www.qut.edu.au/business Language Alliance (BULA) Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Version: 2.2 Prepared by: QUT Business School Updated: 23/04/2015 Contents page Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Incorporating language study in your QUT degree ....................................................................................................... 1 Brisbane Universities Language Alliance (BULA) ........................................................................................................... 1 Language Study Areas ............................................................................................................................................. 1 BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment.............................................................................................................................. 1 Do I need to cross-enrol if I choose Mandarin as my study area? .......................................................................... 1 BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Checklist .................................................................................................................... 3 Language Alliance (BULA) Cross-Institutional Enrolment Steps ......................................................................................... 4 Step 1: Check you are eligible to enrol in a language subject in your degree .............................................................. 4 Eligibility criteria for cross-institutional enrolment ................................................................................................. 4 How can I determine if I can undertake Language study in my Degree? ................................................................ 4 Step 2: Choose your Language study area .................................................................................................................... 4 Step 3: Plan your enrolment ........................................................................................................................................ 5 When can I start Language study in my degree?..................................................................................................... 5 Language subjects / enrolment ............................................................................................................................... 5 Minors or Second Majors ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Option unit (general elective).................................................................................................................................. 6 Placement interviews .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Step 4: Update your QUT Study Plan ........................................................................................................................... 6 Minors or Second Majors ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Option unit (general elective).................................................................................................................................. 6 Can I enrol in a UQ / Griffith Language subject in my QUT Study Plan? ................................................................. 7 Step 5: Check application key dates .............................................................................................................................. 7 Step 6: Submit your BULA cross-institutional enrolment application .......................................................................... 7 How do I apply for Cross-Institutional enrolment? ................................................................................................. 7 What happens after I submit my application? ........................................................................................................ 8 How will I be notified the outcome of my application? .......................................................................................... 8 Step 7: Enrol in your Language subject at UQ / Griffith ............................................................................................... 8 Student number, username and password ............................................................................................................. 8 Enrolment at UQ / Griffith ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Step 8: Complete Tuition Fee requirements .............................................................................................................. 10 Step 9: Register for Classes (e.g. class allocation/timetable) ...................................................................................... 10 Step 10: Obtain a Student ID Card .............................................................................................................................. 10 Step 11: Begin your study ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Academic Calendar and Key Dates ........................................................................................................................ 11 Email ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Textbooks and Bookshops ..................................................................................................................................... 11 Campus maps ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Transport ............................................................................................................................................................... 12 Step 12: Prepare for exams ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Can I view my exam timetable for Language subjects in QUT Virtual? ................................................................. 12 Step 13: Your results ................................................................................................................................................... 12 How will my language study be recorded on my QUT academic record? ............................................................. 12 Do I need to submit an Advanced Standing application at the end of each semester? ........................................ 13 What happens if I do not pass my language subject at UQ / Griffith? .................................................................. 13 Supplementary Assessment .................................................................................................................................. 13 Graduation............