whi six-time recipient - Winegardner & Hammons Inc.

Vol. 28, No. 2
P. 2 Quality Assurance
P. 2 Promotions
Pages 6-7
Associates of
the Year
P. 3 401(k) Plan
4-5 Years of Service
Associates of the Year
P. 8 Supervisors of the Year
Page 8
of the Year
P. 10 Correspondents
Focus is published for the associates at our properties
who continually strive to exceed our customers’ expectations.
Thanks for your efforts and commitment.
WHI SIX-time recipient
G allup ® G reat W orkplace A ward
inegardner & Hammons, Inc. is a winner of the Gallup Great Workplace Award for the sixth
consecutive year. WHI is one of only three companies to win this award for six consecutive years
and the only hospitality company in the world to have accomplished this feat.
“WHI commits to being fully engaged with its associates, and winning such a selective, prestigious award
proves that we’re succeeding in this endeavor – year after year,” states Keith Daub, WHI president and COO.
The award recognizes the organizations that best engage their employees based on a census survey of at
least 1,000 respondents, a Q12 response rate of 80 percent or higher, a Q12 GrandMean score of 4.15 or
higher in at least half of the organization’s workgroups and a comprehensive best-practices portfolio.
Gallup’s chief scientist of workplace management and wellbeing, Jim Harter, Ph.D., says: “Worldwide,
there are more than two actively disengaged employees for every engaged employee. The organizations we
are honoring are ones that have worked hard to shatter and reverse what is typical and they average nine
engaged employees for every actively disengaged employee.”
Guest satisfaction recognized
Brand performance
wins platinum
With a 97.7 percent Overall Guest Satisfaction rate, Residence Inn Cincinnati-Downtown
achieved a No.1 ranking out of 611 Residence Inns in the nation. General Manager David
Meisner states: “Finishing No. 1 in the nation in Residence Inn Overall Guest Satisfaction is
truly an accomplishment that we are all very proud of. Every member of the hotel team played
a vital role in achieving this ranking. Without this team, our success would not have been
possible. I applaud all associates for their hard work and dedication and for living the WHI
Service Pledge every day.”
Choice Hotels International has named
Quality Suites San Luis Obispo, Calif., a
2012 Platinum Award winner, which places
the hotel in the Top 3 percent of the brand.
This is the hotel’s second consecutive
Platinum Award. It also has been nominated
for Choice’s Inn of the Year as one of the Top
3 hotels in the brand.
2 0 1 1 A s s o c i at e s o f t h e Y e a r
See Pages 6-7 for articles.
Mike Gaietto has been promoted to assistant general
manager at Marriott Columbus-Airport, Ohio. He most
recently served as AGM at Ohio University Inn & Conference
Center, Athens, Ohio, where he significantly impacted
F&B revenues, profitability and quality, which resulted in
numerous awards from the Athens community.
Gaietto began his WHI tenure at Doubletree Guest Suites
Cincinnati as F&B supervisor following his graduation from
the Culinary Institute of America in 2008.
Dan Potokar has been named assistant general manager
of Ohio University Inn & Conference Center, Athens, Ohio.
Potokar joined WHI as a management intern at Marriott
Columbus-Airport, Ohio, and began a training program at the
hotel following graduation from The Ohio State University in
Upon completion of his training, Potokar was assigned to
Residence Inn Cincinnati-Downtown as a supervisor. While at
Residence Inn, he was instrumental in the hotel’s No. 1 OSAT
ranking in 2011 as well as the property’s achievement of 184
percent of its budgeted house profit goal for the year.
Zac Middleton has been promoted to assistant general manager
at Holiday Inn Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio. He most recently served
as F&B supervisor at Doubletree Guest Suites Cincinnati. During
his tenure at Doubletree Cincinnati, which began in January
2011, he was instrumental in the hotel achieving a 6 percent
increase in F&B revenue and a Top 20 percent rating in the
Doubletree Brand Promise.
Mike Gaietto
Nick Baker has been promoted to assistant general manager
from food & beverage supervisor at Holiday Inn CincinnatiRiverfront, Covington, Ky. As F&B supervisor, Baker contributed
to improved Customer Service and Problem Resolution scores. He
also successfully implemented a menu conversion, resulting in
improved food & beverage revenues.
Baker began his career with Winegardner & Hammons in 2010
as a front desk supervisor at Marriott Cincinnati-North. He has two
bachelor’s degrees from Thomas More College: business with an
emphasis in marketing and accountancy.
Zac Middleton
Nick Baker
Dan Potokar
Four hotels achieve ‘excellent’ ratings
Four Cincinnati-area hotels achieved “excellent” QA ratings from this past year’s
internal audits, referred to as a “QA review” by WHI hotel managers. Top-achieving
hotels include: Marriott Cincinnati-Northeast, Holiday Inn & Suites CincinnatiEastgate, Marriott Cincinnati-North and Marriott Cincinnati-Airport, Hebron, Ky.
Of these four “excellent” rated hotels, Cincinnati Marriott Northeast and Cincinnati
Holiday Inn Eastgate totaled six and seven total exceptions, respectively, with both
locations having only one repeat exception.
In addition to having the lowest exception count within the
company, Cincinnati Marriott Northeast was the sole hotel
within the entire WHI portfolio to have no three-time-ormore repeat exceptions. “We salute the management and staff
of these four perennial high-achieving hotels for setting the
benchmark for all WHI hotels to work toward,” shares Dennis
Flannigan, director of quality assurance. The general manager/
Dennis Flannigan
bookkeeper teams at ‘excellent’ hotels are as follows:
• Marriott Cincinnati-Northeast – David Lanterman/Debbie Harding
• Holiday Inn & Suites Cincinnati-Eastgate – Alex Blust/Darla Louderback
• Marriott Cincinnati-North – Jennifer Porter/Jackie Horak
• Marriott Cincinnati-Airport – Dave Smith/Paul Rottmueller
Debbie Harding
Darla Louderback
Jackie Horak
Paul Rottmueller
Honorable mention
2011’s lone QA “honorable mention” hotel is Ohio University
Inn & Conference Center, Athens, Ohio. The full-service OU Inn
has reduced its exception count from 25 to 10 in the past year.
This feat was accomplished – with only two, three-time-or-more
repeat exceptions – while maintaining a very current status among
its many challenging university direct bill accounts.
The WHI Finance Division expresses gratitude to GM Ralph
Ralph Mordocco
Mordocco for his hands-on involvement in ensuring WHI
standards are maintained within the hotel’s operations. Past experience in working
front desk, night audit and food & beverage cashier, coupled with extensive
bookkeeping experience as an AGM in previous assignments, has significantly helped
prepare Mordocco for the management of those functions in his current position.
Mordocco shares: “The accounting practices I’ve been able to acquire through my
years with WHI have assisted me in my day-to-day interactions with the operation.
I feel these practices tend to fall on the bookkeeper and HR manager in most cases,
but I believe this is a team collaboration; it’s the involvement of all associates and
managers that helps contribute to the success of our financial responsibilities.”
Sharing time and talent
Flannigan adds: “Our top-performing hotels, and those with experienced
bookkeepers, have not only achieved the highest marks for their locations on QA
reviews, but they also have shared their time and talent with other WHI hotels when
the need arises. Bookkeepers who have assisted WHI with training include: Debbie
Harding; Nika McCollum, Marriott Birmingham, Ala.; Brenda Wisniewski, Marriott
Pittsburgh-North; and Tana Gilmore, Marriott Columbus-Northwest. WHI is extremely
appreciative of the willingness of associates like Debbie, Nika, Brenda and Tana who
help others in learning and refining standards at our hotels.”
WHI Focus
Recognition 2011-12
Justin Terry has
advanced to valet
manager from bell
person/ van driver
at Radisson Hotel
Lansing, Mich. In
his original role,
he received many
Justin Terry
positive comments
from guests. Prior to joining the hotel,
Terry was a valet employee at a country
club in Arizona.
He earned his associate’s degree in
marketing from Lansing Community
Jon Monserratte has
already demonstrated
success after his promotion to p.m. front
desk supervisor at
Marriott Birmingham,
Ala. Along with his
team, Monserratte
Jon Monserratte
was instrumental
in closing out the 2011 second wave
of GSS with a No. 2 ranking in North
America for Arrival Experience. He most
recently served as sous-chef at the property. Monserratte began his WHI career
at Marriott Chicago-Northwest as a line
cook, where he helped to improve GSS
scores for concierge food quality.
He completed his culinary degree at
Elgin Community College.
Dan Hodgson has been promoted to
restaurant supervisor from night auditor at Doubletree Hotel Dearborn, Mich.
He recently demonstrated his leadership
abilities when he stepped up as acting
front desk supervisor for three months
and by training new associates at the
desk. In addition, Hodgson has helped to
raise the hotel’s customer service scores
by answering guest comments via email.
He has been recognized several times
as Associate of the
Hodgson is working on his associate’s
degree in business/
hotel management at
Oakland Community
Dan Hodgson
Dominick Iacovone
has joined Doubletree
Guest Suites
Cincinnati as F&B
supervisor. He most
recently served as GSS
at Embassy Suites
Dominick Iacovone
Lexington, Ky. He received his MBA
and Bachelor of Science in business
administration from the University of
Charleston, W. Va.
