. Chant
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Chapman
The Rhoda and David Chase
Family Foundation
Mr. Bejoy Cheriyan
Cheshire H.S. Soccer
Parents Association
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Chiara
The Corrado Family
Mr. Kashmiri L. Chopra
Ms. Joanne G. Chozick
Ms. Janet A. Chua-Reyes
Ciencia, Inc.
Ms. Elaine Cimino
Ms.Theresa Ciocci
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Clark, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Clark
Mr. Gustavo A. Clarke
Classic Construction of the
Palm Beaches, Inc.
Classic Hair Design of Unionville
Clemens & Associates, Inc.
Mr. S. Prescott Clement
Mr.Valentino D. Clementino
Mr.William E. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Cline
Reverend Henry P. Cody
Mr. Frederic Cohen
Mrs. Laurel M. Cohn
Mr. Nicholas Cohn
Ms. Diane Colasanto
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Collins, Jr.
Mr.Willie Collins III
Ms. Margaret F. Collins
Ms. Sally A. Collins
Ms. Rena J. Colo
Ms. Candace L. Colonese
Mr. and Mrs. Luis O. Concepcion
Mrs. Mary A. Condit
Connecticut Humane Society
Connecticut State Society of
Anesthesiologists, Inc.
Connecticut Stone Industries
Mr. and Mrs.William M. Connelly
Mr. James G. Connolly
Mr. Mark R. Connolly
Ms. Maureen Connors
Mr. Robert A. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Cooley
Ms. Sally W. Cooney
Cooney, Scully and Dowling
Mr. Bradford A. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. M.Timothy Corbett
Ms. Patria M. Corcino
Ms. Cheryl Cordeira
Mr. Dominic A. Cordone
Mr.Thomas H. Corrigan
Mrs. Mary K. Cosgrove
Ms. Dolores Cosker
Mrs. Nicole A. Costello
Cottage Grove Cardiology, P.C.
Mr. Matthew Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Coursey, Jr.
Ms. Cynella E. Cowie
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford E. Cox
Ms. Kathleen J. Coyle
Ms. Melissa D. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Crocker, Jr.
Ms. Andrea Cronin
Ms. Nancy E. Cronin
Ms.Theda Crowder
Reverend and Mrs. James A.
Mr. James M. Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Crowley
Ms. Patricia A Crowley
Mr. Jeffrey L. Crown
Mr. Juan Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cullina
Mr. and Mrs.William M. Cullina
Ms. Margaret M. Cunningham
Ms. Ann M. Curran
Mrs. Genevieve M. Curran
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cushman
Mr. and Mrs.Walter Cwikla
D. Ellsworth Group, LLC
Mr. Rui A. Da Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Dahill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Dailey
Reverend Leo J. Daily
Ms. Donna M. Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Daley
Dr. and Mrs. John D’Alotto
Dr. and Mrs. George Dalton
Ms. Kenna I. Daly
Ms. Ann M. Damato
Mrs. Mary Louise Damuth
Ms. Dorothy M. Danaher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Darnowski
Mr. Jon J. D’Arpino
Ms. Maria D’Ascanio
Ms. Beverly B. Dattilio
Mr. Gary W. Daugherty
Ms. Eleanor L. Davio
Ms. Dottie Davis
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas F.
Davoren, Jr.
Ms. Nancy B. Day
Ms. Jesusita De Pedro
Mr. Jacques de Saint Phalle
Ms. Muriel M. Deck
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Deck
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Decko
Ms. Lisa M. DeGennaro
Mr.Walter E. Delaney
Mr. John P. Delbone, Jr.
Ms. Lisa DelGado
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. DeLuca
Mr. and Mrs.Todd M. DeMatteo
Ms. Krystyna Demusz
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Denapoli
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Deneen
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Denooyer
Mr. Jeff L. Dentler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. DePatie
Mr. Kenneth C. Derrick
Miss Teresa D’Esopo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Devine
Mr. Louis Di Palma
Mrs. Elizabeth A. DiCamillo
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiCicco
Ms. Judith O. Didato
Mr. John D. DiLaurenzio
Mr. Salvatore DiMauro
Mrs. Rosemary W. Dineen
Discover Re Managers, Inc.
Mr. Lois A. Dister
Ms. Debra M. Divenere
Ms. Audreylyn Dixon
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dixon
Doc and Jan Dogherty
Mr. Gerald H. Doherty
Mr.William T. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Dolan
Mr. John L. Dombrowski
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Donahue
Mr. Joseph M. Donahue
Ms. Lorna M. Donofrio
Mr. Edmund Donovan
Dr. and Mrs.Walter Doolittle
Mr. Juan Dos Santos
Mrs. Barbara Dougeneck
Ms. Fidelia C. Douglas
Ms. Stacey L. Douyard
Ms. Mary T. Dowling
Mr.Thomas F. Doyle
Mr. David A. Draghetti
Mr.Walter Dreaher
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Droney, Jr.
