CIVL 111 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Chapter 5 Concrete 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 Concrete: definition and composition Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse granular material (the aggregate or filler) embedded in a hard matrix of material (the cement or binder) that fills the space between the aggregate particles and glues them together. We can also consider concrete as a composite material that consists essentially of a binding medium within which are embedded particles or fragments of aggregates. The simplest representation of concrete is: Concrete = Filler + Binder. According to the type of binder used, there are many different kinds of concrete. For instance, Portland cement concrete, asphalt concrete, and epoxy concrete. In concrete construction, the Portland cement concrete is utilized the most. Thus, in our course, the term concrete usually refers to Portland cement concrete. For this kind of concrete, the composition can be presented as follows Cement (+ Admixture) → + Water Cement paste + fine aggregate → mortar + → concrete coarse aggregate Here we should indicate that admixtures are almost always used in modern practice and thus become an essential component of modern concrete. Admixtures are defined as materials other than aggregate (fine and coarse), water, fibre and cement, which are added into concrete batch immediately before or during mixing. The widespread use of admixture is mainly due to the many benefits made possible by their application. For instance, chemical admixtures can modify the setting and hardening characteristic of cement paste by influencing the rate of cement hydration. Water-reducing admixture can plasticize fresh concrete mixtures by reducing surface tension of water, air-entraining admixtures can improve the durability of concrete, and mineral admixtures such as pozzolans (materials containing reactive silica) can reduce thermal cracking. A detailed description of admixtures will be given in latter sections. 5.1.2 Advantages and limitations Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. It is used in many different structures such as dam, pavement, building frame or bridge. Also, it is the most widely used material in the world, far exceeding other materials. Its worldwide production exceeds that of steel by a factor of 10 in tonnage and by more than a factor of 30 in volume. The present consumption of concrete is over 10 billion tons a year, that is, each person on earth consumes more than 1.7 ton of concrete per year. It is more than 10 times of the consumption by weight of steel. Concrete is neither as strong nor as tough as steel, so why is concrete so popular? 55 Advantages: a) Economical: Concrete is the most inexpensive and the most readily available material. The cost of production of concrete is low compared with other engineered construction materials. Three major components: water, aggregate and cement. Comparing with steel, plastic and polymer, they are the most inexpensive materials and available in every corner of the world. This enables concrete to be locally produced anywhere in the world, thus avoiding the transportation costs necessary for most other materials. b). Ambient temperature hardened material: Because cement is a low temperature bonded inorganic material and its reaction occurs at room temperature, concrete can gain its strength at ambient temperature. c) Ability to be cast: It can be formed into different desired shape and sizes right at the construction site. d) Energy efficiency: Low energy consumption for production, compare with steel especially. The energy content of plain concrete is 450-750 kWh / ton and that of reinforced concrete is 800-3200 kWh/ton, compared with 8000 kWh/ton for structural steel. e) Excellent resistance to water. Unlike wood and steel, concrete can harden in water and can withstand the action of water without serious deterioration. This makes concrete an ideal material for building structures to control, store, and transport water. Examples include pipelines (such as the Central Arizona Project, which provide water from Colorado river to central Arizona. The system contains 1560 pipe sections, each 6.7 m long and 7.5 m in outside diameter 6.4 m inside diameter), dams, and submarine structures. Contrary to popular belief, pure water is not deleterious to concrete, even to reinforced concrete: it is the chemicals dissolved in water, such as chlorides, sulfates, and carbon dioxide, which cause deterioration of concrete structures. f). High temperature resistance: Concrete conducts heat slowly and is able to store considerable quantities of heat from the environment (can stand 6-8 hours in fire) and thus can be used as protective coating for steel structure. g). Ability to consume waste: Many industrial wastes can be recycled as a substitute for cement or aggregate. Examples are fly ash, ground tire and slag. h). Ability to work with reinforcing steel: Concrete and steel possess similar coefficient of thermal expansion (steel 1.2 x 10-5; concrete 1.0-1.5 x 10-5). Concrete also provides good protection to steel due to existing of CH (this is for normal condition). Therefore, while steel bars provide the necessary tensile strength, concrete provides a perfect environment for the steel, acting as a physical barrier to the ingress of aggressive species and preventing steel corrosion by providing a highly alkaline environment with pH about 13.5 to passivate the steel. i) Less maintenance required: No coating or painting is needed as for steel structures. 56 Limitations: a) Quasi-brittle failure mode: Concrete is a type of quasi-brittle material. (Solution: Reinforced concrete) b) Low tensile strength: About 1/10 of its compressive strength. (Improvements: Fiber reinforced concrete; polymer concrete) c) Low toughness: The ability to absorb energy is low. (Improvements: Fiber reinforced concrete) d) Low strength/BSG ratio (specific strength): Steel (300-600)/7.8. Normal concrete (35-60)/2.3. Limited to middle-rise buildings. (Improvements: Lightweight concrete; high strength concrete) e) Formwork is needed: Formwork fabrication is labour intensive and time consuming, hence costly (Improvement: Precast concrete) f). Long curing time: Full strength development needs a month. (Improvements: Steam curing) g). Working with cracks: Most reinforced concrete structures have cracks under service load. (Improvements : Prestressed concrete). 5.1.3 Classification of concrete Based on unit weight Ultra light concrete Lightweight concrete Normal-weight concrete Heavyweight concrete <1,200 kg/m3 1200- 1,800 kg/m3 ~ 2,400 kg/m3 > 3,200 kg/m3 Based on strength (of cylindrical sample) Low-strength concrete Moderate-strength concrete High-strength concrete Ultra high-strength concrete Based on additives: Normal concrete Fiber reinforced concrete Shrinkage-compensating concrete Polymer concrete 57 < 20 MPa compressive strength 20 -50 MPa compressive strength 50 - 200 MPa compressive strength > 200 MPa compressive strength 5.2 Three-phase theory for Concrete 5.2.1 Three phases in concrete Concrete consists of three phases, aggregate (coarse and fine), hardened cement paste (hcp) and transition zone. Each phase can be further divided into multiple phases. For example, the aggregate contains various minerals, voids and micro cracks. Since we have discussed the properties of the first two phases, here we will concentrate on the properties of transition zone. 5.2.2 Transition zone a). Structure of transition zone: The transition zone is defined as the region between large aggregate particles and the hcp (or mortar). It exists as a thin shell, typically 10-50 micron thick. Formation of transition zone can be attributed to poor packing and the formation of water films around large particles during mixing. Owing to higher w/c ratio, the transition zone is more porous than the bulk cement paste or mortar matrix. Also, due to low strength, microcracks often form within the transition zone even before loading is applied. 58 b). Influence on concrete properties: The transition zone is generally weaker than both the aggregate and the hcp. Although the transition zone occupies much less volume than the other two phases, its influence on concrete properties is very large. The existence of transition zone can be used to explain why: . Cement paste or mortar will always be stronger than concrete provided that they have the same w/c ratio and be tested at same age. . The permeability of concrete is much higher than cement paste. . Under the same loading, components of concrete (aggregate and hcp) can show linear behaviour while concrete itself shows a nonlinear behaviour. The first two questions can be easily explained by the high porosity and existing of micro-cracks in transition zone. For the third question, we should note that it does not take a lot of energy for the propagation of pre-existing micro-cracks in the transition zone. Even at 40 percent of the ultimate strength of concrete, nonlinear behaviour can be observed. Scanning electron microscopy indicates the following: HCP and transition zone have the same constituent phases but at different fractions. The transition zone is more porous and large CH crystals are present, providing smooth planes for cracks to go through. This observation cast light on the ‘engineering’ of microstructure to improve concrete strength. By adding silica fume, a very small particle that can react with CH to form additional C-S-H, the CH crystals are removed and the interface becomes much denser. Indeed, silica fume is a very common constituent in high strength concrete used in practice. 59 5.3 Fresh concrete 5.3.1 Definition Fresh concrete is defined as concrete at the state when its components are fully mixed but its strength has not yet developed. This period corresponds to the cement hydration stages 1, 2, and 3. The properties of fresh concrete directly influence the handling, placing and consolidation, as well as the properties of hardened concrete. 