CORPORATE PRESENTATION Wind energy Aerospace Automotive Railway Civil Engineering Structural and mechanical analysis Advanced numerical simulation Wind energy project engineering & development Development of engineering software Training Founded in 2006 ~60 engineers CAE engineering Static, Dynamic, Fatigue analysis Car body crash analysis & Pedestrian protection Wind Turbine loads analysis Detailed & Global FEM modelling Wind Turbine Class & Subclass studies Structural design Wind resource assessment Structural optimization Wind farm design Fatigue & Damage Tolerance Micrositing Corporate presentation 1. About us Introduction 2. Capabilities SOLUTE is an engineering consulting, technology service and outsourcing company. 3. Projects Structural analysis Railway R&D Projects We provide a wide range of engineering services to various technology sectors: Automotive Wind energy Aerospace Civil engineering Energy 4. Tools Services Structural analysis Structural and mechanical engineering • Design, certification and calculation of mechanical components • Stress analysis, fatigue and damage tolerance • Welded and bolted joints analysis Wind energy services Wind loads and aerodynamics • Analysis of fatigue, ultimate and seismic loads on WT • Class and subclass certification of WT according to International Standards • WT certification for special cold climate conditions Training & outsourcing Outsourcing • Design, certification and calculation of mechanical components • Stress analysis, fatigue and damage tolerance • Welded and bolted joints analysis Wind resource assessment and micrositing Advanced numerical simulation • Analysis of non linear static FEM • Structural optimization methods • Fluid-dynamics • Crash analysis • Heat transfer studies • Prospection and identification of potential sites • Complete meteorological studies • Estimation of energy production considering wake losses • Estimation of wind farm power curve • Calculation of specific wind parameters on met-mast and wind turbine positions for a given layout: Vave, Vref, wind speed distributions, turbulence intensity, wind shear, etc. Training and consultancy • Training courses on wind energy engineering, structural analysis, FEM and numerical simulation and project management. Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Steady growth We have steadily been increasing our sales, our clients and our technical team. Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools Multidisciplinary team Multidisciplinary staff composed by the most excellent engineers belonging to different specialties. Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities Clients 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects Civil engineering Automotive Aerospace Wind 4. Tools Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities CAE capabilities 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools CAM CAE - Static, Dynamic, Fatigue analysis - Detailed & Global FEM modelling - Structural design - Structural optimization - Fatigue & Damage Tolerance Product development process CAD SOLUTE Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities Specific wind energy services Wind loads and aerodynamics 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools • WIND TURBINE CERTIFICATION • CLASS & SUBCLASS ANALYSIS • EXTREME, FATIGUE & SEISMIC SITE SPECIFIC ANALYSIS • LOAD ESTIMATIONS • LOAD CASES DEFINITION. • IMPROVEMENT OF CONTROL STRATEGIES • ADJUSTMENT OF CONTROL PARAMETERS • ASSESSMENT OF FREQUENCY DOMAIN AND TIME DOMAIN. • WIND TURBINE LIFETIME EXTENSION INPUT OUTPUT Aerodynamics SIMULATION Extreme loads Fatigue loads Structure Aeroelastic model Geometries Wind data Load Fx_BladeGlobal (kN) Fy_BladeGlobal (kN) Fxy_BladeGlobal (kN) Fz_BladeGlobal (kN) Mx_BladeGlobal (kNm) My_BladeGlobal (kNm) Mz_BladeGlobal (kNm) Mxy_BladeGlobal (kN) FSF_BladeLocal (kN) Load Case Load Factor Value dlc21j,3 1,35 218,01 dlc61c10,3 1,35 -248,7 dlc61c10,3 1,35 255,87 dlc21j,1 1,35 749,78 dlc61c10,3 1,35 4374,43 dlc21j,3 1,35 5613,18 dlc62h4,3 1,1 -196 dlc21j,3 1,35 6005,83 dlc61c10,3 1,35 252,02 Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools Specific wind energy services Wind resource assessment • WIND MEASUREMENTS • METEOROLOGICAL STUDIES • WIND RESOURCE • ENERGY PRODUCTION • WIND FARM POWER CURVE • WIND PREDICTION Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools Specific wind energy services Micrositing • WIND PARAMETERS • CLASS & SUBCLASS STUDIES • LAYOUT OPTIMIZATION • NOISE ANALYSIS • SHADOW FLICKER • WIND FARM DESIGN Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools Wind energy capabilities Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools Detailed large models Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools Design, analysis and