Mr. Daniel G. Drouin, Jr.
Ms. Deborah Drown
Ms. Janet Dudek
Mr. Richard B. Duhaney
Ms. Hattie J. Duncan
Duncan, Farmer, Munden,
McIlrath & Cobb, CPA, P.A.
Mr. Joseph T. Dungan
The Hon. and Mrs. Philip R. Dunn
Mr. Jason G. Dupuis
Mr. Omar Durrant
Mr. Matthew D. Durst
Mr. Michael J. Dury
Mr. James J. Dwyer
Dyco Industries, Inc.
Ms. Natalie Dydyn
Ms. Lynne R. Dykstra
Ms. Cynthia J. Dzielenski
Ms. Genowefa Dziewaltowski
Ms. Cheryl Dziura-Duke
EAP Incorporated
Mr. Christopher D. Earlington
Ms. Sonia Echevarria
ECSU Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Edelson
Online Shopping Web Site
Benefits Saint Francis
The Women’s Auxiliary of Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center has teamed up with
OneCause, an eCommerce fundraising system that supports the efforts of non-profit organizations.
The program features an online shopping Web site containing more than 360 of the most
popular Internet retailers. It can be accessed from the Saint Francis Care’s Web site home page.
Clicking on the OneCause logo connects shoppers directly to a listing of hundreds of top online
merchants.When purchases are made through the site, a portion of the sales is given to the
Hospital. For more information, visit the Saint Francis Web site home page (
and look for the OneCause logo.
Edgewood Thursday Night
Golf League
Mrs. Charlotte K. Edkin
Reverend John F. Edwards
Ms. Shawna D. Edwards
Electri-Cable Assemblies, Inc.
Ms. Lisa G. Elflein
Ms. Lori G. Elkey-Brown
Enfield Board of Education
Ms. Ellen E. English
Executive Jet Management
Ms. Mary E. Farago
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farr
Mr. and Ms. Jerry Farrell
The Jack Farrelly Company
Mr. and Mrs.Theodore Fedus
Ms. Mary Feeney and
Mr. Bruce G Mongrain
Ms. Patricia A. Feeney
Ms. Linda Feldman
Mr. Michael J. Ferguson
Ms. Denise G. Fernandez
Mr. Joseph M. Ferraro
Ms. Beverly J. Ferron
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Ferszt
Ms. Jill Fichter
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Ficks
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Fillis
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Filomeno
The Fingold Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fiore
First Church Early Learning Center
First Financial Associates, LLC
Ms. Emily Fisch
Mr. Karl W. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitzgerald
Ms. Jessica Flagg
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fleischmann
Ms. Mary Ann Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Benedict D. Flynn, Jr.
Mr. Robert Fochi
Ms. Ann T. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Foley
Mr. Edgar Fonseca
Mr. Conrad C. Fontaine
Ms. Joyce K. Foote
Ms. Penelope A. Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel S. Forde
Dr. and Mrs.Victor L. Fortin, Jr.
Ms. Gladys Foster
Mrs. Marylou M. Foster
Founders Capital
Management, LLC
Mr. Joseph S. Fowler, III
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Fox
Ludwig M. Frank, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Myron E. Freedman
Mrs. Natalie A. Freeman
David G. Freitas, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Friedman
Ms. Carol Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Frizzell, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon G. Gabel
Ms. Mamie B. Gage
Mrs. Susan Gagliardi
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gale
Ms.Wendy Gallagher
Mr. Michael P. Gallo
Ms. Cheryl L. Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. Felix M. Garlasco
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Garrity
Ms. Frances M. Garrow
Ms. Alice Gawel
Ms. Florence Gay
The GE Fanuc Automation PLC
Application Engineers
Mr.William B. Geary, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gendreau
Mr. John J. Gensheimer
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gentsch
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gernander
Mr. Domenic P. Gesualdo
Ms. Lori Getz
Ms. Laura C. Gezelman
Ms. Luce Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gilligan
Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Gilrain
Mr. Michael M. Ginzburg
Ms. Filomena M. Giordano
The Girouard Family
Mr. Sotirios Gizelis
Mr. Charles R. Glendon
Ms. Fran Gogulski
Mr. Frederick Goldberg
Golden Opportunities Jewelers
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Mr. and Mrs.Willard E. Gombert
Ms. Maria C. Gomes
Mr. Epifanio Gonzalez
Mr. Richard Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. David Gordon
Mr. John S. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gower
V. Grady
Mrs. Deborah R. Grahn
Ms.Theresa Grant
Ms. Barbara Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Gray, Jr.
Ms.Valarie A. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Green
Mr. and Mrs.Arnold C. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Glen R. Greenberg
Dr. Lori L. Greenwald and
Dr. Bruce E. Stein
Gregory Management Co., LLC
Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson Griebel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Griffin
Mr.Thomas G. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Grigoriadis
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Grimaldi
Lorraine M. Grodovich, D.M.D.
