PETER PAZMANY SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY Development of Complex Curricula for Molecular Bionics and Infobionics Programs within a consortial* framework** Consortium leader PETER PAZMANY UNIVERSITY Consortium members SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DIALOG CAMPUS PUBLISHER The Project has been realised with the support of the European Union and has been co-financed by the European Social Fund *** **Molekuláris bionika és Infobionika Szakok tananyagának komplex fejlesztése konzorciumi keretben ***A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Szociális Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg. 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 1 Semmelweis University BIOCHEMISTRY BIOKÉMIA ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES A SZÉNHIDRÁTOK SZINTÉZISE TRETTER LÁSZLÓ 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 2 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Table of contents: Gluconeogenesis and its regulation Glycogen synthesis and its regulation Lactose synthesis 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 3 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Learning objectives At the end of the presentation students will be able: To demonstrate the difference between the steps of gluconeogenesis and glycolysis. To demonstrate the reactions, specific for gluconeogenesis. To understand the concept of gluconeogenesis i.e. that the higher multicellular organisms use many noncarbohydrate precursors for the biosynthesis of glucose, because the maintenance of blood sugar level is highly important. To understand the principles of metabolic regulation by the comparison the regulation of gluconeogenesis and glycolysis. 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 4 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis GluconeogenesisDEF: biosynthesis of glucose from simpler, non-carbohydrate precursors The most important precursors of gluconeogenesis: lactate, pyruvate glycerol (glucogenic) amino acids fatty acids with odd number of carbon atoms Glucogenic amino acidsDEF: amino acids with carbon skeleton that can be used in glucose synthesis during gluconeogenesis (e.g. alanine, aspartate) Antonym: Ketogenic amino acidsDEF: amino acids with carbon skeleton that can be used in ketone body synthesis during starvation (e.g. leucine, lysine) 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 5 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis The principles of gluconeogenesis I. Gluconeogenesis requires reactions from glycolysis, citric acid cycle and a few special reactions The nonequilibrium reactions during glucose catabolism obstruct the simple reversal of glycolysis The nonequilibrium reactions: 1. phosphoenol pyruvate→pyruvate 2. fructose 6-P→fructose 1,6-P2 3. glucose→glucose 6-P 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 6 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis The principles of gluconeogenesis II. The circumvention of glycolytic reactions 1. Glycolysis: phosphoenol pyruvate→pyruvate Pyruvate kinase ADP ATP Gluconeogenesis:pyruvate→oxaloacetate→phosphoenol pyruvate Pyruvate carboxylase CO2 ATP 2011.09.13.. ADP+Pi Phosphoenol yruvate carboxykinase GTP TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 CO2 GDP 7 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis The principles of gluconeogenesis III. The circumvention of glycolytic reactions However: mitochondria are impermeable for oxaloacetate but oxaloacetate should be present in the cytosol in order to become a substrate for phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) Problem solved by - reversible oxidoreduction and transamination - reversible transports Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) OA MAL NADH OA MAL NAD+ transaminase Glut Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) α KG OA NAD+ ASP NADH transaminase ASP α KG OA Glut transaminasesDEF: enzymes catalyzing the reversible transfer of amino group from an amino acid to an oxo acid resulting a new amino acid and a new oxo acid 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 8 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis The principles of gluconeogenesis IV. The circumvention of glycolytic reactions 2. Glycolysis: fructose 6-P→fructose 1,6-P2 Phosphofructokinase I ATP ADP Gluconeogenesis: Fructose 1,6-P2→ Fructose 6-P Fructose 1,6-P2ase H 2O 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 9 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis The principles of gluconeogenesis V. The circumvention of glycolytic reactions 3. Glycolysis: glucose→glucose 6-P Hexokinase Glucokinase ATP ADP Gluconeogenesis: glucose 6-P→glucose Gl Gl 6-Pase Gl Pi Pi Gl 6-P Gl 6-P H2O G6T ER Glucose 6-P is transported by glucose 6P transporter (G6T) then hydrolized in the ER by glucose 6Pase 