Exhibition Calendar of Main Cities in China, 2015 Beijing Name Venue Link Industry Sectors 28.01.-31.01.2015 ISPO BEIJING - International Trade Show for Brands in Sports, Fashion and Lifestyle in Asia CNCC www.ispo.com www.ciec-exhibition.com.cn Sporting Goods (industry 74), Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10) 13.01.-16.01.2015 China Fur & Leather Products Fair CNCC www.fur-fair.com Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10) 07.03.-10.03.2015 CIAACE - China International Auto Accessories Commercial Expo NCIEC www.ciaacexpo.com/ www.LM-international.com www.yasn.com.cn Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) 13.03.-16.03.2015 Build+Decor - China International Building Decorations and Building Materials Exposition CIEC www.build-decor.com www.ciec-exhibition.com Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) 19.03.-22.03.2015 China Beijing Int. Gifts, Premium & Housware Expo CIEC www.giftsbeijing.com/ Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) 26.03.-28.03.2015 CIPPE - China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology & Equipment Exhibition www.cippe.com.cn/index.html www.china-zhenwei.com.cn Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (industry 18) 26.03.-28.03.2015 CCBN - China Content Broadcasting Network Expo CIEC www.ccbn.tv/ Information and Communication Technology, Software (industry 42), Photography, Film (Technology, Licences), Broadcasting and Television Technology (industry 30) 26.03.-28.03.2015 CHINA MED - International Medical Instruments and Equipment Exhibition CNCC www.chinamed.net.cn www.cwtc.com www.mds.cn Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 31.03-02.04.2015 INTERTRAFFIC CHINA - International trade fair for infrastructure, traffic management, safety and parking BEC www.china.intertraffic.com www.exhibitioncoach.com Transport and Traffic (industry 83) 01.04.-03.04.2015 Intersolar China CIEC www.messe.freiburg.de www.intersolarchina.com Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) CIEC www.koelnmesse.cn www.cleanenergyexpochina.com www.windpowerexpochina.com www.cibeexpochina.com www.emobilitychina.com www.solarthermalchina.com www.cipvexpochina.com Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23), Environment and Climate Protection (industry 86), Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) www.auto-maintenance.com.cn www.LM-international.com Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) Date 01.04.-03.04.2015 Clean Energy Expo China - Sustainable Solutions for China's Energy Future: Wind Power China - Solar Thermal China - GridTec China - Distributed Energy China - Bio-Energy China - CIPV Expo China (Beijing) International Solar Photovoltaic Exhibition 09.04.-12.04.2015 AMR - Auto Maintenance & Repair - The China International Trade Fair for Auto Maintenance Technology and Equipment, Auto Parts and Accessories NCIEC NCIEC Page 1 of 27 14.04.-16.04.2015 COTTM - Reisemesse NAEC www.tarsus-group.com www.cottm.com Tourism (industry 82) 16.04.-18.04.2015 CIHIE - China Int. Health Care Industrial Exhibition CIEC www.mdexpo.com.cn Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) www.cimtshow.com www.ciec-exhibition.com.cn Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) 20.04.-25.04.2015 CIMT - Internationale Ausstellung für Werkzeugmaschinen NCIEC 23.04.-25.04.2015 CISILE - China International Scientific Instrument and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition BEC www.cisile.com.cn www.emclab.de Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology (industry 64), Technical Optics, Laser Technology (industry 75) 27.04.-29.04.2015 Concrete China - Beton-Ausstellung China BEC econcrete.ccpitbm.org/ www.ccpitbm.org Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) 27.04.-29.04.2015 Stonetech - International Stone Processing Machinery, Equipment and Products Exhibition CIEC www.stonetechfair.com www.ciec.com.hk Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) 28.04.-30.04.2015 Nuclear (CIENPI) - China International Exhibition on Nuclear Power Industry www.coastal.com.hk/nuclear/ www.coastal.com.hk Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 06.05.-08.05.2015 CISSE - China International Senior Services Expo CNCC 11.05.-13.05.2015 BusTruckExpo - China Beijing International Exhibition on Buses, Trucks & Components CNCC 13.05.-15.05.2015 Industrial Automation BEIJING - International Trade Fair for Process Automation, Factory Automation and Industrial Building Automation BEC 13.05.-15.05.2015 ISH China & CIHE - China International Trade Fair for Sanitation, Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning 16.05.-18.05.2015 China Franchise Expo - China Franchise Convention & Exhibition 19.03-21.03. 2015 China Beijing Int. Gifts, Premium & Housware Expo 20.05.-22.05.2015 CIPATE - China Int. Exhibition on Police Equipment and Anti Terrorism Technology and Equipment 20.05.-23.05.2015 CHINA GLASS - China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition 28.05.-30.05.2015 CILE - China Beijing International Logistics Expo 28.05.-01.06.2015 Jun. 2015 noch offen cisse.casw.org.cn/en/ www.casw.org.cn www.verano-online.com www.bustruckexpo.com www.moccats.com.cn www.biec.com.cn General Trade Fairs for Consumers (industry 04) Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28), Transport and Traffic (industry 83) www.industrial-automation-beijing.com www.hmf-china.com Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control (industry 19) NCIEC www.ishc-cihe.com/ Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Technology (industry 70), Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) CWTC www.chinafranchiseexpo.com Advertising, Marketing, Franchising (industry 94) CIEC www.giftsbeijing.com/en/index.jhtml Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) BEC www.ntdccast.com www.cipate.com.cn/en/gyzh_hyc.html Safety, Disaster Control (industry 72) www.chinaglass-expo.com www.ceramsoc.com Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) CIEC www.ci-le.com/ Transport and Traffic (industry 83), Logistics, Gears and Drives, Conveyance and Storage Technology (industry 55) CIFTIS - China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services CNCC www.ciftis.org General Service Trade Fairs (industry 99) China (Beijing) International Annatto Classical Furniture Exhibition CIEC www.circfe.com Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58) NCIEC Page 2 of 27 03.06.-05.06.2015 Battery China - China International Battery, Raw Material, Producing Equipment and Battery Parts Fair CIEC www.bhoec.com/batter ychina/default_en.asp Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 08.06.-11.06.2015 EnerChina - China (Beijing) International Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Exhibition BEC www.enercn.com/en/ Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 09.06.-11.06.2015 CICEME - China Beijing Int. Coal Equipment & Mining Technology Equipment Exhibition CIEC www.ciceme.com Mining, Geodesy, Geoinformation (industry 12) 09.06.-12.06.2015 Beijing HFD - Home Fashion & Décor Exhibition CIEC www.adsale.com.hk tradeshow.tradekey.com/beijing-homefashion-decor-e4535.htm Woodworking, Furniture Production 09.06.-12.06.2015 Sino Dental - International Dental Equipment and Affiliated Facilities Exhibition CNCC www.sinodent.com.cn Dental Medicine, Dental Technology (industry 20) 09.06.-12.06.2015 CIEPEC - International Environmental Protection Exhibition and Conference CIEC www.chinaenvironment.org Environment and Climate Protection (industry 86), Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 12.06.-14.06.215 All in TUNING - The Premier International Trade Platform for Tuning Cars in China CNCC www.all-in-tuning.com Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) 15.06.-17.06.2015 CIGEE - China Int. Smart Grid Construction Technology and Equipment Exposition & Conference CNCC www.cigee-expo.com Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 26.06.-28.06.2015 BITE - Beijing International Tourism Expo CNCC www.bitechina.com.cn/ Tourism (industry 82) 26.06.-28.06.2015 All in CARAVANING - The Premier Trade Platform for Caravaning in China www.all-in-caravaning.com Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28), Leisure, Hobby, DIY (industry 31), Tourism (industry 82) Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) BEC B I Jewel - Beijing International Jewellery Fair CNCC www.newayfairs.com 02.08.-05.08.2015 China (Beijing) International Furniture Woodworking Machinery & Wood Products Exhibition CIEC www.furniture-cn.net.cn 05.08.-07.08.2015 CIBTM - China Incentive, Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition CNCC www.cibtm.com Tourism (industry 82) 19.08.-22.08.2015 PALM EXPO (former CALM EXPO) - International Exhibition of Pro Audio, Light, Music & Technology www.palmexpo.net Music (Instruments, Licences) (industry 59), Photography, Film (Technology, Licences), Broadcasting and Television Technology (industry 30) 21.08.-23.05.2015 CHINA-HOSPEQ/SINOMED - China International Medical Equipment and Facilities Exhibition BEC www.chinahospeq.com Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 26.08.-29.08.2015 BIRTV - Beijing International Radio, TV & Film Equipment Exhibition CIEC www.birtv.com Photography, Film (Technology, Licences), Broadcasting and Television Technology (industry 30) 26.08.-30.08.2015 BIBF - Beijing International Book Fair NCIEC www.bibf.net Books, Prints, Licences, Libraries (industry 14) 29.08.