A.J. Mertz has advanced to assistant
executive housekeeper from GSR at
Embassy Suites Lexington, Ky. Mertz
joined the hotel as an intern in 2010
and had the opportunity to rotate to all
departments. Susan Kluenenberg, HR
manager, says, “A.J.’s
willingness to learn
and his adaptability
will truly be an asset
in the housekeeping
Mertz received his
hospitality degree
from the University of
A.J. Mertz
Kentucky in 2010.
Tina Kohrs, an associate of Embassy
Suites Lexington, Ky., for 10 years, has
been promoted to catering & sales manager from restaurant supervisor. Prior to
her promotion, Kohrs had an opportunity to apply her operations experience to
the sales department
while also contributing
to many of the hotel’s
other departments.
Her vast knowledge of
how the other departments work together
will greatly benefit the
sales team.
Tina Kohrs
Kohrs graduated
from National College of Business and
Michael Peterson has been promoted
to executive chef from sous-chef at
Marriott Cincinnati-North. He has been
with the hotel since August 2011. GM
Jennifer Porter shares, “I am very excited
to promote Michael to executive chef.
His creativity with food
and customer service
has been highly complimented by our best
guests over the past six
Peterson is a
culinary arts graduate from Sullivan
Michael Peterson
Maintenance, Energy Management,
Telecommunications, Safety
METS success is a
team effort
Marriott International recently awarded Partnership Circle awards to its
top-performing hotel management companies. In the first row, WHI president and COO
Keith Daub (far left) and WHI chairman and CEO Erik Kamfjord (second from left) pose
for a group photo with all the Partnership Circle honorees.
WHI properties had another successful year in
their quests to provide clean, safe and well-maintained properties. Last year, 14 properties received
“excellent” ratings on both the METS (Maintenance,
Energy Management, Telecommunications and Safety)
and Life-Safety Evaluations.
“In 2011, more than half of the properties operating for the
full 2011 calendar year under the WHI umbrella achieved dual
scores of 90 percent or higher on both evaluations,” shares
Jerry Yates, VP of product management. “The leadership team
at each hotel lays the groundwork for METS success, ensuring
its integration into the operation of every department. Yet, an
‘excellent’ rating can only be attained if each and every associate
adopts the METS priorities and the METS mindset.”
Bob Sears, director of life-safety, emphasizes that
commitment to METS and life-safety is an ongoing, hotel-wide
responsibility. “Every associate at WHI’s hotels, regardless of
tenure or title, plays a pivotal role in METS success. While
hotel leadership is charged with teaching the METS philosophy,
reinforcing its importance and continually supervising its
implementation, all in an organization must live it.”
The following properties received “excellent” ratings on
both METS evaluations (consecutive years recognized for dual
excellence noted below):
• Holiday Inn & Suites Cincinnati-Eastgate (7 yrs.)
• Holiday Inn Cincinnati-Airport, Erlanger, Ky. (6 yrs.)
• Marriott Cincinnati-North (5 yrs.)
• Quality Suites San Luis Obispo, Calif. (4 yrs.)
• Marriott Cincinnati-Northeast (3 yrs.)
• Marriott Columbus-Airport, Ohio (3 yrs.)
• Holiday Inn Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio (3 yrs.)
• Embassy Suites Lexington, Ky. (3 yrs.)
• Marriott Suites on Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, Fla. (2 yrs.)
• Marriott Dallas/Fort Worth Airport-South (2 yrs.)
• Embassy Suites Williamsburg, Va. (2 yrs.)
• Marriott Austin-North at Round Rock, Texas
• Doubletree Guest Suites Cincinnati
• Marriott Columbus-Northwest, Ohio
Jerry Yates
Bob Sears
WHI annually recognizes and thanks its top-ranked sales leaders who have played a
key role in building business at its hotels. The top performers in two sales categories
are recognized with membership into the Platinum Club and the Gold Club. Listed in
order of their annual year-end rankings for 2011, sales account managers were selected
based on their percent achievement of personal annual goals, and catering and sales
account managers were selected based on their hotels’ highest revenues per square foot of
meeting space.
“2011 was the second year of recovery from the ‘great recession,’” shares Mike Conway,
WHI senior vice president of marketing. “In good times or bad, outstanding sales
performance stands out, and 2011 was no exception. It is my pleasure to announce the
WHI 2011 Top Sales Performers as recognized by our Platinum and Gold Club members.”
*An associate must complete 500 hours
of employment service within a period of
six months and be at least 21 years old to
participate in the 401(k) retirement plan.
Participation in the 401(k) plan begins on
the January 1 or July 1 date immediately
thereafter. ©2012
10 hotels are members of the 75 Percent Club
To live the life you want when you retire someday, preparation is key. The 401(k) plan is
one means that eligible associates use to save now for a better retirement later.
By the deadline of June 8, 2012, talk with your GM or HR manager about either
enrolling in the 401(k) plan or increasing your percent of plan savings.
Michael Bosch, HR manager, talks with every eligible associate at top-performing
Marriott Cleveland-East about a couple of the benefits of saving in the 401(k) plan. Bosch
says: “If you want to get the maximum matching money from the company, you need
to put aside six pennies for every dollar you make and the company will give you three
matching pennies. Not only that, but now you will get taxed on just 94¢ instead of $1. So
you are getting ‘free money’ in two ways.”
At 10 hotels, 75 percent or more of eligible associates were participating in the 401(k)
plan as of January 1, 2012:
92% Marriott Cleveland-East
85% Residence Inn Cincinnati-Downtown
84% Holiday Inn Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio
84% Marriott Pittsburgh-North
78% Marriott Spartanburg, S.C.
76% Marriott Columbus-Airport, Ohio
76% Ohio University Inn, Athens, Ohio
75% Embassy Suites Lexington, Ky.
75% Holiday Inn Cincinnati-Riverfront
75% Doubletree Guest Suites Cincinnati
Jaime Leising, Renaissance Hotel Indianapolis
Tiffany Smith, Marriott Dallas/Fort Worth Airport-South
Betsy Baringer, Ohio University Inn & Conference Center
Candace Masengale, Embassy Suites Williamsburg
Amanda Roberts, Marriott Hartford/Windsor Airport
Jaime Leising
Kay Higgins, Marriott Cincinnati-Airport
Abby Farrell, Marriott Cincinnati-Airport
Kaitlyn Schell, Embassy Suites Lexington
Amy Stamper, Embassy Suites Lexington
Ruby Rios, Marriott Dallas/Fort Worth Airport-South
Jillian Moore, Marriott Dallas/Fort Worth Airport-South
Kay Higgins
Vicky Hild, Residence Inn Cincinnati-Downtown
Callie Swaid, Marriott Birmingham
Amy Jo Easterday, Marriott Columbus-Northwest
Jennifer Neltner-Fay, Marriott Cincinnati-Airport
Kim DeBrabander, Radisson Hotel Lansing
Meghan Zlatic, Marriott Cincinnati-North
Traci Dixon, Marriott Columbus-Airport
Shauna Philabaum, Marriott Columbus-Airport
Recognition 2011-12
WHI Focus
2 011 M ilestone Y ears of S ervice
No stranger to service
A 35-year associate of WHI, Ohio
University Inn &
Conference Center,
Athens, Ohio,
bartender Terry
Bumpass is no
stranger to living
the brand’s mission
Terry Bumpass
statement. “The WHI
management model places its associates’ priorities and needs at the top of its
pyramid, which is why it remains one of
the industry’s best across the nation,”
Bumpass says.
Creating positive vibes
Ohio University
Inn & Conference
Center, Athens,
Ohio, cook Paul
Stephens celebrates
a quarter of a century of service with
WHI. Taking pride
in the quality of his
Paul Stephens
product, Stephens
strives to create an atmosphere that
allows his fellow workers and guests to
leave the hotel each day with a smile.
Ultimate team player
Gary Scarbrough,
banquet server at
Marriott ColumbusNorthwest, Ohio,
celebrates 25 years
of service with WHI.
A consistent team
player, Scarbrough
insists on going
Gary Scarbrough
beyond WHI guest
service expectations
to ensure that each guest receives complete
satisfaction during his or her stay.
Fifty years combined service
Sous-chef Cyndee Haviland and
revenue manager Linda Cecil both celebrate 25 years of service with WHI at
Radisson Hotel Lansing, Mich. Starting
her career in the pantry, Haviland
Jean Bauer
Scott Malone
worked her way up to line cook and
eventually to her current title. She takes
pride in the quality food she prepares
each day.
Cecil has held past
titles such as bookkeeper, front office
manager, QA auditor
and HR manager. In
each role, she was
driven to provide
guests with exceptional service and
a quality product
each day. She takes
pride in ensuring the
hotel is economically viable, ensuring
the opportunity for
Todd Teitelbaum
Chris Berie
Margaret Bauer
dining room greeter/seater
Jenny Chapman
banquet server
Pamela Foraker
guest service representative
Kelly Gruber
room attendant
Karl Moeller
p.m. dining room server
Rhonda Neff
banquet server
Doubletree Hotel Dearborn, Mich.
room attendant
Kim McCullough
lobby/public space attendant 15
Charmel Miles
room attendant
Daniel Hodgson
night auditor
Tara Humphrey
room attendant
Margaret Marshall
a.m. guest service supervisor
Dora Pina
room attendant
Leticia Smith
executive housekeeper
Hugh Stubbs
Radisson Hotel Lansing, Mich.