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 10 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis in the liver from lactate and pyruvate Gl Gl6Pase Gl ER Pi Gl 6-P Fr 6-P Fr 1,6P2ase Fr 1,6-P PYR TRIOSE PHOSPHATES PYR PEP PEPCK OA ASP OA MAL CELL MEMBRANE LACTATE LACTATE Ac-CoA ASP PYR PC OA MALATE TCA CYCLE MITO CELL MEMBRANE 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 11 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Entry of glycerol into the gluconeogenesis (Liver) ADIPOSE TISSUE Gl Gl6Pase Gl Gl 6-P BLOOD ER Fr 6-P Pi Glycerol Fr 1,6P2ase Fr 1,6-P Glycerol kinase Glycerol ATP ADP Aldolase A Aldolase NADH Dihydroxyacetone-P B CELL MEMBRANE NAD Glycerol 3-P dehydrogenase Glycerol 3-P Glyceraldehyde 3-P CELL MEMBRANE 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 12 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Entry of fructose into the gluconeogenesis (Liver) Gl Gl6Pase Gl ER Pi Gl 6-P Diet Fr 6-P Fructose Fructose Fr 1,6P2ase Fr 1,6-P Fructokinase Fr 1-P Aldolase A Aldolase B CELL MEMBRANE Dihydroxyacetone-P Glyceraldehyde 3-P Aldolase B ATP Glyceraldehyde Triokinase CELL MEMBRANE 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 13 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Entry of amino acids into the gluconeogenic pathway Gl Gl6Pase Gl ER Serine Pi Gl 6-P Fr 6-P Fr 1,6P2ase Fr 1,6-P ALA TRIOSE PHOSPHATES PEP PEPCK GOT OA ASP MDH MAL PYR LACTATE Ac-CoA ASP PYR PC OA OA MDH MALATE CELL MEMBRANE TCA CYCLE Fumarate MITO 2011.09.13.. PYR AMINO ACIDS TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 α-KG AMINO ACIDS Succ-CoA CELL MEMBRANE 14 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Entry of glycerol into the gluconeogenesis (Liver) ADIPOSE TISSUE Gl Gl6Pase Gl Gl 6-P BLOOD ER Pi Fr 6-P Glycerol Glycerol Fr 1,6P2ase Fr 1,6-P Glycerol kinase ATP ADP Aldolase A Aldolase B CELL MEMBRANE NADH Dihydroxyacetone-P NAD Glycerol 3-P dehydrogenase Glycerol 3-P Glyceraldehyde 3-P CELL MEMBRANE 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 15 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Entry of propionyl-CoA into the gluconeogenesis (Liver) Fatty acids with odd number of carbon atoms Valine Isoleucine Methionine Cholesterol side chain Glucose Propionyl-CoA PEP PEPCK OA Malate Fumarate 2011.09.13.. Succinyl-CoA Succinate TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 16 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Regulation of gluconeogenesis Gene expression Covalent modification Allosteric Enzyme Inducer repressor phosphorylat ion dephosphory lation activator inhibitor Pyruvate carboxylase Glucocort. Glucagon epinephrine (cAMP) insulin - - - - Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) Glucocort. Glucagon epinephrine (cAMP) insulin - - - - Fr 1,6-P2ase Glucocort. Glucagon epinephrine (cAMP) - - - Fructose 2,6-P2 AMP Pyruvate kinase Glucocort. Glucagon epinephrine (cAMP) - - Fructose 1,6-P2 ATP, alanine 2011.09.13.. insulin insulin TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 17 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Regulation at the PEPCK level The promoter region of PEPCK gene PEPCK (phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase) is the rate limiting step of gluconeogenezis All of the important hormones in the metabolism can regulate the PEPCK expression 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 18 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Regulation at the fr 2,6-P2ase level (liver) The elevation of [cAMP] increases the rate of gluconeogensis and decreases the rate of glycolysis in the liver Glucagon Receptor Cell membrane [cAMP]↑ PKA↑ G + L Y PFK2 PFK2 P C ↑ Phosphatase↑ ↓ Kinase ↓ O activity activity L Fr 6-P Y + X X ↓ [fr2,6-P2] ↓ S I Fr 1,6-P2 S 2011.09.13.. Glucose Fr 6-P Fr 1,6-P2 TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 G L U C O N E O G E N E S I S 19 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Regulation of gluconeogenesis I Regulated steps: pyruvate carboxylase PEPCK fr 2,6-P2ase Gl 6-Pase Pyruvate carboxylase is regulated step, it catalyses an irreversible reaction, it is at the beginning of the pathway, but it is not entirely comitted to the gluconeogenesis. Pyruvate carboxylase is also an anaplerotic enzyme of the citric acid cycle. Anaplerotic reactions can not be entirely shut off. AnapleroticDEF: a reaction which can replenish the supply of intermediates in a metabolic pathway, e.g. in the citric acid cycle. PEPCK is a rate limiting, irreversible, heavily regulated step at the initial part of the pathway. It is important to note that neither allosteric nor phosphorylation type of regulation has not been detected on the enzyme. It is regulated exclusively on the gene expression level. Rate limiting stepDEF: The slowest step in a metabolic pathway. Usually it is heavily regulated. E.g. The rate limiting step of glycolysis is the fr 6-P fr1,6-P2 transformation. 