Rebecca & Israel Grody
Family Foundation
Miss Nancy E. Grogan
Ms. Gail M. Gruszczynski
Mrs. Kay F. Grzesiuk
Giselle Guevarez
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulish
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gundersen
Mrs. Karen A. Gurba
William R. Gruver Foundation
Marie S. Gustin, Ph.D.
Guy Carpenter & Company, Inc.
Mr. Adam W. Guzick
Ms. Carmen D. Guzman
Mr. Blair Hagy
Ms. Elizabeth K. Hall
Mrs. Placeda Hall
Dr. Esther and Mr. Joseph
Ms. Candice D. Hamilla
Hamilton Sundstrand
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hamlin
Ms. Agnes Hamos
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Hankard
Hansen Landscaping and
Design, Inc.
Harboredge Condominium
Association, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Hardersen
Ms. Mary K. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Harding
Ms. Leiba Harracksingh
Mr. Douglas L. Hart
Hartford Construction
Services, LLC
Hartford Feeder Drivers
The Hartford Golf Club
Hartford H.O.G., Inc.
Hartford Hospital
Anesthesiology, Inc.
Hartford Magazine
Hartford Office of
Northland Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Harvey
Mr. Richard B. Haskell
Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Hathorn
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Heffner
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Heher
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Helm
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Henderson, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Hennessey and
Ms. Mary Hallaren
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Hennessy
Mr. David C. Hermann
Ms. Sergia Hernandez
Mr. Marcos Herrera
Mr. Stephen E. Hesse
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hexter, II
Professor John Higley
Ms. Evelyn W. Hildreth
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Hill
Ms. Christina Hillemeir
Marie T. Hilliard, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs.T. D. Hirschfeld
Mr. David Hoang
Ms. Amy Hodges
Mr.William W. Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hoffman
Ms. Elinor Hoffman
Ms. Joan M. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Horgan
Mr. Donald B. Horner
Mr. and Mrs. Milan J. Hornik
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger T. Hosig
Household Technology & Services
HRP Associates, Inc
Ms. Kimberly A. Hull
Ms. June S. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball H. Hunt
Ms. Nellie N. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. R. Alan Hunter
Ms. Elizabeth F. Hussey
Ms. Darlene Hutchins
Ms. Nicole L. Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Hutchinson, Jr.
Ms. Denise M. Hyland
ING Community and Volunteer
Matching Gifts Programs
Innovative Carpentry, Inc.
Interstate Insurance
Management, Inc.
IPS - Integrated Project Services
ISO New England, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Izard
J.C. Zampell Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Jachym
Ms. Anna M. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. B.Theodore Jacobs
Jacobson Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Jager
The Estate of Charles Janis
Mrs. Renee Janow
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jeffries
Korey A. Jenkins
Jewish Communal Fund
Ms. Kathleen M. Johanns
Ms. Candace H. John
Mr. E. Russell Johnston, III
Mr. and Mrs. Jere Johnston
Ms. Angeline Joiner
Drs. Grace and Peter Judson
Mrs. Irene G. Junga
Mr. Kenneth R. Kahn
Ms. Bernice O. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kalf
Dr. and Mrs. Alois Kallfelz
Ms. Gail F. Karanian
Ms. Mary K. Karl
Mr. and Ms. Herbert Karp
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Kaufman
Mrs. Sylvia Kaufman
Mr. Anthony F. Kayser
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Kazel
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kazmarski
Mr. and Mrs. David Kehmna
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kehmna
Ms. Marion F. Kehoe
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Keith
Mr.Thomas R. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kennedy, Jr.
Kerana Kraft’s Women’s Group
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Kiely
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Kieper
Mr. Charles Kilhenny
Mr. and Mrs. Peter King
Ms.Yvonne King
Ms. Susan P. Kirk
Ms. Lucille G. Kirton
Qassem Kishawi, M.D.
Ms. Norma Kivney
Mr. Jeffrey L. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kleinman
Ms. Suzanne N. Kleszcz
Mr. Gerald J. Klimkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Klingman
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Kloter
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Knierim
Mrs. Carol R. Knight
Ms. Susan L. Koehne
Mr. Andrew Kohut
Ms. Maryann Kolano
Ms. Sylvia Kolodziej
Ms. Antoinette Kondracki
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Konover
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Konover
Mrs. Shirley M. Koplowitz
Mr. Edward P. Kordys
Mr.William J. Korkosz
Mr.Yuriy Kormnov
Mr. and Mrs. Albee M. Korn
Kostin, Ruffkess & Company
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Kosto
Mrs. Kathleen M. Kowalsky
Ms. Jean L. Kozikowski
Mr. and Mrs. Avram R. Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kraus
Ms. Heidi M. Kraushaar
Ms. Patricia P. Krawski
Ms. Lauren Kren
Ms. Monica S. Krikorian
Ms. Elizabeth Krystopa
Ms. Patricia E. Kubick-Rabinovitz
Mr. Paul R. Kuraitis
Mr. Richard F. Lach
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lachniet
Mr. and Mrs. James T. LaCroix, Sr.