5.3.2 Workability a) Definition Workability is a general term to describe the properties of fresh concrete. Workability is often defined as the amount of mechanical work required for full compaction of the concrete without segregation. This is a useful definition because the final strength of the concrete is largely influenced by the degree of compaction. A small increase in void content due to insufficient compaction could lead to a large decease in strength. The primary characteristics of workability are consistency (or fluidity) and cohesiveness. Consistency is used to measure the ease of flow of fresh concrete. And cohesiveness is used to describe the ability of fresh concrete to hold all ingredients together without segregation and excessive bleeding. b). Factors affecting workability . Water content: Except for the absorption by particle surfaces, water must fill the spaces among particles. Additional water "lubricates" the particles by separating them with a water film. Increasing the amount of water will increase the fluidity and make concrete easy to be compacted. Indeed, the total water content is the most important parameter governing consistency. But, too much water reduces cohesiveness, leading to segregation and bleeding. With increasing water content, concrete strength is also reduced. . Aggregate mix proportion: For a fixed w/c ratio, an increase in the aggregate/cement ratio will decrease the fluidity. (Note that less cement implies less water, as w/c is fixed.) Generally speaking, a higher fine aggregate/coarse aggregate ratio leads to a higher cohesiveness. . Maximum aggregate size: For a given w/c ratio, as the maximum size of aggregate increases, the fluidity increases. This is generally due to the overall reduction in surface area of the aggregates. . Aggregate properties: The shape and texture of aggregate particles can also affect the workability. As a general rule, the more nearly spherical and smoother the particles, the more workable the concrete. . Cement: Increased fineness will reduce fluidity at a given w/c ratio, but increase cohesiveness. Under the same w/c ratio, the higher the cement content, the better the workability (as the total water content increases). 60 . Admixtures: Air entraining agent and superplasticizers can improve the workability. . Temperature and time: As temperature increases, the workability decreases. Also, workability decreases with time. These effects are related to the progression of chemical reaction. c). Segregation and bleeding . Segregation (separation): Segregation means separation of the components of fresh concrete, resulting in a non-uniform mix. More specifically, this implies some separation of the coarse aggregate from mortar. . Bleeding (water concentration): Bleeding means the concentration of water at certain portions of the concrete. The locations with increased water concentration are concrete surface, bottom of large aggregate and bottom of reinforcing steel. Bleed water trapped under aggregates or steel lead to the formation of weak and porous zones, within which microcracks can easily form and propagate. 5.3.3 Measurement of workability a). Slump test (BS 1881: 102, ASTM C143): Three different kinds of possible slumps exist, true slump, shear slump, and collapse slump. Conventionally, when shear or collapse slump occur, the test is considered invalid. However, due to recent development of self compact concrete, the term of collapse slump has to be used with caution. 61 b). Compaction factor test (BS 1881: Part 103): The compacting test was developed in Great Britain in 1947. As shown in the figure, the upper hopper is completely filled with concrete, which is then successively dropped into the lower hopper and then into the cylindrical mould. The excess of concrete is struck off, and the compacting factor is defined as the weight ratio of the concrete in the cylinder, mp, to the same concrete fully compacted in the cylinder (filled in four layers and tamped or vibrated), mf (i.e., compacting factor = mp/mf). For the normal range of concrete the compacting factor lies between 0.8 to 0.92 (values less than 0.7 or higher than 0.98 is regarded as unsuitable). This test is good for very dry mixes. Three limitations: (i) not suitable for field application; (ii) not consistent; (iii) mixes can stick to the sides of the hoppers. 62 c). Vebe test (BS 1881: Part 104): The Vebe consistometer was developed in 1940 and is probably the most suitable test for determining differences in consistency of very dry mixes. This test method is widely used in Europe and is described in BS 1881: Part 104. It is, however, only applicable to concrete with a maximum size of aggregate of less than 40 mm. For the test, a standard cone is cast. The mould is removed, and a transparent disk is placed on the top of the cone. Then it is vibrated at a controlled frequency and amplitude until the lower surface of the disk is completely covered with grout. The time in seconds for this to occur is the Vebe time. The test is probably most suitable for concrete with Vebe times of 5 to 30s. The only difficulty is that mortar may not wet the disc in a uniform manner, and it may be difficult to pick out the end point of the test. 63 d). Ball-penetration test A measure of consistency may also be determined by ball penetration (ASTM C360). Essentially, this test consists of placing a 30-lb metal cylindrical weight, 6" in diameter and 4-5/8" in height, having a hemispherically shaped bottom, on the smooth surface of fresh concrete and determining the depth to which it will sink when released slowly. During penetration the handle attached to the weight slides freely through a hole in the center of the stirrup which rests on large bearing areas set far enough away from the ball to avoid disturbance when penetration occurs. The depth of penetration is obtained from the scale reading penetration of the handle, using the top edge of the independent stirrup as the line of reference. Penetration is measured to the nearest 1/4", and each reported value should be the average of at least three penetration tests. The depth of concrete to be tested should not be less than 8". This test is quickly made and is less prone to personal errors. The ratio of slump to penetration is usually between 1.3 and 2.0. 64 5.3.4 Setting of concrete a). Definition: Setting is defined as the onset of rigidity in fresh concrete. It is different from hardening, which describes the development of useful and measurable strength. Setting precedes hardening although both are controlled by the continuing hydration of the cement. b). Abnormal setting False setting: If concrete stiffens rapidly in a short time right after mixing but restores its fluidity by remixing, and then set normally, the phenomenon is called false setting. The main reason causing the false setting is crystallization of gypsum. In the process of cement production, gypsum is added into blinker through intergrinding. During grinding, the temperature can rise to about 120oC, thus causing the following reaction: C S H2 → C S H1/2 The C S H1/2 is called plaster. During mixing, when water is added, the plaster will re-hydrate to gypsum and form a crystalline matrix that provides ‘stiffness’ to the mix. However, due to the small amount of plaster in the mix, very little strength will actually develop. Fluidity can be easily restored by further mixing to break up the matrix structure. Flash setting: Flash setting is caused by the formation of large quantities of monosulfoaluminate or other calcium aluminate hydrates due to quick reactivities 65 of C3A. This is a rapid set with the development of strength and thus is more severe than false setting. However, as we mentioned before, flash setting can be eliminated by the addition of 3-5% gypsum into cement. Thixotropic set is due to the presence of abnormally high surface charges on the cement particles. It can be taken care of by additional mixing. As the hydration reaction progresses with time, the concrete becomes less flowable, and the slump value will naturally decrease. However, if the slump value decreases at an abnormally fast rate, the phenomenon is called “slump loss”. It is often due to the use of abnormal setting cement, the unusually long time taken in the mixing and placing operations, or the high temperature of the mix (e.g., when concrete is placed under hot weather, or when ingredients have been stored under high temperature). In the last case, ice chips can be used to replace part of water to lower the temperature. 66 5.3.5 Placing, Compacting and Curing Concrete should be placed as close to its final position as possible. To minimize segregation, it should not be moved over too long a distance. After concrete is placed in the formwork, it has to be compacted to remove entrapped air. Compaction can be carried out by hand rodding or tamping, or by the use of mechanical vibrators. For concrete to develop strength, the chemical reactions need to proceed continuously. Curing refers to procedures for the maintaining of a proper environment for the hydration reactions to proceed. It is therefore very important for the production of strong, durable and watertight concrete. In concrete curing, the critical thing is to provide sufficient water to the concrete, so the chemical reaction will not stop. Moist curing is provided by water spraying, ponding or covering the concrete surface with wet sand, plastic sheets, burlaps or mats. Curing compounds, which can be sprayed onto the concrete surface to form a thin continuous sheet, are also commonly used. Loss of water to the surrounding should be minimized. If concrete is cast on soil subgrade, the subgrade should be wetted to prevent water absorption. In exposed areas (such as a slope), windbreaks and sunshades are often built to reduce water evaporation. For portland cement concrete, a minimum period of 7 days of moist curing is generally recommended. Under normal curing (at room temperature), it takes one week for concrete to reach about 70% of its long-term strength. Strength development can be accelerated with a higher curing temperature. In the fabrication of pre-cast concrete components, steam curing is often employed, and the 7-day strength under normal curing can be achieved in one day. The mold can then be re-used, leading to more rapid turnover. If curing is carried out at a higher temperature, the hydration products form faster, but they do not form as uniformly. As a result, the long-term strength is reduced. This is something we need to worry about when we are casting under hot weather. The concrete may need to be cooled down by the use of chilled water or crushed ice. In large concrete structures, cooling of the interior (e.g., by circulation of water in embedded pipes) is important, not only to prevent the reduction of concrete strength, but also to avoid thermal cracking as a result of non-uniform heating/cooling of the structure. After concrete is cast, if surface water evaporation is not prevented, plastic shrinkage may occur. It is the reduction of concrete volume due to the loss of water. It occurs if the rate of water loss (due to evaporation) exceeds the rate of bleeding. As concrete is still at the plastic state (not completely stiffened), a small amount of volume reduction is still possible, and this is accompanied by the downward movement of material. If this downward movement is restraint, by steel reinforcements or large aggregates, cracks will form as long as the low concrete strength is exceeded. Plastic shrinkage cracks often run perpendicular to the concrete surface, above the steel reinforcements. Their presence can affect the durability of the structure, as they allow corrosive agents to reach the steel easily. If care is taken to cover the concrete surface and reduce other water loss (such as absorption by formwork or subgrade), plastic shrinkage cracking can be avoided. If noticed at an early stage, they can be removed by re-vibration 67 5.4 Admixtures used in concretes Historically, admixtures are almost as old as concrete itself. It is known that the Romans used animal fat, milk, and blood to improve their concrete properties. Although these were added to improve workability, blood is a very effective air-entraining agent and might well have improved the durability of Roman concrete. In more recent times, calcium chloride was often used to accelerate hydration of cement. The systematic study of admixtures began with the introduction of air-entraining agents in the 1930s when people accidentally found that cement ground with beef tallow (grinding aid) had more resistance to freezing and thawing than a cement ground without it. Nowadays, as we mentioned earlier, admixtures are important and necessary components for modern concrete technology. The concrete properties, both in fresh and hardened states, can be modified or improved by admixtures. In some countries, 70-80% of concrete (88% in Canada, 85% in Australia, and 71% in US) contains one or more admixtures. It is thus important for civil engineers to be familiar with commonly used admixtures. 