-31.08.2015 100% Music - International musical instruments fair NAEC www.100music.cn Music (Instruments, Licences) (industry 59) 20-23.Jun. 2015 to be announced Page 3 of 27 Sept. 2015 Beijing Design Week Sept. 2015 CIME - China International Mining Expo Sept. 2015 P & T EXPO COMM CHINA - International Telecommunication and Networking, Internet and Wireless Technologies Exhibition and Conference in Asia Sept. 2015 CSPV China International Solar & Photovoltaic Exhibition&Conference noch offen NCIEC CIEC NCIEC www.bjdw.org/ Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) www.bjminexpo.com/ Mining, Geodesy, Geoinformation (industry 12) www.expocomm.com/china/ Information and Communication Technology, Software (industry 42) www.ch-solar.com Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 22.09.-25.09.2015 MICONEX - International Fair for Measurement, Instrumentation & Automation CIEC www.miconex.com.cn Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology (industry 64) 09.09.-11.09.2015 CIOF - China International Optics Fair CIEC www.ciof.cn/eng/main.php Ophthalmic Optics (industry 05) 16.09.-19.09.2015 Aviation Expo/Airport Expo China - Beijing Aviation & Airport Equipment Expo CNCC www.beijingaviation.com www.cpexhibition.com/aviation Aerospace, Airport Construction (industry 53) 22.09.-25.09.2015 BICES - International Construction Machinery Exhibition and Seminar BJIEC www.e-bices.org/engdefault.aspx Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) Oct. 2015 COIFAIR - China Overseas Investment Fair CWTC www.coifair.org/index_en.aspx Financial and Insurance Services, Real Estate, Export Promotion (industry 08) Oct. 2015 BICE - Beijing International Coin Exposition CNCC www.chinaexhibition.com Leisure, Hobby, DIY (industry 31) 14.10-16.10.2015 CHINA PAPER/ China Forest Beijing - Intern. Ausstellung + Konferenz für Zellstoff, Papierverarbeitungsmaschinen und -technologien/Forstwirtschaft + Pflanzentechnik/Wellpappenindustrie CIEC www.chinapaperexpo.cn 14.10-16.10. 2015 CHF - China Horse Fair - China International Professional Horse Sports & Leisure Industries Exhibition NCIEC 14.10.-16.10.2015 C&R Expo China - Care & Rehabilitation Expo China 14.10.-16.10.2015 ILOPE - International Lasers, Optoelectronics and Photonics Exhibition CIEC CIEC NCIEC www.chinahorsefair.com.cn Leisure, Hobby, DIY (industry 31), Sporting Goods (industry 74) www.crexpo.com.cn Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) www.coema.org.cn/expo/ www.chinaexhibition.com/Official_Site/11- Technical Optics, Laser Technology (industry 75) 6805-ILOPE_2015__The_20th_International_Lasers,_Optoel Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) www.chinawind.org.cn 14.10-16.10. 2015 CWP - China Wind Power - International Exhibition & Conference 19.10.-21.10.2015 China Foodtech - International Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Exhibition CIEC www.foodtechchina.com Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 20.10-23.10. 2015 China Fire - International Fire Protection Equipment Technology Conference and Exposition CNCC www.fireexpo.cn Safety, Disaster Control (industry 72) 27.10.-30.10.2015 BCEIA - Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis CNCC www.bceia.org Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology (industry 64) Page 4 of 27 CHINA COAL & MINING - International Technology Exchange & Equipment Exhibition on Coal & Mining NAEC www.chinaminingcoal.com Mining, Geodesy, Geoinformation (industry 12) Nov. 2015 World of Food Beijing - International trade fair for food retail and hospitality for Northern China CNCC www.worldoffoodbeijing.com Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) Nov. 2015 Sweets & Snacks China - Internationale Fachmesse für Süßwaren und Knabberartikel CNCC www.sweets-snackschina.com Dec. 2015 Water Expo China - China's First Water Business CNCC www.waterexpochina.com Name Venue 29.10.-01.11.2015 City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services (industry 45) Shanghai Date Link Industry Sector www.spinexpo.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) www.siof.cn Ophthalmic Optics (industry 05) SNIEC www.ecf.gov.cn General Trade Fairs for Capital and Consumer Goods (industry 01) WoodMac China - International Forestry & Woodworking Machinery and Supplies Exhibition SNIEC www.woodmacchina.net www.chinaallworld.com Woodworking, Furniture Production (industry 39) 17.03.-19.03.2015 electronica China & productronica China - International Exhibition for Electronic Components, Systems and Applications incl. LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA SNIEC www.e-p-china.com Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22), Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control (industry 19) 17.03.-19.03.2015 LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA - International Trade Show for Optical Technologies in China SNIEC www.world-of-photonics.net Technical Optics, Laser Technology (industry 75) 17.03.-19.03.2015 Semicon China - Semiconductor Equipment & Materials Exhibition SNIEC www.semi.org Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22), Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 17.03.-19.03.2015 FPD CHINA - International Flat Panel Display Trade Show SNIEC www.fpdchina.org/FPDCHINA.var Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22) 17.03.-19.03.2015 CPCA Show SNIEC www.cpcashow.com/ www.cpca.org.cn/ Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22) 17.03-19.03. 2015 SEMICON China SNIEC www.semi.org.cn/solarconchina/en/ www.solarconchina.org/en/ Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 18.03.-20.03.2015 Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles - Spring Edition - China International Trade Fair for Home Textiles and Accessories SWEECC www.heimtextil.messefrankfurt.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) 03.02.-05.02.2015 SpinExpo - Trade Fair for Yarns and Fibres 01.03.-03.03.2015 SIOF - International Optics Fair 01.03.-05.03.2015 ECF - East China Fair 11.03.-14.03.2015 SPE SWEECC Page 5 of 27 NECC www.texpertise.messefrankfurt.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) SWEECC www.texpertise.messefrankfurt.com www.ccpittex.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) NECC www.chiconline.com.cn www.cwtc.com Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10), Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50) Yarn Expo Autumn - China International Trade Fair for Fibres and Yarns SNIEC www.texpertise.messefrankfurt.com www.yarnexpo.com.cn Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) 24.03.-26.03.2015 R+T Asia - Asian trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates, windows and sun protection systems SNIEC www.rtasia.org Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) 24.03.-26.03.2015 DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR - The Largest International Trade Fair for the Floor Covering Industry in Asia and China SNIEC www.domotexasiachinafloor.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80), Floorings (industry 07) INTEX Profile of exhibits includes Building Electrical Products, Electrical Supply and Transformation, Building Equipments, Integrated Electrical System in Building, Electrical Energy Saving Devices, www.tradeindia.com/TradeShows/48549/ Switch, Outlet, Electric Box, Electrical Accessories, Electrical Material Power, Electrical Power Equipment, Electric Tools, Matelec-Eibt-China-2015.html Electric Fire Protection, Electric Drive System, Electric Automation chcexpo.chcexpo.com/ Control System, Lighting System, Communication Network, Firefighting & Security Electric, Wire & Cable, Intelligent Terminal Apparatus, Lightning Protection Electric, Multimedia Publishing System 18.03.-20.03.2015 Yarn Expo Spring - China International Trade Fair for Fibres and Yarns 18.03.-20.03.2015 Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics - Spring Edition - China International Trade Fair for Apparel Fabrics & Accessories 18.03.-20.03.2015 CHIC - China International Clothing and Accessories Fair 18.03-20.03. 2015 25.03.-27.03.2015 MATELEC EIBT China 30.03.-01.04.2015 China Clean Expo 30.03.-02.04.2015 Hotelex Shanghai - Shanghai International Hotel Equipment & Supply Exposition SNIEC 30.03.-02.04.2015 WinExpoShanghai International Wine & Spirits Exhibition SNIEC 30.03.-02.04.2015 Expo Build China (im Rahmen des Shanghai Int. Interior Design Festival) - International Exhibition for the Building Industry SNIEC www.chinaexhibition.com/Official_Site/11Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 6664-Winexpo_2015__Shanghai_International_Wine_and_Spi rits_Exhibition_2015.html Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings www.expobuild.com/ 31.03.-02.04.2015 CIHF - China International Hardware Fair NECC www.hardware-fair.com 31.03.-03.04.2015 China International Metallurgical Industry Expo 31.03.-03.04.2015 METAL + METALLURGY CHINA - China International Foundry, Forging, Industrial Furnaces and Metallurgical Equipment Exhibition NECC www.ciec-exhibition.com.cn www.hmf-china.com Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals) (industry 35) Shanghai International Interior Design Festival SNIEC www.design-festival.net/en/ Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58) Rail + Metro China - China International Rail & Metro Exhibition SNIEC www.metro-china.org Transport and Traffic (industry 83) Mar/April. 2015 08.04.-10.04.2015 SWEECC CEC Page 6 of 27 www.chinacleanexpo.com/ City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services (industry 45) www.hotelex.cn www.ubmsinoexpo.com Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings (industry 33) (industry 09) Hardware, Tools (industry 21) www.metallurgy-china.com/cn/index.asp Hot metal processing industry www.mc-ccpit.com/en/exb.asp www.cr-expo.com Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61), Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Technology (industry 70) www.boatshowchina.com www.expoandconsulting.com Boats, Boat Accessories (industry 13) www.sino-corrugated.com Paper and Printing Industry, Media Production (industry 67) autoshanghai.auto-fairs.com Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) 08.04.