A Systematic Review of Social Accountability in Medical Education: Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Florida International University Alan Wells, PhD, MPH; Presenter Gilbert Ramirez, DrPH; Principal Investigator Collaborators • Shafik Dharmsi, PhD • Lauri Andress, PhD University of British Columbia Independent Researcher, Consultant • Luther Brewster, PhD Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (HWCOM), Florida International University (FIU) • David Brown, MD, HWCOM-FIU • Alnecia Rumphs, Epi Doctoral Student FIU School of Public Health Social Accountability Concepts • “[Medical Schools have] the obligation to direct their education, research and service activities towards addressing the priority health concerns of the community, region, and/or nation they have a mandate to serve” • WHO 1995 Social Accountability Grid Values Education Relevance What is the best role for doctors? Quality Collaborating to address the Social Determinants of Health Equity Minority recruitment and placing graduates in health professional shortage areas Cost-effectiveness Promote a primary health care model Boelen C, Woollard B., (2009). Social accountability and accreditation: A new frontier for educational institutions. Medical Education (43) 887-894 FIU data base • Medical School Mission Statements • n=159 Content analysis of Social Accountability in Mission Statement Word analysis looking at Presence ↔ dichotomous (no, yes; 0,1) • Intensity ↔ how often • Consistency ↔ levels in mission, vision, values, goals • But we haven’t analyzed all of this yet Major themes theme description Population A key group that must be included within the realm of care and concern or a group not historically trained that must be educated as providers Principle A key standard, aspiration or believe that must be incorporated into education and curriculum and practice Issue A subject, topic or concern that should be addressed Practice A type of approach to providing care Analytic categories and indicator words Categories Words/Phrases Principles/ Overarching Perspective Moral obligation/enterprise Social justice/obligation/perspective/response Altruism, social contract Issues/Needs Societal challenges and needs, cultural and social background Groups/Populations Rural, poor, underserved, minority Practice/Approach Partnership, integration, community engagement, community based • Principles • Issues • Groups • Practices Values/ Goals • Principles • Issues • Groups • Practices Vision Mission Analytic Framework • Principles • Issues • Groups • Practices Next Steps? Discussion How should we measure/define social accountability outcomes? Should we focus on analyses of medical curriculum? Correspondence and Thank you • Alan L. Wells, HWCOM, FIU • alwells@fiu.edu • 305-348-6197