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Cronulla South Public School
Parents & Citizens Association Meeting
Wednesday 15TH May 2013 Term 2, Week 3
Meeting Open 7.04
Attendance: Peter J, Miki D, Steve I, Rayna T, Damian H, Annette W, Chris A, Cath A, Despina K, Mark T,
Kylie N, Birgit V, Brooke J, Hayley S, Bridgitte L, Aaron M, Robyn F, Tyrone K, Mary Z, Jo R.
Apologies: Sharon T, Ilana C, Jenny C.
Minutes from last meeting:
Amendment to Minutes dated Wednesday 20th March 2013, Term 1 Week 8.
Under “General Business”.
“Brooke J put forward a Motion for the Green Team to receive $250.00 per month for purchase of plants
etc. 2nd Jenny C”.
This should read: Brooke J put forward a Motion for the Green Team to receive $250.00 per Term for
purchase of plants etc. 2nd Jenny C.
Ken Tucker (Artist in Residence) & David Clulow (Sutherland Credit Union)
The Credit Union presented their “Artist in Residence” program. Over 20 schools have benefited from the
experience of being taught by professional artist, Ken Tucker. CSPS is one of these schools.
Ken has been painting for 30 years. He is currently working with approximately 28 CSPS students. They have
started learning landscape techniques. Ken’s work with the students will also include a mural for the school.
Ken is also available to paint live etc. for P&C fundraising events.
Action: Lisa Day (Fundraising Coordinator) to contact Ken Tucker for full details of Debt Health Check and
consideration as a fund raiser and consideration of live painting offer for the P&C Trivia night.
Business arising from previous minutes: Included in Executive Committee reports.
Correspondence: Fundraising Marketing Material. To be forwarded to Lisa D.
Executive and Sub-Committee Reports:
Vice President – Presented by Mary Zdjelar
 Report attached.
Draft Business Plan 2013 also presented (copy attached).
With regard to the “Tax Deductible Voluntary Donations”, Brooke J suggested a “range” for donations
this year. The funds raised from donations last year ($9,385) have been allocated to the new
Southern Side COLA.
Action: Mary Z to organize mail out next week, inviting Parents/Careers to make Voluntary
Donations before 30/06/13.
Opportunity for “Grants” was discussed. Mary suggested starting a Sub-Committee.
Action: Aaron M to speak to Mary Z regarding contacting our State Member of Parliament to discuss
possible Grants.
Term 2, Week 3, 2013
Principal Report - Presented by Chris Askew (acting principal)
 Chris A offered “P&C President” position to all in attendance. Brooke J provided feedback on the
position and how much time would be required.
New Officer for 2013 was elected.
Co- Vice President: Tyrone Kane Nominated by Despina Kathesidis, 2nd Kylie Nolan. All in favour.
Chris also presented the “Teachers/Staff Wish list”.
1. More Home Readers, K-2 in particular.
2. Outdoor seating.
3. Covered walkways.
4. More money towards technology.
5. Office request – Digital Sign Board.
6. Veranda area (Canteen block) to be closed in.
7. Library always welcomes additional money for books.
P&C Meeting Minutes being emailed out to Parents/Careers after they have been “accepted” by the
Executive Committee. Action: Chris to speak to Sharon Tollis.
Damian H requested to view plans for new Southern Side COLA. Action: Peter J to provide
picture/plans at next meeting.
Treasurer Report – Presented by Des K.
 Report attached.
 Des confirmed timing for upcoming payments.
1. Technology payment of $20,000 – immediately.
2. Play equipment for Northern Side $40,000 – approximately 2 weeks.
3. Southern Side COLA $20,000 – approximately 2 months.
Action: Des to look into Term Deposit for $20,000 (COLA).
Des recommended the Mother’s Day Breakfast, Mother’s Day Stall and Disco be split into separate
weeks next year. It was explained that the Disco is usually held at the end of Term 2.
Insurance to be renewed 1st August 2013.
Des also reviewed “Audit Recommendation” from last year. Feedback regarding “2 to count” was
Canteen Report – In the absence of Jenny C, report presented by Des K.