Ms. Monica Lafferty Harper
Mr. Claude Lallier
Mrs. Lucille Lambert
Ms. Ovila Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lamson
Mr. Michael J. Lane
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Lane
Ms. Donna Langdo
Mr. Robert Langley
Ms. Christen Lanosa
Mr. and Mrs.Vincenzo Lapira
Mr. Ernest J. Lapointe
Mr. Matthew LaPreay
Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Larkins
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Mario S. Latina
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Latterner
Ms. Jennifer Laude
Mr. Michael LaVerde
Ms. Claudette K. Lawrence
Ms. Catherine
Mr. Kenneth D. Layman
Mr. and Mrs.William J. Layman
Ms. Dian L. Leach
Mr. A. Peter Lecoultre
Mr. John P. Ledonne
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Legowski
Mr. Charlie LeJambre
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Lenihan
Mr. Mark E. Lennox
Miss Eleanor M. Leone
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lessoff
Ms. Margaret C. Levasseur
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Levenson
Mrs. Ann A. Leventhal
Howard Levinbook, D.M.D.
Mr. Marc S. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. F. Peter Libassi
Mr. and Mrs. David Lichtgarn
Mr. and Mrs. David Lightfoot
Mr. Indrik Linask and Family
Lincoln Financial Group
Mr. George Lindley
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Lindquist
Mrs. Evelyn S. Lipton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lis
Ms.Vivelyn A. Llewellyn
Mr. Kenneth Lloyd-Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George Loalbo
Ms. Susan Lockery
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Lohr
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Lombari
Ms. Shirley Londregan
Ms. Deborah L. Lonergan
Mr.William M. Longan
Mr. Donovan R. Longmore
Mr.Victor A. Loura
Mr. Harry J. Love
LoVullo Associates, Inc.
Mr. Leonard T. LoVullo
Ms. Francine R. Lowell
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Lowry
Ms. Maxine H. Lubow
Ms. Phyllis Luczek
Ms. Susan C. Lukas
Ms. Sheila A. Luminati
Mr. Ralph V. Lundgren
Ms. Sien Van Ly
Mrs. Mary L. Lyman
Ms. Kristen Lynch
Mr. David E. Lyon and
Ms. Lynne M. Andreen
Mrs. Catherine Lyons
Miss Mary C. MacDonnell
Ms. Heather Mackay
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy MacNeely
Ms. Cynthia D. Macon
Lurdes M. Magalhaes
Ms. Marion G. Magish
Mr. Harry Magnuson
Miss Kathleen Magowan
Mr. Michael Mahoney
Ms. Maria J. Maimone
Ms. Jennifer L. Maloney
Mr.Vincent A. Mammano
Ms. Nancy A. Mamunes
Manchester Fire Department Eighth Utilities District
Ms. Albertina C. Mancini
Mrs. Genevieve Mango
Mr. Harold J. Manierre
Ms. Catherine Mann
Mr. Peter J. Manning
Ms. Renee Manning
Mr. Ned Manuel
Ms. Ellen Marchand
Mr. Domenic G. Marchi
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Marinelli
Ms.Terrie L. Marino
Mr. Anthony Marion and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Markowski
Ms. Sharon J. Marosek
Mr.Thomas R. Marston
Mrs. Avis M. Martell
Ms. Millicent V. Martin
Ms. Suzanne S. Martin
Mr. Carlos Martinez
Ms. Madeline Martino
Marvin Johnson & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Agnes R. Mason
Masotti Electric, L.L.C
Mr. Robert A. Massa
Mrs. Mildred Massaro
Ms. Susan M. Masse
Mary Beth Mathews, Ph.D.
Ms. Donna M. Matich
Mr. Jose A. Matos
Ms. Maria E. Matos
Mr. Edmond Matthews and Family
Ms. Misty V. Matulewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Matyskiela
Ms. Josephine Mavromatis
Mr. David Maycock
Mr. Robert Mayott
Mrs. Doris J. McAusland
Ms. Kathleen V. McCabe
Ms. Carol E. McCallum
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. McComb
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDonald
Reverend David M. McDonald
Ms. Sandra McDonald
Ms. Sarah J. McDowell
Mr. and Mrs.William L.
McGaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas G. McGee
Ms. Shelaugh L. McGrath
Mr. Stanley P. McGrath, III
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. McGurkin
Ms. Joellen McHale
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. McKay
Mr. Harry B. McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. George P. McKeon
Mrs. June W. McKeon
Ms. Gail L. McKinney-Weaver
Mrs. Deborah A. McLaughlin
Mr. Donovan G. McLean
Mr. Brian McMorrow
Mr. James F. McNally
McNeil Consumer & Specialty
Ms. Frances McParland
Mr. Mark D. McPherson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W.
Ms. M. Patricia McVane
Mrs. Barbara E. Meany
Ms. Colleen E. Meany
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Meehan, Jr.