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 20 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Regulation of gluconeogenezis II. Fr 1,6-P2ase is also heavily regulated. This enzyme however, not the main regulatory site of the gluconeogenesis. It is far from the beginning of the pathway. It is particularly interesting that the regulation of PFK1 and the fr 1,6-P2ase is very much coordinated. Those conditions and effectors which stimulate Fr 1,6-P2ase activity inhibit PFK1 activity and vice versa. It is very tempting to say that because PFK1 is the rate-limiting enzyme of the glycolysis, Fr 1,6-P2ase should be the rate-limiting one of the gluconeogenesis, however it is not true. Gl6-Pase is also regulated, but not the rate limiting step either. The reasons for that 1. 2. It is at the very end of the pathway, It is not entirely committed to the gluconeogenesis but playing a role in the glycogenolysis as well. Glycogenolysis is activated earlier than gluconeogenesis, so the enzyme is not suitable for the fine tuning of the gluconeogenesis. 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 21 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Gluconeogenesis Summary Because of thermodinamic reasons gluconeogenesis is not a simple reversal of glycolysis The irreversible steps of glycolysis should be bypassed The most important gluconeogenic precursors join to the pathway at different levels The regulation of glucogenesis occurs at the irreversible reactions. The most important regulatory site of gluconeogenesis is the PEPCK enzyme 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 22 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Major anabolic and catabolic pathways in glucose metabolism C A T A B O L I C 2011.09.13.. A N A B O L I C TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 23 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen synthesis Learning objectives At the end of the presentation students will be able: To demonstrate the difference between the steps of glycogenesis and glycogenolysis. To demonstrate the reactions, specific for glycogenesis. To understand the principles of simultaneous and opposite regulation of glycogenolysis and glycogenesis. 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 24 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen synthesis Overview of glycogen synthesis Glucokinase Hexokinase phosphoglucomutase Gl 6-P Glucose ATP ADP Gl 1-P Gl 1-P uridyltransferase UTP UDP-glucose PPi H2O Glucose (n) Glycogen synthase UDP Pi+Pi Glucose (n+1) Cost of glycogen synthesis: gluco-, hexokinase uridyltransferase Total cost 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 1 ATP 1 UTP 2 ATP equivalent 25 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen synthesis Initiation of glycogen synthesis, The role of glycogenin Glycogenin Primed glycogenin Self-glucosylating Tyr-OH 8 UDP-gluc Glycogen synthase and Branching enzyme Tyr-O-(glucose)8 8 UDP n UDP-gluc Glycogenin-Glycogen complex Tyr-O-(glycogen n UDP Glycogen synthase cannot initiate synthesis without having a primer 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 26 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen synthesis The role of branching enzyme in the synthesis 4 Glycogen synthase 7UDP-gl 4 4 4 4 7UDP 1 11 2011.09.13.. Branching enzyme TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 1 27 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen synthesis Regulation of glycogen synthesis I Main regulator: reversible phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cAMP Ca2+ + + Protein kinases + Glycogen synthase a ATP active Pi ADP H2O Glycogen synthase b inactive P + Phosphoprotein phosphatase + - Insulin 2011.09.13.. Gl 6-P cAMP TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 28 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen synthesis Cyclic AMP Secondary messengerDEF: An effector molecule synthesized within the cell in response to an external signal (first messenger) such as a hormone Cyclic AMP (cAMP) is formed from ATP by the adenylate cycle enzyme. First messengers, which could elevate cAMP level are glucagon, adrenalin on beta 1,2 receptors, ACTH etc. cAMP can activate protein kinase-A which can initiate a cascade of phosphorylation 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 29 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen synthesis Regulation of glycogen synthesis II Elevation of [cAMP], or [Ca2+] in the liver indicates the presence of glucagon and adrenaline. Meaning of glucagon: hypoglycemia, glycogen should be mobilized Glycogenesis should be inactivated. Meaning of adrenaline “fight or fly” stress, glycogen should be mobilized, glycogenesis should be inactivated cAMP, Ca2+, activate protein kinases which phosphorylate glycogen synthase Phosphorylated glycogen synthase is inactive – synthesis stopped Phoshatases could remove the phosphorylation (inhibition) of the enzyme. cAMP inhibits the phosphatase, maintains phosphorylation of glycogen synthase (GS), maintains inhibition of the synthesis Insulin stimulates the phosphatase, relieves GS from inhibition, stimulates synthesis Gl 6-P precursor of the glycogen synthesis stimulates the inactive GS. 