-10.04.2015 CHINA REFRIGERATION/CR EXPO - International Exhibition for Refrigeration, AirConditioning, Heating and Ventilation, Frozen Food Processing, Packaging and Storage 09.04.-12.04.2015 CIBS - China International Boat Show 14.04.-17.04.2015 SinoCorrugated - Internationale Messe für die Wellpappenindustrie 20.04.-29.04.2015 Auto Shanghai - Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition 21.04.-23.04.2015 EMA China - Electronics Manufacturing Technology China SWEECC www.nepconchina.com/en/About/Electro Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) nics/ 21.04.-23.04.2015 NEPCON China SWEECC www.reedexpo.com.cn Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22) 22.04.-24.04.2015 HORTIFLOREXPO IPM - International Plants Expo Asia SNIEC www.hortiflorexpo-ipm.com Agriculture and Forestry, Landscape Gardening, Fisheries, Livestock Farming (industry 49) 23.04.-25.04.2015 CSITF - China (Shanghai) International Technology Fair SWEECC www.csitf.cn www.german-technologies-center.de Technologies, Inventions, Innovations (industry 78) 28.04.-30.04.2015 SNEC PV Power Expo - International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo www.snec.org.cn/ Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 28.04.-30.04.2015 CRTS China - China International Rail Transit Technology Exhibition SWEECC www.crtschina.com www.hnzcrts.com Transport and Traffic (industry 83) 06.05.- 08.05.2015 SIAL CHINA - International Food Product Trade Show SNIEC www.sialchina.com Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 06.05.- 08.05.2015 IE expo Presented by IFAT CHINA + EPTEE + CWS - International Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Refuse, Recycling and Natural Energy Conservation SNIEC www.ie-expo.com www.messe-muenchen.de City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services (industry 45), Environment and Climate Protection (industry 86), Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 06.05.-09.05.2015 China Cycle - China International Bicycle & Motor Fair NECC www.eSporting Goods (industry 74) chinacycle.com/WebsiteEn/Default.aspx 08.05.- 10.05.2015 WTF - World Travel Fair Professional - World Travel Fair China 12.05.- 15.05.2015 Bakery China - International Trade Fair for the Baking and Confectionery Industry 13.05.- 15.05.2015 SNIEC SWEECC SNIEC CEC SNIEC www.worldtravelfair.com.cn Tourism (industry 82) SNIEC www.bakery-china.de Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) China EPower Expo - China International Electric Power & Electric Engineering Technology Exhibition SNIEC www.epower-china.cn/en Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 13.05.- 15.05.2015 China GPOWER (China Power) - China International Power & Generating Sets Exhibition SNIEC www.powerchinashow.com Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 13.05.- 15.05.2015 CWEE - China (Shanghai) International Wind Energy Exhibition and Conference SNIEC en.cwee.com.cn www.mpinetwork.com Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) SEC Page 7 of 27 www.c-star-expo.com Advertising, Marketing, Franchising (industry 94), Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings (industry 33) www.cmef.com.cn www.reedexpo.com Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) NECC www.apichina.com.cn www.interphexchina.com Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61), Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) SNIEC www.chinabeautyexpo.com www.mas-consulting.de Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene, Wellness (industry 44) SWEECC www.biofach-china.com www.nm-china.com.cn Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) DMC - DIE & MOULD CHINA - International Exhibition on Die & Mould Technology & Equipment SNIEC www.diemouldchina.com www.dmcexpo.com Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals) (industry 35) 02.06.-05.06.2015 IBCTF - International Building & Construction Trade Fair NECC www.wes-expo.com.cn Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) 03.06.-06.06.2015 Kitchen & Bath China - Fachmesse für Küchen- und Badausstattung SNIEC www.wes-expo.com.cn Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58), Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Technology (industry 70) 10.06.-12.06.2015 Aquatech China - International Exhibition & Conference on Water Technology SWEECC www.aquatechtrade.com/china/Pages/de City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services (industry 45) fault.aspx 10.06-12.06.2015 Offshore Wind China SCECICP www.offshorewindchina.com Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 15.06.- 18.06.2015 ShanghaiTex - International Exhibition on Textile Industry SNIEC www.shanghaitexonline.com/ Textile and Clothing Machinery, Textile Cleaning (industry 81) 16.06.-19.06.2015 Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting - International Trade Fair Joining, Cutting, Surfacing SNIEC www.beijing-essen-welding.de Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) 24.06.-26.06.2015 Healthplex Expo & Nutraceutical China SNIEC www.hncexpo.com/en/ Health food Nutraceuticals, Functional food, Food supplement, Organic food, Sports nutrition, Invigorant, and etc. 24.06.-26.06.2015 FiAC - Fi Asia-China/Hi China/Ni China - Food Ingredients Asia-China SNIEC fiasiachina.ingredientsnetwork.com/hom Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) e 24.06.-26.06.2015 SPS Automation Shanghai - Industrial Automation, materials handling and assembly technology Expo and Conference SWEECC www.messefrankfurt.com.hk/fair_homep Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and age.aspx?fair_id=55&exhibition_id=60 Control (industry 19) www.messefrankfurt.com.hk 24.06.-26.06.2015 PCIM Asia - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power Quality SWEECC www.pcimasia-expo.com Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22) 24.06.-26.06.2015 Cphi & ICSE China - International Exhibition on Pharmaceutical Ingredients SNIEC www.cphi-china.com/ Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 24.06.-26.06.2015 HNC Expo - Healthplex & Nutraceutical China SNIEC www.healthplex.com.cn/ Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 13.05.- 15.05.2015 C-star - China's International Trade Fair for Solutions and Trends all about Retail 15.05.- 18.05.2015 CMEF Spring - China Medical Equipment Fair 15.05.-18.05.2015 Interphex China/API China - The Specialised Show for Pharmaceutical Packaging and Processing Machinery 19.05.-21.05.2015 CHINA BEAUTY EXPO - International Beauty & Cosmetics Expo 21.05.-23.05.2015 BIOFACH China - International Organic Trade Fair 25.05.-28.05.2015 SNIEC CEC Page 8 of 27 25.06.-27.06.2015 Gifts & Home Shanghai SNIEC www.giftsshanghai.com Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) 30.06.-02.07.2015 Shanghai Int. Energy-saving & Advanced Building Materials Exhibition and Shanghai Int. Construction Material & Indoor Decoration Exhibition SNIEC www.expojc.com Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23), Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) 15.07.-17.07.2015 MAE Mobile Asia Expo SNIEC www.mobileasiaexpo.com/about-mae/ Information and Communication Technology, Software (industry 42) 02.07.- 04.07.2015 ISPO SHANGHAI - International Trade Show for Brands in Sports, Fashion and Lifestyle in Asia SNIEC www.ispo.com/shanghai Sporting Goods (industry 74), Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10) 08.07.-10.07.2015 Aluminium China SNIEC www.aluminiumchina.com www.aluminium-messe.com Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals) (industry 35) 08.07.-10.07.2015 China International Diecasting SNIEC www.diecastexpo.cn Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals) (industry 35) 14.07.-17.07.2015 EASTPO - EMTE - Shanghai International Machine Tool Fair SNIEC en.eastpo.net/ www.eastpo.net Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) 15.07.- 17.07.2015 China BevTek - International Beverage & Liquid Technology and Materials Exhibition SNIEC www.propakchina.com www.chinabevtek.com Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 15.07.- 17.07.2015 ProPak China - International Packaging, Food Processing and Supplies Exhibition SNIEC www.propakchina.com Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 30.07.-02.08.2015 China Joy - China Digital Entertainment Expo & Conference SNIEC www.chinajoy.net Information and Communication Technology, Software (industry 42) 06.08.-08.08.2015 LuxeHome - China (Shanghai) International Luxury Living and Interior Furnishing Exhibition SNIEC www.chinaluxehome.com Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58), Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) 26.08.-28.08.2015 China (Shanghai) Int. Chemical Technology & Eqipment Fair SNIEC www.ctef.net/ Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (industry 18) 26.08.-28.08.2015 Control CHINA SNIEC www.control-china.de Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology (industry 64), Technical Optics, Laser Technology (industry 75) 26.08.-28.08.2015 Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles - Autumn Edition - China International Trade Fair for Home Textiles and Accessories NECC www.heimtextil.messefrankfurt.com www.intertextilehome.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) 26.08.-28.08.2015 China Shanghai Int. Battery Industry Fair SNIEC www.cnibf.net Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 27.08.-30.08.2015 Pet Fair Professional - International Trade Event for Pet and Aquatic Products & Services www.petfairasia.com/ Garden and Pet (industry 36) 01.09.-03.09.2015 SpinExpo - Trade Fair for Yarns and Fibres www.spinexpo.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) 01.09.-04.09.2015 APPLAS - Asian-Pacific Int. Plastics & Rubber Industry Exhibition www.applas.com Plastic and Rubber Processing (industry 47) SWEECC SPE SNIEC Page 9 of 27 02.09.