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Additional Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 QUT Study Plan and enrolment at UQ / Griffith ......................................................................................................... 14 Withdrawing from a Language subject at UQ / Griffith .............................................................................................. 15 Terminology ................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Home University vs. Host University ..................................................................................................................... 15 Terminology Differences ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Credit Points Conversion table .................................................................................................................................... 15 Result conversion table ............................................................................................................................................... 16 Centrelink Letters ........................................................................................................................................................ 17 Information for Bachelor of Education students (who commenced their degree prior to 2014) .................................... 18 LOTE Major and enrolment ................................................................................................................................... 18 Practical Field Experience and Language enrolment ............................................................................................. 18 Summary of Useful Websites ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Contact us ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Version history Version number Date Reason/comments/approvals V1 11/1/2013 Initial version V2 12/11/2013 Updated information and web links V 2.1 18/03/2014 Updated information V 2.2 23/04/2015 Updated information and web links ***** CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Bula Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Introduction Incorporating language study in your QUT degree You may be able to complement your degree by undertaking language study. This may consist of: • • • a second major (6 subjects / 72 credit points) or a minor (4 subjects / 48 credit points) or an option unit (general elective) You can determine if you can incorporate language study in your degree by checking the structure of your course at www.student.qut.edu.au/studying/courses. Important Note: There are some QUT courses which do not permit language study (e.g. there are no general electives available in the course structure) or permit the selection of a Language study area e.g. minor or second major. Brisbane Universities Language Alliance (BULA) QUT, Griffith University (Griffith), and The University of Queensland (UQ) formed the Brisbane Universities Languages Alliance (BULA) in 2009. Through the Alliance (BULA), you will have the opportunity to select from a broad range of language study areas. Please note: Brisbane Universities Language Alliance (BULA), was previously known as the Brisbane Universities Languages Hub (BULH). Language Study Areas Language studies are available in: • • • QUT: Mandarin Griffith University (Griffith): Japanese, Italian, Spanish The University of Queensland (UQ): French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish. Important Note: 1. 2. From 2014, students who commence the Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) are unable to select a LOTE major in their course. Students, who commenced the Bachelor of Education (Primary or Secondary) degree prior to 2014, can continue their LOTE major and can only select a study area in Mandarin, French, German, Indonesian or Japanese. BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment If the language area you choose to study is offered by Griffith / UQ, you will enrol in your language subject as a crossinstitutional student. You will apply for cross-institutional enrolment through the Brisbane Universities Languages Alliance (BULA) at www.bula.edu.au. Do I need to cross-enrol if I choose Mandarin as my study area? QUT teaches Mandarin subjects on Gardens Point campus for students commencing their study at beginners or intermediate level. The Mandarin program also offers a selection of subjects for Native, dialect or background speakers of Chinese. 1 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack You can access unit synopses for Mandarin subjects at www.student.qut.edu.au/studying/units by selecting ‘AM....’ from the ‘Unit Code’ drop down list in the ‘Unit Search’ box. QUT students will be unable to enrol in Chinese subjects offered by UQ / Griffith, which are deemed equivalent to subjects taught by QUT. If you are able to study Mandarin subjects offered by QUT, you are not required to apply for cross-institutional enrolment and should enrol through your Study Plan in eStudent (accessible via QUT Virtual). If you have undertaken prior language study or have knowledge of the language, you may be unable to enrol in Mandarin subjects offered by QUT. If you have prior knowledge of Mandarin, you must undertake a placement interview with QUT’s Mandarin Coordinator for advice on your enrolment. If you are advised that the subjects offered by QUT are not appropriate for your proficiency/ability level, you may enrol in advanced Chinese subjects at UQ / Griffith, as a cross-institutional student through the Language Alliance (BULA). 2 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Checklist Note: In this document, Host University refers to the University where you will be studying your language subjects (UQ / Griffith). I have reviewed my course structure requirements and I am permitted to undertake language study in my QUT degree. I have chosen my language study area (e.g. French). I have undertaken a placement interview at the Host University (UQ / Griffith) if I have completed prior Language study (formal or informal study), or, if I was unsure which stream/subject to commence my language study in. I have chosen the subject I would like to undertake in the teaching period (semester) and confirm that I meet pre-requisite requirements for enrolment or have been approved for enrolment via a placement interview at the Host University (UQ / Griffith). The subject I have chosen to undertake in the teaching period (semester) is recorded (listed/planned) in my QUT study plan. I have submitted an online cross-institutional enrolment application at the Brisbane Universities Languages Alliance (BULA) at www.bula.edu.au, for the subject I have chosen to undertake in the teaching period (semester). Note: Cross-Institutional enrolment application opening and closing dates can be accessed at: www.bula.edu.au/Apply I have received notification (via email) that my cross-institutional application has been approved by QUT and the Host University (UQ / Griffith) i.e. BULA Approval notice. Note: If your cross-institutional enrolment application is not approved, you will receive a notice of rejection (via email) and you will be unable to complete the remaining steps. I have received a student number, username and password if I am a new student at the Host University (UQ / Griffith). If I am a returning or continuing student at the Host University (UQ / Griffith), my student number, username and password has not changed and I can proceed to enrolment. I have enrolled in my language subject in the Host University’s (UQ / Griffith) online enrolment system by the Host University’s (UQ / Griffith) enrolment due date. Note: This is the most important step in the cross-enrolment process. Enrolment in your language subject at UQ / Griffith will allow you to register for class allocations, complete fee requirements, access UQ / Griffith’s on-line resources such as Blackboard; and receive a result/grade for your study at the end of semester I have completed all fee requirements at the Host University (UQ / Griffith) by their due date. I have paid any late enrolment charges at the Host University (UQ / Griffith), if applicable. I have registered (allocated) to classes (e.g. lectures) at the Host University (UQ / Griffith). I have obtained a Student ID card at the Host University (UQ / Griffith). Congratulations! You have completed the required steps and are ready to start classes. Remember to check your QUT and UQ / Griffith email address regularly for important correspondence. 3 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Language Alliance (BULA) Cross-Institutional Enrolment Steps Note: In this document, Host University refers to the University where you will be studying your language subjects (UQ / Griffith). Step 1: Check you are eligible to enrol in a language subject in your degree Eligibility criteria for cross-institutional enrolment To be considered for cross-institutional enrolment through BULA, the following criteria apply: 1. You must be admitted (enrolled) in a degree program (award course) at QUT e.g. Bachelor of Business and 2. Be able to undertake language study in your degree program. You must have available space in your course structure (study plan) to be able to undertake a language subject as an option unit (general elective) or be able to select a Language minor or second major. How can I determine if I can undertake Language study in my Degree? To determine if you are able to undertake language study in your QUT course: • • Review your Study Plan in eStudent (accessible via QUT Virtual) Check your Course Summary at: www.student.qut.edu.au/studying/courses If you are still unsure after you have reviewed your study plan or course summary, it is recommended that you consult with your Faculty for enrolment advice. Contact information for your Faculty is available in your Course Summary. Step 2: Choose your Language study area Language study is available in the following disciplines areas: • • • QUT: Mandarin. Griffith: Japanese, Italian, Spanish UQ: French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish. Important Note: • From 2014, students who commence the Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) are unable to select a LOTE major in their course. • Students who commenced the Bachelor of Education (Primary or Secondary) degree prior to 2014, can continue their LOTE major and can only select a study area in Mandarin, French, German, Indonesian or Japanese. An overview of each language study area can be accessed on the Brisbane Universities Languages Alliance (BULA) at www.bula.edu.au. You can also access the campus location each language area is taught at www.bula.edu.au/Languages If the language area is offered by both UQ and Griffith (e.g. Japanese and Spanish), you may choose which University you would like to study your language subjects. 4 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Step 3: Plan your enrolment When can I start Language study in my degree? You should review your recommended course enrolment program (accessible via your Course Summary), to determine when you may able to commence language study in your degree. If you are unsure, you should consult with your Faculty for enrolment (course sequencing / progression) advice. Important Note: If you are permitted to undertake a Language second major (6 subjects / 72 credit points) in your study plan, you should commence your language study in year one, semester one, of your degree, so that you can complete the requirements of the second major within three years. Language subjects / enrolment The subject you commence your language study in, will depend on your proficiency level. Most language areas offer enrolment streams (programs) for students commencing at introductory level, postsecondary or advanced level. Information on enrolment streams (programs) can be accessed at: UQ: www.slccs.uq.edu.au/index.html?page=26962 Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/humanities-languages/school-languages-linguistics/what-can-i-study You should also review UQ / Griffith’s subject outlines for content and assessment information and to identify semester offerings of subjects. UQ: www.uq.edu.au/study/ Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/programs-courses When selecting a subject, you must ensure that you meet pre-requisite requirements for enrolment or have been granted permission to enrol via a placement interview. Important Enrolment Information • Enrolment is your responsibility. You should ensure that the subject you choose to enrol in, can count in your degree program at QUT (e.g. can count in your minor, second major or as an option unit (general elective). • Language subjects are generally only offered once per year (e.g. offered in either semester one or semester two). You will need to take this into consideration when planning your enrolment as well as meeting prerequisite requirements of subjects. Refer to UQ or Griffith’s Programs and Courses website for unit outlines, semester offering of subjects and pre-requisite information. • Language subjects normally build on the previous subjects’ knowledge and will need to be enrolled in sequential order. If you are yet to complete any Language study at University, you will normally commence your first language subject in a semester one teaching period. Variations however can occur and this is dependent on your language proficiency/ability level and/or semester offerings of subjects. • You may only be able to enrol in one language subject per semester. This is dependent on the language area you choose, your level of proficiency/ability level, semester offerings of subjects, timetabling, meeting pre-requisite requirements and your enrolment at QUT. • You should review your Language subject timetable (UQ or Griffith) as well as your QUT timetable as soon as they are released each semester. You can then review your overall timetable to determine if you can attend all classes or identify if you have any timetable clashes which may require you to adjust your lecture/tutorial times or alter your enrolment at QUT or your language enrolment at UQ / Griffith, so that you can attend all classes. 