HICL Infrastructure Company Limited Case Study Queen Alexandra Hospital September 2010 www.hicl.com 1 Queen Alexandra Hospital (“QAH”) – a PFI project case study Queen Alexandra Hospital (“QAH”) PFI project Acquired by HICL in June 2010 Acquired from Carillion Private Finance Limited and Royal Bank Project Investments Limited (RBS) Visitor car parking Refurbished Existing Hospital Hospital new build Helipad Multi-storey staff car park A&E www.hicl.com 2 2 Queen Alexandra Hospital (“QAH”) – Discussion topics History Facilities Structure and contracts Revenues and cashflows Funding Asset management www.hicl.com 3 3 Project timeline OJEC1 notice 2001 Preferred bidder 2003 Signed 2005 Construction completed 2009 – 2010 Fully operational 2010 HICL acquires interest 2010 Concession ends 2040 1. Official Journal of the European Union www.hicl.com 4 4 Client Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust One of the largest acute teaching trusts in UK The new QAH brought together 3 hospitals into one site: the pre-existing QAH, St. Mary’s Hospital in Portsmouth and the Royal Hospital Haslar in Gosport Employs around 7,800 staff Around 1,400 inpatient beds Turnover of around £432m p.a. Major provider of education and training of under and post-graduate nurses, doctors and pharmacists www.hicl.com 5 5 Contractual structure Client NHS Trust Project agreement Financial Guarantor HICL 74.9% Secretary of State for Health Financing agreements Project Company Holding Company Shareholders agreement 25.1% RBS Sub-contractors www.hicl.com Construction sub-contract SPC day to day management Operating sub-contract Carillion Construction Ltd Carillion Services Ltd Carillion Services Ltd Sub-contractors 6 6 Project agreement Concession of 30.5 years post construction* Once built, contractual monthly payments for serviced facilities, subject to: RPI annual indexation Performance deductions Un-availability deductions Agreement covers items such as: Specification of services to be provided and relevant quality/quantity thresholds Variation mechanics Dispute resolution procedures Termination events and compensation payments Handback criteria *Construction was completed in June 2010 www.hicl.com 7 7 Construction Fixed-price, turnkey contract of £248.7m 55 monthly payments, subject to technical adviser’s sign-off Built by Carillion Construction Ltd Parent company guarantee from Carillion plc Cap on liability: 50% of contract sum 12 months of delay liquidated damages 3% retention amount 12 year latent defect period Programme Construction started: December 2005 Target completion date: over 3 phases between 15 June 2007 to 15 June 2010. Main works completed 15 June 2009. Start of operations: 16 June 2009 www.hicl.com 8 8 Construction in progress Aerial site before Phase 2 frameworks Aerial during phase 2 Aerial of car parks and site office www.hicl.com Aerial phase 1 helipad 9 9 Services Estates Services Building maintenance Grounds maintenance Catering Portering Linen & laundry Housekeeping Help desk Car Parking Retail Coffee bars www.hicl.com 1010 Benchmarking and market testing Commences in 2014 and every 5 years thereafter All services other than Estates Services and Help desk Benchmarking initially, client option to market test Project Co responsible for managing and co-ordinating Market Testing www.hicl.com 1111 Performance monitoring Helpdesk logs all problems Rectification times Service Response times Service Failure points Unavailability deductions – areas weighted Service failures passed to Facilities Management (“FM”) contractor Unavailability deductions passed down unless Project Co caused All payment deductions to date passed down to sub-contractors www.hicl.com 1212 Revenue basics Single monthly unitary fee from client NPV of base case revenue £468m Variable monthly payments for meals and utilities – passed down to FM contractor Base revenue of £32.9m (real) pa www.hicl.com 1313 Indexation ▲ ▲ Revenue and Operating Costs ▲ Annual indexation ▲ RPI index is RPI (all items) ▲ Base date of April 2002 ▲ Contract year commences in December ▲ Indexation uses preceding February index ▲ Sub-contract indexation is similar Senior Debt ▲ Index-linked guaranteed loan from Secretary of State for Health ▲ RPI Index ▲ Base date April 2005 ▲ Indexation semi-annually at Mar and Sep using previous Jan and July indices respectively www.hicl.com 1414 Revenue and costs - cashflows £100,000 £90,000 £80,000 £70,000 £000's £60,000 £50,000 £40,000 £30,000 £20,000 £10,000 Senior debt service Tax Operating revenue + interest Opex + reserve movements Shareholder loan note service 2042 2041 2040 2039 2038 2037 2036 2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 £0 Lifecycle Dividends Source: HSFML: Taken from the project’s financial model www.hicl.com 1515 Operational Cash cascade Revenues, less operating costs, less tax Pre-finance post tax operating cash flows Senior debt and working capital financing charges Cash flow available for reserve deposits Deposits to senior debt, and asset renewal reserves Shareholder debt