certification of wind turbines • ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR • FATIGUE ANALYSIS • WELDED AND BOLTED JOINTS ANALYSIS • LARGE DETAIL MODELING • COMPOSITES MODELING Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Structural analysis Composite material modeling Wind Blades R&D Projects 4. Tools Fatigue analysis in composite materials Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Modeling and non linear problem solving Crash analysis and pedestrian protection Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools - Front-end and Rear-end crash management: Low-speed crash, Pedestrian safety (Head impact, Leg impact, Upper leg impact) involving tasks such as Head Injury Criteria (HIC) rating, analysis of kinematics of deformation and test results correlation according to EURONCAP and ACEA requirements. Pedestrian safety: leg impact and upper leg impact Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Modeling and non linear problem solving Crash analysis and pedestrian protection Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools Pedestrian safety FEM-Test correlation Corporate presentation 1. About us Modeling and non linear problem solving 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Crash analysis and pedestrian protection Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools Head impact: analysis of kinematics of deformation and test results correlation according to EURONCAP & ACEA requirements FEM-Test correlation Bodywork Windscreen Dashboard Hood Hinges Motor package Frontend Headlights Bumper Crossbar and deformable elements Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities 3. Projects Modeling and non linear problem solving Repairability analysis Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools - Repairability analysis of different components such as AZT, bumper, deformable barrier, pendulum… according to RCAR (Research Council for Automobile Repairs) methodology using numerical simulation. Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities R&D Projects 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools SOLUTE has been granted national funds (from CDTI) for a Research and Development project which aims to reduce unavoidable uncertainties on wind resource estimation and wind and energy production prediction. SOLUTE collaborates with 2 very important spanish universities on the development of new software that will be in the market by 2015. Time series reconstruction FUROW (wind data analysis, wind resource assessment, micrositing) Wind energy forecasting Training Period Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities R&D Projects 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools OBJECTIVE. To develop a new: - Small vertical axis wind turbine for rooftop in urban environment - Variable speed control system - CFD software for wind resource assessment in urban environment, where the turbulences have to be taken into account SOLUTE´s activities in the project : - Manage and control the wind measurement and assessment campaign - Manage and coordinate the development of the CFD software in collaboration with Uppsala University - Give support to the structural and mechanical activities of the consortium to develop the wind turbine Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities R&D Projects 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools R&D&i Centers & Universities SMEs Web: Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities R&D Projects 3. Projects Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools OBJECTIVE. To develop new three wind turbines for urban environment: - 2 kW vertical axis wind turbine for rooftop - 5 kW horizontal axis wind turbine for rooftop - 25 kW horizontal axis wind turbine for industrial areas SOLUTE´s activities in the project for the three wind turbines: - Aerodynamic design of the blades - Aerodynamic loads analysis - Structural analysis of the blades and hubs - Design of the pitch systems - Design of the yaw systems - Give support to the next manufacture processes: blades, hubs and masts - Design and calculate the anchorages and masts needed in each wind energy turbine and in each type Wind of european rooftops building 21 Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities R&D Projects 3. Projects R&D&i Centers & Universities Structural analysis R&D Projects 4. Tools Big companies SMEs Web: Corporate presentation 1. About us 2. Capabilities Tools 3. Capabilities Structural analysis R&D Projects Pre & post-processors Solvers 4. Tools Analytical WT Loads analysis FleX Wind resource assessment FAST WAsP Madrid, Spain Avenida Cerro del Águila, 3 Building 2, Office 2I 28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Tel. +34 91 658 82 04 Fax. +34 91 652 51 81