Mr.Thomas Meehan
Mrs. Diane Meenan
Ms. Rena C. Melendez-Griggs
Ms. Maura L. Melley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melo
Ms.Theresa Meltzer and Family
The Mended Hearts, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mendelson
Ms. Edna E. Mendez
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mense
Mr. Gaetano T. Mercadante
Ms. Phyllis R. Mercadante
Mrs. Michalee Merritt
Mr. Langhorne Messenger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Messina
Mr. Samoeun Mey
Ms. Mary Jane Michaels
Mrs. Sylvia Michalczyszyn
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Michaud
Mr. Anthony Miele
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mikulski
Mrs. Crystal C. Miller
Ms. Hazel R. Mills
Milone & MacBroom, Inc.
Ms. Carolyn Milton
Mrs. Carolyn S. Miscia
Mr. John P. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mitchell
Mr. Silas N. Mitchell
Ms.Tammy L. Mitchley
Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Mokoski
Mr. Stanley F. Montgomergy
Mrs. Joan M. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moquin
Ms. Elsie Morales
Ms. Karla Morales
Mr. Daniel A. Moran
Ms. Kim A. Moras
Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.
Mr. Shea Brian Morenz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Morin
Mrs. Alice K. Morse
Mr.Vahid D. Moseni
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Moses
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Moskowitz
Mrs. Constance P. Moulton
Mountain View Fuel Company, Inc.
Mr. Stephen C. Mouthaan
Ms. Karen T. Mudano
Ms. Kathleen A. Mullaney
Ms. Patricia Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Mulpeter
Mr. Stephen F. Mumford
Mrs. Catherine E. Murphy
Miss Clare T. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Murphy
Mr. John J. Murphy
Mr.Timothy P. Murphy
Mr. Mark A. Murray
Murtha Cullina, LLP
Myrtle Beach Golf Holiday
Law Offices of Nair and Levin, P.C.
Mrs. Mary Jayne Naparkowsky
Ms. Ilda C. Nascimento
National Truck Underwriting
Managers, Inc.
Mr. Jose Navarro
Mr. Edward Navickas
NE Spring & Metalstamping
Mr. Aanen G. Nelsen
Mr. Duane C. Nelson
Mr. Mark E. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs.Vaughn R. Nelson
Mr.Winston A. Nelson
Mr. Abdelslam Nemri
Mrs. Lisa Nestor
Neurosurgical Associates, P.C.
Ms. Meghan Neville
New England Coyote Girls
Hockey Club
New England Excess Exchange
New London County Mutual
Insurance Company
Mr. and Mrs.Anthony W. Newman
Mrs.Wanda W. Newman
Mr. Kevin L. Nichols
Mr. Colin M. Niemeier
Ms. Andrea L. Nilson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. North
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Novitski
Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Nuss
Mr. and Mrs. John T. O’Briant
Clark E. O’Brien, M.D.
Ms. Susanne M. O’Brien
O’Connell, Flaherty, &
Attmore, L.L.C.
Mr. John F. O’Connor
Ms. Anna Ofiara
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Ofshay
Ohmeda Medical
Ms. Linda O’Keefe
Ms. Kathleen Olding
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Oliveira
Ms. Christine M. Olmstead
Mr. John Onderko
Mr. Stephen J. O’Neill
Mr. Joseph M. Oneto
Ms. Adelaide Orfao
Mr. Joseph A. Orosz
Mr. and Mrs. Sirgen M. Orzech
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Orzel
Mr. Roe Osborn
Ms. Mary J. Osterman
Mr. Dorit M. Oswald
Ms. Joy Otaluka
Ms. Mary G. O’Toole
Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Pace
Mr. Joseph L. Pace
Ms. Barbara Pacheco
Ms. Cheryl H. Page
Ms. R. Joan J. Page
Ms. Jane Paine
Painting & Decorating, Inc.
Mr. Richard Palma
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pappalardo
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Pare
Mr. Paul S. Pariser
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas F. Parker
Ms. Leona A. Paslaski
Dr. and Mrs. Dominick N.
Mr. Robert D. Patton
The PBG Foundation - PGB
WINs Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearson
Ms. Debra L. Pedroso
Mrs. Pamela Pelczar
Ms. Christine R. Pelletier
Ms. Nora K. Pelletier
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Pellino
Ms. Chanier Pemberton
Ms. Lisa M. Perdue
Mr. Lev Perelman
Joseph A. Perkins, M.D.
Ms. Elizabeth S. Permedi
Ms. Marie R. Perotti
Ms. Katherine B. Perretta
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey O. Perry
Mrs. Patricia Peta
Ms. Amy Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peterson
Ms. Marie Petrella
Mrs. Anna V. Petrogallo
Mr. Ralph E. Petzold
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Pfizer Inc.