5 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Minors or Second Majors If you are permitted to undertake a Language minor or second major in your QUT course, you will be able to view the subjects required in each study area in your QUT study plan in eStudent (accessible via QUT Virtual). You may be required to complete all compulsory subjects (core) in the study area or may have a combination of compulsory subjects (core) and option (choice) subjects from a list. Option unit (general elective) If you are permitted to undertake a language subject as an option unit (general elective) in your QUT course, you will be able to choose from a range of language subjects, provided you meet pre-requisite requirements for enrolment and semester offerings of subjects. Placement interviews If you have undertaken prior language study or have knowledge of the language, you must undertake a placement interview at UQ / Griffith. In the interview, your proficiency level will be assessed to determine the appropriate subject for you to commence your study. If you completed high school language studies more than five (5) years ago and are commencing your first language subject at University, you must undertake a placement interview. You can also undertake a placement interview if you are unsure which subject to commence your study. To arrange a placement interview contact: Mandarin (QUT) The University of Queensland (UQ) Griffith University (Griffith) QUT Mandarin Coordinator School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies School of Languages and Linguistics Dr Ingrid Wang Phone: 3138 7738 Email: y.wang@qut.edu.au Phone: 3365 2013 or 3365 6311 Email: slccs@uq.edu.au Website: www.slccs.uq.edu.au/?page=76074&pid=0 Phone: 3735 6762 Email: languages@griffith.edu.au Website: www.griffith.edu.au/humanitieslanguages/school-languages-linguistics Step 4: Update your QUT Study Plan Minors or Second Majors If you are permitted to undertake a Language minor or second major in your degree, please select your minor or second major including the stream (e.g. introductory / beginners; post-secondary; advanced) in your study plan in eStudent (accessible via QUT Virtual). This will enable QUT to process your cross-enrolment application in a timelier manner. Option unit (general elective) If you are studying a language subject as an option unit (general elective) in your degree, please select the language subject in your study plan in eStudent (accessible via QUT Virtual). This will enable QUT to process your cross-enrolment application in a timelier manner. 6 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Can I enrol in a UQ / Griffith Language subject in my QUT Study Plan? No. You will be unable to enrol in a UQ / Griffith language subject in your QUT study plan. See a summary of the arrangements which apply to your QUT Study plan and enrolment at UQ / Griffith under the heading ‘Additional Information’. To be able to enrol in a language subject offered by UQ / Griffith via BULA, you will be required to submit an online application for BULA cross-institutional enrolment (see Step 5 and Step 6). Step 5: Check application key dates BULA cross-institutional enrolment applications will open prior to the commencement of each semester. You are encouraged to apply for cross-institutional enrolment by the on-time closing date, so your application can be processed in time for the first week of classes. Applications are unable to be submitted / considered after the final closing date each semester. Access application opening and closing dates at: www.bula.edu.au/Apply. Step 6: Submit your BULA cross-institutional enrolment application How do I apply for Cross-Institutional enrolment? To apply for cross-institutional enrolment, you must submit an online cross-institutional enrolment application at the Brisbane Universities Languages Alliance (BULA): www.bula.edu.au/Apply/ApplicationForm/tabid/175/Default.aspx Important application Information: • It can take up to 10 working days for applications to be processed from the date your application is submitted. • You must submit an application for each subject you would like to be considered for enrolment in a teaching period. For example, if you would like to be considered for enrolment in both FREN1010 Introductory French A and JAPN1013 Japanese 1A Standard in the same teaching period, you will need to submit a separate application for each subject. • Your enrolment at UQ / Griffith does not automatically continue from semester to semester. You must submit a cross-institutional enrolment application prior to each semester. Privacy, terms and conditions statement: • You are required to accept a privacy, terms and conditions statement and authorisation for cross-enrolment when you complete the online application form. The statement specifies the requirements/conditions of crossinstitutional enrolment (e.g. results, exams and enrolment) and authorises QUT and the Host University (UQ / Griffith) to share information to facilitate your admission and enrolment at the Host University (UQ / Griffith). • You must ensure that you read the privacy, terms and conditions statement and authorisation for crossenrolment every time you submit an application. This will ensure that you are aware of the requirements/conditions of cross-enrolment each semester/year. 7 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack What happens after I submit my application? On submission of your online cross-institutional application, you will receive an automatically generated email confirming receipt (e.g. acknowledgement) of your application. This will be