-04.09.2015 ACLE - All China Leather Exhibition SNIEC www.aplf.com Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50), Leather Processing and Shoe Machinery (industry 51) 02.09.-04.09.2015 CIFF/Moda Shanghai - China International Footwear Fair SNIEC www.aplf.com Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50), Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10) 02.09.-04.09.2015 STEXPO - Stainless Steel Exposition SNIEC www.stexpo.com.cn Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) 02.09-04.09. 2015 AsiaSolar PV Expo www.asiasolar.cc Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 09.09.-11.09.2015 CITEXPO - Cina Int. Tire Expo www.citexpo.com.cn Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) 09.09.-12.09.2015 FMC/FMC Premium - Furniture Manufacturing & Supply China premium.fmcchina.com.cn/ expo.fmcchina.com.cn/ www.fmcchina.com.cn Woodworking, Furniture Production (industry 39) 09.09.-12.09.2015 FURNITURE CHINA - China International Furniture Expo www.furniture-china.cn/ Woodworking, Furniture Production (industry 39), Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58) 11.09.-13.09.2015 BolognaFiere Shanghai International Contemporary Art Exhibition (ShContemporary) Artfair www.shcontemporary.info Arts, Antiques (industry 46) 15.09.-17.09.2015 Automotive Testing Expo China SECEC www.testing-expo.com/china/ Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28), Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control (industry 19) 16.09.-19.09.2015 LED China/LED Lighting China/LED Chip, Packaging & Equipment SNIEC www.ledchina-gz.com www.signchina-gz.com/ Paper and Printing Industry, Media Production (industry 67), Advertising, Marketing, Franchising (industry 94), Lighting, Lighting Technology (industry 11) 17.09.-19.09.2015 Interior Lifestyle China - China International Trade Fair for Household Products and Accessories SNIEC www.ambiente.messefrankfurt.com www.il-china.com Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) 18.09.-21.09.2015 CDS - China Dental Show NECC www.chinadentalshow.com/en Dental Medicine, Dental Technology (industry 20) 22.09.-24.09.2015 MEDTEC China www.medtecchina.com Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 23.09.-25.09.2015 Shanghai International Lighting Fair SNIEC www.light.messefrankfurt.com Lighting, Lighting Technology (industry 11) 23.09.-25.09.2015 Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology - China's premier platform for intelligent building technology SNIEC www.building.messefrankfurt.com.cn Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22), Safety, Disaster Control (industry 72) 23.09.-25.09.2015 ISH Shanghai & CIHE - Shanghai International Frade Fair for Heating, Ventilation and AirConditioning SNIEC www.ish.messefrankfurt.com www.ishc-cihe.com Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Technology (industry 70), Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 23.09.-26.09.2015 CISMA - China International Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show SNIEC www.cisma.com.cn Textile and Clothing Machinery, Textile Cleaning (industry 81) www.shanghai-mode-lingerie.com/ Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10) Oct. 2015 Shanghai Mode Lingerie SWEECC SECEC SWEECC SNIEC SEC SWEECC SEC Page 10 of 27 Oct. 2015 Interfiliere Shanghai SEC www.interfiliere.com/shanghai/ Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) Oct. 2015 Mode Shanghai - Fashion Exhibition SEC modeshanghai.com/ Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10) SWEECC www.anex2015.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) 13.10.-15.10.2015 SINCE - Shanghai International Nonwovens Conference & Exhibition 13.10.-15.10.2015 Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics - Autumn Edition - China International Trade Fair for Apparel Fabrics and Accessories SNIEC www.texpertise.messefrankfurt.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) 14.10.-16.10.2015 CHINA PAPER/ China Forest - Int. Exhibition and Conference for the Pulp and Paper/Forestry Industries INTEX www.chinapaperexpo.cn Paper and Printing Industry, Media Production (industry 67) 14.10.-16.10.2015 EP Shanghai - International Exhibition on Electric Power Equipment and Technology SWEECC www.epchinashow.com Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 15.10.-17.10.2015 Paperworld China - China International Stationery & Office Supplies Exhibition SNIEC www.paperworld.messefrankfurt.com Office Equipment and Supplies (industry 15) 15.10.-18.10.2015 Music China - China International Exhibition for Musical Instruments and Accessories SNIEC www.musikmesse-china.com Music (Instruments, Licences) (industry 59) 15.10.-18.10.2015 Prolight + Sound Shanghai - International Exhibition for Event and Communications Technology, AV-Production and Enterntainment SNIEC www.prolightsound.com Music (Instruments, Licences) (industry 59), Photography, Film (Technology, Licences), Broadcasting and Television Technology (industry 30) 19.10.- 21.10.2015 CIAPE - China International Auto Parts Expo www.iapechina.com Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) 20.10.-22.10.2015 China Kids Expo - China International Baby Carriers & Baby Articles Fair SNIEC www.china-kids-expo.com Nursery Equipment, Children's Clothing (industry 43), Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58), Toys, Games, Computer Games (industry 73) 20.10.-22.10.2015 China Toy Expo - International Trade Fair for Toys, Hobby & Baby Articles SNIEC www.china-toy-expo.com/ Toys, Games, Computer Games (industry 73) 21.10.- 23.10.2015 CIKB China International Kitchen & Bathroom Expo - The platform for the Kitchen & Bathroom Industry in China SWEECC www.cikb.com.cn Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58) 21.10.- 23.10.2015 CIHS - China International Hardware Show - Trade Fair for Tools, DIY and Building Hardware, Security Systems, Locks and Fittings SNIEC www.hardwareshow-china.com Hardware, Tools (industry 21), Safety, Disaster Control (industry 72), Leisure, Hobby, DIY (industry 31), Garden and Pet (industry 36) 21.10.- 23.10.2015 Shanghai MTM + F Expo - Metallurgy & Tube & Metal & Foundry SNIEC www.metallurgyexpo.net/en/ Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57), Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals) (industry 35), Mining, Geodesy, Geoinformation (industry 12) 21.10.- 24.10.2015 DenTech China - International Exhibition for the Dental Industry www.dentech.com.cn Dental Medicine, Dental Technology (industry 20) 27.10.- 29.10.2015 SAECCE / CAEMEX - SAE-China Congress & Exhibition / China Automotive Engineering and Manufacturing EXPO SAEC www.caemex.cn Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28), Subcontracting (industry 96) 27.10.-30.10.2015 PTC ASIA - Int. Trade Fair for Electr. & Mechanic. Power, Transmission, Fluid Power, Compr. Air Techn., Machine Parts, Bearings, Internal Combustion Engines incl. CeMat ASIA SNIEC www.ptc-asia.com Logistics, Gears and Drives, Conveyance and Storage Technology (industry 55) CEC SWEECC Page 11 of 27 27.10.-30.10.2015 Industrial Supply ASIA - International Trade Fair for Industrial Subcontracting and Lightweight Construction SNIEC www.industrialsupply.com.cn Subcontracting (industry 96) 27.10.-30.10.2015 CeMAT ASIA - International Exhibition for Materials Handling, Automation Technology, Transport Systems and Logistics SNIEC www.cemat-asia.com Logistics, Gears and Drives, Conveyance and Storage Technology (industry 55) 27.10.-30.10.2015 BATTERY SHANGHAI - International Trade Fair for Battery Manufacturing and Applications SNIEC www.batteryshanghai.com/EN/ Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 28.10.-30.10.2015 EMC/China - International Conference & Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility SECEC www.emcexpo.com Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22) 28.10.-30.10.2015 IPB - International Powder & Bulk Solids Conference & Exhibition SCECICP www.ipbexpo.com Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (industry 18), Logistics, Gears and Drives, Conveyance and Storage Technology (industry 55), Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals) (industry 35) SM www.sartfair.com Arts, Antiques (industry 46) www.fruvegexpo.com/cn/ en.cccfna.org.cn/ www.hmfairs.com Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) www.ccbookfair.com/ Books, Prints, Licences, Libraries (industry 14) Nov. 2015 Shanghai Art Fair - International Contemporary Art Exhibition Nov. 2015 FruVeg Expo - Fruit and Vegetables Industry Expo Nov. 2015 CCBF - China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair SECEC INTEX & SM 03.11.-07.11.2015 IAS Industrial Automation Show - Int. Exhibition for Production and Process Automation, Electrical Systems, Robotics, Industrial Automation IT & Software and Microsystems Technology SNIEC www.industrial-automation-show.com www.ciif-expo.com/en/ Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control (industry 19) 03.11.-07.11.2015 MWCS Metalworking and CNC Machine Tool Show - International Exhibition for Machine Tools, Sheet Metal, Pipe & Tubes Production, Mould & Die Construction, Tools SNIEC www.metalworkingchina.com www.metalworkingchi na.com/Index-en.asp Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) 11.11-14.11 2015 Fenestration China - International Exhibition on Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Wall Technology, Components, and Prefabricated Units NCIEC www.fenestration.com.cn Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) 11.11.-13.11.2015 ProWine China SNIEC www.prowinechina.com Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 11.11.