THE ISABELA STATE UNIVERSITY San Mariano Campus CITIZEN’S CHARTER PERFORMANCE PLEDGE We the Isabela State University employees, pledge to serve our students and other clients with utmost dedication and excellent service by way of timely and prompt execution of our frontline services through: - Visible, adequate and accurate information guides; - Equal treatment to students and other clients; - Responsive to feedbacks; - Transparent in all transactions. We believe that we are a “University of People and Nature.” FEEDBACK AND REDRESS MECHANISM Please let us know how we have served you through any of the following: - Accomplish our Feedback Form available in the offices and put in the suggestion box. - Send your feedback through e-mail ( - Talk to our OFFICER OF THE DAY If you are not satisfied with our service, your written/verbal complaints will be immediately attended to by the Officer of the Day at the Public Assistance and Complaint Desk. THANK YOU for helping us continuously improve our services. FRONTLINE SERVICES 1. Registrar’s Office A. Admission of New Students, Transferees and Continuing Students ADMISSION OF NEW STUDENTS, TRANSFEREES AND CONTINUING STUDENTS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday During off-teaching hours Who may avail of the Service: ISU Students What are the Requirements: For Freshmen: High School Report Card and/or Form 137; Birth Certificate; Photocopy of Good Moral Character; and Duly Accomplished Admission Form Transferee Students: Transfer Credentials; Birth Certificates; Good Moral Character; Duly Accomplished Admission Form Old Students: Certification of Grades and Duly Accomplished Pre-enrollment Form Duration: 1 minute How to avail of the Service: Step Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity Duration of Fees and Person Incharge Activity Charges 1 Submit the required documents Receive and evaluate the 1 minute Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento documents/credentials of the students submitted END OF TRANSACTION B. Registration Of New Freshmen/Transferees & Continuing Students REGISTRATION OF NEW FRESHMEN/TRANSFEREES & CONTINUING STUDENTS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday During off-teaching hours Who may avail of the Service: Incoming Freshman/Transferees/Continuing Students What are the Requirements: Duly accomplished admission form, pre-registration, Official Receipts Duration : 5 minutes How to avail of the Service: Step Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity 1 2 3 Duration of Activity Submit the duly accomplished admission form for Encode/countercheck subjects to be enrolled, 1 enrollment assess fee and print the same minute/stud ent Continuing students will present the pre- Encode/countercheck subjects to be enrolled, 1 registration duly signed by the registration assess fee and print the same minute/stud adviser ent Pay the assessed fee at the Cashier’s office Check the receipt of payment and issue 1 minute stamped class card END OF TRANSACTION Fees and Charges Person Incharge Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Mrs. Lorlina P. Solis C. Adding/Dropping/Changing of Subjects ADDING/DROPPING/CHANGING OF SUBJECTS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday During off-teaching hours Who may avail of the Service: Students of ISU What are the Requirements: Adding/dropping/changing forms, Official Receipts Duration: 1 minute How to avail of the Service: Step Applicant/Client 1 2 3 4 Administration’s Office Activity Duration of Activity Secure dropping/changing/adding form at the Issue dropping/changing/adding form to 1 minute/student Registrar’s Office students Pay the Adding fee at the Cashier’s office Receive payment and issue O.R. 1 minute Fill up the dropping/changing/adding form Check the OR and the requested form if duly 1 minute signed by the subject professor/instructor with recommending approval by the Registration adviser, noted by the Program Chairman Submit adding/dropping/changing form and wait Approve, rectify and Encode the added, 1 minute for the approval of the registrar dropped, changed subjects in the automation END OF TRANSACTION Fees and Charges Person Incharge Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Mrs. Lorlina Solis Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento D. Evaluation of Record of Students EVALUATION OF RECORD OF STUDENTS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday During off-teaching hours Who may avail of the Service: Students of ISU What are the Requirements: Application for evaluation, duly accomplished evaluation forms Duration: 31 minutes How to avail of the Service: Step Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity 1 2 Duration of Activity Non-graduating and graduating students will Receive application for evaluation and 30 minutes/ submit the application for evaluation update