sent to the QUT email address you record on your application form. The confirmation email will include, as an attachment, a copy of the privacy, terms and conditions statement and authorisation for cross-enrolment which you agreed to when you submitted your application. How will I be notified the outcome of my application? Your cross-institutional enrolment application will be assessed by both QUT and the Host University (UQ / Griffith). You will be notified the outcome of your application via email to your QUT student email address. If your application is approved: • You will receive a BULA Cross-Institutional Approval Notice via email to your QUT student email address. • The approval notice will provide you with instructions on how to proceed to enrolment at the Host University (UQ / Griffith). Important Note: Application approval notices only indicate if you are approved in principle to cross-enrol at the Host University (UQ / Griffith). You must follow the process in step 7 to officially enrol in your language subject. If your application is not approved: • You will receive a notice of rejection to your QUT student email address, which will include a rationale on why your application was unsuccessful. • You will be unable to complete the remaining steps. Step 7: Enrol in your Language subject at UQ / Griffith Student number, username and password The following tables provide an overview of how you will be issued a Host University (UQ / Griffith) student number username and password (if you are a new student) or details on when you can proceed to enrolment if you are a returning / continuing student. New student at the Host University (UQ / Griffith) Details Griffith University (Griffith) The University of Queensland (UQ) Student number, username and password Email: Griffith will email you an admission offer and enrolment pack, which will include your student number, username and password. The email notice will be sent to your QUT email address recorded on your application form. Email: Two (2) to four (4) working days after you have received your BULA approval notice, UQ will contact you by email to advise you of your UQ student number and username. The notice will also include instructions on how to obtain your UQ password. The email notice will be sent to your QUT email address recorded on your application form. You will be able to enrol in your language subject Enrolment at Griffith, once you have received your student You will be able to enrol in your language subject at UQ, once you have received your student number, number, username and password. username and password. 8 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Returning or continuing student at the Host University (UQ / Griffith) Details Griffith University (Griffith) The University of Queensland (UQ) Student number, username and password Your Griffith student number, username and password will not change. If you have forgotten your username and/or password, contact Griffith’s Student Centre: Brisbane: +61 7 3735 7700 or Gold Coast +61 7 5552 8811. Your UQ student number, username and password will not change. If you have forgotten your username and/or password, please contact UQ’s Information Technology Services (ITS) via phone: + 61 7 3365 6000. You will be able to enrol at UQ one (1) to two (2) Enrolment Griffith will send you an enrolment pack in the mail to the address recorded on your application working days after you have received your BULA form. You will be able to enrol at Griffith, once approval notice. you have received your enrolment pack. Enrolment at UQ / Griffith Shortly after you have received your BULA approval notice and access details if you are new student (e.g. UQ / Griffith student number, username and password) you must then: 1. Log-in to UQ / Griffith’s on-line enrolment system/student portal. 2. Enrol in your language subject in UQ / Griffith’s on-line enrolment system by UQ / Griffith’s enrolment due date. This is the most important step in the cross-enrolment process. Enrolment in your language subject at UQ / Griffith will allow you to register for class allocations, complete fee requirements, access UQ / Griffith’s on-line resources such as Blackboard; and receive a result/grade for your study at the end of semester. Important Information: • You will be unable to enrol in a UQ / Griffith Language subject in your QUT study plan. See a summary of the arrangements which apply to your QUT Study plan and enrolment at UQ / Griffith under the heading ‘Additional Information’. • At UQ / Griffith, you will only be able to enrol in the subject that was recorded on your approved crossinstitutional enrolment application in UQ / Griffith online enrolment system. If you applied for an incorrect subject or need to change your language subject, you must submit a new application for cross-institutional enrolment at the BULA website www.bula.edu.au (and be approved), before you will be able to enrol in a different subject in the Host University’s (UQ / Griffith) online enrolment system. • You must comply with UQ / Griffith’s University rules and academic calendar dates for your language subject enrolment. You should familiarise yourself with enrolment and other key dates at: UQ: www.uq.edu.au/startingatuq/important-dates Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/students/enrolment/important-dates 9 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Step 8: Complete Tuition Fee requirements You are liable for either tuition fees or a student contribution for your language subject at UQ / Griffith. Information on fees will be provided to you by the Host University (UQ / Griffith). Please do not pay any tuition fees for your language subject enrolment to QUT. Generic Information on tuition fees are as follows: • If you are a Commonwealth Supported student, you must, at enrolment, submit a Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP form at UQ/Griffith, by their due date. You must also provide UQ/Griffith with your tax file number if you are deferring your payment through tax. • If you are a domestic tuition fee paying student, and wish to apply for FEE-HELP assistance for your language subject, you must, at enrolment, submit a request for FEE-Help Assistance form at UQ/Griffith, by their due date. You must also provide UQ/Griffith with your tax file number if you are deferring your payment through tax. • If you are a Commonwealth Supported or Domestic Tuition fee paying student and elect to pay your fees upfront UQ/Griffith, you must pay your tuition fees directly to UQ/Griffith, by their due date. If you fail