5.4.1 Definition and classifications Admixture is defined as a material other than water, aggregates, cement and reinforcing fibers that is used in concrete as an ingredient and added to the batch immediately before or during mixing. Admixtures can be roughly divided into the following groups. i). Air-entraining agents (ASTM C260): This kind of admixture is used to improve the frost resistance of concrete (i.e., resistance to stresses arising from the freezing of water in concrete). ii). Chemical admixtures (ASTM C494 and BS 5075): This kind of admixture is mainly used to control the setting and hardening properties for concrete, or to reduce its water requirements. iii). Mineral admixtures: They are finely divided solids added to concrete to improve its workability, durability and strength. Slags and pozzolans are important categories of mineral admixtures. iv). Miscellaneous admixtures include all those materials that do not come under the above mentioned categories such as latexes, corrosion inhibitors, and expansive admixtures. 68 5.4.2 Chemical admixtures This includes soluble chemicals that are added to concrete for the purpose of modifying setting times and reducing the water requirements of concrete mixes. Water reducing admixtures Water reducing admixtures lower the water required to attain a given slump value for a batch of concrete. The use of water reducing admixture can achieve different purposes as listed in the following table. Water-reducing admixture are surface-active chemicals. It can separate the cement particles by increasing the static charge on the particle surfaces and thus releasing the water entrapped by cement particle clusters (see Figure below). More water is then available to ‘lubricate’ the mix. A water-reducing admixture lowers the water required to attain a given workability. This means an effective lowering of the w/c ratio that leads to high strength, low permeability, and improved durability. According to their efficiency, water-reducing admixtures can be divided into two categories, normal range and high range waterreducing admixture. The normal range water reducing admixtures or conventional waterreducing admixtures can reduce 5-10% of water at normal dosages. The high range waterreducing admixture, also called superplasticizer, can reduce water requirement by 15-30%. Superplasticizers were initially developed in Japan and Germany. They are long-chained molecules with a large number of polar groups attached to the main hydrocarbon chain. 69 Once they are adsorbed on a cement particle, strong negative charge is introduced on the particle surface. The surface tension of the surrounding water is hence greatly reduced and the fluidity of the system is significantly improved. In normal applications, the dosage of superplasticizer ranges from 0.6 to 3.0% the weight of cement. Superplasticizers are used for two main purposes: a). To produce high strength concrete at w/c ratio in a range of 0.23-0.3. b). To create "flowing" concrete with high slumps in the range of 175 to 225 mm. (useful in applications involving: rapid pumping of concrete, areas with congested reinforcements or poor assess – placing can be done with reduced vibration effort ) Associated with the reduced w/c ratio, additional benefits on hardened concrete include better durability and lower creep and shrinkage. The major drawbacks of superplasticizer are: (i). retarding of setting (especially at high dosage) - introduction of surface charges makes it more difficult for hydration products to ‘bond’ together (ii). cause more bleeding - dispersion of cement grains releases ‘trapped’ water (iii). entrained too much air - reduced surface tension of water makes it easier for bubbles to form. Setting control admixtures a). Mechanism The setting and hardening phenomena of Portland cement paste are derived from the progressive crystallization of the hydration products. As discussed before, setting, or the start of significant crystallization of hydration products, occurs at the end of the induction period, when the concentration of ions (calcium, aluminate and silicates etc) has reached a critical state. Since the solubility of ions is sensitive to the presence of other ions in solution, it is possible to change the dissolution rate of ions from the cement, by introducing other ions. This is the principle behind retarding and accelerating admixtures. Retarding admixtures are chemicals that can slow down the dissolution of ions from the cement, thus extending the induction period and delaying initial set. However, the overall strength development (during stages 3 and 4) may not be much slower than that without the retarder. Accelerating admixtures have opposite effect to retarding admixtures. They often reduce the induction period, and also increase the hardening rate at stages 3 and 4. b) Applications i) Retarding admixtures: Mainly used to: 1. Offset fast setting caused by ambient temperature particularly in hot weather; 2. Control setting of large structural units to keep concrete workable throughout the entire placing period. Examples include: 70 lignosulfonic acids and their salts, hydroxycarboxylic acids and their salts as well as sugars and their derivatives. ii)Accelerators: Used for plugging leaks, emergency repair, shotcreting and winter construction in cold region. They are mostly soluble inorganic salts. Calcium chloride is by far the best known and most widely used accelerator, and its effect is illustrated in the figure below. However, the introduction of chloride ions can accelerate the corrosion of steel. Other common accelerators include calcium acetate and calcium formate. 71 5.4.3 Air-entraining admixtures (0.05% of air entraining agent by weight of cement) Air-entraining admixtures entrain air in concrete. Air-entraining admixture contain surface-active agents concentrated at the air-water interface. By lowering the surface tension, bubbles can form more readily, and remains more stable after they are formed. With air-entraining admixtures, the mixing water tends to foam and the foam is locked into the paste during hardening. The entrained air voids is different from entrapped air voids. The entrained air void is formed on purpose while the entrapped air void forms by chance when air gets into the fresh concrete during mixing. Entrapped air voids may be as large as 3 mm; entrained air voids usually range from 50 to 200 microns. The size distribution of the solids and pores in a hydrated cement paste is give in the following figure. Air is entrained into concrete to provide resistance against frost action, or the freeze/thaw of water in the capillary pores. When freezing occurs, there is a net increase in volume. If the saturation of the pores is below 91%, the volume increase can be accommodated. With a higher saturation, however, the volume of ice will be larger than the pore size. Internal stresses are hence introduced, and cracking may occur. With the presence of closely spaced air bubbles in the hardened cement paste, when ice starts to form and grow, the remaining water in the capillary pore can move (through smaller ‘channels’ in the paste) into the air bubbles. The air bubbles thus act as a water reservoir and help to relieve internal stress arising from water freezing. The effectiveness of airentrainment depends on the spacing among the air bubbles. As shown in the following figure, the smaller the spacing factor (which is defined as the average maximum distance from any point in the paste to the edge of a void), the more durable the concrete. For spacing factor beyond 0.3 mm, the entrained air has little effect on durability. The presence of entrained air also reduces the effective modulus of the hardened cement paste. With a more flexible paste, the resistance to internal expansion is improved. The concrete is hence more durable against expansive reactions in general. Also, small air bubbles act like ‘bearings’ between aggregates. Their size compensates for the lack of fine particles in sand. Air-entrainment can hence improve both consistency and cohesion. 72 (Note: durability factor is defined as the percentage of original Young’s modulus retained after 300 freeze/thaw cycles) With entrained air, the improved workability allows the reduction of w/c ratio. This can partly compensate for the reduced strength due to the presence of air bubbles. In normal air-entrained concrete, the strength loss is in the order of 10-20%. With increasing entrained air content, the internal stress due to freezing is reduced. However, the strength of the concrete itself is also decreasing, making it easier for damage to occur. Hence, there exists an optimal air content that provides the highest durability. 