LINGGWISTIKS 136 ISTRUKTURA NG WIKANG HAPON THQ ∙ TTh 0700-0830 ∙ PH 432 2nd Semester AY 2015-2016 Farah C. Cunanan; 63-2-9269887; 63-2-981-8500 loc. 2128 FC 2119; FC 2110 Consultation Hours ▹ Tues - Fri 0100-0400p COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Know the equivalent of linguistic terms in Japanese. 2. Be able to apply the lessons, i.e., grammatical analyses, learned in the previous linguistics courses to the Japanese language. 3. Be able to compare the grammar of Filipino and Japanese. COURSE CONTENT TOPIC / ACTIVITY Jan 19 ASSIGNED READINGS ORIENTATION 21 Japanese phonetics Tsujimura Ch2 Phonetics 26, 28 Japanese phonology Tsujimura Ch3 Phonology Feb 2 Basic structure of sentences NINJAL Ch1 文の基本構造 4 Types of sentences NINJAL Ch2 文のタイプ 9 Nominative case, subject, topic NINJAL Ch3 主格・主語 ・主題 11 Complements SUBMISSION OF PROPOSED TOPICS NINJAL Ch4 補語 16 1ST LONG QUIZ 18, 23 25 Mar 1 3 8, 10 Predicate NINJAL Ch5 述語 HOLIDAY (EDSA DAY) Predicate NINJAL Ch5 述語 RESEARCH BREAK (Mar 4) SUBMISSION OF TOPIC OUTLINE AND LITERATURE REVIEW Voice and Benefactives 15 2ND LONG QUIZ 17 1ST PROGRESS REPORT NINJAL Ch6 ヴォイスと授受 表現 TOPIC / ACTIVITY 21-27 ASSIGNED READINGS HOLIDAY (HOLY WEEK) 29 Compound and Auxiliary Verbs NINJAL Ch7 複合動詞と 補助動詞 31 Tense, Aspect, Mood (Modality) NINJAL Ch8 テンス・ アスペクト・ムード(モダリティ) Particles NINJAL Ch9 助詞 Apr 5, 7 12 2ND PROGRESS REPORT 14 Demonstratives NINJAL Ch10 指示詞 Subordinate Clauses NINJAL Ch11 従属節 19, 21 26 3RD PROGRESS REPORT 28 Adverbs NINJAL Ch12 副詞 Conjunctions NINJAL Ch13 接続詞 May 3 5 3RD LONG QUIZ 10 RESEARCH BREAK 12 SUBMISSION OF DRAFT 17, 19 28 PAPER PRESENTATION *May 16 SUBMISSION OF SLIDES SUBMISSION OF TERM PAPER COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. TERM PAPER 40% (Draft - 25% Final - 75%) Term papers shall be on comparative Japanese and Filipino grammar, and shall be limited to/focused on one aspect of Japanese and Filipino grammar. The metalanguage can either be English or Filipino. You will be graded based on your data and analysis, format, writing style, and clarity and organization of thoughts. Follow the format below: PAPER SIZE: A4 MARGINS: 1 inch on all sides FONT: Times New Roman or Arial or Helvetica LINE SPACING: 1.5 or 2.0 PAGE NUMBERS: Lower right SIZE: 9.0 SIZE: 10.5 Submission of the draft (hard copy) is until 5p of May 12, 2016 only. Late submissions will incur deductions. Have your drafts received with date and time notations at the Department of Linguistics office. Submission of the paper (soft copy) is until 10p of May 28, 2016 only. Late submissions will incur deductions. Submit your paper to Wait for a confirmation mail within 24 hours. If you don’t receive a confirmation mail, resend your email (with the original message). Follow the format below: SUBJECT HEADING: L136 paper <Last Name, First Name> FILE FORMAT: .pdf FILE NAME: L136 paper <Last Name, First Name> 2. PROGRESS REPORTS 15% Submit a brief written report of your paper’s progress. Each progress report/consultation will be graded. You will be graded based on the content/quality of your report. The grade of your term paper will also depend on how well it developed from your progress reports. 3. PAPER PRESENTATION 15% The order of presentations will be determined on the paper presentation day. You will be given 10 minutes for your presentation, followed by a 3-5 minute Q&A. Slides for the presentation shall be sent to on May 16, 2016, or at the latest, an hour before the class on May 17, 2016. Keep your slides concise. As much as possible, put only keywords and/or relevant data, and not entire texts of your paper. Also make sure that the audience can see/read your slides very well. You will be graded based on your data and analysis, clarity and organization of thoughts, presentation style (including your slides, stance, delivery, etc.), and your classmates’ evaluation. Your participation as an audience will likewise be evaluated. 4. QUIZZES 30% Expect a quiz every meeting. Covers either the previous topic or the current topic for discussion. TRANSMUTATION TABLE 96-100 92-95 88-91 83-87 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 78-82 73-77 69-72 65-68 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 60-64 3.0 41-59 4.0 40-0 5.0 CLASS RULES AND REMINDERS 1. Class starts 5 to 10 minutes past 0700 and ends 10 minutes before 0830. Coming in after the class starts will be marked late. Three late marks are equivalent to an absence. 2. Only 6 absences are allowed by the University. A student who incur more than 6 absences will be given a failing grade unless s/ he officially drops the course. 3. Missed quizzes and class activities due to tardiness or absence will be equivalent to zero. Missed consultation, progress report, and presentation are likewise equivalent to zero. 4. Deductions will be made to quizzes, papers, etc. that are late or do not follow the prescribed instructions. 5. Do not work on assignments for other classes or activities for your student organization, etc. during class hours. REFERENCES 国立国語研究所. 2001. 日本語教育指導参考書 22:日本語教育のための 文法用語. 東京都:財務省印刷局. <National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL). 2001. Japanese language education reference guide series No. 22: Grammar terms for Japanese language education. Tokyo: Ministry of Finance Printing Press.> Tsujimura, Natsuko. 2007. Introduction to Japanese linguistics, 2nd ed. Mass.: Blackwell Publishing. IMPORTANT DATES Mar 17 (Th): mid-semester May 2 (M): deadline for LOA filing Apr 20 (W): deadline for dropping