-13.11.2015 FHC CHINA - International Food, Drink, Hospitality, Foodservice, Bakery and Retail IT Exhibition SNIEC www.fhcchina.com Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings (industry 33), Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 13.11-16.11. 2015 China International Gold, Jewellery & Gem Fair Shanghai 17.11.-20.11.2015 PacPro Asia - International Trade Fair for Packaging Material Production and Processing incl. BulkPex incl. FoodPex SNIEC www.pacproasia.com Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 17.11.-20.11.2015 CHINA PHARM - China International Pharmaceutical Industry Exhibition SNIEC www.china-pharm.net Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 17.11.-20.11.2015 FoodPex - International Trade Fair for the Food Processing and Packaging Industries SNIEC www.foodpex.com Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 17.11.-20.11.2015 BulkPex - International Trade Fair for Technology and Equipment in Bulk Packaging SNIEC www.bulkpex.com Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) SWEECC Page 12 of 27 exhibitions.jewellerynetasia.com/shj/FairI Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party nfo/FairDetails/tabid/5538/language/enItems (industry 34) US/Default.aspx 18.11.-20.11.2015 CHINACOAT - China International Exhibition for Coatings, Printing Inks & Adhesives SNIEC www.chinacoat.net Surface Treatment Technology (industry 63), Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (industry 18) 18.11.-20.11.2015 SF CHINA - China International Exhibition for Surface Finishing & Coating Products incl. CHINACOAT SNIEC www.sfchina.net Surface Treatment Technology (industry 63) 24.11.-26.11.2015 SIPPE - Shanghai Int. Petroleum Petrochemical Natural Gas Technology Equipment Exhibition www.sippe.org.cn Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23), Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (industry 18) 25.11.-27.11.2015 Texcare Asia - International Trade Fair for Modern Textile Care SNIEC www.texcare.messefrankfurt.com www.texcare.com City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services (industry 45) 01.12.-04.12.2015 LABELEXPO Asia - Labelling Supplies & Equipment Exhibition SNIEC www.labelexpo-asia.com Advertising, Marketing, Franchising (industry 94) 01.12.-04.12.2015 MARINTEC CHINA - International Maritime Conference & Exhibition SNIEC www.marintecchina.com/en-us/ Shipbuilding, Port Machinery, Offshore Engineering (industry 71) 08.12.-11.12.2015 Automechanika Shanghai SNIEC www.automechanika. messefrankfurt.com Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) Dec. 2015 REIFEN CHINA - Asian Essen Tire Show SNIEC www.reifen-china.com Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) Oct. 2015 COFE - Shanghai high-end food and beverage exhibition meetsite.77huiyi.com/21001313/ Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24), Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) Dec. 2015 RubberTech China - International Exhibition on Rubber Technology www.rubbertech.com.cn Plastic and Rubber Processing (industry 47), Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) SWEECC SIEC & SEC SNIEC Guangzhou Date Name Venue Link Industry Sector 16.01.-18.01.2015 AAITF - China International Automotive Aftermarket Industry and Tuning Trade Fair CIEFC www.aaitf.org Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) 06.03.-08.03.2015 GITF - Guangzhou International Travel Fair - The International Annual Travel Fair in the Asian-Pacific Region CIEFC www.hmf-china.com www.gitf.com.cn Tourism (industry 82) 09.03.-11.03.2015 PFP EXPO SINO-PACK - International Exhibition on Beverage & Brewery Processing Technology/International Exhibition on Packaging Machinery & Materials CIEFC www.2456.com/sino-pack Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 09.03.-11.03.2015 PFP EXPO-PRINTING SOUTH CHINA - South China International Exhibition & Symposium on Prepress and Printing Industries CIEFC www.printingsouthchina.com Paper and Printing Industry, Media Production (industry 67) 09.03.-11.03.2015 SIAF - SPS Industrial Automation Fair Guangzhou - Industrial Automation, materials handling and assembly technology Expo and Conference CIEFC www.siaf-china.com Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control (industry 19) Page 13 of 27 09.03.-11.03.2015 PVP China - International Pump, Valve & Pipe Trade Show CIEFC www.waterchina-gz.com City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services (industry 45) 09.03.-11.03.2015 WATER CHINA - International Water, Wastewater & Water Treatment Show/Pump, Valve & Pipe Trade Show CIEFC www.fairwindow.com City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services (industry 45) 12.03.-14.03.2015 PCHi - Personal Care & Homecare Ingredients PWTC www.pchi-china.com/en/ 12.03.-14.03.2015 AAC China Guangzhou Int. Automotive Air-conditioning & Equipment Exhibition PWTC www.84t.cn/kt 12.03.-14.03.2015 AAC China - Guangzhou Int. Automotive Air-conditioning & Cold Chain Technology Exhibition CIEFC www.84t.cn/kt Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28), Logistics, Gears and Drives, Conveyance and Storage Technology (industry 55), Transport and Traffic (industry 83) 12.03.-14.03.2015 PCHi - Personal Care & Homecare Ingredients PWTC www.pchi-china.com/en/ Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene, Wellness (industry 44) 12.03.-14.03.2015 CHINA LAB (formerly CECIA) Analytic & Laboratory Equipment Expo & Conference PWTC www.chinacecia.com Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology (industry 64) 18.03.-22.03.2015 CIFF - Home Furniture - China International Furniture Fair - Home Furniture CIEFC www.ciff-gz.com Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58) 18.03.-22.03.2015 Intertextile Guangzhou Hometextile China - China (Guangzhou) International Trade Fair for Home Textiles CIEFC www.intertextilehome.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80), Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58) 18.03-22.03. 2015 CIFF - Home Furniture - China International Furniture Fair - Home Furniture Phase 1 CIEFC www.ciff-gz.com Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58) 27.03.-29.03.2015 RC&O - Rehacare & Orthopedic Canton PWTC www.cantonrehacare.com Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 28.03.-01.04.2015 interzum guangzhou - Trade Fair for woodworking machinery, furniture production and interior design CIEFC www.interzum-guangzhou.com Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58), Woodworking, Furniture Production (industry 39) 28.03.-01.04.2015 CIFF - Office/Commercial Furniture - China International Furniture Fair CIEFC www.ciff-gz.com Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58), Office Equipment and Supplies (industry 15) 28.03.-02.04.2015 CIFM - China International Woodworking Machinery & Furniture Raw Materials Fair CIEFC www.interzum-guangzhou.com/ Woodworking, Furniture Production (industry 39) 28.03-01.04.2015 CIFF - Home Furniture - China International Furniture Fair - Home Furniture Phase 2 CIEFC www.ciff-gz.com Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58) 05.04-08.04.2015 Dental South China Expo & Conference - South China International Dental Equipment & Technology Expo & Conference CIEFC www.dentalsouthchina.com Dental Medicine, Dental Technology (industry 20) 05.04.-08.04.2015 Prolight + Sound Guangzhou CIEFC www.pls.messefrankfurt.com www.soundlight.cn Music (Instruments, Licences) (industry 59), Photography, Film (Technology, Licences), Broadcasting and Television Technology (industry 30) 15.04.-19.04.2015 CIEF Phase 1 - China Import and Export Fair Phase 1 - Electronics & Household Electrical Appliances, Lighting Equipment, Vehicles & Spare Parts, Machinery, Hardware & Tools, Building Materials, Chemical Products CIEFC www.cantonfair.org.cn General Trade Fairs for Capital and Consumer Goods (industry 01) Page 14 of 27 15.04-19.04.2015 CIEF Phase 1 China Import and Export Fair Phase 1 CIEFC www.cantonfair.org.cn General Trade Fairs for Capital and Consumer Goods (industry 01) 23.04-27.04. 2015 CIEF Phase 2 China Import and Export Fair Phase 2 CIEFC www.cantonfair.org.cn General Trade Fairs for Capital and Consumer Goods (industry 01) 23.04.-27.04.2015 CIEF Phase 2 - China Import and Export Fair Phase 2 - Consumer Goods, Gifts, Home Decorations CIEFC www.cantonfair.org.cn General Trade Fairs for Capital and Consumer Goods (industry 01) 01.05-05.05. 2015 CIEF Phase 3 China Import and Export Fair Phase 3 CIEFC www.cantonfair.org.cn General Trade Fairs for Capital and Consumer Goods (industry 01) 01.05.-05.05.2015 CIEF Phase 3 - China Import and Export Fair Phase 3 - Textiles & Garments, Shoes, Office Supplies, Cases & Bags, and Recreation Products, Medicines, Medical Devices and Health Products, Food CIEFC www.cantonfair.org.cn General Trade Fairs for Capital and Consumer Goods (industry 01) 20.05.-23.05.2015 CHINAPLAS - International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries CIEFC 10.05.-12.05.2015 Interwine China CIEFC www.interwine.org Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 01.06.-03.06.2015 SHOES & LEATHER - International Shoes & Leather Exhibition CIEFC www.shoesleather-guangzhou.com Leather Processing and Shoe Machinery (industry 51), Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50) 01.06.-04.06.2015 CANNEX & FILLEX Asia Pacific - International Canmaking and Canning Exhibition CIEFC www.spgevents.com Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 04.06.-06.06.2015 IFE - China International Food Exhibition CIEFC www.ifechina.com/ Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 09.06.-12.06.2015 Wire & Cable Guangzhou - Guangzhou International Wire, Cable and Accessories Fair CIEFC www.wire-cable-china.com Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) 09.06.-12.06.2015 Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology CIEFC www.building.messefrankfurt.com.cn Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22) 09.06.