Linda Cecil
group reservations manager
Cynthia Haviland
Rosemarie Joseph
room attendant
Simon Pratt
banquet server
Holiday Inn Cincinnati-Airport, Erlanger, Ky.
Lisa Randle
Kimberly Scanlon
Clifford Williams
Brittany Fields
Alla Guidugli
Dawan Hopper
Ronnie Jacks
Sarah Spatz
Charles Gibson
Patrick Hennessey
Michael Patrick
Bruce Tarter
laundry attendant
a.m. dining room supervisor
sales account manger p.m. dining room server
room attendant
bellperson/van driver
p.m. dining room server
banquet setup attendant
banquet setup attendant
p.m. dining room server
bellperson/van driver
Mitzi Hawk, a.m.
restaurant server at
Ohio University Inn
& Conference Center,
Athens, Ohio, celebrates her 15th anniversary with WHI. Her
passion for customer
service drives her to
Mitzi Hawk
make each day count.
“The best part about my job is being able
to put smiles on faces while making a
difference,” she shares.
Always a shining star
Gina Moore, bookkeeper, is a 15-year
associate with
WHI at Homewood
Suites Dayton/
Fairborn, Ohio.
Named Associate of
the Year in 2001 and
2002, Associate of the
Gina Moore
Month several times
and a “Shining Star” for the past two
years, Moore has worked her way up the
ranks through hard work, dedication
and unwavering professionalism.
Nathan Stoll,
maintenance utility
associate at Ohio
University Inn &
Conference Center,
Athens, Ohio, celebrates 15 years
at WHI. An occasional member of the
Nathan Stoll
housekeeping department as well, Stoll goes the extra mile
each day to ensure guests’ satisfaction.
Clifford Williams
Sylvia Eve
Jeanine Katzenell
Bonnie Kugel
Marriott Columbus-Airport, Ohio
Recognition 2011-12
Linda Cecil
Proactive approach
James Madison
Michael Sawtschenko maintenance supervisor
Holiday Inn & Suites Cincinnati-Eastgate
WHI Focus
Cyndee Haviland
Marriott Cincinnati-Airport, Hebron,
Ky., bookkeeper Paul Rottmueller
celebrates 20 years
in the WHI family.
Starting his career
as a night auditor, he
has earned several
honors over the years,
including the Focus
Correspondent of the
Year and Spirit to
Paul Rottmueller
Serve awards.
“The WHI pledge card is more than
just a guideline or statement to me,”
Rottmueller shares. “It is a way of life.
Our pledge is the blueprint for how we
reach our goals on a daily basis. I’m
proud to serve my co-workers, hotel and
our guests with the utmost attention
and professionalism.”
Embassy Suites Williamsburg, Va.
Service with a smile
Two decades of service
Sales account manager Clifford Williams
celebrates 15 years with
WHI. A former banquet
manager and sales
and catering manager,
Williams has earned
several honors during
his tenure at Holiday Inn CincinnatiAirport, Erlanger, Ky., including membership in the Platinum and Gold Clubs.
His proactive approach to business has
ensured his growth and advancement at
the hotel.
Angie Bondy
Lulla Nouh
lobby/public space attendant 10
Cathy English
lobby/public space attendant 5
Barbara Garner
a.m. dining room server
Brenda Garrison
room attendant
Wudase Gebrehiwot
laundry attendant
Tony Layne
executive sous-chef
Sherlene Parker
Marriott Suites on Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, Fla.
room attendant
Mimoza Rusi
Rovena Zhuleku
room attendant
Bryan Glaus
bellperson/van driver
Larry Krzyzaniak
maintenance technician
Kevin Scibbe
bellperson/van driver
Panagiota Wilder
nail technician
Holiday Inn Cincinnati-Riverfront, Covington, Ky.
Deedra Kellerman
bookkeeper/HR manager
Terry Linville
housekeeping utility associate 5
Quality Suites San Luis Obispo, Calif.
executive housekeeper
Rachel Sheldon
Romulo Rodriguez
a.m. dining room utility associate
Enrique Campuzano
Angela Kimball
Juana Rivas
room attendant
Gloria Vazquez
room attendant
Marriott Cincinnati-Northeast
Lisa Birck
Lisa Compton-Martin
Mikki Fassler
Toni Heilman
Werner Lobert
Donna Sallee
Darlene Ziegenhardt
David Lanterman
Upasna Bernet
Angela Brown
Jeff Glenn
Dilfuza Iskhakova
Matthew Meeker
sales account manager
human resources manager
executive housekeeper
sales account manager
banquet bartender
banquet server
banquet server
guest service representative
banquet server
lobby/public space attendant
maintenance technician
30 years of combined service
Chef Marty Chermely and HR manager Lorraine Sanz are each celebrating
15 years of service with WHI at Marriott
Cincinnati-Airport, Hebron, Ky.
Chermely began his career as a line
cook and
made his
way up the
WHI ladder
to executive chef in
Marty Chermely (L)
1999. He
and Lorraine Sanz
has been
nominated several times for the prestigious Award of Culinary Excellence from
Marriott and, along with his fellow managers, won the Event Management Team
of the Year in 2009.
Sanz began her tenure as an AGM
and in 2001 accepted the position of
HR manager. Named Human Resource
Manager of the Year for Intercontinental
Hotel Groups in 2005 and 2008, she has
been an example of what it means to live
the WHI Mission Statement. “Every day
I come to work, I feel fortunate to be
working with such a dedicated and talented group of hoteliers,” Sanz states.
Positive influence
Executive housekeeper Mikki Fassler
celebrates 15 years
at WHI. Throughout
her tenure, she
has proven that
hard work heeds
positive results.
Mikki Fassler
“Mikki’s departments traditionally exceed standards in
customer satisfaction,” states GM David
Lanterman at Marriott CincinnatiNortheast. “I am proud to expand her
influence to the largest department in
our hotel and look forward to her continued success.”
Leads by example
Gladys Williams, lobby/public space
attendant at Marriott Birmingham, Ala.,
Jeff Rhodes
Kelly Sweeney
Mark Timbro
Chrystine Patton
a.m. dining room utility associate 5
Sukhrob Radjabov
banquet setup attendant
Ohio University Inn & Conference Center, Athens, Ohio
Terry Bumpass
Paul Stephens
Mitzi Hawk
a.m. dining room server
Nathaniel Stoll
maintenance utility associate
Michael Baxla
night auditor
Steve Brickles
maintenance supervisor
Frank Dunlevy
kitchen utility associate
Peggy Lee
room attendant
Marriott Columbus-Northwest, Ohio
Gary Scarbrough
banquet server
Misty Barrett
a.m. dining room server
Ada Dolmo
room attendant
Lilia Mercado
room attendant
Adam Pallija
Fikret Pintol
banquet server
Holiday Inn Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio
Cheryl Weaver
room attendant
Ryan Bevins
banquet setup attendant
Gabriel Carter
maintenance technician
Charles Hough
maintenance technician
Homewood Suites Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio
Gina Moore
Stephen Brown
sales account manager
Nathaniel Hamilton
a.m. guest service supervisor 5
Patricia Martinez
room attendant
Andrea Williams
bellperson/van driver
Connie Williams
night auditor
Marriott Birmingham, Ala.
Gladys Williams
lobby/public space attendant 10
Anthony Calhoun
banquet setup attendant
Karen Jacob
human resources manager
Dana Moorer
guest service representative
Embassy Suites Lexington, Ky.
Tony Ko
Tina Kohrs
Michael Kyrylczuk
p.m. dining room server
catering & sales account manager 10
banquet setup attendant
celebrates a decade
of service with WHI.
A six-time Associate
of the Month winner,
Williams is a champion
of promoting teamwork, dedication and
commitment on a daily
Gladys Williams
“Leading by example,
I hope to encourage other team members
to make a difference each day,” Williams
shares. “I enjoy the work I do because it
puts me in a position to directly impact
guests’ impressions of our hotel. We all
have a responsibility to make sure we make
them happy; that’s what brings them back
again and again.”
Total quality
Rising to the occasion
Zanjaninia, lobby/
public space attendant at Marriott
celebrates a decade
of service with WHI.
“I am proud to be
part of such a great
Fatemeh Zanjaninia
group of professionals,” Zanjaninia shares. “My supervisor
Tammy Clements is the best! It’s great
to be able to work somewhere that appreciates hard work and where people truly
respect each other. When guests tell me
that they love our hotel and the service
we provide, it makes all the hard work
worth it.”
Ten-year associate Thomas Stafford,
executive chef at
Marriott Austin-North
at Round Rock, Texas,
consistently rises to the
occasion, going beyond
daily responsibilities to
serve not only guests,
Thomas Stafford
but to educate his fellow co-workers and management staff.
Hired as an executive chef at Marriott
Cleveland-East, he had the opportunity to
train new executive chefs that were new to
the WHI family.
Customers are key
Room attendant Bobby
Ashley has been a part
of the WHI family
for a decade. A staple
at Doubletree Guest
Suites Cincinnati,
Ashley explains what
it means to be a part
Bobby Ashley
of such a great team:
“Customers are the reason we are in business. With that in mind,
it is a pleasure to serve the guests we host
each and every day. It’s more enjoyable to
go out of your way to make a difference in
their stay.”