Mr. Rolando E. Phee
Mr. Robert J. Phelps
Mr. Jule W. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Piacentini
Ms. Sheila S. Piantanida
Mr. Patrick Picard
Mr. Ronald D. Piecka
Ms. Sheila A. Piggott
Mr.Victor A. Pippo
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Pittendreigh
Mrs. Dena Pittman
Planned Furniture Promotions
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poirer
Mr. Harry L. Pokorny
Mrs. Jill Polito
Mr. Robert J. Pollack
Mr. Franklin H. Pond
Mr. Patrick A. Porter
Portfolio Advisors, LLC
Mrs. Lucille D. Pranitis
Pratt & Whitney
Mr. David Prescott
Procter & Gamble
Mr. Karl R. Profe
Mr.Thomas Puthiyadom
Ms. Holly E. Pytka
Quality Coils, Inc.
Ms.Virginia Belleniau
Ms. Evelyn B. Quinn
Mrs. Joan E. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. John Quiterio
Ms. Maria P. Quiterio
Mr. and Mrs.Walter Quiterio
Ms. Jeanne Radcliff
Radcliff Wire, Inc.
Mr. Robert W. Rader
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Ragonese
Drs. Sundaram and
Chitraleka Ramanan
Ms. Lucille S. Ramdharry
Ms. Johamie Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Ranard
Mrs. Amy M. Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Randino
Mr. Mario L. Ravizzoli
Ms. Gina M. Reale
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Recor
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Recor
Mrs. Lucia Rees
Mr. Locharles Remas
Ms. Laura Remiszewski
and Family
Mrs. Susan R. Rentz
Mr. Barry A. Rice
Mrs. Bonnie B. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Rich
Mr.Tracy L. Rich and
Mrs.Vanessa L. Bryant
Ms. Jennifer J. Richard
Ms. Donna C. Richards
Mrs. Christine S. Ricketts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Riemer
Reverend John E. Rikteraitis
Mrs. Eleanor M. Rinaldo
Mr. Raymond P. Ristau
Mr. Angel L. Rivera
Ms. Eva Y. Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rixon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rizzo
The Roberts Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Robertson
Robinson & Cole LLP
Ms. Barbara A. Robinson
Mr. Donald W. Robinson, Jr.
Mr. Joseph B. Rodrigues
Ms. Ana I. Rodriguez
Ms. Confessor Rodriguez
Mr. Ricardo Rodriguez
Ms.Teresa Rodriguez
Mrs. Margaret Rohloff
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Romaine
Ms. Carole J. Root
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosadini
Mr. Carlos Rosario
Ms. Glenda Rosario-Lugo
Mr. Everett C. Roseen
Mrs. Paula Rosen
Mrs. Roslyne E. Rosenfield and
Mr. Frank Maslan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rosensweig
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Rosi
Ms. Jeanine Thomas Roth
Mr. Robert Roth
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Rothschild
Mr. David Rothstein
Mr.Thomas A. Roupe
Ms. Donna M. Rowe
Mrs. Carol A. Rowett
Ms. Monique Rowley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rowlson
Mr. Glenn E. Rowtham
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roy, Jr.
Royal Indemnity Company
Ms. May K. Royce
Mr. Simon Roytman
Ms. Carole E. Rubino
Mr. J. F. Ruimerman
Mr. Jesus Ruiz
Ms. Michelle C. Russi
Mr. John J. Russo
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ryals
Ms. Caroline A. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan
Mr. Raymond P. Ryea, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Guy Safino
Ms. Esperanza S. Salazar
Ms. Marian Saldinger
Ms. Patricia A. Sale
Salem Co-Operative Bank
Ms. Shirley T. Salem
Mrs. Ruth S. Salomon
Mr. Igor V. Samegulin
Ms. Beryl Sampson
Ms. Kira Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Sanderson
Ms. Rebecca Santanella
Mr. Amilcar R. Santos
Mr. Antonio M. Santos
Ms. Juanito Santos
Ms. Isabel Santos-Case
Mr. David Sargent
Mr. Deokarran N. Sattaur
Mr. Stephen Savino
Mr. Michael Sawyer
Ms. Kathleen M. Scalise
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J.
Ms. Karen G. Schilling
Mr. Ernest C. Schlesinger
Ms. Judith A. Schmidt
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt F. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs.Warren Schreiber
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Schultz
Mr. James Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz
Mr. Stephen Schwartz
Sconset Inn Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Scott
Mr.William D. Scranton
Scully Motors, Inc.
Mr. Appleton H. Seaverns
Mr. Edward L. Sederquest
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Seifel
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Selden
Edward J. Sennett, M.D.*
Ms. Jean M. Sennett
Ms. Carol B. Seretto
Ms.Theresa Sesko
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Setaro
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shannon
Dr. and Mrs. Howard R. Shapiro
Ms. Carol J. Shasha
Ms. Robin F. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Shea
Mrs. Rosemary A. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheehy
Mr. James Shepley
Mrs.Teresa D. Sheridan and
Mr. James M. Sheridan
Steven C. Shifreen, M.D.
