Laboratory 4 Cell Structure and Function (LM pages 43–56) Time Estimate for Entire Lab: 2.5 hours Special Requirements 1. Living material (order in advance for timely delivery): whole sheep blood 2. Fresh material (obtain locally close to time of use): potato Seventh Edition Changes This was lab 3 in the previous edition. In section 4.2 Crossing the Plasma Membrane, the diffusion exercises were revised. The experimental procedure Osmosis, using the thistle tube, was removed. New or revised figures: 4.1 Human (animal) cell; 4.7 Enzymatic action MATERIALS AND PREPARATIONS1 4.2 Crossing the Plasma Membrane (LM page 45) Diffusion Through a Semisolid (LM page 46) _____ petri dish (Carolina 74-1156A) _____ gelatin powder (Carolina 86-4658) or agar powder (Carolina 84-2131) for 1.5% solution _____ potassium permanganate (KMnO4) crystals (Carolina 88-4130) _____ wax pencils _____ rulers, plastic millimeter (preferably transparent) Diffusion demonstration through gelatin or agar. (Note: Agar allows faster diffusion than gelatin.) Prepare one dish per student group. At least a day ahead, prepare a 1.5% gelatin solution in a beaker or flask by dissolving 1.5 g of gelatin powder or agar in 100 ml of boiling water; stir thoroughly until dissolved. Allow to cool until the glassware can be handled with a hot mitt. Fill a petri dish 3–5 mm deep with gelatin solution. Put a lid on dish until cool. After cooling, store the dish in a refrigerator. After gelling, make a small depression in the center of the dish. Using forceps, drop a crystal of potassium permanganate into the depression. Diffusion Through a Liquid (LM page 46) _____ potassium permanganate (KMnO4) crystals (Carolina 88–4130) _____ container, wide-mouth, screw-capped, shallow, for potassium permanganate crystals _____ microspatulas (Carolina 70-2702) or forceps, dissecting fine-point, chrome (Carolina 62-4024) _____ rulers, plastic millimeter _____ petri dishes (one per student group) _____ water _____ white paper Potassium permanganate. Only 1−2 crystals are needed per student group. While wearing gloves, dispense several crystals of potassium permanganate into a shallow, wide-mouth, screw-top container appropriately labeled. (Note: Potassium permanganate diffuses very quickly.) Diffusion Through a Selectively Permeable Membrane (LM page 47) _____ dialysis tubing, approximately 15 cm per setup (Carolina 68-4202) _____ plastic droppers or Pasteur pipettes _____ thread or rubber bands for tying off end of dialysis tubing _____ rubber bands that fit snugly around brim of 250 ml beaker _____ 1% glucose solution _____ 1–2% starch solution _____ beakers, 250 ml 1 Note: “Materials and Preparations” instructions are grouped by exercise. Some materials may be used in more than one exercise. 20 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ rubber bands that fit snugly around brim of 250 ml beaker water, distilled iodine (IKI) solution test tubes test-tube rack wax pencils Benedict’s reagent (Carolina 84-7091, -7111) boiling water bath _____ hot plate _____ boiling chips, pumice _____ thermometer, Celsius _____ beaker _____ beaker clamps _____ test-tube clamp Glucose solution. Prepare as described in the instructions for Laboratory 3 (page 14). Starch solution. Prepare as described in the instructions for Laboratory 3 (page 13). Iodine (IKI) solution. Prepare as described in the instructions for Laboratory 2 (page 6). Benedict’s reagent. Prepare as described in the instructions for Laboratory 3 (page 14). Boiling water bath. Place a large beaker of water on a hot plate. Adjust the dial on the hot plate so that the water is maintained at a gentle rolling boil during the experiment. Thermometers are optional since students should know that boiling water is 100°C. Tonicity in Potato Strips (LM page 49) _____ potato, fresh _____ rulers, plastic millimeter _____ razor blades, single-edged _____ wax pencils _____ cutting board for potato _____ 10% sodium chloride (NaCl) in wash bottles _____ test tubes and racks _____ water Tonicity in Red Blood Cells (LM pages 49-50) _____ test tubes, screw-capped (Carolina 73-1509); or test tubes, Pyrex 16 mm × 150 mm (Carolina 73-0014) with stoppers (below) _____ stoppers, rubber laboratory, solid, size 1 (Carolina 71-2402); four per group _____ sheep blood, pooled, citrated (Carolina 82-8950, -8954, -8960) _____ water, distilled _____ 0.9% and 10% sodium chloride (NaCl) solutions (Carolina 88-8880) _____ dropping bottles, or bottles with droppers _____ whole blood demonstration (test tubes on display, optional) _____ microscopes, compound light Whole blood. Blood should not be human blood. Use any available animal blood, other than human, to remove the risk of transmission of the HIV virus to students. Blood is shipped in iced, insulated containers and should be stored in the refrigerator. If kept refrigerated, sheep blood may be stored for up to 2 weeks. Prepare the test tubes as follows: Tube 1: 5 ml 0.9% NaCl plus three drops of sheep blood Tube 2: 5 ml 10% NaCl plus three drops of sheep blood Tube 3: 5 ml 0.9% NaCl plus distilled water and three drops of sheep blood Cap or stopper the tubes. To prepare the NaCl solutions (50 ml per student group is sufficient for all procedures): 0.9% NaCl: Add 9 g of NaCl to 1 liter of distilled water. 