73 The volume of air required to give optimum durability is about 4-8% by volume of concrete as observed from the above figure. The actual fraction depends on the maximum size of aggregate. With larger aggregate size, the required air content is reduced (see the Table below). This is because less paste is required to provide workable concrete with larger size (and hence smaller surface area per unit weight) of the coarse aggregates. Maximum aggregate size 63.5 mm 38 19 9.5 Recommended Air Content Concrete Mortar Paste Spacing factor (mm) 4.0% 5.0 6.0 7.5 4.5% 4.5 5.0 6.5 9.1% 8.5 8.3 8.7 16.7% 16.4 16.9 19.7 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.28 If entrained air is added into cement paste, the formula for the gel space ratio has to be modified as follows. volume of gel (including gel pores) volume of gel + volume of capillary pores + entrained air 0.68α = 0.32α + w / c + entrained air X = 5.4.4 Mineral admixtures Mineral admixtures are finely divided siliceous materials that are added into concrete in relatively large amounts (above 10% the weight of the cement). Industrial byproducts are the primary source of mineral admixtures. Common mineral admixtures include fly ash, condensed silica fume and blast furnace slag. Typical oxide compositions are given in the table below: Oxide Fly Ash Blast Furnace Silica Fume Portland Low Ca High Ca Slag Cement _____________________________________________________________________ (% by weight) SiO2 48 40 36 97 20 Al2O3 27 18 9 2 5 Fe2O3 9 8 1 0.1 4 MgO 2 4 11 0.1 1 CaO 3 20 40 --- 64 Na2O 1 --- --- --- 0.2 K2O 4 --- --- --- 0.5 _____________________________________________________________________ 74 When low-calcium fly ash (<10% CaO) and silica fume are added to cement, the following reaction occurs. S + CH + H → C-S-H The pozzolanic reaction given by the above equation is of great significance in concrete technology. The chemical reaction between silicon dioxide (S), and calcium hydroxide (CH) results in the formation of additional C-S-H. In other words, a weak phase is converted into a stronger phase. As a result, the ultimate concrete strength is improved. Materials with no cementing property on its own, but can react with CH at ordinary temperature to form cementitious compounds, are called pozzolans. It should be noted that the conversion of CH to C-S-H is also beneficial to concrete durability, as the permeability of concrete is reduced (due to a denser microstructure) and the resistance to acidic chemicals and alkali-aggregate reactions is improved (as there is less alkalis). With high calcium content, blast furnace slag is mainly cementitious on its own. High calcium fly ash has both cementing and pozzolanic properties. In the following, our discussion will focus on silica fume and low-calcium fly ash. Behaviour of concrete with high-calcium fly ash and blast furnace slag is intermediate between that of portland cement concrete and concrete with low-calcium fly ash. A) Condensed silica fume Silica fume is a by-product of the induction arc furnaces in the silicon metal and ferrosilicon alloy industries. Reduction of quartz to silicon at temperature up to 2000oC produces SiO vapours, which oxidize and condense in the low temperature zone to tiny spherical particles consisting of noncrystalline silica. The material removed by filtering the outgoing gases in bag filters. A size distribution of silica fume, relative to portland cement and fly ash, is shown in the following figure. 75 More accurately, the size distribution of a typical silica fume product is provided as: 20% below 0.05 micron 70% below 0.10 micron 95% below 0.20 micron 99% below 0.50 micron. The surface area is around 20 m2/g and its average bulk density is 586 kg/m3. Compared with normal portland cement and typical fly ashes, silica fume is two orders of magnitude finer. With such a small size, the pozzolanic reaction can occur very fast. The incorporation of silica fume in concrete can hence increase concrete strength at both early age (due to rapid pozzolanic reaction) and later stage. Besides the pozzolanic reaction, the development of a denser C-S-H structure through better packing (achievable with the small silica fume particles) also contributes to the strength improvement. Indeed, the use of silica fume is an effective way to produce high strength concrete. For strength over 100 MPa, the addition of silica fume is mandatory. The small size of silica fume creates problems of handling. It is often mixed in water to avoid inhalation, which is detrimental to human health. Also, with its large surface area, the water requirement to make workable concrete is significantly increased. A superplasticizer must be used together with silica fume. B) Fly ash Fly ash (pulverized fuel ash) is a by-product of electricity generating plant using coal as fuel. During combustion of powdered coal in modern power plants, as coal passes through the high temperature zone in the furnace, the volatile matter and carbon are burned off, whereas most of the mineral impurities, such as clays, quartz, and feldspar, will melt at the high temperature. The fused matter is quickly transported to lower temperature zones, where it solidifies as spherical particles of glass. Some of the mineral matter agglomerates to form bottom ash, but most of it flies out with the flue gas stream and thus is called fly ash. This ash is subsequently removed from the gas by electrostatic precipitators. Fly ash can be divided into two categories according to the calcium content. The ash containing less than 10% CaO (from bituminous coal) is called low-calcium fly ash (Class F) and the ash typically containing 15% to 30% of CaO (from lignite coal) is called high-calcium fly ash (Class C). By replacing cement with low calcium fly ash, the cohesiveness is improved (small particles are always helpful to prevent segregation). The water requirement to achieve the same consistency is reduced, as the near-spherical fly ash particles makes it easier for the concrete mix to flow. As the pozzolanic reaction does not occur until later, the early strength of concrete is reduced, with a corresponding reduction in heat of hydration. Fly ash can hence be used in mass concrete construction. The ultimate strength is higher than that for concrete without fly ash replacing part of the cement. This is due to the conversion of CH to C-S-H in the long term. 76 5.5 Hardened concrete 5.5.1 Strength of hardened concrete Introduction A). Definition Strength is defined as the ability of a material to resist stress without failure. The failure of concrete is due to cracking. Under direct tension, concrete failure is due to the propagation of a single major crack. In compression, failure involves the propagation of a large number of cracks, leading to a mode of disintegration commonly referred to as ‘crushing’. The strength is the property generally specified in construction design and quality control, for the following reasons: (1) it is relatively easy to measure, and (2) other properties are related to the strength and can be deduced from strength data. The 28-day compressive strength of concrete determined by a standard uniaxial compression test is accepted universally as a general index of concrete strength. Compressive strength and corresponding tests a). Failure mechanism a. a. b. c. d. b. c. d. At about 25-30% of the ultimate strength, random cracking (usually in transition zone around large aggregates) are observed At about 50% of ultimate strength, cracks grow stably from transition zone into paste. Also, microcracks start to develop in the paste. At about 75% of the ultimate strength, paste cracks and bond cracks start to join together, forming major cracks. The major cracks keep growing while smaller cracks tend to close. At the ultimate load, failure occurs when the major cracks link up along the vertical direction and split the specimen The development of the vertical cracks result in expansion of concrete in the lateral directions. If concrete is confined (i.e., it is not allow to expand freely in the lateral directions), growth of the vertical cracks will be resisted. The strength is hence increased, together with an increase in failure strain. In the design of concrete columns, steel stirrups are placed around the vertical reinforcing steel. They serve to prevent the lateral displacement of the interior concrete and hence increase the concrete strength. In composite construction (steel + reinforced 77 concrete), steel tubes are often used to encase reinforced concrete columns. The tube is very effective in providing the confinement. The above figure illustrates the case when the concrete member is under ideal uniaxial loading. In reality, when we are running a compressive test, friction exists at the top and bottom surfaces of a concrete specimen, to prevent the lateral movement of the specimen. As a result, confining stresses are generated around the two ends of the specimen. If the specimen has a low aspect ratio (in terms of height vs width), such as a cube (aspect ratio = 1.0), the confining stresses will increase the apparent strength of the material. For a cylinder with aspect ratio beyond 2.0, the confining effect is not too significant at the middle of the specimen (where failure occurs). The strength obtained from a cylinder is hence closer to the actual uniaxial strength of concrete. Note that in a cylinder test, the cracks propagate vertically in the middle of the specimen. When they get close to the ends, due to the confining stresses, they propagate in an inclined direction, leading to the formation of two cones at the ends. (b) Specimen for compressive strength determination Note that the cube specimen is popular in U.K. and Europe while the cylinder specimen is commonly used in the U.S. i) Cube specimen BS 1881: Part 108: 1983. Filling in 3 layers with 50 mm for each layer (2 layers for 100 mm cube). Strokes 35 times for 150 mm cube and 25 times for 100 mm cube. Curing at 20±5 0C and 90% relative humility. ii) Cylinder specimen ASTM C470-81. Standard cylinder size is 150 x 300 mm. Curing condition is temperature of 23±1.7 0C and moist condition. Grinding or capping are needed to provide level and smooth compression surface. 78 (c). Factors influencing experiment results (i) End condition. Due to influence of platen restraint, cube's apparent strength is about 1.15 time of cylinders. In assessing report on concrete strength, it is IMPORTANT to know which type of specimen has been employed. (ii) Loading rate. The faster the load rate, the higher the ultimate load obtained. The standard load rate is 0.15 -0.34 MPa / s for ASTM and 0.2-0.4 MPa/s for BS. (iii)Size effect: The probability of having larger defects (such as voids and cracks) increases with size. Thus smaller size specimen will give higher apparent strength. Standard specimen size is mentioned above. Test results for small size specimen needs to be modified. Tensile strength and corresponding tests a). Failure mechanism a. a. b. c. b. c. Random crack development (microcracks usually form at transition zone) Localization of microcracks Major crack propagation It is important to notice that cracks form and propagate a lot easier in tension than in compression. The tensile strength is hence much lower than the compressive strength. An empirical relation between ft and fc is given by: 79 ft = 0.615 (fc)0.5 (for 21 MPa < fc < 83 MPa) Substituting numerical values for fc, ft is found to be around 7 to 13% of the compressive strength, with a lower ft/fc ratio for higher concrete strength. In the above formula, fc is obtained from the direct compression of cylinders while ft is measured with the splitting tensile test, to be described below. b). Direct tension test methods Direct tension tests of concrete are seldom carried out because it is very difficult to control. Also, perfect alignment is difficult to ensure and the specimen holding devices introduce secondary stress that can not be ignored. In practice, it is common to carry out the splitting tensile test or flexural test. c). Indirect tension test (split cylinder test or Brazilian test) BS 1881: Part 117:1983. Specimen 150 x 300 mm cylinder. Loading rate 0.02 to 0.04 MPa/s ASTM C496-71: Specimen 150 x 300 mm cylinder. Loading rate 0.011 to 0.023 MPa/s The splitting test is carried out by applying compression loads along two axial lines that are diametrically opposite. This test is based on the following observation from elastic analysis. Under vertical loading acting on the two ends of the vertical diametrical line, uniform tension is introduced along the central part of the specimen. 