FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Request to Attend FIU Change Major and Status Form FIU Panther ID: _________________Entry Term: □ Fall □ Spring □ Summer: _A/C _B Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ (As it appears in passport) Last Name First Name Middle Name Country of Citizenship: ____________________________ I am currently enrolled in the NON-FL Resident BBA Online Program, and will be taking FIU courses online throughout the Summer A and Summer B semesters only. In order to attend FIU’s Modesto Maidique’s Campus starting in the fall semester of 2013, I hereby request FIU admissions to change the following details in my records: Change from Major BBA Online Status NON-FL resident Change to International Student, F1 Visa or US Citizen/Resident (circle one) Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________________________________