to meet UQ/Griffith due date, you may be charged a late payment fee or your enrolment may be cancelled. • If you are an international student, you must pay your tuition fees directly to UQ / Griffith by their due date. If you fail to meet UQ/Griffith due date, you may be charged a late payment fee or your enrolment may be cancelled. Step 9: Register for Classes (e.g. class allocation/timetable) UQ and Griffith generally open their class allocation and registration system three (3) to four (4) weeks prior to the start of week one. You must be enrolled in your language subject at UQ / Griffith to be able to register for classes. Class Allocation information can be accessed: UQ: www.uq.edu.au/startingatuq/sign-on-to-classes Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/students/enrolment/how-to-enrol Step 10: Obtain a Student ID Card You must obtain a UQ / Griffith Student ID card. Your UQ / Griffith Student ID card will be required for identification purposes when sitting examinations at UQ / Griffith and to access their resources such as borrowing library books. You can obtain a Student ID card, shortly after you have enrolled in your language subject at UQ / Griffith. ID Card information can be accessed at: UQ: www.uq.edu.au/startingatuq/get-your-student-id-card Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/new-students/campus-info/student-centre Step 11: Begin your study To be as well prepared for classes as possible, you should familiarise yourself with the following prior to week 1: 10 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Academic Calendar and Key Dates Academic Calendar You must comply with UQ / Griffith’s University rules and academic calendar dates for your language subject enrolment. UQ: www.uq.edu.au/events/calendar_view.php?category_id=16 Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/calendars-events/academic-calendar Important Note: If QUT, UQ /Griffith academic calendars do not align (e.g. classes do not start and end at the same time), you will start classes during different weeks and classes will also end in different weeks. You must ensure that you are aware of the different start/end dates and must be available to sit your exams during QUT’s examination period as well as UQ/Griffith. You can access QUT’s academic calendar at: www.student.qut.edu.au/about/key-dates-and-academic-calendar/academic-calendar Key Dates You should also familiarise yourself with enrolment and other important key dates at: UQ www.uq.edu.au/startingatuq/important-dates Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/students/enrolment/important-dates Email You will be issued a UQ / Griffith email address once you have received your UQ / Griffith student number, username and password. You will need to check both your QUT and UQ / Griffith email address regularly for important University correspondence. Textbooks and Bookshops Griffith UQ Textbooks are listed in the Learning Resources section of the course (subject) profile. You can search for the course (subject) profile through the Programs and Courses database. Textbooks are listed in the Learning Resources section of the course (subject) profile. You can search for the course (subject) profile through the Courses and Programs database. Griffith Bookshop: http://www.griffith.edu.au/bookshops UQ Bookshop: www.uq.edu.au/services/students Campus maps Campus maps can be accessed at: UQ: www.uq.edu.au/maps/ Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/about-griffith/campuses/campus-maps 11 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Transport Public Transport and parking information can be accessed at: UQ: www.uq.edu.au/about/transport Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/about-griffith/campuses/transport Step 12: Prepare for exams Final exams for language subjects will be scheduled according to the Host University’s (UQ / Griffith) Academic Calendar. UQ: www.uq.edu.au/events/calendar_view.php?category_id=16 Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/calendars-events/academic-calendar Important note: If QUT, UQ /Griffith academic calendars do not align (e.g. classes do not start and end at the same time), you may find that exam periods will be different. You will need to ensure that are available to sit your exams during QUT’s examination period as well as UQ/Griffith. You can access QUT’s academic calendar at: www.student.qut.edu.au/about/key-dates-and-academic-calendar/academic-calendar Can I view my exam timetable for Language subjects in QUT Virtual? No. You will be unable to view your UQ / Griffith language subject examination timetable in your QUT Virtual exam profile. You must access your language subject examination timetable in UQ / Griffith’s student portal. UQ Exam Information: www.uq.edu.au/myadvisor/examinations Griffith Exam Information: www.griffith.edu.au/students/exams-assessment/exams Step 13: Your results How will my language study be recorded on my QUT academic record? • If you successfully complete (grade of 4 or above) your language subject at UQ / Griffith which you have enrolled via BULA, you will be awarded advanced standing (credit / exemption) on your academic record at QUT, after results are published at UQ / Griffith. • The grade you are awarded for your language subject at UQ / Griffith will appear on your QUT Academic Record and will contribute to your overall course GPA. An example of how advanced standing will appear on a QUT academic record is as follows: Advanced standing units FREN1010 INTRODUCTORY FRENCH A (UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND) Credit Points Grade 12 4 12 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Do I need to submit an Advanced Standing application at the end of each semester? • No. If you have enrolled in a language subject(s) via BULA, you are not required to submit an Advanced Standing application at the end of each semester. • UQ / Griffith will automatically provide QUT’s Languages Team with your results, once they have been published at UQ / Griffith. • If you successfully complete (grade of 4 or above) your language subject at UQ / Griffith which you have enrolled via BULA, QUT will arrange for advanced standing (credit/exemption) including the grade achieved in the language subject, to be awarded on your QUT Academic Record, after results are published at UQ / Griffith. This may take approximately one week to occur. Important note: QUT are unable to award advanced standing on your Academic Record at QUT, until results have been officially published/released at UQ / Griffith. You can access UQ and Griffith’s result publication dates at: UQ: www.uq.edu.au/myadvisor/important-examination-dates Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/students/exams-assessment/grades What happens if I do not pass my language subject at UQ / Griffith? If you do not successfully complete your language subject (grade below 4) at UQ / Griffith, you will not be awarded advanced standing (credit/exemption) at QUT and the grade will not be reflected on your QUT academic record. Supplementary Assessment Cross-institutional students are not eligible for supplementary assessment. If you do not successfully complete your language subject (grade below 4) at UQ / Griffith, you will not be approved for supplementary assessment at the Host University (UQ / Griffith). Graduation QUT will make every possible effort for Language Alliance (BULA) students to meet graduation timelines if you are enrolled in a language subject at UQ / Griffith in your final semester of study. 