Equality Analysis Form Reference: AF70380N Equality Analysis

Equality Analysis Form
Reference: AF70380N
Equality Analysis
Community Cohesion Webpage
Name of policy or function
Business Unit
Is it a a policy of a function
Is it a new or an existing policy or function
Is the Equality Analyses strategic, policy or operational/function(Strategic – reviewing and developing savings and efficiencies, programmes and strategies. Developmental – scoping stage part of a developmental exercise which informs future thinking. Function/Operational – Procurement, Finance and budgets, Human Resources)
Date when the original policy/function was initiated
Introduction of self serve suite in the Customer Service Centre reducing demand on face­to­face services. Customer Services within Support Services
26 Sep 2011 Date on which the policy/function is to be reviewed(As the EIA will also need to be reviewed should any 31 Mar 2012 significant changes be made to the policy/function)
Names and roles of the people carrying out the Equality Analyses
Nick Corrigan Head of Customer Service
Mavis Bishop
Group Manager, CSC
Ellen Butler
Operations Manager, CSC
What are the aims, objectives or purpose of the policy/function?
The aims of the proposed change are primarily to: • Offer customers suitable alternatives for interacting with the Council online • To enable 24/7 solutions for those who wish to make contact outside traditional hours • To offer self serve solutions at appropriate locations across the borough for those who feel comfortable in non­assisted web use • To support the ambitions of the Government’s Transformation agenda • To deliver efficiency savings for the Council as a by product to service improvement What are the main activities of the policy/function? The Council is currently in the process of constructing a number of self serve workstations on the ground floor of the (How will the policy be put into practice? By who? Who Customer Service Centre. The aim of this facility is to assist customers in learning and adapting to raising issues and defines the policy (SBC, Government etc)? What are the making applications to the Council on line as opposed to using the more traditional telephony and face to face channels. equalities priorities (Single Equality Scheme etc)? )
This is in keeping with the national drive to promote the use of the web to the public and support the Council at times of austerity. Who is expected to benefit from the policy/function? (Who is affected by the policy? What does the policy aim to achieve? )
There are 3 main stakeholders • Customers who use the Council’s self serve suite • Council employees who will assist them and provide the initial triage service • Staff in the Customer Service Centre face­to­face service generally 10 Level 5 staff are particularly affected by this change in service provision. This is those whose role it is to provide a meet and greet service, staff the reception counter and deal with processing issues which can be provided via the self serve solution. Reception/meet and greet will need to be replaced by triage and assisted self serve. Identifying Differential / Adverse Impacts
A policy/function can aim to treat all people fairly but unless you analyse data and stats and speak to the people it is going to affect how do you really know?
Evidence Base
For each of the equality strands in the table below please show evidence how you came to the conclusions around differential and negative impacts in relation to the policy or function. Examples and guidance prompts have been given in supporting guidance. Please use these prompts in relation to each of the protected characteristic or protected group in the table. An ‘analysis and interpretation’ of the evidence is required. Please do not copy and paste reams of data, stats and information into the form. Please analyse and interpret this data for each equality strand. Please Note:­
Reports/stats/data can be added as Appendix – Please send any reports/consultation findings/data and stats to the Equality and Diversity Advisor/Officer with the Equality Analyses to be attached as an appendix
Please clearly state whether there is a ‘different’ or ‘negative’ impact for each equality strand. Race
Identify the effect of the policy on different race groups Different Impacts
Yes Negative Impacts
Yes No Analysis and interpretation of evidence to justify the claim around different impacts
Website offers a ‘Google translate’ option where English is not the first language Can the negaive impacts be justified
No Analysis and interpretation of evidence to justify the claim around negative impacts
There is a potential race issue associated with this function for those customers for who English is not their first language and having to complete online e­
forms could be problematic
Yes No Reason
Evidence suggests that to date there are very few occasions when the service has had to invoke the use of a translation service to assist customers. Will ensure feedback from Polish/Roma Community is considered and ongoing communication remains. Consequently, risk based on race is considered to be very low. The extent of the use of the translation service can be evidenced via our translation provider. Support is always available and if required an appointment can be made face to face. Disability
Identify the effect of the policy on different disability groups Different Impacts
Yes Negative Impacts
Yes No No Can the negaive impacts be justified
Yes No Analysis and interpretation of evidence to justify the claim around different impacts
Self serve will enable greater facilities to be online and therefore reducing the need for these disabled groups to visit us. Support will be provided to assist the use of the area as well as using the automated telephone service. Analysis and interpretation of evidence to justify the claim around negative impacts
The ability of those with physical or sensory impairments to access this service may be problematic
