Dual MAE
Credits at EAFIT*
Credits at FIU
Degree(s) Conferred
MAE/MAE Dual Degree for
students from EAFIT
MAE from EAFIT and MAE
from FIU
• The MAE is a Master’s degree program fully
accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools (SACS).
• The MAE program contains an intensive economics
curriculum with emphasis in the global aspects of
• The program includes a high level of personal
service and support.
• Foreign students obtaining the MAE have the option
to conduct an OPT during one (1) year as long as
he/she meets the minimum eligibility requirements.
• Completion of an online Graduate Application for
Admission at: by clicking on
“Graduate Admissions.”
• Hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or
• Meet the University’s graduate admission requirements
• Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the
International English Language Testing System (IELTS). A
total score of 80 on the iBT TOEFL or 6.5 overall on the
IELTS is required.
• Be in good standing with all previously attended
colleges and universities.
Degree and Course
Requirements at EAFIT
• Successful completion of the core fundamentals of
the MAE program at EAFIT, including the following
four (4) courses:
Advanced Microeconomics
Advanced Macroeconomics
Advanced Econometrics
Research Methods
Course requirements at
• Electives Courses: Five of the following courses
(three [3] credits hours each)
Topics in econometrics
Topics in modeling
Labor economics
Public Finances
Causal inference and impact evaluation
Industrial organization
Graduation Project at EAFIT
• MAE students at EAFIT must complete a nine [9]
credits graduation project as part of their
graduation requirements.
• MAE students at EAFIT who aim to earn the dual
degree must take as graduation project the option
“write a publishable paper”
GPA Requirement
• A cumulative US GPA of 3.25 out of 4.0 or, its
equivalent value, is required in any graduate course
transferred to FIU. The GPA equivalent is as follows:
Course Requirements at
• Students pursuing the dual degree program at FIU
are required to take seven [7] three- (3) credit
courses from the list of required and elective
• The MAE faculty director must approve the choice
of courses in writing.
Courses at FIU
Core Coursework (required)
Fundamentals of Microeconomic Theory
Fundamentals of Macroeconomic Theory
Microeconomic Theory I
Macroeconomic Theory I
Mathematical Methods in Economic Analysis I
Econometric Methods I
Econometric Methods II
Advanced Environmental Economics
International Trade
International Money
Empirical international Trade
Applied International Macroeconomics
Transfer Credits
• FIU will grant each participant a maximum of 9credit hours towards the completion of the MAE
degree for work conducted at EAFIT.
• A grade of at least 'B' must be earned in all transfer
courses that are counted toward the MAE.
Timing of Coursework at
• Entry into the dual degree program at FIU must take
place at the start of the fall term beginning late
• In order for a student to maintain an active status
at the University and, therefore, in the MAE
program, he/she must be enrolled during two (2)
consecutive Fall and Spring semesters.
Visa Status at FIU
• In order to maintain legal F-1 visa status, EAFIT
students participating in this MAE and MAE program
at FIU shall register for a minimum of nine (9) credit
hours during the fall and spring semesters.
• The F-1 eligibility criteria are subject to change
pursuant to US immigration laws.
Fees at FIU
• EAFIT students will take at FIU 21` credits of the 30-credit MAE
program, the cost of which is USD 15,400 for EAFIT students.
• Program tuition may increase in future academic years. FIU
will communicate, in writing, any tuition change on a yearly
basis. EAFIT students will directly pay these fees to FIU.
• Students enrolling at FIU pursuant to this Agreement will be
responsible for all expenses related to his/her course of study
at FIU, including housing, transportation, health insurance and
the like.
• Students must meet the financial criteria established for
international students by the University, the Florida Board of
Governors, and the US Department of Homeland Security.
Students must also acquire by themselves the appropriate
visas in order to be enrolled.
Career Services at FIU
• All participants in the dual degree program will
have access and full rights to the services provided
by the School of International and Public Affairs
(“SIPA”), including the services provided by the
Office of Career Management Services.
• Foreign students attending the FIU program who
meet certain eligibility requirements may apply for
the OPT program
Optional Practical
Training (OPT)
• Practical training is employment that is directly related to
a student’s major or field of study. Students must have
been on valid F-1 status for at least two consecutive
semesters prior to application for practical training,
although application is allowed 90 days prior to the
conclusion of their studies.
• OPT is limited to an aggregate total of 12 months.
Authorization is granted by a Service Center of the US
Immigration and Citizenship Service ("USCIS"). An FIU ISSS
advisor will recommend OPT for an FIU international
student in F-1 status who has met all eligibility
requirements. An application fee is charged by USCIS.
OPT (Continued)
• A student may choose to apply for OPT either before
graduation (pre-completion of degree) or after
graduation (post-completion of degree). Any period
used before graduation is deducted from the 12 months
available. Students are required to attend a Practical
Training/Employment Workshop in order to be eligible to
apply for OPT. More detailed information (application
procedure, documents needed, etc.) is provided at the
workshop. Students must CHECK WITH ISSS FOR
workshops are also offered online.