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 30 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen synthesis Glucose stimulates glycogen synthesis in the liver Increased blood glucose stimulates glycogen synthesis in the liver in an insulin independent manner as well. Glucose binds to phosphorylase a, and glucose-bound phosphorylase is a better substrate for phosphoprotein phosphatase. Phosphorylase acts as a glucose receptor. Glucose promotes inactivation of phosphorylase thus inhibits glycogenolysis. However glycogen synthesis should also be stimulated.Active phosphorylase inhibits dephosphorylation of GS by protein phosphatase. But only phosphorylase a can inhibit this process.Conversion of phosphorylase a to b relieves the inhibition, GS will be dephosphorylated, active, glycogen synthesis could start. 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 31 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen synthesis Glucose stimulates glycogen synthesis in the liver PP=phosphoprotein phosphatase 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 32 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen synthesis Summary As gluconeogenesis is not the reversal of glycolysis, glycogen synthesis is also not the reversal of glycogenolysis. Glycogen synthesis needs energy, 2 high energy phosphate required/glucose incorporated into glycogen. Glycogen synthase is unable to prime “de novo” glycogen synthesis, In order to create a new glycogen molecule, a primer is needed, This primer is the self-catalytic glycogenin protein. The glycogen synthesis is regulated both by reversible phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, both by allosteric effectors. Among the allosteric effectors in the liver, the glucose is the most important. Glucose is able to stimulate glycogen synthesis in the liver in the absence of insulin as well. 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 33 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Lactose synthesis LactoseDEF: The disaccharide of the milk, containing glucose and galactose Lactose synthesis: in lactating mammary gland The enzyme:galactosyltransferase catalyzed reaction UDP-galactose + N-acetyl-glucosamine → Dgalactosyl-N-acetyl-glucosamine protein attached This enzyme has a role in the glycoprotein synthesis The enzyme does not accept glucose as a galactose acceptor. However, after delivery the specificity of the enzyme changes UDP-galactose + glucose → lactose + UDP lactose synthase Reason for change in the specificity: lactalbumin: produced by the mammary gland upon hormonal influence. Lactalbumin changes substrate specificity of galactosyltransferase. Lactalbumin-galactosyltransferase complex = lactose synthase GlycoproteinDEF: Proteins containing carbohydrate groups 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 34 Biochemistry: Anabolism of carbohydrates Recommended literature Orvosi Biokémia (Ed. Ádám Veronika) 2011.09.13.. Textbook of Biochemistry Ed. Thomas Devlin 5th-7th edition TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 35 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Questions: 1. Which allosteric regulators can regulate both the glycolysis and the gluconeogenesis? 2. How would influence the elevation of cAMP the gluconeogenesis 3. Which reactions require ATP in gluconeogenesis starting from lactate 4. Which enzymes are active in phosphorylated form in the glycogen metabolism. 5. What is the effect of insulin on the gluconeogenesis? 2011.09.13.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 36 BIOCHEMISTRY: ANABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES Questions: Which statements are true for the synthesis of glycogen? 1. Glycogen synthase reaction connects free glucose molecules 2. Glycogen synthase requires ATP for the catalysis 3. During synthesis inorganic phosphate will be incorporated into the glycogen 4. The source of incorporated glucose is UDP-glucose 5. Branches are formed as postsynthetic modifications A:1,2,3, B:2,4 C:1,5, D:4,5 E:4 Which statements are true for the regulation of glycogen metabolism? 1. Phosphorylation stimulates glycogen phosphorylase activity 2. Phosphorylation decreases the activity of glycogen synthase 3. Phosphorylation increases the activity of glycogen synthase 4. Calcium increases the activity of phosphorylase kinase 5. Glucose decreases the activity of glycogen synthase in liver A:1,2,5, 2011.09.13.. B:1,2,4, C:2,3,5, D:3,4,5 TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 37