Room attendant
Juanita Moctezuma
is a two-time
Associate of the
Month recipient at
Marriott AustinNorth at Round
Rock, Texas, durJuanita Moctezuma
ing her 10 years of
service with WHI. Moctezuma reveals:
“For me, it’s all about the look of happiness on guests’ faces when they walk into
their room. When we do our jobs and
provide a quality product and service, it’s
a great feeling.”
Twenty-five year associates
Sylvia Hall (left), payroll, and
Kim McGucken, administrative
Thirty-year associates
Ed Schreiber (left), tax manager, and Gary Ledermeier,
accounts payable supervisor
Twenty-year associates
Todd Willing (left), financial
analyst, and Patty Handy,
Five-year associate Lisa
Fischesser, staff accountant
A decade of dedication
Career of full-service
Misty Barrett,
a.m. dining room
server at Marriott
ColumbusNorthwest, Ohio,
celebrates a decade
with WHI. A past
Associate of the
Month winner,
Misty Barrett
Barrett demonstrates the WHI mission each day by
greeting guests immediately at the door,
providing great service and sending them
home with a positive experience.
Ten-year associates, from left to right:
Jenny Ramirez, accounts payable; Steve Cannon,
information specialist; Diane Brunkel, accounts
payable; Jared Cutter, staff accountant;
Kathleen Miller, administrative assistant; and
Brandon Harper, e-commerce manager
Braulio Ruelas
Gordon Davis
Jackie Clayton
Art Lehmann
Alison Mallow
p.m. dining room server
Ian May
assistant banquet manager
Marriott Cincinnati-Airport, Hebron, Ky.
Danielle Depew
Paul Rottmueller
Marty Chermely
executive chef
Lorraine Sanz
human resource manager
Jacqueline Clayton
Leah Evans
banquet server
Gordon Davis
Danielle Depew
p.m. dining room server
Pamela Leirey
guest service representative
John McFadden
banquet setup attendant
Yvette Murphy
assistant executive housekeeper 5
William Rafferty
bellperson/van driver
Cecilia Royce
laundry attendant
Hannah Schmitt
banquet server
Brian Vance
Marriott Dallas/Fort Worth Airport-South
Ryvan Barrow
Isabel Canizales
room attendant
Jesse Gonzales
Emma Hernandez
room attendant
banquet setup attendant
Santos Mancillas
Tom Newbury
Brandon Overby
bell captain
Brent Braswell
Maria Canales
room attendant
Francisco Cortez
laundry attendant
Bacilisa Cortez
room attendant
Fidelino Manglal-lan
a.m. dining room server
Nia Morris
dining room greeter/seater
Venancia Ponce
room attendant
Michael West
Marriott Cincinnati-North
Fatemeh Zanjaninia
Nelson Agyemang
Aissata Diakhite
Joseph Frimpong
Polly Hensley
Mary Kober
Ivana Misic
lobby/public space attendant 10
kitchen utility associate
room attendant
maintenance technician
banquet server
banquet server
banquet server
Cecilia Royce
Kelly Phillips Mackey guest service representative
Jennifer Porter
Dana Simpson
maintenance technician
Xuan-Thuy Vu
banquet server
Ryan Worthington
Crystal Zavala
banquet server
Marriott Austin-North at Round Rock, Texas
Irene Cruz
laundry attendant
Celsa Gonzalez
laundry attendant
Sue Kunz
a.m. guest service supervisor
Steve McLaughlin
banquet bartender
Juana Moctezuma
room attendant
Norma Molina
banquet server
Deborah Perez
banquet bartender
Braulio Ruelas
Celia Steele
banquet server
Javier Caballero
Lillian Deloach
guest service representative
Jose Galindo
laundry attendant
Richard Rosas
banquet server
guest service representative
Ninette Smith
Thomas Stafford
executive chef
Doubletree Guest Suites Cincinnati
room attendant
Bobby Ashley
Hennesey Allen
maintenance supervisor
Natalie Bullock
a.m. dining room supervisor 5
Tracy Padgett
banquet server
Jim Spivey
maintenance technician
Stephanie Stemann
guest service representative
Marriott Hartford/Windsor Airport, Conn.
Mark Timbro
Benjamin Cano
Joseph Costa
Biba Jahic
Fred Midowski
Julie Fraysier
Jean Gedeon
Sylvia Ortiz
Ann Procopio
Aida Rodriguez
Alfred Shaw
Amani Zaben
Azhar Zaben
catering and sales account manager
housekeeping utility associate
maintenance technician
room attendant
p.m. dining room server
kitchen utility associate
room attendant
banquet server
room attendant
lobby/public space attendant
banquet server
banquet server
Marriott Chicago-Northwest
Maria Bahena
Dustin Brooks
Nancy Chavez
Sylvia Cordero
Glenn Lynch
Joel Rojo
Blanca Ruiz
Anne Smith
lobby/public space attendant
laundry attendant
a.m. dining room server
maintenance supervisor
banquet server
room attendant
a.m. dining room supervisor
Marriott Pittsburgh-North
Todd Teitelbaum
maintenance supervisor
Christopher Berie
guest service representative
Sylvia Eve
laundry attendant
Jeanine Katzenell
Bonnie Kugel
banquet server
Jeffrey Rhodes
maintenance technician
Kelly Sweeney
maintenance technician
Steven Vasko
banquet setup attendant
Lindsay Winkler
banquet server
Marriott Cleveland-East
Scott Malone
Tricia Brooks
maintenance technician
sales account manager
WHI Corporate Office, Cincinnati
Dana Burkhammer
Gary Ledermeier
Ingrid Meyer
Ed Schreiber
Karen Ballaban
Sylvia Hall
Kim McGucken
Patty Handy
Todd Willing
Diane Brunkel
Steve Cannon
Jared Cutter
Brandon Harper
Kathleen Miller
Jenny Ramirez
Lisa Fischesser
tax accountant
accounts payable supervisor 30
business development information30
tax manager
director national sales
admin. asst. to Keith Daub
financial analyst
accounts payable
information specialist
staff accountant
e-commerce manager
admin. asst. operations
accounts payable
staff accountant
Recognition 2011-12
WHI Focus
2011 Associates of the Year
Does it all ... and then some
Since becoming a member of Embassy Suites Williamsburg, Va.,
cook/breakfast attendant/bartender Rickey Robinson, 2011 AOY,
has shown great teamwork and dedication. A jack of all trades,
he ensures that his guests are always smiling. Robinson also
has assumed the task of helping to order food and products for
the F&D department in the absence of a kitchen manager. HR
manager Brenna Dill shares, “It has been a great help to the AGM,
GM Chris Cov and and his willingness to step up is greatly appreciated.”
Rickey Robin
Quick to help
Eight years perfect
Diane Sc
Diane Schneider, room attendant at Holiday Inn & Suites
Cincinnati-Eastgate, received a Housekeeper of the Year
award from the Ohio Lodging Industry. The 2011 AOY has
not only been an eight-year associate with the hotel, she has
had perfect attendance throughout her tenure. Executive
housekeeper Karen Lindsey shares: “Diane lives the Mission
Statement and demonstrates her WOW factor by exceeding the
guests’ expectations by doing the little things: folding clothes,
straightening up shoes and filling ice buckets.”
Schneider adds: “I always look for opportunities to make our
guests feel special. In each room I clean, I look for a way to
personalize the guests’ stay. If there are stuffed animals or dolls
for a child, I arrange them on the bed after I make it. If the guest
has cans of soda pop or beer, I will ice them down for them. I do
whatever I can do to make them feel special when they return to
their room after a long day.”
Essential to the hotel
Dave Mullins
Good-natured associate
Co-workers and supervisors of Hugh Stubbs, line cook at
Doubletree Hotel Dearborn, Mich., consider the 2011 AOY to
be good-natured, dependable and creative. HR manager Sandra
Deanna notes that the well-respected associate “takes pride in his
work, and it shows in the daily specials he creates.”
Stubbs adds: “I live the Mission Statement by listening to the
about what our guests like to eat, and then I make the
Hugh Stubbs daily specials with some of those preferences.”
Jeanie W
Tamara Ha
Michael Jumper
Katy Wedge
Mika Carpenter
Holiday Inn Cincinnati-Airport, Erlanger, Ky., line cook Sandy
Young is the hotel’s 2011 AOY. Her most recent honor was being
named Associate of the Month in September 2011; she was
nominated for this award four times this past year.
Associates describe Young as: “Continually devoted to the
success of the team … Helps out wherever and whenever needed
… Has a commitment to performing her job at the highest
caliber … Team player, hard worker … Exemplary work ethic …
Someone who always comes through for you.”
Chris Brake
WHI Focus
Chris Brake, maintenance technician at Marriott CincinnatiAirport, Hebron, Ky., is the 2011 AOY for countless reasons.
For the first time since the hotel was brand new, Brake’s
area received a 100 percent during the hotel’s recent METS
Property Performance Evaluation. In addition to this, he has
applied himself and learned about virtually all of the systems
in the hotel. His hard work benefits all who stay and work at
the property. Brake is now conducting repairs to equipment
that would normally require direct supervision or help from
an outside contractor. His expanded capabilities have saved
thousands of dollars.