80 The splitting tensile strength can be obtained using the following formula: f st = 2P πLD According to the comparison of test results on the same concrete, fst is about 10-15% higher than direct tensile strength, ft. d) Flexural strength and corresponding tests BS 1881: Part 118: 1983. Flexural test. 150 x 150 x 750 mm or 100 x 100 x 500 (Max. size of aggregate is less than 25 mm). The arrangement for modulus of rupture is shown in the above figure. From Mechanics of Materials, we know that the maximum tension stress should occur at the bottom of the constant moment region. The modulus of rapture can be calculated as: f bt = Pl bd 2 This formula is for the case of fracture taking place within the middle one third of the beam. If fracture occurs outside of the middle one-third (constant moment zone), the modulus of rupture can be computed from the moment at the crack location according to ASTM standard, with the following formula. 3 Pa f bt = bd 2 However, according to British Standards, once fracture occurs outside of the constant moment zone, the test result should be discarded. 81 Although the modulus of rupture is a kind of tensile strength, it is much higher than the results obtained from a direct tension test. This is because concrete can still carry stress after a crack is formed. The maximum load in a bending test does not correspond to the start of cracking, but correspond to a situation when the crack has propagated. The stress distribution along the vertical section through the crack is no longer varying in a linear manner. The above equations are therefore not exact. Factors affecting concrete strength Water/Cement Ratio In the discussion of cement hydration, it has been pointed out that the density of hardened cement (in terms of a gel/space ratio) is governed by the water/cement ratio. With higher w/c ratio, the paste is more porous and hence the strength is lower. An empirical formula relating fc and w/c was proposed by Abrams in 1919: fc = A B 1.5 ( w / c ) For 28 day strength, A is approximately 100 MPa. B is usually taken to be 4. It should be noted that the equation gives very conservative estimates for concrete with low w/c ratio (below about 0.38). Also, the strength continues to increase with decreasing w/c ratio only if the concrete can be fully compacted. For concrete with very low w/c ratio, if no water-reducing agent is employed, the workability can be so poor that a lot of air voids are entrapped in the hardened material. The strength can then be lower than that for concrete with higher w/c ratio. While w/c ratio is the most important parameter governing the strength of concrete, it is not the only parameter. Strictly speaking, the above equation is not correct. However, with no test results available, an estimation of fc from w/c is a good first approximation. Indeed, under the American practice of mix proportioning (ACI 211.1), the compression strength is estimated (in a conservative way) from the water/cement ratio. Under British practice, design tables and charts that take into consideration the types of cement and aggregate are employed. More details will be provided in a later section on concrete mix design. Age and Curing Condition The effect of curing temperature on concrete strength has already been discussed before. Provided the concrete is properly cured, the strength increases with time due to the increased degree of hydration. As a rule of thumb, for type I cement, the 7 day strength can range from 60 – 80% of the 28 day strength, with a higher percentage for a lower w/c ratio. After 28 days, the strength can continue to go up. Experimental data indicates that the strength after one year can be over 20% higher than the 28 day strength. The reliance on such strength increase in structural design needs to be done with caution, as the progress of cement hydration under real world conditions may vary greatly from site to site. 82 Aggregates For the same w/c ratio, mixes with larger aggregates give lower strength. This is due to the presence of a weak zone at the aggregate/paste interface, where cracking will first occur. With larger aggregates, larger cracks can form at the interface, and they can interact easier with paste cracks as well as other interfacial cracks. With the same mix proportion, rougher and more angular aggregates give higher strength than smooth and round aggregates. However, with smooth aggregates, a lower w/c ratio can be employed to achieve the same workability. Therefore, it is possible to achieve similar strength with smooth and rough aggregates, by adopting slightly different w/c ratios. For a fixed w/c ratio, the strength increases slightly with the aggregate/cement ratio. This is because aggregates are often denser than the cement paste. With less paste in the concrete, the overall density is increased. For normal strength concrete, the aggregate strength is seldom a concern. However, in the development of high strength concrete, it is important to select aggregates with strength higher than that of the hardened paste. Admixtures Air-entraining agents decrease concrete strength by incorporation of bubbles. Setretarding and accelerating agents affect the early strength development but have little effect on ultimate strength. Incorporation of mineral admixtures increases ultimate strength through the pozzolanic reaction. Rate effect on concrete strength and creep rupture 83 The strength of concrete is found to decrease with decreasing loading rate. At slower loading rates, more time is allowed for the crack to propagate, and hence a lower stress is required for the joining of cracks to cause failure. Indeed, concrete failure can occur if loading is increased to 70-80% of the ultimate short-term strength and then kept constant for a period of time. This phenomenon is referred to as creep rupture or static fatigue. Fatigue strength of concrete The fatigue of concrete is often analyzed using empirical approaches, following the same concept of the Goodman’s law, i.e., the allowable stress oscillation decreases linearly with the mean stress. An example design diagram is shown in the figure below. Minimum stress as a percentage of static strength 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 Maximum stress as a percentage of static strength 106 cycles 20 20 0 0 For a life of 106 cycles, if the minimum stress is zero, the allowable maximum stress is 50% the static strength. If the minimum stress is non-zero, the allowable maximum stress can be found in a way illustrated by the arrows in the figure. Note that the above diagram gives conservative estimates of life time. 84 5.5.2 Stress-strain curve and modulus of elasticity The elastic modulus of concrete is usually determined from test data up to about 40% of the ultimate strength (i.e., within or slightly beyond the linear range). Since concrete is a composite material making up of the hardened paste (with pores) and the aggregates, its modulus can be predicted from composite models. The modulus of the paste increases with decreasing porosity so paste with lower w/c ratio is stiffer. Empirically, the paste modulus is found to vary with (1-p)3, where p is the porosity. To obtain the concrete modulus Ec from the paste modulus Ep and aggregate modulus Ea, three models have been proposed. (i) Parallel model (aggregate and paste under the same strain) Ec = VaEa + VpEp Va: volume fraction of aggregate Vp = 1 – Va = volume fraction of paste (ii) Series model (aggregate and paste under the same stress) ⎛V Vp ⎞ ⎟ Ec = ⎜ a + ⎜ Ea Ep ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ (iii) −1 Square in square model Aggregates are assumed to be completed surrounded by cement, and the composite is simplified into a system of square in square. To find the concrete modulus, the system is assumed to be one made of two layers of pure paste in series with a layer consisting of paste and aggregate in parallel. This is illustrated in the figure below. Paste alone Unit length Va0.5 Paste and Aggregate in Parallel Paste Aggregate 85 Paste alone For the square in square system, Va 1 1 − Va = + Ec Ep E a Va + E p (1 − Va ) Concrete modulus predicted from this model is found to agree much better with experimental results than predictions from the parallel and series models. Concrete modulus generally increases with strength. To achieve higher strength, the water/cement ratio is reduced, and hence the hardened cement paste is denser and stiffer. The composite modulus will therefore also increase. For high strength concrete, the higher modulus is also due to the use of high quality (and hence strong and stiff) aggregates in the mix. In practice, the concrete modulus is usually not measured, but estimated from the concrete compressive strength using empirical formula. According to the British Standard for the structural used of concrete (BS 8110: part 2), the Young's Modulus of concrete (in GPa) can be related to the cube compressive strength (in MPa) by the expression E c = 9.1 f c0.33 for concrete with density of 2320 kg/m3, i.e. for typical normal weight concrete. If the density of concrete is between 1400 and 2320 kg/m3, the expression for Young's modulus is E c = 1.7 ρ 2 f c0.33 × 10 −6 where ρ is the density of concrete in kg/m3. According to ACI Building Code 318-83, the Young's Modulus of normal weight concrete is, E c = 4.70 f c0.5 where fc is the cylinder compressive strength. For concrete with density from 1,500 to 2,500 kg/m3, the relationship changes to E c = 43 ρ 1.5 f c0.5 × 10 −6 86 5.5.3 Dimensional stability--Shrinkage and creep Dimensional stability of a construction material refers to its dimensional change over a long period of time. If the change is so small that it will not cause any structural problems, the material is dimensionally stable. For concrete, drying shrinkage and creep are two phenomena that compromise its dimensional stability. Shrinkage and creep are often discussed together because they are both governed by the deformation of hydrated cement paste within concrete. The aggregate in concrete does not shrink or creep, and they serve to restrain the deformation. Drying shrinkage After concrete has been cured and begins to dry, the excessive water that has not reacted with the cement will begin to migrate from the interior of the concrete mass to the surface. As the moisture evaporates, the concrete volume shrinks. The loss of moisture from the concrete varies with distance from the surface. The shortening per unit length associated with the reduction in volume due to moisture loss is termed the shrinkage. Shrinkage is sensitive to the relative humidity. For higher relative humidity, there is less evaporation and hence reduced shrinkage. When concrete is exposed to 100% relative humidity or submerged in water, it will actually swell slightly. Shrinkage can create stress inside concrete. Because concrete adjacent to the surface of a member dries more rapidly than the interior, shrinkage strains are initially larger near the surface than in the interior. As a result of the differential shrinkage, a set of internal self-balancing forces, i.e. compression in the interior and tension on the outside, is set up. In additional to the self-balancing stresses set up by differential