8/7/2011 Peer Review Update Thomas E. Newell, Jr., CPA SQCS 7 • Firm's System of Quality Control • Effective January 1, 2009 • Establishes requirements for all CPA Firms • Is applicable whether or not a firm participates in the Peer Review Program 1 8/7/2011 Three Broad Areas • Parameters of a system of quality control • Specific elements of a quality control with the objectives of those elements • Guidelines for the administration Parameters of System of QC • Requires a firm to establish a system of quality control designed to provide reasonable assurance that the firm and it's personnel comply with professional standards and applicable regulatory requirements and • Reports issued by the firm are appropriate in the circumstances 2 8/7/2011 Elements of Quality Control System • Leadership responsibilities for quality within the firm • Relevant ethical requirements • Acceptance and continuance of client relationships and specific engagements • Human resources • Engagement performance • Monitoring Leadership Responsibilities for Quality within the Firm • Tone T att the th top t • Avoiding commercial considerations override of quality • Process for performance evaluation, compensation, and advancement • Sufficient and appropriate resources 3 8/7/2011 Relevant Ethical Requirements • Requires establishment of policies and procedures to maintain independence, integrity and objectivity Human Resources • Personnel hiring • Work assigned • Advancement • CPE 4 8/7/2011 Client Relationships and Specific Engagements • Minimize association with client whose management l k iintegrity lacks t it • Undertake only engagements the firm can reasonably complete with competency and professional care • Consider risks associated with providing professional services in the particular circumstances • Document circumstances where issues have arisen and the firm has decided to accept or continue a client or engagement Engagement Performance • Reasonable assurance that engagements are performed in accordance with professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements • The firm issues reports that are appropriate in the circumstances • Policies and procedures should include matters relevant to promoting consistency in the quality of engagement performance; supervision responsibilities; review responsibilities 5 8/7/2011 • Consultation • Engagement Quality Control Review • Criteria for the Eligibility of Engagement Quality Control Review • Documentation ocu e a o of o Engagement gage e Qua Quality y Co Control o Review • Differences of Opinion • Engagement g g Documentation - completion p of assembly of final engagement files; confidentiality, safe custody, integrity, accessibility and retrievability of engagement documentation; retention of engagement documentation 6 8/7/2011 Monitoring • Monitoring the Firm's Quality Control Policies and Procedures • Evaluating, Communicating, and Remedying Identified Deficiencies • Complaints and Allegations SQCS 8 • Issued November 2010 • Effective date January 1, 2012 • Early application permitted • Supersedes SQCS 7 • Does not change or expand SQCS 7 • Drafted in accordance with ASB's clarity drafting conventions 7 8/7/2011 Standards for Performing and Reporting on Peer Reviews • January 1, 2009 also brought change to the standards for performing and reporting on peer reviews • Resulted in elimination of the report review • Changed the types of report issued • Changed g reporting p g terminology gy • Eliminated the letter of comments • Added a new form "Finding for Further Consideration" (FFC) Types of Reviews • Systems Review • Engagement Review 8 8/7/2011 Systems Reviews • SASs • Examinations under SSAEs • Government Auditing Standards • Audits of non-SEC issuers performed pursuant to standards of the PCOAB Engagement Reviews • Only available to firm that do not perform engagements under SASs, examinations under SSAEs, Government Auditing Standards, audits of non-SEC issuers performed pursuant to the standards of PCAOB 9 8/7/2011 Report Types • Pass • Pass with Deficiencies • Fail Pass Report • Issued when team captain concludes the quality control system for the accounting and auditing practice has been suitably designed and complied with to provide reasonable assurance of performing and reporting in conformity with professional standards in all material respects. 10 8/7/2011 Pass with Deficiencies • Issued when team captain concludes the firm's system of quality control for the accounting and auditing practice has been suitably designed and complied with to provide reasonable assurance of performing and reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards in all material respects with the exception of a certain deficiency or deficiencies that are described in the report. Fail • Issued when the team captain has identified g deficiencies and concludes that the significant firm's system of quality control is not suitably designed to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of performing and reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards in all material respects or the firm has not complied with it's it s system of quality control to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of performing and reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards in all material respects. 