records of deficiencies of students; Student evaluate student’s records for purposes of graduation Wait and receive the result of evaluation Provide the list of deficiencies to be settled 1 minute END OF TRANSACTION Fees and Changes Person Incharge Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento E. Issuance of Requested Academic Documents ISSUANCE OF REQUESTED ACADEMIC DOCUMENTS (TOR, Diploma, Certification, Honorable Dismissal Certificate of Authenticity and Verification) Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday: During off-teaching hours Who may avail of the Service: Students of ISU What are the Requirements: University Clearance, Official Receipts Duration: 2 hours and 10 minutes How to avail of the Services: Steps Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Secure clearance form Issue clearance form to students Process the signing of clearance and submit to Receive duly accomplished clearance form the registrars’ office Pay the required fee for the requested Receive the receipt and issue claim stub academic documents at the cashier’s office Duration of Activity 1 minute 1 minute/student Fees and Charges Person incharge Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento 1 minute/student TOR- 50 Mrs. Lorlina Solis Diploma- 150 Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Certification – 30 Hon. Dismissal-30 CAV – 30 Issue the requested document 1 minute Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Verify authenticity /legitimacy of the 1 minute Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento presented authorization/ SPA and issue the requested documents Prepare, generate, countercheck and sign 2 hours Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento transcript of records of graduating student Present the Claiming Stub Present the authorization or SPA to receive /claim the document in the absence of the student Wait and receive the duly signed TOR, diploma, honorable dismissal certification and certificate of authenticity and verification Wait and receive the duly accomplished TOR Issue the requested academic documents and diploma, etc…. END OF TRANSACTION 5 minutes Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento F. Application for Graduation GRADUATION Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday During off-teaching hours Who may avail of the Service: Graduating Students of ISU What are the Requirements: Official Receipt, Application for Graduation Duration: 5 days, 16 hours and 5 minutes How to avail of the Service: Step Applicant / Client 1 2 3 4 Administration’s Office Activity Submit duly accomplished application form for graduation Verify the list submitted to the Registrar’s office Wait for the result of deliberations from the College, Campus and University Council meeting Receive application form for graduation Pay required fee for graduation and attend graduation rites Prepare for the holding of graduation Prepare list of candidates Present the list for deliberation in the College, Campus and University Council meeting END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 5 minutes 2 hours 2 hours-college council 4 hrs-campus 8 hrsuniversity 5 days Fees and Charges Person Incharge Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Instructors/Professors/Pres ident/ VP’s/EO’s/CA’s GrandMarshall/ Registrar/ Faculty members/ Admin Staff G. Endorsement ENDORSEMENT Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday During Off-teaching hours Who may avail of the Service: Students of ISU What are the Requirements: Official Receipt Duration: 10 minutes How to avail of the Service: Step Applicant / Client 1 2 Pay endorsement fee at the cashier’s office Wait and receive the endorsement letter Administration’s Office Activity Prepare and issue the endorsement letter duly signed by the Registrar END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 5 minutes 5 minutes Fees and Charges 30.00 Person Incharge Mrs. Lorlina Solis Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento II. Student Service Office A. Admission Of New Freshmen/Transferees & Continuing Students ADMISSION OF NEW FRESHMEN/TRANSFEREES & CONTINUING STUDENTS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00-5:00pm Who may avail of the Service: Incoming Freshman/Transferees & Continuing Students What are the Requirements: Clearance (for transferring and graduate students) Duration: 4 minutes & 30 seconds How to avail of the Service: Step Applicant / Client 1 2 3 4 Submit the requirements Submit the OR and clearance form Receive the Certificate /affidavit Administration’s Office Activity Receive the payment & issue OR Log the request and the Official Receipt Print Certificate Sign and release the Certificate /Affidavit to the client END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 1 minute 1 minute 2 minutes 30 seconds Fees and