10% NaCl: Add 100 g of NaCl to 1 liter of distilled water. 21 Slides of whole blood (optional). Prepare a demonstration slide of the 0.9% sheep blood solution (Tube 1) and the 10% sheep blood solution (Tube 2) for student observation. 4.3 pH and Cells (LM pages 51-52) _____ pH 7 buffer (inorganic) solution (Carolina 84-9380, -9683) _____ protein solution, buffered (e.g., albumin—Carolina 84-2250, -2252) _____ pH paper (range pH 1–12) (Carolina 89-3930) _____ rods, glass stirring (Carolina 71-1303 to -1311) _____ 0.1 N hydrochloric acid (HCl) (see Carolina Chemicals, Hydrochloric Acid) _____ beakers, 50 ml (two for each group) (Carolina 71-7900) _____ droppers _____ water, distilled pH 7 buffer. 50 ml per student group is sufficient. If you wish to make it yourself, combine 50 ml 0.1 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate (1.36 g per 100 ml distilled water) with 29.1 ml 0.1 M NaOH (0.4 g per 100 ml distilled water). Dilute this mixture to 100 ml with distilled water. Buffered protein (e.g., albumin) solution. 50 ml per student group should be sufficient. Mix 1 g of albumin with 100 ml of pH 7.0 buffer (buffer may be purchased). 0.1 N HCl solution. Mix 0.83 ml of concentrated HCl with 100 ml of distilled water. Place in dropper bottles. Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity (LM pages 53-55) _____ 3% H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) solution (Carolina 86-8120, -8122) _____ sand _____ potato, fresh, cubed _____ mortar and pestle _____ 5 M HCl (from concentrated HCl, see Carolina Chemicals, Hydrochloric Acid) _____ 2 straight-sided beakers, 1 liter (Carolina 72-1213A) _____ 5 M NaOH (from 200 g NaOH pellets, Carolina 88-9470) _____ stirrer plate (see Carolina Apparatus, Laboratory Equipment and Supplies) _____ magnetic spinbars (Carolina 70-1080, -1085) 5 M HCl. CAUTION—This solution will get HOT. Add 400 ml of distilled water to a 1-liter graduated beaker. Place beaker with magnetic spinbar on a stirring plate. While stirring, slowly pour in 416 ml concentrated HCl. Add distilled water to bring the volume up to 1,000 ml. 5 M NaOH. CAUTION—This solution will get very HOT. In a 1-liter beaker with a magnetic spinbar, gradually add a total of 200 grams of NaOH pellets to 750 ml of distilled water, allowing the heat to dissipate between additions of NaOH. After the solution cools, add distilled water to bring the volume up to 1,000 ml. EXERCISE QUESTIONS 4.1 Human (Animal) Cell Structure (LM pages 44-45) With the help of Figure 4.1 identify the following structures in a cell model, and give a function of each from Table 4.1. Structure Function Structure Function Plasma membrane Vacuole and vesicle Nucleus Selective passage of molecules into and out of cell Storage of genetic information Lysosome Storage and transport of substances Intracellular digestion Nucleolus Ribosomal formation Mitochondrion Cellular respiration Ribosome Protein synthesis Cytoskeleton Shape of cell and movement of its parts Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Synthesis and/or modification of proteins and other substances, and transport by vesicle formation Cilia and flagella Movement of cell Centriole Formation of basal bodies Rough Protein synthesis Smooth Various functions; lipid synthesis in some cells Golgi apparatus Processing, packaging, and distributing molecules 22 4.2 Crossing the Plasma Membrane (LM page 45) Diffusion (LM page 45) Experimental Procedure: Diffusion (LM page 46) Table 4.2 Speed of Diffusion Diffusion data will depend on room temperature, gelatin consistency, and the molecular weight of the dye used. Conclusions (LM page 47) • In which experiment was diffusion the fastest? diffusion through a liquid • What accounts for the difference in speed? All molecules are in constant, random motion. Molecules in a liquid state move more rapidly than those in a solid; thus, diffusion is faster through a liquid. Diffusion Through a Selectively Permeable Membrane (LM page 47) Table 4.3 Diffusion Through a Selectively Permeable Membrane Bag At Start of Experiment At End of Experiment Contents Color Color Benedict’s Test Conclusion Glucose Starch Whitish Black Negative (–) Glucose diffused from bag to beaker. Yellowish Yellowish Positive (+) Iodine diffused from beaker to bag. Beaker Water Iodine Conclusions (LM page 48) • Which solute did not diffuse across the dialysis membrane from the bag to the beaker? starch Explain. Starch molecules are too large to diffuse across the dialysis