Lisabeth C. Shlansky, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Shlien
Mr.Todd A. Shore
Mr. J.T. Shorney
Mr. Stanley W Shostak
Ms. Susan L. Shuffman
Mr. Jenson Shzu
Mr. Alexander G. Sibicky
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Siegrist
Ms. Conceicao A. Silva
Ms.Teresa Silva
Mr. and Mrs. David Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Simone
Mr. Charles M. Sincerbeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin B. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sitarz
Mrs. Penelope P. Skenderian
Mrs. Betty A. Slabysz
Ms. Claire F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Smith
Edwin O. Smith High School
Ms. Eileen H. Smith
Ms. Frances E. Smith
Lt. Gail L. Smith
Ms. Katherine J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Smith
Ms. Morag Smith
Mr. Norborne G. Smith
Mr. Paul K. Smith
Mr. Richard L. Smith
Ms. Gloria P. Soares
Mr. Jose L. Soca
Mrs. Joan Solnick
Ms. Rose Solomon
Ms. Joan N. Sonski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sorbo, Jr.
Ms. Nora R. Soto
South Windsor Jaycees
Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Sparrow
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Sparveri, Sr.
Ms. Margaret T. Spencer
Mark A. Spencer, M.D.
The Spencer Turbine Company
Ms. Deborah A. Spillane
Mr. Robert Spilman
Mrs. Rita M. Spring
SSIMED Corporation
St. Paul Venture Capital
Mr. and Mrs. Mark St. Pierre
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stack
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas O. Stanfield
Stanley Canada Inc.
Stanley Chiro International
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Ziggy Stanowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Staplins
Ms. Linda C. Starr
State Police Credit Union, Inc.
Ms. Anne A. Stearns
Mr. Craig S. Stearns
Ms. Gretchen L. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Stevens
Mrs. Lucy E. Stewart
Ms. Margo N. Stewart
Mr. Richard Stoddard
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stoltze
Dr. and Mrs. Richard I. Stone
Stoner Drive Book Club
Mrs. Carolyn A. Storrs
Mrs. Janet A. Strauss
Mrs.Yvonne V. Strudwick-Lewis
Mr. Eberhard C. Suche
Suffield House 11-7 Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Suisman
Ms. Maria B. Sulewski
Mr. Bernard R. Sullivan
Dr. Dori T. Sullivan and
Mr. Neil Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan
Ms. Margaret M. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Sullivan
Saint Francis Hospital
Surgical Staff
Mr. Richard Sutton
Swan Associates Inc.
Mr. and Mrs.Wesley W. Swanson
Ms. Elaine M. Swart
Swiss Cleaners
Swiss Re America Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Craig L. Sylvester
Mrs. Frances Tavoletti
Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor
Ms. Milbrey R.Taylor
Ms.Tracey Taylor
Teamsters Local Union No. 671
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick C.Tedesco
Ms. Cornelia Tefft
Mr. and Mrs. John P.Telgener
Mrs. Frances B.Terragna
The Simsbury Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Thomas
Mr. Jeffrey Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. David T.Thompson
Ms. Diane Thompson
Mr. Robert D.Thulin
Tibotec Therapeutics
Mrs. Denise M.Tierney
Mr. Andreas Tietje
Mr. and Mrs. John S.Tillotta
Ms. Susan Tindall
Ms. Kristen F.Tinney
TJ Herlihy Insurance
Mrs. Joan Tobin
Mr. Richard D.Tomaszewski
Mrs. Diana L.Topa
Ms. Sarah K.Torrence
Ms. Mery C.Torres
Michael Tosatti, D.M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.Tozier
Mr. and Mr. Robert S.Treat
Mr. Bryan Trigila
Professor William L.Trousdale
Mr. Charles E.Trudell
The Trumpet Vine
Ms. Rosita M.Tschummi
Mr.Theodore J.Tucci
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Turcotte
Mr. Annief Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B.Tuttle
Dr. Michele C.Twigg and
Dr. Paul K.Tulikangas
Mrs. Elizabeth A.Twombly
U.S.Trust Company, N.A.
Unionville Golf League
Mr. and Mrs. Perry S. Ury
Ms. Evelyn A. Utley
Mr. Frederick D.Vale
Mr.Wilfredo Valentin
Mrs. Natalia F.Valinho
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A.Vandenberg
Mr. Francisco Vargas
Mr. Mickey Vargas
Mr. Robert G.Varsanik
Ms. Pauline H.Vehslage
Ms. Marie A.Vendetti
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Veselak, Jr.
Ms. Michele R.Vezina
Ms. Antonia R.Vieira
Ms. Brandi Vigue
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S.Vinick
Ms. Barbara Vin-Ser
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S.Voog
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H.Wabrek
Mr. Allen W.Wachtel
Mr. and Mrs. James E.Wakim
Reverend Melinda B.Waldie
and Mr. Ben Waldie
Ms. Colleen P. Walker
Ms.Wendi C.Waller
Ms. Marjorie E.Ward
Ms. Claudia E.Warner
Mr. Joseph Wassell, III
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A.Waston
Mrs. Maria Watkins
Mr. Peter S.Webb
Ms. Debra Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weddle
Jean M.Weigert, M.D.