-12.06.2015 Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition - The most influential and comprehensive lighting and LED event in Asia CIEFC www.light.messefrankfurt.com.cn Lighting, Lighting Technology (industry 11) 25.06.-27.06.2015 HOSFAIR Guangzhou - Guangzhou Int. Hotel Facilities & Supplies Expo CIEFC www.hosfair.com Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings (industry 33) 08.07.-11.07.2015 CBD - China International Building Decoration Fair CIEFC www.cbd-china.com/ Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09), Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) CISMEF China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair CIEFC www.cismef.com.cn/ General Trade Fairs for Capital and Consumer Goods (industry 01) 11.09.-13.09.2015 HCI - China (Guangzhou) International Health Care Food and Nourishment Exhibition CIEFC www.hciexpo.com/ Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 15.09.-17.09.2015 Asiamold - Guangzhou International Mould & Die Exhibition CIEFC www.asiamold.de www.asiamold-china.com Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) Sep. 2015 Page 15 of 27 www.chinaplasonline.com Plastic and Rubber Processing (industry 47) Nov. 2015 Auto Guangzhou - China (Guangzhou) International Automobile Exhibition Nov. 2015 Lineapelle Asia NFICEC 16.11.-18.11.2015 Interwine China CIEFC Dec. 2015 CIFE - China International Foodstuff (Guangzhou) Exposition CIEFC NFICEC www.autoshow-gz.com Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) www.lineapelle-asia.com Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50) www.interwine.org Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) www.cifexpo.org/ Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24), Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) Chengdu Date Name Venue Link Industry Sector 23.04.-25.04.2015 CIHS West - The Hardware Show for Western China NICEC www.chinahardware.org.cn Hardware, Tools (industry 21), Safety, Disaster Control (industry 72), Leisure, Hobby, DIY (industry 31), Garden and Pet (industry 36) 12.06.-14.06.2015 Gifts & Home Chengdu NICEC www.reedhuabo.com/index.aspx Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) 04.09.-13.09.2015 CDMS - Chengdu Motor Show - International Exhibition for Automobile and Accessories NICEC www.cd-motorshow.com www.cd-autoshow.com Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) 13.10.-15.10.2015 CWMTE - Chengdu LiJia International Machine Tool Exhibition NICEC cd.cwmte.com.cn/ Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) Dalian Date 23.05.-25.05.2015 Name Hospital Build China Venue Link DWEC www.hospitalbuild.com Venue Link Industry Sector Hongkong Date Name Page 16 of 27 Industry Sector 12.01.-15.01.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair HKCEC www.hktoyfair.com Toys, Games, Computer Games (industry 73) 12.01.-15.01.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Baby Products Fair HKCEC www.hktdc.com Nursery Equipment, Children's Clothing (industry 43) 12.01.-15.01.2015 Hong Kong International Stationery Fair HKCEC www.paperworld.messefrankfurt.com www.hkstationeryfair.com Office Equipment and Supplies (industry 15) 19.01.-22.01.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Fashion Week for Fall/Winter HKCEC hkfashionweekfw.com Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10) 19.01.-22.01.2015 HKTDC World Boutique HKCEC www.worldboutiquehk.com 05.02.-08.02.2015 HKTDC Education & Careers Expo HKCEC hkeducationexpo.com 25.02.-28.02.2015 HKIFFF - Hong Kong International Fur and Fashion Fair HKCEC www.hkfurfed.com.hk Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10) 02.03.-06.03.2015 Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Pearl Show HKCEC & AWE www.hktdc.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) 02.03.-06.03.2015 Hong Kong International Jewellery Show - incl. HKTDC Hong Kong International Jewellery Show AWE hkjewellery.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) 03.03.-06.03.2015 March Asia's Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Fair HKCEC www.jewellerynetasia.com www.asiafja.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) 15.03.-17.03.2015 Art Basel Hong Kong - International Art Fair (20th & 21st Century Art) HKCEC hongkong.artbasel.com/ Arts, Antiques (industry 46) 18.03.-20.03.2015 WorldDidac Asia - WorldDidac Asia AWE www.worlddidacasia.com Teaching and Learning Aids, Further and Continuing Education, Business Start-up, Human Resources Development (industry 52) 23.03.-26.03.2015 HKTDC FILMART - International Film & TV Market HKCEC www.hktdc.com hkfilmart.com Photography, Film (Technology, Licences), Broadcasting and Television Technology (industry 30) 30.03.-01.04.2015 APLF - Fashion Access - Asia Pacific Leather Fair - Fashion Access HKCEC www.aplf.com Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50) 30.03.-01.04.2015 APLF-MMT - Asia Pacific Leather Fair, Materials, Manufacturing & Technology HKCEC www.aplf.com Leather Processing and Shoe Machinery (industry 51), Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50) 06.04.-09.04.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Spring Edition) HKCEC www.hktdc.com/hklightingfairae Lighting, Lighting Technology (industry 11) 11.04.-14.04.2015 CSF Electronics & Components - China Sourcing Fair: Electronics & Components www.chinasourcingfair.com Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22), Consumer Electronics, Multimedia (industry 87), Information and Communication Technology, Software (industry 42) AWE Page 17 of 27 Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10), Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34), Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80), Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50) Teaching and Learning Aids, Further and Continuing Education, Business Start-up, Human Resources Development (industry 52) 11.04-14.04. 2015 CSF Electronics & Components - China Sourcing Fair: Electronics & Components 13.04.-16.04.2015 HKTDC International ICT Expo - International ICE Expo HKCEC www.hktdc.com/ictexpo Information and Communication Technology, Software (industry 42), Technologies, Inventions, Innovations (industry 78) 13.04.-16.04.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) HKCEC www.hkelectronicsfairse.com Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22), Consumer Electronics, Multimedia (industry 87) 20.04.-23.04.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Houseware Fair HKCEC www.hkhousewarefair.com Household Goods and Appliances, Ceramics, Glassware (industry 38), Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58), Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene, Wellness (industry 44) 27.04.-30.04.2015 Hong Kong International Printing & Packaging Fair AWE www.hkprintpackfair.com Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 27.04.-30.04.2015 CSF Fashion Accessories + CSF Underwear & Swimmwear - China Sourcing Fair: Fashion Accessories und China Sourcing Fair: Underwear & Swimmwear AWE www.chinasourcingfair.com 27.04.-30.04.2015 CSF Gifts & Premiums - China Sourcing Fair: Gifts & Premiums AWE www.chinasourcingfair.com 27.04.-30.04.2015 CSF Home Products - China Sourcing Fair: Home Products AWE www.chinasourcingfair.com Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) 27.04.-30.04.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair www.hkgiftspremiumfair.com www.hktdc.com/hkgiftspremiumfair Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34), Advertising, Marketing, Franchising (industry 94) 27.04-30.04. 2015 CSF Home Products - China Sourcing Fair: Home Products AWE www.chinasourcingfair.com www.globalsources.com/TRADESHOW/ Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22), Consumer Electronics, Multimedia (industry 87), Information and HONGKONGELECTRONICS.HTM?source=TSCCSF Communication Technology, Software (industry 42) _UPCOMING_GS HKCEC Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34), Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50), Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10), Nursery Equipment, Children's Clothing (industry 43) Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34), Advertising, Marketing, Franchising (industry 94) AWE www.chinasourcingfair.com www.globalsources.com/TRADESHOW/ Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) HONGKONG-HOMEPRODUCTS.HTM?source=TSCCSF_U PCOMING_GS AWE www.chinasourcingfair.com www.globalsources.com/TRADESHOW/ Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34), Advertising, Marketing, Franchising (industry HONGKONGGIFTSPREMIUMS.HTM?source=TSCC 94) SF_UPCOMING_GS 27.04-30.04. 2015 CSF Gifts & Premiums - China Sourcing Fair: Gifts & Premiums 06.05.-09.05.2015 Hofex - International Exhibition of Food & Drink, Hotel, Restaurant & Foodservice Equipment, Supplies & Services HKCEC www.hofex.com www.allworldexhibitions.com/food Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings (industry 33), Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 18.05.-20.05.2015 HKTDC HK Int'l Medical Devices & Supplies Fair - Hong Kong International Medical & Health Care Fair HKCEC hkmedicalfair.com/fair_dtl/detail.htm Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 11.06.-14.06.2015 ITE - International Travel Expo Hongkong HKCEC www.itehk.com Tourism (industry 82) 17.06.-19.06.2015 Asian Attractions Expo (AAE) HKCEC www.iaapa.org/connect/asia-pacific Leisure, Hobby, DIY (industry 31) 25.06.-28.06.2015 June Asia's Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Fair HKCEC www.asiafja.com www.jewellerynetasia.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) Page 18 of 27 25.06.-28.06.2015 JGF - June Hong Kong Jewellery and Gem Fair HKCEC www.jewellerynetasia.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) 06.07.