shrinkage, the overall shrinkage creates stresses if members are restrained in the direction along which shrinkage occurs. If the tensile stress induced by restrained shrinkage exceeds the tensile strength of concrete, cracking will take place in the restrained structural element. If shrinkage cracks are not properly controlled, they permit the passage of water, expose steel reinforcements to the atmosphere, reduce shear strength of the member and are bad for appearance of the structure. Shrinkage cracking is often controlled with the incorporation of sufficient reinforcing steel, or the provision of joints to allow movement. After drying shrinkage occurs, if the concrete member is allowed to absorb water, only part of the shrinkage is reversible. This is because water is lost from the capillary pores, the gel pores (i.e., the pore within the C-S-H), as well as the space between the C-SH layers. The water lost from the capillary and gel pores can be easily replenished. However, once water is lost from the interlayer space, the bond between the layers becomes stronger as they get closer to one another. On wetting, it is more difficult for water to re-enter. As a result, part of the shrinkage is irreversible. Gel pore Interlayer space Internal Structure of C-S-H 87 The magnitude of the ultimate shrinkage is primarily a function of initial water content of the concrete and the relative humidity of the surrounding environment. For the same w/c ratio, with increasing aggregate content, shrinkage is reduced. For concrete with fixed aggregate/cement ratio, as the w/c ratio increases, the cement becomes more porous and can hold more water. Its ultimate shrinkage is hence also higher. If a stiffer aggregate is used, shrinkage is reduced. The shrinkage strain, εsh, is time dependent. Approximately 90% of the ultimate shrinkage occurs during the first year. Both the rate at which shrinkage occurs and the magnitude of the total shrinkage increase as the ratio of surface to volume increases. This is because the larger the surface area, the more rapidly moisture can evaporate. Based on a number of local investigations in Hong Kong, the value of shrinkage strain (after one year) for plain concrete members appears to lie between 0.0004 and 0.0007 (although value as high as 0.0009 has been reported). For reinforced concrete members, the shrinkage strain values is reduced, as reinforcement is helpful in reducing shrinkage. Creep Creep is defined as the time-dependent deformation under a constant load. Water movement under stress is a major mechanism leading to creeping of concrete. As a result, factors affecting shrinkage also affect creep in a similar way. Besides moisture movement, there is evidence that creep may also be due to time-dependent formation and propagation of microcracks, as well as microstructural adjustment under high stresses (where stress concentration exists). These mechanisms, together with water loss from the gel interlayer, lead to irreversible creep. Creeping develops rapidly at the beginning and gradually decreases with time. Approximately 75% of ultimate creep occurs during the first year. The ultimate creep strain (after 20 years) can be 3-6 times the elastic strain. Creep can influence reinforced concrete in the following aspects. i). Due to the delayed effects of creep, the long-term deflection of a beam can be 23 times larger than the initial deflection. ii). Creeping results in the reduction of stress in pre-stressed concrete which can lead to increased cracking and deflection under service load. iii). In a R.C column supporting a constant load, creep can cause the initial stress in the steel to double or triple with time because steel is non-creeping and thus take over the force reduced in concrete due to creep. Creep is significantly influenced by the stress level. For concrete stress less than 50% of its strength, creep is linear with stress. In this case, the burger’s body, which is a combination of Maxwell and Kelvin models, is a reasonable representation of creep behaviour. For stress more than 50% of the strength, the creep is a nonlinear function of stress, and linear viscoelastic models are no longer applicable. For stress level higher than 88 75-80% of strength, creep rupture can occur. It is therefore very important to keep in mind that in the design of concrete column, 0.8 fc is taken to be the strength limit. Factors affecting Creep of concrete a). w/c ratio: The higher the w/c ratio, the higher is the creep. b). Aggregate stiffness (elastic modulus): The stiffer the aggregate, the smaller the creep. c). Aggregate fraction: higher aggregate fraction leads to reduced creep. d). Theoretical thickness: The theoretical thickness is defined as the ratio of section area to the semi-perimeter in contact with the atmosphere. The higher the theoretical thickness the smaller the creep and shrinkage. e). Temperature: with increasing temperature, both the rate of creep and the ultimate creep increase. This is due to the increase in diffusion rate with temperature, as well as the removal of more water at a higher temperature. f). Humidity: with higher humidity in the air, there is less exchange of moisture between the concrete and the surrounding environment. The amount of creep is hence reduced. g). Age of concrete at loading: The creep strain at a given time after the application of loading is lower if loading is applied to concrete at a higher age. For example, if the same loading is applied to 14 day and 56 day concrete (of the same mix), and creep strain is measured at 28 and 70 days respectively (i.e., 14 days after load application), the 56 day concrete is found to creep less. This is because the hydration reaction has progressed to a greater extent in the 56 day concrete. With less capillary pores to hold water, creep is reduced. 89 5.5.4 Durability Almost universally, concrete has been specified principally on the basis of its compressive strength at 28 days after casting. Since reinforced concrete structures are usually designed with a sufficiently high safety factor, it is rare for concrete structures to fail due to lack of intrinsic strength. However, gradual deterioration caused by the lack of durability reduces the safety margin of concrete structures to an extent that serious concerns have been raised. The extent of the problem is such that concrete durability has been recently described as a "multimillion dollar opportunity". In the U. S. A., the cost of repairing the interstate highway bridges alone is 20 Billion U.S. dollars. In developed countries, it is estimated that over 40% of the total resources of the building industry are applied to repair and maintenance of existing structures. In Hong Kong, steel corrosion and chemical attack on concrete have created a lot of problems. Some new pipelines can not even last for five years. Steel corrosion has led to the collapse of canopies, resulting in death and injury of people. Durability of concrete can be defined as its ability to resist weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion, or any other process of deterioration, and hence to retain its original shape, dimension, quality and serviceability. Causes of deterioration and main durability problems The causes of concrete deterioration is grouped into two categories Physical causes: Surface wear (abrasion, erosion and cavitation) Cracking (Volume changes, loading damage, and extreme temperature damage) Chemical causes: Alkali-aggregate reaction Sulphate attack Steel corrosion The most severe durability problems always involve the penetration of water (with corrosive agents) into the concrete. Physical action (e.g., water freezing) or chemical reaction (e.g., alkali-aggregate reaction) will then lead to internal expansion, resulting in significant cracking/spalling of the concrete. Durability of concrete is hence related to the ease of ingress of water and chemicals. Concrete permeability and diffusivity are hence important parameters to be considered. 90 Basic factors influencing the durability The durability of concrete depends, to a large extent, on permeability, K, and diffusivity, D. Permeability is defined as the property that governs the rate of flow of a fluid into a porous material under a hydraulic gradient. For steady-state flow, the Darcy’s law states: u x = −K ∂h ∂x where ux is the velocity of flow in the x-direction, h the pressure head and K the coefficient of permeability. Obviously the permeability is a function of pores inside materials. It is affected by both the percentage of porosity and size distribution of pores. Porosity(%) Average pore size Permeability coefficient Hardened Cement Paste 40 30 20 100 nm 110 x 10-12 cm/sec. 20 x 10-12 cm/sec. 6 x 10-12 cm/sec. Agg. 3 - 10 10 μm 1-10 x 10-12 cm/sec. Concrete 20 - 40 nm-mm 100 - 300 x 10-12 cm/sec. Diffusivity is defined by Fick's law, and it is the rate of moisture migration under a concentration gradient at the equilibrium diffusion condition. Q = −D p ∂C ∂x wher Q is the mass transport rate (kg/m2.s); Dp the diffusion coefficient (m2/s); C the concentration of a particular ion or gas (kg/m3). The two parameters apply to different situations. When water is flowing through a piece of concrete, or from one part to another part under a hydraulic gradient, permeability is the governing parameter. When gases (e.g. oxygen) move through concrete (either dry or wet) or ions (e.g. chloride) move through the pore solution, the process is governed by the diffusion coefficient (or diffusivity). Note that the diffusion coefficient varies for different diffusing substances. Generally speaking, since both the permeability and diffusivity are related to the pore structure of concrete, concrete with low permeability will also possess low diffusivity. Means to reduce permeability and diffusivity (e.g. use lower w/c ratio to reduce capillary porosity, specification of cement content high enough to ensure sufficient consistency and hence proper compaction, proper curing to reduce surface cracks) are generally helpful to concrete durability. 