Charges 30.00 Person Incharge Mrs. Lorlina Solis Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel B. Issuance Of Certificate Of Good Moral Character ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00-5:00pm Who may avail of the Service: ISU students What are the requirements: Clearance (for transferring and graduate students) Duration: 5 minutes How to avail of the Service: Step Applicant / Client 1 2 Pay certification Fee Submit the OR and clearance form 3 Receive the Certificate Administration’s Office Activity Collect the payment & issue OR Receive the request and the Official Receipt Print Certificate Sign and release the Certificate to the client END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 1 minute 1 minute 2 minutes 1 minute Fees and Charges 30.00 Person Incharge Mrs. Lorlina Solis Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel C. Pre-Admission and Admission COLLEGE ADMISSION TEST Schedule of Availability of Service: Before the First Semester (April-May) & Before the Second Semester (October) starts Who may avail of the Service: Incoming new students (Freshman and transfer students) What are the Requirements: For Incoming Freshman: Form 137 (High School Card); Certificate of Good Moral Character, Result of National Career Aptitude Examination (NCAE); and 3pcs 2x2 ID picture For Transfer Student: Transcript of Records/Certificate of Grades; Honorable Dismissal; 3 pcs 2x2 ID picture Duration: Depending upon the schedule of examination How to avail of the Service: Step Applicant / Client Administration’s Office Activity Duration of Activity 1 Provide brief information about his/ her Short interview with the client in his/ her 1 academic status academic status 2 Secure and fill up Student Cumulative Record Give SCR and Admission forms and direct the 1 minute and Admission Forms client to pay the testing fee 3 Pay the testing fee at the cashier’s Office Issue Official Receipt 1 minute 4 Submit filled up SCR & admission forms with the Collect all requirements and attached it to 2 minutes photocopy of all requirements and the OR the filled up application form together with the OR. Evaluate the submitter credentials 5 Take the examination as scheduled Administer the Examination 1 hour 6 Check the answer sheet of the client 5 minutes 7 Release the result and direct the client to the 3 minutes next step of enrollment process END OF TRANSACTION Fees and Charges Person Incharge Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel 100.00 Mrs. Lorlina Solis Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel PRE-ADMISSION AND ADMISSION Schedule of Availability of Service: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Mondays-Fridays Who will avail of the Service : Incoming freshmen and Transferee students Requirements: For Incoming Freshmen students: Form 138 (High school Report Card) Form 137 (Permanent Record) Certificate of Good Moral Character Birth Certificate (Xerox Copy) 2 copies 2x2 latest ID Pre-Admission: Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 Applicant / Client Submit the required credentials for incoming Freshman or transferee students For Incoming Transferee students: Certificate of grades/ Transcript of Record Certificate of Honorable Dismissal Certificate of Good Moral Character Birth Certificate (Xerox Copy) 2 copies 2x2 latest ID 100 pesos for Admission Test fee Administration’s Office Activity Evaluate the documents and receive the xerox copy Issue the Application Form for the CAT(College Admission Test) and Admission Form Receive, evaluate and attach xerox copy of submitted credentials Fill out the Application and Admission Forms for the needed data then attach the colored 2x2 ID pictures on the space provided for and submit to Office of the Student Services Proceed to the cashiers office and pay the Check the OR for the College Admission Test testing fee and present the OR to the office of Fee then attach to the duly accomplish the student services Application Form and give the schedule of examination The schedule of examination Conduct the Admission Test Check and record the result of administered Duration of Activity 1 minute/ student 1 minute/ student Fees and Charges 1 hour 5 minute Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel 5 minute/ student 5 minutes/ student Person Incharge Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel 100.00 Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel 7 Admission Step 1 2 3 4 Proceed to the releasing area OF the result of the test to determine the right course for him/her Applicant/Client Proceed to the college offering his/her chosen course for interview Proceed to the Medical – Dental Clinic Proceed to the Office of the Student Service Proceed to the Registrar Office with the original copies of his/her documents and duly accomplish Admission Form for Registrar Admission Test at the