13 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Additional Information QUT Study Plan and enrolment at UQ / Griffith This table summarises the different arrangements which apply to your QUT Study plan, cross-institutional enrolment at UQ / Griffith and advanced standing arrangements at the end of each semester. Topic QUT UQ / Griffith Enrolment You will be able to select (view) UQ / Griffith Language subjects in your QUT Study Plan. You must enrol in your language subject in UQ / Griffith’s on-line enrolment system, after your application for cross-enrolment is approved and you You will however be unable to enrol in a UQ / Griffith have received your UQ / Griffith student number, language subject in your QUT Study Plan. username and password. UQ / Griffith language subjects will have a status of ‘planned’ in your QUT Study Plan, until you successfully complete your enrolment (grade of 4 or above) at UQ / Griffith at the end of each semester. You must access UQ / Griffith’s student portal for information relating to your language subject: enrolment, fees, timetable and results. You will be unable to view or access UQ / Griffith You must access UQ / Griffith’s student Study language study material in QUT Virtual or Blackboard. portal/Blackboard site for study materials. Materials Exams You will be unable to view your UQ / Griffith language You must access your language subject examination subject examination timetable in your QUT Virtual timetable in UQ / Griffith’s student portal. For more exam profile. information visit: UQ: www.uq.edu.au/myadvisor/examinations Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/students/exams-assessment Results You will not be required to submit an application for advanced standing to QUT at the end of each and Academic semester. Transcript UQ / Griffith will automatically provide QUT’s Languages Team with your results, at the end of each semester. On receipt of your results from UQ/Griffith, QUT will arrange for advanced standing (credit/exemption) to be awarded on your QUT Academic Record, if you successfully complete (grade of 4 or above), your language subject at UQ / Griffith. The grade awarded for the language subject at UQ / Griffith will appear on your QUT Academic Record and will contribute to your overall course GPA. See ‘Your Results’ for further information. Your academic record at UQ / Griffith will record your official language enrolment details and your results for each language subject undertaken as a cross-institutional student. For more information visit: UQ: www.uq.edu.au/myadvisor/academic-recordtranscript Griffith: https://intranet.secure.griffith.edu.au/student/stud ent-centre-support/post-enrolment/unofficialtranscript If you do not successfully complete your language subject (grade below 4) at UQ / Griffith you will not be awarded advanced standing (credit/exemption) at QUT and the grade will not be reflected on your QUT academic record. 14 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Withdrawing from a Language subject at UQ / Griffith If you need to withdraw from your language subject (e.g. cancel your enrolment), you must withdraw from the subject in the Host University’s (UQ / Griffith) online enrolment system. Before you withdraw from any subjects, make sure you understand how it will affect your enrolment, grades and fees. You should review the Host University’s (UQ / Griffith) calendar and key date websites for academic and financial penalty dates. Academic Calendar UQ: www.uq.edu.au/events/calendar_view.php?category_id=16 Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/calendars-events/academic-calendar Key Dates UQ: www.uq.edu.au/startingatuq/important-dates Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/students/enrolment/important-dates Terminology Home University vs. Host University • Home University is QUT Home University refers to the University where you are studying your degree program. • Host University is Griffith / UQ Host University refers to the University where you will be studying your language subject. Terminology Differences QUT Terminology Host University Terminology (UQ / Griffith) Course (e.g. Bachelor of Education) Program (e.g. Bachelor of Education) Unit or subject (e.g. 1090LAL Introductory Italian A) Course (e.g. 1090LAL Introductory Italian A) Credit Points UQ : Unit Griffith: Credit Points Credit Points Conversion table QUT, UQ and Griffith’s credit point systems are different. The following table summarises how UQ / Griffith Language subject credit points equate to QUT’s credit point system. Host University UQ Griffith Host University Credit Points QUT Credit Points 2 unit Language subject 12 credit points at QUT (1 subject) 4 unit Language subject 24 credit points at QUT (2 subjects) 10 credit point language subject 12 credit points at QUT (1 subject) 20 credit point language subject 24 credit points at QUT (2 subjects) 15 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Result conversion table QUT, UQ and Griffith’s grading system (scales) may vary. The following table summarises how UQ / Griffith grades equate to QUT’s grading system. Griffith University (Griffith) Griffith Grading Scale QUT Grading Scale Pre 2013 From 2013 HD: High Distinction 7: High Distinction 7: High Distinction D: Distinction 6: Distinction 6: Distinction C: Credit 5: Credit 5: Credit P: Pass 4: Pass 4: Pass The University of Queensland (UQ) UQ Grading Scale QUT Grading Scale 7: Pass with high distinction 7: High Distinction 6: Pass with distinction 6: Distinction 5: Pass with credit 5: Credit 4: Pass 4: Pass Note: Failing grades (e.g. grades below 4) are not reflected