-09.07.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Fashion Week for Spring/Summer HKCEC hkfashionweekss.com Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10) 15.07.-21.07.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Book Fair HKCEC hkbookfair.hktdc.com/en/ www.hktdc.com Books, Prints, Licences, Libraries (industry 14) 01.08.-02.08.2015 Hong Kong International Education Expo HKCEC www.newayfairs.com Teaching and Learning Aids, Further and Continuing Education, Business Start-up, Human Resources Development (industry 52) 13.08.-15.08.2015 ICMCM - International Conference & Exhibition of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products HKCEC www.hktdc.com/icmcm Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 13.08.-17.08.2015 Food Expo HKCEC www.hkfoodexpo.com Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 02.09-03.09.2015 Vitafoods Asia - The nutraceutical event for Asia AWE www.vitafoodsasia.com Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 02.09-04.09.2015 ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA - International Trade Fair for Fruit and Vegetable Marketing AWE www.gp-events.com www.asiafruitlogistica.com Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 09.09-10.09.2015 Restaurant & Bar HKCEC www.restaurantandbarhk.com Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings (industry 33) 08.09-12.09.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Watch & Clock Fair HKCEC www.hkwatchfair.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) 16.09-19.09.2015 September Asia's Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Fair www.jewellerynetasia.com www.asiafja.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) 16.09-22.09.2015 JGF - September Hong Kong Jewellery and Gem Fair AWE & HKCEC www.JewelleryNetAsia.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) AWE www.chinasourcingfair.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34), Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50), Clothing, Fashion, Accessories (industry 10), Nursery Equipment, Children's Clothing (industry 43) Oct. 2015 CSF Fashion Accessories + CSF Underwear & Swimmwear - China Sourcing Fair: Fashion Accessories und China Sourcing Fair: Underwear & Swimmwear AWE 07.10.-09.10.2015 APLF Fashion Access - Autumn Show HKCEC www.aplf.com Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50) 13.10.-16.10.2015 electronicAsia - International Trade Fair for Components, Assemblies and Display Technologies HKCEC www.hktdc.com/fair/electroni casia-en/electronicAsia.html www.hktdc.com Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22) 13.10.-16.10.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) HKCEC www.hktdc.com www.hkelectronicsfair.com Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22), Consumer Electronics, Multimedia (industry 87) 20.10.-23.10.2015 Mega Show Part 1 - Hongkong Gifts Premium & Household Products Show & International Toys & Gifts Show HKCEC www.kenfair.com www.mega-show.com Household Goods and Appliances, Ceramics, Glassware (industry 38), Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34), Toys, Games, Computer Games (industry 73), Leisure, Hobby, DIY (industry 31), Garden and Pet (industry 36) Page 19 of 27 Household Goods and Appliances, Ceramics, Glassware (industry 38), Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34), Office Equipment and Supplies (industry 15), Teaching and Learning Aids, Further and Continuing Education, Business Start-up, Human Resources Development 27.10.-29.10.2015 Mega Show Part 2 - Gifts, Decor & Home Show and Office & Stationery HKCEC www.kenfair.com www.mega-show.com 27.10.-30.10.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) HKCEC hklightingfair.com www.hktdc.com/hklightingfairae Lighting, Lighting Technology (industry 11) 28.10.-31.10.2015 Hong Kong International Building and Decoration Materials & Hardware Fair AWE www.hkbuildingmaterialsfair.com hkbdh.com/ Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09), Hardware, Tools (industry 21) 28.10.-31.10.2015 Eco Expo Asia - International Trade Fair on Environmental Protection AWE www.ecoexpoasia.com www.messefrankfurt.com.hk www.hktdc.com Environment and Climate Protection (industry 86), Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23) 04.11.-06.11.2015 HKTDC Hong Kong Optical Fair HKCEC hkopticalfair.com Ophthalmic Optics (industry 05) 05.11.-07.11.2015 HKIWSF - Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair HKCEC hkwinefair.hktdc.com Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 11.11.-13.11.2015 COSMOPROF ASIA HKCEC www.cosmoprof-asia.com Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene, Wellness (industry 44), Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) Inno Design Tech Expo (IDT Expo) - Innovation, Technology and Design Solutions Exposition HKCEC innodesigntechexpo.hktdc.com/ www.tdctrade.com General Service Trade Fairs (industry 99) www.mipimasia.com Financial and Insurance Services, Real Estate, Export Promotion (industry 08) Dec. 2015 02.12.-03.12.2015 MIPIM Asia - The World's Property Market in Asia Pacific Grand Hyatt Hotel Jiangsu Date Name Venue Industry Sector www.njtf.com.cn Tourism (industry 82), Leisure, Hobby, DIY (industry 31) www.bitcongress.com/ica2015/ Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 27.03.-29.03.2015 CMT China - The Holiday Exhibition for Tourism and Caravan 25.04.-28.04.2015 ICA Congress and Exhibition - Annual International Congress and Exhibition of Antibodies 20.05.-23.05.2015 CIE - China International Import Expo 23.07.-26.07.2015 Asia Outdoor NIEC www.asian-outdoor.com Sporting Goods (industry 74) CHInano Conference & Expo SIEC www.chinanosz.com Technologies, Inventions, Innovations (industry 78) Sep. 2015 NIEC Link not yet determined Kunshan Page 20 of 27 www.importexpo.org 19.10.-21.10.2015 AMB China - China Metal Working & Forming Exhibition NIEC www.cmte.cn Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) 04.11.-06.11.2015 Nanjing Building Fair NIEC www.nbf.net.cn Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) Shandong Date Name Venue Link Industry Sector 17.07.-19.07.2015 China Qingdao Int. Building Energy-saving & Renewable Energy Utilization Fair and Int. Construction & Decoration Materials Exposition (InterBuild Qingdao) QICC www.cbe-qd.com Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23), Environment and Climate Protection (industry 86) 17.07.-19.07.2015 Stone QD - China Qingdao International Stone Products and Machinery Exhibition QICC www.stonefairchina.com Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings (industry 09) 16.10.-19.10.2015 F/V/F Expo - International Fruit/Vegetable/Food Exposition YICEC www.fruitveg-expo.cn Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24), Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 04.11.-06.11.2015 China Fisheries & Seafood Expo QICC www.chinaseafoodexpo.com Agriculture and Forestry, Landscape Gardening, Fisheries, Livestock Farming (industry 49) Shenzhen Date Name Venue Link Industry Sector 09.01.-12.01.2015 China International Gold, Jewellery & Gem Fair Shenzhen SZCEC exhibitions.jewellerynetasia.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) 30.03.-02.04.2015 SIMM - China Shenzhen International Machinery Manufacturing Industry Exhibition SZCEC www.simmexpo.com Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals) (industry 35) 25.04.-28.04.2015 Gifts & Home Shenzhen Spring - China Shenzhen Int. Gifts, Handicrafts, Watches & Houseware Fair SZCEC www.chinagiftsfair.com Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) 25.04-28.04. 2015 Gifts & Home Shenzhen Autumn - China Shenzhen Int. Gifts, Handicrafts, Watches & Houseware Fair SZCEC www.chinagiftsfair.com Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) 09.04.-11.04.2015 CITE - China Information Technology Expo SZCEC www.ywexpo.net.en code.ywexpo.net/eng/ Information and Communication Technology, Software (industry 42) 01.06.-03.06.2015 Industrial Automation Shenzhen - International Trade Fair for Process Automation, Factory Automation and Industrial Building Automation SZCEC www.iaexpo.org Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control (industry 19) Page 21 of 27 14.06.-18.06.2015 WATER - International Water Supply, Purification, Pumps, Valves & Pipe Exhibition SZCEC www.waterexpo.org City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services (industry 45) 09.07.-11.07.2015 Intertextile Pavilion Shenzhen - Shenzhen International Trade Fair for Apparel Fabrics and Accessories SZCEC www.intertextile.com www.texpertise.messefrankfurt.com Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles) (industry 80) 25.08.-27.08.2015 NEPCON South China SZCEC www.nepconsouthchina.com/en/ Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22) 25.08.-27.08.2015 Electronics Manufacturing Automation Pavilion (within NEPCON South China) - (former ATE Electronics Assembly & Packaging Technology Expo) SZCEC www.nepconsouthchina.co m/en/About/Electronics/ Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22) 02.09.-05.09.2015 CIOE - China International Optoelectronics Exposition SZCEC www.cioe.cn/en Technical Optics, Laser Technology (industry 75) 15.09.-19.09.2015 Shenzhen International Jewellery Fair - International Jewellery Fair SZCEC www.newayfairs.com Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) 14.10.-16.10.2015 HOSFAIR Shenzhen - Shenzhen Int. Hotel Facilities & Supplies Expo SZCEC www.hosfair.com www.szhosfair.com/ch/ Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings (industry 33) 14.10.-16.10.2015 CILF - China (Shenzhen) International Logistics Fair SZCEC www.scmfair.com/en/index.html logistics Taibei Date Name Venue Link Industry Sector 11.02.