Brake was also instrumental in ensuring that all Life-Safety
checks and records were accurate and complete, resulting in
a perfect score. Finally, throughout 2011, he “saved the day”
during several critical situations at the hotel that required
Shift engineer Matthew McKenzie from Marriott Dallas/
Fort Worth Airport-South believes and proves that no task is
too hard or outside of the 2011 AOY’s work scope. He helps
all departments, assists guests with loading and unloading
materials for meetings, retrieves medication for sick guests and
removes trays from guest rooms.
Alfonso Soto, banquets, is a long-term associate of Marriott
Dallas/Fort Worth Airport-South. The 2011 AOY is very
committed to the Service Pledge, guest satisfaction and
quality. He is a loyal team player, hard worker and always adds
value to the team.
Beth Williams, banquet server at Marriott Columbus-Northwest,
Ohio, and 2011 AOY, never hesitates to work in every department
whenever needed. “Beth exemplifies the WHI Mission Statement
every day and always has a positive attitude when she’s working.
She is a great role model and trainer for new associates,” says
AGM Gus Krimm.
Recognition 2011-12
Work ethic benefits everyone
Always adding value
Positive role model
Beth Williams
The 2011 AOY from Marriott Birmingham, Ala., GSR Mika
Carpenter, has been dedicated to the hotel since she began
her tenure with the property in 2009. In 2011, she provided
exemplary service when she covered night audit when the
hotel lost a night auditor. When the hotel hired a permanent
replacement, Carpenter continued to support the capacity by
training her new teammate. Carpenter also cross-trained in
accounting and has provided support to the hotel’s bookkeeper.
With attention to detail, ability to manage demanding tasks and
a real understanding of operations, she and the front desk team
finished the second GSS wave in 2011 with a No. 2 in Arrival
Experience and No. 1 in Departure Experience.
Answer is always ‘yes’
Welcoming associate
Marriott Columbus-Airport, Ohio, a.m. greeter Jane Xing, 2011
AOY, has also served as a room attendant and laundry attendant.
Phyllis Wayland, a.m. dining room supervisor, shares: “Jane excels
at greeting each guest with a smile and providing a genuinely
Jane Xing welcoming greeting. Jane knows all of our repeat guests and their
special requests so when she sees them she anticipates their needs.”
Provides peace of mind
GSR Delneesa Morgan from Embassy Suites Lexington,
Ky., is the hotel’s 2011 AOY. Morgan made it her mission to
learn front desk duties while also working with housekeeping.
In September, she volunteered to help the housekeeping
department in the absence of the department head. Morgan
went above and beyond typical “temporary” transition help to
make a difference in both departments. Her dedication and
loyalty to the hotel is apparent in her work ethic.
Can’t say enough about her
Sandy Young
(L) wit
GM Greg Hu h
Solid associate
Exemplary service makes a difference
Helps anywhere she can
Katy Wedge, concierge lounge attendant at Radisson Hotel
Lansing, Mich., has assisted several departments during her tenure,
including banquets, the restaurant, kitchen and concierge lounge.
She even traveled to sister WHI hotel, Doubletree Hotel Dearborn,
Mich., to help in its restaurant and banquet department for a brief
period of time. Guests regularly note and appreciate that Wedge
goes out of her way to provide them with what they need.
The 2011 AOY says, “I try to excel at the basics by learning as
much as I can about different departments so I can pitch in and
help them in their time of need.”
Holiday Inn Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio, room attendant Jeanie
Williams contributes to all areas of the hotel, including serving
in banquets, washing dishes, bussing tables and even working a
double to cover p.m. lobby when needed. Williams looks out for
the best interest of the hotel’s guests and associates.
Executive housekeeper Mike Albrycht says of the 2011 AOY,
“Jeanie is a team player who knows and lives the WHI Pledge.”
Maintenance tech Michael Jumper from Homewood Suites
Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio, is always taking the extra step to help
guests and fellow associates. Once, when his department was
short-staffed, the 2011 AOY picked up extra hours and worked
different shifts to keep things running smoothly. Plus, he
always does his job with a smile and a word of encouragement.
Worthy of an A+
GSR Tamara Harris-Brown from Radisson Hotel Lansing, Mich.,
is a hospitality student at Michigan State University. The 2011 AOY
started at the front desk in May 2010 and also has worked in the
concierge lounge, night audit and has assisted with bookkeeping.
Guests consistently comment about her exceptional service.
Harris-Brown shares, “One specific way I try to excel at the
basics is by mastering them and improving them.”
Ohio University Inn & Conference Center, Athens, Ohio, cook
Dave Mullins instills passion when he cooks, cleans and makes
guests smile – which is exactly why he is the 2011 AOY. Mullins
was instrumental in making the OU Inn the premier food and
beverage establishment in Southeast Ohio. He was a major
factor in the hotel’s recent “excellent” rating in the METS
Team player
Leadership exemplified
Housekeeping utility Reggie Jackson from Doubletree Hotel
Dearborn, Mich., is a proven leader in his department and increased
his responsibility last year when the executive housekeeper was off
for an extended period. “We could not have done it without him,”
says HR manager Sandra Deanna. A great and loyal team player,
Jackson always steps up to train new associates.
“I live the Mission Statement by making sure that the room
Reggie Jac
attendants have all the supplies they need to take care of our
guests,” shares the 2011 AOY.
A hard worker who is liked by all of her co-workers for her
willingness to help, Elizabeth Nagy, room attendant at Holiday
Inn Cincinnati-Riverfront, Covington, Ky., takes her job seriously
and personally. The 2011 AOY’s attention to detail has given her
the opportunity to be given special projects of detailing rooms and
helping executive housekeeper Zach Hillman.
HR manager Deedra Kellerman explains: “Although Elizabeth
doesn’t see every guest like a front desk associate, she takes
every opportunity to interact with the guests she comes across
and always makes sure that they have what they need and that
their stay is excellent.”
Alfonso Soto
2011 Associates of the Year
Never says no
A family affair
Kevan Jacobs, maintenance technician at Marriott
Cincinnati-North, is the 2011 AOY. Co-workers and
managers describe Jacobs as “very personable with all guests
and associates and always willing to help.” Matt Oliver,
maintenance supervisor, says: “Kevan is a model associate. He
never says no! He sets a great example for the entire hotel.”
Taking it to a new level
Allison Brown, GSR and group rooms specialist at
Marriott Austin-North at Round Rock, Texas, is the 2011
AOY. According to guest services manager Sue Kunz,
Brown is a “bright spot and committed to extreme guest
satisfaction, but has taken her responsibilities and ownership
to a new level.”
Owning guest requests until complete satisfaction
is achieved is a trademark pledge item for Brown. She
accomplishes this challenge, because she truly cares about
guests, co-workers, her family and everyone with whom
she comes in contact. Brown was instrumental in Austin
Marriott North’s rating in the Top 50 in the brand for guest
satisfaction scores in both arrival and departure in 2011.
Kevan Jacobs
Allison Brown
Room attendant Martha Sifuentes from Marriott AustinNorth at Round Rock, Texas, is esteemed and well-respected
by her co-workers for her friendliness and willingness to
help. According to executive housekeeper Elizabeth Tamez,
the 2011 AOY lives the Mission Statement by “treating the
guests as if they are guests in her own home, and she always
looks for opportunities to exceed their expectations.”
Gabe Tenbosch, guest service associate at Doubletree Guest
Suites Cincinnati, is the 2011 AOY. He was named Associate
of the Month twice for his outstanding commitment to
service. His warm smile greets guests upon arrival, and
he ensures guests are satisfied. Tenbosch’s mission to help
others is one of many reasons he was nominated for AOY.
A recent guest comments: “Gabe always has a smile no
matter what the circumstance. He asks how my day is
and genuinely waits for an answer. Thanks for making the
Doubletree feel like home.”
Appreciated by all
Martha Sifue
Carlos Paz, maintenance technician, at Marriott ChicagoNorthwest, has been named 2011 AOY. With a professional
and enthusiastic personality, Paz is a dependable team player
and a joy to guests. HR manager Katie Clark says, “I respect
Carlos a great deal, because not only does he do his job
to near perfection, but, more importantly, he sets a great
example as a father and husband.”
Paz shares, “I make sure to prioritize my day by ensuring
all guests’ immediate needs are addressed quickly before I
move on to my p.m. tasks, which are just as important in
order to avoid future negative impact on guests.”
Gabe Tenbosch
Sandee Mueller
Maureen Hickey
Marriott Cleveland-East bartender Michael Smith is a
two-time AOY winner. Since joining the hotel in 2008,
Smith has won Associate of the Month each year as well.
During his tenure, Smith has received countless
positive comment cards from guests noting his superior
service. He shares that he satisfies each guest by
“knowing their name, company, what they eat and what
they drink.” Michael Bosch, HR manager, says: “Most
guest comments mention Michael directly and are in
awe of his customer service – and it shows! Our bar is
always filled with guests.”
Michael S
Server Kara Demling of Renaissance Hotel
Indianapolis-North is consistent in her excellent
performance and positive demeanor. The 2011 AOY
has worked in all Grille 39 positions and assists in
banquets. Grille 39 a.m. supervisor Dan Tomamichel
shares: “In times when the team is short-staffed and
extremely busy, Kara doesn’t complain; she just digs
in to get the work done and comes out with a smile on
her face. I wish I had 10 more associates just like her!”