service Cash flow available for shareholder debt service Payment of loanstock & interest to shareholders Cash flows available for dividend distributions www.hicl.com Payment of dividends to shareholders 1616 Funding the project Index-linked guaranteed loan from Secretary of State for Health £262m guarantee loan £3m stand-by facility £24.3m equity bridge facility Shareholders £24.3m loan stock £50k equity Debt : shareholder funds – 91.5% : 8.5% www.hicl.com 1717 Sources & uses of funds, during construction 400 Interim Revenue 350 Shareholder equity & loan notes 300 Senior Debt £m's 250 Pre-funding of Reserve Accounts Interest during Construction 200 Overhead 150 FM Start-Up Costs 100 Development Costs 50 Construction Costs Uses Sources Source: HSFML: Taken from the project’s financial model www.hicl.com 1818 Key funding terms Guaranteed Loan (£262m facility) Provided by Secretary of State for Health Monoline wrapped by Financial Security Assurance Index-linked semi annually in line with RPI Base coupon 1.79% pa Tenor – 35 years – 15 month tail Loan stock (£24.3m) 12.5% fixed coupon www.hicl.com 1919 Non recourse to Equity Debt funding is to Project Co Secured on: Concession with public sector Payout on termination in certain cases Security over: – Project Co assets and contracts – Project Co shares Hence, funding is non-recourse to shareholders www.hicl.com 2020 Debt ratios 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 20 1 20 1 1 20 2 1 20 3 1 20 4 1 20 5 1 20 6 1 20 7 1 20 8 1 20 9 2 20 0 2 20 1 2 20 2 2 20 3 2 20 4 2 20 5 2 20 6 2 20 7 2 20 8 2 20 9 3 20 0 3 20 1 3 20 2 3 20 3 3 20 4 3 20 5 3 20 6 3 20 7 3 20 8 3 20 9 4 20 0 4 20 1 42 1.00 DSCR - Base case Source: HSFML: Taken from the project’s financial model www.hicl.com LLCR - Base case DSCR Lockup LLCR Lockup DSCR – Debt Service Cover Ratio LLCR – Loan Life Cover Ratio 2121 Key Equity risks Performance deductions when not passed on to subcontractors Major Maintenance forecasts Costs and timing – risk & opportunity SPV costs, insurance & overheads Accounting standards & tax changes Inflation/deposit rates Change in Law www.hicl.com 2222 Major maintenance 30.0 25.0 £m's 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 20 1 20 1 1 20 2 1 20 3 1 20 4 1 20 5 1 20 6 1 20 7 1 20 8 1 20 9 2 20 0 2 20 1 2 20 2 2 20 3 2 20 4 2 20 5 2 20 6 2 20 7 2 20 8 2 20 9 3 20 0 3 20 1 3 20 2 3 20 3 3 20 4 3 20 5 3 20 6 3 20 7 3 20 8 3 20 9 4 20 0 41 0.0 MRA Balance Source: HSFML: Taken from the project’s financial model www.hicl.com MM Expenditure MM – Major Maintenance (Asset Renewal) MMRA – Major Maintenance Reserve Account 2323 Insurance Various policies cover: Project company Authority Sub-contractors (and their sub-contractors) Senior funders Third parties Risks insured: Contractor’s all risk Third-party liability Delay in start-up Property damage Business interruption Concession contract includes risk gain/pain-sharing with Authority Five year reviews Cost increase sharing: First 100% increase: 100% Project Company risk Thereafter: sharing 90% (Authority) / 10% (project company) Cost decrease sharing: First 25% decrease: 100% Project Company upside 25-50% decrease: 50% sharing 50%+ decrease: 90% Authority upside www.hicl.com 2424 Cash deposits 45 Free Cash balance Change of Law Reserve Account Major Maintenance Reserve Account Debt Service Reserve Account 40 35 £m's 30 25 20 15 10 5 40 20 38 20 36 20 34 20 32 20 30 20 28 20 26 20 24 20 22 20 20 20 18 20 16 20 14 20 12 20 20 10 0 Source: HSFML: Taken from the project’s financial model www.hicl.com 2525 Forecast* shareholder cashflows 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 £m's 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 20 1 20 1 1 20 2 1 20 3 1 20 4 1 20 5 1 20 6 1 20 7 1 20 8 1 20 9 2 20 0 2 20 1 2 20 2 2 20 3 2 20 4 2 20 5 2 20 6 2 20 7 2 20 8 2 20 9 3 20 0 3 20 1 3 20 2 3 20 3 3 20 4 3 20 5 3 20 6 3 20 7 3 20 8 3 20 9 4 20 0 4 20 1 42 0.0 Sub debt interest Sub debt principal Dividends *Prospective investors should note that no assurance or guarantee can be given that these cashflows will be achieved Source: HSFML: Taken from the project’s financial model www.hicl.com 2626 Rolling investment valuation* 60 50 £m's 40 30 20 10 0 11 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 *Assuming a constant discount rate. Prospective investors should note that no assurance or guarantee can be given that this valuation will be achieved Source: HSFML: Taken from the project’s financial model www.hicl.com 2727 Sensitivity analysis FM Costs +/- 10% Revenue Deduction 5% throughout Insurance +/- 50% Lifecycle +/-10% Corp. Tax Rates +/- 2% Deposit Rates +/- 2% Inflation +/- 1% -60% -50% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% % Movement in Value 20% 30% 40% Sensitivities are applied to all remaining years of the concession (ie RPI +1% is an increase in the RPI assumption for each remaining year of an additional 1% pa) Deductions of 5% pa assumes these deductions are not passed down to sub-contractors. Lifecycle is major maintenance (asset renewal) forecast spend