Soft Landscaping Construction, Cost Over £1.5 Million Project: The

Soft Landscaping Construction, Cost Over £1.5 Million
Project: The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London
A joint submission between: Frosts Landscape Construction Ltd, Gavin Jones Ltd, White Horse
Contractors Ltd & Willerby Landscapes Ltd.
The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, one of the largest to be built of its kind in the UK this century, is
over 100 hectares of much needed new parklands in East London. BALI contractors worked in close
collaboration with Landscape Architects and the Olympic Development Authority to transform this
once derelict and polluted site into a ‘Green Legacy’ park for future generations.
The landscaping of the main Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park played a vital role, creating a natural
parkland setting with stunning wild flower meadows, wetland habitats, gardens and spectator lawn
areas. Approximately 50% of the park provides diverse new areas of wildlife habitat including
reedbeds, grasslands, ponds and woodlands along with artificial kingfisher and sand martin nesting
banks, two otter holts and many bird and bat boxes that have been incorporated within bridges,
retaining walls and venues.
Judges’ comments: "As a nation, we have celebrated the achievements of Team GB Olympic and
Paralympic athletes and recognised the superb organisation of professionals and volunteers to stage
the London 2012 Olympic Games. The landscaping of the main Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park played
a vital role, creating a natural parkland setting with stunning wild flower meadows, wetland
habitats, gardens and spectator lawn areas. BALI contractors worked in close collaboration with
Landscape Architects and the Olympic Development Authority to transform this once derelict and
polluted site into a ‘Green Legacy’ park for future generations. The vast scale and challenging
environment of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park was approached with confidence and
professionalism by BALI contractors whilst working closely with leading industry specialists in
meadow plantation from Sheffield University to trial and perfect this relatively new and exciting
naturalistic landscape technique."
Designer(s): Professors James Hitchmough and Nigel Dunnett - University of Sheffield, Sarah Price Landscapes, Tim
O'Hare Associates, BSG Ecology, Waterwise Solutions, ETM Associates, LLC.
Architect(s): LDA Design with Hargreaves Associates (LDAH), Arup & Atkins,
Supplier(s): Salix, Land & Water Services Ltd, Palmstead Nurseries Ltd, Hiller Nurseries Ltd, Freeland Horticulture,
OCMIS, London Rock, Robin Tacchi Plants, Tony Hill Chestnut Fencing, Pictorial Meadows, BritishFlora, Crowders
Nurseries, Tillers Turf Company Ltd, Waterscapes Ltd & Bourne Amenity Ltd