TOYOTA Green Purchasing Guidelines

2. Management of Products and Materials delivered to Toyota
Earth Summit 2002 held in Johannesberg adopted the goal that “Chemicals are produced and used in ways
that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment by the year 2020.”
International agreement was reached in 2006 on this goal, and the countries concerned are making efforts toward
this goal.
It is said that approximately 100,000 different chemical substances are currently produced and sold worldwide,
some of which have the potential to affect the environment and human health.
Conventionally, laws and regulations on chemical substances are formulated by individual countries, based on
the principle of prohibiting the use of potentially hazardous substances. This principle has been changing recently:
the mainstream principle today is that each company should voluntarily evaluate the potential risk of each chemical
substance whether its use is prohibited or not, and should manage the use of each substance properly.
Under these circumstances, companies that use chemical substances are required to carry out the following
(1) Identify each chemical substance used and evaluate its risk.
(2) Take appropriate countermeasures to avoid the risk.
(3) Provide information to the government and society.
1) Vehicle parts (including parts for customized vehicles), accessories,
and raw materials (including packaging materials for these items)
a. Management of Substances of Concern and Recycling Initiatives
Toyota has been implementing initiatives to manage substances of concern (SOC) and improve their
recycling rates ahead of Japanese and overseas legislation, such as the EU ELV Directive, the EU REACH
Regulation, and the Chemical Substances Control Law of Japan. All applicable business partners are requested
to deliver parts and raw materials etc. in compliance with laws, Toyota standards and various quality
management manuals pertaining to items a) through e) below, and report the history of their use to Toyota.
a) Management of SOC and material data during the
<Applicable business partners>
development/design stage
Parts and accessories
Follow Toyota technical standard TSZ0001G: “Methods
Raw materials
of Assessing Substances of Concern” when managing information on the use of SOC, and eliminating or reducing their
Make sure that you enter the data on materials and chemical substances used in products into the IMDS by the designated
For applicable substances, use the latest version of GADSL.
Business partners are requested to enter data for all newly-adopted parts.
Toyota will implement IMDS-based material data management globally as a tool for controlling the recycling rates of
chemical substances.
b) Management of SOC during the production stage
<Applicable business partners>
Toyota quality management standard “Substances of Concern
Parts and accessories
Management Standard” specifies
Raw materials
the control requiring substances such as lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and asbestos.
Manage the elimination and reduction in use of the above controlled substances in accordance with Toyota quality
management standard “Substances of Concern Management Standard” and other relevant quality management
manuals (such as SQAM)..
Please contact Quality Division, Administration Dept about the details.
c) Management of SOC in packaging materials
<Applicable business partners>
Manage SOC in accordance with LMS SAZ0001n: “Supplier
Parts and accessories
Manual for Management of Chemical
Raw materials and supplementary materials
Substances in Packaging Materials.”
When introducing new packaging materials, select materials that do not contain any of the prohibited or restricted
substances specified in TSZ0001G.
When delivering the initial version of newly-adopted packaging materials, specify the control requiring substances, DMF
besides the substances in b), and follow the management of eliminating or reducing their use.
d) Material labeling on plastic/rubber parts
<Applicable business partners>
Business partners are required to indicate material in
Parts and accessories
compliance with the relevant laws and regulations in
Europe, Japan, South Korea, and the U.S.
In 1992, Toyota adopted a material labeling system for plastic/rubber parts that meets the international standard. This
system is based on the material labeling guidelines of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) and
applies to over weighing 100g plastic parts and 200g rubber parts..
In addition, as for plastic parts weighing 100g or less, business partners are required to indicate materials where possible.
e) Improving the SOC management system
<Applicable business partners>
Improve the management system based on the SOC
Parts and accessories
Management System Check Sheet attached to Toyota
Raw materials
quality management standard “Substances of Concern Management Standard.”
We will check on the management, followed by the above, of each business partner.
Following is a list of the relevant standards/manuals and a list of documents to be submitted to Toyota. Business
partners are requested to confirm the content of these lists and take action as necessary to meet the
<Relevant standards/manuals>
Toyota standards, etc.
Parts and
Methods of Assessing Substances of Concern(TSZ0001G)
Method of Material Labeling on Plastic and Rubber Parts(TSZ6005G)
Substances of Concern Management Standard(Quality Standard)
Substances of Concern Management Standard in Accessories(CAQS508)
Antirust Standard for Service Parts
Quality Assurance Manual for Toyota Purchase Parts (SQAM for production parts)
Supplier Quality Assurance Manual for Service Parts (SQAM for service parts)
Supplier Quality Assurance Manual for Toyota Genuine Accessories (SQAM for accessories, and
Supplier Manual for Management of Chemical Substances in Packaging Materials (LMS SAZ0001n)
Methods of Assessing Substances of Concern (TSZ0001G)
Substances of Concern Management Standard (Quality Standard)
Quality Assurance Manual for Toyota Purchase Materials (SQAM for materials)
Toyota IMDS Data Entry Manual
SQAM: Supplier Quality Assurance Manual
<Documents to be submitted to Toyota and time of submittal> (Refer to the above list of Toyota standards.)
Submitted document/Data to be entered
IMDS material data
and raw
Part/material inspection method
Report on Confirmed Non-Use of SOC*
Initial Management Plan Information Sheet
Certificate of Engineering Change to Service Parts
Report on Confirmed Non-Use of SOC (for packaging
Report on Registration/Notification of Packaging Material**
Declaration of Non-Use of Prohibited Substances Specified
in the EU ELV Directive
Submitted to
Time submitted
During the parts
development/design stage, and
during an engineering change in a
production part
Division in
charge of
Parts Logistics
Service Parts
Materials &
During the parts production stage
When delivering newly-adopted
packaging materials
When starting a new transaction
*: A report form for parts, accessories, and raw materials is attached to Quality standard “Substances of Concern
Management Standard” and CAQS508: “Substances of Concern Management Standard in Accessories.”
**: A report form for packaging materials is attached to LSM SAZ0001n: “Supplier Manual for Management of Chemical
Substances in Packaging Materials.”