GM Paul O’Connor adds: “Everyone can depend on
Kara when they need a hand, and she is a joy to work
with. We are so grateful to have Kara on our team; she
is outstanding!”
Kara Demling
It’s what he does
A charter team member of Residence Inn CincinnatiDowntown, p.m. cook Bernard Anderson shines thanks
to his constant focus on teamwork. The 2011 AOY is an
example of the WHI Service Pledge in action, because
he is outgoing, friendly and willing to go out of his way
to help guests and associates. Anderson focuses on the
positive of every situation rather than the negative.
GM David Meisner says: “Bernard is a true asset to the
hotel and has been since Day 1. Bernard embodies what
it means to live the WHI Service Pledge and dedicates
himself day in and day out to making a positive
difference in not just the guest experience, but also in
our associate satisfaction and product quality.”
Whenever Carissa Parnitzke, HR manager – or any
associate – thanks Anderson for his superior service, he
always replies, “It’s what we do.”
Everyone’s ‘mama’
Carlos Paz
Has answers to everything
Banquet captain Joe Iacovone from Marriott PittsburghNorth knows the building as well as, if not better than,
anyone. He knows the answer to everything, especially when
it deals with his department. The “go-to” guy for years, GM
Ron Antonucci says the 2011 AOY is “… one of the most
dependable associates I have ever worked with” and, “When
Joe is here, you naturally expect that business will be executed
Banquet manager Brian Keller adds: “Joe has been the meat
and potatoes of this department since I arrived in 2004. It has
been a pleasure to watch him grow in his role at the hotel.”
An original hire of Marriott Cleveland-East, guest
service agent Maureen Hickey is considered to be the
smiling face of the day shift team. According to GM
Kenny Didier, “Maureen’s smile is bright enough to
make the marble shine.” Hickey played a role in the
hotel earning a Departure Experience in the Top 15
percent of all Marriott hotels in 2011.
The 2011 AOY says she lives the Mission Statement
by greeting each guest with a smile and by making the
guest experience personable. She says that over the
years, she has gotten to know regular guests very well,
and that is what makes a difference in their stay.
Dependable joy
Always receiving glowing guest feedback, 2011 AOY Sandee
Mueller, banquets, has won several awards throughout her
tenure and is esteemed by her team and other departments at
Marriott Chicago-Northwest. She will often lend a helping hand
without even being asked.
Mueller shares, “The fundamental pieces of our service pledge
and Marriott basics are a roadmap that, if used effectively, will
guide any organization and individual to success.”
Enthusiastic personality
Comment after comment
In demand by clients
Banquet server Theresa “Stacy” Quarrie-Gourlay is the
2011 AOY at Marriott Hartford/Windsor Airport, Conn.
When guests call, they often ask for Quarrie-Gourlay directly
to help resolve their issues and to take care of their groups.
Not only does she work in banquets, she also helps
in laundry and the restaurant. Quarrie-Gourlay was
nominated for outstanding food and beverage associate by
the Connecticut Lodging Association. She has an upbeat
personality, demonstrates top-notch hospitality skills and
delivers genuine care.
Sid Sidwe
A bright smile
Esteemed role model
Welcoming and warm
Sid Sidwell, maintenance technician at Marriott
Pittsburgh-North, takes care of guests and associates
in every department. The 2011 AOY’s knowledge and
“don’t say no” attitude make him a valuable asset.
Sidwell treats the building as if it were his home and
often refers to the staff as his “family.”
Todd Teitelbaum, maintenance supervisor, shares:
“Sid executes the Marriott Genuine Care Basics every
day he is here. He follows the METS program to
the letter. This helps keep our equipment running
smoothly and efficiently, which in return keeps our
repair costs in line.”
Laundry attendant Emeline Veimau, from Marriott
Suites on Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, Fla., is the
2011 AOY due to her outstanding performance. Known
as “Mama” by her co-workers, Veimau is friendly,
hard working and reliable. According to executive
housekeeper Andrea Garcia: “She is our life-safety
champion in the laundry and works miracles with stains!
She treats all of the associates as her guests and is a
complete pleasure to work with.”
Emeline Veimau
Florida sunshine
Joe Iacov
Stephen Motroni, guest service agent at Marriott
Suites on Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, Fla., is wellknown for his bright and cheerful disposition. The
2011 AOY is the first associate to step in and help other
departments; in the past year, Motroni has assisted the
front desk, AYS, bellstand, valet, housekeeping and night
audit. With his can-do attitude, great energy, sharp mind
and charming personality, it’s no surprise that guests
rave about him to his managers, on GSS surveys and on
Trip Advisor.
Recognition 2011-12
Stephen Motroni
WHI Focus
20 1 1 s up e r v i s o r s o f t h e Y e aR
Supervisors of the Year (SOY) are selected annually at many WHI-managed properties. They are the
“best of the best” and selected for their dedication to demonstrating leadership, providing maximum
customer satisfaction and increasing revenue.
Angela Greenh
Team player grows with WHI
Actions speak louder …
Angela Greenhow, assistant bookkeeper and SOY at
Embassy Suites Williamsburg, Va., joined WHI in 2002 as a
guest service agent. Through the years, Greenhow’s everyday
work has often gone beyond her position and department.
HR manager Brenna Dill shares that Greenhow trains new
associates and covers shifts and lunch breaks at the front
desk. “Angela can be seen on many mornings in the restaurant, bussing tables, assisting guests and refilling breakfast
items,” Dill states. “She also doesn’t hesitate to put on her
Embassy T-shirt to help in the laundry department when it
is short-staffed.
“Angela is always willing to help the team with anything
and is a true team player,” she continues.
The management team at Embassy Suites Lexington,
Ky., has voted banquet manager Jason Faulkner the 2011
SOY. According to the team’s comments, Faulkner “listens
to everyone’s opinions but never compromises company
beliefs. He is always willing to help in other departments
and continues to show it through his actions. He constantly lives the Pledge and takes his work seriously. His
consistent leadership, while providing an enjoyable place
to work, is one of his specialties.”
Executive chef Antony Peluso best summarizes
Faulkner’s leadership qualities, “Jason runs his department well, has increased SALT scores and helps other
departments and the restaurant when lunch gets crazy …
I’m just sayin’.”
Five-star role model
Executive chef Matt Avram has been named SOY at
Radisson Hotel Lansing, Mich., for his leadership role in the
culinary department. “Chef Matt acts as a role model for
providing customer satisfaction as he works alongside his
culinary staff,” says Michelle Miller, HR manager.
“I try to show every one of my employees how much I
appreciate them,” Avram explains.
Matt Avram
Leadership produces results
The maintenance department at Doubletree Hotel
Dearborn, Mich., has transformed over the past year under
the leadership of maintenance supervisor John Berlin, the
hotel’s SOY. Facing failing METS and Life-Safety scores,
Berlin’s leadership and mentoring skills took a fledging
department and made it strong.
HR manager Sandra Deanna states: “John is knowledgeable and gets the job done, with great follow through, so
that nothing slips through the cracks. He is well liked, well
respected and comes to work each day with a positive attitude.”
“I just want the hotel to look its best and keep our customers happy and coming back,” Berlin says. “I want my
team to be the best and know that I support them in every
way. I am very proud to receive this award.”
John Berlin
It’s in the details
“Since joining our team in 2009, bookkeeper Jeff Reifel
has done a tremendous job managing our receivables, leading the property to significantly improve QA results and
representing the hotel through a very demanding tax audit,”
explains Renee Potoczny, AGM at Marriott Suites on Sand
Key, Clearwater Beach, Fla. The SOY also works very closely
with the front office team, training members on accountingrelated procedures.
Potoczny adds: “Jeff has always gone above and beyond,
continuously demonstrating strength for detail and follow
through. He has earned the respect of the entire team, and
we’re very thankful for all he does.”
Jeff Reifel
Successful return
Stephen Burke
Stephen Burke has been named SOY at Ohio University
Inn & Conference Center, Athens, Ohio. He joined the WHI
team in 2004 as a server and bartender and left the OU Inn
in 2008 before returning in 2011 as banquet manager. HR
manager Nicole Franz shares: “Throughout 2011, Stephen
has really shone. He has turned his department around
and has been a true team player. He lives the WHI Mission
Statement day in and day out.”
Full-service approach
Sales account manager Amy Jo Easterday is the 2011 SOY
at Marriott Columbus-Northwest, Ohio. GM Lisa Garner
shares: “Amy Jo has done an excellent job transitioning into
a full-service hotel. She spends time in the concierge lounge,
on the marble and talking with other associates about guest
satisfaction and future leads. She is a true asset to the sales
department and to the hotel.”
Amy Jo Easterda
All-around hard worker
Holiday Inn Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio, has named Donna
Walz, supervisor at AM McKenna’s, the 2011 SOY. Walz
knows the regulars and has their orders waiting before they
even ask. She also routinely lends a hand to other departments. “Donna is helpful, dependable and fair and has helped
me sort out hotel issues on occasion,” shares HR manager
Jacque Evrard. “Donna is an all-around hard worker who is a
pleasure to be around.”
