Cam and Follower Systems J. Michael McCarthy July 25, 2009 1 MAE 145: Machine Theory Cam and Follower Systems J. E. Shigley, C. R. Mischke and T. H. Brown, Standard Handbook of Machine Design, McGraw-Hill, 2004 Animations from K. J. Waldron and G. L. Kinzel, Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery, John Wiley, 2004 Select each cam-follower picture to run the animation. 2 MAE 145: Machine Theory The Cam Joint A connection between two links that is formed by general surfaces in contact is called a cam-joint. The input link is called the cam and the output is called the follower. Contact is defined as (i) a point A1 in the cam and a point A2 on the profiles of the cam and follower positioned so they have the same coordinates Ac in the world frame W, and such that (ii) the tangent vectors T1 and T2 of cam and follower profiles are the same Tc at Ac. The cam joint has two degrees of freedom, because the relative configuration the cam B1 and follower B2 are defined by specifying contact of a point A1 on the profile of B1 (one degree of freedom) with a point A2 on the profile of B2 (the second degree of freedom). 3 MAE 145: Machine Theory Mobility Let c be the number cam joints in a collection of n rigid bodies and j the number of hinges and sliders, then the mobility formula becomes M=3N - 2j - c - 3, where N=n+1 includes the ground frame. This allows us to determine the number hinges and sliders in a mechanism as, j = 3N - c - 3 - M. For a 1 degree of freedom system, we have j = (3N - c - 4)/2, which yields, N=3, j = 2, and c = 1. Let C denote the cam-joint, then we have the combinations • RCR--Radial cam and oscillating follower, • RCP--Radial cam and translating (reciprocating) follower, and • PCP--Translating cam and translating follower. 4 MAE 145: Machine Theory Followers The shape of the cam and follower combine to define the displacement function. Followers are usually selected to have standard shapes so it is the cam that requires careful shaping operations. The primary follower shapes are (i) the knife-edge, (ii) the flat-face, and (iii) the roller follower. The curved shoe is spherical solid that has the circular cross-section of a roller follower. The different shapes of these followers requires the cam profile to be different in order to define the same displacement function. 5 MAE 145: Machine Theory Radial Cam and Translating Followers Displacement function: s = {dwell from 0 to 90deg, 3in simple harmonic rise from 90 to 180deg, 3in simple harmonic return form 180 to 360deg.} Select each the cam-follower to run the animation. 6 MAE 145: Machine Theory Displacement Functions The profiles of the cam and follower are shaped to provide a specific displacement function. • RCR: ψ = f(θ), • RCP: s = f(θ), • PCP: t = f(s). The displacement function also defines the follower velocity and acceleration: Assume the angular velocity of the cam is a constant ω, then velocity and acceleration of the follower are seen in the displacement function: Displacement functions consists of three basic segments: the rise, dwell and the return. 7 MAE 145: Machine Theory Simple Harmonic Rise and Return Simpler Harmonic Rise: b is the radius of the base circle, h is the amount of rise, θ0 is the starting angle of the rise, β= θ1 - θ0 is the angular range of the rise.. Simpler Harmonic Return: h0 is the radius at the start of the return, h is the amount of return, θ1 is the starting angle of the return, β= θ2 - θ1 is the angular range of the return.. 8 MAE 145: Machine Theory Cycloidal Rise and Return Cycloidal Rise: b is the radius of the base circle, h is the amount of rise, θ0 is the starting angle of the rise, β= θ1 - θ0 is the angular range of the rise. Cycloidal Return: h0 is the radius at the start of the return, h is the amount of return, θ1 is the starting angle of the return, β= θ2 - θ1 is the angular range of the return. 9 MAE 145: Machine Theory Parabolic Rise Parabolic Rise: b is the radius of the base circle, h is the amount of rise, θ0 is the starting angle of the rise, β= θ1 - θ0 is the angular range of the rise. Accelerating segment: Decelerating segment: 10 MAE 145: Machine Theory Cam Profile for a Knife Edge Follower The Cam Profile The cam profile is a plane curve of the form A = R cosα i + R sinα j, where i and j are the unit vectors in the x and y directions of the frame B attached to the cam. Let Ai be the points of contact between the cam and follow at different angular positions θi of the follower relative to the cam. The coordinates of the points of contact define the cam: Ai = R(si,θi) cosα(si,θi) i + R sinα(si,θi) j. The functions R(s, θ) and α(s, θ) that define the cam profile are derived from the follower geometry and the displacement function s=f(θ). For a knife-edge follower these functions are particularly simple. They are 11 MAE 145: Machine Theory R(s,θ) = s and α(s, θ) = θ. Cam Profile for a Flat-Faced Follower The point of contact A moves along the face of the follower the distance L as the cam rotates, which means the angle α(s, θ) to the point of contact is not equal to the angle θ that defines the position of the follower relative to the cam. Let Ai be the points of contact between the cam and follow at different angular positions θi of the follower relative to the cam. The coordinates of these points of contact define the cam as Ai = R(si,θi) cosα(si,θi) i + R sinα(si,θi) j. or Ai = X(si,θi) ex + Y(si,θi) ey, where ex = cos θ i + sin θ j, and ey = -sin θ i + cos θ j. The length L can be computed from the fact that the velocity of the point of contact in the direction of the cam movement is s′ω = (df(θ)/dθ)ω, and its velocity on the cam is L. Therefore, L = s′ and the functions defining the cam profile for a flat-faced follower are 12 MAE 145: Machine Theory Cam Profile for a Roller Follower The points of contact Ai with the roller follower define the cam profile. The angle φi between the direction of the follower movement and the line PiAi perpendicular to the common tangent of the cam and roller is the pressure angle. The coordinates points on the cam profile are given by, Ai = R(si,θi) cosα(si,θi) i + R sinα(si,θi) j, or Ai = X(si,θi) ex + Y(si,θi) ey, where ex = cos θ i + sin θ j, and ey = -sin θ i + cos θ j. The length L can be computed by determining the velocity vP = Lω of the point P1 which is equal to the follower velocity s′ω = (df(θ)/dθ)ω. Thus, L=s′, and the pressure angle φ1 can be computed to be tan φ1 = L/s . Let a = r cos φ1 and b = r sin φ1 then the functions defining the cam profile for a roller follower are 13 MAE 145: Machine Theory Summary A cam-follower mechanism has a two degree of freedom cam joint that connects the input and output links. The relative shape of the cam and follower define the displacement function of the mechanism. Displacement functions for radial cams are periodic functions consisting of sequences of dwell, rise and return segments. The geometry of the follower is usually simplified to a point, line or circle, and combines with the displacement function to define the cam profile. 14 MAE 145: Machine Theory