Source: HSFML: Taken from the project’s financial model www.hicl.com 2828 HICL Asset Management Dedicated team of three asset managers and portfolio director Value preservation and enhancement HICL takes an active role: Regular board meetings Liaison meetings with clients, project team and key subcontractors SPC management performance Annual budgets and plans developed Quarterly review of performance Monitor sub-contractor credit worthiness www.hicl.com 2929 Important information HICL Infrastructure Company Limited ("HICL") and InfraRed Capital Partners Limited ("IRCP") have based this document on information obtained from sources they believe to be reliable but which has not been independently verified. All charts and graphs are from publicly available sources or proprietary data. Except in the case of fraudulent misrepresentation, HICL & IRCP make no representation or warranty (express or implied) of any nature or accept any responsibility or liability of any kind for the accuracy or sufficiency of any information, statement, assumption or projection in this document, or for any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect, consequential or other) arising out of reliance upon this document. Any projection, forecast, estimate or other 'forward looking' statement in this document only illustrates hypothetical performance under specified assumptions of events or conditions, described herein. Such projections, forecasts, estimates or other 'forward-looking' statements are not reliable indicators of future performance. Although IRCP has analysed the project's performance based upon key assumptions, some relevant events or conditions may not have been considered. Statements made in this document relating to HICL are intended as a summary and not a complete description and may be subject to change. The information is accurate as at the date on the front cover, unless and only to the extent that the content within this presentation expressly states otherwise. HICL & IRCP are under no obligation to keep current the information contained in this document. You are solely responsible for making your own independent appraisal of and investigations into the products, investments and transactions referred to in this document and you should not rely on any information in this document as constituting investment advice. This document is not intended to provide and should not be relied upon for tax, legal or accounting advice, investment recommendations or other evaluation. Prospective investors should consult their own tax, legal, accounting or other advisors. Prospective investors should not rely upon this document in making any investment decision. Investments can fluctuate in value, and value and income may fall against an investor's interests. The level and bases of taxation can change. Changes in rates of exchanges and rates of interest may have an adverse effect on the value or income of the investment. Figures included in this document may relate to past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investments in the products or investments referred to in this document entails a high degree of risk and is suitable only for sophisticated investors who fully understand and are capable of bearing the risks of such an investment, including the risk of total loss of capital. It may also be difficult to obtain reliable information about the value of these investments, which will often have an inherent lack of liquidity and will not be readily realisable. This document should be distributed and read in its entirety. This document remains the property of HICL and on request must be returned and any copies destroyed. Distribution of this document or information in this document, to any person other than an original recipient (or to such recipient's advisors) is prohibited. Reproduction of this document, in whole or in part, or disclosure of any of its contents, without prior consent of HICL or an associate, is prohibited. This document is being distributed in the United Kingdom only to and is directed only at persons who have professional experience in matters relating to investments who fall within the definition of "investment professionals" in Article 19(5) of, or a person falling within 49(2) (High Net Worth Companies etc) of, The Financial Service and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotions) Order 2005 of the United Kingdom. The foregoing does not exclude or restrict any obligation that IRCP may have under the rules of the FSA, or any liability that it may incur under the rules of the FSA or the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (or any amendment thereof) for breach of any such obligation. This document is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. InfraRed Capital Partner Limited. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Registered in England No. 3364976. Registered Office 12 Charles II Street, London SW1Y 4Q HICL Infrastructure Company Limited, 1 Le Truchot, St Peter Port, Guernsey. Registered Number: 44185 www.hicl.com 3030