Donna Waltz
Feeding the need for leadership
Nicole Palm
WHI Focus
Nicole Palmieri, a.m. front desk supervisor and SOY at
Marriott Birmingham, Ala., was an integral factor in the
hotel’s No. 1 position for Arrival Experience and No. 2 position in Departure Experience in the second half of 2011.
Upon joining the management team, Palmieri was able to
“foster engagement with a team of front desk representatives
who were hungry for great leadership,” according to HR
manager Karen Jacob. “Nicole embraces the WHI Mission
Statement and incorporates it in every decision and guest
interaction. Her dedication, energy and hands-on approach
won her staff over and produced amazing results.”
Recognition 2011-12
Jason Fa
It’s not so hard, is it?
Executive housekeeper Camille Patton sets the standard
for hard work at Marriott Dallas/Fort Worth AirportSouth. HR manager Raluca Leibowitz describes the SOY
as an awesome professional. “She is quality driven, a great
leader and a terrific trainer and mentor to other associates
and the management team,” Leibowitz shares.
A valued team member since 2009, Patton can often be
heard uttering some familiar phrases: “Every room, every
guest, every day” and “It’s not so hard, is it?”
Camille Patton
Deep-rooted resource
Bookkeeper Jackie Horak was an original hire at
Marriott Cincinnati-North and has been committed to its
success since Day 1. “Jackie takes ownership for not only
the accounting responsibilities of the hotel, but for every
department and the greater success of the entire hotel,”
shares HR manager Kier Muchnicki. “She is very proactive
and is constantly looking for opportunities to assist in all
departments. Many managers describe her as a great support system for anything they need.”
It is often (affectionately) said that SOY Horak is “not
your normal bookkeeper.”
Jackie Horak
‘Simply the Best’
Banquet manager Mindi Marshall has a track record
of success at Marriott Austin-North at Round Rock,
Texas. According to GM Kyle Covington, over the past
six months, the 2011 SOY has turned a roller coastertype department into a consistent, strong-performing
workgroup that has achieved improved ESS results. “Her
staff is thrilled to work for her, her co-workers enjoy her
cooperative, can-do approach and her guests benefit from
her drive for excellence. One guest recently commented,
‘Mindi is a goddess!’” Covington shares, “Mindi is a shining example of delivering on our commitment to be
‘Simply the Best!’”
Mindi Marshall
Adjusts, as needed
SOY Laura Vogel has filled many roles at Marriott
Chicago-Northwest. Currently the p.m. dining room supervisor, Vogel has assumed numerous roles, performing as
if the new assignment was her original duty. HR manager
Katie Clark explains: “Laura has a strong ability to multitask and an even better ability to adapt to new surroundings and expectations. She had little experience in restaurant operations but has jumped in feet first and proven to
be a quick learner. Laura is always willing to help in any
capacity and is a true example of a team player.”
Vogel shares: “I enjoy working with a seasonal staff that
is team oriented. I get to have a positive impact on guests
and other associates while gaining exposure to other
departments as we all work together to achieve our goals.”
Laura Vogel
Excellence recognized
Hired as a restaurant server in 2010, SOY Michael
Ward advanced to restaurant supervisor at Marriott
Pittsburgh-North in less than a year. “Mike is aligned with
our Mission Statement priorities, and this philosophy
has allowed him to excel in GSS scores,” shares Michael
Schlutz, HR manager. “Mike has contributed to profitability by offering incentives to up-sells on French presses,
dessert sales and sales of sparkling water.”
Ward’s mantra: “True success is a happy guest.”
Michael Ward
Committed to excellence
Steve Wendland, executive housekeeper, has been named
the 2011 SOY at Marriott Cleveland-East. Wendland joined
WHI in 2004 as a relief supervisor and transferred to the
Cleveland hotel as assistant executive housekeeper in 2005.
Just one year later, he advanced to his current position.
“Steve is one of the most dedicated supervisors I’ve ever
had the pleasure to work with,” states GM Kenny Didier.
“He lives the WHI Mission Statement every day.”
Steve Wendland
Y e ars - o f - S e r v i c e A n n i v e rsar i e s
Continued from Pages 4 and 5
Yvette Murphy
Ada Dolmo
Lilia Mercado
Rose Joseph
Lasting impressions
Banquet bartender Deborah
Perez’s 10 years with WHI have
been spent making positive, lasting impressions with each guest at
Marriott Austin-North at Round
Rock, Texas. The two-time Associate
of the Month explains: “It has been
Deborah Perez
my pleasure to serve each of our
guests with a smile. Our leadership at the hotel makes
coming to work each day easy. I love my co-workers,
and our banquet management team truly makes this a
wonderful place to call home.”
World-renowned service
Holiday Inn CincinnatiRiverfront, Covington, Ky., HR
manager Deedra Kellerman celebrates her 10th anniversary with
WHI. Going beyond the call of
duty to make sure each guest has a
unique experience, Kellerman recalls
Deedra Kellerman
a specific example of how creativity
goes a long way: “My most memorable moment at WHI involves a frequent guest I had
during my tenure at Holiday Inn & Suites CincinnatiEastgate. Each time he arrived, I would greet him personally and welcome him to ‘The Friendliest Hotel in
the World.’ He must have really taken it to heart, once
interrupting a management meeting to present us with
a plaque he made personally that listed his Top 10 hotels
worldwide – we were No. 1.”
Celsa Gonzalez, laundry attendant at Marriott Austin-North at
Round Rock, Texas, celebrates
a decade of service with WHI. A
previous Associate of the Month
and Associate of the Year recipient,
Gonzalez lives the WHI Mission
Celsa Gonzalez
Statement by consistently providing
quality service with the utmost respect to the co-workers and guests she serves.
A rule to live by
Celebrating five years with
WHI, GSR Stephanie Stemann
finds success using the 20-10
rule at Doubletree Guest Suites
Cincinnati. She explains: “The
20-10 rule is simple. When a guest
arrives, I try to make eye contact at Stephanie Stemann
20 feet and greet them at 10 feet as
they enter the lobby. This simple task goes a long way.”
Stemann was nominated for the ROSE Award in 2007
and has been named Associate of the Month twice during her tenure.
Marriott Cincinnati-Northeast
maintenance technician Matt
Meeker, five-year associate, exudes
a passion for customer service and
hospitality that is second-to-none.
A past Associate of the Month and
Matt Meeker
Associate of the Year, his attention
to detail and professional approach
ensure both co-worker and guest safety.
Happy to lend a hand
Two-time Associate of the Month
recipient, maintenance tech Jim
Spivey celebrates five years at
Doubletree Guest Suites Cincinnati.
Spivey shares: “I’m thankful to work
with such a professionally-driven
Jim Spivey
team. Whether it’s helping guests
clear snow off their vehicles in winter
months or just greeting them with a smile, it’s rewarding
to see appreciation and satisfaction on guests’ faces when
you can make a difference.”
Customer service at its finest
Frank Dunlevy
Michael Baxla
Steve Brickles
remember to smile and enjoy what I do. Not everyone
has the opportunity to brighten someone’s day, so
when you get the chance to make a difference, take
pride in it.”
Driving success
Bellperson/van driver
Andrea Williams, night
auditor Connie Williams
and a.m. guest service
supervisor Nathan
Hamilton celebrate five
years at Homewood Suites
Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio.
A recipient of Associate
L to R: Nathan Hamilton, Connie
of the Month several
Williams and Andrea Williams
times, Andrea Williams
lives the Mission Statement each day by treating guests
as if they were in her own home. Connie Williams, a
previous Associate of the Month as well, is another
shining example of consistency, professionalism and
excellent customer service.
After gaining experience in other areas of the hotel,
such as bookkeeping, Hamilton assumed his current
role in an effort to further his industry knowledge.
In his own words, “I try to live the WHI Mission
Statement by being the best I can be every day.”
The fundamentals of service
Laundry attendant Jose Galindo
has been a part of the WHI family for five years. An Associate of
the Month winner several times,
Galindo sticks to the basics to make
each guest’s experience a positive
one at Marriott Austin-North at
Jose Galindo
Round Rock, Texas. “I always have a
smile on my face when greeting guests,” Galindo says.
“The little things, like using good manners and showing simple courtesy, can go a long way. I love to work
for this company.”
Personal approach brings growth
Five-year associate Tricia Brooks,
sales account manager at Marriott
Cleveland-East, originally joined
WHI as an assistant banquet manager. Her ability to connect with
customers on a personal and professional basis allowed her to advance,
securing her current role in 2010.
Tricia Brooks
Brooks’ dedication to the basics has
allowed business relationships to flourish, bringing
growth and stability to the table.
Growing success
Ryan Bevins, banquet setup
attendant, celebrates his fifth year
of service with WHI at Holiday Inn
Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio. A twotime Employee of the Month winner, Bevins began his career while
attending college. “I have had the
Ryan Bevins
pleasure of growing into a role with
what I consider to be the best banquet staff in the company,” Bevins states.
Nationally recognized service
Five-year associate AJ Calhoun,
banquet setup associate, is a repeat
Associate of the Month winner
and played a key role in a 2011 No.
2 ESS ranking in the brand. He
takes special pride in working with
all the departments at Marriott
AJ Calhoun
Birmingham, Ala.