Admission Form at the space provided for the score, equivalent and remarks Discuss the result of the test with regards to the chosen versus the suited course for the client then release the document for the next step Administration’s Office Activity Interview the student Encode student profile and assigns student number and File the duplicate copies of document Issue admission form END OF TRANSACTION 2-3 minutes Duration of Activity Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Fees and Charges Person InCharge 2 minute Department Chair/InCharge Mrs. Maribel C. Bravo 1 minute Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento D. Guidance & Counseling Unit GUIDANCE & COUNSELING UNIT Educational Placem ent Services: Who will avail of the Service: Placement is necessary for students who: - want/need to transfer to another school - want to shift to another course - transferees/irregular students who need necessary adjustments - have been delisted from their major field of study and need to shift/transfer Requirement: For those who want to shift need to present shifting form duly signed by their department chairman Step Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity Duration of Activity 1 Proceed to the Office of the Student Conduct preliminary interview to 2-3 minutes Services- Guidance & Counseling Unit and determine the appropriate educational concern/problem to the Guidance counselor. placement service to be given to the client 2 For Shifter- Secure a shifting form from the Determine whether the client’s original 2-3 minutes Registrar office and let it be signed the course is in line to the course he/she department chairman then proceed to the wants to shift in. Counseling Office for counselor’s approval. Make responsible decision for himself. Conduct academic and career counseling 10-15 minutes END OF TRANSACTION Fees and Charges Person Incharge Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel VOCATION AL PLACEM ENT UN I T Services Offered Who will avail of the Service Requirements Schedule of Availability of Service Step : : : : CONDUCT JOB FAIR AND VOCATIONAL PLACEMENT SERVICES Current and former Student of the University Transcript of Records, Good Moral Character Certificate, Picture & Resume 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Mondays-Friday Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity Duration of Activity 20minutes Fees and Charges Person Incharge 1 Proceed to the Office of the Student Services Checking of applicants qualifications and particularly to the Guidance Counselor to requirements. check the files of job vacancies 2 Check the accomplished form and requirements Giving instructions on how to act properly when scouting for a job 30 minutes Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel 3 Submit requirements Checks and Identify students who are highly recommended for the needed job or position. 1 day Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel 4 Receive endorsement Endorses our graduate by giving recommendation letter 25 minutes Dr. Clarinda C. Galiza 5 Follow up application to the agency where he/she applied for a job. Follow-up feedback to the applicant 15 minutes Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel END OF TRANSACTION Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel SCHOLAR SHI P UN IT Services Offered : Who will avail of the Service : Requirements : Schedule of Availability of Service : Step Applicant/Client 1 2 PROCESSING, MONITORING & EVALUATION OF SCHOLARSHIP Current and former Student of the University Certification of grades, Scholarship Contract, Grade Review Form, Certification from sponsor/s Before the start of classes until the Preliminary Examination (8a.m – 5p.m.) Administration’s Office Activity Duration of Fees and Person Incharge Activity Charges Proceed to the Office of the Student Services Provide the client with scholarship form 1 minute Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel particularly Scholarship Unit and secure Application form. Submit accomplished scholarship application Receive, review and compile student’s 2 minutes Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel form and requirements. application and documents. Verify name in the masterlist Include the name of the scholar in the masterlist for approval END OF TRANSACTION 2 minutes Ms. Ilyn C. Miguel III. Finance Services A. Verification of Accounts VERIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: ISU Students What are the Requirements: School ID Duration: 5 minutes How to Avail the Service Step Applicant/Client 1 2 Proceed to the accounting office and present ID Receive verification slip and proceed to cahier’s office Administration’s Office Activity Verify accounts and issue verification slip Received payment and issue O.R. END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 3 minutes 2 