-16.02.2015 TIBE - Taipei International Book Exhibition TWTC www.tibe.org.tw Books, Prints, Licences, Libraries (industry 14) 03.03.-08.03.2015 TIMTOS - Taipei International Machine Tool Show TWTC www.timtos.com.tw/en_US/index.html Metalworking, Welding Technology (industry 57) 18.03.-21.03.2015 TAISPO - Taipei International Sporting Goods Show TWTC www.taiwantradeshows.com.tw Sporting Goods (industry 74) 18.03.-21.03.2015 Taipei Cycle - Taipei International Cycle Show TWTC www.taipeitradeshows.com.tw www.taipeicycle.com.tw Sporting Goods (industry 74) 15.03.-28.03.2015 TILS - International Furniture and Lighting Show TWTC www.furnituretaipei.com.tw/ www.tils.com.tw/ Furniture, Interior Design (industry 58), Lighting, Lighting Technology (industry 11) 08.04.-11.04.2015 AMPA - Taipei International Auto & Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Show 08.04.-11.04.2015 AutoTronics Taipei - Taipei International Automobile Electronics Show 08.04.-11.04.2015 EV Taiwan - Taiwan Int. Electric Vehicle Show TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall www.taipeiampa.com.tw/ TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 Area A TWTC Nangang TWTC Page 22 of 27 www.autotronics.com.tw Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) www.evtaiwan.com.tw Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) 08.04.-11.04.2015 MOTORCYCLE TAIWAN - Taiwan International Motorcycle Show 08.04.-11.04.2015 TAIPEI AMPA - Taipei International Auto Parts & Accessories Show 23.04.-26.04.2015 Giftionery Taipei - Taipei International Gift and Stationery Show 28.04.-30.04.2015 Secutech - International Exhibition and Conference for Electronic Security, Info Security, Fire and Safety 02.06.-06.06.2015 COMPUTEX TAIPEI - Taipei International Information Technology Show 16.06.-18.06.2015 TWTC www.MotorcycleTaiwan.com.tw TWTC & TWTC Nangang www.taipeiampa.com.tw Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) www.taiwantradeshows.com.tw www.giftionery.net Gifts, Watches & Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items (industry 34) www.secutech.com Safety, Disaster Control (industry 72) TWTC, TICC & TWTC Nangang www.computextaipei.com.tw Information and Communication Technology, Software (industry 42) Taiwan Nano (within Photonics Festival) - Taiwan International Nano Tech Exhibition TWTC nano.tca.org.tw/index_e.htm Technologies, Inventions, Innovations (industry 78) 16.06.-18.06.2015 OPTO (within Photonics Festival) - International Optoelectronics Exposition TWTC www.optotaiwan.com Ophthalmic Optics (industry 05) 18.06.-21.06.2015 SenCARE - Taiwan Int. Senior Lifestyle and Health Care Show TWTC www.sencare.com.tw General Trade Fairs for Consumers (industry 04) 24.06.-27.06.2015 FOOD TAIPEI - Taipei International Food Show TWTC www.foodtaipei.com.tw Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff (industry 24) 24.06.-27.06.2015 TAIPEI PACK - International Packaging Industry Show TWTC www.taipeitradeshows.com.tw www.taipeipack.com.tw Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 24.06.-27.06.2015 Foodtech & Pharmatech TAIPEI - Taipei International Food Processing & Pharmaceutical Machinery Show TWTC www.foodtech.com.tw Food Processing and Packaging Machinery (industry 61) 02.09.-04.09.2015 Semiconductor Equipment & Materials TWTC www.semicontaiwan.org/en Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22) 06.10.-09.10.2015 TAITRONICS - Taipei International Electronics Autumn Show www.taitronics.org/taipei Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22), Photography, Film (Technology, Licences), Broadcasting and Television Technology (industry 30), Consumer Electronics, Multimedia (industry 87) 21.10.-23.10.2015 TIGIS - Taiwan International Green Industry Show -Taiwan Int. Green Industries Show Environment, Energy & Water TWTC www.greentaiwan.tw Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23), Environment and Climate Protection (industry 86) 21.10.-23.10.2015 PV TAIWAN - Taiwan Int'l Photovoltaic Exhibition TWTC www.pvtaiwan.com www.taiwantradeshows.com.tw/pv Energy (conventional and renewable) (industry 23), Environment and Climate Protection (industry 86) Name Venue TWTC TWTC Nangang TWTC Nangang Wuhan Date 18.05.-20.05.2015 ECC -Expo Central China - Universal- und Mehrbranchenmesse STCEC Page 23 of 27 Link expocentralchina.mofcom.gov.cn www.expocentralchina.org.cn Industry Sector General Trade Fairs for Capital and Consumer Goods (industry 01) www.cwme.com.cn Trade Fairs for Capital Goods (industry 02) WIEC www.ovcexpo.com.cn Electrical Engineering, Electronics (industry 22), Information and Communication Technology, Software (industry 42), Technical Optics, Laser Technology (industry 75) WHMS - Wuhan Motor Show - International Exhibition for Automobile and Accessories WIEC www.hmf-china.com www.hbccpit.org Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) CCVS China Commercial Vehicles Show - International Exhibition for Commercial Vehicles, Parts & Accessories, Inspection & Maintenance WIEC www.ccvs.asia Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories) (industry 28) Name Venue 23.09.-25.09.2015 CWME - China International Machinery & Electronic Products Exposition 06.11.-08.11.2015 OVC Expo - International Optoelectronic Exhibition and Forum 12.11.-15.11.2015 12.11.-15.11.2015 WHICEC Zhejiang Date Link Industry Sector 18.03.-21.03.2015 IAIE International Medical, Scientific, Education Equipment, Supplies & Technology Exhibition WTCZECC www.iaie-expo.com/ Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 19.03.-22.03.2015 ChinaMach - China International Machinery Industry Exhibition INTEX-NG www.chinamaching.cn www.younage.com Trade Fairs for Capital Goods (industry 02) 04.06.-06.06.2015 German Dental Symposium WTCZECC www.bmwi.de www.auma.de www.roeser-online.de Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care (industry 56) 09.06.-12.06.2015 CICGF - China International Consumer Goods Fair www.cicgf.com Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods (industry 03) 27.08.-29.08.2015 CSLF - China (Wenzhou) Int'l Leather, Shoe Material & Shoe Machinery Fair (ALL CHINA SHOE-TECH) WZICEC www.chinaleatherfair.com Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes (industry 50), Leather Processing and Shoe Machinery (industry 51) NICEC For more information on upcoming Trade Fairs and GIC Shanghai Trade Fair services, please refer to contact Ms. Dong Yini, Tel: +86-21 5081 2266 ext. 1619. These are Events supported by the AHK. Members of the AHK get a 5% discount for chamber services part when participating *the Trade Fair Calendar is subject to change. We are not responsible for possible date changes Anmerkung Exhibitions supported by AHK Shanghai with special exhibitor or visitor arrangements Exhibitions with official German Pavilion Exhibitions organized by German organizers Fairground in Beijing Page 24 of 27 CWTC BEC China World Trade Center,Beijing Beijing Exhibition Center, Beijing CNCC China National Convention Center CIEC China International Exhibition Center NCIEC New China International Exhibition Center NAEC National Agricultural Exhibition Centre CIAE the CIAE Exhibition Center LCEC Langfang Conference & Exhibition Center BJ Beijing Fairground in Chengdu NICEC New International Convention & Exposition Center (Chengdu Century City) CIECC Chengdu International Exhibition & Convention Centre ICCC InterContinental Century City Fairgound in Dalian DWEC Dalian World Expo Center DSCEC Dalian Star-Sea Convention & Exhibition Center DEP Dalian Expo Plaza Fairgound in Guangzhou GICEC-PZ China Import & Export Fair (Pazhou) Complex,Guangdong GJEC Guangzhou Jinhan Exhibition Centre CIEFC China Import & Export Fair Complex PWTC Poly World Trade Centre GJEC Guangzhou Jinhan Exhibition Centre GIEC Guangzhou International Exhibition Centre Fairgound in Hongkong Page 25 of 27 AWE HKCEC HKEC AsiaWorld-Expo Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Hong Kong Exhibition Centre Fairground in Jiangsu NIEC Nanjing International Exhibition Center SIEC Suzhou International Exhibition Center KS Kunshan NJ Nanjing Fairground in Shandong GIEC Guangrao International Expo Center YICEC Yantai International Convention & Exhibition Center QICC Qingdao International Convention Center Fairground in Shanghai SNIEC Shanghai New Int'l Expo Center, Shanghai SECEC Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center, Shanghai SEC INTEX Shanghai Exhibition Center Shanghai Int'l Exhibition Centre SPE Shanghai Pudong Exhibition SICC Shanghai International Convention Center CIPC China International Purchase Center EBCEC SM SWEECC CEC SAEC East Best Convention and Exhibition Center (World Expo Theme Pavilion) ShanghaiMart Expo Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center China Expo Complex Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Center Page 26 of 27 SCECICP NECC Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing Promotion National Exhibition and Convention Center Fairgound in Shenzhen SZCEC Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center SZIEC Shenzhen International Exhibition Centre CHFEC China Hi-Tech Fair Exhibition Centre Fairgound in Taibei TWTC TWTC Nangang TICC Taipei World Trade Center Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Taipei International Convention Center Fairgound in Wuhan WHICEC STCEC WIEC Wuhan International Convention & Exhibition Center Science & Technology Convention and Exhibition Centre Wuhan International Expo Center Fairgound in Xinjiang UXICEC Urumqi Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center Fairground in Zhejiang YIEC WZICEC Yiwu International Exhibition Center Wenzhou International Convention & Exhibition Center WTCZECC World Trade Center Zhejiang Exhibition & Conference Center INTEX-NG Int'l Exhibition Centre -Ningbo NICEC MEC Ningbo International Conference & Exhibition Center Meihu Exhibition Centre Page 27 of 27