Griffith University and University of Southern Denmark Collaborative

Griffith University and University of Southern
Denmark Collaborative Travel Grants
Applications m a y b e received o n a r o l l i n g d e a d l i n e b a s i s .
For 2012 applications, the Application Deadline is 30 October 2012.
The Scheme
Griffith University and University of Southern Denmark have signed a Memorandum of
Understanding which aims to expand cooperation, exchange of ideas and research
collaborations between the two institutions in the areas of:
Science, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biology;
Engineering and Technology, Welfare Technology, Robotics and IT;
Health (including the "Twins Register" studies at both SDU and GU), Public Health,
Psychology (including Child Studies), Medicine, Biotechnology, Sports and Exercise
Business, Marketing and Management, Sustainable Tourism, Law and Journalism;
Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Design and research collaborations with the Hans
Christian Andersen Centre;
such other areas as the parties shall agree.
Each institution will contribute AUD 50,000 per year to the scheme, with the primary purpose
of assisting researchers from each institution to undertake onsite visits to colleagues in the
other institution in order to develop collaborative research projects. Research projects which
receive support under the scheme should lead to joint publications in high quality research
outlets and joint grant applications to external funding bodies. Each institution will manage its
own funds onsite.
Each application must include at least one researcher from each institution, both of whom will
have continuing academic positions in the year of award. Applications may include
participation of postgraduate students and early career researchers as well as more
experienced and senior researchers.
Applications must be in one or more of the disciplinary areas listed above.
Terms and Conditions
Grants will normally be awarded in the range of AUD 5,000 to AUD 10,000 and should be
directed principally at travel costs. Funding may also be used to undertake small scale
projects which will provide the groundwork for larger scale external grant applications or
publications in quality research outlets.
Funds must be expended within 12 months of the award.
Preparing an Application
Only one application will be accepted for each project and should be submitted to the institution of
the first named Chief Investigator. Applications from both Griffith and t h e University of Southern
Denmark should use the application form available for download here.
Applicants from University of Southern Denmark should submit an electronic copy of the
application to Steen Kaern Christiansen,
Applicants from Griffith should submit an electronic copy of the application to: or a paper copy to the Office for Research at Nathan or Gold
Coast campus.
Assessment of Applications
Applications from each institution will be assessed and ranked by a selection panel of senior
academic staff.
Members of the Griffith assessment panel will comprise:
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) (chair)
Dean Research from either Griffith Health or Science, Environment, Engineering and
Dean Research from either Arts, Education and Law or Griffith Business School.
Members of the SDU assessment panel will comprise:
Prorector (chair)
2 other senior academic representatives.
After each panel has assessed and ranked applications from its own academic staff, the
chairs of the two panels will meet by electronic means and agree on the final distribution of
awards. These meetings will occur as required but generally on a quarterly basis.
It is anticipated that the approximate Closing Dates for applications will be in early April, late
June, the end of September and the end of November each year.
Assessment Criteria
Excellence will be the primary criterion. The selection panels will consider:
The quality of the aims, significance, research plan and proposed outcomes of the
research collaboration
How well the proposed project contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the
nominated disciplinary areas
Likelihood of realizing joint benefits to Griffith University and the University of
Southern Denmark including establishment and/or continuation of a long-term
research collaboration, funding from external funding sources and collaborative
publications in highly ranked outlets.
Proposals which include joint supervision of postgraduate research students and/or mentoring
of early career researchers will be favourably considered.
Applications planning to use funding to leverage external funding schemes may be given
priority over otherwise equally ranked applications.