11 8/7/2011 Matters, Findings, Deficiencies, Significant Deficiencies • Letters of Comment have been eliminated • In it's place is the FFC form • Items noted by reviewer are evaluated as a matter, finding, deficiency or significant deficiency Matters • Matters result from evaluation of the of the design of the system of quality control and/or test of compliance with it. Typically they are one or more "No" answers to questions on peer reviewers questionnaire(s). They are documented on a Matter for Further Consideration Form (MFC) 12 8/7/2011 Finding • One or more related matters that result from a condition in the reviewed firm's quality control or compliance with it such that there is a more than remote possibility that the firm would not perform and/or report in conformity with applicable professional standards. A finding not elevated to the level of a deficiency or significant deficiency is documented on a Finding for Further Consideration ( FFC) form. Deficiency • One or more findings g that the p peer reviewer has concluded, due to the nature, causes, pattern or pervasiveness, including the relative importance of the finding to the reviewed firm's system of quality control taken as a whole, could create a situation in which the firm would not have reasonable assurance of performing and/or reporting in conformity with the applicable professional standards in one or more important respects. 13 8/7/2011 Deficiency • It is not considered a significant deficiency if the peer reviewer has conclude that except for the deficiency or deficiencies, the reviewed firm has reasonable assurance of performing and/or reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards in all material respects respects. A deficiency is communicated in a report with a rating of pass with deficiencies. Significant Deficiency • One or more deficiencies that the peer reviewer has concluded results in a condition in the reviewed firm's system of quality control or compliance with it such that the reviewed firm's system of quality control taken as a whole does not provided the reviewed firm with reasonable assurance of performing and/or reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards in all material respects. 14 8/7/2011 Significant Deficiency • Such deficiencies are communicated with a peer review rating of fail. Engagement Reviews - Matters, Findings, Deficiencies, Significant Deficiencies • Engagement review definitions are slightly different as the reviewer is only considering the results of the system of quality control through the review of engagements and not through a review of the system of quality control. • The review report does not give an opinion but limited assurance based on the review of the engagements and other documentation submitted by the reviewed firm. 15 8/7/2011 Matter • Result of evaluating whether an engagement submitted for review was performed and/or reported on in conformity with applicable professional standards. Typically is one or more "no" answers to questions in peer review questionnaire(s) A matter is documented on questionnaire(s). a Matter for Further Consideration (MFC) form. Finding • One or more matters that the review captain has concluded result in financial statements or information, the related accountant's reports submitted for review, or the procedures performed, including related documentation, not being performed and/or reported on in conformity with the requirements of applicable professional standards. A finding not rising to the level of deficiency or significant deficiency is documented on a Finding for Further Consideration (FFC) form. 16 8/7/2011 Deficiency • One or more findings that the review captain concludes are material to the understanding of the financial statements or information and/or related accountant's reports or that represent omission of a critical procedure, including documentation, required by applicable professional standards. Deficiency • Deficiencies not evident on all engagements submitted for review, or the exact same deficiency occurs on each of the engagements submitted and there are no other deficiencies, such deficiencies are communicated in an engagement review report of pass with deficiencies. 17 8/7/2011 Significant Deficiency • Review captain p concludes that deficiencies are evident on all of the engagements submitted for review (with the exception of when more than one engagement has been submitted for review, the exact same deficiency occurs on each of those engagements and there are no other engagements, deficiencies, which ordinarily would result in a report with a peer review rating of pass with deficiencies). Significant Deficiency • Review captain concludes that all engagements submitted for review were not performed and/or reported on in conformity with applicable professional standards in all material respects. Significant deficiencies are communicated in a report with a peer review rating of fail. 18