minutes Fees and Charges School fees Person Incharge Mr. Francisco Bulan Mrs. Lorlina Solis B. Issuance of Statement of Accounts ISSUANCE OF STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS (for scholars with external funding) Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: ISU Students What are the Requirements: School ID Duration: 3 minutes and 10 seconds How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client 1 2 Present scholarship grant to the accounting officer Receive statement of accounts Administration’s Office Activity Prepare statement of accounts Issue statement of accounts END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 3 minutes 10 seconds Fees and Charges Person Incharge Mr. Francisco Bulan Mr. Francisco Bulan C. Collection of School Fees and other Receivables PAYMENT OF TUITION FEE Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday (as the need arises, up to week ends) 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: ISU Students What are the Requirements: Enrollment Forms/Assessment Forms/Statement of billing Duration: 10 minutes How to avail of the service: Steps Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity 1 Proceed to the cashier’s Office for payments of school fees such as tuition and other school fees Receives payment and issue O.R Duration of Activity 5 minutes 2 Get the O.R. and proceed to the Registrar’s office for issuance of classcard Issue classcards 5 minutes END OF TRANSACTION Fees and Charges Depend on the course enrolled Person Incharge Mrs. Lorlina Solis Dr. Clarina S. Sarmiento PAYMENT OF OTHER FEES ( Adding/Dropping/Changing Subjects) Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: ISU Students What are the Requirements: Matriculation form and copy of previous O.R Duration: 10 minutes during Prelim, Midterm and Final Exam How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity 1 Present form to accounting office Re-assess fees Duration of Activity 5 minutes 2 Get the re-assess form and proceed to cashier’s office Receives payment and issue O.R 5 minutes END OF TRANSACTION Fees and Charges Depends on the balance Person Incharge Mr. Francisco Bulan Mrs. Lorlina Solis E. Securing of Permits SECURING OF PERMITS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: ISU Students What are the Requirements: Official Receipt Duration: 3 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client 1 2 Proceed to the cashier’s office and pay accounts Receive permit Administration’s Office Activity Receives payment, issue O.R. Issues permit END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 2 minutes 1 minute Fees and Charges Person Incharge Mrs. Lorlina Solis Mr. Francisco M. Bulan IV. Clinic AVAILING HEALTH SERVICES (MEDICAL & DENTAL) Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Student currently enrolled at ISU Current employed faculty and staff of the ISU What are the Requirements: Valid ID Duration: Depending upon the health service How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client 1 Patient presents valid, updated University ID to the nurse 2 Patient proceeds to the nurse 3 Register her name at the clinic for the treatment needed. Patient proceed for checkup/treatment 4 Administration’s Office Activity Nurse retrieve student’s medical records and takes necessary vital signs and charts the brief history of present illness *Does nursing intervention/and laboratory procedures ordered by the physician *Dispense oral medications and gives instruction as to dosage and frequency of medicines *Improved health teaching on cure and prevention of acquired disease Include name of patient for the conduct of semestral medical and dental services Attends to the recommended treatment of patients during the semestral medical and dental services END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 10 minutes Fees and Charges Person Incharge Mrs. Maribel C. Bravo 20 minutes Mrs. Maribel C. Bravo 2 minutes Mrs. Maribel C. Bravo 1 day University medical/dental team V. Library A. Availing Library Services for Freshman & Transferee Students AVAILING LIBRARY SERVICES for FRESHMAN & TRANSFEREE STUDENTS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Student currently enrolled at ISU Currently employed faculty and staff of the ISU What are the Requirements: Valid ID/Borrower’s Card Duration: 10 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client 1 2 3 4 Proceed to the Library and present the registration form whether it is included in the assessment of fees Secure Library card Borrow books wearing school ID and present borrower’s card Return borrowed books Administration’s Office Activity Duration of Activity Check registration form if library fee is included in 1 minute the assessment of fees Fees and Charges Person Incharge Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Issue Library card Checks ID and