“We are a true team here at Marriott Birmingham,”
Calhoun states. “No matter the situation, we come
together to create efficient solutions that allow our
guests to experience the best we have to offer. Going
the extra mile is what we do!”
Pride in
Room attendant
and five-year associate Patricia Martinez
takes pride in ensuring that guests’
rooms are clean
Patricia Martinez and Stephen Brown
“Customer service is not only what
we do, but who we are,” explains
five-year associate Hank Allen, maintenance supervisor at Doubletree
Guest Suites Cincinnati. “I always
Hank Allen
Peggy Lee
Terry Linville
Sherlene Parker
according to the highest quality standards at Homewood
Suites Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio.
Sales account manager Stephen Brown also celebrates
five years with WHI. Climbing his way up the WHI ladder
while earning Associate of the Year and Associate of the
Month honors, Brown approaches each day as a learning
The keyword is ‘team’
Celebrating five years with
Marriott Birmingham, Ala., HR
manager Karen Jacob shares: “One
of the most rewarding things about
my position is the opportunity to
see internal growth. It’s exciting to
see associates promoted to manageKaren Jacob
ment positions and see managers
move on to new and more challenging roles to broaden
their hospitality experience. Each time we recruit, we
do so to fill our bench with the most professional talent available. It’s a pleasure to serve my hotel!”
Absolute professionalism
Karl Moeller, restaurant server at
Holiday Inn & Suites CincinnatiEastgate, celebrates his fifth year
at WHI. A previous Associate of the
Month recipient, Moeller maintains
a professional attitude with guests
and co-workers each day.
Karl Moeller
Chrystine Patton, room service/
server at Marriott CincinnatiNortheast, celebrates five years
with WHI. A previous Rose Award
and Associate of the Month winner,
she has cross-trained in several disciplines. A true asset to the team,
Patton delivers outstanding service
with a positive attitude.
Chrystine Patton
Feedback ensures consistency
Tony Layne, executive sous-chef
at Marriott Columbus-Airport,
Ohio, celebrates five years with
WHI. A previous executive chef
and sous-chef, Layne loves guest
interaction. Frequently visiting
tables, Layne insists that hearing
instant feedback about the quality
Tony Layne
of a product helps to ensure consistency across the board. He is a previous
Supervisor of the Quarter recipient.
Personal approach
Celebrating five years with WHI
at Marriott Birmingham, Ala.,
guest service representative Dana
Moorer has been named Associate
of the Year and Employee of the
Month. “I always try to personalize
every guest’s stay by taking care of
Dana Moorer
their needs and providing that one
extra thing that makes their experience go over the top,”
Moorer says. “I am at their service!”
Dedication recognized
Simon Pratt, banquet server,
has consistently gone the extra
mile to ensure guest satisfaction
at Radisson Hotel Lansing, Mich.
The five-year associate has been
recognized as Employee of the
Month on two occasions.
Simon Pratt
The little things make a difference
Five-year associate Cathy English,
lobby attendant at Marriott
Columbus-Airport, Ohio, appreciates the little things that she can do
for guests to make a difference. She
lives the WHI Mission Statement
each day to ensure a positive experience for all guests.
Recognition 2011-12
Cathy English
WHI Focus
Continued from Pages 4, 5 & 9
Y e ars - o f - S e r v i c e A n n i v e rsar i e s
Team celebration at Holiday Inn Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio
Award-winning service
Natalie Bullock, a.m. dining room supervisor at
Doubletree Guest Suites Cincinnati, has been with
WHI for five years. Earning Hilton’s Spirit of CARE
Award in the past, Bullock strives to work side-byside with all associates and management to ensure
overall guest satisfaction. “In my mind, it’s all
about going above and beyond for guests with
every encounter,” she shares.
Natalie Bullock
Treating guests like family
Five-year associate Kelly Gruber, room attendant at Holiday Inn & Suites Cincinnati-Eastgate,
exemplifies a professional approach by treating
guests like family. Gruber is a previous Associate of
the Month recipient.
Kelly Gruber
Ten-year associates celebrate at
Marriott Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport-South
Charles “Chuck” Hough, maintenance technician, has been making a
lasting impression on guests for five
years. In one particular instance, he
assisted a guest by driving him to a
nearby Verizon store to exchange a
broken phone. Hough recalls: “He
was driving through Ohio on business
while his wife was home sick in West
Virginia. With limited communication
available to him with a broken phone,
there was no question what had to be
Room attendant Cheryl Weaver celLeft to right: Charles Hough, Cheryl Weaver and Gabriel Carter
ebrates her 15-year career with WHI.
With a knack for knowing exactly what will make guests happy, Weaver goes the extra mile to
ensure a positive customer service experience. Executive housekeeper Mike Albrycht says, “I can
always trust that Cheryl will take care of both the guest and the hotel.”
Gabriel “Gabe” Carter, maintenance technician, also celebrates five years with WHI. A past
Employee of the Month recipient, Carter served in the housekeeping department before transferring seven months ago to the maintenance crew. Carter found his niche, stating, “I love where I
am at now.”
WHI’s Focus Correspondent
Recognition Program
JoAnn Masi wins Focus Correspondent Award of Excellence
HR manager JoAnn Masi has been recognized for her contributions to the Focus
Newsletter on behalf of Marriott Hartford/Windsor Airport, Conn. Masi ensures Marriott
Hartford/Windsor’s events, accomplishments and associate news are consistently featured in
the WHI newsletter.
GM Jeremy Berlin (far left) celebrates with milestone
associates (pictured left to right): bellperson Ryvan
Barrow, bell captain Brandon Overby, room attendant
Isabel Canizales, room attendant Emma Hernandez,
banquet setup attendant Santos Mancillas
Celebrating five years at
Marriott Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport-South
GM Jeremy Berlin (far left) celebrates with milestone
associates (pictured left to right): dining room greeter/
seater Nia Morris, bellperson Michael West, bellperson
Brent Braswell, room attendant Venancia Ponce,
room attendant Basilisa Cortez, laundry attendant
Francisco Cortez
“JoAnn recognizes the importance of sharing her hotel’s good news
with the entire WHI family,” shares Dave Gordon, VP-HR. “By doing
so, JoAnn is setting an example of how Marriott Hartford/Windsor’s
associates personify the WHI Mission Statement, inspiring all of us to do
the same.”
The Focus Correspondent Recognition Program recognizes the
outstanding effort put forth by these hotel ambassadors. Masi was one of
19 qualifying correspondents.
JoAnn Masi
Other finalists:
Michael Bosch, Marriott Cleveland-East
Brett Caron, Marriott Columbus-Airport, Ohio
Sandy Deanna, Doubletree Hotel Dearborn, Mich.
Brenna Dill, Embassy Suites Williamsburg, Va.
Jacque Evrard, Holiday Inn Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio
Nicole Franz, Ohio University Inn & Conference Center, Athens, Ohio
Erin Hulsey, Renaissance Hotel Indianapolis-North
Mily Kennison, Marriott Austin-North at Round Rock, Texas
Susan Kluenenberg, Embassy Suites Lexington, Ky.
Chrystal Lasko, Marriott Columbus-Northwest, Ohio
Raluca Leibowitz, Marriott Dallas/Fort Worth Airport-South
Michelle Miller, Radisson Hotel Lansing, Mich.
Gina Moore, Homewood Suites Dayton/Fairborn, Ohio
Kier Muchnicki, Marriott Cincinnati-North
Awilda Putthoff, Holiday Inn Cincinnati-Airport, Erlanger, Ky.
Amy Domiano, Holiday Inn & Suites Cincinnati-Eastgate
Lorraine Sanz, Marriott Cincinnati-Airport, Hebron, Ky.
Mike Schlutz, Marriott Pittsburgh-North
Round of applause in store
Renaissance Hotel Indianapolis-North was honored with the Applause Award at the Carmel Chamber of
Commerce’s luncheon as the 2011 Business of the Year. The Applause award is presented to a business based
on its success in growth and stability, commitment to quality, creative and unique solutions to challenges,
entrepreneurial spirit and overall contribution to the community. GM Paul O’Connor shares: “We are extremely
proud of our team for the amazing work they do. This award was won by each and every one of our hard-working,
positive and talented associates.”
Commitment to community celebrated
Marriott Columbus-Northwest, Ohio, GM Lisa Garner received the Dublin Ambassador
Award from the Dublin Chamber of Commerce for her contributions to the Dublin community.
Chamber president Jeff Holowicki shares: “Lisa demonstrates commitment. She really sets
the standard for community service and she goes above and beyond. When there’s an event in
Dublin she’ll step in and do what she can to help. It’s amazing how she’s able to balance her
personal life, family, work and her dedication to community service.”
Lisa Garner
WHI Focus
Recognition 2011-12
Recognition 2011-12 Vol. 28, No.2
Winegardner & Hammons, Inc.
4243 Hunt Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Kent Bruggeman, WHI Senior VP of
Operations & Human Resources
Corporate Editor
Dave Gordon, WHI VP of
Human Resources
Editorial Staff:
Vehr Communications
513-381-8347 (phone)
513-381-8348 (fax)
Laura Phillips, editor
Darcy Little, writer
Dan Guttridge, writer
Kelsey Clark, writer
Jodi Zureick, designer
© 2012 WHI