91 Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Alkali-Aggregate Reaction (AAR) is the reaction between alkalis from cement and constituents present in some aggregates. It can be further classified into alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and alkali-carbonate reaction. The small amounts of Na2O and K2O present in the cement clinker are responsible for the reaction. In the cement paste, these form hydroxides and raise the pH level from 12.5 to 13.5. In such highly alkaline solutions, reaction can occur for some aggregates. ASR occurs if an aggregate contains glassy silicates. Examples include chert, flint, opal, cristoballite, chalcedony and volcanic glasses. The reaction products absorb water and expand. Stresses induced by the expansion lead to cracking and spalling. Alkali-carbonate reaction occurs for dolomite. In this case, the reaction products do not expand, but the reaction exposes clay minerals that tend to absorb water and expand. Cracking will then occur. In Hong Kong AAR has only been observed for one source of aggregates from mainland China used in some projects in Northern New Territories. Although it is possible to tell (through mineral identification) if an aggregate will react with cement, it is impossible to predict whether its use will result in excessive expansion or not. Various tests for AAR have therefore been developed. In the chemical test (ASTM C289), powdered aggregate is put into sodium hydroxide, and the solubility is measured to assess the reactivity of aggregate with an alkali. Since the presence of various minerals may affect the solubility, the result is not reliable. In the mortar bar test (ASTM C227), crushed aggregates are used to cast mortar bars of standard size. The bars are stored moist at 38 oC to accelerate the reaction. Expansion should not exceed 0.05% after 3 months or 0.1% after 6 months. Since significant expansion may start after 6 months, the test should ideally be continued further. However, the time involved may make it impractical. Recently, a few rapid testing methods have been developed, such as dynamic modulus test, and gel fluorescence test. Dynamic modulus, measured from pulse velocity (Note: v = (E/ρ)1/2) is a good indication of deterioration due to AAR. The measurement can even detect deterioration before any expansion and visible cracking occurs. In the gel fluorescence test, 5% solution of uranyl acetate is applied on the specimen surface, and the specimen is then viewed under ultraviolet (UV) light. A yellowish green fluorescent glow means that reaction products from AAR are present. The new rapid testing methods are promising but they are yet to be standardized. To minimize the risk of AAR, one can: A) Use non-deleterious aggregate when the alkali content of the cement is high; B) Use low-alkali cement (<0.6% Na2O equivalent) when the silica content of aggregate is high C) Keep concrete dry (relative humidity of the concrete < 80%). The choice on types of cements and aggregates at a construction site is usually very limited, and the environment surrounding the concrete is obviously unchangeable. Therefore, the above guidelines may not be practical in a real world. In such cases, the only effective way to reduce the risk of AAR is to control moisture migration in the concrete. No AAR will occur in dry concrete even if reactive aggregates are present. Control of moisture flow can be achieved with external coating on the structural member, 92 or local diffusion coating around the aggregates (formed by placing the aggregates into a slurry of the protective material before casting). Sulphate Attack Sulphates may be present in ground water, particularly from clay soils. Underground concrete members such as foundations and pipes are therefore subject to sulphate attack. The severity of sulphate attack depends on the type of sulphate present. Calcium sulphate reacts with monosulphate (formed from C3A in the cement) to form ettringite. Since the reaction products occupy a higher volume, internal stresses are generated to disrupt the concrete. (Note: when ettringite is initially formed during the first few hours of cement hydration, expansion also occurs. However, since the concrete is still plastic, the expansion can be accommodated.) When sodium sulphate is present, it also reacts with calcium hydroxide to form gypsum, leading to a loss in strength and stiffness. Magnesium sulphate can react with calcium hydroxide and attack the C-S-H as well. The resulting degradation is hence even more serious. Sulphate is also present in seawater. However, in the presence of chloride ions (which are also abundant in seawater), the resulting ettringite stays in solution. Hence, there will be no expansion and internal stresses. Therefore, sulphate attack in seawater is not as severe as that in ground water. To minimize sulphate attack, several approaches can be employed. Firstly, the C3A content of the cement can be reduced. This is the rationale behind using type V (sulphate resistant) cement. Secondly, a lower w/c ratio can be used to reduce the permeability of concrete. While reducing the w/c ratio, it is important to keep a minimum cement content. Otherwise, the water content may become too low for the concrete to be properly compacted. Thirdly, fly ash and silica fume can be added to reduce the permeability. Replacement of cement with pozzolans can also ‘dilute’ the C3A. Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement The high pH in concrete offers a protective environment to the corrosion of steel. In such an environment, steel oxidizes to form Fe(OH)2 first. Part of the oxide will further react to form FeO.OH. With pH > 11.5, and in the absence of chloride ions, both oxides are stable. They form a thin protective film on top of the steel surface to prevent further corrosion. Steel is said to be ‘passivated’ under such a condition. The initiation of steel corrosion is usually due to either carbonation of the concrete, or the penetration of chloride ions. Carbonation is the reaction between carbon dioxide in the air, and calcium hydroxide in the hardened cement to form calcium carbonate. With calcium hydroxide removed by this reaction, the pH drops to below 11.5. When carbonation proceeds to the level of the steel reinforcement, the protective layer is no longer stable. Steel is then ‘depassivated’ and significant rusting will start. In this case, relatively uniform rusting occurs on the steel. In cities near the ocean, such as Hong Kong, or in cold regions where salt is used for deicing of road pavements, the penetration of chloride ions is a major cause for steel corrosion. When the chloride concentration at the steel level reaches a critical value (0.6 to 0.9 kg/m3 of concrete for pH value of 12-13), it will react with the Fe(OH)2 (the remaining ferrous oxide that has not converted into FeO.OH) to form a water soluble compound. The protective surface is hence destroyed. Since the part of the surface covered with FeO.OH is not affected, corrosion only occurs at isolated spots where the 93 Fe(OH)2 formerly exists. This type of corrosion is referred to as ‘pitting’ corrosion, and it is more dangerous than uniform corrosion, as large reduction in steel cross section can occur locally with little loss in total mass. Once steel is depassivated, corrosion occurs through an electrochemical process, consisting of both oxidation and reduction reactions. Four components must be present for corrosion to occur. The four components include anode, cathode, electrolyte and metallic path. The anode is the electrode at which oxidation occurs. Oxidation involves the loss of electrons and formation of metal ions. Hence, material is lost at the anode. The cathode is the electrode where reduction occurs. Reduction is the gain of electrons in a chemical reaction. The electrolyte is a chemical mixture, usually liquid, containing ions that migrate in an electric field. A metallic path between anode and cathode is essential for electron movement between the anode and cathode. For steel corrosion in concrete, the anode and cathode are both on the steel and the steel itself is the metallic path. The electrolyte is the moisture in concrete surrounding the steel. The specific reactions are given below. At the anode: Fe → Fe++ +2eAt the cathode: 4e- +O2 +2H2O → 4(OH)In the electroyte: Fe++ + 2(OH)- → Fe(OH)2 4 Fe(OH)2 + 2 H2O + O2 → 4 Fe(OH)3 (further reaction with sufficient water supply) As steel oxidizes, the corrosion products occupy a higher volume. The unit volume of Fe can be doubled if FeO is formed. The unit volume of the final corrosion product, Fe(OH)3 . 3H2O, is as large as six and a half times of the original Fe. Expansion leads to cracking and surface spalling of concrete. Once the concrete cover spalls and steel is exposed to the atmosphere, the corrosion rate will increase significantly. Eventually, the excessive loss of steel area, if left unnoticed, can lead to collapse of the structure. 94 Based on the above discussions on the corrosion process, various approaches for corrosion control can be proposed. The most cost-effective corrosion control method is to use a low w/c concrete and a relatively thick cover on the steel. (Note: the cover cannot be excessive thick as this will significantly increase the member size. Also, a thick unreinforced cover can easily crack due to shrinkage or thermal effects.) With thick cover and low concrete diffusivity, it takes a long time for carbon dioxide or chloride ion to reach the reinforcing steel. Corrosion initiation is therefore greatly reduced. Also, with low water permeability associated with low w/c ratio, once water is used up in the corrosion reactions, it takes a longer time for it to be replenished. In other words, the electrolyte, a critical component in the electrochemical reaction, is removed. Similarly, with low oxygen diffusivity, the replenishment of reacted oxygen is slow. The corrosion rate after initiation is hence reduced. Another approach to stop corrosion is to isolate the anode and cathode from the electrolyte. This is the principle behind epoxy-coated rebars (reinforcing bars). In general, epoxy-coated rebars have performed well in bridge decks and parking garages. When epoxy coated rebars are used, it is important to minimize damage to the coating during the casting procedure. Training is thus necessary for proper handling of epoxy-coated bars. Recently, notable problems with corrosion of epoxy-coated bars were reported for bridge columns in Florida. Epoxy coating, though intact, was found to separate from the steel. Further research is hence required to understand the degradation mechanism and to improve the coating performance. Instead of isolating steel from the electrolyte, one can also connect steel to either a voltage supply, or a metal higher in the electrochemical series (and hence have a higher tendency to oxidize, e.g. zinc), so the whole piece of steel becomes the cathode. This technique is called cathodic protection. Further discussions on cathodic protection will be given in the section on steel. Corrosion can also be controlled through chemical means, through the incorporation of corrosion inhibitors. The most common corrosion inhibitor is calcium nitrite. Its presence facilitates the conversion of Fe(OH)2 to FeO.OH. In other words, it is competing with chloride ions for Fe (II) ions. If the nitrite/chloride concentration is high, the chloride cannot react with Fe(OH)2 to turn it into a water soluble compound. Therefore, pitting will not occur. 95 5.6 Concrete Mix Design Procedures In the previous chapters, we have discussed the various concrete properties and the factors influencing the properties. Now, we are ready to apply this knowledge to design a concrete mix. Mix design, or mix proportioning, is a process by which one arrives at the right combination of cement, aggregate, water, and admixtures to produce concrete to satisfy given specifications. It should be indicated that this process is considered an art rather than a science. 