Ms. Cecilia Weinraub
Mrs. Carol M.Welch
Mrs. Maureen L.Welch
Ms. Sandra Werner
Mr. and Mrs. L. C.West
Mrs. Eleanor H.Whiston
Mrs. Kenneth H.White
White Pines Campsite
Mr.Thomas D.White
Whiticar Boat Works, Inc.
The Wilber Family
Mr. Gerald E.Wilcox
Mr. Reginald G.Wilde
Mrs. Dorothy B.Wilson
Ms. Elizabeth I.Wilson
Mr. George W.Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wimmer
Dr. and Mrs. H. Paul Winalski
Ms. Francine Winans
Mr. and Mrs. John E.Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wise
Ms. Deborah M.Wisneski
Mr. Douglas E.Wittmer*
Ms. Heather Womack
Women’s Health Group, LLC
Derrik F.Woodbury, M.D.
1897 Club
Capital City Club
Woodland Society
Founders’ Society
Leadership Circle
Century Circle
Chairman’s Circle
Ms. Deborah P.Woodworth
Mr. Joseph E.Woolley, Jr.
Ms. Rose Worobel
Mr. Casimir Wosilis
The Hon. Douglass B.Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.
Wrobel, Jr.
Mr. Joel B.Wulff
Ms. Susan Wurz
Mr.Walter A.Wutsch
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Yandow
Ms. Anna N.Yelunina
Mr. and Mrs. John Yonkunas
Ms. Kelly Zabel
Mr. and Mrs.Theodore L. Zachs
Ms. Cathy J. Zampino
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zavagnin
Mr. John Zazzaro
Mr. Christopher R. Zell
Dr. Carolyn Zelop and
Dr. Edward Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zides
Ms. Edna M. Zimmer
Mr. Karl J. Zirolli
Mr. Frank R. Ziskowski
Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Zocco
Dr. Patricia Zuluaga and
Mr. Juan G. Restrepo
I can’t tell you what a relief it was to be put into the capable hands at Saint Francis.
A wonderful team of professionals greeted me warmly and immediately set about to figure out what
was wrong and how to fix it. In addition to the extraordinary doctors, the nursing care was also
top-notch.They treated me as if there were no other patients in a ward I knew was full.
What is comes down to is this – Saint Francis had managed to do what I thought was
impossible, and that is to deliver consummate medical care without forgetting that patients
are human beings in frightening situations…
– Storrs patient
Two Couples Remembered for
Their Dedication to Saint Francis
The Saint Francis family mourns the loss of two
couples whose lives were intimately associated with
the Hospital. Dr.William and Jean Schear and Dr.
Edward and Veronica Sennett each made significant
contributions to Saint Francis and are deeply missed
by all those who had the privilege and pleasure of
knowing them.
Dr. Schear was an intern and resident at Saint
Francis before he entered private practice in Obstetrics
and Gynecology. In 1983, he pioneered the newly
William and Jean Schear, M.D.
formed Quality Assurance Department and was
responsible for assessing all of the Hospital’s services
for their effectiveness. Dr. Schear retired in 1998
after a fifty-three year career at the Hospital. His
wife, Jean, was a graduate of the Saint Francis School
of Nursing and worked as a nurse manager and
supervisor in maternity and pediatrics for 14 years.
She was also a member of the Women’s Auxiliary,
serving as its Secretary and a Board Member.
Dr. and Mrs. Schear touched many lives with their
compassion and excellence.
Veronica and Edward Sennett, M.D.
Dr. Sennett began his career at Saint Francis in
1943 as a resident, returning in 1951 as an assistant
Radiologist. He served as Director of the Department
of Radiology from 1954 until his retirement in 1988.
Under his leadership, he implemented many significant
advances in the field of diagnostic imaging.Veronica
was President of the Women’s Auxiliary from 1982 to
1984. Following her term, she remained active in the
Auxiliary and served as a Corporator of the Hospital.
Both the Schears and the Sennetts will be
remembered fondly for their devotion to Saint Francis.
Their dedication and service is an inspiration and we
are thankful for their contributions to making Saint
Francis a caring community striving for excellence.
a difference
You can
in people’s
You can become a partner with Saint Francis in
providing skilled and compassionate care by making a
charitable donation to the Hospital through the New
Century Society (annual giving), the Capital Campaign,
or The Valencia Society (planned giving).Your
contribution is an investment in the lifesaving services
our community needs now and in the years ahead.
Attached to this edition of Profiles in Caring is an
envelope for your convenience. Please consider a
gift today or call us at 860-714-4900 to discuss ways
of giving to suit your particular needs. On behalf of
Saint Francis and those we serve, thank you in
advance for your generosity.
We appreciate your interest in Saint Francis
and would like to stay in touch with you. If you
do not wish to receive our fundraising mailings,
however, please contact the Foundation Office at
860-714-4900 or contact us via our website at