in the above tables, as you will only be awarded Advanced Standing at QUT if you achieve a passing result at UQ / Griffith (grade of 4 or above). The Grading Schema for each University can be accessed at: Griffith: www.griffith.edu.au/students/exams-assessment/grades UQ: www.uq.edu.au/myadvisor/explanation-of-grades QUT: www.mopp.qut.edu.au/C/C_05_02.jsp 16 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Centrelink Letters Centrelink may contact you during your study to request that you provide evidence of your enrolment during a semester. If this occurs, you can request a confirmation of enrolment statement by emailing ASK QUT (askqut@qut.edu.au). It is recommended that you provide the following details in your email to Ask QUT. Email Details Email address askqut@qut.edu.au Subject line of email Attention KG Student Centre: Centrelink - Language Alliance Enrolment Content of email 1. Include your QUT Student number, full name and the course you are enrolled at QUT (e.g. BS05 Bachelor of Business). 2. Request a confirmation of enrolment statement to be sent to Centrelink. 3. In the body of the email, indicate the following: The subject/s you are enrolled at QUT. You are undertaking language study at UQ/Griffith through the Language Alliance (BULA). The subject/s you are enrolled at UQ/Griffith. Extra details 4. If available, include your Centrelink reference number and the details of the Centrelink Office that has requested a confirmation of enrolment statement from you. 5. If you have received a letter from Centrelink, please attach the letter in the email to ASK QUT. 17 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Information for Bachelor of Education students (who commenced their degree prior to 2014) LOTE Major and enrolment If you commenced your Bachelor of Education (Primary) or Bachelor of Education (Secondary) degree prior to 2014 you may choose to undertake a LOTE major as a study area. The LOTE Major consists of 6 subjects/72 credit points. The language study areas available for LOTE students enrolled in Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) are: • • • • • Mandarin French German Indonesian Japanese. You must inform the Faculty of Education if you choose to undertake a LOTE major in your course so that your enrolment and course progression can be reviewed. Contact details Phone: 3138 3947 Email: educationenq@qut.edu.au Practical Field Experience and Language enrolment Education students undertaking a LOTE Major may find that their practical field experience will be scheduled in the same semester as your language classes. If this occurs, you must at the commencement of semester (or earlier), consult with your language teacher at the Host University (UQ / Griffith) to seek their advice if they will be able to support offering you any alternative study arrangements (classes outside of placement or assessment) while you are on field experience. The decision to offer alternative arrangements is up to each individual language teacher at UQ / Griffith. Due to this, QUT is unable to guarantee that arrangements will be made for each student. 18 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack Summary of Useful Websites University / Web Content Area Web Address Brisbane Universities Languages Alliance (BULA) www.bula.edu.au Campus location where each language area is www.bula.edu.au/Languages Languages taught (classes) Alliance Cross-institutional enrolment application (BULA) www.bula.edu.au/Apply opening and closing dates QUT UQ On-line cross-institutional enrolment application www.bula.edu.au/Apply/ApplicationForm/tabid/175/D efault.aspx Course structure information www.student.qut.edu.au/studying/courses Languages (overview) www.qut.edu.au/study/study-areas/language-courses Language Cross-Institutional Enrolment information www.qut.edu.au/study/study-areas/languagecourses/language-alliance-cross-institutional-enrolment Mandarin unit synopses www.student.qut.edu.au/studying/units Academic Calendar www.uq.edu.au/events/calendar_view.php?category_i d=16 Academic Record - Transcript www.uq.edu.au/myadvisor/academic-record-transcript Bookshop www.uq.edu.au/services/students Campus Map www.uq.edu.au/maps/ Class Allocations www.uq.edu.au/startingatuq/sign-on-to-classes Courses and Programs (e.g. unit outlines) www.uq.edu.au/study/ Enrolment streams - programs http://languagescultures.uq.edu.au/index.html?page=19244 Examinations www.uq.edu.au/myadvisor/examinations Key dates www.uq.edu.au/startingatuq/important-dates Placement interviews http://languagescultures.uq.edu.au/index.html?page=17999&pid=1799 8 Release of results www.uq.edu.au/myadvisor/important-examinationdates School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies www.slccs.uq.edu.au/ Student ID Cards www.uq.edu.au/startingatuq/get-your-student-id-card Timetable www.sinet.uq.edu.au/psp/ps/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/UQ MY_GUEST.UQMY_GUEST_TTBLE.GBL?FolderPath=POR TAL_ROOT_OBJECT.UQ_MYSINET.UQ_MYSINET_GENER AL.UQMY_GUEST_TTBLE_GBL&IsFolder=false&IgnorePa ramTempl=FolderPath%252cIsFolder Transport www.uq.edu.au/about/transport 19 CRICOS No. 00213J BULA Cross-Institutional Enrolment Pack University / Web Content Area Griffith Web Address Academic Calendar www.griffith.edu.au/calendars-events/academic-calendar Academic Record - Transcript https://intranet.secure.griffith.edu.au/student/studentcentre-support/post-enrolment/unofficial-transcript Bookshop http://www.griffith.edu.au/bookshops Campus Map www.griffith.edu.au/about-griffith/campuses/campusmaps Class Allocations (select classes) www.griffith.edu.au/students/enrolment/how-to-enrol Enrolment www.griffith.edu.au/students/enrolment Enrolment streams (Language subjects) www.griffith.edu.au/humanities-languages/schoollanguages-linguistics/what-can-i-study Examinations www.griffith.edu.au/students/exams-assessment Key dates www.griffith.edu.au/students/enrolment/important-dates Programs and Courses (e.g. unit outlines) www.griffith.edu.au/programs-courses or www.griffith.edu.au/programs-courses/course-search Release of results www.griffith.edu.au/students/exams-assessment/grades School of Languages and Linguistics www.griffith.edu.au/humanities-languages/schoollanguages-linguistics Student ID Cards www.griffith.edu.au/new-students/campus-info/studentcentre Timetable www.griffith.edu.au/students/enrolment/timetable Transport www.griffith.edu.au/about-griffith/campuses/transport Contact us If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact: QUT Business School Phone: 3138 2050 Email: qut.languages@qut.edu.au 20 CRICOS No. 00213J