5.6.1. Principal requirements for concrete The main purpose of mix design is to obtain a product that will perform according to predetermined requirements. These requirements include the following concrete properties: i). Quality (strength and durability) Strength and permeability of hydrated cement paste are mutually related through the capillary porosity that is controlled by w/c ratio and degree of hydration. Since durability of concrete is controlled mainly by its permeability, there is a relationship between strength and durability. Consequently, routine mix design usually focuses on strength and workability only. When the concrete is exposed to special environmental conditions, provisions on durability (e.g. limit on w/c ratio, minimum cement content, minimum cover to steel reinforcement, etc) will also be considered. ii).Workability As we mentioned earlier, workability is a complicated concept for fresh concrete and embodies various properties including consistency and cohesiveness. There is still not a single test method that can fully reflect workability. Since the slump represents the ease with which the concrete mixture will flow during placement, and the slump test is simple and quantitative, most mix design procedures rely on slump as a crude index of workability. Sometimes, the Vebe time may be employed. iii).Economy Among all the constituents of the concrete, the admixture has the highest unit cost, followed by cement. The cost of aggregates is about one-tenth that of cement. Admixtures are often used in small amounts, or they are required to achieve certain properties. To minimize cost of concrete, the key consideration is the cement cost. Therefore, all possible steps should be taken to reduce the cement content of a concrete mixture without sacrificing the desirable properties, such as strength and durability. The scope for cost reduction can be enlarged further by replacing a part of the portland cement with cheaper materials such as fly ash or ground blast-furnace slag. As mentioned earlier, under normal conditions, it is sufficient to consider workability and strength for concrete design. For special conditions, additional considerations on dimensional stability and durability have to be taken. 96 5.6.2 Fundamentals of mix design i) w/c ratio Water/cement ratio is the most important factor influencing various kinds of concrete properties. For the strength of concern, the Abrams's law states: A f c = 1 .5 ( w / c ) B where fc is the compressive strength, A is an empirical constant (usually about 100 MPa), and B is a constant depends mostly on the cement properties (usually 4). In practice, tables or charts are available for the determination of fc from w/c, as well as cement and aggregate type. ii) cement content At a given w/c ratio, increasing the cement content will increase workability and durability. However, the cost and hydration heat will also be increased. To solve such a problem, part of the cement can be replaced with fly ash or slag. iii) major aggregate properties a) maximum aggregate size: The maximum aggregate size influences the paste requirement and optimum grading. The larger the maximum size, the lower the paste requirement to achieve a given workability. However, the larger the maximum aggregate size, the lower the strength. The following considerations should be taken into account when choosing maximum aggregate size: (a). For reinforced concrete, the maximum size should not exceed one-fifth of the minimum dimension, or three-fourths of the minimum clear spacing between bars. (b) For slabs on grade, the maximum size may not exceed one-third the slab depth. b) aggregate grading The grading of aggregate is important to concrete because a good grading will decrease the cement content and void in concrete and thus produce economical and better concrete. For practical purpose it is adequate to follow grading limits specified by various organizations (e.g. British Standards, ASTM), which are not only broad and therefore economically feasible, but are also based on practical experience. 5.6.3 Weight method and volume method Usually the unit weight of fresh concrete can be known from previous experience for the commonly used raw materials. Thus we have, W(wet concrete) = W(cement)+W(water)+W(aggregate)+W(sand) The unit weight of wet concrete is usually ranged from 2300 to 2400 kg/m3. In the case of the absolute volume method the total volume (1 m3) is equal to the sum of volume of each ingredient (i.e., water, air, cement, and coarse aggregate). Thus we have Wcement Wwater Wsaggregate Wsand + + + + volume%(air ) = 1 ρ cemen ρ water ρ aggregate ρ sand Since the weight of each ingredient is easy to measure than volume, the design proportion of concrete is usually expressed as a weight ratio. Hence, the proportion obtained in volume method have to be converted to weight units by multiplying it by the density of material. 97 5.6.4 Design procedures There are many different methods for designing concrete mix. For example, ACI method and UK method. However, there is no fundamental difference among these methods. Thus, it is sufficient to introduce one method. Here, the method adopted in U. K. (Department of the Environment, DoE, 1988) is introduced. Step 1. Set a target mean compressive strength, fm Two terms about strength are important in concrete design. One is target mean strength, fm, and another is specified design (characteristic) strength, fc. The characteristic strength, fc, is the strength to be used in structural design, and is hence the objective strength to be achieved. The target strength is the strength to be obtained with the concrete mix design. Due to the variations of concrete quality, characteristic strength, fc, is defined for a permissible percentage of failure. For example, a characteristic strength, fc, of 30 MPa with 5% failures, implies that 95% of test results have to be equal to or higher than 30 MPa. Thus, the target mean strength (fm) should be higher than the characteristic strength, fc, and can be obtained from the following equation f m = f c + ks where k is a factor dependent on the failure percentage and s is the standard deviation. k and s can be obtained from the following table and figure. 98 Step 2. Obtain required material information, including availability of materials (what kind of aggregate and cement available), sieve analysis of both coarse and fine aggregate, BD, UW and MC of aggregate, and maximum size of aggregate. Step 3. Determine the w/c ratio according to the following empirical table and figures. To do this, first get a predicted compressive strength according to the type of cement and type of coarse aggregate for a w/c ratio of 0.5 from the following table. Then, plot this value on the following figure on the w/c =0.5 vertical line. Draw a curve through this point, parallel to the printed curves, until it intercepts a horizontal line passing through the ordinate of predetermined mean strength. The value of the w/c ratio corresponding to mean strength can then be obtained. 99 Step 4. Specify the slump value. Usually, slump values of the concrete to be designed will be specified according to the job nature of the concrete construction. For an inexperienced person, the following table shall provide sufficient information. 100 Step 5. The free water content is then obtained from the following table according to the type of aggregate and the specified workability. Step 6 The cement content can then be calculated by dividing the water content by w/c ratio. Cement content / m 3 = Water content / m 3 w/c Compare this value with the specified minimum required cement content determined by durability consideration. If it is below such a value, the value specified must be used and the modified w/c ratio calculated. 101 Step 7. The total aggregate content is then obtained by estimating the wet density of the fully compacted mix from following figure. The total SSD aggregate content is then equal to (wet density - cement content - free water content) for 1 m3 concrete. Step 8. Determine the proportion of sand. The proportion of fine aggregate to total aggregate depends on the grading of the sand and maximum aggregate size, the workability and w/c ratio. The value can be determined from the following figures, which plot the percent of fine aggregate versus w/c ratio for different maximum aggregate size, workability, and the aggregate zone (represented by the percentage of fine aggregates going through the 600 μm sieve). For a given slump, as the w/c ratio increases (with fixed water content), a higher percentage of fine aggregates is employed as there is less cement in the mix. For the same w/c, when one goes from one figure to another figure of higher slump (for the same max. aggregate size), the water content increases, and the percentage of fines can also increase. When the maximum aggregate size increases (e.g. going from Fig. (a) to (b) below), the amount of water decreases, so the percentage of fines (for the same slump and w/c ratio) decreases. 102 103 104 105 Step 9. The proportion of coarse aggregate is then the total aggregate content minus the amount of fine aggregate. Step 10. Obtain the mix proportion for the standard material conditions. Usually, take cement as 1 and other materials and the ratio of the weight of cement. Step 11. For field applications, make adjustment for moisture in the aggregates. For stock aggregate with surface moisture, the actual weight of stock aggregate for mixing should be more than the weight of aggregate specified in the proportion while the amount of water (available for achieving desired workability) should be decreased. For stock aggregate with absorption capability, the actual weight of aggregate for mixing should be less than the weight of above proportioned aggregate while the amount of water should be increased. Step 12. Calculate the quantities in kg per cubic meter for the raw materials. Step 13. Make the trial batch to check the validity of the concrete design. The calculated mix proportions should be checked by making trial mixes. Only a sufficient amount of water to produce the required workability should be used, regardless of the amount calculated. Trial mix should be tested for flow ability, cohesiveness, finishing properties and air content, as well as for yield and density (unit weight). If any one of these properties, expect the last two, is unsatisfactory, adjustments to the mix proportions are necessary. For example, lack of cohesiveness can be corrected by increasing the fine aggregate content at the expense of the coarse aggregate content. The ‘rules of thumb’ are as follows: (a) If the correct slump is not achieved, the estimated water content is increased (or decreased) by 6 kg/m3 for every 25 mm increase (or decrease) in slump. (b) If the desired air content is not achieved, the dosage of the air-entraining admixture should be adjusted to produce the specified air content. The water content is then increased (or decreased) by 3 kg/m3 for each 1 per cent decrease (or increase) in air content. (c) If the estimated density (unit weight) of fresh concrete by mass method is not achieved and is of importance, mix proportions should be adjusted, allowance being made for a change in air content. Step 14. Finalize the mix proportion based on the adjustment of the trial batch. 106