borrower’s card and issue books 3 minutes 5 minutes Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Checks books and return borrower’s card END OF TRANSACTION 2 minutes Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb B. Availing Library Services For Lost/Damaged Library Card AVAILING LIBRARY SERVICES for LOST/DAMAGED LIBRARY CARD Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Student currently enrolled at ISU Currently employed faculty and staff of the ISU What are the Requirements: Official Receipt/Borrower’s Card Duration: 10 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client 1 2 3 4 Proceed to the Cashier’s office and pay the library card Proceed to the Library and secure Library card Borrow books wearing school ID and present borrower’s card Return borrowed books Administration’s Office Activity Receive payment and issue O.R. Duration of Activity 1 minute Fees and Charges 20.00 Person Incharge Issue Library card 2 minutes Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Checks ID and borrower’s card and issue books 5 minutes Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Checks books and return borrower’s card END OF TRANSACTION 2 minutes Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Mrs. Lorlina P. Solis C. Availing Library Services for Outside Researchers AVAILING LIBRARY SERVICES for OUTSIDE RESEARCHERS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Outside Researchers What are the Requirements: Valid ID/Referral letter/O.R. Duration: 8 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client 1 2 3 Proceed to the Cashier’s Office and pay the library fee. Proceed to the Library, borrow books wearing valid ID and present referral letter & O.R. Return borrowed books Administration’s Office Activity Receive payment and issue O.R. Duration of Activity 1 minute Fees and Charges 20.00 Person Incharge Checks ID and O.R. and issue books 5 minutes Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Checks books and return borrower’s card END OF TRANSACTION 2 minutes Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Mrs. Lorlina P. Solis C. Availing Library Internet Services AVAILING LIBRARY INTERNET SERVICES Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Students/Personnel/Outside Researchers What are the Requirements: O.R./Registration form Duration: 10 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client 1 2 3 4 Proceed to the Library & register for internet use. For currently enrolled students, present registration form and log in before entering the internet room. Log out after using the internet Pay the internet fee Administration’s Office Activity Assign computer unit for the researcher. Duration of Activity 2 minute Fees and Charges Person Incharge Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Checks registration form whether internet fee is included in the assessment form 2 minutes Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Record time use and issue no. of hours used Receive payment and bring to the cashier for O.R. END OF TRANSACTION 2 minutes 2 minutes Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb Mrs. Vickylyn A. Guieb VI. Records/HRM Office A. Issuance of Service Records ISSUANCE OF SERVICE RECORDS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Faculty and Staff of ISU What are the Requirements: Official Receipt Duration: 5 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity Duration of Activity 1 Fill up the Customer’s Action Sheet and proceed to the Cashier’s office for payment Receives payment and issue O.R. 2 3 Present Official Receipt Receive Service Record Verify services of the requesting party 1 minute Prepare, print and release the Service Record 5 minutes END OF TRANSACTION Fees and Charges 30.00 (for personal use) Person Incharge Mrs. Lorlina Solis Mrs. Alma Y. Nunez Mrs. Alma Y. Nunez B. Authentication of Documents AUTHENTICATION OF DOCUMENTS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Student of ISU; Graduate of ISU; Authorized representatives; Faculty and Staff of ISU What are the Requirements: Official Receipt Duration: 5 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity 1 2 3 4 5 Proceed to the Cashier’s office and pay the authentication fee. Present the original copy of document /record & O.R. Have it stamped by the authorized officer Receive the authenticated documents Receive payment and issue O.R. Duration of Activity 1 minute Fees and Charges 30.00 Person Incharge Verify authenticity of the document/record 1 minute Mrs. Alma Y. Nunez Stamp document/record Sign the documents Release the authenticated documents END OF TRANSACTION 1 minute/set 1 minute/set 1 minute Mrs. Alma Y. Nunez Mrs. Alma Y. Nunez Mrs. Alma Y. Nunez Mrs. Lorlina Solis C. Issuance of Certificate of Appearance ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF APPEARANCE Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Official, Faculty