Des provided details of Canteen profits this year.
Fundraising Report – In the absence of Lisa Day, report presented by Mary Z.
 Please see Draft Business Plan 2013 for proposed events.
 Dates to be advised as soon as possible.
 "Post Event" reviews to be conducted by P&C to support decision making and enhance future
fundraising events
 Feedback on events and amounts raised to be highlighted in the school newsletter.
 Suggestion to promote perpetual fundraisers such as Kids Stuff in the school newsletter.
Green Group Report – Presented by Damian Hurst.
Thanks to Brooke J and Jenny C for their “Green Team” support.
Term 2, Week 3, 2013
Parents are showing an interest and there will be a meeting this Friday, 17th May @ 8am.
The children appear to be enjoying the process.
Suggested there is an opportunity to sell their produce at the canteen and also to parents.
The Green team would like to go ahead and paint the Vegetable Planter Boxes.
Procedure for payment of $250.00 per Term to Green Team was discussed.
1. P&C to write a cheque to the school at Week 3 meetings each term.
2. School to bank the cheque.
3. School to give $250 cash float to Brooke Howlett to spend at her and Green Team chairman’s
Motion put forward by Mary Z, 2nd Steve I.
Action: Damian and Brooke Howlett invited to present at next P&C meeting.
– Rayna T.
Currently 42 students enrolled. 3 languages.
New language provider is going really well.
Classes start at 8.00am and run for 45 minutes.
Weekly feedback is provided, including concepts and words for the week.
Rayna invited feedback from students/other parents and careers.
Facilities Report –Steve D
 Nil
Uniform Report – In the absence of Linda Bowker, report presented by Mary Z.
 school website to be updated with additional information including photos of the uniform pieces
 a number of new items currently sold at the Uniform pool will be phased out as stocks diminish
 Will link school hat to possible Cancer Council sunscreen fundraiser and Cancer Council icon on school
website to highlight UV factor
 Rayna T suggested the broad rim hat be replaced with the school cap for sports day.
Due to lack of time this topic will be added to the Agenda for next meeting.
Other Reports and Presentations
Seahorse Cinemas & fundraising – presented by Hayley Smith & Kath Ansell.
A very exciting new project for K-6.
Each class will make their own 3 minute movie.
Movie night to be held in Week 9 Term 2. Two sessions - earlier session for Infants and later session
for primary (like the Disco). Parents with children in both infants and primary will have the choice of
Further discussion about the event included:
 Will we charge to attend? Possible gold coin donation.
 DVD’s for sale.
 Food for sale e.g. popcorn, choc tops.
Action: Lisa Day to liaise with Hayley.
IPad Rollout – presented by Bridgitte Logan.
Term 2, Week 3, 2013
The school recently purchased 30 iPads.
Bridgette is in the process of sourcing good quality cases. Action: Bridgette to speak to Aaron M.
Currently looking at “volume purchasing” apps.
Ipads to be laser engraved.
A roster system for classes to be implemented.
Hope to be up and running in the next 2-3 weeks.
Bridgette also discussed insurance options (“apple care protection”).
Suggestion for school to highlight an App wish list that Parents could donate money towards or
purchase for the school - idea to link this to Seahorse Cinemas night.
Woolworth Earn & Learn Program – Kylie Nolan
 Kylie N asked about the value of the Woolworth “Earn & Learn Program”. Was it worthwhile?
 Annette W, Peter J and Chris A informed the P&C of the items the school purchased last year. These
included such things as “large” books, sports equipment, games, dolls, magnifying glasses, resources
for science programs, calculators etc.
 Agreed it was a worthwhile program to support.
General Business – Mary Z.
Miki D raised the issue of “no soap” in the school toilets. Action: Annette W to look into this and
report back.
Damian Hurst – paid up member of the P&C for 2013.
Next meeting arrangements and close – Mary Z.
 Time & Date next meeting – Week 8, Wednesday 19th June 2013 at 7.00pm
Meeting Closed 8.45pm
Term 2, Week 3, 2013