Identify the effect of the policy on men, women (including maternity/pregnancy impact), transgender people
Different Impacts
Yes Negative Impacts
No Yes No Sexual Orientation
Identify the effect of the policy on members of the LGB community
Different Impacts
Yes No Negative Impacts
Yes No Reason
Both the design of the desks and telephony solutions are DDA compliant. The Council’s website is DDA compliant and offers large font, background colour change and speak facilities. Religion and Belief
Identify the effect of the policy on different religious and faith groups Different Impacts
Yes Negative Impacts
No Yes No Age
Identify the effect of the policy on different age groups
Different Impacts
Yes Negative Impacts
Yes No Analysis and interpretation of evidence to justify the claim around different impacts
Positive for the younger age group who actively seek e­enabled transaction capabilities from the Council Can the negaive impacts be justified
No Analysis and interpretation of evidence to justify the claim around negative impacts
Negative for older people who generally seek more traditional interaction channels
Yes Reason
No The most vulnerable customers will receive personal attention and the drop­
in facility will remain as now. Individuals will receive hands on assistance with using the self serve facility and we will promote the libraries successful ‘taster sessions’ for public access PC’s Older people who may be less likely to readily adopt e­enabled methods of communication will be targeted for support and assistance. Socio­economic Identify the effect of the policy in relation to socio­economic inequalities
Different Impacts
Yes Negative Impacts
Yes No Analysis and interpretation of evidence to justify the claim around different impacts
Reason(For Those who are familiar with ICT and example those in using the web and having the ability poverty may be to ‘apply/report on line’ will welcome adversely the approach. Those who do not may impacted by the be fearful
policy and it might be useful to consider them as a separate group in the light of the Council’s overall policy objectives)
No Analysis and interpretation of evidence to justify the claim around negative impacts
Some socio­economic groups may need specific support. Carers
Identify the effect of the policy on carers
Yes Negative Impacts
No Supportive Evidence or Information
Community Impact
Yes No Please attach any supportive evidence or information
Yes Reason
No Assisted self serve will be available to build confidence Referrals will be made to libraries for ‘taster sessions’ to build confidence Once familiar the access to information for regular customers will be markedly enhanced Different Impacts
Can the negaive impacts be justified
No file was attached
Is there equality between those who will and won’t benefit from this activity? Yes
Are there strong and positive relationships between the No
groups/communities participating in this activity now?
Will this activity promote strong and positive relationships between the groups/communities identified?*
Does the activity bring groups/communities into increased contact with each other? *
Consideration of Data and Research*
Does the policy comply with equalities legislation?*
If there are gaps in information or areas for further improvement, please list them
How will the results of this Equality Analyses feed into the business planning process? (Is the EqIA an integral part of business planning? How do you ensure that EqIA is a key element in performance planning)
As a result of these conclusions and recommendations what actions (if any) will be included in your business planning and wider review processes (team plan)? Please consider any gaps or areas needing further attention.
Meet with voluntary organisations, e.g. CAB, SAVS to advise them of the self serve facility
To enable ‘drop in’ sessions for those most in need and vulnerable
Consider installing hearing loop function in the self serve area
Key Activity
Key Activity
Key Activity
Promote and inform other organisations Progress milestones 30 September 2011
Officer responsible
Date of Completion
Date of Progress
Triage staff need to be aware of the appointment system and ability to identify customers who may need it
Progress milestones Ongoing
Officer responsible
Date of Completion
Date of Progress
Review the need and requirement Progress Hearing loop advisor milestones visited on site and suggested to review in 6 months for a need Officer responsible
Date of Completion
Date of 31 Mar 2012 Progress
Sue Taylor
Ellen Butler and triage staff
Gary Cullen
Triage staff to ensure understanding of appointment system and translation service availability
Key Activity
Advertise and promote ‘taster sessions’ the library offers
Key Activity
All desks and telephones in the facility are DDA compliant Key Activity
Staff familiar how to utilise appointment system and translation service where English is not the first language
Progress milestones Ongoing
Officer responsible
Date of Completion
Date of Progress
Posters to be displayed and triage staff to identify customers who may need further assistance
Progress milestones Ongoing
Officer responsible
Date of Completion
Date of Progress
Facilities management to ensure DDA complaint
Progress milestones 30 Spetmber 2011
Officer responsible
Date of 30 Sep 2011 Completion
Ellen Butler and triage staff
Ellen Butler, Sue Taylor and traige staff
Gary Cullen Date of Progress
State clearly how you will monitor and assess the impact on individuals (staff and service users) and local communities?
Southend on Sea Borough Council has developed a vision and a strategy for Community Cohesion. A part of that vision is to support staff to complete Community Impact Assessments where there is a risk of the work we do impacting upon local Communities and how they interact and get on with other. For help and guidance please click the above link.
For example ­ to indentify impact on marriage/civil partnership, looked after children
Different Impacts
Yes No Click on? for more details
Negative Impacts
Yes No 