and Staff on OB from other Campuses and/or Agencies What are the Requirements: Travel Order Duration: 3 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity 1 2 3 Present travel Order Register at the visitor’s logbook Receive Certificate of Appearance Check the Travel Order Fill up the date of appearance Release Certificates of Appearance END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute Fees and Charges Person Incharge Mrs. Daylinda G. Duquez Mrs. Daylinda G. Duquez Mrs. Daylinda G. Duquez C. Issuance of Various Certifications ISSUANCE OF VARIOUS CERTIFICATIONS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Current and former employee of the University regardless of their status What are the Requirements: Official Receipt Duration: 12 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity 1 2 3 4 5 Proceed to the cashier’s office for payment Submit Official Receipt and fill the customer action sheet Requesting party wait while the person in charge prepares the certificate Receive payment and issue O.R. Verify records according to the request Duration of Activity 2 minutes 5 minutes Fees and Charges 30.00 Person Incharge Prepare Certificate 5 minutes Mrs. Alma Y. Nunez Signing of Certificate 1 minute Receive the requested certificate Release the certificate END OF TRANSACTION 1 minute Mrs. Alma Y. Nunez Dr. Clarinda C. Galiza Mrs. Alma Y. Nunez Mrs. Lorlina P. Solis Mrs. Alma Y. Nunez VII. Business Affairs Office A. Issuance of ID to Incoming Freshmen Students ISSUANCE OF ID TO INCOMING FRESHMEN STUDENTS Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Incoming freshmen student of the University What are the Requirements: Enrollment Form Duration: 9 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client 1 2 3 4 Freshmen student will present Assessment/ Registration Form Proceed to the Cashier’s office and pay the ID Picture Taking Wait for 2 weeks after picture taking for the release of ID Receive ID Administration’s Office Activity Check if ID payment was included in the assessment/registration Receive payment and issue O.R. Inform the student for the schedule for picture taking Check the printing of ID by the supplier ready for release to the students Check the OR and release the new ID END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute Fees and Charges 100.00 Person Incharge Mrs. Alice O. Bete Mrs. Lorlina P. Solis Mrs. Alice O. Bete 5 minutes Mrs. Alice O. Bete 1 minute Mrs. Alice O. Bete B. Securing Lost/Damaged ID SECURING LOST/DAMAGED ID Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Student of the Campus What are the Requirements: Official Receipt Duration: 8 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client 1 2 3 3 Pay at the cashiering office ***for Damaged ID: present the damaged ID to the ID in charge Picture taking Wait for 2 weeks after picture taking for the release of ID Receive ID Administration’s Office Activity Receive payment and issue O.R. Inform the student for the schedule of picture taking Follow up the printing of ID by the supplier ready for release to the students Check the OR and release the new ID END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 1 minute Fees and Charges 100.00 Person Incharge Mrs. Lorlina P. Solis 1 minutes Mrs. Alice O. Bete 5 minutes Mrs. Alice O. Bete 1 minute Mrs. Alice O. Bete C. Purchase of Uniform PURCHASE OF UNIFORM Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Student of ISU What are the Requirements: Official Receipt Duration: 10 minutes How to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client Administration’s Office Activity 1 Pay uniform for PE, Polo, NSTP and organizational uniform to the Cashier. Receive payment for uniform and issue O.R. 2 3 4 Specify the size of PE and Polo Wait for 2 weeks for the release of the uniform Receive the ordered uniform from CBAO Record the size of uniform per student Order size of the uniform to suppliers Distribute/release and check the fitness of the uniform END OF TRANSACTION Duration of Activity 2 minutes 1 minute 5 minutes/order 2 minutes Fees and Charges 350-PE 225-polo 25 – logo 175 – Org. 125 – NSTP Person Incharge Mrs. Lorlina Solis Mrs. Alice O. Bete Mrs. Alice O. Bete Mrs. Alice O. Bete D. Dormitory Rental RENTAL of DORMITORY Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM Who may avail of the Service: Student of ISU What are the Requirements: Application Form/Contract Duration: 7 minutes Who to avail of the service: Step Applicant/Client 1 2 Proceed to the CBAO office and fill up the reservation form Pay 1 month advance payment and 1 month deposit Administration’s Office Activity Issue form and reserve for bed space Duration of Activity 5 minutes Receive payment and issue O.R. 2 minutes END OF TRANSACTION Fees and Charges Person Incharge Mrs. Alice O. Bete 150.00/month Mrs. Lorlina P. Solis