membrane. Osmosis and Tonicity (LM page 48) Experimental Procedure: Tonicity in Potato Strips (LM page 49) 5. Which tube has the limp potato strip? tube 2 Why did water diffuse out of the potato strip in this tube? The solution in tube 2 was hypertonic. Which tube has the stiff potato strip? tube 1 Why did water diffuse into the potato strip in this tube? The solution in tube 1 was hypotonic. Red Blood Cells (Animal Cells) (LM page 49-50) Table 4.4 Effect of Tonicity on Red Blood Cells Concentration (NaCl) Tonicity Effect on Cells Explanation 0.9% Isotonic None Normal tonicity Higher than 0.9% Hypertonic Crenation Cells have lost water. Lower than 0.9% Hypotonic Swell to bursting (hemolysis) Cells have gained water. Table 4.5 Tonicity and Print Visibility Tube Tonicity Print Visibility Explanation 1 Isotonic No Cells are intact. 2 Hypertonic No Cells are intact. 3 Hypotonic Yes Cells have burst. 23 4.3 pH and Cells (LM pages 51-55) Why are cells and organisms buffered? to maintain pH of the cells Experimental Procedure: pH and Cells (LM page 51) Table 4.6 pH and Cells Tube Buffered?(Yes or No) pH Before Acid pH After Acid Explanation 1 Water* No 6–6.5 2–3 Not buffered 2 Inorganic buffer* Yes 7 7 Buffered 3 Simulated cytoplasm* Yes 7 7 Buffered *These results are based on 1 ml of test solution. Experimental Procedure: Buffer Strength (LM page 52) Table 4.7 Drops of HCl and pH Values Data will vary but will show that the buffers will hold the pH constant until an excess of HCl is added, at which time the pH will be reduced considerably. Graph Graphed data will vary. The graph should be labeled appropriately, as shown in the lab manual. The general curve will show a steady pH until the buffers are overwhelmed by an excess of acid, at which time the pH will begin to decrease with additional acid. Conclusion (LM page 52) • Do the graphs have a similar pattern? yes Explain. An inorganic buffer and an organic buffer behave similarly, and they can be overwhelmed by an excess of acid. Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity (LM page 53) Experimental Procedure: Catalase Activity (LM page 54) Table 4.9 Catalase Experiment Tube Contents Bubbling Explanation 1 Hydrogen peroxide Sand 0 (no bubbling) This is the control tube. 2 Hydrogen peroxide Potato, cubed + (moderate bubbling) Catalase is present in the potato. 3 Hydrogen peroxide Potato, macerated ++ to +++ (good to very good bubbling) Macerating the potato breaks open cells, thereby making more enzyme available. Experimental Procedure: Effect of pH on Catalase Activity (LM page 55) Table 4.10 Effect of pH on Catalase Activity Tube Contents Bubbling Explanation 1 Distilled water Potato, macerated Hydrogen peroxide ++ (good bubbling) Neutral pH is preferred. 2 Hydrochloric acid Potato, macerated Hydrogen peroxide 0 (no bubbling) Acid pH is not preferred. 3 NaOH Potato, macerated Hydrogen peroxide 0 (no bubbling) Basic pH is not preferred 24 Conclusion (LM page 55) • What happens to an enzyme if the pH is too far removed from its preferred pH? The enzyme is denatured and it loses its normal shape. LABORATORY REVIEW 4 (LM page 56) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. What is the function of rough endoplasmic reticulum? protein synthesis Which organelle carries on intracellular digestion? lysosome What is the function of the nucleus? storage of genetic information What term is used to describe the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration? diffusion What is the name for the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane? osmosis Is 10% NaCl isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic to red blood cells? hypertonic What appearance will red blood cells have when they are placed in 0.0009% NaCl? swollen to bursting How does water move when cells are placed in a hypertonic solution? out of cells into the solution If acid is added to water, does the pH increase or decrease? decrease What type substance protects solutions and cells from undergoing drastic pH changes? buffer In general, what does the wrong pH do to the shape of an enzyme? changes the shape If an enzyme reaction is exposed to an unfavorable pH, what happens to the speed of the reaction? it slows or stops What is a pH of 7 called? neutral pH Thought Questions 14. If a dialysis bag filled with water is placed in a starch solution, what do you predict will happen to the weight of the bag over time? The bag will lose weight. Why? Water will diffuse out of the bag and enter the starch solution. 15. Distinguish between rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum on the basis of structure and function. a. Structure: Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes; smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not. b. Function: Rough endoplasmic reticulum is the site of protein synthesis; smooth endoplasmic reticulum has various functions.